Kitchen design with gas stove. Kitchen design with a geyser: types, placement ideas, installation, real photos Kitchen five meters with a geyser

A house for a person is a kind of refuge from everyday hustle and bustle. The design of any home should be cozy, because this is one of the main requirements for living quarters. Upon arrival home, a person needs to relax and recover from a working day.

Most of the time, one of the family members, as a rule, spends in the kitchen and not everyone has spacious apartments. In addition to a lot of discomfort, the project of an apartment in Khrushchev includes a rather cramped kitchen, which often has a bulky gas water heater. And very often, the upcoming renovation of such kitchens causes nothing but despair, if you do not use the recommendations of designers, whose services not everyone can afford.

To create the most comfortable, cozy and functional kitchen space with a gas water heater in a small area, the designers have developed a lot of ideas, which will be presented below.

Kitchens in old-style multi-storey buildings are quite small and can often include a ventilation duct or gas water heater in their project. At first glance, these interferences, which reduce the usable space of the kitchen to a minimum, making its design unattractive, can be beaten or hidden in different ways by making repairs correctly.

The geyser provides housing with regular hot water supply, however, it also spoils the interior of the kitchen.

To leave this necessary and functional appliance in the kitchen, it must be correctly entered into the overall interior of the room. The ideal solution is when the geyser becomes an integral part of the design project, at the same time, without being a bright accent that attracts attention.

What should be taken into account when repairing?

Renovating a kitchen in an old house involves drawing up a design project, according to which all further technical and decorative work is carried out. However, if you are starting a major overhaul of the kitchen in Khrushchev on your own, certain precautions should be taken:

  • Getting advice. Before making repairs and immediately before starting work on dismantling the geyser from the old place, it is necessary to consult fire safety specialists for a new place for the geyser.

Often, the gas column can be located above the sink, where it is planned to install a hanging cabinet with a dish dryer and it may be necessary to reinstall the column in another place.

  • Getting permission. If the repair of the kitchen in Khrushchev implies changes in the communications system, one cannot do without the permission of the utilities. Failure to comply with this authorization may result in civil or even criminal liability.

Where and how to place a geyser in the kitchen in Khrushchev

Competently draw up a design - the project of a small kitchen in Khrushchev, which includes a geyser, is quite difficult, due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. And the best solution for such a kitchen is to merge the column with a wall cabinet, which is part of the kitchen set.

Thanks to this "disguise", such an inappropriate architectural element will not hurt to transform the interior of your kitchen in accordance with the idea.

To hide the gas column correctly, you should pay attention to some of the nuances:

  1. Cabinet dimensions. Since the minimum distance from the geyser to the cabinet wall must be at least 3 cm, it should be made to order according to individual dimensions, which a fire safety consultant will help to draw up.
  2. Ventilation. Such a cabinet should have a sufficient number of ventilation holes.
  3. Insulation. The cabinet walls must be insulated with heat-reflecting materials.
  4. Openings for communications. The cabinet should include special openings for gas pipes, water pipes and chimney.

If the cabinet in which the geyser will be installed was purchased in advance, it is necessary to check its dimensions in accordance with the requirements for installing the geyser, as well as independently insulate the walls and make ventilation and communication holes.

Attention: if you decide to install a gas meter near the gas column, this should never be done! According to the requirements of SNiP, there must be a distance of at least 1.5 m from the geyser to the meter.

Rules for installing a geyser (video)

Arrangement of the working area

The kitchen in Khrushchev has a small area, which can create certain difficulties when updating its interior, because it is very important that the design of this room is not only cozy, but also functional. Repair of a small kitchen with a geyser should begin with an electrical wiring device, the layout of which directly depends on the location of the future dining and working areas and their features. How to equip a working area in a small kitchen?

It is not realistic to fit a large amount of furniture and appliances into the interior of a small kitchen, so it is not the quantity that is important here, but the functionality and quality. To ensure your kitchen is as equipped as possible with everything you need, Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  1. Space in height. In small kitchens, it is recommended to use the usable space not in breadth, but in height, using two-tier hinged modules and canisters.
  2. Activation of the window sill. Instead of a traditional window sill, you can install a countertop and make the window area an extension of the work area.
  3. Dinner table. As a dining table, you can use a folding option that does not take up much space.
  4. "correct" technique. So that the kitchen in Khrushchev does not seem cluttered, it is recommended to hide the equipment behind furniture facades.

