A bee stung: what to do at home to avoid serious consequences. What to do if a bee stung

Stings of bees, wasps and others hymenoptera insects, cause discomfort, pain, itching, swelling, and can also provoke a severe allergic reaction, which often ends tragically. According to statistics, the number of deaths from bee stings is 3 times more than from rattlesnake bites. For humans, the lethal dose is about 500-1000 bee stings. However, sometimes even one bite can cause a fatal allergic reaction.

Who bit? Description:
  • Bee
Aggressiveness– medium
Sting- stays in the skin (stinger with notches)
  • Melittin - the main toxin of the poison, has a direct destructive effect on red blood cells, releases substances that stimulate inflammation, increases vascular permeability, causes contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, and disrupts metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Apamin - affects nerve cells, especially cells of the spinal cord and cells of the vital centers of the brain, has a stimulating effect on the nervous structures, causes an increase in motor activity.
  • Protein that releases histamine from a special type of cell (mast cell) the main substance of allergic reactions.
  • Histamine- dilates blood vessels, causes swelling, pain, redness.
  • Hyaluronidase- promotes the spread of poison from the bite site.
  • Phospholipase A– indirect damaging effect on erythrocytes, enhances the process of inflammation
  • Minimin- inhibits the development of Drosophila.
Aggressiveness- high
Poison, components and their properties:
  • Aspen kinin - dilates blood vessels, reduces smooth muscles, determines pain, actively participates in the inflammatory reaction.
  • Phospholoipase A and B - contributes to the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Hyaluronidase - promotes the spread of poison from the bite site.
  • Hornet
Aggressiveness– low
Sting- does not remain in the skin (the sting is smooth)
Poison, components and their properties:
  • Histamine - dilates blood vessels, causes swelling, pain, redness.
  • Hornet kinin - dilates blood vessels, reduces smooth muscles, determines pain, actively participates in the inflammatory reaction.
  • Acetylcholine - dilates blood vessels, slows down the heartbeat, reduces the muscles of the bronchi, increases the secretion of glands, etc.
  • Phospholoipase A and B - contributes to the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Hyaluronidase - promotes the spread of poison from the bite site.

Bite symptoms

Despite the fact that there is a difference in the composition of the poison, bees, wasps and hornets, the symptoms that occur after a bite are similar.

The severity of symptoms depends on the number of bites (dose of venom), the site of the bite, and the individual's sensitivity to the venom.

1-2 bites usually cause only a local reaction.

Symptoms of a local reaction

  • burning pain
  • The appearance of a pale dense elevation above the skin surface (papule), which is surrounded by a belt of edema and redness of various lengths
  • Bite in the face, neck accompanied by more pronounced edema, as well as inflammation of nearby lymph nodes, there are pulling pains both throughout the edema and in the lymph nodes.
  • Bite in the eye proceeds especially hard, severe pain occurs, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed, inflammation of the eyelid occurs, inflammation of all tissues and membranes of the eye (panophthalmitis) may develop. All this is accompanied by strong lacrimation, closure of the palpebral fissure, mucopurulent discharge, destruction of the sclera are possible.
  • Bites in the mucous membranes of the mouth, sky, lips. The swelling that occurs with such a bite can be so pronounced that it makes it difficult to breathe or even cause death by suffocation. More often, bites to the mouth, lips occur during meals, especially when a bee, wasp or hornet gets into jam or other sweets.
Swelling and redness on average stay from 1-5 days. On the face, neck, in the eye area, it can last up to 8 days.

General symptoms of intoxication with poisons of bees, wasps, hornets:
The state of intoxication usually occurs with multiple bites.

  • Chills
  • Temperature increase
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Increased heart rate
  • Heartache
  • Dyspnea
  • Sometimes, nausea, vomiting, fainting.
  • With bee stings, the same thing happens: the destruction of red blood cells, a decrease blood pressure, the occurrence of convulsions, the development of paralysis is possible.
Death from wasp or hornet stings is extremely rare and occurs as a result of cardiac arrest or suffocation.
Death from bee stings is more often associated with stopping the work of the respiratory center.

Allergic reaction to the sting of a bee, wasp, hornet

Allergic reaction- This is an excessive response of the body's immune system to the ingress of a foreign substance.

Symptoms allergic reaction and the symptoms of intoxication with bee venom are of a similar nature. However, the severe consequences caused by multiple bee stings can be caused by only one sting in the development of a general allergic reaction. Thus, for the development of a severe allergic reaction, sometimes only one bite is enough.

Bee stings can cause allergic reactions various types from ordinary urticaria to anaphylactic shock. Allergic reactions are observed in 0.5-2% of cases.

Urticaria symptoms:

  • severe itching
  • Appearance of pale pink blisters
  • The location of the rash can be very different.
Severe and dangerous manifestations of an allergic reaction include angioedema. During such an allergic reaction, the swelling spreads to the deeper layers of the skin and can persist for up to several days. A favorite place for such edema is the neck, face and, most dangerously, edema of the upper respiratory tract (larynx, trachea) edema in this area often leads to death from suffocation.

Swelling of the larynx symptoms: difficulty breathing, hoarseness of voice, blue, and then pallor of the face, loss of consciousness is possible.

Anaphylactic shock- the most severe manifestation of an allergic reaction, occurring with a violation of vital functions.

Shock develops seconds to minutes after the bite. The earlier the onset, the more severe the course.

