Realization of alcoholic products at night. Graduation and alcoholic drinks. When can I buy alcohol in the subjects of the Russian Federation

The sale of alcoholic products is allowed only to certain enterprises that comply with certain conditions and requirements. For execution this process it is necessary to obtain a license, as well as the organization of the sales process itself must be carried out according to certain rules. If entrepreneurs violate the terms of the law, severe penalties will be applied to them.

Legislative regulation

The process of selling alcohol is regulated by Federal Law No. 171, and numerous amendments are regularly made to it. At the beginning of 2018, sellers were informed about the tightening of the alcohol sales process. Changes concern not only trading establishments, but also manufacturers.

On January 1, 2018, a special grace period began, during which all producers and sellers of alcohol must make numerous adjustments to their business in order for it to comply with the requirements of the law. Such a delay lasts for six months, after which the organizations will be subjected to stringent inspections, the main purpose of which will be to identify violations. The law on the sale of alcoholic products provides that from July 1, 2018, different sanctions will be applied to violators.

Numerous changes will affect not only entrepreneurs, but also direct consumers. The main purpose of the introduction of changes is the fight against the illegal creation of alcoholic beverages. In addition, a transparent and understandable system will be created to control the production of alcohol and its sale. At the same time, an increase in the cost of production is expected, which will positively affect the fight against alcoholism.

What additions have been made?

The changes apply to all citizens and companies specializing in the production or sale of alcoholic beverages. The sale of alcoholic beverages will be allowed from July only if there is a new business format.

The number of problems and worries will also increase for regulatory authorities, as they will have to conduct regular checks to determine whether the numerous requirements of the law are being met.

The main additions introduced in 2018 include:

  • the sale of alcoholic products via the Internet is not allowed;
  • equipment used in the creation of such drinks must be correctly registered;
  • individuals cannot transport more than 5 liters of unlabeled alcohol-containing products in a car;
  • due to the widespread introduction of the EGAIS system, reliable and effective protection from the sale of alcohol at the wrong time, as well as on the check there will be information about the brand of the purchased drink;
  • the punishment applied to citizens or companies that violate the law in the field of production and sale of alcohol is significantly tougher, and it provides not only for the imposition of significant fines, but even the possible application of criminal liability for violators.

By changing the information in the law, amendments were introduced to the Code of Administrative Offenses. Local authorities have the ability to supplement legislation, but only in the direction of tightening, not softening.

The nuances of selling on the Internet

Since the beginning of 2018, the sale of alcohol through various websites has been completely prohibited. Such a restriction on the sale of alcoholic products is due to the fact that citizens often buy such drinks at the wrong time. If the requirements of the law are violated, then the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for serious penalties:

  • individuals pay a fine in the amount of 3 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for officials, a fine is imposed, ranging from 25 to 40 thousand rubles;
  • companies will be required to pay from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

Such strict measures will help ensure that companies and citizens will really take a responsible approach to the requirements of Federal Law No. 149. Based on this law, those sites are being blocked, on the pages of which there is an advertisement for products containing alcohol. Due to this measure, it is planned that the amount of alcohol consumed by Russian citizens will be reduced.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance is independently developing a special project, on the basis of which the sale of alcohol via the Internet will be officially prohibited.

How to register equipment correctly?

The changes also affected the equipment designed to create various alcoholic beverages. The sale of alcoholic products is permitted if these drinks are created on high-quality and correctly registered equipment. If the use of illegal devices and units is detected, then significant fines are imposed, not only to companies, but also to individuals. The punishment is represented by large fines:

  • for individuals - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • for companies - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.

In addition, significant fines are introduced for the use in the production process of pharmaceutical ethyl alcohol.

What restrictions apply to the rules of transportation?

In Art. 14.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses indicates that since the beginning of 2018, certain restrictions have been introduced in the process of transporting alcoholic beverages. Individuals cannot transport unmarked alcohol in a car in large quantities, and it does not matter where it was produced. For such a violation, a fine is imposed in the amount of 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Additionally, all products will be withdrawn.

It is allowed to transport no more than 5 liters per person.

The nuances of the introduction of the EGAIS system

It already operates in many trade organizations. The rules for the sale of alcoholic products are that such a system controls the possibility of selling alcohol during unauthorized periods of time. Additionally, it is guaranteed that there is no possibility that illegal alcohol will fall into retail sale.

The EGAIS system makes it possible to create a single database that includes all types of alcohol. Each checkout will have a special scanner to control the sale of alcoholic beverages. It will be connected via the Internet to this base. When using this equipment, information is read from the excise stamp, and this information will additionally be duplicated on the receipt.

An undeniable advantage of such an organization for the sale of alcoholic products is that each buyer can receive a lot of important data about the drink they buy.

Additionally, the possibility of introducing a special GOST for brandy is being developed, since the turnover of illegal cognac is considered too high. Based on the amendments, brands are allocated to a separate category of alcohol. This will improve its quality, as well as simplify the process of work of regulatory authorities.

