Onion Secrets. Growing onions from seed. Onions grown from nigella - seedlings, spring and winter sowing Growing onions for seeds

And all other cultures are already preparing for this with might and main, for which the time has also come.

One of these popular garden crops is onions. At the same time, many people sow it for seedlings, sowing seeds, and someone plants seeds, sometimes on greens, and sometimes for the growth of good strong heads.

Whatever it is to grow good harvest, it is best to use high-yielding early maturing varieties. Therefore, when buying seeds in a store, pay attention to the information on the package.

When choosing seeds for growing "turnips", it is necessary to take into account the fact that the variety has an early or at least an average ripening period. And also the fact that these seeds were collected last year.

It is worth noting that among annuals, such varieties as exhibition and chalcedony are considered the best. Keep this in mind when buying seeds.

If you decide to plant it through seedlings, then you must first choose the right soil. To do this, it is best to stock up your own garden soil since autumn, with the addition of humus and a small amount of wood ash.

Having prepared the soil, take the desired container - a box, or individual cells. Seeds must be thoroughly dried. In a common container, seeds should be sown at a distance of 1 cm from each other, and then cover them with two centimeters of soil. There are two or three seeds in cassettes. In both cases, cover the plantings with polyethylene, and keep at a temperature of 24 - 25 degrees. Wait for shoots.

Seeds are also planted in the "snail" method. This is done on toilet paper, and just on the ground. This method will be discussed in the video, which you can find later in the article.

As soon as the first young shoots appear, the shelter can be removed. In this case, the temperature drops to 20 degrees. In this mode, seedlings will not grow much. Watering is necessary as the soil dries, and this is best done with a spray bottle. If seedlings are planted in winter, then additional lighting is necessary.

Before transplanting, seedlings must be fed regularly. For these purposes, an infusion of chicken manure, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10, is well suited. Or use other fertilizers, such as Krepen or Zdraven.

Unlike other types of seedlings, onion seedlings do not have to dive. The only thing that can be done is to thread it, removing the weakest instances. It should be borne in mind that for the effective development and growth of seedlings, the distance between them should be one and a half to two centimeters.

After two months, seedlings can begin to prepare for planting in open ground.

Before this important point, only good shoots are selected. Leaves and roots must be cut off by one-third. Immediately before transplanting, the earth is dug up and a bed is formed, furrows are made, which are well watered.

Small plants should be planted to a depth of about 2 cm so that it feels stable enough in the ground. And between the rows, be sure to observe a distance that will be at least 50 cm.

After the plants are planted in their place, they must be watered abundantly and covered with mulch. After 3-4 days, the soil should be slightly loosened so that there is better access to air and water.

After such care and attention, your crop will grow, and will certainly give good fruits.

Features of growing from seeds in the middle lane

IN middle lane In Russia, the conditions for growing this crop are the most favorable. Here for centuries developed various technologies its cultivation.

Most gardeners are increasingly choosing to grow it from seed. They begin to prepare them for seedlings in February. They choose, buy seeds, prepare the land and containers for planting.

Then proceed directly to work with seeds.

It is best to soak them in hot water, its temperature can be up to 50 degrees. At the same time, you can add to the water boric acid. After that, the fabric is moistened with a growth stimulator, seeds are placed in it and left overnight in a warm place.

Further, everything is as usual. Seeds are sown in a container filled with earth and pre-moistened with water. They should be covered with cellophane or film and placed in a warm place. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the film is removed.

  • If it is cloudy outside, and the days are also short, then the seedlings are illuminated throughout the day.
  • The soil must be constantly moist. In order not to break the seedlings, it is better to water them with a spray bottle.
  • Every 10 days, seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers. They are applied according to the instructions on the packaging.

Growth must be monitored every day, all necessary procedures in a timely manner.

In March, seedlings can be slowly hardened on the balcony. By mid-April, it becomes quite strong and lush and can be prepared for landing on your own. suburban area.

Among the many early varieties suitable for cultivation in the middle lane, I would like to note such a variety as Sturon. He not only has early dates maturation, but also excellent taste. In addition, it has a fairly high percentage of germination and, accordingly, high yields.

The only thing you should know is that this variety is not suitable for obtaining a green feather.

Another early ripe variety worth paying attention to is Stuttgarter Riesen. The same high-yielding and with great germination. He is loved by many gardeners for his excellent qualities.

And the last variety, which also cannot be ignored, is the high-yielding Centurion onion, which is sown even on an industrial scale.

It has a slightly spicy taste and is very good for long term storage. However, this variety is also grown for feathers.

Growing onions from seeds for greens

Growing this crop for greenery is the most traditional way. Fresh vitamins are always good. Many, for sure, put a glass with a sprouted head on the windowsill and pinched off the emerging green feathers.

However, growing onions for greens better sevkom than seeds. The duration of growth of greens grown by seeds with fertilizing and proper care will be up to two years. Whereas from the heads - only a few weeks.

Varieties such as batun, multi-tiered onions, chives and leeks are well suited for planting crops on greens. These are all early ripening varieties, so they can be planted directly into the soil (in spring).

