Postcard on the theme of national unity. Application for the Day of National Unity in kindergarten. Senior group. Master class with step by step photos. november is a big public holiday

Valentina Korobkova

November 4 is a big public holiday.

I bring to your attention master class on making a greeting card for the Day of National Unity.

For work we need: yellow cardboard, a set of colored paper, scissors, PVA glue, a glue brush, a pencil, curly scissors, a black felt-tip pen, airplane and propeller stencils.

For a postcard, we take yellow cardboard measuring 10cm by 23cm.

We circle the airplane stencil on brown paper and cut it out,

we do the same with the propeller, using red paper. We cut out three portholes from white paper.

For the national flag, we cut out three strips (white, blue and red) of the same width and length.

Now we glue everything sequentially on cardboard, as in the photo.

We connect the flag and the plane - draw the ropes with a black felt-tip pen.

We print on the printer a congratulatory poem and a beautiful inscription "Happy Holidays!" on green paper.

Then cut out with curly scissors "Happy Holidays!" and carefully glue on the front side.

The poem is on the other side.

Holiday card is ready! The guys and I made these postcards for our parents for the holiday.

I would be glad if my idea is useful to someone!

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I propose to your attention to view, manufacturing postcards for the holiday"National Unity Day".

Material for postcards: double-sided paper (yellow, blue, red and white), scissors, glue stick, ruler, congratulations poem and emblem holiday.

The photo shows what and how much paper is needed for, so I think there is no need to describe the entire manufacturing process in more detail.

The result of our labors.

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Zaluzhnaya Elena Nikolaevna, educator of the first qualification category of the BDOU of Omsk "Kindergarten No. 52 of the compensating type."
Material Description: The master class will be useful for children of senior preschool age, educators who are passionate about the creativity of parents, teachers working with children with visual impairment in correctional work. It can be used as a final event on the topics: “Our Motherland is Russia”, “What I know about the flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia”, “State symbols of Russia”, “Unofficial symbols of Russia”. The master class is designed for joint work of children and adults.
Purpose: poster - congratulations on the Day of National Unity; team work for the competition.

Application for the Day of National Unity. Senior group

Target: paper appliqué making.

1. To create conditions for the formation of patriotic feelings in children, to promote the upbringing of love for the Motherland, pride in it, respect for the State Flag;
2. To broaden the horizons of children in the field of state symbols, to help children realize their involvement in the life of the country;
3. Continue learning to cut the napkin into pieces, roll each small piece into a ball; trace a circle on a stencil, carefully cut it out and stick it in a given place on a sheet of paper; observe safety precautions when working with scissors, glue;
4. Develop children's creative abilities, imagination, interest in the "mosaic" technique;
5. Develop fine motor skills of hands, visual perception, visual acuity.
1. Sheet of paper A2;
2. Colored (red, blue, brown, golden) and white paper, yellow crepe paper, red velvet paper, scissors;
3. PVA glue, flat brushes, cloth napkins, oilcloths, brush stands;
4. Green gouache, foam sponge.
Preliminary work:
Conversations on the topic:“National Unity Day”, “Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia”, “Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Omsk”, “I am a Siberian, I am an Omsk”, “Unofficial symbol of Russia is a yellow-eyed daisy”;
Corrective work:"Festive balls and flags"; "Make a flag out of stripes";
Drawing"Flag of Russia".
Safety precautions when working with scissors
1. Use the scissors for their intended purpose;
2. Do not hold scissors with the blade up;
3. Do not cut with scissors on the go;
4. Do not approach a friend during work;
5. Pass the closed scissors rings forward;.
6. Put the scissors in rings towards you;
7. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face;
8. When working, pay close attention to the cutting direction.
Glue Safety
1. Handle the adhesive carefully;
2. Apply glue to the surface of the product with a brush;
3. When working with glue, use a napkin;
4. It is impossible for the glue to get on the fingers, the face, especially the eyes, do not need to inhale its vapors;
5. If the adhesive gets into your eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of water;
6. At the end of the work, close the glue, be sure to wash the brush, and your hands with warm water and soap.

Stages of work:

1. The teacher draws the outline of the flag;

2. We discuss with the children what color we will take the paper for the application;
3. Stencil circles, cut out;

4. Carefully paste, fill in the contour with small details, use a rag;

5. With a foam sponge, we tint the sheet with green gouache;

6. Cut out daisies from white paper (the teacher cuts out circles of different diameters, 15 circles in total, divide by 5 colors, children cut the petals according to the visual guide);

7. Cut crepe yellow paper, roll each small piece into a ball; we make out the middle of the flower (for a child with visual impairment, it is necessary to draw a visual landmark - a circle-border);

8. Glue yellow-eyed daisies on a sheet of paper, place them around the flag;
9. Framed with red velvet paper.


Many holidays are celebrated in our country. Recently, for each holiday, it is customary to make various crafts. Such a holiday as National Unity Day is no exception. This holiday is also celebrated on a grand scale. Concerts are held, and people participate in thematic rallies. Of course, children of preschool age will not be interested in such activities. Therefore, they can simply make boring crafts for the day of national unity in kindergarten. In this publication, we will offer you some interesting photo ideas. Surely you will like them.

