Rules for the sale of alcohol. Sale of alcoholic products - basic rules and regulations

Implementation alcoholic products has long been considered one of the most profitable types of business. What should an entrepreneur keep in mind when starting a liquor business in Russia? The answer is in our article.

Who can sell alcohol

First of all, it is necessary to decide which products are supposed to be put up for sale. After all, it directly depends on what organizational and legal form a business entity can choose.

So, in the general case, the sale of alcohol can only be carried out by organizations (but not individual entrepreneurs).

However, some alcoholic beverages are not prohibited from sale and individual entrepreneurs. Such alcohol includes (clause 1, article 16 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ):

beer and beer drinks;

· mead.

It should always be remembered that the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited. If the seller has any doubts about the age of the buyer, then he has the right to ask for an identity document and allows you to establish the age (paragraph 2 of article 16 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ).

Please note: the sale of alcoholic products to a minor person entails:

· administrative liability under part 2.1 of article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - a fine of 300 thousand rubles. up to 500 thousand rubles (for companies);

· criminal liability (in case of repeated violation) under article 151.1 of the Criminal Code - a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles. or correctional labor for up to one year (possibly with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years).

For alcoholic beverages, there are restrictions on the time of their implementation. So, their sale is not allowed during the time period: 23-00 - 8-00 local time. These provisions do not apply to catering establishments and duty-free shops.

Russian subjects have the right to establish additional restrictions on (clause 5, article 16 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ):

the time of sale of alcohol;

conditions for the sale of alcohol;

Places where products are sold.

Keep in mind: regional authorities may impose a complete ban on the sale of alcoholic products in their subject.

Violation of the rules for the sale of alcoholic products entails administrative liability under part 3 of article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

This regulation provides for the following penalties:

For officials - a fine of 5 thousand rubles. up to 10 thousand rubles with or without confiscation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;

· For legal entities- from 50 thousand rubles. up to 100 thousand rubles with or without confiscation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

In addition, there are areas where the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited as such. Their list is given in paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ. This includes:

Children's and educational organizations (with adjacent territories);

medical institutions (with adjacent territories);

sports facilities (with adjacent territories);

Organizations in the sphere of culture (with the exception of the implementation by enterprises Catering);

public transport of urban and suburban communication, to its stops;

· gas stations;

wholesale and retail markets (with adjacent territories);

Stations, airports, other places of mass gathering of citizens and locations of sources of increased danger (with adjacent territories);

military facilities (with adjacent territories);

non-stationary trade objects.

What you need to have for the sale of alcohol

In order to sell alcoholic products, a business entity must have:

Stationary trade facilities;

· warehouses;

· Correct cash register equipment.

Keep in mind: the specified “set” is not necessary for those companies and individual entrepreneurs who sell beer (beer drinks), cider, poiret and mead during the provision of catering services. Such an exception is provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ.

In addition, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 18 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ, the retail sale of alcoholic products is a licensed activity.

Please note: for the sale of alcohol without a license, liability is provided for under part 3 of article 14.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Namely - a fine in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. up to 300 thousand rubles with confiscation of products, equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products, Vehicle or other items used for the production and circulation ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, or without it.


1. In general, the sale of alcohol can only be carried out by organizations. But there are exceptions.
2. The sale of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited in Russia.
3. For the sale of alcohol there are restrictions on the time of doing business.
4. In certain territories, the sale of alcoholic products is prohibited as such.
5. An economic entity engaged in the sale of alcohol must meet certain requirements for the organization of its activities.
6. Retail sale of alcohol requires a license.

The coming year 2019 will differ from 2018 with the entry into force of new “alcohol” laws and more severe penalties for violations in this regard.

Legislators are trying with might and main to demonstrate concern for the future of the Russian nation. The State Duma adopted several hundred amendments to Law 171 FZ. Big "alcohol" changes await manufacturers, distributors, consumers.

From January 1, 2019, the countdown of the grace period provided to manufacturers and distributors begins alcoholic beverages. During this time, they will have to bring their business into line with the new amendments to the Law on the production and sale of alcohol. The six-month delay provides for the absence of sanctions for violation of the updated legislative acts. The sanctions will take effect from July 1, 2019.

These changes will not go unnoticed by Russian buyers. According to the deputies, the new laws are aimed at combating the shadow production of alcoholic beverages, organizing a transparent system for controlling production and sales. And, of course, to the fight against alcoholism, which has reached the scale of a national disaster.

