Norway spruce turns yellow what to do. Spruce diseases and their treatment - what do the beauties of conifers suffer from? Causes of yellowing needles in coniferous trees

Diseases of Canadian spruce - how to recognize and how to cure

Sometimes Canadian spruce develop diseases not associated with an infection or with any pathogen. Unfavorable factors can provoke the disease external environment, as well as violation of agricultural technology. These injuries are primarily burns. Sunburns are the most common. Already at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, when the ground is still covered with snow, the sun can warm the air quite strongly, causing the needles to evaporate moisture. The roots are in the soil, which remains frozen, and cannot make up for the loss of water. Ate from sunburn usually suffer from young age. With burns, the needles of plants turn brown or turn brown-yellow, gradually dry out and fall off. Of course, some time will pass (sometimes months), and the plant will recover, but its decorative effect will be lost for a long time. Dealing with sunburn is easy. Young spruces in the garden are planted in places where a light shadow from taller specimens will fall on them. If this is not possible or the plants are already growing in the wrong place, spring time until the soil is ready to water the roots with moisture, fir trees are covered from the sun with any available materials (burlap, kraft paper, screens are placed). As soon as the ground thaws, the shelter is removed. You can speed up the thawing of the earth by watering the Canadian Christmas tree with hot (no more than +50 C) water, and the roots will be able to deliver moisture to the needles.

root rot

Schutte disease vulgaris

Unfortunately, Canadian spruces can infect other infectious diseases caused by various fungi. One of the most common and at the same time dangerous diseases is common schutte.
The first signs of the disease are found at the very beginning of autumn: the needles turn yellow, separate tiny, barely distinguishable, brown spots surrounded by a thin yellow border. By the middle or end of spring of the next year, the damaged needles become brown and fall off, while the dead and fallen needles become a source of infection. Armed with a magnifying glass, you can see black dots no larger than 0.1-0.2 mm in size on it, these are receptacles for spores. Freed, spores infect young needles. Schutte affects many conifers, including Canadian spruce. As a rule, young specimens no older than 7-8 years suffer. The emergence and development of the disease is facilitated by the closeness of planting, and its infestation with weeds, and the close proximity of species prone to the disease. Most often, the schütte appears after a humid, warm summer. To prevent fungal diseases, young spruces should receive balanced diet, they need to be watered regularly, and when placed in the garden, clearly maintain the necessary distances between adjacent specimens. Dead and fallen needles should not be left on the soil: they are collected and burned. Infected branches are cut out and also burned. If the summer is humid and warm, plants, from mid-July to the end of August-mid-September, are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid, horn, cineb or colloidal sulfur (1.5-2%) for prevention. The treatment is repeated several times with an interval of 10-14 days. Young trees that have lost their needles gradually restore it. Schutte is unpleasant not only because it causes the needles to fall off, leading to a loss of decorativeness. The disease weakens plants and opens the gate for other pathogenic fungi, sometimes more dangerous.

spruce rust

Pome crops: apple, pear can be a source of severe damage coniferous plants- rust. At the beginning of summer, small (about 0.5 cm) growths appear on the shoots, painted in bright Orange color. Due to this coloration, rust is easy to detect already on early stage diseases. The growths are located on the bark, covering mainly the skeletal branches and trunks of plants. The growths on the bark are nothing but the spore-bearing organ of rust. Coming out of the growth, countless spores invisible to the eye are carried by the wind and fall on the leaves of an apple or pear tree, where they germinate. In this case, brown-yellow spots form on the upper surface of the tree leaf, and on the underside leaf blade small protrusions appear. After some time, spores spill out of them, which should now again fall on the spruce. Thus, the development cycle of the fungus is completed, affecting not only shoots, but also needles and cones. Rust is not easy to deal with. For prevention, it is undesirable to plant pome trees near the Canadian spruce. When the first signs of the disease are found, the affected branches are cut out and burned, and the plants are treated with cineb, ditan, or Bordeaux mixture. Spraying is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 10-12 days. If the pest cannot be dealt with, then the tree must be removed.

Thanks to right kind crown and neutral green color, coniferous plants tend to fit harmoniously into any landscape. For example, Konik spruce looks great in both simple traditional front gardens and artsy newfangled styles. modern garden. How to plant it on the site, how to provide proper care can be found in the article. Appropriate photos, a description, as well as information about the height of an adult tree are also attached here.

History and description of the plant, its maximum height

At the beginning of the last century, an interesting dwarf spruce was discovered in Canada. After some research, scientists came to the conclusion that this plant appeared as a result of a natural mutation of the Canadian spruce (Picea glauca).

