Inferiority complex - what is it and how to get rid of it? How to get rid of the complex of small growth? What is an inferiority complex in reality


First, you need to determine the reason for your complex. Think about what specifically you don't like about yourself. The root of the problem can be very different. Most complexes come from childhood: Many are teased by their peers, which deeply hurts especially sensitive children. Perhaps sometime close person abandoned you, or someone systematically insulted you, joked evilly about your shortcomings. It happens that a strong emotional shock takes you out of the game, depriving you of a sense of self-confidence. Help in search true reason complex psychologists can.

After identifying the problem, you need to move on to action. Fight your fears. If, for example, you cannot perform in front of an audience, try to overcome your fear. You can start small: make a toast in the family circle, make a small announcement in front of work colleagues, etc.

Love yourself. You should always remember that every person is unique and so are you. Take a piece of paper and try to list your positive qualities or achievements. When your pluses are fixed, you will feel your importance and strength. Don't forget to praise yourself. Personal recognition matters the most. Every morning in front of the mirror, smiling, tell yourself that you look great, and you will succeed.

Do whatever gives you confidence. Dress in the clothes that are comfortable for you. If you feel comfortable and confident in business suit- get a suit, prefer sports shoes - wear sneakers or moccasins, consider yourself overweight - play sports for at least twenty minutes a day. If you have skin problems, visit a beautician. Remember that no matter how perfect your appearance is, what is inside of you plays a much more important role. Therefore, it is necessary to improve your knowledge.

Make plans for the future. Success is achieved by those who are not afraid to set themselves difficult tasks. learn foreign language or learn to play the guitar, become a professional in your field. Of course, all this is not easy to achieve, but you yourself set a deadline for yourself.

Try to start new life. Divide everything into "before" and "after". And leave your complexes in the past, you don't need them anymore. Tell yourself: “I can do anything. I . There have been and will be many obstacles in my life, but I coped with them and will cope with ease.

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People who are being poisoned complexes much more than meets the eye. Not too demanding on their partner, place of work and prosperity, they are content with the role of gray mice. And few people realize that a bright, interesting personality can be hidden behind this notorious image.


Analyze where your complexes came from. You can do this on your own or with the help of a therapist. Perhaps you got them because your classmates teased you, or because your parents were always dissatisfied with your achievements. Think about why these people treated you the way they did at the time. For example, classmates might tease you for having full lips, or your mother, who had to leave dance classes as a child, tried to make her dream come true with the help of you and severely scolded you for every failure.

Think about whether their accusations are justified for you at the moment when your plump lips have become sexy and are the subject of your pride, and you are welcome guest at any disco.

Write down your talents, skills and positive qualities on a piece of paper. Ask your loved ones to complete it.

Try not to communicate with people who constantly criticize and find fault with you. If this is a relative - reduce communication with him to a minimum. If your boss is picking on you, consider changing jobs.

The diagnosis of "inferiority complex" enters our lives imperceptibly. Somehow, suddenly, we notice that we are catastrophically different from others. All normal people of average height, and I suddenly find myself either a "meter in a cap" or a "giraffe-hawk". Everyone has friends, and I'm an outcast. Everyone has a beautiful appearance, but my teeth grow forward or my nose is too snub. We look at ourselves in the mirror for a long time, drearily compare ourselves and others, and reflect on the injustice of life. Sometimes inferiority complexes go away as if by themselves. But sometimes they dig so deeply into the subconscious that there is no escape from them. Time is running, we are already 20 years old, or even 40 or even 60, and the complexes remain with us, as they were. They prevent us from living, they choke us, they make us behave inappropriately. Obviously, they need to get rid of! But how? We are looking for an answer together with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Where and why do we get inferiority complexes?
Why are inferiority complexes so different in people: for some they are directly related only to appearance, for others - with money or work?
How to get rid of an inferiority complex and completely change your life?

An inferiority complex literally haunts us, because the reason for it is ourselves, some of our features that cannot be changed. For example, too tall, a flaw on the face, poor diction. How to get rid of an inferiority complex? The answer is simple: to realize where it came from.

Where do legs grow from an inferiority complex

Many people develop an inferiority complex during adolescence. This mechanism is laid down by nature. The fact is that before leaving puberty, it is very important for children to be a part of the team. To stand out means to become an outcast, to receive ridicule and kicks. And this is normal and does not prevent a person from becoming a “person” later on. We are just part of the same flock, where we get the highest pleasure from the realization outside.

Inferiorities and complexes often come from childhood. There was not a sufficient sense of security, some vectors were transmitted, some vice versa, it is not possible to adapt, live, develop, love, make friends, build close relationships - the complexes are tightly integrated into adult life.

Are there exercises to get rid of inferiority complexes?

Today, there are many different methods that are offered to get rid of the inferiority complex. It can be a variety of self-esteem exercises, affirmations, wish boards, forcibly changing your thinking in a positive direction, etc.

But after trying different variants all of the above, any person quickly realizes that all this does not work. And it is not surprising, because the causes of the inferiority complex are in our subconscious, and various kinds of exercises are aimed at solving the consequences of these same complexes.