What to expect in 2019

The changes will affect producers, retailers and buyers of alcoholic beverages. They will have to master a new format of business and alcohol consumption. Regulatory authorities will have more worries, because the law has affected not only the real sector of business and life, but also the global network.

From January 1, 2019, the following amendments and additions will come into force:

  • It is forbidden to advertise the sale of alcohol on the Internet;
  • Strict registration of equipment producing alcohol has been introduced;
  • An individual is prohibited from transporting more than ten liters of unmarked alcohol-containing products;
  • The EGAIS system will begin to operate, which will provide a new principle for controlling the sale of alcohol;
  • The punishment for violating the "alcohol" laws has become much more severe and includes not only huge fines.

Changes in the federal law are reflected in the Code of Administrative Violations (CAO). It is important to remember that these acts can be supplemented by local authorities in the regions of Russia.

online liquor law

Starting from January 1 of the coming year, it is forbidden to advertise the sale of alcoholic beverages on the Runet. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for violation of the restriction in the form of a fine:

  • Individuals - three to five thousand rubles;
  • Officials - 25-40 thousand rubles;
  • Legal entity - 100-300 thousand rubles.

The new version of Law 149 FZ provides for the blocking of Internet resources that place advertisements on their pages for the sale of alcohol-containing products and alcoholic beverages.

This measure is designed to limit the consumption of alcoholic products in Russia.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is developing a draft law on the procedure for the online sale of alcohol, which will take effect from July 1, 2019. Currently, the sale of alcohol-containing products in Runet is officially prohibited. The agency believes that the ban is a sham, as alcohol continues to be sold online. The bill provides for a control system for online sales of alcoholic beverages.

Remote sale of alcohol is possible only through a resource in the zone. Marketplaces located in another zone will be blocked.

On the registration of alcohol-producing equipment

The “alcohol” amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses provide for the responsibility of citizens for the possession and use of unregistered technical equipment with which alcohol-containing drinks are obtained.

From January 1, 2019, fines for illegal alcohol-producing equipment will also apply to individuals.

Lack of registration entails a fine and confiscation of this equipment:

  • Individuals - three to five thousand rubles;
  • Officials - 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • Legal entities - 100-150 thousand rubles.

Penalties are also introduced for the use of pharmaceutical ethyl alcohol in the production of alcoholic products.

According to Article 14.17.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, from January 1, 2019, the transportation of unmarked alcohol by individuals is limited, regardless of the place of its production. Violation of the restriction entails penalties in the amount of three to five thousand rubles, the seizure of the transported products.

The permissible volume of unmarked alcohol transported by individuals across the territory of Russia is ten liters per person.

EGAIS - a new format for controlling the sale of alcohol

The successful completion of testing and implementation of the Unified State Automated System (EGAIS) led to a legal transition to a global form of control over the circulation of alcoholic beverages. This will eliminate illegal alcohol from retail.

According to analysts, two-thirds of the alcohol sold in Russia is produced illegally, which endangers the health of citizens and leads to huge losses in the budget.

EGAIS will create a single database of domestic, imported alcohol. To do this, each checkout must have a special scanner connected to the base via an Internet connection. The scanner reads data from the excise stamp. This information is reflected in the check.

A big plus of EGAIS is that information about the origin of each bottle of alcohol will become available to customers.

A draft law on the introduction of a special GOST for brandy is also being discussed. This need is caused by the unprecedented turnover of illegal cognac. The corresponding amendment to 171 FZ will make it possible to separate brandy into a separate category of alcoholic products. This will increase the availability of high-quality alcohol and facilitate the work of regulatory authorities.

Tougher punishments for violating the "alcohol" law in 2019

The Administrative and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation received many new articles and amendments regarding the responsibility of Russians for violations of "alcohol" laws. Arrest, community service, and imprisonment were added to disproportionate fines.

The Criminal Code was supplemented with two articles on "Illegal production of alcohol-containing products" and "Illegal sale of alcoholic products."

The first article provides for a fine in the amount of two to three million rubles or forced labor for one to three years, imprisonment for up to three years. Collective violation of the law leads to a multiple increase in punishment:

  • A fine of three to four million rubles;
  • Forced labor - five years;
  • Imprisonment - five years.

The second article on illegal sale leads to a fine in the amount of 50-80 thousand rubles. Fake excise stamps will lead to deprivation of 300-500 thousand rubles, forced labor or imprisonment for up to eight years. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, since the severity of the punishment should be commensurate with the damage done.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia is expected to change in terms of collective responsibility for soldering teenagers and young people. According to sociologists, most teenagers try alcohol for the first time in the company of the older generation. Now the responsibility for the sale of alcohol to minors is imposed only on retailers.

