How to increase the amount of the average check. Tactical ways to increase the average check. Stimulating promotions as a means of increasing the cash receipt

Control and monitoring of indicators is necessary not only large enterprises. If small shop or a HoReCa establishment plans to gain a foothold in the market and have a constant planned income, it is necessary to keep a record of such a parameter as average check. This indicator will provide information about the depth and width of the assortment, the effectiveness of the sales staff.

How to calculate

The average check, the formula of which is simple and understandable even to an amateur, is easily calculated even by a non-specialist. Revenue for a certain period, divided by the number of checks for the same period, will give the desired result. It is important to take into account changes in the purchase price and markup on the goods. If the dynamics is positive, the store is working efficiently, but if it is negative or zero, it is necessary to look for the reasons for the decline. The cash receipt may decrease in amount, for example, during sales. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the products that bring the greatest income, monitor the behavior of competitors regarding these products and analyze their dynamics in your store.

Determining problems with the average check in the store and how to solve them

The average check is no more than 4-5 items. The share of checks with purchases from 1 to 3 is gradually approaching 50% of general sales. The increase in turnover was less than the inflation rate or in the case when the increase in turnover is observed when new stores are opened. Customers are on the trading floor for a short time, and some departments do not visit at all.

It is necessary to analyze the location of both the store itself and departments, the display of goods, the dynamics of sales during the day. Conduct an analysis of the structure of the assortment, prices, turnover. ABC is carried out - analysis of sales, during which the assortment is considered, the most popular positions, products that are stale, and those that are the most profitable are identified. Assess the need for changes in, if necessary, create routes around the trading floor by installing shelf talkers and hanging signs with pointers for ease of orientation in the store. Create or modify a planogram and, of course, prepare special offers for your customers.

How to increase the average check

1. Increase in the trade margin. In the presence of unique offer and the absence of direct competitors, this will be the easiest and fastest solution. However, very few companies can boast of such an advantage. For most products there are analogues. Therefore, with an increase in the retail price, it will be necessary to increase the level of service, improve the service. And these are additional costs.

2. Range optimization. The category manager, together with merchandisers, can review the assortment structure, the principles of purchasing policy and merchandising. The task is complex, painstaking and time-consuming.

Tactical ways to increase the average check

1. Using the principle of complementarity. Many items suggest the presence of complementary goods. This principle can be taken as a basis when laying out goods. Thus, when purchasing one product, the buyer will pay attention to the second one, which complements the first one, it is highly likely that he will also purchase it, which, in turn, will increase the average check in the store.

2. Harmonization. Use turnkey solutions, demonstrate to customers which products and how can be combined with each other. For example, in the case of clothes on a mannequin, the buyer has a desire to buy the entire image, and not individual items. In this case, the average cash receipt will increase.

3. Offer for “delivery” goods of impulse demand located in the checkout area. Assess if your store has a small inexpensive product in the checkout node that the customer takes automatically when approaching the checkout. You can also duplicate the layout of a small, but hot commodity in the center of the hall, in addition to its location at the checkout.

4. Availability of gift certificates or discount cards. Close contact with corporate clients allows you to increase the pre-holiday days, as well as attract new customers.

5. Installing a terminal for non-cash payment. Buyers who pay bank card, spend more than when paying in cash, therefore, there will be an increase in the average check.

6. Focus the attention of buyers on more expensive goods. Sellers should switch the attention of buyers from a cheap product to a more expensive one gradually. Employees of the trading floor should be interested in selling more expensive goods. It may be necessary to introduce material incentives for employees when they sell a certain amount of expensive goods per month.

7. Inclusion in the assortment of inexpensive goods with a large margin. It is not difficult to offer a cheap product, it will not be difficult for sellers to sell it, and they do not need to be additionally stimulated. Inexpensive goods will attract customers to the store who will buy large quantity cheaper goods than originally planned.

Stimulating promotions as a means of increasing the cash receipt

Special offers are another way to increase the average check. Carrying out promotions “Gift for purchase”, “When buying 2 items, the 3rd one is free”, discounts at certain times of the day, sales. Such promotions help to establish a trusting contact between the store and the client and leave a good impression on the buyer. Also, when conducting stimulating promotions, the conversion increases, that is, the number of people who left the store with a purchase increases. Additional feature receive contact details of the client, which in the future can be used to disseminate information about promotions held by the store.


