How to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning at home? That insidious carbon monoxide

Six people died in the Borisov high-rise building. At first, the media talked about the smell of gas that the residents felt, then a version about carbon monoxide appeared. We are trying to figure it out with the help of experts.

Residents of the Khrushchev building in Borisov contacted the gas service in the morning, but no leaks were found. In the air, by them words, butane was found, but no malfunctions were recorded.

The son of the deceased elderly couple found the bodies of his parents in the apartment, and then the doctors, the police, and the gas service arrived. By evening, they noticed that in one of the apartments where another family lived, a dog did not bark. Turns out they died too.

So far, there is no information about what actually caused it.

WHICH GAS is dangerous: household or carbon monoxide?

It is important to understand: both household gas and carbon monoxide are very dangerous. leak household you will feel It has a strong specific smell. It is for the smell that an impurity is added to it - an odorant.

And here carbon monoxide has no smell or color, a person can hardly feel it. But there are special sensors that are freely sold in stores and look like fire detectors. True, they are rarely installed in apartments, mainly in private sector houses with stove heating or a gas boiler. The sensor can work autonomously for almost a year from one battery. But batteries need to be replaced regularly.

Household gas, accumulated in the room, at the slightest spark can provoke an explosion. Carbon monoxide is dangerous when inhaled: a person loses consciousness and dies from oxygen deficiency.


The most common cause is the release of carbon monoxide in a fire. Moreover, it turns out that other substances that are released during combustion can be much more dangerous.

So much smoke chemical substances that carbon monoxide is becoming a secondary hazard, - the press secretary of the Moscow State University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations explains to us Vitaly Dembovsky. - Many substances are often released, including those from the category of cyanides. For example, hydrocyanic acid, which is released during the combustion of foam rubber, can be absorbed directly through the skin and provokes toxic poisoning up to death.

The fire may not be in your apartment, but carbon monoxide may come through the ventilation.

But, even if there is no fire, carbon monoxide can accumulate in the room. Often there are such problems in private houses, where the heating is stove or from gas boiler. They pushed the damper in the furnace early - and carbon monoxide will accumulate in the room.

IN apartment buildings it can appear not only in case of fire. For example, if someone decides to turn on the burners on the stove for a long time for heating, and the ventilation in the kitchen does not work. Or if the apartment has a gas water heater and the chimney is clogged.

If ventilation is broken in the room and, for example, the stove is turned on, then sooner or later the concentration of carbon monoxide will become critical, - explains Vitaly Dembovsky. - Cooking on a gas stove is a safe process. But no one cooks for hours. And some deliberately close the windows and clog the ventilation to keep the heat in the apartment. But the ventilation is specially designed so that the air circulates correctly.


It blocks hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is responsible for delivering oxygen to tissues and organs, primarily to the brain.

Inhaling carbon monoxide is equivalent to cutting your own veins, says Vitaly Dembovsky. - Gas enters the bloodstream and goes through a full cycle in our body. But when you exhale, he will not go anywhere, he remains. A person begins oxygen starvation. And the first to react to this is the central nervous system, our brain: neural connections are broken, and the brain begins to weakly give commands to the body.


Since it is formed during combustion, one of the signs may be the smell of smoke, even a faint one.

Another signal - bad feeling: sudden nausea, dizziness or incoordination. Of course, such symptoms can also cause other ailments, but remembering carbon monoxide and comparing it, for example, with a long-running stove, problems with ventilation or a chimney, is necessary.

But, as Vitaly Dembovsky explained to us, carbon monoxide poisoning most often occurs when people are sleeping. They cannot sense incoordination and do not wake up from faint sensations. So try to check everything before going to bed.


Leave the room immediately and get fresh air. If you can't leave the room, open the windows. Call the firemen - the brigade will not ignore your call and will arrive. If there really is carbon monoxide in the room, they will help you.


The first step is to remove or take the person out of the room to fresh air. If there is nausea or vomiting, it must be taken out in a supine position, even if a person can move around on his own. Call immediately ambulance if it hasn't been done before.