If you have been growing green onion seeds since autumn, then it is important to cover the beds well with snow and insulate them with spruce branches.

When growing seedlings, the soil for planting should be prepared already in the fall. Before this, the seeds must be germinated. The germinated seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 1 cm. Moreover, they are sown for two months before the moment when they start planting the germinated greenery in the soil.

Before the first shoots appear, the temperature should be about 25 degrees. When they appear, the temperature must be lowered to 10 degrees, then raised again, but to 20.

After the seedlings grow up to 20 cm and 3-4 leaves appear on it, you can prepare it for planting on the street. This usually happens around the 15th of April.

Seedlings are planted in a line with a row spacing of up to 20 cm. At the same time, the roots are slightly trimmed.

How can you grow an exhibition variety from seeds in one season

In addition to growing onions for greens, they also plant them on a turnip. To do this, varieties are selected that have good quality heads. One of these varieties is handsome - Exhibition.

This variety has a rather large head size compared to others. The weight of one head reaches up to 700 - 800 grams. This variety came to us from Holland, and every year it is gaining more and more popularity.

As usual to grow this great variety, you need to start with soil preparation. There are no special or specific requirements for this. You can use the soil both from the garden and purchased in the store.

Plant seeds in small plastic containers with lid. Then you get a kind of mini-greenhouse. But if there is no such container, you can use any boxes, pots, etc. Before sowing the seeds, they should be soaked for two days in water at room temperature, and even slightly warm.

Before planting, the land is watered abundantly. Sowing can be done quite densely, while the depth of the seeds is 1 cm. Wrap the planting box with film material and put it in a warm place, somewhere near the battery. The air temperature should not be less than 20 degrees. If the conditions are met, then the sprouts will appear on the 7th day.

Sprouts have appeared, and the film can be removed, and the seedlings can be exposed to light. As they grow, mineral supplement. Onions love complex fertilizers.

When it comes important point transplanting sprouts in your area, and this should be stable warm weather, you can good mood start the procedure. Since the bulbs are large as a result, this must be taken into account when transplanting. Therefore, it is better to make the interval between rows at least 30, and between seedlings at least 20 cm. It is necessary to plant at a depth of at least 3 cm. The roots and shoots of the plant can be cut a little.

After planting seedlings, it is necessary to ensure regular watering. However, overflow must also be avoided. Water for irrigation should be warm. It is also necessary to take care that the onion does not overgrow with weeds. For this, sold in the store are used. chemicals, which are introduced on the black earth about a week before the start of planting. This will help provide protection from weeds throughout the growth and maturation of the plants.

If you approach the matter correctly and carry out all the work correctly, in the fall you will receive excellent harvest.

Features of growing leeks from seeds

Leek is very fond of growing gardeners in their summer cottages, it is a favorite and popular horticulture. As you know, it is a biennial plant. But now they learned to grow it in just a season

If you properly care for it, you can get stems weighing from 100 to 600 grams. In addition, this variety is characterized by high cold resistance. The main advantage of a leek can be called a high concentration of vitamin C in it, which, by the way, it not only retains during winter storage, but even saves.

A feature of this variety is that its seeds are able to germinate at air temperatures from -2 to 0 degrees. And this is the real miracle. But if you want them to germinate faster, and the seedlings turn out great, then warm conditions at 22 - 24 degrees is still preferable.

For better germination, the seeds must be soaked in hot water, the temperature of which is 40 - 45 degrees. Leave them like this for a day. Then hold the seeds, wrapping them in a damp cloth and placing them in a warm place for 4 or 5 days. And only then sow in the soil.

Keep warm. And after the appearance of seedlings, the temperature should be lowered to about 16 degrees during the day. At night it can be up to 10 degrees. This will be quite enough to ensure that all the seeds sprout, and the sprouts that appear do not stretch too much. After that, the temperature rises again.

Do not forget to regularly water the seedlings, they are thin and should not wait until the soil dries out. Feed every two weeks. When the plants get stronger and grow up, they can be prepared for hardening and planting in the ground in a permanent place. But this will happen no earlier than 6 - 8 weeks, after the appearance of seedlings.

Leek is considered unpretentious plant. However, subject to right conditions growing it, you can get what you love it for. Namely, a thick white "leg", the diameter of which will reach 1.5 cm.

And finally, a video with details about growing leeks.

Video on how to care for a leek from planting to planting in the garden

This video describes the method in which leek seeds are sown on toilet paper, the "Snail" method. Recently, others have been sown in this way. vegetable crops. Shoots are friendly and strong.

And also from this material it will be possible to learn how to sow it in a container, dive and take care of it throughout the entire growth period.

And with the onset of warm days, it's time to plant the grown seedlings in the ground. And here you can also see how to do it. Of course, there is a lot of work and care to be done, but if you want to get a decent harvest, then you can try. And in the video you can see what a chic bow has grown.

And today I also wish you just such harvests.

Good luck with this, and have a great mood!