How to deal with kitchen appliances:

  • Cooktop. The traditional and bulky gas stove can be replaced with a hob with gas burners or a combined version. The modern industry can offer panels - transformers or folding varieties.
  • 2 in 1. Instead of the usual oven and microwave oven, you can use a combined version. The 2 in 1 oven is very compact, and you can install it in any place convenient for you.
  • Dishwasher. For a small family, it is not necessary to purchase a large dishwasher; it will be enough to install a desktop version or a built-in model.
  • Washing machine. An apartment in Khrushchev does not have a spacious bathroom, so many people install an automatic washing machine in the kitchen. If you get by with a small dishwasher, the washing unit can be built under the kitchen sink.
  • Fridge. If there is no place for a refrigerator in the kitchen, you can install a horizontal model under the worktop.

The presence of hot water in the apartment is one of the main factors that ensure the comfort of human life. However, not all houses have this privilege from the state, directly from the water supply.

Modern equipment involves many options for heating water, one of which is the installation of a gas column.

Design solutions for a kitchen with a geyser

Despite the fact that modern geysers have a rather aesthetic design and often harmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment, the option with its placement depends on the location and size of the rooms, as well as the wishes of the customer.

Basically, column placement comes down to three options:

1. Removal of the geyser outside the kitchen. This option is most popular in cases where the kitchen renovation has already been completed, or does not imply the presence of a water heater in the room.

Such a decision is very troublesome, because the room must comply with all the requirements of gas and housing services (the volume of the room is at least 7.5 m3, the ceiling height is from 2.25 m, a suitable chimney, etc.).

Performing such a transfer is advisable only if the presence of a column in it would be extremely inconvenient.

2. Leave everything as it is or move to another place in the kitchen. The least time-consuming option, because in the case of transfer to a distance of less than one and a half meters, special approvals and costs will not be required.

It is important to consider that the transfer cannot be carried out on the space above the gas stove. This solution will help organize the workplace in the kitchen in a new way, making it more convenient.

3. Hide in furniture. To do this, when ordering a kitchen set, it is necessary to work out a place with a false cabinet that will hide the column from prying eyes. The cabinet must be made without a top and bottom, as well as provide for the distance between the door and the column cover.

Otherwise, such a design will not comply with the rules of gas and fire safety.

We hide the column correctly

The simplest option is kitchen furniture, but in order for the water heater to harmoniously fit into the set, its design must immediately take into account the location and size of the column.

Given the peculiarities of the interior of the room, it is possible to install the column in cabinets, as well as between them.

Column between cabinets
Speaker hidden in the closet

Also, the option of installing a column under a fake metal hood looks quite interesting. Experts advise using this option in the case of an open combustion chamber of a geyser.

Geyser in the kitchen in "Khrushchev".

The happy owners of the so-called "Khrushchev" do not need to be explained what it is. At the time of repair of such apartments, their owners are desperately fighting for every free centimeter of space, trying to gain on every little thing.

Therefore, first of all, the geyser for such a kitchen should have a minimum size. Secondly, it is almost inevitable to install a water heater in one of the cabinets, since
finding additional space for the column will be quite problematic.

Solution for the corner kitchen

Small kitchens, in which the furniture is located in a remote corner of the room, also have several design solutions for installing a gas column.

As in the case of Khrushchev, this can be a locker, which, although it steals space for storing items, can hide the column and communications connected to it.

Another interesting option involves a well-chosen color scheme of the headset and speakers.

It is also possible to additionally decorate the column with a variety of stickers or paint it in a suitable color. In this case, it can be installed anywhere, for example in the corner, outside the cabinets. The main thing is that this would not happen over a gas stove.

The main types of geysers

There are three main types of columns:

With manual ignition. The most outdated option, which at the same time is the least secure. Ignition occurs in two stages - first, the gas supply to the wick opens, which is ignited with a match. Then the supply of the main gas is turned on, which is ignited by the flame of the wick. This type is practically no longer produced, however, it can still be found in many old-style apartments.

With piezo element. Ignition is carried out at the touch of a button. The piezo is triggered and the water heater starts its work without further human actions. These models are already considered modern, have excellent functionality and design, as well as a relatively affordable price.

