General characteristics of the legume family. Flowering plants Flowers of the legume family

Legumes are very useful for humans, as they are rich in fiber, contain vitamin A and B vitamins, iron, calcium, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and starch. Legumes contain even more protein than meat products, so they can replace meat for vegetarians.

root system legumes are roots with nodules on them, formed when nitrogen-fixing bacteria enter. They fix nitrogen, with the help of which the plant and soil receive nutrition.

And now a little interesting facts about beans:

  • Because beans contain folic acid and potassium, they are able to have a cleansing effect for the blood and for the body as a whole
  • The content of vitamin B reduces the likelihood of heart disease, improves digestion. What is important for girls, the presence of this vitamin in the diet improves the condition of the hair: they acquire a more lush and strong structure.
  • According to nutritionists, eating 150 g of legumes every day will lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • The Mediterranean countries are considered to be the birthplace of legumes, from where they subsequently spread throughout the world.

The most common legumes include:

  • Lupine

A fairly popular product of legume origin, high in fat and protein, which has vegetable origin. That is why soy is included in many animal feeds. Also used as a substitute for animal products.

As already mentioned, soy contains proteins that are slightly inferior to the same proteins of animal origin, so it is often eaten by vegetarians who need to make up for the lack of proteins that have failed to enter the body due to the rejection of meat food.

Common annual plant, which is found almost everywhere. It is often a weed that grows along roadsides and where there is a lot of garbage. Since it is able to grow in the most unexpected places, it is not picky about the soil, it is resistant to frost.

Flowers are usually solitary, purple or pink shade, rarely white. The beans are light yellow in color, wide.

Everyone knows this species bean culture. This is a real storehouse of various vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K and PP. ABOUT useful properties these vitamins can be read on the relevant Internet resources.

The beans, which can vary in size and color, are arranged in pods 6-20 cm long.

Lentils are considered one of the oldest cultivated plants.

The most common are red and brown lentils. After heat treatment, brown lentils acquire an unobtrusive nutty smell. And red lentils have found application in Asian cuisine.

Since this culture does not contain fat, it can be eaten by people suffering from overweight. The advantage is that thanks to the carbohydrates contained in lentils, it gives a feeling of satiety for a long period of time.

This perennial herbaceous plant, which varies in height from 30 to 70 cm, has eye-catching bright pink-purple flowers collected in a brush. The fruit is a bean.

From this plant, light amber-colored honey is harvested, distinguished by its aroma and taste.

For our country, the cultivation of this type of legume is not typical. Mostly chickpeas are grown in Turkey, North America, Mexico.

It has a characteristic nutty flavor. It can be boiled or fried, served as a side dish, added to pilaf.

Chickpeas are small beans that have a brownish-green color and resemble an owl's or ram's head in shape. In comparison with the same peas, it has a larger size.

Since it belongs to a legume, the pea fruit is a bean that can have different shape and color, depending on the variety.

It has a light green to dark green hollow stem with clinging tendrils. It contains only 55 kcal per 100 g of the product, therefore it is considered a dietary product. However, when dried, the number of calories increases dramatically, so peas are not recommended in this form. large quantities obese people.


Also called "wolf beans". Differs in endurance and ability to absorb substances which will subsequently enrich the soil.

The leaves of the plant are collected in 5-6 pieces in a rosette; white, red or purple flowers form long brushes (up to 1 m). In height, lupine can reach 1.5 m. The inflorescences look like beans.

All is well familiar plant belonging to the legume family. Blooms from late spring to early autumn. Grows mainly in meadows, in forests in glades. Found everywhere.

It has trifoliate bright green leaves. When flowering, it forms bright pink, less often dark red, spherical heads.

This annual plant, capable of reaching a height of 180 cm, has round white flowers with dark spots on the wings, collected in inflorescences.

The fruit is a bean. One plant can develop 10-20 fruits, and in some cases even more.

The advantage of broad beans is the powerful attachment of the lower fruits, as this allows harvesting with combines and other agricultural machines.

It bears the name - peanut, distinctive feature which is the development of fruits in the earth.

Above-ground flowers are yellow-orange, arranged once or 2-3 in the axils of the leaves. Underground flowers are small and colorless.