In other words, with exercises we fight not with the causes, but with the effect. Naturally, we can not overcome, no matter how hard we try.

The only way to get rid of an inferiority complex is to deal with its cause - to realize the unconscious roots of one's states, to consciously analyze and adapt the stress of fear that was experienced in adolescence due to shortcomings in appearance (character, speech, behavior).

Inferiority complex - fear reinforced by stress

Often, inferiority complexes occur in people who have a visual vector. Fear is the root desire of the viewer. Without learning to adapt stress and push fear out into empathy, such a visual person lives on his fears. On the one hand, they torment him, but on the other hand, he cannot refuse them.

Beauty is a key concept for a visual person. It is not surprising that the most frequent inferiority complexes of a visual person are associated with appearance.

It seems that there are a huge number of reasons for inferiority complexes - for some, the problem is height, for some, weight, for some, hair color. In fact, in the roots - it's all one fear - the fear of showing yourself to other people, the fear that they will laugh at you, that they will offend, call names, humiliate, fear of being an outcast.

Sometimes the cause for an inferiority complex in a person with a visual vector is also fears in other vectors. For example, a person with an anal vector is afraid of being disgraced because of his actions or deeds - he is dependent on the opinions of others, the assessment of others. Due to stress, he may develop an inferiority complex - he cannot make a decision himself, be satisfied with his work, he needs to hear praise or support from others. Not receiving it, he remains in constant doubt, guilt, depression.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex

Having learned to understand himself, realizing his fears, any person easily finds a way out of the situation. The primitive fear that makes us shyly hunch over because of our tall stature or, conversely, walk in huge heels because of our short stature, dissolves when we begin to realize ourselves in society like any normal, adult person - to show the properties-desires of our vectors out, for others. Here is how listeners of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan tell about it:

I had terrible complexes about my appearance, fear of going out, fear of people, lack of emotional connection in the visual vector. Now I got a job related to sales! I would never have thought that I would work in this area. I became the best according to the results in December and in the year, I became a leader, I get a big salary, I save money, I feel socially protected.

Konstantin Litovar, sales representative

Going out into the street, going to the nearest store, talking on the phone, live communication, making new acquaintances, crossing the street through a traffic light, using public transport, a crowd passing by caused great inner anxiety and tremendous stress in me with the feeling that a little more and I will explode. I did not understand for a long time, what's the matter, how to get rid of it, tried various methods, but dubious little success without pleasure did not justify the effort expended. Now, after almost two years, I do not feel that former horror of people, I can calmly go out, use public transport, talk on the phone and do many other things without wasting time and effort on thinking and overcoming my fear.

Ural Kazakbaev, process engineer

Because of my fears, I quit studying. I didn't feel comfortable being around people. It seemed to me that they all looked at me and found something bad in me. It drove me crazy. I finally began to live with ease: a burden fell off me that did not allow me to live. I began to go outside and started doing something. Before the training I did not have a job, after the training I found a job that, at the moment, brings me pleasure. I am very glad that after listening to the introductory lectures, I still gave myself the opportunity to grab onto them and went to full course. Otherwise, I don't know what would happen to me.

In the company of people having fun, there will always be one who modestly stands aside and does not dare to join ...
What is the reason for this behaviour? What makes people voluntarily give up the joys of communication? This is an INCOMPLETE COMPLEX.
Now we will try to figure out what kind of disorder it is and why it is dangerous. So, an inferiority complex is a person's feeling of his inferiority, an unfounded belief that others are more talented and better than him.
What is the threat? Individuals suffering from this disorder consider themselves insufficiently perfect, while others, on the contrary, are much more gifted and better. Such a worldview undoubtedly has a negative impact on the lives and activities of these people and leads them to difficulties in communication and social adaptation. It is much more difficult for them to find friends and build relationships with the opposite sex. They are afraid to lose. Yes, yes, precisely to lose, because they endure failures much harder than others; afraid of being left behind, because since childhood they were told that they should achieve more; afraid of mistakes. But, as they say, “the one who does nothing is not mistaken,” therefore, these people are panicky afraid of all kinds of innovations, which, of course, does not contribute to career and spiritual growth.
As a result, life turns into a constant search for imperfect mistakes, which, in their opinion, were the cause of all failures. There is no need to talk about the results.

Origin of the complex

As the famous psychoanalyst of the 20th century Z. Freud said, "we all come from childhood." The fact is that many parents, having failed to achieve what they want in life, project their unfulfilled ambitions onto their children, thereby imposing an unbearable burden of responsibility on them, and children, in turn, suffer greatly if they cannot live up to their expectations, and over time this outgrows the well-known result. Sometimes, looking at many parents, you understand that they turn their child into a doll, the only purpose of which is to satisfy their pride. Consider it on specific example. Once in one of social networks I came across this statement:
Karina, 26 years old: “Since childhood, my mother kept saying that I should achieve more than the rest. All my life I tried to reach the level of her desires: day and night I sat at my textbooks, after school I entered a prestigious university, thanks to good academic performance I was sent for an internship in France, recently got a job Good work, but ... I still feel inferior, because I have never been truly free to choose.
I think comments are unnecessary here. So, dear moms and dads, if you want your child to become a normal member of society, in no case do not interfere with his amateur performance, but this does not mean that everything should be allowed to him, it is enough to allow him to choose electives and sections that would he wanted to visit, as well as his social circle - and he would never know about severe consequences this disorder.