The conic spruce looks like this:

  • The crown of the tree is very dense, has the shape of a cone.
  • Light green needles (up to 1 cm in length) densely cover the branches.
  • The average crown diameter at the bottom of the plant is 80 cm.
  • The roots are not long, located closer to the surface.

Thick branches of a conic spruce

Horse grows very slowly. Young trees add 6-8 cm per year. By 10-12 years, the height of the plant reaches about 1 m. After that, the growth rate slows down and grows only 2-3 cm per year.

At home, in Canada, the maximum height of the conic reaches 3-4 m. In Russian latitudes, this figure is even less - 1.5-2 m. short stature due to a decrease in the distance between internodes, combined with increased branching. This circumstance "flattened" the tree from top to bottom.

The ancestor of the horse, Canadian spruce, has the same number of internodes and branches, but its height, due to the greater distance between them, is 25-35 m. Thanks to the beautiful conical crown, this tree is used in the USA as the main decoration for Christmas in the most significant places in the country .

Acquisition of a seedling and planting it on the site

Konik spruce, like all its relatives, does not tolerate even the slightest drying of the roots. Therefore, you need to buy small tree in a container where a clod of earth is constantly moistened.

Advice. It is best to purchase conic seedlings in trusted garden centers. Buying spruce in the market from an unknown seller, you can lose time and money.

Landing is considered a very important moment. This manipulation depends entirely on further growth and development of the tree. When landing, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to plant a horse in the garden either at the end of April or at the end of August. Just at this time, the roots of the plant grow intensively, which contributes to good survival.
  2. The place should be chosen sunny. In the shade, the correct crown of the plant may change, and the spruce will become less decorative.
  3. Considering small size horses, it can be safely planted near the house.
  4. The landing pit should be prepared in advance. The bottom must be strewn with a layer of rubble or broken bricks.
  5. It is also advisable to prepare the soil mixture in advance. For spruce, a composition of garden soil, sand, peat and humus (2:1:1:1, respectively). From mineral fertilizers, you can add nitroammophoska.

Konik spruce seedlings

The landing itself should be carried out as follows:

  • Soil is poured over the drainage layer in such a way that a clod of earth from the container fits into the pit. Well watered.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the container and lower it into the hole.

Attention! It is impossible to allow the destruction of an earthen coma during landing. If this happens, then over the next 15-20 minutes, you need to cover the roots with moist soil and lightly tamp the ground.

  • The trunk of the plant is leveled on all sides.
  • The free space is filled with soil mixture.
  • Well watered planting. This requires at least 10 liters of water.
  • At the end, a shallow hole is created near the stem for further watering and covered with a 5-centimeter layer of mulch.

Caring for dwarf spruce

Conic care can be called minimal. It does not require pruning or any other maintenance of the crown. The fertilizer that was planted during planting is enough for her for several years. If the summer is not hot and not very dry, the supply of moisture to the plant occurs due to natural precipitation.

Despite these qualities, proper care can further increase the decorative effect of spruce. For example, during hot periods, you should regularly water the tree while irrigating the crown. The first couple of months after planting, soil moisture is required weekly. In case of formation of a crust on the soil around the trunk, be sure to loosen the top layer.

Attention! The roots of the Konik spruce are almost on the surface of the earth. Therefore, the plant does not tolerate trampling and significant soil compaction at a distance of 1 m around the crown.

Although the conic spruce is winter-hardy, in order to avoid freezing, it is recommended to mulch the soil in the region of the near-stem circle well for the winter for the first 2-3 years after planting. Too small seedlings can be completely covered with spruce branches before frost.

Dwarf spruce in landscape design

Despite the fact that the horse loves sunny places, in the spring the plant can get significant sunburn. This is manifested by browning of the needles. Experienced gardeners recommend wrapping in spring period crown with gauze, burlap, etc. The main thing is that the material does not interfere with the passage of air and is able to scatter the bright rays of the sun.

The place of horses in the garden, as well as diseases that can affect the plant

  • at the entrance to the house;
  • near the gazebo;
  • At the playground.

Good dwarf spruce both in single and in group landings. Such groups especially decorate the site in the off-season. At the foot of the conic, a calm green lawn or contrasting antennaria, survivors look great.

Spruce is especially beautiful during the formation of new shoots - it turns into an emerald green, fabulously beautiful cone. IN middle lane this time falls on May.

Spend preventive treatment ate

Konik spruce can be affected by various fungal infections, the timely detection and immediate treatment of which will help save the plant.

