The most powerful bosses in the world. The best bosses. Ogre from Demon's Souls

Bosses in games are cool, epic. Huge, charismatic and strong.Today I have prepared a list for you.the most difficult bosses in games that made you tense up and go over all the mats during the battle with them. Absolutely all coincidences and the absence of your favorite games are random.

General Draug from Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings

Let's start with General Friend from The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. An incredibly thick-skinned, healthy and armored brute. As an arch-ghost, Draug does nothing on his own. Everything is done by servants. Servants are always ghosts and cursed spirits that refuse to rest in peace.

“The general never admitted defeat. He continued to fight even after death. - Draug card description in Gwent

What is the difficulty in the battle with him? Because of his power, he is not affected by witcher signs and bombs. Therefore, in the battle with him, only the old witch-grandfather method remains - a silver sword. Of all cgbcrf, this is the weakest boss, but nevertheless, it will be difficult to pass it the first time.

Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5

Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5. I'm sure everyone knows this dude. By the way, he was far from always being so bad, his villainous plans began far from early childhood. He was rather unusual, gifted from birth with inhuman intelligence. Therefore, he passed the selection and got into the Wesker Children project. The project is an old dream of the Umbrella Corporation to create a superhuman with the help of a virus. Albert became that superman. For a time, he was considered a long-liver of the series resident evil, few people managed to circle the main characters around the finger and death itself so many times. But he failed to survive the fight with Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar. The battle was long, a sea of ​​cartridges, grenade launchers and a mountain of QTEs.

Virgil from Devil May Cry 3

In Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition, the main character Dante will have to fight his brother Virgil 3 times. Each fight with him is more difficult and exhausting than the previous one. And what a rape of a schoolboy of that time, because Virgil has health regeneration, he strikes your magic swords using the power of your mind, one wrong move and you are dead.No tricks, you will only improve your skill.

Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Next up is Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. When the Prince of Persia opened the hourglass and decided to play with the sands of time, he could not have imagined that this would wake up the ancient demon, whose goal would be to kill the one who opened the very hour. In fact, defeating him is not very difficult, it is much more difficult to achieve a battle with him. After all, it is impossible to kill him both during the game and at the end, if you have not received a water sword. And in order to get it, you need to collect all the caches with lives, which is not quite as easy to do as it seems. Go comb all the locations looking for them.

Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will quickly reset your entire life bar if you are not prepared to face her. She is fast, has good weapons in her arsenal, and her skills are the same as yours. When the leader decides that you have spent enough of her health, he immediately begins to heal himself. Yes, she restores her health. But that's not all. It can reproduce by budding. So after a while you will have to fight with two of them at once.

Ogre from Demon's Souls

Place on the list won the most dangerous opponent in Demon's Souls. His ability to fly and, so to speak, "reproduce" makes him strong enough, do not forget what mechanics this game uses. Add here the fact that the place where you will fight is from a narrow path, along the edges of the abyss, which greatly hampers your movements.It is incredibly difficult to dodge his attacks, I advise you to immediately run to the island with a spark, there is more space.

Nameless King from Dark Souls 3

The nameless king from Dark Souls 3 is a real fiend. Trying to defeat this beast from a secret location in a fair fight, you will probably pluck more than one kilogram of hair from your head and break more than one gamepad or keyboard. Many people passed the Nameless King for several months, in general, we wish him a happy New Year and the same torment that he brought us.

Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2

The second place was taken by the main negative character of Fallout 2, Frank Horrigan. Cyborg mutant with a huge and extremely durable body. Participated in excavations at the Mariposa military base, where he mutated and subsequently became a test subject in the experiments of the Enclave, which did not have the most positive effect on his intelligence. Leads almost all military operations of the Enclave. Meets the Chosen One in scripted scenes, and also confronts him in the final battle. Strong, cunning, vicious, tenacious and just a bastard with 1000 lives.

Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat

Emperor Shao Kahn sits on the throne of the most difficult boss. And he won this place in a fair duel. Actually, not really. In Mortal Kombat (2011), he throws spears non-stop and strikes with a giant hammer. He cannot be stunned, and special X-ray moves take away a meager amount of health from him. And if you die too much, then the game itself will lower the difficulty level. And believe me, the way he fights in part 9 cannot be compared with a real nightmare in Mortal Kombat II and Mortal Kombat III. In the second part, he took out a quarter of his health in one blow, and he also blocks your every attack, immediately advancing to the point where he will smash you in 3 turns. In the third part, he ate health with incredible speed with a hammer and his fucking knee. It was very difficult to kill him, but in the end, after going through all the mats, you still kill him. And how nice it is to sit with a gamepad that has turned into a mess and understand that you have overcome it.

Yes, there are many more difficult bosses than presented in this list, but you can’t list everything. Leave in the comments which bosses made you tense up, show the middle finger at the screen and go through all the mats.