How to recognize an inferiority complex?

Each of the readers of MirSovetov, without a doubt, at least once in his life experienced self-doubt, but this feeling, oddly enough, has nothing to do with an inferiority complex. Because the complex is a collection of sensations. So, consider the main symptoms of an inferiority complex.
1. Alienation and self-isolation. Most people who experience this disorder try to stay away from noisy companies, and indeed from those around them. This is due, first of all, to the fear of a notorious person to seem ridiculous and expose their non-existent shortcomings. Such behavior, of course, greatly interferes with normal communication. Let me illustrate with a quote from the same social network:
Victor, 20 years old: “Once I was invited to a student party. Everyone around had a great time: fooling around, dancing, talking. I madly wanted to join in the general fun, but something inside stopped me - stopped me from being ridiculed.
2. Constant search own shortcomings and mistakes. Notorious people think that they constantly make miscalculations, and this causes them to often look back and, naturally, prevents them from moving forward and looking to the future. And non-existent shortcomings do not allow building friendly and romantic relationships. Example:
Andrey, 34 years old: “During communication, I am constantly afraid to blurt out something superfluous, so I was known as a boring person and a bore. I control my every word and constantly analyze my actions. It bothers me terribly."
3. Excessive sensitivity and vulnerability. People with an inferiority complex are ten times more likely to experience failures and insults. Most of them seem to us like some kind of "thorns", but do not be offended, it's just defensive reaction to the rudeness of others:
Alexandra, 16 years old: “I take everything to heart, any failure, even a minor one, brings me to tears, be it wet feet or a deuce in chemistry.”
4. Diffidence. Most of all, the inferiority complex strikes at the self-esteem of the individual. A person with this disorder seems to think that others are more capable and smarter than him. This greatly hinders career growth. Notorious people avoid competition and every opportunity to try their hand, and therefore never fulfill themselves.
Konstantin, 29 years old: “After graduating from the university, I got a job in a prosperous company. First of all, initiative and sociability were required from her employees, so it was very difficult for me. I was pathologically afraid to take the initiative, all the time I thought: “What if my boss doesn’t like my proposal, and I seem stupid in the eyes of my colleagues?” It should be said that, in the end, I moved to another, less paid job.
5. Ambiguous attitude towards compliments. IN different occasions complex people behave differently. Some of them react negatively to compliments, considering themselves unworthy of them - even if you did everything right, it will seem to you that others are lying and flattering; for someone it is the only way already dropped to a low level.
Svetlana, 37 years old: “Every time someone does something to me (it doesn’t matter who it is - mom, boss or husband), I think that they praise me not from a pure heart, but just to support me in a difficult situation and this imposes its negative imprint on communication with specific people.

Fighting an inferiority complex

In the previous sections, we talked about the origin and symptoms of an inferiority complex, it's time to talk about the fight against this disorder. Here are some tips for fixing it.
  • never compare yourself to anyone. The expression "Truth is known in comparison" in this context is not entirely appropriate. The fact is that notorious people, comparing themselves with others, see only their own shortcomings, thereby only aggravating the situation;
  • tune in to the positive. Try to never lose heart, always hope for the best and look to the future with hope, believe me, this will help you a lot. Smile to those around you more often - this will give you confidence and make others believe in your strength;
  • more communication. Do not miss the opportunity to chat with colleagues, spend the weekend with loved ones, relax with friends, and after a while you will notice that relationships with others have improved, and you have become;
  • compete. Do not be afraid of competition, try your hand and notice how your self-esteem will increase after the first, even a small victory;
  • self-actualize. I advise readers of MirSovetov to do something new, to come up with an interesting hobby. A sense of self-worth will give you strength, and an interesting pastime will give you unforgettable positive emotions;
  • engage in psychological training. I will give the most simple and effective method. take two clean slate paper. Write your weaknesses on one and your strengths on the other. Tear the first sheet and throw it away, and save the second and reread it from time to time, this will increase your conceit;
  • and last, most important advice- BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

The article reveals the influence of psychological complexes on the life, thinking and actions of a person. Methods for solving the problem are described.

An inferiority complex is a feeling of insecurity own forces ah, born of the fear of failure. Moreover, this fear is so great that it completely subjugates thinking and willpower.

Regardless of the nature of the manifestations, psychological complexes have a destructive effect on a person, making him unhappy and lonely.