Soon, parents and guardians of schoolchildren who drink alcohol will be held administratively liable. In addition, the new bill contains a list of responsible persons. Compassionate citizens who succumbed to persuasion to buy alcohol and tobacco for a teenager were on this list. The legislators did not ignore the sociable drinking companions who offer the minor to "drink a glass", which are also proposed to be held accountable.

The authorities remain unshakable regarding the previously introduced days of sobriety. In addition, the regions are authorized to expand the anti-alcohol calendar. Currently, alcohol is not sold everywhere:

  • On the last day of school;
  • During graduation balls;
  • June 1st, when children's day is celebrated;
  • July 27, when the youth celebrate their day;
  • On the first school day of schoolchildren;
  • September 11 - All-Russian Day of sobriety.

In the Ulyanovsk region, local authorities expanded the list by adding to it:

  • Weekend;
  • June 12 - celebration of the Day of Russia;
  • September 12 is the Day dedicated to the celebration of the family.

Paragraph five of Article 18 of the Law 171 FZ, which imposes a restriction on the time of sale of alcohol, remained unchanged. Given the prolongation of the law, we should expect a widespread ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages after 23.00 in 2019. The resumption of the sale of alcohol is allowed only from eight in the morning.

Many regions have made their own contribution to the expansion of the sober period of the day. So, in the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, alcohol sales begin only at 11.00. in Yakutia, Tula region the sale of alcohol is allowed from 14.00. In the Saratov, Astrakhan, Kirov regions, the sale of alcohol starts at 10.00

The State Duma has repeatedly received bills to change the current age limits. Experts refer to the international practice of developed countries and the disappointing statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia.

So, 99 out of a hundred high school students have experience of alcohol intoxication. Every day in Russia, a third of boys and a quarter of girls drink alcohol-containing drinks of various strengths. Only four percent of sixth graders don't know the taste of alcohol.

Considering successful experience developed countries in the fight against alcoholism, the next bill proposes to change from 18 years to 21 years. The main initiator of the bill is the Russian Ministry of Health. While the bill is under consideration by the State Duma.

From the first of January 2019 age limit for the sale of alcohol, tobacco remains at around 18 years.

The ban on the sale of alcohol during certain evening and night hours is established on the basis of the Federal Law N 171-FZ "On state regulation production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products. Through this temporary restriction, the state seriously intends to fight the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages by Russians. Read about the main rules and regulations adopted by this ban on the sale of alcohol in this article.

According to statistics, in Russia in recent years there has been a not very favorable situation with the use of alcoholic beverages. The amount of alcohol consumed per citizen has increased significantly compared to the beginning of the 20th century. But the main depressing fact is that the problem has become significantly “younger”, cases of teenage alcoholism are increasingly being observed. That is why concerned deputies introduce and adopt a number of legislative initiatives that impose certain restrictions and prohibitions on the free sale of alcohol at certain hours and to certain groups of citizens.

Law prohibiting the sale of alcohol during certain hours and days

Article 2 in paragraph 7 of the Federal Law N171-FZ explains in detail which drinks belong to the category of alcoholic: vodka, wine (including sparkling, liqueur, apple or any fruit), wine products, beer and drinks produced on its basis ( mead, cider, etc.), as well as other drinks containing more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol based on the volume of the finished product.

As for the rules for the consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages, they are established by Article 16 of the Federal Law 171-FZ. Recall that the sale of alcohol is prohibited in the following public places:

  • At military facilities;
  • On the territory of children's, educational, medical and sports institutions and next to them;
  • In public transport of urban and suburban communication, as well as at its stops;
  • In cultural institutions, with the exception of the sale of low-alcohol drinks at catering points;
  • In crowded places, such as markets, train stations, airports, as well as next to them;
  • At petrol stations (gas stations);
  • In mobile trade pavilions.

Separately, it is worth noting that the law categorically prohibits the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of majority. If it is impossible to determine the age of the buyer visually, then the seller has the right to ask for documents to verify that the buyer is over 18 years old.