As a result, the turnover at the trade enterprise will increase due to the increase in the number of purchases in the cash receipt. There will be a decrease in the share of small checks and an increase in the share of medium checks, which indicates the effectiveness of both merchandising and the work of staff. In addition, the number of impulse purchases will increase if the assortment and product display are optimized. And at the heart of the positive dynamics is the average check!

In the previous article, we figured out the metrics that need to be tracked in the store. Now we are learning to work with them in such a way as to increase sales. Let's start with the average check.

The average check is the revenue divided by the number of checks. If yesterday you sold goods for 10,000 rubles and cleared 35 checks, then yesterday's average check is 285 rubles.

Let's look at ways to increase the amount of the average check. You can use some of the techniques described by calculating the average check daily. But if you want to work with metrics efficiently and regularly, you will need a product accounting or a service for processing sales statistics.

Choose additional products

Hits are what your customers buy best. Your task is to identify such hits and select complementary products for them.

Suppose it turned out that mead is most often bought in a store. What do we usually eat mead with? Yes, anything: from pickles to Tula gingerbread. Great, so you need to draw up instructions for the seller so that he offers Tula gingerbread to mead or sauerkraut.

If you want to make it easier for the seller to work and avoid mistakes, then write down the phrases (scripts) with which you need to offer complementary goods: “Gingerbread is often taken with mead, they say that sets off the sweetness. Should I punch you?”, “My husband takes sauerkraut for mead, says that it piquantly sets off the taste. Will you try?"

Sell ​​computers - offer cleaning wipes for monitors. Vacuum cleaners - replaceable dust bags.

When writing scripts, do not forget about the argument - refer to the popularity of the product among other buyers or own experience. This will increase the chances of upselling.

Sell ​​related products

You act as in the previous case: select popular products, select related products and write scripts for the seller.

For example, you have a pharmacy, and the buyer came for a remedy for the common cold. The pharmacist advises, breaks through the medicine, and casually adds: “Are you going to take handkerchiefs? These have a super soft coating that won't irritate the skin."

Trade in clothes - buy a batch of sticky rollers to clean clothes from wool. When checking out, ask if the client has pets. If there is, offer to take a roller: “You can quickly collect wool from trousers.”

Offer more

This principle applies to any consumables: from vacuum cleaner bags to women's tights. Define the category Supplies» in your range. Find out how many people usually buy.

If they take one package of goods from you, offer two or three. If they usually take two, then offer to take three or four at once. Of course, write scripts for the seller.

You have a hardware store. The buyer asks for fabric gloves, your reaction is: “Two or three pairs to punch?”. You sell clothes, the customer chose nylon tights, the seller asks: “Tights 20 den. Are you three or four pairs?


A good time for upselling is when the buyer is ready to pay at the checkout. For upselling to succeed, you need to understand who your customers are.

It doesn't make sense to offer "chocolate for a child" if a group of students buy beer from you. If the buyer chooses wine for a visit, then such an offer is appropriate.

In the shop women's clothing the seller offers: "Take socks as a gift for your husband." In the grocery store: "Rafaelka for mother-in-law?".

Tell us about the promotion

Of course, the reception makes sense if you are holding promotions in the store. Make sure sellers are aware of current and upcoming discounts and, yes, script them.

In the hardware store: "If you buy now also a kettle, you will receive a 10% discount on the entire purchase." Grocery: "Next week we will have discounts on New Year's sets, come."

Test the techniques and choose two or three of the best. By themselves, they do not guarantee explosive sales growth, but they increase the chances. Also important is the mood of your sellers, their courtesy and desire to help the buyer.

I insist on compiling scripts for sellers and getting them to be used automatically. This will allow you to focus on communicating with the buyer, and not on the choice of words.

Ask questions in the communities

To calculate the average check, the total value of the amount of purchases for the period should be divided by the number of checks issued for the same period. The higher the value obtained, the greater the value of the average check.