Symptoms of an inferiority complex.
Types of psychological complexes

There are many symptoms of an inferiority complex, because a person is very inventive and constantly adds something new. The most common are:

  • constant dissatisfaction with oneself without objective reasons
  • fear of new contacts
  • attracting attention to oneself by arousing sympathy or aggression in others
  • arrogance, which is protected from the whole world, "otherwise, they will suddenly hurt";
  • giving of great importance status things
  • passion for alcohol, which allows you to be liberated, to feel your importance
  • the need for constant approval of others, fear of mistakes
  • downplaying the merit of others
  • shifting responsibility for one's life to others: God, parents, the mighty of the world this, the universe

There are two types of psychological complexes:

  1. superiority complex
  2. inferiority complex

The first type includes the complexes of an excellent student, Napoleon, a beauty, an assistant for everyone (to the detriment of himself). To the second - complexes of guilt, physical disabilities, unfair treatment, lies (the constant feeling that everyone is always lying), etc.

Signs and manifestations of an inferiority complex

Signs of complexes in men and women often differ:

  • Men, experiencing a sense of insecurity, can become aggressive, assertive, rude, hiding behind this children's resentment, fear and vulnerability.
  • Often this behavior is accompanied by the intake of large doses of alcohol, drugs. His judgments can be one-sided - everything that does not fit into his ideal picture is spoken down
  • Women behave differently. Some become gray mice”: do not look after themselves, dress in baggy clothes, try not to stand out. It is difficult for them to make contact, because they consider themselves unworthy of attention.
  • Others begin to improve without seeing a reasonable framework: they lose weight, go in for sports to the point of exhaustion, buy the most fashionable clothes. Often such women become addicted to plastic surgery.
  • People with complexes often complain about life, that they have a difficult fate, that it is impossible to do anything, because such is life unfair to them. The danger is that in severe cases deep depression develops, which can lead to suicide

What leads to an inferiority complex?

Most complexes are developed in childhood. At this time, the psyche is very receptive and vulnerable, and children absorb everything. Parents are the first source of complexes.

  • Complexes often result from indifference to children, overprotection, when children cannot learn to act on their own, rudeness, insults, comparison with others, ignoring the child's merits, constant nit-picking, pulling and moralizing. This leads to the fact that the child feels "not so", flawed and transfers such a worldview into adulthood.
  • The second source is the environment. Children are often cruel, and if a child is different (smarter / dumber, taller / lower, with physical disabilities), they begin to shun and harass him. If parents are wise, carefully monitor the reactions of the child, then they will be able to influence this, making it clear to the child that the reaction of children to him is not objective. If not, then the child develops a complex
  • In adulthood the sources of complexes, as a rule, are the environment. Some failures in the personal and business sphere, evil words, resentment can give rise to inferiority complexes, especially if they are superimposed on children's fears

Causes of an inferiority complex - psychological trauma

All psychological complexes are born at the moment of a very strong emotional trauma. Anything can cause this injury: injustice, rudeness, failure.

When a person experiences severe mental pain, the body defends itself from this pain. As a result, the pain itself, thoughts and defensive response are intertwined into a single lump.

If such a situation is repeated often, then a stable inferiority complex is fixed and a certain behavior is developed on the basis of a defensive reaction. If the injury occurs once, then after a long time it can be torn apart.

Then the person can react in the way he behaved at the time of the injury, and not in modern conditions. Thus, the complex can be resurrected and affect later life.

Inferiority complex in women.
How to get rid of complexes for a girl?

Women are more emotional, more suspicious than a man, society places more demands on them. Accordingly, they have more inferiority complexes and they manifest themselves stronger and more often.

Work with inferiority complexes in girls begins with awareness of the problem. First of all, it is necessary to identify all the complexes and their causes. After that, the complexes should be divided into two groups:

  1. complexes that can be corrected (weight, stoop, inability to speak beautifully, not knowing the rules of etiquette);
  2. complexes that cannot be corrected (height, leg size, national characteristics).
  • You can start working with the first group of complexes. And do not take on everything at once, but gradually, in small steps, but constantly. It is good to do this under the guidance of a specialist (nutritionist, fitness trainer), as well as in the company of a friend to motivate each other
  • The second group of complexes will simply have to be recognized and loved. You need to come to terms with them, accept them as an unchanging part of yourself or make them your highlight, for example, like Marilyn Monroe, who developed a unique gait due to lameness
  • And most importantly, learn to love yourself, this gentle, affectionate, unique woman in yourself. Indeed, in such a state, women around see only her merits, and some even real shortcomings seem small and insignificant to them.

Inferiority complex in men.
How to get rid of complexes for a man?

The most common complex in men is the impotence complex, because the feeling of significance for men is the most sore spot. The best "medicine" for a man will be a woman who loves and endlessly believes in him. Such a woman will be able to melt the ice of his soul, wounded by defeats, will create a zone of confidence, peace of mind and can help a man to believe in himself.

If there is no such woman around, you will have to cope on your own.

  • The first step is to become aware of your complexes and fears.
  • The second is reconciliation with them: there are complexes and fears, they are laid down in the past and they are part of me
  • Third - a clear definition of their strengths
  • The fourth is a change in lifestyle, playing sports, hobbies and a daily, even minimal, victory over your fears.

All these actions will surely bear fruit.