Symptoms at the onset of the disease:

  • feeling hot
  • Redness of the skin
  • swelling of the face
  • Itchy rash all over body
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • dyspnea
  • Decreased blood pressure (dizziness, weakness)
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Loss of consciousness
Allocate various forms course of anaphylactic shock:
  • Cutaneous form - urticaria plus bleeding
  • Cardiovascular form - violation of cardiac activity, spasm coronary arteries, the development of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.
  • Pulmonary form - bronchospasm, pneumonia.
  • Brain form - cerebral edema, the development of seizures, coma.
  • Renal form - impaired renal function
Death can occur from a violation of the cardiovascular or respiratory activity.

First aid for the bite of a bee, wasp, hornet

Do I need to call an ambulance?
Not really Why?
  • Bites are multiple;
  • Bites in the eyes, mouth, neck;
  • You have an allergic reaction to the bite;
  • You have the following symptoms:
- Cramping in the throat or chest
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Nausea or vomiting
- Loss of consciousness, fainting
- Urticaria
- Massive edema
- Pain and swelling lasts more than 3 days
  • Multiple bites are a large dose of poison, which can cause serious consequences such as respiratory and cardiac arrest.
  • Bites to the eyes may be accompanied by severe impairment of eye function requiring immediate treatment.
  • Bites in the area of ​​the mouth, tongue, can cause massive swelling, which will cause suffocation.
  • A general allergic reaction is a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention.

What can not be done?

  • Take alcohol, as it only accelerates the absorption and spread of the poison.
  • Do not cool the wound with water from reservoirs, clay soil, as you can bring another infection, such as tetanus, which is much worse than a bee sting.
  • You can not rub the bite or put pressure on it, by doing this you contribute to the spread of poison into neighboring tissues.
  • You should not kill the bitten insect, since when a bee is injured, a special substance is released that signals other bees about the danger. And if there is their hive nearby, you can be subjected to their massive attack.

Step by step guide what to do?

What to do? How? For what?
If the sting is visible above the skin:
  • Tweezers or pick up with fingernails
Try not to touch or put pressure on the sting pouch, as all the poison in the vial can instantly enter your body.

If gone byd skin:

  • can be squeezed out, but should be squeezed until blood appears
  • disinfect the wound and remove the sting with a needle (before the procedure, hold the needle over the flame or wipe it with alcohol)

The sting for some time, being in the skin of the victim, still continues to secrete poison.
  1. Neutralize, draw out the sting or squeeze out the poison
  1. Put a piece of moistened sugar on the bite site
  2. Apply a bandage, cotton wool, a piece of cloth moistened soda solution(1 tsp per 200 ml of water) hold for 15-20 minutes.
  3. IN extreme conditions you can use urine, it draws out poison just as well. Moisten a cloth and apply to the bite site.
Wipe the bite site and nails with which you are going to carry out the procedure with alcohol. Press until blood appears. This procedure associated with some dangers: 1) may contribute to widespread poison 2) there is a possibility of introducing a secondary infection. In this regard, some experts do not approve of this method of extracting poison.

Considering such a feature that bee venom has an acidic pH, and wasp venom is alkaline. Bee venom neutralizes alkali, you can use ordinary soap or a soapy solution. Wasp venom neutralizes acid, can be used, lemon juice, vinegar.

Early removal of poison from the body significantly reduces the severity of the manifestation of the disease.

  • Alcohol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Alcohol tincture calendula, propolis, etc.
  • Potassium permanganate solution;
  • ammonia solution
Reduces the risk of infection and the development of suppuration of the wound.
For example: As soon as possible, something cold should be applied to the bite site, ice is better. The ice must be wrapped in a towel or other cloth to avoid damaging the skin.
You can use a cloth soaked in cold water.
  • moisten the bite site with ammonia
  • lubricate with Antihistamine ointment (Soventol, Fenistil gel, etc.)
They will also help folk remedies:
  • dandelion juice
  • Squeeze garlic juice on a bandage and apply to the wound
  • slurry of soda and water
  • tomato
  • cut a cucumber to attach to the wound
  • onion slice
  • cut apple
  • plantain leaf
  • chopped parsley root
Special balms:
  • Balm after bites INSECTLINE
  • GARDEX Family balm
  • Mosquitol gel-balm
  • Balm Picnic Family
Reduces pain, delays the development of edema and intoxication.

Balms quickly relieve discomfort (pain, itching, irritation, redness, swelling) and protect the skin from further damage and infection. The main components of the balms are natural oils and extracts (tea tree oil, aloe, calendula, etc.).

  • Drink more liquid 3-4 liters per day
  • It is recommended to drink strong tea with sugar
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and vitamin P
  • Antihistamines:
- Suprastin: 1-2 tablets. 3-4 p. per day
-Loratadin: 1 tab. 1 time per day
- Levocetirizine: 1 tab. 1 time per day
  • Calcium chloride solution 5-10%
Inside, 10-15 ml, 2-3 times a day.
  • Glucocorticoid drugs:
Prednisolone (20-30 mg - 4-6 tablets per day), dexamethasone (2-4 mg), hydrocortisone, etc.
These drugs are used only in case of emergency (acute conditions that threaten life).
Drinking large amounts of fluid helps to quickly remove the poison from the body. Vitamins speed up the process of neutralizing the poison.

Antihistamines directly block histamine receptors, thereby stopping the development of all symptoms of inflammation and allergies (itching, swelling, pain, redness).
Glucocorticoid drugs have a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect, but they have a number of serious side effects and many contraindications.