So how to increase the amount of the average check?

Method number 1. Additional sales

Practice shows that when buying the necessary product, people quite often agree with the proposal to purchase something else.

How it works?

As an example, consider the case where a customer purchased wall paint from you. Offer him to buy a quality brush or roller for painting. The secret here is that the accompanying product should not be more expensive than the main one.

Another method of upselling is to place attention-grabbing small items in the checkout area. This arrangement provokes the buyer to make impulsive purchases.

Method number 2. Anchor effect

Here we are talking about a markdown or discount on a product. IN this case the buyer tends to compare new price(at a discount) with the original cost indicated on the price tag. At the same time, he does not analyze the realism of these prices and their correspondence to the average market prices.

How it works?

For example, consider sales. Even with a significant increase in the initial cost of the goods, the buyer sees his own benefit in the difference between the initial and discount prices. As a rule, such a benefit provokes a visitor to make a purchase.

Method number 3. Bigger Pack Benefits

Frequent sales of goods of a larger volume can significantly increase the amount of the average bill.

How it works?

An example is the sale of coffee at McDonald's. If a client orders a latte, then the cashier's question: "small or large?", he is more likely to answer "large", although perhaps a small one would suit him just fine.

Method number 4. Bonuses

There are many ways to earn bonuses, but most of them are designed for the possibility for the buyer to receive some kind of add-on if he makes purchases for a certain amount.

How it works?

Suppose that the average check in the store is 850 rubles. You can offer customers to purchase goods up to 1000 rubles, and in this case, receive a gift from the store for free (for 1 kopeck). As a rule, this works flawlessly. At the same time, store employees need to be instructed which commodity items are participating in the promotion.

Method number 5. Wrong math

This implies the holding of promotions "1 + 1 = 3", "2 + 1 = 4" or the sale of different products in sets, in which each constituent element costs much more on its own.

How it works?

You can offer a ready-made set to clients in a perfumery store, consisting, for example, of eau de parfum, body milk and soap of the same brand. At the same time, the price of such a set will be 20% less than in the case of buying each of the products separately.

Method number 6. Delivery is free

This method is often used when trading over the Internet.

How it works?

Let's say that the value of the average check in your online store is 2000 rubles, and the delivery of the purchase is 200 rubles. The limit amount is set, for example, 3000 rubles. A purchase for an amount exceeding this limit automatically guarantees the customer free shipping.

Method number 7. Proper display of goods

Proper placement of goods on the shelves of the store helps to increase the amount of the average check. Often they use such a technique as the location of a number of goods that belong to different product groups.

How it works?

As an example, consider a mono-brand women's clothing store. It would be correct to place nearby goods that complement each other (clothes, shoes, accessories).

Method number 8. Offer a cheaper product

It often happens that a client hesitates for a long time before buying an expensive product. Try to offer him an analogue at a lower price and some other related product with a significant margin, explaining that he gets the opportunity to purchase two necessary things for this money at once. This method not only increases the amount of the average check, but also significantly increases the loyalty of visitors to the object of trade.

How it works?

For example, if the buyer doubts the advisability of buying an electric kettle famous brand, then you can offer him to buy an analog for a lower price with the same functions and design, and even in addition to it, a thermo mug.

Method number 9. Discounts, promotions, sales

Holding promotions for the holidays, as well as seasonal sales, can significantly increase the amount of the average check in your trading facility.

How it works?

Many chain stores have special stands where discounted goods are located. If a visitor sees ads “everything at 450” or “only today 50% off”, he will consider it expedient for himself to take advantage of the situation and buy several things at once.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is worth trying different methods increase the amount of the average check, select suitable options specific to your direction and occasionally change them. All your efforts will help not only increase the level of sales, but also increase the loyalty of visitors to your establishment, which is guaranteed to make many of them your regular customers.

The sales process is a kind of key indicator by which a businessman receives veiled information about success in business or failure, by determining average amount purchases.

And the larger the amount, the greater the profit is obtained in the end. At the moment when a potential buyer becomes real, the seller at this time needs to take the maximum possible measures in order for the client to purchase more than planned. Here are some basic ways to implement them.