  1. Rust - orange growths appear on the branches, the needles turn yellow and crumble. As a treatment, the treatment of the crown and trunk with special preparations is used for a whole month with an interval of 1 time per week.
  2. Coniferous Schutte disease - caused by a fungus. When affected, the needles darken, then covered with a white coating and fall off. With timely detection of the disease, plants can be saved. In advanced cases, it remains only to dig up and destroy the spruce.

The small growth of the once mutated Christmas tree turned out to be a significant advantage for her. Such a plant will decorate any site, and anyone can plant and care for it.


Conifers are unpretentious, but they need help if they have been infected with a fungal pathogen and the harmful effects of pests. The main problems owners face conifers- Shutte, rust, tracheomecosis and insects.

This disease is typical only for representatives of conifers, it is provoked by fungal pathogens - ascomycetes. Depending on the nature of the manifestation, several forms of this disease are distinguished.

Shutte on spruce

real schütte- one of the main causes of premature loss of fir needles. The risk zone mainly includes young, as well as weakened conifers. Spruce needles infected with this fungus turn brown, dry out and fall off. Such symptoms can be observed in spring and early summer. But in autumn, the disease manifests itself in the form of small yellow dots on spruce needles, which gradually darken. And on the branches where the needles fell off, black bodies are formed - these are spores of the fungus. In such a cocoon, the fungus survives the winter frosts well, and in the spring crawls out again.

Snow Shutte- this type of fungus can be found on almost all types of conifers, including European spruce, blue spruce, Konik, twisted and ordinary. This disease is especially dangerous for snow-covered and northern regions, where it can even completely destroy spruce. Infection with a fungus occurs already at a temperature of 0 degrees, and very rapidly. The causative agents of this disease of spruces cause browning and death of coniferous needles after the snow melts. For summer season the fungus progresses more and more, the spruce becomes first reddish-red, and then light gray, as in the photo. The needles begin to crumble and fall off. By autumn, the spores of the fungus become more visible, dotting the branches with black dots. Favorable conditions for the further spread of the fungus are snowfall and melting in autumn, drizzling rain, heavy snowfalls and a long spring.

For preventive purposes, do not forget to cover decorative fir trees in your garden, especially the Koniku spruce. Although it is considered frost-resistant, shelter for the winter will not hurt it. Moreover, this will also protect Konika from sunburn, which she will help to get from the beginning of February. As protective material use burlap, film, cardboard, always leaving the bottom open to avoid debate.

Brown schütte or snow brown mold. It affects absolutely all types of spruce (including blue varieties). Manifested in early spring when the snow starts to melt. Ideal temperature conditions for development are considered to be from 0 to +1 degrees. On dead brown coniferous needles, a black-gray coating and dotted bodies of fungal spores are noticeable. With such a disease, the needles may not fall off for a long time, and thin branches die off gradually. The disease is caused by dense plantings and high humidity.

snow brown mold

Preventive measures include: selection of more resistant coniferous varieties (twisted and European spruce), regular thinning of thickened plantings, timely destruction of diseased fallen needles and dried branches, as well as fungicide treatment. When planting needles, pay attention to the intensity of sunlight on the site. Remember shaded places are ideal conditions for the distribution of schütte, especially for small dwarf trees - Konik spruce and prickly. Treatment of fir trees is carried out with copper-containing and sulfur preparations - 1% Bordeaux liquid,Abiga Peak, Hom. As a preventive measure, use these fungicides for spraying in early spring and fall. With a high risk of infection, the needles are also processed in the summer.

Coniferous needles acquire a reddish tint and crumble? It is worth taking a closer look at the root system. Usually, such signs signal a very unpleasant and dangerous soil disease - tracheomecosis. Most often, this type of disease affects young coniferous plants with a shallow root system and a weak tap root. These breeds include and. Unfortunately, this fungal disease does not respond to treatment, and the spruce dies. The plant must be removed along with the ground and burned, and the soil itself, where Konika grew, must be disinfected with a solution blue vitriol.

Fungal pathogens of rust infect coniferous needles and shoot bark. Their spores very quickly spread to neighboring plants, causing their significant deformation. Here are some of the most common varieties of softwood rust.