Tougher punishment

In addition, the changes affected the penalties for violation of the law. Even criminal liability is introduced for the sale of alcoholic products with violations. In addition to fines, arrests, community service, or even imprisonment for a sufficiently long period are now applied. Two articles are introduced into the Criminal Code:

  • Illegal production of alcohol. If low-quality goods are created by illegal methods, this will lead to serious penalties. They are represented by a fine in the amount of 2 to 3 million rubles, as well as forced labor for a period of 1 to 3 years. In addition, imprisonment for up to three years may be applied. If a collective violation of the law is revealed at all, then the fine is increased to 4 million rubles, and forced labor for up to 5 years or imprisonment for up to 5 years is also imposed.
  • Illegal sale of alcoholic beverages. Each company that sells such drinks must have a license to sell alcoholic beverages. For lack of permission, a fine is imposed in the amount of 50 to 80 thousand rubles. If the presence of counterfeit excise stamps is revealed, then the fine is increased to 500 thousand rubles, and imprisonment for 8 years or forced labor can also be applied.

Additionally, when determining a specific punishment, it is taken into account what kind of damage was caused. If the sale of alcoholic products to minors is carried out at all, then both the seller and the entire trade organization are punished.

Application of collective responsibility

The problem of soldering young people is considered the most acute for the state. It is assumed that children are primarily influenced by older young people, so amendments will soon be adopted, on the basis of which not only sellers and trade organizations, but also parents will be held accountable.

The list will include citizens who, at the request of young people, purchase alcoholic beverages for them.

What days will alcohol not be sold?

Introduced special days of sobriety. This requirement for the sale of alcoholic products was supported by many regions, which, in turn, independently tightened such amendments, so the number of days when citizens would not be able to buy alcohol was increased.

Alcoholic products are not sold on the following days:

  • the last day of school before the summer holidays;
  • during the graduation balls;
  • June 1, since this day is the day for the protection of childhood;
  • July 27 - youth day;
  • September 1 - the first day of school;
  • September 11 is sobriety day.

Additionally regional authorities significantly increase the number of days when it is forbidden for various trade organizations to sell alcohol. Usually this includes any city holidays.

When is alcohol allowed to be sold?

Federal Law No. 171 additionally contains information about what time it is allowed to sell alcoholic beverages. These requirements remained unchanged in 2018, so it is not allowed to sell alcohol after 23:00. In many regions, this measure has been significantly tightened, so in some cities it will not be possible to purchase products after 22:00 or 21:00.

It is allowed to start the sale only from 8:00, but in some cities this time is extended to 9:00 or 10:00. Regions can exclusively extend this period of time.

Age restrictions

Quite a long time ago there was information about the need to amend the legislation regarding the permissible age for the purchase of alcohol. Therefore, it is planned to change from 18 years to 21 years.

The initiator of such a project is the Ministry of Health. But at the same time, the bill is still under consideration, therefore, at the beginning of 2018, the significant changes.

Punishment for selling without a license

Every liquor company must pre-license this process. Exceptions are situations:

  • sale of medical drugs containing alcohol;
  • sale of products by an intermediary on behalf of a company holding a sales permit.

In other situations, a license to sell alcoholic beverages is required. If not, then the following penalties apply:

  • officials pay a fine in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles, and they will also be disqualified for a period of 2 to 3 years;
  • companies pay a fine in the amount of 3 million rubles. up to 1/5 of the profit for the year of work, all products are confiscated, and the activity of the enterprise can be suspended for a period of 60 to 90 days.

Thus, the sale of various alcoholic beverages should be carried out by companies only taking into account many legal requirements. If they are violated, significant penalties are applied to them. They can be represented not only by large fines, but also by arrest or suspension of activities. In 2018, significant changes were made to the legislation, so the penalties were toughened. Also, companies involved in the production or sale of liquor must completely change the format of their business in order to legally continue to operate.

In our country, the existing law on the sale of alcohol in retail outlets operating in the territories of regions, districts, rural settlements is periodically adjusted. Corresponding amendments were made to the document recently, namely in 2014, 2015, 2016.

At the end of November 1995, Federal Law No. 171 "On state regulation production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products. For more than 20 years, the necessary amendments have been made to the legislative document, the last of which was approved in 2011, in July.

Today, in accordance with Article 16 of Chapter II of Federal Law 171, the country has established norms for the sale of strong alcoholic beverages that regulate how much, at what time, to whom and where it is allowed to sell alcoholic beverages and what is prohibited, in particular: retail alcohol in trading enterprises.

Today, all stores that sell alcoholic products do not release them at night and in the evening. Changes made to the law in July 2016 set a lower limit, that is, until how much alcohol is sold outlets.

The time of sale does not depend on the day, i.e. it doesn't matter when you want to buy alcohol, weekdays or weekends. However, there are also limitations, which we will discuss below.