1. Help the customer buy more.

The main way, which is present in almost all retail stores, is when buying a product, try to tactfully offer a related product. There is a very thin line here, it is necessary to offer, not impose. The buyers feel very well the second option, and persistence can only scare them away.

At first glance, this looks quite simple. But do not think that laying out, for example, near washing machines powder, bleach or laundry basket, the buyer will definitely purchase this. In most cases, coming to the store, customers pursue a specific goal, to make a purchase of their plans and may simply not pay attention to the related products posted.

All people like to feel the attention in relation to themselves, and customers especially. After all, there is nothing complicated in this. This requires the ability of the seller to pick up right words offering an additional product, but so that it can be used specifically with the species being acquired.

This method is as simple as possible to use, the main thing is to train your staff to offer professionally and only offer, without using the slightest pressure.

2. Learn to sell, not to impose this or that product on the client.

After reading the first method, you may get the feeling that our sellers are only able to impose goods, and the buyer himself strongly dislikes this moment. Therefore, it was not in vain that in the first method the phrase about the fine line between imposition and proposal stood out several times.

Agree, you would also not like it if, when purchasing, for example, fresh-frozen fish, the seller would offer you a new washing powder currently on sale at a discount. Such an explicit imposition will not please anyone, it will only leave an unpleasant feeling about the store and not the fact that this client will appear again.

But if the seller offered a sauce or seasoning suitable for cooking fish, the buyer would not have been bewildered or aggressive, but on the contrary, he would have felt that he was an important guest of this establishment.

3. Learn to determine what to offer.

Consider several possible approaches of the seller to the buyer.

* This is a regular offer of a certain type of product or service. This method, more than ever, is very well suited for small owners with several products in their assortment. For example, in a cafe, coffee or tea are running, so it is important to constantly remind about them. For more big business you need to determine the most popular product, which is purchased by almost everyone.

* It all depends on the professionalism and observation of the seller. If he is attentive enough, he may already know what is usually additionally purchased for a particular product. Usually, phrases are used in this case, such as “With this product you get ...” or “For this product you may need ...”, and so on.

* Here you need a healthy imagination of sellers. The ability to guess for what purposes the goods are purchased is one of the facts proving experience. Seeing how, for example, a young man acquires women's eau de toilette, we can assume that this is for a gift to a girl. Based on this, you can offer him additionally various creams, lotions from the same series.

* Here the psychological ability of the consultant to independently “as it were, by the way” learn about the purpose of the visit from the buyer is important. It will also require the ability to anticipate the desires of customers. For example, the same young man who buys perfume.

He can be asked the question “Do you want to present a gift to your beloved woman?” Having told the girl, you can not guess the actual situation. After all, this woman may be a mother. The main thing when asking a question is to try to get the client to make contact. And after the received answer, if possible, provide a product that will interest him.

4. Use scripts.

These are pre-conceived questions or answers. Such instructions will be of great help in the work of a salesman who is starting his career. Such phrases can keep a buyer in your territory and thereby increase the amount of the purchase.

For example, in the same cafe. Seeing that customers are going to leave the institution, the resourceful waiter will definitely ask: “How? Are you leaving us already? Without even trying our signature dessert?” Nine out of ten people in such cases will stay to try it and thereby increase your revenue.

5. At arm's length.

This method consists in the correct layout of the related product near the main one, in sufficient proximity. If this is a tape recorder, then place the cassettes at a short distance, and a different dessert near the tea.

The application of this method is greatly simplified in self-service stores. It's not for nothing that in train cars everywhere on the tables there are fruits, cookies, nuts. After all, desire arises instantly and it is not a fact that until a person reaches the buffet, this desire will remain with him.

6. Bring, don't offer.

When a customer sees the offered product with his own eyes, his desire to buy it increases much more. In the same cafe, at the request of the client to bring a cake, put several types on a plate. And rest assured, he will forget that he wanted only one thing.

7. Tell the customer where to buy more.

This refers to the installed stands indicating the location of each type of product, so to speak, a kind of map. This application is very suitable for people who are rather shy or not decisive. The client has purchased the product, but is simply embarrassed to ask about the location of the related product, and here such information signs come to the rescue.