  1. Ensure airway patency
(For extreme edema of the upper respiratory tract)
Conicotomy - an incision in the conical ligament located between the thyroid and cricoid cartilage, which opens access to the trachea. A transverse incision is made and a tube is inserted or the ligament is pierced with a wide hollow needle through which air is supplied. Temporary supply of oxygen.
This manipulation in emergency situations saves lives.
Treatment of allergic reactions

If symptoms of a severe allergic reaction occur, the patient must be covered, overlaid with warm heating pads, given 2 tab. diphenhydramine, cordiamine 25-30 drops and urgently call ambulance.
If it is not possible to deliver the victim to a medical facility, there are the following recommendations for providing medical care in the event of an allergic reaction:

Mild cases, local reaction
  • Prick the bite site with a solution of adrenaline 0.1% -0.2 ml, intradermally.
  • Drink diphenhydramine 50-100 mg, tavegil 1-2 mg or suprastin 25-50 mg, claritin 10 mg
  • Observation of the victim during the day
Adrenaline - increases pressure, eliminates swelling of the bronchi, larynx.

Diphenhydramine, Suprastin Claritin - block the action of histamine, eliminate the symptoms of inflammation and allergies.

Prednisolone- hormonal drug, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

Eufillin - improves airway patency.

Moderate reactions
(urticaria, angioedema)
Prick the bite site with a solution of adrenaline 0.1% - 0.3-0.5 ml, inject 0.2-0.3 ml of 0.15 adrenaline into the opposite hand (in / in or / m).
Antihistamines 2-3 times a day;
Corticosteroid drugs 15-30 mg;
Anaphylactic shock
  • At the site of the bite under the skin 0.5 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution
  • Intravenous drip 5-10 mcg / min adrenaline
  • Corticosteroid drugs (prednisolone 120-180 mg intravenously), then 20-30 mg orally for tech. 2-7 days.
  • Antihistamines: suprastin solution 2% - 2-4 ml, diphenhydramine 1% - 2-3 ml in tech. 1-2 days.
  • For respiratory disorders, use aminophylline 6 mg / kg bolus, then 0.5 mg / (kg per hour)

Bite Prevention

  • Do not provoke an insect to attack, do not make sudden movements. Calmness and composure will allow you to avoid being bitten.
  • Do not eat sweets and fruits on the street.
  • Cloth bright colors, often attracts wasps, bees, hornets and increases the risk of stings, so wear something less flashy when you go on a picnic.
  • Try to cover your arms and legs completely, wear a hat.
  • The pungent smell of perfume, gasoline, alcohol can cause insect aggression.
  • Be very careful if you walk barefoot on the grass, often bees, wasps sit on grasses, flowers located near the ground.
  • Do not brush off bees, wasps, etc. this will only increase their aggression.
  • Do not disturb the hives and other places where the bees stay.
  • Use insect repellants (Aries Anti Wasp, Etisso, etc.).
  • When caring for an apiary, follow all precautions, use personal protective equipment.
But if you are still bitten by a bee, and you do not have an allergic reaction, and the bites are single, then enjoy healing properties bee venom, because there are plenty of them.

Useful properties of bee venom
Bee venom:

  • increases the overall tone of the body and performance;
  • increases the amount of hemoglobin;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • reduces viscosity and blood clotting;
  • increases urination;
  • increases blood flow to the diseased organ;
  • improves sleep and appetite.

To relieve swelling at home and eliminate an allergic reaction to the bite of this insect, you must first remove the bee sting. Treatment must be comprehensive. It is necessary to introduce antihistamines, apply cold. You can also anoint the areas affected by bee venom with a soothing cream. A bee sting is not fatal to humans. A lethal outcome is possible only if a hypersensitivity reaction is observed. But even in such cases, timely therapy can avoid adverse consequences.

If a bee stings on a finger or toe, it instantly dies. If bitten by winged insects and the hand is swollen, the swelling may persist. different time. For some people, it passes within an hour without any additional action. A person who is sensitive to bee venom may face more serious consequences.

First aid

The sting remaining in the skin after a bee sting quickly spreads the poison and causes painful swelling, so it must be removed as soon as possible. In this case, you can not get a sting with your nails. On the one hand, this is difficult to do, on the other hand, it can lead to infection, as bacteria and dirt accumulate under the nails, even clean at first glance. The bee bites a person, thereby defending itself, and cannot pull out the sting, as it is covered with notches.

If, for comparison, the sting of a wasp is viewed under a microscope, it looks like two elongated stylets. With them, she breaks through the integument of the victim's body. Tweezers are used to safely remove the bee stinger. After the sting is removed, cotton or gauze should be applied to the bite site, after wetting it in hydrogen peroxide, a small amount of potassium permanganate or ammonia. As with any swelling, a cold compress can help relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Bee venom causes dehydration. Restore water balance tea or clean water will help.

People who are allergic to bee stings and other insects receive a document at the clinic indicating the likely symptoms of a bite, as well as a list of first aid actions. This document, as well as the necessary antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.) and an allergy syringe, must always be carried with you.

The manifestation of severe allergies, especially when bitten by several bees, can lead to complications in the form of jumps in blood pressure and respiratory rhythm disturbances. In this condition, the victim should be brought to a supine position and covered with a blanket. Normalize blood pressure and respiration with Cordiamin, adult dosage 30 drops.

If a person is bitten by a bee, then quite serious consequences are possible, up to critical situations, such as cardiac arrest. Therefore, immediately after carrying out first aid measures, an ambulance should be called. Until the arrival of doctors, the patient should never be left unattended. It is necessary to monitor the general condition, if you feel worse, give two tablets of Diphenhydramine. It will help relieve stress on the heart and pain.