For the sale of alcohol to minors, in accordance with Article 14.16 (Code of Administrative Offenses) of the Russian Federation, an administrative penalty is provided in the form of a fine: for ordinary citizens - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles; for officials - from 100 to 200 thousand rubles; organizations - from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

Paragraph 5 of Article 16 of Law N171-FZ imposes certain restrictions on the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing products. For example, at the federal level, the sale of alcohol in retail stores is prohibited from 23.00 to 08.00. The rule does not apply to catering establishments (bars, restaurants, cafes, etc.) and duty free shops (Duty Free shops at airports and customs border points).

In addition, the law empowers regional authorities and gives them the opportunity to introduce their own temporary restrictions on the sale of alcoholic products to the population in the Subjects of the Federation.

For example, consider the time frame set by some regions Russian Federation:

  • Moscow - the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages in the capital of the legislation are approved from 8.00 to 23.00 hours.
  • The Moscow region restricts the sale of alcohol-containing products from 23.00 pm to 8.00 am.
  • In St. Petersburg, a ban on the sale of alcohol from 22.00 to 11.00 has been established (Decree “On the turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in St. Petersburg”.
  • The Pskov region prohibits the sale of alcohol-containing products from 21.00 to 11.00 in the morning.
  • Astrakhan region - the sale of alcoholic products is prohibited from 22.00 to 10.00 in the morning.
  • In Yakutia, the prohibited time frame is from 20.00 to 14.00.
  • Non-alcoholic hours in the Kirov region: weekdays from 23.00 to 10.00, on weekends the ban starts from 22.00 in the evening.
  • Ulyanovsk region restricts the sale of alcohol on weekdays from 23:00 to 08:00 (at the same time, retail sales of alcoholic products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 15% from 20:00 to 23:00 are not allowed).
  • Saratov and the region does not sell alcohol from 22.00 to 10.00.
  • In the Tula region, you can buy alcohol from 14.00 to 22.00 on weekdays, and on weekends the sale of alcohol is allowed from 12 noon to 22 in the evening.
  • The most stringent conditions for the sale of alcohol are established in the Chechen Republic. Here, the sale of strong drinks is carried out for only two hours - from 8.00 to 10.00 in the morning.

As you can see, the authorities of many Russian regions apply more restrictive limits than those established by federal law 171-FZ. Recall that at the regional level, these bans also do not apply to public catering (bars, cafes, restaurants), but apply to takeaway alcoholic beverages.

Days of the ban on the sale of alcohol in the regions of the Russian Federation

Another feature established by law gives the right to regions and subjects of the federation to introduce their own bans on the places and conditions for the sale of "strong" drinks. Local authorities hurried to take advantage of these rights: many cities and regions officially designated additional “sobriety days”, during which the sale of alcohol to citizens is completely prohibited:

  • May 25 - the day of the last call;
  • June 1 - Children's Day;
  • citywide prom days;
  • youth day - in the summer, June 27;
  • knowledge day - September 1;
  • Sobriety Day, celebrated annually on September 11th.

On the above days, the sale of alcohol is completely prohibited, for example, in the Kursk, Saratov, Omsk and Pskov regions, and the Ulyanovsk region additionally declared non-alcoholic by these dates: June 12 is the day of Russia and the day of family communication - September 12. IN Astrakhan region do not dispense alcohol on the regional sobriety day, which is celebrated annually on December 15th.

In addition, restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages apply to crowded places. The sale of alcohol is prohibited on beaches, urban recreation areas, temples and monasteries. The sale of alcoholic products is allowed no closer than 150 meters from the above objects.

All-Russian Day of Sobriety - September 11

We are sure that few people in Russia know that September 11 is a sobriety day in our country. Remarkably, it has deep roots. It began to be celebrated back in 1911, in the city of St. Petersburg, and a little later, the initiative was officially supported by Orthodox Church. Initially, the holiday carried an important creative mission with some religious overtones. At times Soviet Union this date was safely forgotten and returned to it only at the end of 2005.

Currently, the day of sobriety is more informational in nature, promoting the need to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Many Russian cities hold themed events on this day, sports holidays aimed at combating alcohol addiction. The clergy also do not stand aside: special services are held for everyone. And although the sale of alcoholic beverages on September 11 is prohibited only in some regions and regions of Russia, nevertheless, this is an excellent occasion to think about the state of your own health and take the first steps towards giving up alcohol abuse.

Are restrictions on the sale of alcohol effective?

By introducing a ban on the sale of alcohol during certain hours and days, legislators hope that this measure will help reduce the consumption of alcohol by the population. However, although new edition law and passed a vote in the State Duma, not all officials hold this opinion.