If a person is not breathing and the pulse is not palpable, artificial respiration and external heart massage should be started. This can only be done through a handkerchief or gauze napkin, so as not to poison yourself.

The person must be freed from clothing restricting breathing: remove the scarf, unfasten the collar and belt. Place the victim in a comfortable position and keep him calm. If possible, you can make a cold compress on the forehead and chest.

When a person is conscious, but feels unwell, you can give him coffee or strong tea. If you have it at hand, let me smell ammonia on a cotton swab.


If you smell, immediately call 104 - this is the only number for the whole of Belarus. If there is a strong smell of gas, do not use any electrical appliances in any case: do not insert or remove electrical appliances from sockets, do not flip the light switch, leave everything as it is. Open the window, turn off all gas appliances and wait for the arrival of the emergency service.

The emergency service immediately responds to messages about the smell of gas within 5 minutes, - says the head of the service for the operation of in-house gas consumption facilities of UE MINGAZ Oksana Yakhimchik. -And if any of gas appliances defective - the burner on the stove does not light up or the gas column does not work - you can contact the production site. Sometimes it happens that users simply do not know how to use gas appliances; usually this is a story about pensioners: they simply forget how to use the device correctly. In addition, when turning on gas appliances, it is imperative to open the window or transom in the ventilation mode. And when you turn on the gas boiler or column - check the draft in the chimney.


Anyone can install a gas alarm at will. By the way, in houses and apartments with gas boilers they are required.

Autonomous signaling devices, freely sold in stores gas equipment. They must be installed at least 30 cm from the ceiling: household gas is lighter than air and rises. Installation does not require any special knowledge. It works approximately like an autonomous fire detector. There are battery-powered alarms, and there are powered from a conventional outlet. True, if you choose the battery option, you will have to remember to replace them from time to time.

There are also folk method» leak detection, - says Oksana Yakhimchik - You can check pipes and connections with a soapy emulsion: take water, soap, make a thick foam and wash all connections with soap. But the leak can be somewhere along the pipe, and hardly anyone will wash the pipes throughout the house. The main thing is not to check the ignition of matches - this bad idea. Last year there were three such cases when a gas stove was connected to a cylinder and checked by striking a match.

If in doubt, it's best to call the experts. They have devices that, when there is a leak, beep and show the concentration in the air. Soap too good remedy, you just need to know how to check, understand how bubbles should inflate. But in general, the characteristic smell of gas is enough - it is very easy to feel it.


If the instantaneous water heater is working properly, the fuel burns out while mixing with oxygen in the required proportion. In the process of burning fuel, ordinary carbon dioxide (CO₂) is released, which is harmless to humans. In my own way chemical composition CO₂ is similar to the air that people exhale when they breathe. carbon monoxide from geysers is CO (carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide). The gas is toxic, can accumulate in blood cells and cause serious poisoning of the body.

Causes of carbon monoxide from the column

The main catalyst for the appearance of CO: lean gas-air mixture; the fuel burns with a small, insufficient amount of oxygen. During combustion, extremely toxic carbon monoxide is released. The causes of disturbances and production of CO are:
  1. Faulty water heaters- clogged jets, lack of a carbon monoxide sensor, attenuation of the pilot burner (in semi-automatic models). IN last case poisoning occurs not by the product of combustion, but directly by the methane itself.
  2. Violations of the rules for connecting a water heater- most common cause tragedies. Carbon monoxide poisoning during gas column operation occurs:
    • if a forced exhaust is installed in the kitchen;
    • smoke channels are damaged or clogged;
    • there is no sufficient (according to the regulatory documents of triple) air replacement;
    • insufficient traction.
In normal working order instantaneous water heaters when water is heated, they will emit a certain amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide - absolutely harmless to humans.