Onions reproduce in different ways. You can spend several years waiting for the bulb to produce extra buds for seedlings, or you can just sow the seeds. They are also called chernushki, since they are black and small size. Growing onions from blackberries is very convenient. In one year, you can get a full-fledged crop without the problems and expenses associated with the purchase and storage of onion sets. Applying different ways planting, you can grow onions of any ripening duration in just one summer.

How to choose a nigella to plant in season

When choosing seeds, you need to decide on the main criteria:

  • external and taste qualities of the future onion crop;
  • the period of time for which it is planned to receive a crop;
  • variety resistance to diseases, difficulty in caring for it;
  • regional affiliation.

Varieties for open ground

Varieties are classified according to the degree of ripeness of the fruit for ease of use in various conditions- greenhouse, open field, at home.

early ripe

Early ripe varieties do not need a long growing period. Less than three months pass from sowing seeds to collecting full-fledged bulbs. These varieties, thanks to selection, have not only fast growth rates, but also excellent keeping quality of the bulbs. Fresh heads retain their presentation and useful qualities until spring.

Onion Carmen grows very quickly, so it is classified as an early ripe variety.

Mid-season in one year

Mid-season varieties reach maturity within 4 - 4.5 months from the moment of planting the seeds. Growing mid-season onions in one year is not uncommon in most regions of our country. This is the Chernozem region and territories located in the latitudes south of Moscow, all Leningrad region. Seeds are equally resistant to both short-term cooling and hot, dry weather.

late ripening big onion

Varieties late ripening It is customary to grow in two stages. In the first year, seeds are sown, seeds are grown. In the second year, the sevka is grown to an adult state - the head. In the southern regions (Stavropol, Krasnodar region, Republic of Crimea, Rostov region) late-ripening varieties fully grow during a long and warm summer. Read about the salad onion variety.

Growing methods

To optimize your onion cultivation efforts and to increase yields, it is customary to use various ways his sowing.

Sowing in early spring (soil, planting depth)

The most common way to grow onions is spring sowing. You need to plant in early March (in the southern district of our country) until mid-May (in central Russia). The beds for crops are chosen sunny, located on hills. The importance of distance from ground water and lightness of the soil. Onions are able to germinate when the temperature rises to +8 degrees. Before sowing, the soil can be shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect it. You can learn about growing Elan from onion seeds.

Planting Nigella in early spring

Onion seeds are indistinguishable on the soil. To ensure that their location in the garden is uniform, you can use this method: for a long segment toilet paper glued, and then it is laid in a groove and added dropwise. Seeds are glued at a distance of 8 centimeters from each other using a paste.

Sowing in autumn

Good results are obtained by sowing onion seeds in the fall. It allows the seeds to germinate the very first, as soon as the top layers of the soil thaw. Melted snow provides a lot of moisture in early spring and saves the gardener from worries about watering onion plantings. Seeds hardened over the winter give strong shoots that tolerate spring frosts. In all regions (except districts Far North or equivalent to them) can be fearless - the soil under a layer of snow does not freeze to critical temperatures, but keeps them in the region from 0 to -5 degrees. Sowing seeds in the fall saves valuable time in the spring when the gardener has other things to do.

Sowing before winter is done when the average temperatures drop below +5 ... +7 degrees. The soil must be dry. Under these conditions, the seeds will not germinate and will not die during frost. They will simply remain in the ground until spring.

Pre-growing seedlings (grow a turnip)

The method allows growing late-ripening onion varieties even when the warm period is very short. This method saves money on the purchase or storage of sevka in winter period. By growing seedlings and then planting them in the ground, you can harvest two crops in one season. Shallot will tell about the characteristics and care of onions.

Onion seedlings are grown in boxes filled with soddy soil with humus.

Bow loves organic fertilizers therefore, to enhance the growth of seedlings, a week after the first shoots, you can water the seedlings with slurry.

The layer of earth should not exceed 10 centimeters. Onion crops do not need a large depth of boxes. Their fibrous root system occupies the upper layers of the soil. The distance can be allowed up to 2 centimeters between plants.

The temperature should be maintained from + 10 to +18 degrees. If it is warmer, then the active growth of green onions will begin, and not the development of the root system. This must not be allowed.

Preparing seeds for planting (plant, sow, how they should look)

To get a good harvest, you must first prepare the nigella for subsequent planting.

Determination of germination

In onion seeds, satisfactory germination persists for two years. At home receipt seed material you can tell it's fresh. But when buying in stores, there is no such guarantee. To find out if the seeds are alive, pre-soaking is carried out. You need to take a small control group of seeds and soak them. If the seeds have begun to germinate, then the whole package of seeds is good.

Choosing the Best Seeds

Seeds are melted in water and left for an hour. Full, large seeds will settle to the bottom. Those that are dry or do not contain full-fledged embryos will emerge. Read about planting an onion on a head.


Onion plantings are often affected by fungal and bacterial infections. To prevent it, it is mandatory to carry out pre-plant disinfection of seeds.

Potassium permanganate is diluted at a concentration of 1%. This solution has a dark purple. The seeds are soaked in it for half an hour.