For convenience, we have included all the data on how much and until what time they do not sell alcohol in a pivot table, depending on the city in which you want to buy alcohol:

Time when alcohol is not sold Cities of Russia
21.00-10.00 Altai
21.00-10.00 Arkhangelsk
22.00-10.00 Belgorod
23.00-08.00 Vologda
23.00-08.00 Volgograd
20.00-11.00 Transbaikalia
23.00-08.00 Jewish Autonomous Region
21.00-09.00 Ivanovo
21.00-09.00 Irkutsk
21.00-10.00 Kaliningrad
22.00-10.00 Kaluga
23.00-08.00 Kemerovo
22.00-11.00 Krasnodar
22.00-10.00 Kirov
23.00-08.00 Mound
21.00-09.00 Lipetsk
21.00-11.00 Murmansk
22.00-09.00 Novosibirsk
22.00-11.00 Novorossiysk
22.00-10.00 Omsk
22.00-10.00 Orenburg
23.00-08.00 Eagle
23.00-08.00 Permian
22.00-09.00 Primorye
23.00-08.00 Penza
23.00-08.00 Rostov-on-Don
23.00-08.00 Ryazan
23.00-10.00 Samara
22.00-10.00 Saratov
23.00-08.00 Sochi
21.00-09.00 Suzdal
22.00-10.00 Tver
23.00-10.00 Tolyatti
23.00-08.00 Tynda
23.00-10.00 Feodosia
23.00-08.00 Cherepovets
23.00-10.00 Cheboksary
23.00-08.00 Uglich
23.00-08.00 Ufa
23.00-08.00 Yaroslavl

On Friday, the same trading rules that determine the scope for the sale of alcohol apply as other weekdays and weekends.

In Moscow in 2018 you can not buy alcohol from eleven o'clock in the evening until eight in the morning. In the Moscow region, a different regime for the sale of drinks with a high degree has been established: from twenty-one hours to eleven in the morning.

In St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), alcohol is sold from eleven in the morning until ten in the evening, and in Leningrad region they are not traded from ten o'clock in the evening until nine o'clock in the morning.

For Crimea, since 2015, there are also rules prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages at night:

Also in the Crimea, there are some rules:

  • The sale of alcohol is allowed in closed cafes and restaurants equipped with at least six tables (for 24 seats). However, it is forbidden to sell alcohol to take away.
  • Legal entities are allowed to sell any alcohol, individual entrepreneurs - beer, cider and mead.
  • At outlets located in residential buildings and kiosks are prohibited from selling from 22.00 to 11.00.
  • It is also interesting that a stricter restriction was changed in Simferopol, when it was impossible to buy alcohol after 17.00.

In addition, age limits have been set for the retail sale of spirits and cigarettes. They are strictly forbidden to be sold to teenagers under eighteen years of age.

Days of the prohibition of the sale of alcohol (sobriety day)

As can be seen from the table, the regions at the local level have the right, within the framework of the legislation, to establish their own restrictions on the sale of vodka, wine, beer and other alcoholic products. Consequently, in the territories of the regions they do not sell alcohol on Sunday, holidays associated with school activities and calendar holidays.

The sale of alcohol is prohibited or significantly restricted:

  • on sites intended for mass recreation;
  • beaches;
  • close to cult and cultural objects(museums, temples);
  • stations for refueling vehicles;
  • in markets, railway stations, in the subway, at airports.

Sale of alcohol without restrictions

The regulatory document does not contain time limits for the sale of low-alcohol drinks, including beer, red and white wine. Unlike drinks that have a high strength, they can be bought at any time of the day or night.

Strong alcohol is allowed to be sold in cafes and restaurants that have a license to sell them. However, their drinking is possible directly within the walls of the enterprise. Catering, it is forbidden to take out alcohol outside of it.


According to the current regulations, it is impossible to sell alcoholic beverages at night in any trading enterprises, but unfortunately, not all sellers comply with government regulations. In this case, a system of fines has been prepared for organizations and heads of trade enterprises that do not comply with the law.

Legalized by the rules of punishment, they are applied as follows:

  1. the director bears personal responsibility, determined in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles;
  2. the outlet is fined in the amount of 50,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Buying alcohol online

It is very difficult to control the sale of spirits on the Internet, to whom and at what time they were sold. But if the fact is established and proven, then the site is blocked, and the owner of the IP address faces a fine of up to one million rubles.

Officials who have committed a violation of the current legislation are individually liable according to the law. For them, the fine is up to 50,000 rubles.

The motives behind the restrictions on the sale of alcohol

Amendments to the current legislation were made on the basis of statistical data, which recorded an unfavorable situation associated with the drinking of alcoholic beverages. Statistics show a significant increase in alcohol sales per capita in recent years, especially among minors.

The second reason that prompted to supplement the law with new amendments regarding the time of sale of alcoholic products is the growth of offenses committed under the influence of alcoholic beverages by juvenile delinquents.

These measures are forced and taken in order to prevent the development of alcoholism.