How to check the column for carbon monoxide

First, remember that carbon monoxide is odorless. Accordingly, it is possible to determine its leakage only with the help of special sensors and signaling devices. In the absence of the latter, you should pay attention to the following obvious signs of a column malfunction:
  • No traction- in the case of the speakers there are special holes through which the air from the room enters the burner. As a result of circulation, sufficient pressure is created to remove combustion products. You can check the draft with a burning match. When brought to the slots on the casing of the flowing gas boiler, the flame should be drawn inward.
  • Changing the color of the fire on the burner- a bright yellow flame, a sign of dirty jets. At correct proportions gas-air mixture, the color should be "blue". After a few minutes of operation, the water heater switches off frequently.
Despite the existing indirect signs indicating a malfunction of the boiler, only a carbon monoxide sensor will accurately show the existing problem. The device will alert you to an elevated CO level.

The installation of a signaling device is not necessary, but after connection it provides peace of mind and safety for residents of a private house or apartment using instantaneous or storage water heaters.

What is dangerous carbon monoxide from a column

The harm from CO is the detrimental effect on the human body. Carbon monoxide has the ability to penetrate into the blood, preventing hemoglobin from carrying oxygen vital for the functionality of the human body. The danger is that CO remains in the bloodstream for a long time. There are cases when a person died a few days after poisoning.

The second reason for the high toxicity of CO is due to the fact that there is no smell of carbon monoxide in the apartment or house. The poison penetrates the body in a way that is invisible to humans.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning from a gas column:

  • vomit;
  • confusion;
  • cyanotic skin tone;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • impaired coordination and ability to navigate in space;
  • irritability without visible reasons.

If symptoms of poisoning appear, it is necessary to block the flow of gas and ensure unhindered access of oxygen to the victim. It would be nice if the room could be ventilated. If the victim is conscious, you can go outside to get some fresh air. Call an ambulance!

Carbon monoxide (CO)- one of the most common poisonous gases in Nature, polluting the environment in modern world with intensive use of energy. The main source of CO is the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, especially coal. Exhaust gases are one of the main sources of CO formation in environment. For example, cars in downtown New York emit 3.8 kg of CO2 daily. Its next source is cigarette smoke containing 3-6% CO, which is 8 times higher than its permissible concentration in the air of industrial facilities. People are especially susceptible to CO poisoning indoors. Passive inhalation of cigarette smoke contributes to the poisoning of non-smokers; it is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women.

IN last years around the world, severe winters and an energy crisis have increased the number of different domestic heating sources, which, in the absence of proper ventilation, greatly increases the possibility of CO poisoning.
Such poisoning often occurs in everyday life: while taking baths, while cooking in dishes with a large bottom surface. With poor access to oxygen, incomplete combustion occurs, resulting in the formation of CO from carbon compounds contained in natural gas. There was a conviction that natural gas it is completely safe and does not emit into the atmosphere during combustion, which means that there is no threat of poisoning. However, combustion does not mean that natural gas evolution is impossible. Ventilation pipes can often become clogged, or the hood over the gas stove can be installed unprofessionally and smoke goes into the neighbor's apartment. Especially dangerous is the accumulated carbon monoxide in the bathroom during bathing.

Why is carbon monoxide called the "silent killer"?

Carbon monoxide is a ubiquitous product of the incomplete combustion of coal and other fuels - gas, gasoline.
Since CO is odorless, colorless, tasteless, non-irritating and easily mixed with air, and spreads freely, it has been called the "silent killer". It is very often difficult to recognize a potential hazard, therefore, CO poisoning from stoves (so-called fumes) is often encountered when the damper closes prematurely, there are cracks in the stove, or even as a result of CO being released from red-hot parts of gas columns.
Carbon monoxide is also a component of various industrial gases that are emitted from blast furnaces of coke plants and electric boilers. The total amount of carbon monoxide emitted annually was previously 250 million tons, and since CO accumulates in upper layers atmosphere, it strongly spreads over the entire Earth and causes great damage to plants, animals and people.

What is the toxic effect of carbon monoxide?

The toxic effect of carbon monoxide has been known for a long time.
Already in the time of Hippocrates, with the help of SO, political prisoners were executed. Gas easily penetrates through the alveolar membrane of the lungs into the blood, where it combines with hemoglobin, making it incapable of carrying oxygen. Thus, CO is the cause of insufficient supply of body tissues with this vital substance.