It is necessary to remain ready to provide emergency assistance in case of cardiac and respiratory arrest. Diphenhydramine is effective in cardiac arrest, but the ability to do heart massage and artificial respiration is also extremely useful. When carrying out resuscitation in an emergency, it is extremely important not to overdo it and not cause injury. So, when massaging the heart, you need to act carefully so as not to break the ribs or chest. Artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out "mouth-to-nose", since it is likely that the tongue sunken during edema will interfere with the passage of air by closing Airways. After stabilization of the victim's condition, they must be sent to the hospital for examination by a doctor and assessment of the threat to life.

The use of folk remedies

After the sting is removed and the bite site is treated, the swelling does not subside immediately. You can speed up this process by applying ice or a cold compress. Tumor to neutralize bee venom is treated baking soda. Soda is poured directly onto the bite and a few drops of water are added to achieve a mushy consistency.

Also, neutralization of the poison is facilitated by a 1-2.5% ammonia solution (treat no more than 4 times a day) or a piece of chop meat moistened with water. If itching at the bite site is very bothersome, any antihistamines or steroids will cope with it.

If you don’t have the right medications at hand, don’t despair. Here are a few home remedies and plants that can be used to alleviate the effects of bee stings:

  • Activated carbon. A tool that has a wide range of applications and should be present in the medicine cabinet for every person. Coal is dissolved in a glass of water and cotton wool or gauze soaked in the solution is applied to the affected area. Enhance adsorption effect activated carbon aspirin helps. Adding aspirin tablets to the charcoal solution will help relieve pain at the site of the bite.
  • Parsley. This herb has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare the solution, parsley leaves are crushed and poured with boiling water. For the speedy healing of the wound, the prepared solution can be used together with plantain leaves. Plantain alone is less effective.
  • Yarrow. Can be used in tandem with plantain. A decoction of crushed leaves of yarrow and plantain must be cooled, filtered and the resulting slurry placed in gauze. A compress prepared from these plants has a tonic effect on the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, and also prevents infection from entering the wound.
  • Olive oil. Apply to the bite site in small portions. Before applying the oil, it is desirable to cool.
  • Onion. The juice of this vegetable has all the properties necessary to eliminate swelling from a bee sting. Adsorbs poison, disinfects and tones the skin, relieves itching and redness. For use with a bite, the onion does not need to be boiled or insisted, it is necessary to cut it into small pieces and make a compress. If gauze was not at hand either, it will be enough to cut the onion in half, the main thing is that the juice, which contains all the useful substances, actively stands out.
  • Aloe. Indoor plant, whose thick leaves contain a lot of juice rich in beneficial substances useful when applied after bee stings. Chopped leaves or a compress of crushed leaves of the plant will help reduce swelling and relieve itching.

Lavender essential oil is also effective if bitten by winged insects, including wasps. Soak a cotton swab or disc in it and apply to the affected area. It is necessary to process the area where the sting was located. Manipulation is carried out 2 times a day of the bite and once the next day.

Medicines for a bee sting

Application of funds traditional medicine in the fight against the consequences of a bee sting in the head and other parts of the body, it is justified if, apart from swelling and itching, the victim is not bothered by anything else. With severe pain at the site of the bite, you must use medicines containing lidocaine, hydrocortisone or other local anesthetic components.

Three or more days, during which the edema does not decrease and does not subside, indicate that it is necessary to use antihistamines, such as Suprastin, or similar. Dosage and duration of use are agreed with the doctor. The medicines prescribed by him continue to be drunk on the second day after the insect bite.

In order to avoid respiratory failure, laryngeal edema must be eliminated with medication. Emergency doctors use 5% Ephedrine.

In some cases, with serious complications, assistance is likely to be provided only in a medical institution. With severe laryngeal edema, tracheal intubation is performed to restore respiratory patency, and pressure surges and heart failure are controlled by a doctor using steroids and droppers with other drugs.

Dangerous conditions, such as shortness of breath, are noted when the poison spreads through the mucous membranes and require immediate emergency medical attention.

Also, a specialist should be contacted as soon as possible with a bite in the eyeball itself. You should not try to remove the sting yourself. This will lead to eye injuries and complications requiring surgical intervention.

The bee stung the child

Providing first aid to a child with a bee sting is similar in actions applicable to an adult. First you need to calm the child and perform all the manipulations calmly and confidently.

Remove the bee sting from the sting site and immediately treat the wound with an antiseptic. Apply ice and, as a preventive measure, give the child an anti-allergy remedy for children. Closely monitor the condition of the child and if there are symptoms indicating a deterioration in the general condition, immediately call an ambulance. An ambulance must be called without fail if a baby under one year old has been bitten.

Do not use any alcohol-containing preparations in any case. If the child is old enough, it should be explained to them that the bite should not be scratched and that itching should be reported. To relieve pain and itching, gauze compresses, soda, folk remedies, as well as tinctures of calendula or valerian should be used.

Continue to monitor changes in tumor size over several days. If, with the use of the above remedies, the tumor does not subside or increases during the day, it is worth contacting your doctor without delay.

Bees are the most efficient pollinators of flowering plants, so their role for Agriculture priceless. The more bees live near flowering gardens, the greater the yield will be obtained later.

In addition, these little hard workers produce a sweet food loved by many - honey. The obvious practical benefits brought by bees are overshadowed by the only drawback - these fluffy insects bite painfully. Therefore, you need to know what to do if a bee has bitten.

Why do bees sting?

In fact, a bee sting is not a sting at all. The bee uses its mouth apparatus exclusively for peaceful purposes, while it defends itself with the help of a sting, which is hidden in the last segments of its abdomen. If the insect is restless, feels danger, or is worried about the safety of the honey supply, as well as its hive, it can "bite", that is, sting. But this is done solely out of fear or for the sake of defense.