Experience of foreign countries

Basically, strong alcohol is not sold to young people under 18 years of age. For example, in Australia, Brazil, Western European countries. In the United States of America, alcoholic beverages are not sold to young people under the age of 21, in Iceland and Japan - up to 20 years. In South Korea, it is legal to buy alcohol from the age of 19.

Legislative law

The main legislative documents regulating the rules for the sale of alcohol in the capital are:

  • Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 28, 2005 No. 1069-PP. Annex No. 2 specifies additional restrictions and requirements for the sale of alcohol;
  • Law No. 40/2012-03 of April 27, 2012 "On the retail sale of alcoholic products in the Moscow Region".

And what harm can it do to the human body. Therefore, the State Duma decided to take control of the sale of alcoholic beverages. How does the alcohol ban work? What time is it impossible to buy strong drinks in Russia? Let's analyze the law in more detail.

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a loss of control over how much you drink, with devastating consequences. As this condition progresses, tolerance to alcohol and psychophysical dependence on it appear.

From a medical point of view, drunkenness is a disease characterized by craving for alcoholic beverages. Sometimes the name "chronic alcoholism" is used. The disease is growing rapidly every year. That is why authorities around the world are introducing a new bill to limit the sale of strong drinks.

Alcohol prohibition law

Every year in Russia the percentage of people who drink alcohol is increasing, and minors have appeared among them. The authorities, concerned about this situation, are adopting more and more new laws that should reduce the possibility of buying alcoholic beverages. The most significant of them is Decree 171-FZ of November 22, 1995. According to this law, strong drinks include those that have more than 0.5% alcohol.

The law on the prohibition of the sale of alcohol does not allow the sale of alcoholic products near institutions visited by children, in cultural institutions, in public transport and crowded places, such as train stations, bus stops, markets and others. The decree also prohibits the sale of drinks containing alcohol to persons under the age of majority.

In addition to the territorial restrictions on the sale of alcohol, there are others. The decree highlights certain days of the ban on the sale of alcohol. May, as the last month of spring, is associated with fragrant barbecue and a lot of holidays. In Russia, it is officially customary to ban the sale of alcohol on certain days. When is the ban on the sale of alcohol on the May holidays effective?

May 25 is the date when graduates celebrate the end of school. It is on this day that it is forbidden retail hot drinks. If the calendar is Sunday, then the ban is shifted to May 24.

The ban on the sale of alcohol is not entirely justified, because often graduates, wanting to celebrate graduation unforgettably, while intoxicated, commit a lot of rash acts.

June days of sobriety

We have already found out when it will not be possible to purchase alcohol in May. When will it not be possible to do this in the first month of summer? Is a ban on the sale of alcohol on holidays effective?

A ban on the sale of alcohol in June also exists. At the beginning of summer, unlike May, there are three days of sobriety: June 1, 12 and 27 (Russia and youth). In these alcohol is prohibited.

Ban on the sale of alcohol in September

The ban on the sale of alcohol on holidays is well justified. As statistics show, most of the injuries received in are associated with alcohol intoxication. In September, the sale of alcohol is prohibited in next days: September 1, 17 and 11.

Punishment for breaking the law

Punishable. Organizations that sell goods in a territory prohibited for this are required to pay a fine for violating the law. The amount ranges from 50 to 100,000 rubles. Such a fine is imposed on the entire organization, and a separate amount is set for the head himself. Usually this is 10% of the punishment for the entire establishment. Such a fine also applies to those establishments that sell alcohol-containing goods at a time prohibited for this. In addition to territorial and temporal restrictions, the distribution of alcoholic products among persons under 18 is also punishable. The fine for the establishment in this case is about 400,000 rubles, and for the seller who sold alcohol to a minor - 35,000.

The purpose of the implementation of the law

The purpose of the bill is to reduce the level of alcoholism. However, it is worth noting that such a decision encourages many to illegally sell strong drinks. That is why cases of poisoning with low-quality alcoholic products have recently become more frequent. It is worth noting that another goal of the bill is to reduce the number of accidents involving people under the influence of alcohol. Statistics show that most of these accidents occur at night. It is for this reason that the alcohol prohibition bill provides for a temporary barrier to the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Illegal trade

For each of us, the World Wide Web is not only a way to find useful information, but also convenient option to make purchases. Statistics show that the number of online shoppers is growing every year. Every day a huge amount of illegal products appear on the Web, which scammers are diligently trying to sell. Among these products is alcohol. On the Internet, the price of alcoholic beverages is much lower than the market price, but are they of high quality?

Careful monitoring made it possible to find out that the majority of strong drinks that are sold on the Web not only do not have a license, but are also dangerous to human health. In connection with the increase in cases of alcohol poisoning by low-quality alcoholic beverages purchased virtually, the State Duma seriously thought about strict control of online sellers. The bill, which provides for punishment for illegal Internet trading, is planned to be released this spring.