Automatic. The most modern variation of the gas column. Switching on and ignition occurs when a hot water tap is opened, switching off when closed. The principle of operation of the mechanism is similar to the ignition system in a car. The advantages of automatic water heaters are convenience, safety, economical gas consumption. The disadvantage is the relatively high price compared to other models.

Security measures

Safety measures when transferring the column must be fully coordinated with the relevant authorities, but do not forget about technical safety in matters of operation of gas water heaters.

The geyser should not be closer than 3 cm to any surface. Painted wooden walls should be even further away, especially when it comes to water heaters with an open combustion chamber.

In the case of an old manual ignition column, in no case should the water be turned off without first turning off the gas and allowing the system to cool down. Failure to comply with this instruction may result in an explosion.

It can be summed up that the use of a gas column for heating water in an apartment is a rather inexpensive and constructive solution. The modern home appliance market is full of models that are diverse in size, appearance, functionality and pricing, so everyone can make a choice for themselves.

Kitchens with a geyser real photos

Kitchens in old prefabricated houses are small rooms with low ceilings, intended only for cooking. Almost all of them are gasified and have pipes and a column for heating water, which greatly spoil the interior. Often, hostesses do not even know how to optimize the space of such a room so that it becomes beautiful and functional.

For a small room, the following types of headset location are suitable:

  1. In one row- the best option in which a cramped room can be equipped with maximum comfort. This type of installation assumes that all household appliances and the cooking area will be lined up along one wall, in other words, the main points of the working triangle will be located one behind the other. The main thing is not to place them close, because safety precautions provide for the presence of free space between the sink, hob and refrigerator. This distance should be at least 60 cm. Usually, cabinets with countertops are installed between them, which act as work surfaces.
  2. U-shaped. Due to the fact that a room with such a placement, the headset allows you to use 3 walls and 2 corners at once, you can arrange the working triangle in the most ergonomic way, as well as provide enough space for various storage systems.
  3. Angular- the most common type of kitchen space design, which has several advantages. First, everything is arranged very compactly. Secondly, it becomes possible to divide the room into a working and dining area.

Redevelopment can be a good way out: this will increase the space and make room for the implementation of design ideas. There are several ways to achieve this result:

  1. Combine the kitchen with a pantry or corridor.
  2. Increase the area by moving the interior partition.
  3. Combine the dining room with the living room.

All these solutions are able to expand the space of the kitchen and equip it so that the cooking process becomes as comfortable as possible.

Style selection

The most common and popular design images are the following:

  1. Loft. This direction involves the combination of rough finishing materials, such as concrete and brickwork, with cutting-edge technologies. Such a combination looks harmonious, gives the room individuality and allows you to approach the interior design of the kitchen in Khrushchev in a non-standard way.
  2. Classical is a style that has not lost its relevance for many decades. It combines beauty and comfort, natural materials and textiles, as well as decoration in the form of columns, bas-reliefs and stucco. Restrained colors, as a rule, are built on pastel colors and beige-chocolate shades, which complement gold and silver inclusions in the form of accessories.
  3. Country. When creating this style, it is necessary to take into account that it is customary to use natural colors here without the use of bright accents and contrasts, as well as natural materials: wood, stone or ceramic tiles. Country style involves recreating rural life with the help of household utensils, textiles and indoor plants.
  4. Minimalism. Among the main advantages of the design image are practicality, functionality and the absence of unnecessary details. Household appliances and kitchen utensils are hidden behind the facades of the headset. The combination of just a few basic colors and strict geometric shapes are characteristic of the minimalist style.
  5. High tech. The basis of the interior is made up of cold shades, as well as gray-blue or beige colors. Orange, yellow, blue, purple or green are used as accent spots. The ideal shade that makes the room lighter and more voluminous is considered milky or light brown. Glass, plastic and concrete are actively involved in the design of the room, and the clarity of lines and different textures help to bring the image together.
  6. Scandinavian style- This is a universal type of interior design that can be used even in small rooms. The main features are the absence of curtains and natural lighting, as well as the presence of all kinds of lamps, floor lamps and sconces that will provide sufficient illumination of the working and dining areas. And the use of various shades of white - from milky and vanilla to cream - will support the style and visually increase the space.