Inferiority complex in children

Children who suffer from an inferiority complex, or are very quiet, shy, uncommunicative, can constantly apologize for something, curry favor, or vice versa, show aggression, excessive self-confidence. Appearance can be sloppy or defiant and provocative.

Such children rarely make eye contact. They are constantly under stress. They have an overestimated self-criticism, but they cannot stand criticism from the outside. She hurts them badly.

Complexes interfere with the development of the child's personality, can provoke the development of neurosis, speech defects, depression. Parents need to monitor the state of mind of their children, and, in cases of tension, contact specialists.

How to get rid of children's complexes?

It is hard and painful to get rid of children's complexes. At the same time, you have to remember a lot and forgive your parents, teachers, educators, classmates, friends and acquaintances. But it is better to open an abscess, no matter how painful it is, than to constantly endure aching pain. The algorithm for working with children's complexes is as follows:

  1. Determine the cause of the complex - "remember everything." If you know the reason, then the solution to the problem is easier to find.
  2. Look at the situation as if from the outside and assess the actual extent of the problem. Many problems turn out to be not so global and significant, then it is easier to let them go
  3. Start to fight your fear, do those things that are very scary to do
  4. Believe in yourself. If every day you prove to yourself that “I can”, then a feeling of confidence will definitely come.
  5. Remember your virtues and do not diminish them
  6. Love life, because it is beautiful

How to get rid of fears and complexes?

All complexes feed on fears: fear of pain, failure, loss, disappointment. The stronger the fears, the stronger the complexes control us. But fear is just a reaction of the body to something new, unusual or contrary to beliefs.

Ways to deal with fear:

  • acceptance of fear and action in spite of fear. If you understand what exactly you are afraid of, then it becomes easier to act, because "you know the enemy by sight." And when you act, fear recedes
  • representation of the worst-case scenario. If you imagine the worst that can happen in a given situation and find a way out of it, then finding a solution in an already existing situation is much easier. After that, you are internally ready for anything, which allows you to feel much calmer in a real situation.
  • decision-making. When you make a firm decision, not allowing yourself to deviate from the intended direction, fear goes away, because its element is indecision.
  • preparation and analysis. If you are afraid to go somewhere, to agree on something - get ready, work it out mentally possible options developments and results. Then it will be possible not to be afraid of surprises, since such preparation will allow you to quickly navigate in almost any situation.

And most importantly, you need to start small and gradually. If a very shy person immediately starts speaking in front of an audience of thousands, then, most likely, nothing will come of it, and the complex and fear will grow even more. And if you start training in front of 2-3 close people and further on the rise, then success is guaranteed.

How to get rid of complexes and increase self-esteem?

The higher the self-esteem, the less complexes and vice versa. Not to be confused with selfishness. When a person gives himself an objective assessment, he becomes internally free, because he is aware of all his strengths and weaknesses and lives with them in peace. Such a person is not dependent on someone else's opinion, because he simply clearly knows his own worth.

Methods for improving self-esteem:

  • stop comparing yourself to others
  • in general, stop scolding yourself and start praising even for small achievements;
  • make a list of your life achievements, include everything, even the most ridiculous and ridiculous. This list will show that you have actually achieved a lot.
  • give other people more warmth, smiles, good words, attention, but only sincerely
  • selflessly help people
  • live the way you want, not your parents, friends, colleagues. Start small, like start painting for yourself, even if you think you can't.
  • do not make excuses, if you are right, then calmly explain the position to your opponent, if you are not right, simply and sincerely apologize
  • try not to deceive yourself in anything! It is very difficult to be honest with yourself, but such honesty helps to understand yourself and come to terms with yourself;
  • allow yourself to make mistakes, there is nothing to worry about, all people make mistakes sometime
  • exercise - sport always cheers you up
  • control thoughts, especially before going to bed - painful thoughts worsen mood, reduce immunity, can lead to neurosis and depression
  • fight laziness. In order to change, one must constantly practice, and laziness will pull back into the swamp of despair and hopelessness, because it’s easier, more convenient;
  • stop complaining, life is one and you shouldn't waste it on complaints, it's better to spend this time usefully and have fun

How to get rid of complexes about appearance?

  • No matter how trite it sounds, you can get rid of complexes of appearance only after accepting yourself with all the real and far-fetched shortcomings. After all, many shortcomings that seem global to us are simply not noticed by others.
  • First of all, you need to highlight your virtues and begin to emphasize them, care for them, take care of them. Such actions will gradually awaken love for yourself, the desire to care for yourself and improve.
  • After a girl or a young man accepts his body and loves, you can begin to work with shortcomings that can be corrected. Because the motivation to work on yourself will change. If, before accepting oneself, a person will lose weight in order to lose weight. Then after acceptance, a person will be engaged for health, for self-improvement, for the sake of the process itself
  • It is possible and necessary to correct such shortcomings as bad hair, acne, excessive fullness, sagging stomach. Such external violations indicate health problems that will worsen over time. It is necessary to work with them from the position of improving health.