Time barrier

There are many public holidays when the ban on also plays a significant role. What time is it impossible to buy alcohol in Russia?

The decree prohibits the sale of alcohol from 23:00 to 08:00. However, almost every region has set its own time barrier. It is worth discussing this in more detail. In the Moscow region, the sale of alcohol ends at 21:00, and begins at 11:00, while, for example, in Tula region You can only make a purchase from two in the afternoon until ten in the evening.

The most stringent measures have been taken in the Chechen Republic, since alcohol can be purchased there only for two hours a day, namely from eight to ten in the morning. In some regions, the ban on the sale of alcohol also applies on weekends, that is, it is also impossible to purchase alcohol on Saturday and Sunday. Ulyanovsk region stands out among such regions.

Powder alcohol

Powdered alcohol in Russia is becoming more popular every day. This is a dry mixture that, when interacting with water, turns into alcoholic drink. Usually this product is sold again on the Web. Experts conducted a series of studies and found out that this is a narcotic substance that is similar in taste to alcohol.

In December 2015, the State Duma submitted for consideration a proposal to ban the sale of powdered alcohol. The bill is currently being prepared for public disclosure. As we said earlier, this mixture is most often sold on the Internet, and that is why the State Duma will soon establish special controls that will prevent illegal sale on the Web.

New bill

So, the State Duma seriously took up control over enterprises that sell alcoholic beverages. This year, it was proposed to allow the sale of such products only in specialized outlets. A store that has an area of ​​at least fifty square meters. It is also worth noting that the room must have both an entrance and an exit. If the store is in countryside, then the minimum area threshold is twenty-five square meters.

Opponents of bans

In Russia, there is a ban on the sale of alcohol in May, September, June and other months, as well as at certain times. However, more recently, the authorities put forward a proposal to lift the ban on the sale of alcohol in certain territorial categories. They believe that the number of alcohol addicts has not decreased, but this has significantly hit the budget pocket.

The Ministry of Health does not support such an initiative. They believe that this could provoke an increase in alcohol consumption, including among young people. This can lead to an aggravation of the criminal situation.

Prohibition of alcohol in thermoplastic

Interestingly, since the beginning of this year, a new project has been released that prohibits the sale of alcohol in plastic bottles. Only that alcohol in plastic is allowed, which exceeds four degrees of strength. First of all, this decree will affect beer factories that sell their products in such containers. However, amendments were adopted, and the State Duma allowed the sale of wine from Russian grapes in plastic bottles, but only if they are properly packaged.

Proposal to ban the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age

Russian deputy and governor Alexander Drozdenko earlier this year submitted for consideration a proposal to introduce a bill that would prohibit the sale of alcohol among persons under the age of 21. The MP emphasizes in his draft that this will preserve the health of citizens Russian Federation. For clarity, Alexander cites world statistics, in which the country ranks fourth in the consumption of strong drinks.

Drozdenko believes that in the first place it is necessary to pay attention to young people. Often, teenagers do not control themselves in a state of intoxication and commit rash, and sometimes even life-threatening or social acts.

The fine for drinking alcohol by a person under the age of 21 will be from 500 to a thousand rubles. An institution that sold alcohol will not only be punished with a fine, but in the future may lose its license altogether.

The aim of this project is to reduce the level of alcohol consumption among young people. According to the statistics for the last year, average age adolescents who drink alcohol is fourteen years old. Such data, of course, is not encouraging.


As we have already found out, only an adult citizen can purchase alcohol, but there are exceptions in the law. Alcoholic beverages can be sold to a person who has not reached the age of eighteen if the teenager has opened his own private enterprise or is married. In such a situation, the minor is considered as a capable citizen. Nevertheless, few sellers know about this amendment and still do not risk selling alcohol to independent teenagers.

Summing up

Drinking alcohol is individual choice everyone. We found out on which days the ban on the sale of alcohol is valid and what time frames are set for this. This information will be of interest to every connoisseur of strong drinks. However, we strongly recommend not to get involved in alcoholic beverages, and if possible, completely abandon them. Be healthy!

(As amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11/16/96 N 1364, of 07/14/97 N 867, of 10/13/99 N 1150, of 11/02/2000 N 840)

1. These Rules govern the relationship between the seller and the buyer in the sale of alcoholic products.

In these Rules, the seller means an organization regardless of the legal form, as well as individual entrepreneur, selling alcoholic products under a retail sale and purchase agreement, under the buyer - a citizen who has the intention to purchase or acquire or use alcoholic products for personal, family, household and other needs not related to entrepreneurial activities.

2. Alcoholic products include food products made using ethyl alcohol produced from food raw materials, with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 1.5 percent of the finished product volume. Alcoholic products are divided into the following types: ethyl drinking alcohol, spirits and wine.

3. The sale of alcoholic products is carried out only if there is a license issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with relevant information indicating the number of the license, its validity period and the authority that issued it. This information should be posted in easy-to-read places.