Two talented video game reviewers on the popular English-language portal, Carl Smallwood and Dustin Koski, have agreed to have a verbal duel to decide which bosses are the hardest. Each writer gave their list of the top five bosses and the other commented on it. See if they can convince you that they are the best at handling the best of the worst villains in gaming.


5. Death, "The Sims"

Charles: What is a video game boss? It is a person, creature or thing standing between you and your goal. IN The Sims your goal is mainly to survive, so I think Death final boss. She never ceases to be a threat. The boss only needs one burned lunch or a fire alarm malfunction to defeat you. The situation is even worse in later games, where the concept of "old age" was introduced to complicate things. Now, no matter how well you play, Death will always get you in the end.

Dustin: I do not agree to recognize abstract concepts as bosses. In that case, the "boss" who defeated me most often was a gaping abyss that I couldn't jump over. And in the games of my childhood - time to go to bed.

4. Shao Kahn, Mortal Kombat

Charles: In the latest games in the series Mortal Kombat there are ways to defeat Shao Kahn, Emperor of Outworld. It is enough to repeat the same move over and over again. But in Mortal Kombat II Shao Kahn blocks your every attack on him, slowly moving towards the point where he will destroy you in three turns. He was terribly hard to punish for this habit, let alone win.

Dustin: Dude, nobody told you, to defeat Shao Kahn, you just need to keep your distance until he starts to approach you, and then hit him with a combo or a long-range attack. I have tried this method myself and vouch for it.

3. Through Fire and Flame, "Guitar Hero 3"

Charles: One of the biggest controversies around the entire series guitar hero- which song is harder to play in it. Some argue that this is "Jordan" - after all, it is supposed to be performed with a bucket on your head. According to others, the championship belongs to the song "Raining Blood", which requires fast and precise work of the fingers.

And in my opinion, the most difficult song is the one played after the final boss is defeated, Through the Fire and the Flames. It's my absolute favorite and it kills me that I can't do it at an above-average level. So I will never be a guitar hero.

Dustin: Undoubtedly, many of the songs in "Guitar Hero" are very difficult, but only if you are a beginner. Many professional guitarists note that it is much more difficult to use a real guitar than "Guitar Hero 1".

2. The guy at the end of Mile High Club on Veteran difficulty - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Charles: Although the nameless terrorist in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare can't do much harm, I consider him one of the hardest bosses. Because it's awfully hard to get a chance to put a bullet in his head.

IN Mile High Club You have exactly one minute to get to the second floor of the hijacked plane and rescue the kidnapped hostage. There are enemies between you and the hostage. Their firepower is enough to level a small country to the ground. The only real way to win is to throw a grenade and dash forward, hoping you don't die. To top it off, if you make it to the end and don't kill the final boss with a headshot, you'll instantly lose.

Dustin: Having only a minute to get to the guy is not so bad. This means that not too much time is wasted and you have a chance to reach your goal.

1. Virgil. "Devil May Cry 3"

Charles: IN Devil May Cry 3 your character, Dante, fights his brother Virgil three times. In the first meeting, Virgil completely beats you. He strikes your magic swords using the power of his mind. In the second, both of you are about equal, and in the third, you are superior to him.

Since the plot states that I must win the final fight against Vergil, I refused to let him hit me even once. If Virgil had stabbed me during the fight, I would have started all over again.

Dustin: If you set yourself super-difficult tasks, you can make any boss difficult. For example, if you play with your eyes closed.


5. Culex from Super Mario RPG

Dustin: Culex doesn't have to be defeated. This game is not very cool. There is little damage, and even the fiercest enemies look pretty cute. But Culex is clearly destined to be cooler than the rest. He has a higher hit count and more powerful attacks. Worst of all, he's got those damn living crystals on him. When one of them hits you with a spell, any of your characters becomes useless. They just turn into mushrooms! When I first played this game as a kid, I thought Culex was supposed to be invincible.

Charles: Yes, it's a little bad to put such a difficult boss in a game intended for children. But since he is a boss by choice, you can simply bypass him and win.

4. Lady Comstock from Bioshock Infinite

Dustin: Lady Comstock is a ghost, constantly reanimating her followers. You have to fight her several times in different places. She and her minions killed me over and over until I devised some strategy to get close to her. Simply put, I went to Youtube, found those who defeated her, and borrowed their method.

Charles: All first person shooters are about "shoot the object until it dies or transforms". So it is with Lady Comstock. You shoot the ghost or punch it until it explodes. There is no puzzle solution, no weak spot to target, you just pound it. The only difficulty is the other enemies you have to fight at the same time.