Acute CO poisoning can be attributed to the model of poisoning by a substance that does not undergo metabolic processes in the body and affects all organs, and primarily the brain and heart. Most of the victims complain of dizziness, headache, a state of increased mental arousal, hyperventilation or coma is typical. In case of sudden poisoning, dizziness and weakness may precede loss of consciousness, respiratory failure, and toxic damage to the myocardium. As statistics show, in the case of poisoning of young (and therefore potentially healthy) people under the same conditions, the clinical picture can be completely different. Oxygen starvation causes pathological changes primarily in the "critical" for this person organ.

What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?

The severity and nature of symptoms differ depending on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the degree of physical activity of a person at the time of poisoning, metabolic processes and general condition health before poisoning. The differentiation of clinical symptoms is so great that there are practically no organic changes that could not be associated with carbon monoxide poisoning. Instant death in case of poisoning occurs, as a rule, due to a violation of the functions of cardiac activity. The tissue of the heart muscle is most sensitive to insufficient oxygen supply, which provokes carbon monoxide. Disorders of the heart are preceded by disorders of the brain. Severe poisoning leads to a fall blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, which can be the cause of rapid death. The altered vessels are not able to expand to provide proper blood flow, so even with minor carbon monoxide poisoning, cardiac asthma and myocardial infarction can occur.

Neurological symptoms of poisoning are combined with disorientation, toxic coma, increased or decreased muscle tone. Computed tomography shows changes in some subcortical, indicating the onset of the course of CO poisoning, cortical and subcortical atrophy of the brain, symptoms of poisoning:
weakness, feeling unwell;
this, vomiting;
palpitations, heart rhythm disturbances;
headache, dizziness;
loss of balance;
muscle weakness;
auditory, visual disturbances;
loss of consciousness.

What are the consequences of gas poisoning?

Most unpleasant consequence carbon monoxide poisoning - the appearance of neuropsychic symptoms after a latent period of poisoning, which can last from 1 to 6 weeks. In 10-30% of people after severe carbon monoxide poisoning, symptoms occur in the form of memory impairment, personality changes, euphoria, lack of self-criticism and the ability to abstract thinking, inability to nitrate. Carbon monoxide poisoning in pregnant women poses a serious threat to the life and neuropsychic development of the child.

After CO poisoning, inflammatory processes often appear in the respiratory tract, and in severe cases even pulmonary edema and pulmonary hemorrhage. In acute poisoning, toxic acute liver failure, skin and trophic disorders, renal failure, myoglobinuria, which occurs for no apparent reason, can occur. Sensory disturbances, especially hearing and vision, are possible.

How to avoid poisoning?

It must be remembered that carbon monoxide is present everywhere in the environment and is a "silent killer", has neither smell nor color, i.e. cannot be detected.

Smoking is also a source of carbon monoxide.
What not to do in Everyday life to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning?
1. Stay in the bathroom for a long time with the gas water heater turned on, if it is there, for example, fill the bath with water while in it, read, smoke, fall asleep in the bath.
2. Allow use hot water in the kitchen if anyone is in the bathroom, and a common column is also placed in the bathroom.
3. Heat the apartment with gas stove(oven or all included burners).
4. Boil, fry and bake with the simultaneous operation of all 4-5 burners of the gas stove.
5. Heat the room with a stove that has slots.
6. Close the oven damper while there is a process burning.
7. Melt the oven overnight (without control).
8. Repairing a car in a garage with the engine running and closed windows and doors.
9. Smoking while lying in bed (you can fall asleep without extinguishing the cigarette, which will cause a fire and carbon monoxide poisoning).
10. Take a bath, do laundry, cook while intoxicated (boiling water, burning food, carbon monoxide poisoning).
11. Get distracted by other things while cooking.
12. Do it yourself (without involving professional help) in the repair of gas and ventilation devices.

What should be done in everyday life to avoid poisoning?

1. At least once every 3 months, check the ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom (for example, using a sheet of paper, candles).
2. At least once a year, use the services of professional control of the condition of the gas column and stove.
3. If the water is heated by a gas column, each member of the family must indicate their intention to take a bath.
4. Require the utility to carry out a preventive inspection of the chimney every two years.
5. Regularly ventilate the apartment.