Another safe, inexpensive remedy is available to gardeners - hydrogen peroxide. Use a solution of peroxide with a concentration of 3%. Soaking lasts 30 minutes.

After the disinfection procedure in any way, the seeds are always thoroughly washed and dried.

Warming up the seeds of annual and perennial onions

Seeds of annual and perennial onions must begin to warm up 7 to 5 days before sowing. Thanks to this, plants will not be prone to plentiful release of arrows ahead of time. The development of the plant will be directed to the growth of the bulb, and not flowering and seed formation. Seeds are placed in a warm room. The temperature is acceptable in the range of 30 - 45 degrees.

You can place trays with seeds near heating devices. This procedure takes about five days.

Onion hardening

hardening planting material possible in two ways. In the first case, you need to place the seeds heated by the radiators in a cold place (cellar, lower compartment of the refrigerator). An hour is enough to harden the nigella. Bessonovsky will tell about planting and caring for onions.

The other method worked well too. Seeds, a turnip are placed in a bag and lowered into hot water. The temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. After 40 minutes, the bag is removed from hot water and lowered into cold water for the same period of time. Such a short-term procedure can be carried out on the day of planting the seeds.

Hardening makes future seedlings stronger, more resistant to cold. Seedlings of prepared seeds are friendly, fast growing.


Planting onions in the spring has long become a tradition for many domestic gardeners, because this useful plant often used for cooking various kinds salads. The process of its cultivation begins with sowing, after receiving sprouts, they are transplanted to a permanent place. However, not all gardeners know how to get a strong and healthy seedlings from seeds.

How to grow onions from seeds in one season

It is widely believed that growing seedlings is extremely difficult, and this process takes a lot of time. However, you can personal experience you will be convinced of the opposite if you get acquainted with the basic rules and follow them throughout the entire process.

Many gardeners resort to the seedling method, as this is a guarantee of a high yield. And you can do this even at room conditions. But first you need to prepare everything you need for this:

  • onion seeds for sowing;
  • High quality potting mix.
  • Containers recommended for use flower pots or boxes;
  • Polyethylene film.

You can count on getting a good harvest only if you observe the following recommendations, which are universal, and therefore can be used when growing any variety.

General rules:

Growing seedlings in one season

Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules, it is time to pay attention to agricultural technology.

in containers

I would like to repeat once again that you can grow seedlings in boxes or pots. In accordance with the rules of agricultural technology, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances when sowing seeds in boxes:

Usually, from the emergence of seedlings until the seedlings reach the state necessary for transplanting to a permanent place, need about 50-60 days. This time is enough for the plant to grow 3-4 true leaves.

in the greenhouse

The Chalcedony variety, for example, can be grown not only in the containers available at home. Enough effective method is use of greenhouses. In this case, the following must be taken into account:

  • Preparation begins with the creation of a steam bed. Here, biofuel is required, which must be laid on the bed and covered with a 10 cm layer of earth. This layer thickness will be enough to ensure that the generated heat does not leave the bed. Then a specially prepared greenhouse soil is laid directly on the ground. For this mixture, the following components are taken: rotted sawdust (1 part), greenhouse humus (4 parts), peat chips (1 part) and sod land(4 parts). After that, a bucket of this mixture is taken, where you need to add one teaspoon of superphosphate, the same amount of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate and half a glass of wood ash.
  • It is unacceptable to use land to create a bed, where onion crops have grown before;
  • Be sure the garden needs to be provided good lighting. Therefore, the most suitable place for her would be a place next to the windows;
  • Seeds can be sown only after they have been prepared: for this, a set of measures is carried out that involves soaking, drying, calibrating and treating the seeds with microelements. Also, in relation to planting material, it is necessary to carry out disinfection;
  • When the moment comes for sowing seeds into the ground, it is necessary to follow the recommended sowing rate: the seeds are placed in rows at a distance of 5 cm, and they themselves should be no closer than 1 cm from each other. It is recommended to deepen them by 1.5 cm;
  • When the seeds are in the ground, they need to be covered with humus;
  • Next, you need to carefully water warm water using a small watering can with a sieve;
  • After that, the surface of the soil must be rolled and covered with mulch, which can be used as peat chips. For reliable protection it is necessary that its layer has a thickness of 1 cm.

To speed up the germination of sevka, in the greenhouse you need to create favorable temperature regime within + 18-20 degrees. It needs to be maintained for several weeks. Then, after two weeks, you can wait for the first shoots to appear. It is important not to miss this moment and immediately lower the temperature to + 10-11 degrees, and after 4-5 days the temperature is raised to + 15-16 degrees in daytime, and at night they are kept at + 10-12 degrees. If it becomes known about the approaching night frosts, then you can protect the plantings with the help of insulating material. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid stretching the seedlings. At this stage, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse regularly.

When the seedlings become stronger, it is necessary to choose a favorable day for hardening, so that the plant can better adapt to open ground.

When using any of the described growing methods, picks are dispensed with. If you need to thin out the plants, then you need to consider that neighboring plants should be located no closer than 1.5-2 cm apart.