Beans cocoon-shaped with a fragile red or dark / light brown shell. Seeds are dark red or light pink, oblong-oval or rounded.

>>The legume family

§ 68 Legume family

The legume family is one of the largest families. It has over 12,000 species. Legumes include annual and perennial herbs, shrubs and trees.

From cultivated field and vegetable legumes plants in our country, peas, beans, soybeans, beans, lupins are grown. Ornamental leguminous plants are widespread: yellow caragana (acacia), white locust (acacia), wisteria and sweet pea. Many plants of this family grow in meadows, bushes and groves (species of clover, sweet clover, chin). Outwardly, they have little or no similarity 140 .

On what grounds are legume species combined into one family?

In legumes, the fruit is a bean; perianth double; calyx of 5 fused sepals; corolla of 5 petals; 2 of them grow together. The petals have special names: the upper, usually the largest, is the garus, the lateral ones are the oars, the 2 lower fused ones are the boat 141 . Inside the boat is a pistil surrounded by 10 stamens. In most plants, the filaments of 9 stamens grow together, and 1 remains free. In some legumes, all stamens are fused with filaments or all stamens are free.

Nodules form on the roots of leguminous plants. These nodules arise because from the soil through the root hairs in cells roots of leguminous plants are penetrated by bacteria. They absorb and assimilate free nitrogen from the air. They cause division and increase in the size of root cells, resulting in the appearance of nodules. Such cohabitation, useful for both organisms, is called symbiosis (from the Greek word "symbiosis" - living together). After the plant dies, the soil is enriched with substances containing nitrogen. All organs of legumes are rich in nitrogen-containing substances, in particular proteins.

Leaves and inflorescences of leguminous plants are different in different types. At the clover leaves trifoliate, in soybeans, beans, peas, yellow and white acacia, vetch - pinnate, in lupine - palmate.

Of the inflorescences for legumes, a brush (lupine, sweet clover) and a head (clover) are characteristic.

1. What cultivated plants How are they classified in the legume family?
2. What is the economic value of food and fodder leguminous plants?

Korchagina V.A., Biology: Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens: Proc. for 6 cells. avg. school - 24th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003. - 256 p.: ill.

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All adults and even children know beans and peas, beans and lentils, fragrant acacias and clover, peanuts and mimosa, and meanwhile, all these are plants of the legume (or moth) family. An extensive group, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of which for a person. We eat these plants, we plant them for beauty, we improve the soil with them, we use wood, we dye our clothes, and we even heal ourselves.

Legume family: general characteristics

The family, familiar to everyone from school, unites a huge number of species, according to rough estimates, about 17-18 thousand. Botanists divide it into three subfamilies (based on the structure of the flower): caesalpinia, mimosa, moth. It is interesting to note that leguminous plants include the genus Astragalus, the largest in terms of the number of species among representatives of flowering plants (about 2400). Plants of this family have a fairly large area of ​​​​growth both in the hot tropics (mainly caesalpine and mimosa) and in areas Far North, in deserts and savannahs.

Nitrogen fixation is distinguishing feature the whole family. The roots of leguminous plants have nodules, which are formed as a result of the growth of parenchymal tissue. And this, in turn, is explained by the introduction and settlement inside the plant of nitrogen-fixing bacteria belonging to the genus Rhizobium. They have an amazing ability to absorb and accumulate atmospheric nitrogen, which is later used by the plant itself for its growth. Such large stocks vital important element have a good effect on the environment. Legumes are great for improving soil fertility. It is widely used in industrial scale, and literate and knowledgeable gardeners, who do not forget to alternate planting different crops in their area. Every year, they return about 100-140 kilograms of nitrogen back to the soil per hectare.

The structure of the leaves of leguminous plants

Legumes may have different shape leaves. They can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • paired pinnate and doubly pinnate (pea, yellow acacia) leaves, they are located on both sides of the stem;
  • simplified (reduced to one apical leaf);
  • falsely simple, formed as a result of the fusion of two apical leaves;
  • phyllodes (in African species of acacias) are flattened leaf petioles.