There are several solutions on how to choose the right interior tone for a small room. One of the options is a monochrome design of the kitchen. A certain color can be used as the main one, and its shades can be used as additional accents. Moreover, the smaller the area, the lighter it is necessary to choose paints. It is recommended to use cold tones for kitchens with windows facing the sunny side, and warm tones for rooms located in the northern part of the house. Among the commonly used shades are the following:

  1. White. It looks elegant and solemn, although not very practical in operation. It allows you to blur clear boundaries and adds volume to the room. In this color, you can make a headset, countertop and ceiling. For the floor, it is better to choose a darker tone. To prevent the interior from looking too boring, you can add a few bright spots in the form of decor items or kitchen textiles.
  2. Beige. It will bring comfort, peace and warmth to the interior. A wide range of shades - from sand and cream to caramel and wheat - will make the perfect backdrop to emphasize the dark silhouettes of metal lamps, picture frames or furniture legs.
  3. Blue. This color evokes the most pleasant memories and evokes feelings of peace and carelessness. It works most advantageously in kitchens located in the southern part of the house, where the sun's rays fill the room throughout the day. Under their influence, the color acquires depth and saturation.
  4. Olive. Helps to maintain psychological balance and escape from everyday worries. A huge number of shades - from herbal to pistachio - can be used in almost any style, for example, classic or Provence. The main thing is to correctly combine them with other colors. The combination of olive with gray or beige tones will look stylish in any interior.

In addition, you can use polychrome scale. For a small kitchen, the use of three different colors will suffice. Moreover, the main shade should not occupy more than 60% of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, 30% is given to an additional tone and 10% to a bright accent color that will attract attention and give the image a finished look.


It is important that properly selected textiles, namely curtains, be easy to care for, create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness, and most importantly, do not narrow the already small space of the kitchen. To make them look harmonious in a small room, it is appropriate to use short light models with a discreet pattern.

It is necessary to give preference to pastel colors and natural fabrics. It is important that the curtains are treated with a special composition from dust and various contaminants.


A frequently used option is a chandelier located in the center and having a large shade or lampshade. Often this method turns out to be inconvenient, and the working area remains insufficiently lit. In this case, the output may be the use of several sources. For example, LED lamps can be placed under wall cabinets.

Ways to visually expand the kitchen space in Khrushchev

The following tips will help make the room more spacious:

  1. Use only cold light shades in the design of the room.
  2. Paint walls, floor and ceiling the same color.
  3. For furniture upholstery, use textiles in pastel colors.
  4. Glue wallpaper in vertical stripes. This will help visually increase the height of the ceiling.
  5. Make curtains in one layer and from light fabrics that let in daylight well.
  6. Do not clutter up the room with kitchen utensils and other decorative elements.

Glossy facades that reflect light well will also help to make the room wider.

Kitchens with a geyser in Khrushchev

Among the most suitable options that allow you to harmoniously fit the water heater into the interior, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Choose a similar shade that will match the tone of the walls or facades. Usually the speaker comes in a standard color, but repainting it can fix the position.
  2. Decorate the water heater in a style that matches the overall design. For example, you can use the decoupage technique. This will help make the gas equipment less visible.
  3. Hide the column in a false cabinet, in which there are no upper or lower walls, and the side walls are at least 20 cm apart. It is better to make the facade openwork or lattice. This will not only decorate the room, but will also comply with safety requirements.

The best option would be to move the device to a less visible place, but this measure requires coordination with various housing services.

Enlargement of a small room due to adjacent premises will help to comfortably equip the space and make it more functional. With such a combination, it is possible to shift the dining area into the living room, which will increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, make it brighter and bring various design ideas to life.

To add coziness, you can zone the room with the help of lighting, color, or using furniture: a cabinet, a sofa or a table.

Bar counter options

Dividing a room in this way often implies the location of this element of the interior in the form of a peninsula, which rests against the wall on one side. The bar counter can be freestanding, that is, serve as part of an island table that performs several different functions. For example, it may have a built-in sink, hob or other household appliances.

Photo of kitchens in Khrushchev in the interior


A small kitchen in Khrushchev can be made stylish and comfortable. The main thing is to approach its arrangement correctly: arrange the set and dining furniture so that it is comfortable not only for the hostess, but for all family members.

Creativity and diligence will allow you to transform the interior of even a tiny kitchen, the layout of which is initially inconvenient. It is quite possible to endow this space with the maximum level of comfort and coziness. Let's discuss further what a kitchen in Khrushchev with a gas water heater should be like: photos, advice from designers with experience.