8. Squeeze every last drop.

The task here is to purchase additional goods for the remaining change. In a cafe, for a cup of tea, a chocolate bar or dessert can be offered. Many stores are now actively offering to replenish the account on the phone. It is also important for a man who buys himself a suit to offer something from the women's wardrobe, arguing that his wife would be satisfied. There are many options, the main thing here is the resourcefulness of the seller.

9. Pack the goods in badly.

In translation "Bundle" means "packaging". The essence of this method is to place two goods of the same type in one package. This method greatly affects the buyer at the level of his subconscious. After all, everyone has long known that buying in bulk, the price is much cheaper. And at the same time, you will increase your revenue, get rid of deposits of goods on the shelves, as well as unclaimed balances.

This method does not require large expenses, if this promotion is not successful, you can disband the goods piece by piece at any time.

And this is not the whole list of ways to attract customers. Even by applying the above options, you can significantly increase your revenue.

To increase the average check, you need to find buyers who will desperately need your product. Sometimes even as necessary as air.

Even if you understand your target audience in general, this knowledge may be vague and insufficient. Needs to be niched. So did one of the clients of Oy-li, a parent-child training company. As a result of working with her, a narrow niche was identified - parents whose children suffer from psychosomatic diseases. This specialization allowed to achieve a significant increase in the average price.

There are several tools that Oy-li experts use to help identify potentially profitable niches.

  • SWOT analysis
  • ABCXYZ analysis
  • Focus group with industry experts
  • Setting up and launching test marketing campaigns targeting different niches.

How to increase the average check: work with the share in the client

Find out your share of the customer's total purchases. To do this, conduct a survey among buyers. Try to get answers to questions.

  • How much of a similar product is purchased in total?
  • What do you like and dislike about working with competitors?

Based on the results of the survey, conduct your own or order training on up-sale and cross-sale. Looking ahead, we will say that usually in this case, the right sellers help to increase the average result, increasing their skills in the field of negotiations and the use of bargaining variables, as well as improving the conditions for interacting with customers (preferably not at the expense of profitability).

How to increase the average bill: motivate and control employees

After a “debriefing” with an Oy-li client in a company that trades in raw materials and tools for confectionery production, it was possible to increase the average bill simply by introducing management tools.

  1. Planning according to a clear scheme with a predictive conversion model
  2. Setting up a regular reporting system for sellers
  3. Introduction to the system of indicators of the average value of a single shipment

The last point requires further clarification. If you motivate sellers to sell expensive goods or accessories, then you will automatically increase the average bill. And the KPI will be met.

Approximately 70% of bonuses in retail outlets are paid to sellers for expensive, highly profitable goods and their resale. Such material motivation is realized through an increased percentage of the bonus. And you can also stimulate sellers on the principle of "quick money". Did you sell something expensive or hit your daily KPI? Received 1000 rubles from the cash register.

Add non-material motivation to material incentives: competitions, recognition at general events, attracting newcomers to training.

How to increase the average check: increase customer loyalty

Customer loyalty grows if you pay enough attention to them. They literally need to feel your "love". To increase the average check, use several methods.

1. Conduct surveys on the current base, be interested in wishes, adopt recommendations if they meet the requirements of significant groups of buyers. As a result of such work, you will also regularly measure the loyalty index.

2. Organize the leisure of buyers. This is where event marketing and online marketing come in. If the business theme allows, hold contests, master classes, webinars.

3. Implement special programs loyalty according to different criteria, based on the social and demographic characteristics of the audience. There are many ideas on the market how to do this. But what is best for each specific niche is exactly what you know: cumulative discounts, additional services, bonuses, gifts.

4. Improve the product itself. And do it in accordance with those “trend” wishes that were revealed as a result of surveys and measurements of the loyalty index.

5. Show off your improvements and "report" them to your customers. Communicate that the company has become better using PR, SMM, event marketing. Use this as a “clarity hook” for upselling.

6. Constantly work with your people to make it convenient and pleasant for people to interact with the company. To do this, regularly research the “path” of buyers. Keep in mind that this path can be very different depending on the channel through which the buyer came and continues to contact you.