  • Needle rust. The development of the fungus occurs in early spring. Randomly arranged yellow vesicular pustules form on the needles. If the disease is advanced, spruces lose their decorative effect - their needles begin to quickly turn yellow and fall off prematurely.
  • Pine spinner, blister or columnar rust. Infection begins with needles of conifers, and then spreads to the bark of the trunk and branches. In place of the rust-affected areas, resin is released, and yellow-orange bubbles protrude from the cracks in the bark - aetiopustules, they can be seen in the photograph. The mycelium forms thickenings, which eventually provoke the formation of open wounds. Damaged shoots are strongly bent and dry out.
  • Cone rust and spruce spinner. Inner side spruce scales are affected by rounded dark brown aeciopustules. This results in wide bud opening and seed dissimilarity. If the fungus provokes the curvature of the shoots, this form of spruce disease is called spruce spinner. The main carrier of spores of this fungus is bird cherry.

Rust of firs

As a preventive measure, try to plant conifers away from plants that tend to get infected with rust, such as horticultural crops include poplar, aspen, blackcurrant, bird cherry and their hybrids. Carry out constant pruning of affected shoots, cut off dry branches and remove fallen needles in time. Treat spruces from rust by spraying them with preparations Fitosporin-M And Abiga Peak.

Let's start with the most important pest - the spider mite. They affect absolutely all kinds cultivated plants. Their main activity is manifested in spring and summer in hot, dry weather. feed on spider mites cell sap. Their presence is evidenced by the presence of numerous small dots on the needles and an ordinary web entangling the needles. If the spruce is severely affected by this pest, the needles turn completely white and become covered with numerous cobwebs. If you look closely, you can see how the needles move. As a preventive measure against these insects, try to spray the needles more often to maintain constant air humidity.

Spider mite on spruce

To fight, use special preparations for ticks - acaricides Apollo, Borneo, Envidor, Floromite, Flumite, as well as proven insecticides Akarin, Aktellik, Fitoverm, Oberon, Agravertin, treating several times with one of the listed agents.

The most commonly attacked sawfly insects are Konika, Serbian, European, spruce, and also it can be found on blue needles. As a rule, spruces affected by these sucking insects are restored the next year. But to whom sawflies really cause significant damage is pines. Sometimes they can form entire nests from their own excrement and the remains of damaged needles. Sawflies themselves also hide in nests, cutting through the tissue of trees with a special nail file, where they lay their eggs.

Finding such a masonry is not difficult; outwardly, the sawfly larvae look like caterpillars. Sawflies are especially active from the beginning of May to the end of June. If you do not start fighting them in time, the branches will soon look burned and eventually die. And getting rid of them is pretty easy. Mechanically remove visible nests along with the larvae and spray the coniferous plant with one of the following insecticides - Fury, Actellik, BI-58, Decis.

If you notice numerous passages on the bark of a coniferous tree, then your spruce has been inhabited dangerous pests- bark beetles. Laying eggs in the uterine passages, they quickly pupate and, hatching from pupae, gnaw holes in the bark through which they emerge. If bark beetles completely inhabit the entire tree, it dies. Basically, weakened, diseased and drying trees are attacked by these pests. They are especially dangerous for small decorative coniferous trees type Konik (Canadian spruce). Good insecticides in the fight against these insect pests are BI-58, Bifentrin, Clipper, Krona-Antip.

Early Hermes - their activity can be observed at the end of June. Features- the formation of small oval galls at the ends of branches. In August, you can see the activity of yellow sherry, you can determine the presence by fairly large green galls. But in late August-early September, late Hermes settle on the branches of conifers, forming large spherical galls. The pests themselves feed on tree sap. The larvae that appear significantly deform the buds of pine and spruce. The outer shell of the Hermes is covered with a strong downy growth, which makes them practically invulnerable. However, among insecticides one can still distinguish worthy chemicals high action Commander And Aktar.

Early hermes on a tree

Another common pest of conifers is spruce aphids. These are small green insects only 1-2 mm long. Settling in colonies, they are able to suck a large amount of juice from the needles. They inflict heavy damage, such as Konika or Canadian spruce, as well as blue needles. You can notice the presence of aphids by the formation of numerous ant nests around the tree. The needles themselves are strewn yellow spots and dry up. Insecticides help control these pests. Aktara, Match, Dursban. If the damage is severe, the first spraying is recommended Aktara, and with an alternation of 2 weeks with drugs Match and Dursban. As a preventive measure in May-June, spray twice a day Dursban, and also take care of the destruction of ant nests - the main satellites of spruce aphids.

Blackening of needles in spruce at the bottom of the crown is caused by a fungal infection that took advantage of the higher humidity and caused the needles to sag. At the same time, it becomes dark brown, sometimes almost black, then falls off. First of all, trees weakened by difficult wintering or other factors suffer. To prevent the needles from warming up, it is necessary to ventilate the crown of frost-resistant conifers in early spring and during the thaw, raking off wet snow. And after the snow melts, for prevention purposes, treat the trees with fungicides.