Legumes are characterized amazing property- paired leaves can fold at night. This is due to the fact that there are thickenings at the base of the petioles, which, due to a change in turgor, lead to leaf blade or just the leaves in motion. For example, shy mimosa is able to do this instantly, since even a light touch of its leaves causes an instant loss of osmotic pressure in them. This property was noticed a very long time ago and was the reason for naming the plant so.

flower and inflorescence

Leguminous plants can have various inflorescences, but most often it is a panicle or brush, sometimes capitate brushes (clover), much less often they are reduced to one flower. Representatives of the family are characterized by cross-pollination, in which pollen from one flower is transferred to another much less often by insects (bees, bumblebees) or bats and birds in tropical species.

The flowers of leguminous plants can be zygomorphic or actinomorphic (for example, mimosas). The calyx usually consists of four, less often of five sepals, which grow together. There are 5 petals (for all moths and some representatives of two other subfamilies) or 4. Their name and division are very interesting, depending on the function performed. So, the topmost and largest was called the "flag", it attracts insects that pollinate the plant. The petals located on the sides are commonly called wings, and this is a kind of "landing area". The innermost, as a rule, grow together along the lower edge and form a boat that protects the stamens and pistil from insects that are not pollinators. But, for example, in mimosa, all petals are of the same shape - free or fused.

The fruits of leguminous plants

IN this case there is an absolute unity of all species of the family. The fruit is called a bean (single- or multi-seeded), opening along the dorsal or ventral suture. Seeds inside the fruit are quite large, with or without endosperm, cotyledons are well developed. Appearance the bean can be absolutely any, as well as the size. In some species, its length reaches one and a half meters. Seed dispersal sometimes occurs on its own, when the valves of the fruit, when opened, twist in a spiral, and they scatter in different directions, for example, in an acacia. Some tropical species are dispersed by animals or birds. The ovary of the familiar peanut (peanut) due to negative geotropism, that is, the ability to grow and develop in a certain direction, when formed, goes into the soil by 8-10 cm, where the fruit then develops.

The value of legumes in the economy

In terms of practical importance for humans, plants of the legume family are second only to cereals. Among them, a huge number of food crops that have global importance: soy, peas, beans, peanuts, chickpeas, lentils and many others. Some of them have been cultivated by people for more than a millennium.

Leguminous plants are of great importance fodder grasses, this category includes: clover, alfalfa, lupine, sainfoin, etc. Some tropical members of the family (for example, logwood, pericopsis, dalbergia) are a source of valuable and highly decorative wood, painted in pink, almost red, dark brown or almost black colors.

Decorative and medicinal value

There are also decorative types among legumes, such as wisteria. This is a woody species native to China with large racemes of fragrant inflorescences. A very popular garden and park plant. Another representative is the whitened acacia, which is widespread on the Black Sea coast. From herbaceous gardens, for example, sweet peas, lupins are grown. Everyone knows the indigo color, but few people know that the dye of the same name is obtained from the indigo dye plant, a small shrub from the legume family.

Some species have long been used in medicine: fenugreek, astragalus, sweet clover, etc. Everyone is familiar with licorice, or naked licorice. It is a herbaceous leguminous plant that is widely used throughout the world as medicine From cough ( healing properties known since the time ancient egypt). Its roots and rhizomes are used for this. In some European countries liquorice candies are very popular and are loved even by children. They have a characteristic black glossy color.

lesson type - combined

Methods: partially exploratory, problem presentation, reproductive, explanatory-illustrative.


Students' awareness of the significance of all the issues discussed, the ability to build their relationship with nature and society based on respect for life, for all living things as a unique and priceless part of the biosphere;


Educational: to show the multiplicity of factors acting on organisms in nature, the relativity of the concept of "harmful and beneficial factors", the diversity of life on planet Earth and the options for adapting living beings to the entire range of environmental conditions.

Developing: develop communication skills, the ability to independently acquire knowledge and stimulate their cognitive activity; the ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing in the studied material.


Formation of an ecological culture based on the recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, careful attitude to the environment.

Formation of understanding of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle


education of Russian civil identity: patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in their homeland;

Formation of a responsible attitude to learning;

3) Formation of a holistic worldview, corresponding to the current level of development of science and social practice.

cognitive: ability to work with various sources information, convert it from one form to another, compare and analyze information, draw conclusions, prepare messages and presentations.

Regulatory: the ability to organize independently the execution of tasks, evaluate the correctness of the work, reflection of their activities.