3. Paula from Shadows of the Damned

Dustin: Paula is a pretty amazing villain, because the main character, Garcia Hotspur trying to save her from hell. Eventually, she goes temporarily insane, grows six angelic red wings, and has us chasing her down some winding tunnel.

How difficult is this enemy? Well, we have to shoot her wings as she flies through the air, which are pretty small and fast moving targets. We must go through the tunnel, or the "darkness" will catch up with us. Darkness means that we are standing in the part of the room that lowers our health. She also periodically attacks us, just like her demonic minions. If you let the minions get into the dark zones, then they become invincible.

Charles: As in the previous case, the boss fight here is only difficult because of the smaller enemies that you have to fight. It doesn't make the fight difficult, it just makes it annoying.

2. Sigma from Mega Man X

Dustin: Mega Man is my favorite series, but I can't stand Sigma, her final boss. First, you have to fight his dog. This is a fairly fast opponent that does a lot of damage. Then you must fight Sigma himself, and if he knocks you down, then you're done. He can only be defeated by climbing the wall and firing a full clip of shots at him.

Charles: As difficult as Sigma is, each of its forms has only one way to attack. If you manage to dodge these attacks, he won't be able to touch you. But as a result, the struggle drags on. Essentially, you're taking a test of endurance, not skill.

1. Mike Tyson from Punch Out

Dustin: The most difficult boss is Mike Tyson, the world boxing champion. It's almost impossible to beat him. Throughout the match, he will hit you with so many uppercuts that he will then knock you down with one blow.

Charles: You will get kicked in the ass by Iron Mike until you realize that you are fighting an old man with a very specific fighting style. Once you learn to recognize his pattern, which hasn't changed in two decades, you'll beat up an old man who doesn't know any better.

For girls, the next article will be completely uninteresting, so I advise you to think about your figure. How to take oat bran for weight loss will help you prepare your body for the summer season, while all your problems are hidden under jackets and jeans.

What is a video game without a ringleader at the end? In this final duel, the player must show everything he has learned for all the time spent in the game. And maybe even a little more! Often you have to conduct introspection, build tactics and start over again for the second, fifth, tenth time ... Attack after attack, but nothing takes it, screams, groans, crying - this will not help the case ... It remains quite a bit, a scheme has already been worked out on how to spend 99% of his health, but his last blow destroys all your plans for world domination. Now the planet belongs to a villain with a snake head.

Sometimes a blow with a simple club helps to defeat the leader, but in order to guess this, you need to have cunning and intelligence. Below is a list of the most difficult bosses that players have ever met on their gaming path. And if your boss is not on this list, but you cannot pass it. That means you're just a loser.

1. Bowser, Super Mario 64.

The most popular game of all time! It was with him that esports began its first steps! Not only did only a few pass more than three levels, so even fewer reached the leader - a huge dragon. The creators did a very good job on their game. As if they knew that the game would become a cult.

As for the boss... You can kill him in this way: run to him, try to run behind him, grab his tail and throw them at the bombs on the edges of the island. For a better understanding, watch the video!

2. Shao Kahn, Mortal Kombat II.

Oh my God! This incredible Shao Kahn. This leader was known for half of my childhood, the other half, fortunately, was occupied by Snickers and Coca-Cola and "tili-tili-testa, bride and groom ...". With a single blow, the martial artist took down a quarter of his health. All you have to do is spam him with your best combos and timely block with your feet. Just be careful. Otherwise, your gamepad or keyboard will turn into plastic pulp.

3. Spider Guardian, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.

The fight with the guard spider is incredibly difficult. Because the basis of victory is understanding the behavior of the enemy. The fight consists of four stages. That is, at each stage, you have to re-understand the essence of the combat technique. But each stage requires patience and precise movements. Before the second stage, it is worth stocking up on health, because you will need health to plant bombs. So understanding the strategy of the spider is the key to victory in this game!

4. Senator Armstrong, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

It may not be the best game in the Metal Gear series, but it definitely has the hardest bosses. For each, you will have to choose a specific strategy and choose the exact time for each strike. And no one demonstrates his ability to fight better than Senator Armstrong. At first glance, it will seem simple to you, but in fact, this mutated freak is a real pain in the ass. It's incredibly powerful, and can take your entire life in the blink of an eye. It is impossible to fight him from a distance, otherwise he will start spewing waves of energy in all directions, and it is absolutely impossible to hide from them. Therefore, always hit on the forehead.

5. Cannibal, Demon's Souls.

The ogre is the most difficult opponent you will face in Demon's Souls. A narrow road, along the edges of which there is an abyss, restricts your movement. Dodging attacks is incredibly difficult, so immediately run closer to the island with fire, where there is relatively a lot of space. I forgot to say, the cannibal can fly, and, how to say... breed. Therefore, instead of one villain, you will have to defeat as many as two.