How to behave in case of poisoning?

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning:
remove (carry out) a poisoned person from an atmosphere saturated with carbon monoxide;
check the patency of a person who has lost consciousness respiratory tract(clear the oral cavity from secretions, sputum, vomit);
lay the unconscious person on his side in a safe position, make sure that his head is not thrown back;
give the victim oxygen (provide access fresh air, open window);
in the absence of breathing, perform artificial respiration;
in the absence of cardiac rhythmic activity - indirect heart massage;
call an ambulance.

Everyone who has had to deal with the operation of heating systems - stoves, boilers, boilers, water heaters designed for household fuel in any form knows how dangerous carbon monoxide is for a person. Neutralizing it in a gaseous state is quite difficult, there are no effective home remedies for dealing with carbon monoxide, so most protective measures It is aimed at preventing and timely detection of waste in the air.

Properties of a toxic substance

There is nothing unusual about the nature and properties of carbon monoxide. In fact, it is a product of the partial oxidation of coal or coal-containing fuels. The formula for carbon monoxide is simple and uncomplicated - CO, in chemical terms - carbon monoxide. One carbon atom is connected to an oxygen atom. The nature of fossil fuel combustion processes is arranged in such a way that carbon monoxide is an integral part of any flame.

Coals, related fuels, peat, firewood, when heated in a furnace, are gasified into carbon monoxide, and only then are they burned out by air flow. If carbon monoxide has leaked from the combustion chamber into the room, then it will remain in a stable state until the moment when the carbon monoxide flow is removed from the room by ventilation or accumulates, filling the entire space, from floor to ceiling. In the latter case, only an electronic carbon monoxide detector can save the situation, reacting to the slightest increase in the concentration of toxic fumes in the atmosphere of the room.

What you need to know about carbon monoxide:

  • Under standard conditions, the density of carbon monoxide is 1.25 kg / m 3, which is very close to specific gravity air 1.25 kg / m 3. Hot and even warm monoxide easily rises to the ceiling, settles and mixes with air as it cools;
  • Carbon monoxide is tasteless, colorless and odorless, even at high concentrations;
  • To start the formation of carbon monoxide, it is enough to heat the metal in contact with carbon to a temperature of 400-500 o C;
  • The gas is able to burn in air with the release of a large amount of heat, approximately 111 kJ / mol.

It is dangerous not only to inhale carbon monoxide, the gas-air mixture can explode when a volume concentration of 12.5% ​​to 74% is reached. In this sense, the gas mixture is similar to household methane, but much more dangerous than network gas.

Methane is lighter than air and less toxic when inhaled; moreover, due to the addition of a special additive, mercaptan, to the gas stream, its presence in the room is easy to detect by smell. With a slight gas contamination of the kitchen, you can enter the room without health consequences and ventilate it.

With carbon monoxide, everything is more complicated. The close relationship between CO and air prevents effective removal toxic gas cloud. As it cools, the gas cloud will gradually settle in the floor area. If a carbon monoxide detector has tripped, or a leak of combustion products from a stove or solid fuel boiler has been detected, ventilation measures must be taken immediately, otherwise children and pets will be the first to suffer.

A similar property of a carbon monoxide cloud was previously widely used to control rodents and cockroaches, but the effectiveness of a gas attack is much lower. modern means, and the risk of earning poisoning is disproportionately higher.

For your information! A CO gas cloud, in the absence of ventilation, is able to maintain its properties unchanged for a long time.

If there is a suspicion of the accumulation of carbon monoxide in the basement, utility rooms, boiler rooms, cellars, the first step is to ensure maximum ventilation with a gas exchange rate of 3-4 units per hour.