Communicative: Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, older and younger in the process of educational, socially useful, teaching and research, creative and other activities.

Planned results

Subject: know - the concepts of "habitat", "ecology", " environmental factors» their influence on living organisms, «connections between living and non-living things»;. Be able to - define the concept of "biotic factors"; characterize biotic factors, give examples.

Personal: make judgments, search and select information; analyze connections, compare, find an answer to a problematic question


The ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways solving educational and cognitive problems.

Formation of the skill of semantic reading.

Form of organization learning activities - individual, group

Teaching methods: visual and illustrative, explanatory and illustrative, partially exploratory, independent work with additional literature and textbook, with DER.

Receptions: analysis, synthesis, conclusion, transfer of information from one type to another, generalization.

Goals: continue the formation of ideas about the diversity of flowering plants; introduce hallmarks plants of the legume family; to teach how to make a morphological description of a plant, to give its systematic characteristics; continue the formation of skills in working with natural objects, the ability to recognize plants with a determinant or identification cards.

Equipment and materials: table "Fabaceae family", herbaria of plants of the legume family, model of a pea flower, collections and models of fruits, peanut beans (whole), wet preparation "Symbiosis on the roots of legumes".

Key words and concepts: angiosperms department, dicotyledonous class, legume family (pea); moth-type flower, irregular flower; flower formula, flower diagram, pollination methods and seed dispersal methods; subfamilies mimosa, caesalpinia, legumes; nitrogen-fixing bacteria, symbiosis.

During the classes

Knowledge update

Answer the questions.

What plants belong to the Rosaceae family?

What is the main direction of the use of these plants in human life and economic activity?

What features are key when combining these plants into one family?

What fruits are found in plants of this family?

What inflorescences are found in plants of this family?

What is the flower formula of plants of the Rosaceae family?

Which medicinal plants do you know this family?

What diseases are these plants used for?

What life forms are typical for plants of this family?

Learning new material

Teacher's story with elements of conversation

Remember which families of dicotyledonous plants we have already studied. (Families cruciferous and rosaceae.)

Today we will get acquainted with another family of dicotyledonous plants, with the family legumes, which also has a second name - moth.(The teacher demonstrates the Bean Family table, as well as a collapsible model of a pea flower.)

Why do you think it got its name? (Answers from students.)

This family name arose due to the resemblance of a legume flower to a moth. Legumes are one of the most numerous families of flowering plants. It includes about 17,000 species plants (according to some sources, 13,000) out of almost 700 childbirth(according to some sources, out of 500). About 65 genera and more than 1800 species of plants of the legume family grow on the territory of Russia. At the same time, 23 species of them are listed in the Red Book.

Remember how many species belong to the rose-colored and cruciferous families. (The number of plant species of these families is about 3000.)

Say how many times the number of cruciferous and rosaceae species is less than legumes. (About 5.5 times.)

Plants of this family are common on all continents. the globe, from the tropics with a dry climate to areas with a temperate and even cold climate.

Among the plants of this family, there are a wide variety of life forms, such as trees, shrubs, semi-shrubs, creepers, annual and perennial grasses. It is typical that the majority herbaceous plants of this family is concentrated in temperate and cold climates, and a significant part of trees and shrubs - in tropical and subtropical regions.

Remember what feature of the structure of plants was the most important when combining rosaceae and cruciferous into one family. (The structure of a flower.)

When combining plants of the legume family, the structure of the flower also plays the most important role. The flower in plants of this family of the moth type is irregular.

What are the characteristics of irregular flowers? (Irregular flowers are called flowers that have only one axis of symmetry.)

If you draw an axis of symmetry and rotate the flower around its axis, its contours will coincide with the original ones only when passing through a full circle (360 °). Perianth double. The calyx consists of 5 fused sepals. The corolla consists of 5 heterogeneous petals. The legume flower is often compared to a ship-com. The top lobe is usually the largest. It is called a sail, or a flag. On the sides of it are two smaller free petals. They are called oars (sometimes - wings). The two lower petals are fused at the tops and look like a boat.

Some genera are characterized by the fusion of not only the petals of the boat, but also the oars, and sometimes the sails (for example, clover). There are usually 10 stamens, 9 of which are fused with stamen filaments, forming a stamen tube, and one remains free. In some species of plants of the family, all stamens grow together (for example, lupine), or the stamens may remain free. The pistil in plants of the legume family is always one.