6. Ultimate Evil, Splatterhouse II.

Sometimes the names of the villains are incredibly well-aimed, as in our case with the boss called "Ultimate Evil". The leader in the second part of Splatterhouse shoots spikes at the player. Don't think you're incredibly smart for choosing to evade. It won't help much. The trick of the boss lies in the fact that with each throw, you need to not only dodge, but also reduce the distance between you in order to hit once or twice.

7. Dark Samus, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

Dark Samus will quickly reset your entire life bar if you are not prepared to meet him, or rather her. She is fast, and in her arsenal is a decent weapon, and her skills are the same as yours. When the leader decides that you have spent enough of her health, he immediately begins to heal himself. Incredible!!! She restores her health! But that's not all. It can reproduce by budding. Now you have to dodge two bosses. At the end, they begin to thrash about randomly, and everything revolves around the player. It's time to go crazy. But don't, there's a surprise waiting for you...

8. Goro, Mortal Kombat.

Many people remember the good old days when the whole yard was a fan of arcade games and tanks. But the hit was Mortal Kombat. Respect and respect deserved the one who defeats Goro. If you get too close to him, he will take you in one of his arms and throw you away like a rag doll. And if he dared to shoot you with a fireball, he absorbed most of your health. All you need to win: a lightning-fast reaction and a healthy corn on your thumb.

9. Virgil, Devil May Cry 3

A real punishment for a juvenile brain. But so much satisfaction, if you have the patience to complete the game. In total, you fight Vergil three times, and each subsequent fight is more exhausting than the previous one. Virgil has the ability to regenerate health. One wrong move and you're dead! No tricks, just improve your skill.

10. Shredder, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Why is Shredder such a difficult boss? All because this is a great master who turned out to be on the side of evil. The final battle will require a lot of time, luck and skill from the player, because he easily repels your attacks with his sword, and one of his blows can take your lives and highlight the “KO” icon on the screen.

11. Sinistar, Sinistar.

Let me paint a picture: you are flying in your spaceship. Exploding asteroids along the way, like in the good old days, and suddenly, out of nowhere, something sounds: “Careful. I'm alive. Rgaaaaaa! Run coward!" Terrible feeling. It was Sinistar who warned you of his approach, and soon the battle will begin, in which you need to show your gamepad skills, perfect reflexes and patience. Expect attacks from all sides.

12. Ornstein and Smough, Dark Souls.

Software is not afraid to test the nerves of its players for strength. With Ornstein and Smough, you'll have to hone your skills over and over again. One of the enemies is perfectly controlled by a hammer and calls the beast all the time, the other has incredible speed and controls lightning spears. You can try to parry their attacks, but the best option is to kill them one by one. Yes, it's difficult, but it's possible.

13. Ultimate Alma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma.

Ultimate Alma is the perfect boss! Unpredictable, strong and fast. There are no patterns in her attacks. Every time she defeats you, she changes her strategy to keep you on your toes all the time. Ninja Gaiden is known for its high difficulty, but Alma is simply amazing. Even in a nightmare, it is impossible to imagine such a difficult boss. A quick reaction and a huge share of luck - you don't need anything else.

14. Sigma, Mega Man X.

Fighting Sigma in Mega Man X is a three step process. First, the leader's mechanical dog tries to mince you, then, as you deal with his pet, Sigma flies out with a lightsaber like a Jedi. It moves in roughly the same order as the dog. Beware of sword strikes, because one blow will mow down all health. After you defeat him in human form, he will turn into a huge cat and you will have to dodge chaotic cat attacks.

In 1987, Nintendo allowed millions of boys to take on Mike Tyson himself from the comfort of their room. But before that, you need to go through not a single enemy. Of course, in those days it was possible with the help of secret codes to go directly to the final battle. As befits a boxing legend, Mike is incredibly fast and strong. One punch to the face and you're knocked out. Therefore, you need to remember about endurance, strategy and blocks. Only this will help you defeat the most powerful boxer of our time.

The material was prepared by Marcel Garipov - site

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The most prominent and most obnoxious bosses from Dark Souls and Undertale to Mass Effect 2 and Arkham Knight.

Boss battles are great on their own. True, except for those moments when they are terrible. Things escalated when the editors started arguing about whether boss fights were an acceptable option or an already pretty hackneyed game story, so we decided to provide evidence in support of both sides.

The first selection is our favorite bosses, fights that we will remember for many years. On the second page is a kind of "board of shame" - a large selection of bad, narrow-minded bosses that we hated to fight, but were so willing to discuss. And they deserve it, really.

I've played through Fallout twice, and not once have I been able to kill the creator by aiming directly at his eyes, or whatever he has instead of them. This piece of mutated flesh is so huge that if you shoot straight at it, you will only slightly hit it.