The ancestors of bees, prehistoric insects from the sand wasp family, in the process of evolution lost interest in food of animal origin, as well as ceased to be “naturally aggressive”. What can not be said about the closest relatives of bees - wasps and hornets, who love meat.

The bee sting is defensive, not offensive. The structure of the insect is such that it can sting a person only once, after which it dies. Although, when defending a hive, angry insects can sting wasps and alien bees more than once, but not die.

First aid for a bite: how to remove a sting and why should it be done?

If the bee still stung, be guided by the following rules that will help avoid complications and reduce pain.

  1. First of all, remove the stinger from under the skin.
  2. Treat the wound with an antiseptic.
  3. Refrigerate the bite site.

Usually the bee plunges its sting under the skin of the victim for its entire length. In this case, a person experiences the same symptoms as when a foreign body, like a very thin and sharp needle, gets under the skin. The more time passes from the moment of the bite, the more bee venom enters the body. In addition, the likelihood of suppuration of tissues in the vicinity of a foreign body increases.

First aid for a bee sting is to remove the sting as quickly as possible. The insect's venom resides inside special reservoirs in the sting, and continues to penetrate human tissue as it deepens into the body over time. If you pull out the sting immediately after the incident, you can reduce the portion of bee venom that enters the body, and thus reduce the associated unpleasant symptoms.

Sting removal:

  • The sting is easiest to remove with tweezers, which are preferably disinfected beforehand.
  • If there are no tweezers nearby, you can remove the sting without any tools, simply by picking it off with your fingernail, but it is advisable to wipe your hands with alcohol beforehand.
  • At home, you can use a disinfected knife to remove the sting.

These manipulations will help to avoid inflammation near the bite site or reduce it. After removing the sting, you need to rinse and disinfect the wound.

The easiest way to reduce the pain, itching, and swelling that comes with a bee sting is to wash the wound. laundry soap and apply an ice pack. You can also use compresses with vinegar, alcohol, soda solution and diluted potassium permanganate to disinfect and relieve inflammation.

From medical preparations to remove swelling after a bite will help: fenistil ointment, psilo-balm, hydrocortisone ointment.

Allergy to bee venom

The harm caused by a bee sting depends on several factors:

  • individual tolerance.
  • The amount of bee venom per unit mass of a person.
  • Location of the bite.

For healthy person do not carry a significant danger of 10-15 bee stings at the same time. With a normal reaction of the body at the site of the bite, only a small, pea-sized, itchy swelling is formed, which disappears within 1-2 days.

But a sensitized organism can react not only with localized reddening of the skin, but also with a general reaction: they detect swelling of a large area of ​​the body adjacent to the bite site, indigestion, suffocation, up to anaphylactic shock and death.

If a person suffers from an allergic reaction to bee venom, the following set of measures should be taken:

  • take an antihistamine;
  • control body temperature, pulse, pressure every half hour;
  • take a sedative;
  • provide the victim with plenty of fluids, as well as bed rest;
  • if the condition worsens, seek medical attention immediately.

There are cases when an allergic reaction to bee stings was so strong that it was necessary to take resuscitation measures: provide the victim with artificial respiration and heart massage.

The most dangerous points for bee stings

As already noted, the harm caused by bee stings is determined by the location on the body of the victim. It's one thing if a bee stings in the arm, leg or back, and quite another if the sting hits the eye, neck or head. When bitten into such areas of the body, the likelihood of an allergic reaction increases significantly, because they contain many blood vessels, lymph nodes and nerve endings.

If a bee sting hits the neck or head, soft tissue swelling may be added to the standard symptoms, general weakness, lethargy, strong headache and even convulsions.

Bites to the tongue and neck are dangerous due to swelling of the tissues in which the poison spreads, which will interfere with normal blood flow and breathing. The development of such complications usually occurs very rapidly. Therefore, you need to urgently contact an ambulance to prevent anaphylactic shock, and at home take an antihistamine and try to relieve swelling with cold compresses.

A bee sting in the eye causes inflammation of the tissues of the eye, and in case of complications, glaucoma, cataracts and even blindness can occur.

If a bee stings a child

Usually an adult already knows his reaction to bee venom. But in the case when a bee has bitten a child, it may not be known how his body will react. In addition, the body weight of a child is less than that of an adult, so there is a large concentration of bee venom per unit mass.

Therefore, if a bee has bitten a child, you need to give him first aid and carefully observe the development of the reaction or its subsidence. If there are signs of an allergy to bee venom, you should immediately go to the hospital. If the reaction of the child to a bee sting is normal, the treatment is no different from the case when an adult was injured.

The benefits and harms of a bee sting

Bee venom contains 50% of the toxic substance melittin. Therefore, if too much bee venom enters the body, the person experiences symptoms of toxin poisoning.

At the same time, it has been proven that melittin has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Being a surfactant, melittin can destroy the envelope of human immunodeficiency viruses and hepatitis.

When ingested in high concentrations, melittin destroys red blood cells and can lead to anemia.

In small quantities, bee venom stimulates the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, promotes tissue regeneration, heals and restores the skeletal system, and also has a beneficial effect on immune system person. Treatment with bee stings was recommended by Hippocrates himself.

How to avoid a bee sting

To avoid a bee sting, do not provoke insects. If there is an apiary nearby, you should not use strong flavors, because they irritate the bees (alcohol, perfume, tobacco) and make them want to drive away the irritant. Also, bees do not like the smell of sweat. There is no need to eat sweets near the apiary, because they attract bees. Do not walk barefoot as the bees may collect nectar from the flowers.