4. These Rules are brought to the attention of buyers in a clear and accessible form.

5. The sale of ethyl drinking alcohol is only allowed in areas Far North and areas equated to them in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. The seller is obliged to promptly bring to the attention of the buyer the necessary and reliable information about the product and its manufacturer, in a clear and accessible form, providing the opportunity right choice alcoholic products.

The information must contain the following information in Russian:

name and price of alcoholic products;

data confirming the certification of alcoholic products;

manufacturer's name (legal address) and country of origin of alcoholic products;

state standards, the requirements of which alcoholic products must comply with;

the volume of alcoholic products in consumer packaging;

the name of the main ingredients that affect the taste and aroma of alcoholic products;

contraindications to the use of alcoholic products;

date of manufacture and expiration date.

The seller is also obliged to have, in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation, a copy of the certificate to the consignment note or a copy of the certificate to the freight customs declaration in relation to imported alcoholic products and present them at the request of the buyer.

7. The seller is obliged to have valid sanitary regulations and other necessary normative documentation and comply with their requirements.

8. A seller who sells alcoholic products is obliged to provide buyers with information in a clear and accessible form about the hours of sale of alcoholic products, their assortment, and consumer properties.

9. Sale of alcoholic products is not allowed:

1) without confirmation of the legality of its production and circulation (in the absence of a certificate to the bill of lading or a certificate to the cargo customs declaration in respect of imported alcoholic products or their certified in due course copies, excise stamps or special stamps or if there are counterfeit stamps in relation to alcoholic products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 9 percent;

2) without information about the mandatory certification and not marked with a mark of conformity;

3) poor quality and hazardous to human health (does not meet the requirements state standards, sanitary regulations and hygiene standards; having obvious signs of poor quality; not corresponding to a specific type and name of alcoholic products; with unspecified expiration dates for products for which an expiration date must be established, or with an expired expiration date; packaging, container and labeling of which do not meet the requirements of state standards);

5) foreign-made, marked with trademarks of Russian manufacturers, without the importer having an appropriate license to use the trademark of Russian manufacturers;

6) persons under the age of 18;

7) in children's, educational, religious and medical institutions and in the territories adjacent to them.

10. It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 13 percent of the volume of finished products in places of mass congestion of citizens and sources of increased danger (train stations, airports, metro stations, military facilities) and in the territories adjacent to them, in stalls, kiosks, tents, pavilions, containers and premises not adapted for the sale of these products, as well as in wholesale food markets and in the territories adjacent to them, from hands, trays and vehicles.

Adjacent territories are determined by local self-government bodies in the manner established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

11. Organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 13 percent of the volume of finished products in cities must have stationary trading and warehouses with total area not less than 50 square meters, burglar alarm, safes for storing documents and money, cash registers.

12. Alcoholic products must be stored in accordance with the requirements normative documents for the respective type of product.

Alcoholic products are placed by groups and brands.

13. Before selling alcoholic products, the seller is obliged to check its quality by external signs.

14. When selling alcoholic products, the seller attaches price tags with the name of the product, the price, including the cost of dishes and packaging, to the samples of the goods available for sale. When selling wines in bulk, the price list indicates the name and price for 1 liter and 0.1 liter (for wines).

At public catering establishments, the price lists for alcoholic products should indicate: the name of the drink, the capacity of the bottle, the price for the entire capacity of the bottle, as well as for 100 or 50 grams.

15. Workplaces of sellers, bartenders, bartenders and other persons who sell alcoholic products on tap must be equipped with appropriate trade equipment, measuring equipment, utensils.

16. The sale of alcoholic products is carried out using cash registers in accordance with applicable law. The seller is obliged to issue to the buyer the repaid cash receipt or other document certifying the fact of purchase.

17. The seller is responsible for the improper execution of the contract for the retail purchase and sale of alcoholic products in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" as amended federal law dated January 9, 1996 N 2-FZ.

18. The buyer, to whom alcoholic products of inadequate quality were sold, if it was not agreed by the seller, has the right, at his choice, to demand the replacement of such goods with goods of appropriate quality or a commensurate reduction in the purchase price.

Instead of presenting these requirements, the buyer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of retail purchase and sale and demand the return of the amount of money paid for the goods. In this case, the buyer, at the request of the seller, must return the goods with defects.

When returning to the buyer the amount of money paid for the goods, the seller is not entitled to withhold from it the amount by which the value of the goods has decreased due to the full or partial use of the goods, the loss of their presentation or other similar circumstances.

The buyer does not have a cash register or sales receipt or any other document certifying the fact and conditions of the purchase of goods is not a basis for refusing to satisfy his requirements, since the absence of such documents does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to witness testimony in support of the conclusion of the contract and its terms.

The specified requirements can be presented and are subject to satisfaction in the terms and in the manner established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" as amended by the Federal Law of January 9, 1996 N 2-FZ.