Look at the image of a legume flower on the tables, as well as in the textbook, and try to write the formula for this flower. (One of the students writes the bean flower formula on the board, the class checks and corrects the mistakes. The teacher helps and supplements.)

The flower formula of most plant species of the legume family (moth-type flower) looks like this: LCH (5) L1 + 2 + (2) T (9) + 1P1.

Flowers can be solitary, and collected in inflorescence. Among the inflorescences, the most common brush (clover, lupine), head (clover), simple ear.

What do you think, what are the reasons for such a difficult arrangement of a flower? (Student answers.)

The purpose of such a complex flower is to force the insect to get dirty with pollen on its way to the nectar and, accordingly, transfer it to the pistil. Since the flowers are collected in inflorescences or located close to each other, the probability cross pollination increases sharply.

Legumes are typical pollinator diversity and, accordingly, many methods of pollination. They are pollinated mainly by bees and butterflies, less often by birds, sometimes by bats. But there are wind-pollinated plants or self-pollinated ones. In general, pollination is achieved by all possible ways.

Many plants of the family are characterized by the appearance special devices flowers for pollination by a specific method or by certain types of pollinators. For example, clover flowers have such a structure that only insects with a long proboscis, such as bumblebees, can get nectar.

What do you think, what should be the fruit of plants of the legume family? (Student answers.)

Fetus plants in this family are called bean. It happens most often unilocular, multi-seeded, opening in two valves or splitting into separate segments. But in some plants, an unopened one-seeded fruit (clover) is formed.

Remember what the structure of the bean fruit is.

Draw the structure of the bean fruit. (One of the students draws on the board, others, if necessary, correct errors and inaccuracies.)

Draw the structure of the fruit pod. (One of the students draws on the board, others, if necessary, correct errors and inaccuracies.)

What is the difference in the structure of the bean fruit from the pod fruit? (Student answers.)

The bean fruit is unilocular, its seeds are attached to the walls of the fruit. And the fruit is a bilocular pod, its seeds are attached to the septum in the middle of the fruit.

What plant family has a pod fruit? (For cruciferous plants.)

seeds leguminous plants almost always without endosperm, with fleshy cotyledons. The embryo in the seeds is very large.

How many cotyledons do these seeds have? (The seeds of legumes have two cotyledons, since these plants belong to the dicotyledonous class.)

What is the function of the fleshy cotyledons? (They store nutrients necessary for the embryo in the first time after its germination, until its own root system is formed.)

Legumes have a variety of ways to disperse seeds. Some species do not need additional intermediaries, and the seeds are scattered or simply fall off on their own. In other types of legumes, the seeds are dispersed by birds, rodents, ants, or the wind. The leaves of the vast majority of species are complex with large stipules. Most often there are trifoliate leaves (clover), pinnate (peas, acacia, vetch), palmate (lu-pin). In many species, the leaves are modified into tendrils.

In what species of plants of the legume family have the leaves turned into tendrils? (For example, peas.)

The leaf arrangement is usually alternate. The root system in most species is pivotal. All representatives of legumes are characterized by the presence of special nodules on the roots, in which nitrogen-fixing bacteria settle. These bacteria are able to absorb nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and convert it into compounds available to plants.

How are nodules formed on the roots of legumes? (Bacteria from the soil penetrate into the cells of the roots of leguminous plants through root hairs. They cause division and an increase in the size of the cells, as a result of which similar modifications of the roots are formed in the form of nodules.)

Right. Bacteria receive a permanent residence, protection and additional nutrition in the form of carbohydrates and other metabolic products, and the plant is provided with minerals.

Remember the name of such a mutually beneficial existence. (Symbiosis, from the Greek "sim" - joint and "bios" - life.)

All organs of legumes are rich in substances containing nitrogen. In particular, the seeds contain a large amount of protein. In terms of the amount of this substance, legumes are more than twice as large as cereals. Wheat grains contain up to 12%, and beans - up to 25% of easily digestible, as in beef, protein, and soybeans - up to 45%. That is why the plants of this family are so valuable for people on a diet.