When two weeks remain before the day of disembarkation from the set to a permanent place, it is necessary for the sprouts to create conditions for a shortened daylight hours, the duration of which should not be more than 10-12 hours. Such a measure will help the bulbs ripen faster. At the same time, watering and feeding with nitrophoska is carried out every two to three days, which must be applied in a diluted form, adhering to the scheme - 1.5 tablespoons of the substance per bucket of water. The landing itself is best done in evening time, be sure to shed the bed before transferring sprouts to it.

Landing in the ground

After waiting for the moment when the seedlings of sevka in a box or greenhouse will reach the age of 55-60 days, you can transplant it to a permanent place. If this operation is carried out too soon or too late, then the plants will need more time to adapt to new conditions. If the greenhouse method was used for cultivation, then when it is transferred to the garden, it is necessary to capture a small earthen clod.

The transplant process itself can be described as the following steps:

  • Sorting is done first. Seedlings showing signs of damage, as well as underdeveloped specimens, must be removed;
  • Before planting, the roots and leaves are trimmed by 1/3;
  • Next, you need to prepare a mash of mullein and clay, and dip the seedlings into it.

It is recommended to plan transplanting seedlings of sevka to the garden on a warm and dry day. As a rule, such conditions are created already in mid-April. After digging the beds, it must be prepared by cutting furrows. Next, the earth must be thoroughly shed, after which you can land.

sprouts planted at a depth of 2 cm. between rows, it is necessary to maintain a distance of approximately 50-55 cm. The recommended planting pattern is 550 seedlings per 10 square meters. m. area.

After planting, the seedlings are well watered - about 80 liters of water should be used for 40 seedlings. Then the earth must be compacted to remove internal voids. At the end, it is covered with a layer of mulch. After three days, loosening can be carried out.


Any summer resident can grow a good crop of onion sets in one year. Many often use the seedling method, which allows you to get a run in time. Most often gardeners use different containers like pots or boxes. However, you can also use greenhouses where you can grow onions, for example, Chalcedony varieties. Although this is more troublesome, however, this method allows you to get a stronger culture, and besides, you do not have to spend time and effort transporting seedlings to a personal plot.

In any case, it is very important to create at the stage of cultivation favorable conditions giving Special attention temperature regime, not forgetting about regular watering.

Farmers involved in the cultivation of various crops use exactly onion sets to get a crop of large turnips. This technique is a guarantee of the growth of bulbs big size and leads to a more economical distribution of planting material. Thanks to small size sevka is very convenient to plant it in the garden, observing the required distance. seeds onion are not a guarantee of a good harvest, and the reason for the failure lies in wrong selection varieties.

When and how are onion seeds harvested?

Black onion will give an excellent harvest if you choose the right variety or hybrid. Cash costs for the purchase of seed material are reduced, which is associated with more high price for sevoc. To get high-quality seed material, it is important to know about the start time of collection. Harvesting begins as soon as cracked boxes begin to appear on the umbrellas, in which there are ripe black seeds. This procedure has several stages, which is associated with uneven maturation of umbrellas.

Note to the farmer! In case of severe drought, black onion seeds are harvested in the last days of July, and if there was sufficient natural precipitation, work can be delayed until mid-August.

If the seeds for seedlings are not yet ripe, and frost is expected, it is necessary to pull out the bulb and put it in the ripening room.

For the convenience of cutting umbrellas, it is better to take scissors. Breaking off by hand does not always lead to the desired result, in addition, the seed material crumbles to the ground. Some owners summer cottages leave a small part of the arrow along with the top. This method is convenient for storage: several umbrellas are tied into a bundle and hung to dry over a sheet of newspaper or other available material.

Getting seeds is not that hard. Dried umbrellas are peeling manually separating the black seeds. Another method uses water: particles of the husk will remain on the surface, and the seeds will settle. The downside of the option is throwing out a large part of the seed along with waste.

How to grow onion seeds

Before moving on to planting issues, it is necessary to determine the timing and methods of cultivation. Exist the following methods:

  • sowing in the ground with the onset of early spring;
  • sowing before winter;
  • pre-growing seedlings.

Onions from seeds can be sown as soon as the soil thaws, and it is possible to get a good harvest within one season. The preparation of seedlings begins at the end of February, so that in mid-April it is possible to plant a vegetable cult in the ground. If the option with planting before winter is chosen, the owner needs to wait until the soil freezes a little, this will ensure that the seed material does not germinate in the fall.

It doesn’t matter which method is chosen, the main thing to remember is that onion seedlings require soil preparation in advance.

Planting material preparation

The first step is to check the seed material for germination. Place a few grains in a damp cloth and leave in a warm place. After a short time, sprouts should appear, which means good quality selected seeds.

When growing onions per head, you need to take care of additional processing if the seeds are grown in your own summer cottage. The material purchased in the store, in most cases, is already disinfected.

Fungicidal preparations or manganese non-concentrated solution are used. Onion seeds for planting are prepared as follows. A solution is made in a separate container, where the seeds are placed for 24 hours. You can use hot water at a temperature of 50 degrees, the seeds should lie in it for half an hour, or leave them in aloe juice for the same time.