Conditions for the appearance of fumes in the room

Carbon monoxide can be produced with dozens of options chemical reactions, but this requires specific reagents and conditions for their interaction. The risk of earning gas poisoning in this way is practically zero. The main reasons for the appearance of carbon monoxide in the boiler room or in the kitchen are two factors:

  • Poor draft and partial overflow of combustion products from the combustion source into the kitchen;
  • Improper operation of boiler, gas and furnace equipment;
  • Fires and local foci of ignition of plastic, wiring, polymer coatings and materials;
  • Exhaust gases from sewer communications.

A source of carbon monoxide can be the secondary combustion of ash, loose soot deposits in chimneys, soot and tar that have eaten into brickwork fireplace mantels and soot extinguishers.

Most often, smoldering coals that burn out in the furnace with the valve closed become the source of CO gas. Especially a lot of gas is released during the thermal decomposition of firewood in the absence of air, about half of the gas cloud is occupied by carbon monoxide. Therefore, any experiments with smoking meat and fish on the smoke obtained from smoldering shavings should only be carried out outdoors.

A small amount of carbon monoxide can also appear during cooking. For example, everyone who has encountered the installation of closed-fired gas boilers in the kitchen knows how carbon monoxide sensors react to fried potatoes or any food cooked in boiling oil.

The insidious nature of carbon monoxide

The main danger of carbon monoxide is that it is impossible to feel and feel its presence in the atmosphere of the room until the gas enters the respiratory organs with air and dissolves in the blood.

The consequences of inhaling CO depend on the concentration of the gas in the air and the length of stay in the room:

  • Headache, malaise and the development of a drowsy state begin when the volumetric content of gas in the air is 0.009-0.011%. A physically healthy person is able to withstand up to three hours in a gassed atmosphere;
  • Nausea, strong pain in muscles, convulsions, fainting, loss of orientation may develop at a concentration of 0.065-0.07%. The time spent in the room until the onset of inevitable consequences is only 1.5-2 hours;
  • At a concentration of carbon monoxide above 0.5%, even a few seconds of being in a gassed space means a fatal outcome.

Even if a person safely got out of a room with a high concentration of carbon monoxide on his own, you still need to health care and the use of antidotes, since the consequences of poisoning the circulatory system and circulatory disorders of the brain will still appear, only a little later.

Carbon monoxide molecules are well absorbed by water and saline solutions. Therefore, ordinary towels, napkins moistened with any available water are often used as the first available means of protection. This allows you to stop the ingress of carbon monoxide into the body for a few minutes, until it becomes possible to leave the room.

Often this property of carbon monoxide is abused by some owners of heating equipment in which CO sensors are built. When a sensitive sensor is triggered, instead of airing the room, the device is often simply covered with a wet towel. As a result, after a dozen such manipulations, the carbon monoxide sensor fails, and the risk of poisoning increases by an order of magnitude.

Technical carbon monoxide registration systems

In fact, today there is only one way to successfully deal with carbon monoxide, to use special electronic devices and sensors that register the excess of CO concentration in the room. You can, of course, do it easier, for example, equip powerful ventilation, as lovers of relaxation do by a real brick fireplace. But in such a decision there is a certain risk of earning carbon monoxide poisoning when changing the direction of the draft in the pipe, and besides, living under a strong draft is also not very healthy.

Carbon monoxide detector device

The problem of controlling the content of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere of residential and utility rooms today is as topical as the presence of a fire or burglar alarm.

In specialized salons of heating and gas equipment, you can purchase several options for gas content control devices:

  • Chemical alarms;
  • infrared scanners;
  • solid state sensors.

The sensitive sensor of the device is usually equipped with electronic board, which provides power, calibration and signal conversion into an understandable form of indication. It can be just green and red LEDs on the panel, a sound siren, digital information for issuing a signal to a computer network, or a control pulse for an automatic valve that shuts off the supply. domestic gas to the heating boiler.

It is clear that the use of sensors with a controlled shut-off valve is a necessary measure, but often manufacturers heating equipment deliberately build in "fool protection" to avoid all sorts of manipulations with the safety of gas equipment.