7. Get "cases" on your regular customers to keep abreast of their lives. Remember that according to the rules of networking, especially networking, the client often turns into “just Joe”. Namely in ordinary person who is important to be congratulated on his birthday, pay attention to children, appreciate achievements in areas that are especially important to him, rejoice at success.

8. Improve and optimize your free care. In the event that a person has difficulty with a sold product. He should always have the opportunity to call, reach out, come.

9. Be honest and responsible. You have to be willing to admit mistakes or keep promises on time. Or apologize if that's not possible.

10. Instill corporate values ​​in your employees so that any of them, when meeting with a satisfied / dissatisfied, loyal / disloyal customer, can bring him to the right point of contact, regardless of the area of ​​responsibility. Believe me, this attitude also helps to increase the average check.

How to increase the average check: create a lead magnet

A lead magnet is a “sharply” attractive product in the eyes of the consumer. It can be something free - e-books, discs, accessories, demo versions.

It is not a fact that, having applied for the coveted lead magnet, the buyer will opt for it. If at this moment you offer him something more expensive, based on the real value and need clarified by the SPIN technique, then the deal will most likely take place. In addition, the lead magnet always expands the opportunities for up-sale and cross-sale.

How to increase the average check: sell in large volumes

It's easy to say "sell more". To achieve this and increase the average bill, you need to act simultaneously in 3 directions.

1. Increasing material and non-material motivation employees to sell in bulk. Financial motivation refers to monetary reward for the performance KPI indicators and complex salary and bonus systems that increase if the manager sells more.

2. Conduct sales trainings that will not only teach them, but also psychologically prepare them to work with large sums. Many people are simply embarrassed to ask for more. And sellers are no exception.

3. Increasing the motivation of buyers, in which a larger volume in terms of a unit of goods guarantees a lower price for it.

This is achieved through larger packages, when you sell more and the buyer pays less in relative terms. You can also use the guaranteed bonus method, when a person receives a gift when buying for a certain amount. At the same time, you do not need to “give” everyone in a row. Turn on the mechanism only if you see that the person "does not live up" to a certain amount.

In this case, you should have commodity "pairs" prepared. For example, you see that a product of a certain type was purchased for 750 rubles. In accordance with what is purchased, something “harmonizing” with it is offered for at least another 250 rubles. If a person agrees, he receives a gift.

How to increase the average check: form sets

Analyze your assortment matrix. See what products can be combined into sets to increase the average check.

Of course, simply forming sets will not make a person buy more. Therefore, the products in the set should cost less than buying them separately.

Naturally, carefully calculate the "economy" of such an event. You should not sell at a loss. Therefore, include high-margin products in the sets.

How to increase the average check: increase the cost of goods

The concept of the average check came to us from retail. the main task in this area - to increase its indicators, as well as traffic indicators and.

So, how to increase the average check in a clothing store, for example? The first way is to increase the cost of one product.

This problem is solved in 3 ways that will help increase the average check in general.

1. Conduct specialized sales training for a high-value product. The key modules in this training should be questioning techniques on SPIN and product presentation. SPIN will help identify/create a need for a more expensive purchase. And already in the presentation, the seller, based on the key criteria for choosing a buyer, forms the “true” value of the product.

Information about the key criteria gets to the manager as a result of the “SPIN survey”, in parallel a new need is created, and then a presentation is made with the benefits “necessary” for the buyer being highlighted.

2. Master the "art" of merchandising. In fact, this is not the most complex science but effective. Basic principles of merchandising:

  • expensive goods are clean and neatly displayed at about eye level;
  • price tags in the product line follow in descending order;
  • priority and expensive products are located at the ends of the racks and are issued additionally.

3. If the segment and location of the store allow you to increase the average bill, expand the line with high-margin and more expensive products. But before you do that, consider how you will attract wealthy buyers. What channels will they reach you through?

It is also important to understand that the positioning and geographical position outlet. How to increase the average check in an economy class store located in residential area, by increasing the average cost of a position? Pretty problematic.

How to increase the average check: increase the number of products

You can increase the average check by increasing the number of positions in it. So, how to increase the number of sales in the check? For retail, there are several methods.