It will not be possible to grow onion sets from seeds quickly, since the material has the property of slow germination. There are tricks to speed up the process. The easiest way to soak seeds in water containing room temperature, a few days before the intended landing.

Place the seed material in a cloth bag, filling it by ½, tie it up and leave it in water for 30 hours. The main thing is not to forget about changing the water several times during this time. When the seeds swell, they need to be scattered on a damp cloth, covered with another wet cloth and put in a warm place.

After two days, the seeds will begin to hatch, which means it's time to start sowing.

Soil preparation

Before planting onions with seeds, you need to take care of the place on the site. It is recommended to choose the sunny part. It’s good if there were cucumbers, cabbage or potatoes in this place before. All of these crops enrich the soil with a useful element - nitrogen. For loamy soil, it is enough to apply organic and mineral fertilizers to make it suitable.

How to make a garden bed:

  • in width it is not made more than 0.8 meters, and in height - more than 15 cm;
  • at the time of digging the soil, compost is added up to 4 kg or peat up to 3 kg at the rate of such an amount per 1 sq. meter;
  • additionally enrich the soil with nitrophoska and superphosphates (1 tablespoon for the same area) or wood ash;
  • any fertilizer must be properly mixed with the soil and, after application, compact the earth a little;
  • after the bed is ready for growing onions, it is necessary to shed it blue vitriol at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water;
  • cover with polyethylene and leave for two days before sowing.


In order to avoid difficulties with planting onions with seeds, you need to mark up. Having retreated 10 cm from the beginning of the bed, several grooves are made with a depth of not more than 2 cm, the distance between the grooves is maintained at 5 cm. Now you can lay the seed so that the seeds do not lie tightly. Upon completion of work, the soil is slightly compacted and accurate watering is carried out.

To speed up seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to cover the bed with polyethylene, fixing it above the ground at a distance of up to 30 cm. This method serves to maintain humidity and create an ideal microclimate.

After sowing onions, cotyledons, similar to small loops, are the first to appear above the ground. Plants are thinned out after up to 90% of the seeds have germinated, leaving a distance of up to 2 cm between them.

Onion care

Growing onions for seeds requires some care, in which there is nothing complicated. It includes the following steps:

There are no specific rules about loosening the soil. You can hear from some farmers that they dig up the ground after each watering, taking care of the black onion planted in the open ground. Others are of the opinion that such measures harm the plants, moreover, partial loosening occurs when weeding is in progress.


This is an important part of the care of any plants, including onions grown in one season from seeds. During dry summers, watering is carried out up to two times a week. Up to 10 liters of water is added to the soil per meter of the bed.

Since July, irrigation stops so that the water does not interfere with the ripening of the bulbs. But during drought, you can water the soil a little, preventing the bulbs from wilting.

top dressing

Growing onions from seeds involves the mandatory application of dressings. It is important to know not only about fertilizers that can be beneficial, but also about the timing of application. You can find the required data in the following table:

Name of fertilizersHow to cookApplication time
A mixture of superphosphate, saltpeter, potassium chlorideSuperphosphate - 40 g, saltpeter 30 g, potassium chloride - 20 g. Diluted in water - 10 litersAfter shoots appear
manure solutionSlurry in the amount of one glass is diluted in 10 liters of waterAfter emergence
Superphosphate, sodium chloride saltpeterSuperphosphate - 60 g, saltpeter - 30 g, sodium chloride. Dilute with 10 liters of waterOn the 30th day after disembarkation and 2 weeks after the first feeding
herbal slurryWeeds are poured with water and oppressed for 3 days. The resulting top dressing is diluted in a bucket of water - 1 cup of the mixtureOne month after planting and 2 weeks after the first feeding
Potassium chloride, superphosphateSuperphosphate - 60 g, potassium chloride - 30 grams. The mixture is dissolved in water - 10 litersIt is applied when the bulbs reach 4 cm in diameter
Ash solutionAsh - 250 g, boiling water 10 liters. The resulting mixture is infused for 5 days.When the bulbs reach 4 cm in diameter

The use of such dressings allows you to achieve high yields.

Protection against diseases and pests

For a warning various diseases can be used as chemicals, and folk. A tincture of the following content has a good reputation:

  • sagebrush;
  • dandelion foliage;
  • stepsons of tomatoes;
  • pea pepper.

The number of components is arbitrary and remains at the discretion of the farmer.

All components are placed in a suitable container, 5 peppercorns are added and poured with boiling water. The solution must be infused for 24 hours, then it must be filtered, mixed with 2 liters with 8 liters of water and used to irrigate the land.

The remaining mixture should be stored in a cool place.

Nigella on greens

Growing black onions for greens is very simple. Sowing begins with the onset of a warm period after the soil layer has warmed up. For early greens, it is best to use seedlings, not seeds.

In order for the site to have a rich harvest of green onions, and all season long, various top dressings of organic origin are used. The rest of the care involves the fulfillment of the requirements described above.

Today our conversation will be about growing onions from seed.

Many people think that growing onion seedlings is a bit complicated, troublesome business. But this is not difficult, I assure you!!!