If the needles turned brown ...

If the Canadian spruce turned yellow, then it's okay - we do not have Canada. And this tree requires mandatory shelter for the winter, preferably with two layers of burlap, otherwise every two winters out of three you will admire brown needles in the spring. Or put up with her spring look.

Lawson's cypress suffers even more. It is blown away every year by the level of snow. If you are unlucky with the thuja (burned out in the sun) - cut it in the spring and spray it with stimulants. For example, Epinom.

... turned yellow

A common reason is late boarding. In late autumn, plants do not have time to take root, and the needles continue to evaporate moisture even in winter. Therefore, the plant is dehydrated, the needles turn yellow and dry.

Perhaps sunburn in winter and early spring is to blame. Why don't plants burn in summer? The fact is that in winter the bright sun's rays are reflected from the snow, which is why the illumination near the plant almost doubles. This is what causes burns. Occasionally, they arise from south side. You can save coniferous plants by tying them with burlap or thick paper.

The fourth reason is fungal diseases. Biological preparations (Alirin, Gamair, Fitosporin-M) will help against them, and in their absence, double treatment with Fundazol (10 g per 10 l of water) with an interval of 10 days. To restore the immunity of plants, spraying with Epin-extra or Zircon preparations is used until recovery.

The fifth reason is pests. For example, thuja aphid or Sitka spruce aphid. These are dangerous pests. Various types of arborvitae, prickly spruce, Serbian spruce, Sitka spruce, suffer from them. Aphids can be detected by holding up a piece of white paper and tapping on a branch. When a pest appears, repeated spraying of trees with potash soap, infusions of garlic, wormwood and other herbs is recommended.

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Plants are very popular with gardeners. In nature, there are many various kinds coniferous plants, but almost all trees large sizes. Because of this, not all species are possible to grow in amateur gardens. Of course, you can limit the growth of large coniferous plants and form a compact crown artificially, but they will look much better and more natural on small area dwarf forms coniferous trees.

Breeders have bred many attractive forms of low-growing conifers, and landscape designers and amateur gardeners are increasingly preferring them.One of the most beloved dwarf varieties of Canadian spruce is the "Conica" spruce. This attractive low herringbone grows very slowly.

Spruce height. In adulthood(at 60 years old) its height reaches 4 meters, and its diameter is 2 meters. The height of the dwarf Canadian Christmas trees "Conica" depends not only on the characteristics of the variety, but also on the conditions of the plants. Herringbone "Conica" is unusually beautiful, it has a very strict pyramidal shape of the crown, it is thick and fluffy in the literal sense of the word - when touched, it does not prick your hands at all with its delicate light green needles. Not a tree, but a picture!

Place to land you need to choose a slightly shaded, protected from the wind. In spring, it should not be flooded with floods, this can lead to the death of spruce. Planting can be carried out at any time of the year, in warm regions - even in winter, when the plant is at a complete rest stage. Best time for planting in spring and autumn. If the transplant is carried out in the summer, then it is important to choose a cloudy, cool day. Shade next week from sunlight and water twice a week at 8-10 liters per plant.

For full growth, the soil must be light and rich. organic matter. For Canadian firs"Conica" suitable loam, as well as any soil with a deep humus layer; too dry, dense, infertile, calcareous soils are undesirable. IN landing pit bring a bucket of rotted manure and 60-80 g complex fertilizer long-acting for conifers. If the soil is sandy or clay, then add earth and compost. After planting, the soil must be mulched with peat with a layer of 5-7 cm.

Caring for your Conica spruce

Caring for this Christmas tree is minimal, it requires almost no attention. But still there are subtleties in care. Spruce "Conica" gratefully responds to the spraying of needles and fertilization. Its root system is superficial with a weak tap root. Shallow loosening of the soil and mulching will provide access to oxygen and constant moderate humidity. In the absence of rain, it is necessary to carry out frequent watering their Canadian Christmas trees.

Necessary shelter for the winter. This is done not only to protect against frost, "Conica" spruce is a hardy tree, it will protect against sunburn, which it can get from February. It is at the end of winter - beginning of spring that solar activity increases, but root system tree is not working yet.

Cover the crown with burlap, cardboard or other improvised materials. The lower part of the plant is left open to avoid rotting. If the Christmas tree was still damaged sunbeams, then it can be restored without cutting bare branches. Since April, the damaged tree sprayed every day from a hose. Such a “shower” leads to the growth of fresh needles on seemingly dead branches.

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