19. Vendors, managers and other officials trade organizations for violation of these Rules are liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

20. Control over compliance with these Rules is carried out by federal executive authorities and their territorial authorities, as well as executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within their competence

In our country there is a temporary ban on the sale of alcohol. There are two types of restrictions: by time of day and by certain dates. You can not sell alcoholic beverages in the evening and at night, as well as on the days established by law. Typically, such measures are due to major holidays - state or youth (for example, there is a ban on the sale of alcohol at graduation). You should know in advance about the possible limits, so as not to be in an awkward situation.

Calendar Features

The legislation of our country tells about the days on which the ban on the sale of alcohol is in effect. In each region, the authorities independently decide on what dates to impose a limit on alcohol. As a rule, officials indicate specific events during which these restrictions apply - mass events that attract many visitors. What are the days of the ban on the sale of alcohol this year? Official documents will tell about it.

Restrictions are imposed only on retail sales, apply to specific settlements listed in the resolutions of the local administration. This means that in other places in the same region, alcohol products can be sold freely, unless it is at night and the buyer has reached the age limit of 18 years.

When is it possible and not?

As a rule, the law on the prohibition of the sale of alcohol prohibits the sale of such goods during a series of celebrations of the Last Bells, as well as during periods when Days of the City, Youth and other similar holidays are celebrated. For example, in some regions celebrate the holiday of sobriety. It is logical that on this day there is a decree banning the sale of alcohol. On such days, no alcohol can be sold. Even beer and similar low-grade drinks cannot be sold privately.

If on a certain day the law prohibits the sale of alcohol, then it must be observed. This fact is usually controlled by law enforcement agencies. If it was possible to find a point that illegally sells alcohol when it is prohibited, the owner is held accountable. This is usually classified as an administrative offense. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, this is punishable under the third part of the 14th article - a fine is imposed.

And how much to shell out?

If a violation of the ban on the sale of alcohol is revealed (in June 2017, for example, there were several days when such measures were taken), the officials involved in the incident are required to pay a fine of 5-10 thousand rubles. Alcoholic beverages are confiscated by law enforcement officials, formally drawing up a protocol. It is important for the perpetrator to ensure that the fact of confiscation is documented as precisely and correctly as possible.

A legal entity whose guilt in violating the ban on the sale of alcohol has been established will also be punished. Minimum size a fine - 50,000 rubles, but it can vary and even reach 100,000. At legal entity alcoholic beverages are also confiscated.

Are there any exceptions?

So, there is a ban on the sale of alcohol on June 27, during the graduation period, under New Year and as Victory Day approaches. But this means that only retail trade in ordinary stores is banned, but duty-free does not stop for a day. In addition, you can enter into transactions between organizations for the supply of alcohol - this is legal on any day, regardless of holidays.

Despite the ban on the sale of alcohol on Youth Day and other holidays, some types of alcoholic beverages can be sold. Transactions with individuals selling beer, cider, mead are allowed. You can also sell drinks that are close to them - for example, pubs, which are presented on the market in a wide range. Available for realization poiret. However, this is allowed only to those firms, enterprises that work in the field of public catering. By law, during the days of the ban on the sale of alcohol (including in 2017), the sale of these drinks is allowed on the condition that the products are consumed right on the spot.

Protecting children and more

Children's Day is another important Public Holiday, which is a good enough reason to introduce a ban on the sale of alcohol in 2017 (as before, and probably in the future). It is celebrated on June 1st. On this day, in most regions in 2017, the sale of any alcoholic beverages is banned. In order to officially regulate this fact, city administrations issue decrees making the ban irresistible. The legislation of the region also usually states that it is impossible to sell alcoholic beverages on Children's Day.

However, June is rich in "dry" days. In addition to the first day, the ban on the sale of alcohol in 2017 is also valid on the 27th, when a holiday dedicated to youth is celebrated. Although the rules are the same as for other days of mass celebrations: cafes, restaurants and bars can safely sell drinks in the usual way.

Graduation and alcoholic drinks

According to many, the most important June holidays are graduations. At least, young people - schoolchildren, students - are firmly convinced that this is so. Usually the celebration begins on June 27, but they finish walking only by the first day of the next summer month. The authorities of the cities, in no way wanting to spoil the fun for people, limit the possibility of selling alcohol, trying to protect young people from the harmful effects of such drinks.

For the entire period, the administration of the region, the city has the right to limit the sale of the described group of goods by a special decree. If such a ban is planned to be introduced, they inform about it in advance - all those in need have the opportunity to pre-purchase what they need. Therefore, despite the restriction, the holiday will not spoil anyone.

Features of prohibitions

The first ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages was introduced in 2013. The very first period of sales restriction lasted a full four days and turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for unprepared people. Many missed the news that a temporary ban would be introduced. Then a wave of public indignation arose about this, although in equally there were also many who approved the initiative of the officials.

The limitation is the most work small shops and entrepreneurs holding pavilions. Specialized stores and does have to take a day off. In fact, normal activities are only available to entertainment establishments where access is open to persons over 18 years of age.