For everything to work out, we adhere to all the rules.

Onions from seedlings - the most the best option, it allows you to grow a good crop.

Growing onion seedlings from seeds at home.

For this you need:

    select seeds;

    prepare the ground in advance;

    containers for seedlings: pots, box.

    polyethylene film.

Basic rules for growing onion seedlings:

    for these purposes, peninsular, sweet varieties are needed;

    sow onion seeds at the end of February;

    before sowing, soak the seeds () for 8-10 hours in warm water, the water temperature should be 30-35 degrees.

    then dry the seeds well.

    for one square meter landing rate - 20 grams;

    then for excellent germination we cover plastic wrap. Remove the film from time to time to provide seeds with air;

    after planting, we water the seed, weed them;

    after two months, onion seedlings, as well as, are planted in the ground;

    before planting the spine, cut the top a little.

Pros of growing through seedlings

The best way to grow onions is through seedlings. We grow onions in this way in all regions of the country, with our favorite climate. Another very significant plus of this method is savings.

Mostly growing onions from seed we spend on large beds. If the beds are small, we also collect a fairly large crop of onions from them. When using the seedling method, we spend 3-4 times less seeds than with direct cultivation, and the yield is much larger.

Many gardeners use this method to grow the following varieties of onions:



  • exhibition;

These varieties give yield in the first year.

Another important plus of this method is that it does not require strong actions, it is low-cost, and the result exceeds all expectations.

When using this method, shooters are avoided, which contributes to a good ripening of the bulbs. After harvest, the bulbs can be stored for about nine months, neither germinate nor rot.

At home, we grow onions according to this process, now you can constantly pamper yourself, loved ones with fresh onions.

Growing onions from seeds in one season.

To grow onions, you need to wait a season or two, but luckily there was a way to do it in one season.

In order to get a bulb in one season, early onion hybrid varieties are needed. We use mid-season varieties that are already “accustomed” to our climate.

Very popular varieties:


  • Alonso F1.

Onions love to "bask" under the warm rays of the sun, so it needs the best sunny side your site.

So that the bulbs do not rot, we do not plant onions for a couple of seasons in a row, in one place. It must take at least five years to plant the seed in the opposite place in the garden. Thanks to this method, you will have an excellent onion crop.

Onion growing from seeds, when to plant?

Onion seedlings are planted in April, after the formation of the third leaf. We prepare the soil in the fall, fertilize, form rows. Then we outline the holes, plant the onions. From time to time we fertilize with organic and mineral fertilizers. Water the onion as soon as the soil dries out. We harvest in August, at the beginning of September. To pre-dry thoroughly.

Thanks to the latest technologies, there are already different varieties to grow onions from seed - from seed to harvest in one season.

Types of onions

There are many types of onions that are not similar in taste, appearance, cultivation technology, in care.

The most common varieties of onions:

A magnificent plant, grows in any climate conditions, the green part is used.

Onion chives. Growing from seeds produced in small quantities. Sprouts are kept at -3-4 degrees. Due to their resistance to frost, onion greens are harvested until early January.

    chives are grown from seed. Planted on open ground, in greenhouses. ? We plant in early spring 50 * 25 centimeters, just try to sow it before winter. We grow it as one, - two - or perennial plant.

    often water chives, fertilize with organic, mineral fertilizers.

    chives - do not form an onion. In addition to other species, it has many leaves, a powerful root system.

    chives feathers contain many taste qualities, carotene, vitamin C.

These are new varieties - giants, medium ripeness, grown from seeds. The weight of one bulb reaches up to 1 kg. One of the largest hybrids. Sweet taste. Have no smell. Luki Globo and Exhibition are excellently grown from seeds in open ground through seedlings.

This is the most popular, favorite variety. Unpretentious, winter-hardy, high-yielding. Onion batun is a perennial plant that grows in one place for about 5 years. Grown for their feathers. Instead of an ordinary bulb, he has a false bulb (thickened stem). Propagated from seeds or by division of the root.

    The seed ripens on the peduncle, then they must be collected or they themselves are sown.

    We plant the seed in nutritious, well-lit soil. Batun requires space for a large number of sheets. Sow the seed from each other - 15 cm, between rows - half a meter.

    For the first time, we begin to cut the feathers in early May. It has delicious, fragrant greens, we collect greens for the season. In autumn, we no longer touch the greens, as the culture is preparing for winter.

    growing onion batun annual plant, sow the seeds at the end of April. At the beginning of September there will be the first juicy, tasty harvest of leaves.

    We plant a biennial plant at the end of July. As soon as the cold comes, the seedlings will germinate and get stronger. Next year, from mid-summer to October, enjoy the greenery from your own plot.

    Onion batun is resistant to drought, frost, disease, therefore it is very valuable.

Leek growing from seeds

Very known species plants, ranks third among all varieties of onions. Growing technology - seeds. Grows well after sowing. Before sowing, disinfect the seed - lower it in turn into hot, then into cold water. In order for germination to be much earlier, we place the seeds on damp gauze, in a warm place for three days, dry a little. We do this procedure with seeds collected from the site. Purchased - no need to germinate. We sow the seeds - in the second half of May.