Crafts for the Day of National Unity for kindergarten

The first version of the craft.

It is worth saying that to create such crafts you do not have to purchase expensive materials. You can get by with handy materials that are not expensive.

  1. For example, for the first craft, you may need a regular disposable plate. It will be the basis of the craft.
  2. A circle is cut out of blue colored paper, which has the diameter of a plate. This circle is glued to the plate with glue.
  3. Now it is worth cutting out the outline of Russia from green paper. It is pasted over a blue background.
  4. On a green background, mark the center of Russia and set the flag.
  5. Next, take white A4 paper. It needs to be folded into 3 parts. Draw people on it.
  6. Cut out the people and draw their facial features. Color the clothes, and connect the people together with glue.
  7. The blank, which turned out to the plate, is attached by means of plasticine.

The second version of the craft.

For the next craft, you will need colored paper.

  1. First, make a background. Use white cardboard or white paper.
  2. On different sheets of colored paper you need to circle your palm.
  3. After that, all the blanks are cut out.
  4. Glue the palms to the main sheet. And on top, decorate them with miniature butterflies or any other decorations.

The third version of the craft.

All these crafts for the Day of National Unity can be made in elementary school. It is worth saying that for this Russian holiday you can make a lot of interesting crafts. For example, you can make a mini-forest.

The fourth version of the craft.

Crafts for the holiday National Unity Day are easy to create. All children can participate in this process. So that the guys can understand the essence of this holiday, they should be invited to make an application that consists of people and flags. People should hold hands while doing this.

Useful craft for the holidays.

On this holiday, it is customary to make useful crafts. For example, a cup for pencils can be painted in the colors of the Russian flag. And you can decorate them with beans. The beans on top are painted in the colors of the Russian flag.


Now you know what crafts to make with children on National Unity Day. Remember that these products will be enjoyed by every child. Therefore, creativity classes in kindergarten or elementary school will be held with a bang.

"Let's live in peace!"

Subject: " Day People's unity »


Ignatenko T.S.

"Day of national unity"

Collective Application.

Goals : to cultivate love and moral and patriotic feelings for the Motherland, to help preserve the memory of historical events. Learn to share the application. Learn to expressively read poetry. Dictionary enrichment.

Tasks : expand children's understanding of national holidays; to cultivate love and respect for Russian national heroes. Learn how to carefully glue finished parts(teamwork) .

Equipment : image of the map of Russia and Donbass; little people of different nationalities cut out of paper. A picture depicting the monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky.

preliminary work : reading fiction, poetry.

Lesson progress:

1. Guys, today the postman brought me a telegram, let's see who it is from.

The teacher reads the telegram :

“Hello dear children! I learned that soon there will be a holiday in our country, calledHe : « National Unity Day » . I had never heard of such a thing before. I beg you, tell me, please, about him. What kind of holiday is this, when and how did they start celebrating it, what does it mean? I would be very grateful to you, waiting for an answer, your friend, Dunno.

Well, guys, let's fulfill Dunno's request?

I would like to tell you a little about the history of this holiday - how it appeared.

« National Unity Day » is a holiday that we celebrate in memory of the events that took place many, many years ago. In 1612, Russian soldiers Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky raisedpeople to fight against the enemies who have seized our Motherland. Thanks tounity of the people in this difficult struggle, peace has come to Russia! And grateful descendants erected a monument to these heroes in honor of this victory. You probably saw him when you walked along the most important square of our country - Red Square. the monument andcalled : Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.

(The teacher shows the children an illustration of the monument) .

At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. Motherland! Everyone knows this word from childhood. Homeland is the place where you were born, where you live with your parents, with your friends.

In the name of the native side, they performed feats, composed songs, proverbs and poems about it. A lot ofpeoples lives in our country. They make upunited friendly family . They do deeds for the good of our country. I would like to read you a very good poem.


N. Maidanik

On Unity Day we will be near,
Let's be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages, cities!

Live, work, build together,
Sow bread, raise children,
Create, love and argue,
Keep the peace of the people

Honor the ancestors, remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts
To fill life with happiness
To sleep under a peaceful sky!

Poems have been composed about the Motherland at all times, and there are a lot of them. People also invested their wisdom infolk Proverbs and sayings. Children recite proverbs andsayings :

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

At people one home - Motherland .

Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.

If the people are united he is invincible.

peoples our country is strong in friendship.

Well, today we have learned a lot of new and interesting things. Do you remember Dunno's telegram? After all, he asked us to tell him about the holiday and is waiting for our letter. And let's, in addition to the letter, we will also send him a gift.

You have figures of a person cut out of paper on your tables.

Pay attention : these little men are of different nationalities, which symbolizes diversitynationalities of our country . Now we smear the figures with glue and stick them on our card so that the figures hold each other's hands. Look how great it turns out!

Summarizingclasses .

You did a very good job today. They told poems, proverbs and sayings, made a gift for a stranger ... You did all this very amicably, helped each other. I really want when you grow up, you would do the same with those around youpeople : were kind, sympathetic and fair. After all, thanks tonational unity peace is maintained in our country.

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