It should be remembered that when a person is happy, healthy, self-sufficient, lives in harmony with himself, with the world, others stop noticing all his shortcomings. And happiness is internal state which, with rare exceptions, depends only on ourselves and our perception of life.

How to get rid of the small breast complex?

To get rid of the complex of small breasts, it is necessary to understand that the advantages of small breasts are much greater than the disadvantages.

Benefits of small breasts:

  • will not sag with age and after feeding the baby
  • she is more sensitive, she has a neater shape, which men like more than the size
  • such a breast looks touching, gentle, defenseless, it is pleasant to cover it with the palm of your hand - this is also the opinion of men
  • the most beautiful and interesting underwear is sewn in 1-2 sizes
  • does not pull the back, thin bra straps do not cut the skin

And if you choose the right wardrobe, then the view will be even more spectacular!

How to get rid of the complex of completeness?

  • First you need to decide who wants you to lose weight. Do you need it? When fullness threatens health, it is necessary to lose weight, but this is done under the supervision of a doctor. Everything else is a layering of public opinion that changes every decade. Can you imagine Rubens beauties weighing 50 kg? But it’s beautiful, which is recognized by world connoisseurs
  • In addition, many women go round. And if only friends, colleagues, parents and public opinion are waiting for your weight loss, then you should not lose weight. There will be little sense from this, since there is no necessary motivation, but there are chances to spoil your health completely
  • It is better to start getting rid of complexes of completeness with a change in wardrobe. If you choose the right clothes (perhaps with the help of a stylist), you can begin to love even your imperfect body. And after that, without anguish, start working on improving the state of health, and with this, the extra pounds and the remnants of the complexes will melt like smoke

How to get rid of the complex of high growth?

  • High growth can neither be hidden nor belittled. If a person begins to stoop, it seems even higher. The only thing you can do is use it to your advantage! After all, a tall girl is a model, and a tall and strong man is the secret dream of all women
  • High growth is beautiful, spectacular and sexy. The main thing is to believe in it and not be shy. And you also need to learn how to choose the right clothes so that the figure does not look disproportionate. It's very noticeable when you're tall.
  • All that a tall girl needs to be a queen always and everywhere is a beautiful posture, properly selected clothes and cosmetics (everyone needs this) and a beautiful walk. Then absolutely everyone will admire and admire, because it is really beautiful

How to get rid of the complex of small growth?

People with short stature suffer no less. It is a little easier for short women - you can wear high heels, but for men it is more difficult.

The main thing is to understand that small stature for a girl is a gift of fate. In this case, the girl / woman will always be miniature, fragile, tender, defenseless for a man. You want to take care of her, surprise, delight, pamper, carry in her arms. You just need to learn how to use small stature, emphasizing all the beneficial aspects.

Men with short stature will have to work hard on themselves to prove their worth. But after all, we come into this world in order to develop! Short men have more incentives for this.

How to get rid of the guilt complex?

The guilt complex only brings destruction. A person feels guilty about absolutely everything, even if he has nothing to do with what is happening. He is very sensitive to the opinions of others, afraid of offending them, very self-critical.

Ways to get rid of guilt:

  • admit your right to make mistakes
  • analyze past events in order to find out the reasons for the ugly situation that occurred, so as not to fall into it again
  • to forgive ourselves is very difficult, no one scolds us more and longer than we ourselves
  • try to correct the situation, apologize, but this must be done with all sincerity, falsehood will be noticed
  • make a firm decision in similar situations to act differently
  • let go of the guilt, and not scroll through it daily, poisoning the soul

How to get rid of the victim complex?

When people constantly blame someone else for their failures, embarrassment, fear, insecurity, this is called the victim complex. Such people consider themselves a "victim of circumstances" without even realizing that they themselves are provocateurs of their own misfortunes.

Through complaints about an unfair life, people receive attention, sympathy, with which they replace love.

Ways to get rid of the victim complex:

  1. Understand that everything that happens to us is the result of our actions and thinking. We independently choose partners, road, work, friends, place of residence, how much to eat, sleep
  2. Stop complaining and thinking negatively, start looking for positive aspects and try to talk about them as often as possible
  3. Change the mindset. Usually we think in stereotypes that are laid down all our lives. Stereotypes such as: “men/women only want one thing”, “money is evil”, “nothing will work because the oligarchs have taken over everything”, “I will never be able to lose weight because of the constitution” do not allow making decisions that would made it possible to disprove these stereotypes
  4. Stop looking everywhere (especially in the news) for negative information, try to look only for the positive. All information must be strictly and deliberately filtered.
  5. Don't talk worse about yourself than you really are.

Only through positive attitude, strong faith in a better future and a thorough analysis of the relationship "stereotypes - actions - results" can overcome the victim complex.

How to get rid of the complex
unloved child?