In my first playthrough of Fallout, I played a cunning, nimble character who secretly infiltrated a base and then destroyed it.

In the next playthrough, it was already a tactful, charismatic hero who called the Creator to death, and spoke on topics that clearly hinted at the inferiority of his ideas, forcing him to realize his disgust, and, thus, drive him to suicide.

You can also just attack the Shaper with pulse grenades or a huge gun, but the counter argument to doing so is the result in a great Fallout ending. A lot of people hate bosses, and the ability to choose to fight a boss or to exclude him from the game looks so suspicious that after 21 years, the idea of ​​optional
bosses did not particularly take root.

Fur Argus, Vanquish

Japanese video games have been following the so-called Macross concept for decades: a flurry of terrifying missile strikes splits the sky, leaving a plume of white smoke in its wake. For many years, all this was present, mainly in 2D games - in shwumps, as well as the magnificent Bangai-o. Even though the fight against Argus belongs to a very straight-forward hit-the-weak-spot style, this boss encounter is one of my favorites of all time. We can see the promised implementation of Macross rocket explosions in 3D - and it looks really cool.

After you've dealt significant damage to Argus, he stops firing his cannon at you, instead firing hundreds of rockets. This moment is definitely discouraging, but at the same time it demonstrates the essence of the Vanquish game. It is a mixture of a very typical Japanese anime action game with elements of an American third-person shooter.

In other words, a stereotypical, gruff American anti-hero who, in turn, is dressed in powerful armor and hits rocket-firing mechs with such force that they explode.

Artorias of the Abyss is considered the boss of Dark Souls. This tragic character is a symbol of the founding story of the Abyss DLC, referred to in NPC dialogue and description as being "armed to the teeth". You don't want to kill Artorias, but he's clearly gone too far, so there's no choice. These are typical Dark Souls. At the same time, Artorias doesn't look like your average boss in this game, and that's what makes him so unique.

Most of the bosses in the original game version are slow, clumsy monsters that you slowly finish off until you finally destroy them. Artorias is the complete opposite. This is a relatively small, but at the same time powerful knight, moving incredibly dexterously and quickly.

His appearance was corrupted by the abyss, but his movements remained the same. Throughout the game, you're fighting behemoths that don't last longer than 19 seconds when Artorias appears with his front flips. He plays the same as the player on the other side of the screen. He rolls like you, attacks and retreats like you. It resembles a sudden alarm signal that will not even let you catch your breath, not inferior in this regard to the bosses of Bloodborne, or Dark Souls 3. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Jubilee, Creator, Bayonetta

How else can such a colorful game end, no matter how a battle on a cosmic scale? At this stage of the game, you can easily deal with basic opponents and knock down mid-level bosses that reach huge sizes. Suddenly, Jubileeus descends from heaven, with a huge supply of health, in a wide variety of guises, each of which longs for battle.

Jubileeus is a more accurate, versatile hero in this game than other predictable bosses. She has multiple skins, each with their own attacks that can easily hit weak spots, and she only gets stronger with every hit you make. Your powers begin to vary greatly. Each weapon is specialized for specific purposes.

It's a long fight, but it's well worth the time, and Jeanne's partner joins the game nicely to wrap things up.
She's also an interesting boss, a wonderful mix of everything Bayonetta has to offer: wild racing, fast paced action, cute camera angles, and of course a memorable ending.

Among the games of Platinum Games, I can not find anything superior to these races with the gods.

What an unexpected ending. Undertale is a game that always goes against your expectations. Her final boss (not quite the main boss) - creates such a unique atmosphere that breaks out for the concept of Undertale. Combat just cuts into the structure of the game, as if challenging you, trying to destroy the remnants of pacifism in you before preparing you to go through all parts of the game and see the real ending. This battle is more emotional, but the first meeting with Flowey shows us how this game can realize its ideas.

Ornstein Dragonslayer and Executioner Smough, Dark Souls

I've beaten Gwyn hundreds of times. He kindled the flame himself and left him. I explored the beautifully designed world of Lordran in its entirety. I watched a huge number of walkthroughs, letsplays. And every time I've completed this gothic action RPG from Software, I've never been able to beat Ornstein the Dragonslayer and Executioner Smough the first time without Soler's help.

But I liked it. I researched Anor Londo for a long time before accepting this great battle. I appreciated the exchange of pleasantries with Blacksmith Giant after updating my Lightning Halberd. I had a lot of fun earning a few extra souls by fighting the Royal Guard guarding the boss arena.

I liked to develop stupid strategies in my head in advance. I like to say to myself, “This is it. I can finally take on these assholes without the help of a sunny brother, ”and then they scrape off what’s left of me from the floor.
You see, no matter how many times these two beat me, the fact is that the desire to beat them without help makes me return to the game again and again.