Owners of a small apartment in Khrushchev buildings cannot boast of a spacious kitchen. Instead, they are forced to place all the necessary equipment and pieces of furniture on the meager square meters of this room.

We add that the kitchens in such housing are equipped with a gas water heater, which further complicates their design, because such a unit reduces usable space to a minimum, making the design of the kitchen unattractive. However, it can also become a functional part of the decor if the repair is done correctly.

Experienced designers insist that:

  • repair of the kitchen room should begin with taking measurements of the space, creating a sketch that will show the future layout of the room, calculating the current amount of building and finishing materials;
  • if the future interior requires redevelopment, including the transfer of a unit for heating water or pipes from it, the repair budget will have to be increased. In addition, interior changes will have to be legalized in special authorities;
  • when moving a gas-powered column, do not neglect the advice of a fire safety specialist. Repair of the Khrushchev kitchen should be carried out taking into account his recommendations. If it involves the transfer of the unit or communication elements, permission from the utilities will be required;
  • despite the fact that in such houses the walls are rather thin, it is worth warming the kitchen exclusively from the outside. Internal insulation will eat up valuable space.

Ways to increase free space

The design of a small Khrushchev kitchen with a gas water heater should primarily aim to increase the narrow space without losing its functional purpose. That is, the repair should bring space here without thereby creating any inconvenience.

Here are proven ways to help visually expand the Khrushchev kitchen with a column and make it more comfortable:

  • refuse standard floor cabinets with heavy facades and large handles, do not choose a standard, straight-shaped headset, preferring modular options with glass or glossy doors. Such furniture does not look bulky, and glossy surfaces reflect light, expanding the space;
  • if the door opens into the kitchen, dismantle it by making an opening in the form of an arch. This will save precious space;
  • use the niche space under the windowsill to store dishes or install compact appliances. If such an opportunity arises, take the refrigerator out of the kitchen or pick up a compact model of such a unit;
  • choose only light translucent window textiles or replace the standard tulle with Roman blinds;
  • when choosing a color for decorating a small kitchen with a gas water heater, it should be noted that for such a space, experienced designers recommend using light natural tones on the walls. This technique fills the room with light, visually making it more spacious. It is worth abandoning large drawings on furniture and walls, they will only visually narrow the kitchen.

There are also ways to expand the space of the Khrushchev kitchen through installation or dismantling. The ideal option would be a redevelopment.

Such measures will require you to make more impressive investments and legitimize the restructuring in the public authorities.

Column placement options

If the speaker has a modern design, blends well with the rest of the interior, does not bother you with its aesthetics, it can be left on the wall in its original form. If it is characterized by an unsightly appearance or its location is extremely inconvenient, take the advice of designers with experience about the rules for transferring and how to mask such an aggregate. It can be moved to another location if the original layout does not suit you. Indeed, often such a unit is placed directly above the sink, where it is worth hanging a cabinet with a dish dryer. Then the column should be moved, and with it the pipes. Many people think that this idea is easy to implement. But there are certain nuances that need to be taken into account.

Options for a new location of the unit:

  • in the bathroom, if the area of ​​​​the room exceeds 7.5 sq. M and there is a ventilation duct;
  • into the corridor, if the layout of the space is sufficiently free;
  • in another place in the kitchen, but not above the stove or other open source of fire, and also not close to the cabinet wall.

If the speaker does not need to be moved, then it can be played with in different ways, disguised as a hanging cabinet, by performing a smart repair. If such a decision is made, then the cabinet should be wide, with walls of at least 3 cm, and many ventilation holes. The walls of the gas column must be insulated with high quality using heat-reflecting material. Also make holes in it for the corrugation, gas pipe. To make sure how wonderful the Khrushchev kitchen with a gas water heater looks, look at the photo below.

We mask the pipes and chimney

No less of a problem in a small kitchen are unsightly gas pipes and a chimney. Repairs should be carried out using ideas for their disguise, then the interior will look holistic.

You can purchase a set of equipment for the geyser that helps to veil the pipes. It may include special boxes and panels that are mounted directly on pipes. Dismantling of these elements, if necessary, is easy to carry out, and the design becomes attractive and neat, as in the photo below.

If it is not possible to purchase a suitable box that hides pipes, you can build it yourself from drywall or plywood. To do this, connect the side and front walls together, and then attach the structure to the wall and fix it with self-tapping screws. The pipes should hide behind the box without difficulty. In the end, you need to decorate the box with the same building material as the walls. So with a minimum of effort and investment, unsightly pipes and a column box can be masked.