  • Parental dislike for a child is a life-long trauma. The child, although small, understands that no one needs him, that he is rejected. When they grow up, such people often become embittered, withdrawn, it is difficult for them to trust the world and people.
  • The complex of an unloved child can trigger mechanisms of self-destruction: alcohol, drugs, fast driving. A person can grow up to be a masochist weak will to life and a bunch of diseases. Or maybe he has a narcissist complex and engages in narcissism all his life

Such problems are very deep and it is better to solve them together with a specialist. You can do the following yourself:

  • try to forgive parents who didn't love. It is very difficult, difficult and painful, but this is a huge step towards your own happiness, because resentment destroys
  • understand that you are not to blame for the dislike of your parents
  • believe that you are worthy of happiness and joys of life, although the beginning of this life was full of pain
  • learn to truly enjoy every new day
  • help those in need - through helping other people, the soul begins to blossom

How to get rid of complexes in bed?

The main problems in bed are:

  • fear of not meeting expectations in the skill of conducting sexual games, to blunder
  • fear of disappointing a partner with a naked look

Everything else is a variation of these two fears that prevent partners from relaxing, receiving and giving pleasure.

Fighting methods:

  • gradually restore health. This will help women feel freer, and men be confident in their combat readiness.
  • explore the elements of erotic massage and different techniques conducting sexual intercourse to be fully armed
  • do yoga, especially for women
  • sincerely wish to receive and give pleasure to a partner

And remember, if a partner wants to be with you, then he wants to be with you, and not with anyone else!

How to get rid of complexes: exercises

There are several exercises, the implementation of which over time will certainly lead to an increase in self-esteem and the elimination of many complexes and fears:

  1. Divide a sheet of paper in half. On one half write your positive qualities, on the other - negative. In a sheet with negative traits, carefully cross out all the qualities and burn the sheet! Or tear into small pieces. You have no negative qualities, you are who you are and that's fine
  2. Now focus on your positive qualities. Review them every day, repeat to yourself
  3. Write on a piece of paper the qualities and traits that you would like to possess: “I do not depend on someone else’s opinion”, “I can easily and beautifully compliment”, “I can control my fears and panic before a new business”, etc. and repeat them every day. Gradually, these traits will really appear
  4. Compare yourself only to yourself yesterday, and always praise yourself for the smallest achievements.
  5. Replace all the negativity in your life with the positive. Gradually you will see life in new bright colors

Any conscious inferiority complex is powerful incentive to self-improvement, development physically and spiritually, the path to inner freedom, harmony, honesty and openness.

Video: Inferiority complex. Marina Chizhova

What makes you feel like an inferior person? Childhood trauma or your own appearance? Do you experience constant insecurity and peacefully sit on the sidelines while others enjoy the triumph? To find the right solution, you need to identify the main symptoms of an inferiority complex. So let's get started.

Before identifying the signs, it is important to understand that self-doubt does not characterize this disorder. Yes, this is one of the components, but the complex includes several psychological aspects that work together. Eliminate one symptom, others will follow.

The peculiar perception of compliments

In most cases, notorious people are ambivalent about the words of praise. They are looking for a catch in everything, as a result of which confidence in the opponent is lost. Behavior is due to the fact that a person considers himself unworthy kind words, even in those moments when he really deserves them. Some believe that a malicious grin is hidden behind the compliment, others claim that the speaker is lying, and still others think that they are simply being flattered.

  1. Compliments should not affect judgments about one's own achievements and self-esteem in general. If you suspect the interlocutor of insincerity, say politely "Thank you" and forget about it forever. Listen only to relatives and close people, it makes no sense for them to lie.
  2. Assess your own capabilities realistically. If you're great at cooking or running errands for your boss, why not brag about it a little? No need to consider yourself unworthy, learn to accept compliments without considering the catch. Believe in yourself, you are not as hopeless as you think.
  3. Conduct psychological training, it will help to cope with an incorrect assessment of one's own strengths. Draw landscape sheet into two columns, in the first one write negative traits, in the second write positive. Cut the sheet in half negative reviews burn and send the ashes out the window, and hang the positive ones on the refrigerator.


A person suffering from an inferiority complex is much more worried about insults and bad experiences. As a rule, a defensive reaction manifests itself in a rough form, as a result of which similar people seem to be mean and unpleasant interlocutors.

  1. If you often worry about trifles, blaming yourself for all mortal sins, stop. Reveal strengths, get a notebook and write down your own achievements.
  2. Do not react to the sharp remarks of colleagues, friends or relatives when you know for sure that they want to put you in a bad light in front of strangers. An educated person will never publicly point out the opponent's mistakes. Smile, take the situation for the stupidity of the interlocutor.
  3. If the opponent is trying to throw the blame on you for his oversight, do not hesitate to point out the offender in bad taste. Defend yourself, speak calmly and slowly, do not mumble, clearly pronounce every word.

People who experience an inferiority complex are afraid to seem ridiculous. They lock themselves up and sit on the sidelines, being alone with themselves. Don't be like them, you don't have to be a hermit.