After harvesting legumes, the roots of these plants remain in the ground, due to which soil enriched with nitrogen. The legume family is usually divided into three subfamilies: mimosa, caesalpinia and legumes proper, or moths. The most numerous is the legume subfamily. Of the 700 genera of the legume family, about 500 belong to it, and out of 17,000 species, 12,000.


Biology 6 .FamilyMothLegumes



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Serebryakova T.I., Elenevsky A. G., Gulenkova M. A. et al. Biology. Plants, Bacteria, Fungi, Lichens. Trial textbook grades 6-7 high school

N.V. Preobrazhenskaya Biology workbook for the textbook by V. V. Pasechnik “Biology Grade 6. Bacteria, fungi, plants

V.V. Pasechnik. Manual for teachers of educational institutions Biology lessons. 5th-6th grades

Kalinina A.A. Lesson developments in biology Grade 6

Vakhrushev A.A., Rodygina O.A., Lovyagin S.N. Checking and test papers To

textbook "Biology", 6th grade

Presentation Hosting

Legumes are a huge family of dicotyledonous plants (trees, vines, shrubs, shrubs and herbs), belonging to the order Legumes, class Dicotyledons, department Flowering, kingdom Plants, domain Eukaryotes.

Some plants from this family are used by man as food, some as ornamentals, and some for land restoration.

What is a "bob"?

First of all, it is a fruit that has an elongated shape and consists of two thin valves, between which the seeds are located. The size of a legume fruit can fit in the palm of your hand, or it can reach huge sizes.


Entada from the subfamily Mimosa

The legume family includes 24,505 plant species and is divided into three subfamilies: Caesalpinia, Moth and Mimosa.

Caesalpiniae (Caesalpinioideae)

1 Caesalpiniae (Caesalpinioideae), which are mainly trees growing in the tropics, with the exception of the genus Cassia, which includes shrubs and herbs, is very important for medicine. They are divided into four tribes: Caesalpiniae, Cassian, Bagryaniaceae, Detariiaceae.

a) Caesalpiniae (Caesalpinieae)

Caesalpinia is named after the Italian physician Andrea Cesalpino in 1703. Grows only in warm regions. It is an ornamental plant up to 6 meters high.


Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Caesalpinia bonducella (Caesalpinia bonducella) - most often it is a liana, reaching a height of up to 15 meters. It mainly grows in Asia, Africa, South America. Used in traditional medicine, as an anti-febrile agent is obtained from its seeds.




Caesalpinia echinata grows only in the east of Brazil. In connection with cutting in wild nature this type of tree is very rare. There are sharp growths on its trunk. Therefore, they called her a hedgehog.

It grows up to 30 meters in height. Previously, the trunk of this tree was used to obtain dyes. Belongs to valuable tree species.

b) Cassieae - Cassian

c) Crimson (Cercideae)

Crimson grows in China.

Bauhinia (Bauhinia) is distributed throughout the world.

d) Detariaceae (Detarieae)


Moths (Faboideae)

2 Butterflies (Faboideae), which grow mainly in the temperate zone as herbaceous plants, many of which we eat, such as peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts. In the tropics, these are woody plants in the form of vines.

Wisteria (Wistéria) - climbing tree-like subtropical plants - deciduous vines. Grow in Japan and China, and are also used as ornamental plants Worldwide.

Robinieae Robinia

Mimosa (Mimosoideae)

3 Mimosa (Mimosoideae), numbering up to 1500 thousand species and growing in subtropical and tropical zones. Basically, these are trees and shrubs of medicinal value, the wood of which is very valuable for humans.

a) Acacieae - Acacia

They mainly grow in Mexico, Africa, Asia, Australia.

Acacia dealbata silver

Acacia pycnantha is the Australian flower emblem.

Acacia linifolia


The sickle-bladed acacia (Acacia drepanolobium) grows in Africa. This is the only type of acacia that ants live on. They settle in the swollen cavities of the spines. Air, getting into them, emits a whistle and thereby scares away animals.

b) Inges (Ingeae)





c) Mimosa (Mimoseae)





mimosa pudica

Plants of the legume family

The legume family plays an important role in people's lives. Some species serve decorative ornament and give us a valuable type of wood, others are indispensable in medicine, and still others are very tasty and nutritious food.

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