It has long been noted that centenarians are often found among beekeepers. It is very simple to explain this fact: in small quantities, bee stings carry much more benefit than harm. In addition, communication with bees, watching them has a calming effect on nervous system.

And bees. They, like humans, are attracted to flowering plants. In this connection, many people suffer from attacks of stinging insects. Moreover, both the bite of a wild bee and a bee living in a beehive in an apiary are dangerous. The body can react to a bee sting in different ways, ranging from a slight swelling and ending with loss of consciousness upon the onset of anaphylactic shock. What to do in such situations and how to help the victim in order to prevent complications, this article will tell.

Who bit

Before talking about providing assistance, you should find out the person, since the number of manipulations necessary in such cases may vary. Wasps are more aggressive. This behavior of insects is explained by the ability to sting their prey repeatedly, without harming themselves in such cases. In addition, wasp venom acts much faster than bee venom.

On a note!

Bees, on the other hand, are less aggressive than wasps, and attack a person only if they are protecting their nest. And you will need to work hard to anger the insect. After all, inflicting a bite, leaving a sting shaped like a harpoon in the body of the victim. As a result, there is swelling and redness after a bee or wasp sting. The reason for this is the poison contained in a special reservoir located at the end of the sting. When a toxic compound enters, the human body begins to actively fight it. As a result, there is inflammatory process accompanied by negative consequences.

What does a bee sting look like

The following symptoms are evidence that a person has been bitten by a bee:

  • The presence of regret. The notches at the end of the lance contribute to the fact that the "poisoned spear" can stay in the victim's body for a long time. During this period, toxic components enter the blood stream and spread throughout the body.
  • The bite site may turn red and swell, and blanching of the skin is also observed in the damaged area. Such changes in the epidermis are observed even in people who do not have a tendency to allergies. Moreover, how long the tumor lasts after a bee sting will largely depend on how long the sting has been in the body of the victim.
  • Appearance of swelling in the affected area. This reaction is especially active in people with allergies. In this connection, they are more likely to develop Quincke's edema, the consequence of which is shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. In the absence of timely medical care in such situations, the result can be fatal.
  • Pain and burning in the lesion is another sign that a person has been bitten by a bee. The longer the poison spreads through the body of the victim, the more unpleasant symptoms will be felt. They can only be reduced by extracting .

In the photo of a bee sting below, you can more clearly see what the damaged place looks like.

On a note!

It is especially necessary to know what a bee sting looks like for parents of young children, since not every kid is able to explain true reason his crying. Indeed, many children perceive a brightly colored bee as a harmless bug.

About the consequences

Many people who have encountered such a problem often wonder if the temperature can rise from a bee sting. The consequences after a bee sting are individual for each person, they can be expressed not only in the form of fever, but also weakness, as well as in the form of headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Anaphylactic shock is the most severe and unpredictable condition, which is why the bite of a stinging insect is dangerous. All these manifestations, it is she who is the answer to the question of why the bite itches.

We provide assistance or what to do with a bee sting

Often people who have suffered from stinging insect attacks are faced with the question of what to do if a bee has bitten. After all, the affected limb can not only turn red, but also swell, but there is not always an opportunity to go to a medical institution. But it should be remembered that the further well-being of the victim depends on the correctness and literacy of actions.

Having found the above symptoms in a person, it is important not to panic, but to act decisively and competently. First aid for a bee sting includes the following activities.

Removing the sting

The first step in such a situation is to extract the sting. After all, the longer the toxic substance is present in the human body, the more his body will be affected. To get a "poisonous peak", you must use tweezers, which must first be disinfected with alcohol.

Do not try to remove the sting with your fingers. It is also contraindicated to rub or scratch the lesion, as such actions will only aggravate the situation and create the possibility of infection.

Treatment of the damaged area

The next step is to disinfect the damaged area. In order to process it, use alcohol, a weak solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide. This will help relieve swelling and pain from the bee sting. After applying the disinfectant, cold is applied to the affected area, which will help reduce pain.

On a note!

You can not make a compress or smear 95 degrees alcohol on a fresh wound, the consequence of this may be a burn skin. The mass fraction of alcohol should be no more than 70%.

Plentiful drink

An important nuance is drinking. Taking a sufficient amount of liquid in any form will help to quickly remove toxic components from the body.

Taking an antiallergic drug

Taking antihistamines will help relieve itching from a bee sting, as well as prevent the development of serious complications. Bee sting pills are a must for people with allergies. In the event of an acute reaction in the victim, health care, because allergy sufferers have a high chance of dying from a bee sting.

To prevent the development of complications of the victim, it is necessary to lay down and cover with a blanket or use warm heating pads. Taking Diphenhydramine will help prevent the development of shock in the absence of the necessary medicines.

Do not try to squeeze out the poison or rub the bite. In this way, it will not be possible to solve the problem, but there is a great chance that the wound can fester.

You can not treat a bee sting by taking alcoholic beverages. They will only contribute to the spread of toxic components and fluid retention, which will result in dehydration of the body.

You should also consider where the bee made a bite. It is less dangerous if the insect has stung on the leg, arm or finger. Much more serious if the bite is in the head, ear or forehead. Especially dangerous are the attacks of flower pollinators in the neck or tongue. The ingestion of poison in such places contributes to difficulty breathing and the development of powerful edema. Therefore, one should not hesitate in such situations, one should urgently give the victim an antihistamine and call an ambulance. It is no less dangerous if the bee. You need to know what actions to take.

It is especially important to take the necessary actions in a timely manner if. Since in the warm period the likelihood of such situations occurring is quite high while eating ice cream or drinking carbonated drinks. Pets can become victims of bees. It is advisable to always have in the house disinfectants if bee or .