1. Proper arrangement of goods in the store will help to increase the average bill. So the most popular items that are in daily demand are placed at the back of the store. In the case of, for example, supermarkets, these are bread, milk, eggs, and meat products.

2. Intelligible navigation - information plates, signs, shelves arranged in such a way that the goods are clearly visible - all this also helps to increase the average check in the store.

3. There are also so-called "golden meters" in stores. These include the checkout area and the ends of the racks. High-margin, but inexpensive goods in absolute terms should be placed in the pre-cash space. The ends of the racks are filled with expensive products that are "disguised" as promotional ones.

4. Do not forget about such a resource as cashiers. This is another "frontier" where it is often possible to increase the average bill. Cashiers are engaged in upselling the most popular goods, the attractiveness of which is enhanced by promotions.

5. At the entrance to the trading space, “hills” are lined up with seasonally available goods. These are such attractive "islands" that capture the attention of the client, which help to significantly expand the shopping cart and increase the average bill.

6. It is very easy to increase the average check in clothing or footwear stores if you do not forget to offer the buyer additional accessories. Usually the client experiences a mild form of euphoria from the purchased main product, so there is every chance to resell him some care products or beautiful elements wardrobe: scarves, belts, hats.

How to increase the average check: do upselling

Up-sale is something that will definitely make it possible to increase the average check. Sellers should never have the thought of “letting go” of a customer after buying one item.

Explain to salespeople, and reinforce it in KPIs, that the practice of offering something else to the customer is not an option, but a mandatory requirement. The main rule is related products should be slightly cheaper than the main one.

Offer a belt for trousers, a hat for a coat, care products for shoes. Drive up-sales with promotions. For example, 2 items: 10% off the first item purchased and 20% off the second item.

For example, you can attractively lay out in a vertical line outerwear, pants and shoes. Or place next to expensive coffee chocolate from the "noble".

How to increase the average bill: discount the product

This is such a kind of innocent lie. To stimulate the sale of stale goods, you simply “draw” a slightly inflated figure on the price tag. Then cross it out. And put a new one about 10-20% below the real cost.

It turns out that a rather serious difference is formed between the crossed out price and the current one due to the “overestimation” of the first and the “underestimation” of the second. Sometimes this difference can reach 50-60%.

Taking into account the "laziness" of the human brain, it is easier for the buyer to focus on the figure that he is given and believe, rather than recognize real value goods.

How to increase the average check: use the latest technology

How to increase the average check? Start using IT tools that will help you more effectively engage your audience in the sales process. These include:

1. CRM systems;
2. chatbots;
3. cloud services;
4. messengers;
5. integrated with smart systems video monitoring;
6. analytical systems for accounting for goods purchased by the buyer, etc.

All these tools will allow you to constantly be in touch with your customers, explore their buying habits, and competently lead the lead through the funnel.

Recently, there has been an increase in efficiency from the introduction of chatbots. This is a useful artificial intelligence that attracts and maintains a community of adherents. He will be able to keep up the conversation, send the right materials in response to a person’s request, even segment their needs and conduct them through different funnels.

Chatbots are designed to drive revenue growth through up-sale and cross-sale channels. Since they “know how” to segment the current base, they can easily form point solutions for the buyer in accordance with his needs. This will help both increase the average check and the amount of revenue in general.

An increase in the average bill can also be the result of the correct integration of the CRM system, IP telephony, video monitoring, programs that analyze the assortment and sets of receipts. How to tie it all together?

The simplest option is that a client calls you and, thanks to telephony integrated into CRM, you can easily identify him and see the entire history of relationships with him. Accordingly, you know what to do with it.

CCTV systems can also be adapted for the purpose of identifying customers who make repeat purchases. This is especially true for stores, beauty salons, etc. At the same time, the history of their purchases is also stored in the CRM “memory”.

So, having “recognized” a person, the system will notify the seller or cashier in time about what else can be resold to this client. Moreover, she will make her choice based on an analysis of the composition of his check, and even compare it with the sets that he purchased before.

We talked about what to do if the task is to increase the average check. Methods range from direct influence on the buyer to internal management decisions.

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