A couple of two villains, one of which will meet you as the main opponent in the final, make the outcome of the game truly unpredictable. Everything happens fast, furiously, and no matter how many repetitions of the passage will be carried out - I want to feel the taste of victory after each time.

There are all sorts of bosses in this series of games, but the second part stood out in this regard with greater dynamics, unlike the first, which mainly included re-encounters with large opponents. The fight with Freeze is well thought out, Batman has a lot of stuff at his disposal - electricity, explosives, etc., before Victor Fries pays attention to such tricks and repeats them.

Worst of all, it will freeze the gargoyles, so you can't hide from it upstairs. which was your main concern if you chose to play carefully. You stay down and Freeze is chasing you. A former colleague of mine compared the whole thing to Metal Gear's final battle, and he was right - it's also full of gimmicks and requires organized thinking.

Monster Zoo, Dungeons of Dredmor

Can a room become a boss? I claim yes.

Jack Krauser, Resident Evil 4

This game is one of the few that comes with QTE, which has almost died out over the past decade.

The knife fight between Leon and Krauser has a lot of cutscenes, but you can watch the real confrontation in them - you manage to see the organized battle of the two characters.
The boss fight itself is also good - everything takes place in a destroyed maze, where he runs at you with a knife, then the fight is transferred to an unreliable concrete block, where Krauser mutates. Sometimes in combat you can see elements of an in-game QTE knife fight, and this is a very interesting approach. The story of this game is trite but interesting, and if you are not too emotional, you will enjoy this journey. You wait a long time for the clash of two characters, the combat is interesting and cinematic - this is Resident Evil 4 at its best.

One of the biggest drawbacks in boss fights is the divergence from the concept of the game. You are deprived of freedom of control, ingenuity, instead of palming off large-scale arena fights and colorful productions. The opposite is this game - Torment - probably the best RPG of all time, which offers a choice of conflict resolution throughout the gameplay.

There are a number of scenarios for meeting the Transcendent. One of them can end in a fight, if you like. But dialogue, as always in this game, is the most interesting option. A game rarely has its own philosophy, and even more rarely does it succeed.

Twisted Marionette was available for about a month during the first update of Guild Wars 2. It can't be fought again - and won't for about 4 years, but it's one of my favorite bosses I've beaten. Instead of zonal meetings, Marionette was a world that changed every 2 hours.

The players on the map were supposed to split into 5 lines of (if you were lucky) 25 people each. The fight consisted of two main parts. You spent most of your time in line, repelling enemy attacks. In addition to this, each lane changed in the middle, where they could enter one of five mini-arenas - each with its own boss. If successful, one puppet chain would fall.

When you lose, you get one step closer to destruction.

If both sides won, the fight was won and the puppet fell. There was something special about it, it required a lot of coordination, and not just cutting down the monster's HP, but the problem was that only powerful servers could defeat it all.
Our server couldn't make a kill for days, but at the same time, our approach gradually began to improve. Our downloads faltered, but constant learning, improvement, overcoming obstacles make this one of the game's favorite journeys.

Yeah, if the goblins and elves run out of booze, it's bad business. But the real opponent of any founder of the fortress is the all-powerful water stream. An underground spring that can flood your fortress quickly and heavily if you don't know how to contain it. The wiki has an entire page dedicated to Dwarf Fortress water currents and how to contain them. I have never met such a boss.

I'm not even going to write the name of the final boss of this game - it was such nonsense. The first Mass Effect culminated in a final showdown with an imposing, brash, obnoxious agent whose role was far more complex than the typical stereotypical evil and was accompanied by a series of major decisions that would shape the fate of the Citadel.

It was the perfect mix of action and RPG, exactly what this game should be. The second game, despite all the general splendor of passing the final suicidal mission, had an ending equivalent to a meeting with the boss in the counter. A counterboss that looked too easy and insane to fight. When people complain that the mass effect of a series contains too much action, this battle is the number one example.

The Arkham Knight drill fight, Batman: Arkham Knight

The Arkham games had a couple of decent boss encounters, but there were many more bad ones. They have fairly popular game scenarios like luring a tortured obese guy, in the process of which you then manage to dodge him so that he crashes into a wall. Arkham Knight decided to make this the longest running chase ever, with you also having to drive the Batmanmobile.

Arkham Knight strikes in Gotham's dungeons, operating a drill-like device like the ultimate villain. You must lure him into places with explosives, avoiding barriers and dodging rotating blades. You are forced to do this for a little less than 10 minutes, but it will seem like an eternity.

At the same time, he shouts out all sorts of nonsense like the phrases "You can't hide!", And "I'll find you!" - to remind you that after two plays of Mark Hamill's excellent Joker, you are now fighting with typical fury in the flesh. I like the Arkham games, but they are a prime example of why 90 percent of the bosses could be taken out without much loss.