Treatment of a bee sting at home

To alleviate the bite, or rather reduce the sensation of pain that accompanies it, taking topical painkillers will help. Such a medicine for a bee sting should contain hydrocortisone, pramoxine or lidocaine.

  1. In order to reduce swelling, it is necessary to take an antiallergic remedy for a bee sting. An example of this could be the Zodiac or Cetrin, Suprastin is also effective for a bee sting. Repeated administration of drugs is carried out before bedtime. If the swelling does not subside within 3 days, Diphenhydramine or Pipolfenol should be taken in combination with Analgin.
  2. Activated charcoal gives a good effect with a bee sting, it helps to remove allergens from the body. The drug is drunk at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  3. The wound will not itch if Gistan or Fenistil is used for a bee sting. Gel-like preparations have an anti-allergic effect: they reduce swelling and relieve itching. Ointment from bee stings is applied directly to the damaged area twice a day.
  4. A compress of aspirin and activated charcoal helps well against bee stings. It is especially good if the puffiness does not subside. long time. To relieve swelling after a bee sting in a day, it is necessary to dissolve one tablet of each drug in 100 g of water. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting composition and apply it to the lesion for several minutes.
  5. If it is not possible to remove the swelling on the second day, or the neoplasm becomes purulent, then it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Alternative treatment

You can also use folk remedies for a bee sting, which are affordable and low cost:

  • Parsley. Sprigs of parsley can quickly remove a tumor from a bee sting. 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour 200 g of water, bring the mixture to a boil, cool the resulting infusion is used for compresses.
  • Soda. When a bee stings, it is necessary to attach a slurry of soda. Relief will be noticeable after 10-20 minutes.
  • Onion. Juice will help relieve swelling, inflammation and draw out poison onion. Such compresses are also effective in the case when a bee sting fester.
  • Potato. If the leg is swollen from contact with a stinging insect, you must use raw potatoes. The washed potato is cut lengthwise and applied with the cut part to the affected area. To remove the swelling from a bite on the face, you need to chop the potatoes, and apply the resulting mass in the form of lotions.
  • Aloe. If the hand is swollen upon contact with the pollinator of flowers, the well-known aloe will help relieve swelling and speed up the healing process. It is enough to attach the medicinal pulp of the plant to the wound or anoint it with juice. The procedure must be repeated every 10 minutes to get rid of pain.
  • Soap. If the tumor does not subside for a long time, the effect of the toxic composition can be weakened with the help of gruel from laundry soap.
  • Garlic. The question of how to remove swelling from a bee sting will not arise if garlic is used immediately after removing the sting and treating the wound. It helps to disinfect the damaged area and prevents the development of puffiness.
  • Sugar. Refined sugar is able to remove the tumor the next day. The attached piece of sweetness will not only draw out the poison, but will also contribute to the rapid healing of the wound.
  • Vinegar is another good antidote for bee stings. Any sour berry on hand will also help to cure the wound.

When attacked by a stinging insect, it is important to remain calm. No need to try to drive away the offender, and even more so to strive to kill him. It is necessary to leave the habitat of pollinators of flowers and treat the wound, according to the above recommendations.

Apitoxin (bee venom) is a complex organic composition, the composition of which has not yet been fully disclosed by scientists. Therefore, this unique product is not reproduced artificially.

Bee venom is widely used in official and alternative medicine.

If we briefly describe the composition of apitoxin, we get the following:

  • organic acids (orthophosphoric, hydrochloric);
  • amino acids (tryptophan);
  • mediator of allergic reactions - histamine;
  • vitamins - choline (B4);
  • volatile oils;
  • enzymes;
  • proteins;
  • minerals - copper, calcium, sulfur, magnesium;
  • antibiotic substances.

Main medicinal properties due to the presence of bioactive substances in apitoxin:

  • melittin is the main component of bee venom. The toxic polypeptide has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Destroying the protective shell of bacteria and viruses, it actively destroys both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Its properties extend to blood cells - hemolytic action. Stimulates the production of adrenal hormones. The presence of melittin explains the radioprotective properties of the toxin;
  • enzymes:

- phospholipases;

- hyaluronidase;

- alamina.

Description of apitoxin treatment can be found in biblical texts in the Koran. Gallen and Hipokrates used apitherapy in their practice.

Back in the middle of the 20th century, the Russian scientist Armemov N.M. determined that bee venom acts on several systems at once:

  • nervous;
  • vascular;
  • pain perception system (nociceptive).

A bee sting can bring health to sick people and can cause severe disorders.

The positive impact of bee venom is noted on all of these systems. With a disease of the nervous system, poison:

  • soothes / tones (depending on the amount);
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • stimulates blood circulation and relieves swelling of brain structures and tissues;
  • extinguishes convulsions;
  • normalizes sleep, improves memory, mood;
  • used in the treatment of nicotine and alcohol addiction.

With pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, the poison has:

  • vasodilating effect;
  • contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm;
  • changes the rheological properties of blood (prevents the formation of blood clots, thins);
  • improves blood composition (increases the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells);
  • increases the amount of circulating blood;
  • normalizes blood pressure in hypertension.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • tones the motility of the entire system;
  • promotes scarring of the ulcer;
  • stimulates the synthesis of enzymes;
  • has choleretic properties;
  • normalizes the composition of microbiocinosis.

With pathology of the respiratory system:

  • expands the bronchi;
  • changes the quality of sputum;
  • stimulates natural cleansing.

In diseases of the endocrine system:

  • stimulates the production of hormones by the adrenal glands;
  • improves thyroid function;
  • contributes to the normalization of the work of the sex glands.