Time and no time

As a rule, during the days of the ban on the sale of alcohol, alcohol can be bought in the morning, and the actual restriction is only relevant in the evening. In most cases, the ordinance regulates the ban for a time period from two in the afternoon until the evening, when sales are prohibited throughout the country until the morning.

Days when the sale of alcoholic beverages is limited are seen by many as an excellent opportunity to come to a sober, healthy lifestyle. Many holidays for the local government are a reason to introduce long-term restrictions. Increasingly, these are four-day sobriety "holidays" that encourage people to live the right way of life without bad habits. However, since the ban usually begins to operate only from two in the afternoon, it is quite simple to purchase the necessary volumes of alcohol.

Is it possible or not?

If a ban on the sale of alcoholic products is introduced because of the holidays celebrated by young people, then in the first place they want to protect young people. It's no secret that during the graduation period, there is a high probability of getting alcohol poisoning, as many "freed" from the school schedule try to touch adult life. However, others do not agree with this approach. Officially, alcoholic beverages should not be sold to persons under 18 years of age, which means that the ban is superfluous - after all, those who want to be protected in this way are under guardianship without this. But adults, if they want to celebrate the successful completion of the school program by children, do not need such protection.

Current laws establish that it is unacceptable to purchase alcoholic beverages under the age of 18. This is discussed in the Code of Administrative Offenses in the 14th article. If this rule is violated, the seller will have to pay a considerable amount. Currently, fines for individuals vary between 30-50 thousand, but legal entities caught on a hot one will have to fork out 100-200 thousand. It would seem that the fines should be frightening, but from year to year, police statistics show: only recorded cases in each region of our country are several dozen per month, and so all year round. Most of these are small retail outlets, but sometimes large stores.

To ban or not?

Many alumni parents trust their children enough to disapprove of a liquor ban. Adults are dissatisfied with the fact that the authorities are increasingly using the right to impose restrictions on the sale of such goods, and fear that dry law will soon come into the country altogether. However, you can’t argue - bans are being introduced more and more often. Officially, this is explained by the effectiveness of the measure: the number of cases of alcohol poisoning is decreasing, during the holidays people are much less likely to go to the hospital because of alcohol.

The townsfolk who made the period of restriction on the sale of alcohol during the Soviet Union, are afraid that the innovations in the legislation of recent years will sooner or later end with the same rigid time frame. In the old days, alcohol was allowed to be bought only from two in the afternoon to seven in the evening. But it's undeniable that this has minimized the opportunity for many to overdrink. As soon as the house runs out of alcohol, it is not so easy to buy an additional portion. Having sobered up, the same person will probably only be glad that he managed to do without an additional “per capita reception”.

Useful or not?

It cannot be denied that at the present time there has not yet been published a single analytical report from a verified, trustworthy authority, company, which would clearly state that setting a time frame for the sale of alcoholic products, prohibiting the sale on certain days would bring significant benefits to society. Indirect evidence is medical and police statistics, but so far there is no direct evidence.

IN last years actively promote healthy lifestyle life and rejection bad habits. Perhaps this really works, especially in combination with the restrictions being introduced. There are fewer drunks than there were ten years ago. Most clearly, the trend towards improving the social situation is noticeable in those settlements (quite major cities) where the standard of living is high. For many citizens such settlements Restrictions don't really change anything.

Business at a loss

“Four days in a row, five days - and you can’t sell alcohol! How is this possible?” ask businessmen whose business is largely tied to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Indeed, entrepreneurs with such restrictions lose a lot. For many citizens, it is during the period of the ban that some an important event. They celebrate weddings, hold funerals and other important ritual, traditional mass events, completely unthinkable without alcoholic beverages. But officials have something to answer: an event is planned - buy alcohol in advance. In addition, in the morning it can be bought freely if the buyer is an adult.

From a business perspective, legislation poses formidable barriers to entrepreneurial success. Buyers usually do not go shopping in the morning, especially for alcohol, so many, even when they are going to buy something, in the end decide that they can do without it, and refuse to buy so as not to disrupt the usual chain of purchases.

And someone makes a profit

From the point of view of officials, the introduction of restrictions on the sale of alcoholic products is a method to return people to a full life without alcohol. In practice, as many believe, this only leads to the fact that buyers turn to the "black market". You can find one anywhere - you can always buy hawthorn tincture or underground, singed drinks, including home production. No one is responsible for the quality and consequences, but in some cases it is completely unimportant to buyers.

Many reasonably argue: if someone is used to “sour” on holidays, no prohibitions will wean him from this habit. Just a willing person will look for workarounds to get their own. Almost any means can be used, including illegal alcohol and pharmacy “substitutes” for alcohol.

To sum up: days of prohibition

So, the ban on the sale of alcohol in 2017 is valid, as indicated in the regulations of local authorities. Usually these are the Days of youth, sobriety, children, as well as periods of graduation, New Year and military holidays.

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