  1. Take part in fun activities and don't be afraid to be ridiculed. It often happens that a person comes to a disco and sits alone with a bottle of mineral water, while others are having fun. Do you feel like drinking, dancing, socializing and having a blast? Dare! Suppress the voice inside that whispers that you look ridiculous and funny. Such behavior interferes with full communication with interesting people. Say a firm "No!" isolation and alienation!
  2. Do not miss the opportunity to exchange a couple of phrases with colleagues, family, friends. Get in the habit of chatting with the saleswoman when you go to the grocery store. Lost your way? Stop and ask a passerby. Talk on the phone, become an active interlocutor. Spend more time in big companies, take a field trip with friends.
  3. If you belong to the category that is experiencing a panic fear of communicating with others, practice in front of a mirror, talk to a chair or a flower. Make up a written dialogue between you and someone else. In extreme cases, get a pet to communicate with a living being. Everything comes with experience, face fear.

The most common and compelling reason for the development of complexes. A person who is unsure of personal potential is definitely doomed to failure. Do you think that Fedka from work is doing an excellent job, while Anka has a more expensive car? Maybe, but that doesn't mean they're better than you. Each has its own strengths, one is strong in mathematics, the other is a philologist to the core.

  1. Stop comparing yourself with everyone, you are first of all a person, a special person with your ups and downs. Comparing yourself to others, you will definitely start looking for flaws in own appearance, character and even mental capacity. Do you need it?
  2. Remember, if you want to try yourself in new profession, but you refuse it, because friends say that it will not work, do not believe them. Feel free to go to the interview, talk to the manager and get to work. Big competition? Well, let's break through! Rivalry fuels morale, no need to be afraid. Even a small victory will bring boundless pleasure. Soon you will want to experience this feeling again, which gives peace after personal achievements.
  3. In order to be self-confident, you need to improve regularly. Have you ever wanted to learn English, but never got around to it? Now is the time to start! In addition to student courses, there are a number of interesting hobbies that have a beneficial effect on general state. Sign up for gym and set a goal to pump up the press in six months. Take up tennis or start going to the pool, engage yourself in such directions. Sports achivments will give strength to conquer the heights of life.

Search for flaws in appearance, character, demeanor

Stop constantly analyzing your own actions, do not look for flaws in appearance and do not look back. Such behavior is the best characterizes a notorious person.

  1. Relax, this does not mean that you need to talk nonsense indiscriminately, but you should not pick one word in every phrase. You are a living person, not a public person or a best-selling author, so stylistic mistakes in speech are quite natural. If you remain silent or speak strangely, then seem to people a bore and a boring interlocutor.
  2. Instead of delving into the negative traits, shift the focus to the positive ones. Do you think you have full legs or belly? But you probably were told about a beautiful voice or a bewitching smile, build on this when an inferiority complex wakes up. Be persistent, fight with your own mind.
  3. Nobody likes whiners, tune in a positive way. Don't discuss in public what you don't like about yourself. Smile more, even when your heart is sad.

Notorious people take criticism personally, which creates a feeling of inferiority. After the words spoken by the opponent, the person sits and eats himself from the inside.

  1. When you are criticized undeservedly, move away from the situation, the cause of the complex is not in strangers or their actions, it is in your head. Criticism should not affect self-esteem, it's just another person's opinion. Do you think there is truth in the words? Listen to selective phrases, do not blindly believe everything that is said.
  2. Talk to your parents or close relatives, ask them to describe you with positive side. They will find a lot of advantages that you need to take into service.
  3. An acquaintance asked for help with the move, you refused, and he accused you of selfishness? Do not project everything onto yourself, there were probably reasons for the refusal. Replay in your head situations when you helped him. Perhaps this happens so often that the person began to take help for granted.
  1. Surround yourself with sincerity and kind people so that communication energizes you. Don't associate with hypocrites, don't let others take advantage of you, have self-respect.
  2. Develop materially, enrich yourself spiritually, engage in exercise. Make it a habit to learn something new every day, for example, learn 10 foreign words per day.
  3. Spend free time hobbies, start specializing in one occupation and improve the acquired skills.
  4. Constantly watch your thoughts, they should not be negative. Think of yourself in a good way.
  5. Do not be afraid weaknesses look at them from the other side. Eliminate one negative, in your opinion, quality gradually. Do not be led by emotions, many people doubt themselves, this is normal. Actively work on yourself, only you can change anything.
  6. Find a person who inspires you. It can be a media personality or a famous athlete. Pay attention to people who have achieved a lot, find out their secret of success and forward to new achievements!
  7. Find an incentive to live happily. For everyone, a similar state consists in certain things: one wants new car, give it to another Tasty food, the third aspire to become rich. What motivates you to take action?
  8. Travel more. It is not necessary to buy expensive tickets, visit Beautiful places hometown or fly abroad for the weekend. Go hiking with tents, visit friends who live within your country.
  9. Start keeping a diary, it does not require much time, just 20 minutes a day is enough. Write down personal achievements, positive events, joke more. It is easier to express thoughts on a piece of paper, use this.
  10. Read inspirational literature, watch interviews of successful people.

Do you feel like an inferior person? Communicate more with positive people, do not isolate yourself from others, allow yourself to live happily. Respond appropriately to compliments, focus only on constructive criticism. Stop looking for flaws in appearance, demeanor and character, relax. Believe in yourself!

Video: how to get rid of complexes

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