Arrangement of the working area

To create the most comfortable, cozy and functional kitchen interior with a gas water heater on a scarce area, experienced designers have prepared a lot of ideas. The photo below is proof that even small kitchens with a column can be made cozy and stylish.

The limited space of a small kitchen affects the size of the working area. We'll have to think about how to carry out repairs as rationally as possible in order to organize a full-fledged working area on meager meters.

This problem can be solved with the help of multi-level or retractable countertops, which will be equipped with a furniture set. You can also apply another trick: make the window sill a continuation of the work area, use it for cooking, covering it with a countertop, as is done in the next photo. Instead of a standard stove, choose a hob, and replace the oven with a microwave with an air grill.

Say goodbye to a large-scale sink in favor of a compact, deep model. Nowhere to put the dishes so that water flows from it? It is better to use a special dryer for this purpose, mounted in a hanging cabinet. But the work surface space will be more spacious.

Furniture and appliances

The interior of a small Khrushchev kitchen will not be able to accommodate a large number of furniture and appliances, but you still have to place the most necessary things here. How to do it in the most rational way? Use exclusively functional items in order to equip the space and interior with everything you need. Experienced specialists insist that the design of such a room must be created using some tricks:

  • it is better to choose a corner furniture set, it allows you to use the space of the corner as rationally as possible. Such an interior is shown in the following photo. It is good if the set is equipped with drawers in which it is convenient to store kitchen utensils. No less convenient to use kitchen set with compartment doors;
  • use the entire height of the wall of a small kitchen by installing two-tier wall-mounted modules. They are roomy and functional. It is also worth picking up a pencil case for storing kitchen utensils for the entire height of the wall;
  • the window sill should be used as a table by installing a countertop instead. If there are more than two people in the family, all people will not fit at the windowsill table. The photo below shows a design made using a similar solution;
  • a standard plan dining table can be replaced with a folding option that does not take up much free space. Pick up chairs for him folding, light;
  • household appliances, choose a compact size and built-in type. Then unsightly units will not take up much space, spoil the design, hiding behind furniture facades.

The photo below shows the interior with the successful application of these decor rules for small Khrushchev kitchen spaces.

In many kitchens in Khrushchev, a geyser is the only source of hot water. Despite all the functionality of this device, it can be very difficult to fit it into the interior. Today we will tell you about three ways to disguise gas equipment and additional recommendations for the design of a small kitchen.

A kitchen for Khrushchev with a column should be selected taking into account fire safety rules and overall design

Types of geysers

The project of a kitchen in Khrushchev with a geyser, first of all, begins with the choice of the geyser itself. The same type of units remained, albeit not very distant, but, nevertheless, the past - today, gas water heater manufacturers pay due attention to the appearance of the device. There are various modifications of the case - in most cases this is quite enough to match the speaker to the general interior of the room.

According to the principle of operation, gas appliances are divided into automatic and semi-automatic

According to the principle of operation, gasified units are divided into 2 types:

  • Automatic. The principle of their work is quite simple. After turning on the valve for hot water, a special igniter is activated, which provokes the ignition of the burner. At this time, cold water enters the unit, already hot water flows out of the tap.
  • semi-automatic. In this case, the heater wick burns constantly, the burner turns on only after the water pressure is turned on.

The modern design of the devices greatly simplifies the process of their arrangement in the interior.

When choosing a column according to dimensions, it should be borne in mind that in most cases the size of the column is directly proportional to its power. It may happen that a compact column will not meet your needs for hot water.

How to organically fit a gas column into the decor - 3 options

When developing a kitchen design with a geyser in Khrushchev, it is necessary to consider all possible planning possibilities. We offer you three options that will help you organically fit gas equipment into the interior of the kitchen.

There are three options for masking gas equipment in a small room

Leave as is

Due to the fact that modern models have a very stylish design, if desired, they can not be hidden deep into the headset. In this case, you can use one of the two proposed options.

The appearance of modern appliances allows you not to hide them behind the facades of the headset

  • Buy the right model. Thanks to a wide range of equipment, you can choose a speaker whose appearance is ideal for the existing headset and interior. Give preference to miniature options - they are much easier to place even in a small kitchen. It is quite possible to decorate the column with your own hands - using a stencil will greatly facilitate your task.