Chemical and solid state control instruments

The cheapest and most available version of the chemical indicator sensor is made in the form of a mesh flask that is easily permeable to air. Inside the flask there are two electrodes separated by a porous partition impregnated with an alkali solution. The appearance of carbon monoxide leads to carbonization of the electrolyte, the conductivity of the sensor drops sharply, which is immediately read by the electronics as an alarm signal. After installation, the device is in an inactive state and does not work until traces of carbon monoxide appear in the air that exceed the permissible concentration.

Solid-state sensors use two-layer bags of tin and ruthenium dioxide instead of an alkali-soaked piece of asbestos. The appearance of gas in the air causes a breakdown between the contacts of the sensor device and automatically triggers an alarm.

Scanners and electronic watchmen

Infrared sensors that work on the principle of scanning the surrounding air. The built-in infrared sensor perceives the glow of the laser LED, and by changing the intensity of absorption of thermal radiation by the gas, the trigger device is activated.

CO absorbs the thermal part of the spectrum very well, so such devices operate in watchman or scanner mode. The scan result can be displayed as a two-color signal or an indication of the amount of carbon monoxide in the air on a digital or linear scale.

Which sensor is better

For correct selection For a carbon monoxide sensor, it is necessary to take into account the mode of operation and the nature of the room in which the sensor device is to be installed. For example, chemical sensors, which are considered obsolete, work great in boiler rooms and utility rooms. Inexpensive device for detection of carbon monoxide can be installed in the country house or in the workshop. In the kitchen, the grid quickly becomes covered with dust and grease, which dramatically reduces the sensitivity of the chemical cone.

Solid-state carbon monoxide sensors work equally well in all conditions, but they require a powerful external power source to function. The cost of the device is higher than the price of chemical sensor systems.

Infrared sensors are by far the most common. They are actively used to complete the security systems of apartment boilers. individual heating. At the same time, the sensitivity of the control system practically does not change over time due to dust or air temperature. Moreover, such systems, as a rule, have built-in testing and calibration mechanisms, which allows you to periodically check their performance.

Installation of carbon monoxide monitoring devices

Carbon monoxide sensors should only be installed and serviced by qualified personnel. Instruments must be periodically checked, calibrated, serviced and replaced.

The sensor must be installed at a distance from the gas source from 1 to 4 m, the body or remote sensors are mounted at a height of 150 cm above the floor and must be calibrated according to the upper and lower sensitivity thresholds.

Life time room sensors carbon monoxide is 5 years.


The fight against the formation of carbon monoxide requires accuracy and a responsible attitude to the installed equipment. Any experiments with sensors, especially of the semiconductor type, sharply reduce the sensitivity of the device, which ultimately leads to an increase in the carbon monoxide content in the atmosphere of the kitchen and the entire apartment, and the slow poisoning of all its inhabitants. The problem of carbon monoxide control is so serious that perhaps the use of sensors in the future may be made mandatory for all categories of individual heating.

Here, for a long time I have had a "manual for furnace furnaces"

Correct, colleagues, if something is wrong ...