Zerstorer Robots, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

I'm mostly in favor of boss fights, but Zerstörer Robots are a good reason to exclude bosses from the game altogether. They simultaneously lack everything that makes Wolf 2 fun - different approach options, a varied view, performing jumps, positive responses to kills.

The robots have so much health and deal so much damage that you have no choice but to take cover in the H-shaped bunker of the ship you are fighting on and fire shots from the inner tunnels, constantly changing exits.

At least on higher difficulty levels, fighting them is a slow, iterative process that is by no means fun. I went through the whole game on a slightly above average difficulty level, appreciated the challenge thrown to me, but this rubbish was so slow, it annoyed me so much that I just set the minimum difficulty in order to simply pass them. And would do it again.

Alma, F.E.A.R. 2

What an idiotic ending...

The final fight with Ghaul, the leader of the Red Legion and a walrus-like creature like Darth Vader who destroyed the Tower, is a disappointment, not because of what he has flaws, but because of what he doesn't have.
It's a run-of-the-mill arena fight against the vaunted Cabal Warlord. Ghaul is a combination of great health and imaginary power. Most of the time, he's not in combat, and whenever he raises his ugly head, you just shoot him with your replenishing super strength with one shot.

You spend more time fighting regular enemies on the ship, which means there is no climax, as the arena is boring, the same enemies are present, and there are not so many of them anymore. Like here it is - the Red Legion, here is its flagship, here is the final battle. The least you can do is bring Team A.

But the real mystery is the next scene, in which Ghaul transforms into a more interesting liquid phantom and soars in front of the Wanderer. At this point, me, and everyone with me, I mean everyone, except for those guys from Bungie, they thought, “Oh, great, now during the raid we will kill him for real.”

But no. He just vanished and instead we're fighting some random fat dude. Destiny YouTuber Dutto said it best: “I want to fight this huge thing.” Destiny 2 doesn't let you fight this huge thing, and it's sad as hell.

According to the Dark Souls wiki, this is a three-headed flying necromancer who stole the power of the gravelord and now rules over the catacombs. The whirlwind teleports from place to place and creates copies of itself that attack with magical projectiles. Sounds pretty cheeky, right?

Except that in practice everything is completely different. Not at all.

In a game that is famous for its huge amount of incredible battles, Whirlwind is a complete anomaly. This running around is not only easier than any dark souls boss fight, but also easier than normal opponents.

His movement is predictable, his clones are hard to watch, and his Rite of Fire projectiles are rubbish. I almost forgot the script of the game after the 100th loss to Ornstein and Smough. But nothing could be compared with the feelings of victory over them. At the same time, the Whirlwind robbed me of that inspiration, being so weak.

"It's horrible. You are playing this great game and all of a sudden it ends up fighting a giant naked guy. “We didn’t have better ideas,” Kevin Levin once said. And he was right. The finale of this game eradicated everything positive in it with the usual scuffle with a big muscular guy. The script of the game was completely lost after meeting with Andrew Ryan, although it should have been developed further. Maybe the player should have mastered John Gault's 80-page monologue from Atlas Shrugged? It would probably fit better and be much more difficult.

Eli, Metal Gear Solid 5

Damn, I hated this bullshit with little Liquid Snake that you couldn't just use a weapon against and end it all. On the one hand, that's right, he's just a child, but he will become such a huge problem in the future, in comparison with which mobile nuclear robots and mind-readers will look like dust to you.

Instead, you should run after him throughout the ruined ship until you knock him out. And here you can already do it calmly.

None of the boss fights in Metal Gear Solid 5, unfortunately, turned out to be good. Which is a bit of a shame for series that have had so many of them in the past. MGS and MGS2, released on PC years ago, were more successful, with Gray Fox being well received in the former and Vamp in the latter. Fortunately, in other places The Phantom Pain is still quite good.

Vaas, Far Cry 3

There aren't many boss fights in Far Cry 3, so it's hard to pinpoint any one in particular. I settled on Vaas as he's probably the most interesting and memorable character in the series, and that's why this fight stings even more than others because he deserved a different ending.

Creating a strong boss in a game where you are already armed to the teeth from the very beginning and can take massive damage alone is clearly a challenge, because you yourself are like a boss. In this case, Ubisoft does what it always does by driving itself in a corner - drugs you, causing hallucinations. And welcome to the dark other world, lined with TV screens (it is not clear why), where Vaas after Vaas, runs at you, and then dies from a single bullet, dissolving in a haze. This is not a test of endurance, but only a hope for patience. After all the ghosts of Vaas are destroyed, you come to the finale, during which you skillfully toss the knife from one hand to the other, and then watch him die. You are left with nothing but disappointment and the sad realization that you are still Jason Brody.