Some models of speakers are not much different from cabinets, pencil cases, which allows you not to hide them

  • Paint the appliance. If you could not find a model that suits your design, or its price seemed excessive to you, you can simply paint the device you have. Most often, the unit is tinted to match the color of kitchen furniture, an apron or wall decoration. Please note that during operation, the geyser will heat up, so for its coloring it is necessary to choose a heat-resistant paint.

Painting the unit to match the color of the walls is one of the most budgetary options for disguising equipment

Place between cabinets

This is one of the most effective tricks that will help you harmoniously fit the column into the overall interior. The column can be located both between two cabinets, and be the final element of the top row of the headset. There are two main points to consider before proceeding with the column installation.

To have constant access to the device, it can be placed between two upper cabinets

  • Select main element. It is necessary to decide which element will be the leading one - a column or hanging cabinets from a headset. If you first of all purchased a kitchen set, then the size of the gas column must be selected for the cabinets already available, or vice versa. It would be best to draw up a Khrushchev kitchen design with a gas water heater in advance, in which all the nuances will be taken into account.

If you purchased the headset before the column, then its dimensions should be selected from the dimensions of the main furniture

  • Take care of fire safety. At least three centimeters of free space must remain on each side of the gas column. This is necessary for natural ventilation. Failure to comply with this point is a direct violation of fire safety rules.

There must be a free space of at least 3 cm on the sides of the gas unit

  • Pick up materials. All nearby planes must be made of non-combustible materials. Since the speaker heats up during operation, it can cause overheating, charring, and fire in objects in close proximity. It is not necessary to make fireproof cabinets - it is quite enough to simply protect the surface that comes into contact with the column with a sheet of non-combustible material.

Materials near the device must be fire resistant

Disguise with a box

This option allows you to completely hide the geyser in one of the wall cabinets. Most often it is used when it is not possible to create an organic kitchen interior in Khrushchev with a gas water heater, and the only option is to hide it from prying eyes.

When masking the column behind the front of the cabinet, you must adhere to fire safety rules

In the process of implementing such an option, several rules must be taken into account.

  • Organize unsealed space. On the sides of the column, there must be free space necessary for the natural ventilation of the device.
  • Remove extra walls. The wall cabinet should not have upper and lower horizons, as well as a back wall. By and large, it can consist of only one door, which will hide it from prying eyes. In extreme cases, the presence of a lower horizon is acceptable, in which there should be several rows of ventilation holes.

For better ventilation of the device, it is worth removing the top and bottom of the cabinet

Here is such a mini-instruction will allow you to organically fit the unit into the interior, and your small kitchen in Khrushchev with a geyser will look organic.

When creating a kitchen interior with a geyser in Khrushchev, it is very important to think through everything to the smallest detail. In particular, this applies to colors, finishes and choice of materials. Let's analyze these points in more detail.

To make the most of the limited Khrushchev space, you can combine the kitchen with the living room.

  • wall decoration. The presence of a water heater on the wall is an excellent argument in favor of using ceramic tiles as a material for the working area. It tolerates high temperatures and is unpretentious in care. The rest of the walls can be covered with decorative light-colored plaster or washable wallpaper.

The apron area near the column should be finished with ceramic tiles - it is fireproof and easily tolerates high temperatures

  • Ceiling. Stucco looks beautiful only in spacious kitchens, in small rooms it looks simply ridiculous. A kitchen in Khrushchev with a column will only benefit from the use of glossy stretch ceilings. With them, the space will become deeper.
  • Lighting. With correctly placed lamps and spotlights, you can perfectly highlight and focus on the headset, work area and dining group.

For finishing a small room, you should use only light colors.

  • Color spectrum. A Khrushchev kitchen with a gas water heater should be made in light colors, it will help to visually enlarge the space and make it more airy. For decor, use white, milky, cream, light yellow, grassy, ​​pale blue shades.
  • Furniture. In addition to the main headset, do not be afraid to use transforming furniture that can perform several functions at once. With them, the interior of the kitchen with a geyser in Khrushchev will become more practical.

Try to use every centimeter of space


Very often, repairing a kitchen with the subsequent installation of a geyser is a serious problem for most homeowners. Small kitchens are not uncommon in our time, however, following our recommendations, you can organically fit a gas water heater of almost any design into the interior. You will find even more useful information in the video and photo materials.

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