Growing leeks from seeds for the winter

Suitable for regions with a cool climate. Sow seeds for seedlings in boxes. Sowing time: late February - mid-April, on the bed under the film. If in winter, then illuminate the plant for twelve hours in a row (the place of deployment is a window sill, a heated greenhouse) at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. Cover with foil until they grow.

    when shoots appear, remove the cover, lower the temperature to seventeen degrees. Let's raise it to twenty degrees in a week.

    the right temperature - will provide you with a good, quality crop.

    compost is the perfect fertilizer for such a crop. To grow the root, from time to time we cut the grown greens at the level of ten centimeters.

    before planting, seedlings are aired, planted in fertile soil 15*25 cm in May. Put compost in each hole. Before planting leaves and root system shorten by a third.

    watering fertile land at the time of growth. We feed leeks with bird droppings 1:20 or mullein diluted with water 1:8.

    this plant harmonizes well with carrots, we alternate planting beds. Carrots - an assistant from an attack onion fly. We also plant leeks with strawberries, celery, and beets.

Stuttgarten onions are grown from seeds.

Grown for greens, onion, sevok. High yield, for a long time lies without loss. Weight - 50-84 grams. Spicy in taste, but you can eat. Sow the seed at the end of April, harvest in August.

Onion Stuttgarten Riesen growing from seeds. It is very easy to care for him, the main thing is not to damage the roots. We loosen the soil with a depth of 2-3 centimeters. In the first month, we monitor the humidity. We water once a week 6 liters per square meter. We feed with mullein 2-3 times per season, when 2-3 leaves grow and when the bulb is like Walnut. We bend the greens in July. Thanks to this, the bulb will grow. As soon as the neck of the bulb has become soft, we begin harvesting. If you miss this moment, then after 8-10 days it will not be suitable.

Growing onions for greens from seeds - in early spring, at the end of winter, in general, you can sow for the winter. We sow onions in 5-6 rows, the distance between them is 20 centimeters, the depth is 1-2 centimeters. Pre-soak the seeds, plant swollen. We prepare the soil in the fall, loosen it before planting. We take care of the onions in good faith, from time to time - we feed, water, remove weeds and loosen the ground. As you know, in the spring you want fresh vitamins and minerals. Therefore, let's do everything right, and you will soon have fresh onion feathers, which are much more useful than the bulb itself.


Medium ripe onions, ripening period 3.5-4 months. High yield, grown with seeds for bulbs. One season will give you about five kilograms of onions from one square meter. Onion chalcedony - yellow, spicy in taste, round in shape, perfectly preserved from April to May, try it.

Shaman onion variety

It has an elongated bulb 10-12 centimeters, brown-red. Thanks to this form, we get a huge harvest from a small area, it is easier to cut into circles. We sow the seed in March, grow seedlings, it is perfectly preserved for a long time.

Centaur - a variety of onions

Sweet taste. Medium ripeness, annual, 95-106 days pass from the beginning of sunrise to the inclination of feathers. Round, dense shape, weight from seeds - 80-100 grams, weight through seedlings - 250-300 grams. Dry scales are dark yellow. Juicy scales - white-cream. Harvest 10 kg per square meter. The variety is tolerant to bad conditions, high-yielding, suitable for long storage without loss, ideal for cooking.

Red Brunswick

Semi-sharp, sweet taste. Weight 100-120 grams. Medium maturity (from germination to feather inclination 95-118 days), annual, grown from seed. The shape is flat, rounded, dense. Dry scales are dark red. Juicy scales of white-pink color. It is better to plant seedlings. The variety is resistant to diseases, the bulb is formed in one season, a good harvest.

Albion F1 - onion variety

Grown from seeds over the summer. The bulb is pure white 3.5 centimeters, excellent semi-sharp taste. Early ripeness, not subject to long-term storage. We sow the seeds in the ground at the end of April - the beginning of May, pre-soak for 2-3 days in water, then for 8-12 hours in potassium permanganate.

Spirit F1 - onion variety

Very tasty, quickly ripe, high-yielding hybrid,. Seeds are sown at the end of April. Likes warmth, does not spoil very quickly.

Oval - a variety of onions

It ripens for 120-130 days after all sunrises, forms a bulb from seeds for a year about 250 grams. In our area it is better to grow seedlings.

Alice onion variety

Annual, grown through seedlings. Excellently preserved. Medium ripe variety of onions for long storage, has high yield. The bulb is dense, medium-sized, round, weight 130-150 grams. Pleasant not very spicy taste, white onion. The husk is strong, firmly attached to the bulb, yellow. Ripens at the same time favorable harvest disease resistant.

Pour "tea" from pests:

Let's take a branch of bitter wormwood, a branch of aconite, dandelion leaves, a tomato (several small stepchildren), hot peppers(2-3 crushed large peppercorns). We place these components in a bucket, pour boiling water, insist one day, strain. We dilute one, two liters of "tea" with a bucket of water (10 l) and water the earth. Do a couple of waterings in one season.

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