But a bee sting can be fatal for people prone to allergic reactions.

Scientists have found that the main component of the poison - melittin - has at least two mechanisms of action on the body. As a result of the first mechanism of action, we obtain an antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. The second mechanism has a damaging effect.

Melittin is able to bind to phospholipids. As a result, the peptide forms transmembrane channels through which the contents of the cell "leak" out. So it forms pores in the membranes of red blood cells, through which hemoglobin flows. Serum albumin inhibits this process.

However, in the first minutes after intoxication, it passes very quickly, and eventually subsides. At certain conditions albumin, on the contrary, can stimulate hemolysis. Also, scientists received mixed results when studying the mechanism of action of apitoxin, which causes an allergic reaction. They divide this reaction into two:

  • allergic;
  • pseudoallergic.

The peptide greatly enhances the interaction between antigens and antibodies (IgG-C1q and IgG-IgG), which leads not to a simple allergy to a bee sting, but to an anaphylactoid reaction.

Apitoxin also contains histamine, a substance that causes an allergic reaction. The dual effect of histamine and melittin enhances its manifestation. Phospholipase interacts with phospholipids of cell membranes, destroying them and increasing ion permeability.

The content of the cells goes into the intercellular space, forming an edema. Hyaluronidase destroys hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharides, which are part of the connective tissue. As a result, the “coupling” of cells is disrupted, and edema rapidly spreads in the tissues.

Melittin also promotes the expansion of capillaries, increases the permeability of the vascular wall to the release of hemoglobin from erythrocytes into the surrounding tissue. Redness and hematoma develop.

The ability of melittin to act on the nervous system and influence the transmission of nerve impulses causes severe pain from a bee sting. Apitoxin therefore causes the following symptoms:

  • severe pain;
  • rapidly spreading edema;
  • hyperemia and local temperature increase;
  • interstitial hemorrhages.

In allergy sufferers, a bee sting can cause anaphylactic shock. A bee sting is difficult for young children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Multiple bites can cause severe intoxication, which manifests itself not only locally, but also affects general state. The patient has all the symptoms of intoxication:

If the bite is single and the person does not have an allergy, then you can cope with the consequences at home. Acute intoxication requires immediate medical attention and hospitalization. Deadly for a healthy person, bee venom is at a dose of 0.2 g. This corresponds to 500-1000 bee stings.

The method of treating a bee sting corresponds to the treatment of stings of stinging insects:

  • remove the insect sting with sterile tweezers or a needle to stop the flow of toxin from the glands located above the sting;
  • wash the bite site with soapy or soapy soda solution, rinse with water and dry. It is impossible to rub the bitten place strongly, so as not to increase the absorption of the poison;
  • treat the skin with an antiseptic - alcohol, cologne, medicinal tinctures, Chloramine B, Decamethoxine;
  • apply cold to the place of edema - pieces of ice, a napkin moistened with a solution of ether, apply a cream based on camphor and menthol around the wound;
  • take antihistamines - Telfast, Cetirizine, Xizal, Erius, Lomilan;
  • treat the bite site with a non-hormonal antihistamine ointment, cream or gel - Ketopin, Gistan, Skinoren, Fenistil-gel.

If there are pronounced signs of an allergic reaction, call an ambulance. In addition to drug treatment of intoxication, alternative methods can be used in consultation with the doctor.

Folk methods of treatment

Decoctions of birch, oak, willow bark contain tannins and will help relieve swelling. medicinal plants- string, lupine, calendula, nasturtium, violet will relieve skin manifestations, hyperemia, swelling, itching. They will help to establish the outflow of lymph and fluid from tissues, a decoction of galangal, cat paw, lily of the valley, oregano, St. John's wort, bison.

If, after a bee sting, the edema spreads over a large area, then a bath is made for the affected part of the body from a decoction of the soapwort herb officinalis. A more complex collection is used for compresses and baths. It includes a string, celandine, St. John's wort, sage, fir and pine extract.

A decoction of cornflower flowers, calendula, nettle leaves, horsetail grass, a series of tripartite and Veronica officinalis will help cleanse the blood of toxin. All components take 30 g each and pour 1000 ml of water.

Infuse for 5-6 hours, and then boil for 60 minutes. Drink a decoction of 100 ml 4 times a day. For the same purpose, they drink a decoction of flowers of the lamb, which they take 1 tbsp. l., and brew 1 cup boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes. and drink as tea ½ cup 4 times a day.

From an allergy to a bee sting, the following recipe will help: take 10 g of galangal root, powder from the leaves of a noble laurel, calendula flowers, herb succession. Everything is placed in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 7-10 hours. Add 2 tsp to the resulting infusion. homemade apple cider vinegar. Drink 1/3 cup of the resulting mixture 3-4 times a day.

From allergic rashes, a compress with dill, bay or fennel oil will help. The same oil can be taken orally by dripping 5 drops on a piece of refined sugar. Healers advise lubricating the bite site with fish oil.

For the treatment of allergic rashes, an ointment made from sesame oil, onion and beeswax. Sauté chopped onion in oil until golden color. Then the oil is filtered and added to the wax melted in a water bath to get a mixture with a consistency like thick sour cream. Cooled ointment lubricates the bite site and the area of ​​edema.

To relieve swelling from a bite, an aqueous solution of mummy is used. For its preparation in 1 l warm water you need to dissolve 1 g of mummy and lubricate the affected area 2-3 times a day.

For a healthy person, a bee sting is not dangerous. If, after intoxication, a person feels suffocation, fever, itchy skin, watery eyes, runny nose, then you should immediately seek medical help.

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