Creating the right boss fight is like making the most difficult alchemy potion: one extra ingredient, and you get a complete disorder in the form of unkillable arch-villains from Souls. But too weak a concoction will disappoint even the laziest gamers who do not want git gud. It is about such unfortunate cases that we will talk today. So, Gmbox brings to your attention 10 of the most flimsy bosses, whose grandmothers did everything except shove porridge into their granddaughters.

10. Shredder - TMNT 1

By the fourth part of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Shredder has matured and grown stronger, but in the first part he was a truly lame boss. Yes, Crank's main assistant has a very impressive damage, but he is extremely vulnerable in a jump. It is enough to push Shredder off the main platform, and he falls into the algorithm error loop: he stubbornly tries to jump on it, and the turtle pushes the villain away with his foot no less stubbornly. Victory.

9. Penguin - Batman: Arkham City

In fairness, it must be said that in the Penguin's club, which is called the Iceberg Lounge, there is still one very serious rival - the reanimated Solomon Grundy. But formally, he is not the final boss of this location, namely the Penguin in person. However, this is just a hunchbacked dwarf, firing rather slow missiles. It is enough to dodge a few, get to the villain, and he will fall with two or three blows.

8. Werner Werman - Cuphead

Don't let the flashy graphics a la "early Walt Disney in color" fool you: in Cuphead you will experience just as much anger, pain and frustration in life as in Dark Souls. However, this almost does not apply to a boss named Werner Werman. During the epic battle with him, the arena constantly grows as he himself grows larger in an attempt to crush the hero. But in fact, Verman provides much-needed wiggle room.

7. The Covetous Demon - Dark Souls II

See this cute (well, almost cute) mixture of drop fish and waiter? This is a greedy demon, the boss from Dark Souls 2. Yes, the Souls franchise is always positioned as an unshakable bastion of extreme complexity, but there is a hole in the old woman. Despite his greed, the demon is too lazy, and laziness is one of the worst qualities of a game boss. All attacks of this villain are at close range, he is extremely clumsy and only occasionally makes long jumps. This is the only thing to be at least a little afraid of.

6. Honda Tadakatsu - Nioh

An ancient resurrected samurai, and even in the most successful and high-quality clone of Souls - such a boss will surely make any gamer whose reaction time is at least a little behind the CPU tremble. Yes, it is, Honda Tadakatsu is not to be trifled with… if you come face to face with him, as the samurai code prescribes. But there is another way: find 3 crystal sculptures and destroy them. The death of Koshchei in the egg occurs instantly.

5. King Knight - Shovel Knight

King Knight - sounds very majestic, and to the uninitiated it might seem that this should be the final boss of Shovel Knight. However, the King Knight is just one of the eight minions of the insidious Sorceress. In other words, an intermediate boss, and the weakest. He just runs around the screen, occasionally jumping, and very rarely tries to strike with acceleration. A few successful jumps on the head with a shovel - and it's in the bag.

4. Death - Dante's Inferno

And one more deception - cleaner than in Shovel Knight. Death itself in a game about hell (in general, for example) - yes, it must be the most difficult boss of all time! But no. Death moves majestically and relatively slowly, which means that all attacks soon become more than predictable - you can learn it in a couple of minutes. The fight turns into a monotonous series of blocks and counters, and at the end the boss also gets his own scythe.

3. Colonel Autumn - Fallout 3

In Fallout 3, Colonel Autumn operates from behind the scenes, constantly doing various dirty tricks to the main character. From Bethesda's side, this is a master build-up: irritation is growing, I want to meet the colonel as soon as possible and show him where the radioactive crabs hibernate. The game provides such an opportunity, but it ends in disappointment. What do you want? The Colonel is not a deathclaw, not a Brotherhood of Steel fighter in power armor, not even a super mutant. He's a normal person, and he falls off one good headshot.

2. Lucien - Fable 2

Perhaps by now, Lucien has become a real legend among simple bosses. No, not even like that, but as in biology: it can be attributed to the “simplest” order. The only "difficulty" in the "battle" (too many quotes, but nothing you can do) with Lucien is to listen to his pompous and frankly boring villainous dialogue until the very end. In principle, no one is forcing you to do this: a fatal blow can be delivered at any second.

1. Quiet - Metal Gear Solid V

Sex symbol MGS V does not immediately become your partner and friend. First you need to prove to the frivolously dressed up girl what you are worth in battle. Knights and gentlemen will fight a long and hard duel with rifles. But MGS V, unlike the first part, is not a corridor experience, but a sandbox. Order a tank, and bring the tank with you to a sniper duel. To put it mildly, not very fair and not at all noble. But Quiet has no chance at all. And armor-piercing cartridges, which in this case is the same thing.

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