Furnace furnace
The heating of stoves depends on the state of the stove, fuel, and the ability to heat the stove correctly. The stove should be systematically looked after, i.e. cleaned, covered over even the smallest cracks that can lead to the formation of condensate. For example, up to 15 m3 of air seeps through a 2-mm crack around the perimeter of the valve frame within an hour, which, heating up to 80 ... 100 ° C, will carry away heat, and this is 10% of its loss.
When excess air is supplied through the blower, heat loss is 15-25%, and if combustion occurs with the furnace door open, then heat loss reaches 40%. The oven is cleaned and repaired once or twice a year. summer time. Chimneys cleaned two or three times during the heating season.
The heating of the furnace walls primarily depends on the state in which they are located. If there is a lot of soot and ash on the walls of the furnace or in the chimneys, then they heat up weakly and much more fuel and time have to be spent on the furnace. A layer thickness of 1-2 mm significantly impairs the perception of heat by the walls.
Before the firebox, the grate is cleaned, all ash is removed. This ensures free passage of air to the burning fuel. Fuel is harvested in advance so that it is dry. Chopped firewood is considered dry only one year after they have been placed in a cage and were outside under a canopy.
Only dry fuel should be used. During the combustion of raw fuel, the moisture present in it turns into steam, which, passing through the channels of the furnace, cools them, and falling on the cold walls of the pipe, settles on them, turning into drops, which, draining, mix with soot, forming condensate.
The calorific value of the fuel is different. Take, for example, dry firewood of different species. For example, 3/4 m3 of oak firewood is equivalent to 1 m3 of birch, 1.2 - alder, 1.2 - pine, 1.3 - spruce, 1.5 - aspen. Firewood should be chopped into logs with an average thickness of 8-10 cm. Logs of the same thickness should be selected for the firebox, which is important for uniform heating of the furnace.
Peat can burn in almost any furnace, but for this it is necessary to increase the draft. For peat, it is best to lay stoves with an appropriate firebox.
The duration of furnace burning is on average 1-1.5 hours. After burning, the furnace surface must be heated to a temperature of 70 ... With more high temperature dust on the surface of the oven burns, releasing bad smell. Therefore, the front walls of the oven should be systematically cleaned by wiping the collected dust with a dry cloth. This must be done especially carefully at the beginning. heating season. The oven should not be overheated. This can lead to the formation of cracks and the breakdown of the furnace masonry. Large stoves that are heated in 1-2 days are not always good: firstly, they take up a lot of space in the room, and secondly, due to the strong heating of the room, it is often necessary to open the windows for ventilation, which leads to excessive fuel consumption.
The amount of firewood that is necessary for the normal heating of the furnace is immediately laid in the firebox. Firewood is laid in a cage or in rows with gaps between logs up to 10 mm, so that all logs begin to light up immediately from all sides, creating as much heat as possible. At the same time, the wood masonry should not reach the top of the firebox by at least 20 cm. Under such conditions, small particles of fuel and various combustible substances burn in the firebox before they enter the chimneys. First, it raises the oven temperature. Secondly, getting into the chimneys, unburned particles clog them, and they absorb less heat. For kindling, the driest logs are placed under the bottom row, and dry chips, torches, and paper under them. It is strictly forbidden to use kerosene, gasoline, acetone and similar explosive substances.
In order for the furnace not to smoke, paper, thin splinter, shavings are first burned, filling the chimneys with warm air, and then the furnace is melted. Firewood (or peat) is laid so that they lie evenly on the grate or on the hearth of the furnace, closer to the furnace door.
When melting the furnace, the furnace door, dampers, valve and view are fully opened. After kindling, as soon as the firewood flares up, the furnace door is closed, and the blower is opened. The draft in the furnace is regulated by a blower door, a valve or a view.
Usually, the thrust force is determined by the color of the flame: if the flame is red with dark stripes, and brown or black smoke comes out of the pipe, then there is not enough air and its supply must be increased; if the flame is golden yellow, the air supply is considered normal; if it is bright white, and a buzz is heard in the furnace channels, this indicates that there is an excess of air and its supply must be reduced.
In the process of burning fuel, it is impossible to open the furnace doors, since the cold air entering the furnace cools the furnace channels.

So, based on the above, we can formulate the following rules.
1. As the fuel burns out, it is necessary to cover not only the firebox door, but also partially the view or valve.
2. Stirring (stirring) the firewood is possible only after they burn well and large voids form between the logs, through which air begins to flow in excess, cooling the stove.
3. If firebrands remain, they are collected in the center of the firebox (furnace bottom) or grate and surrounded by brightly burning coals. Burning coals and firebrands should lie in the path of air movement to the firebox. The influx of excess air is undesirable.
4. When the coals burn out (that is, the blue flame disappears, indicating that carbon monoxide is being released), they must be leveled along the grate or hearth of the firebox, closer to the door, and cover it tightly. It is recommended to leave the pipe open for another 5-10 minutes so that carbon monoxide residues do not penetrate into the room, which can lead to poisoning and even death. (With)

Everything ingenious is simple!

Throwing is simple. Get half a bucket of water and shovel the coals out of the firebox into a bucket until the firebox is clean. If there is a stubborn firebrand left unburned, then hers too. Do the same with the blower. And quietly close the valve.
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