Some consider this measure effective, believing that the obstacles created for the purchase of alcohol on certain days and hours will force citizens to consume alcohol in much smaller quantities. Others are skeptical about the appropriateness of these restrictions. Opponents are sure that the ban is not a panacea, arguing that the restrictions will not work, because alcohol can be purchased for future use and at much more. And this, in turn, can only aggravate the situation - the likelihood that a person who is addicted to alcohol will not be able to control himself and drink all the purchased alcohol at once increases significantly. The consequence of such intemperance can be serious poisoning and intoxication of the body. In addition, opponents of the ban, not without reason, believe that this measure may lead to the development of a shadow alcohol market and the production of surrogate products. Not only is it illegal, but also deadly.

The ban definitely solves only one problem out of a great many - it makes alcohol as inaccessible as possible to purchase. But, at the same time, it is no secret to anyone that some trading facilities, in pursuit of profit, do not comply with the law, preferring to pay off inspections or pay a possible fine. Considering such unfavorable factors, experts consider it most expedient to conduct explanatory work among adolescents, promoting healthy lifestyle life at the state level. Moreover, it is necessary to do this on a regular basis and at the federal level, on the other hand, one cannot do without the popularization of sports and the construction of additional sports and recreation centers.

And what harm can it do to the human body. Therefore, the State Duma decided to take control of the sale of alcoholic beverages. How does the alcohol ban work? What time is it impossible to buy strong drinks in Russia? Let's analyze the law in more detail.

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a loss of control over how much you drink, with devastating consequences. As this condition progresses, tolerance to alcohol and psychophysical dependence on it appear.

From a medical point of view, drunkenness is a disease characterized by craving for alcoholic beverages. Sometimes the name "chronic alcoholism" is used. The disease is growing rapidly every year. That is why authorities around the world are introducing a new bill to limit the sale of strong drinks.

Alcohol prohibition law

Every year in Russia the percentage of people who drink alcohol is increasing, and minors have appeared among them. The authorities, concerned about this situation, are adopting more and more new laws that should reduce the possibility of buying alcoholic beverages. The most significant of them is Decree 171-FZ of November 22, 1995. According to this law, strong drinks include those that have more than 0.5% alcohol.

The law on the prohibition of the sale of alcohol does not allow the sale of alcoholic products near institutions visited by children, in cultural institutions, in public transport and crowded places, such as train stations, bus stops, markets and others. The decree also prohibits the sale of drinks containing alcohol to persons under the age of majority.

In addition to the territorial restrictions on the sale of alcohol, there are others. The decree highlights certain days of the ban on the sale of alcohol. May, as the last month of spring, is associated with fragrant barbecue and a lot of holidays. In Russia, it is officially customary to ban the sale of alcohol on certain days. When is the ban on the sale of alcohol on the May holidays effective?

May 25 is the date when graduates celebrate the end of school. It is on this day that it is forbidden retail hot drinks. If the calendar is Sunday, then the ban is shifted to May 24.

The ban on the sale of alcohol is not entirely justified, because often graduates, wanting to celebrate graduation unforgettably, while intoxicated, commit a lot of rash acts.

June days of sobriety

We have already found out when it will not be possible to purchase alcohol in May. When will it not be possible to do this in the first month of summer? Is a ban on the sale of alcohol on holidays effective?

A ban on the sale of alcohol in June also exists. At the beginning of summer, unlike May, there are three days of sobriety: June 1, 12 and 27 (Russia and youth). In these alcohol is prohibited.

Ban on the sale of alcohol in September

The ban on the sale of alcohol on holidays is well justified. As statistics show, most of the injuries received in are associated with alcohol intoxication. In September, the sale of alcohol is prohibited in next days: September 1, 17 and 11.

Punishment for breaking the law

Punishable. Organizations that sell goods in a territory prohibited for this are required to pay a fine for violating the law. The amount ranges from 50 to 100,000 rubles. Such a fine is imposed on the entire organization, and a separate amount is set for the head himself. Usually this is 10% of the punishment for the entire institution. Such a fine also applies to those establishments that sell alcohol-containing goods at a time prohibited for this. In addition to territorial and temporal restrictions, the distribution of alcoholic products among persons under 18 is also punishable. The fine for the establishment in this case is about 400,000 rubles, and for the seller who sold alcohol to a minor - 35,000.

The purpose of the implementation of the law

The purpose of the bill is to reduce the level of alcoholism. However, it is worth noting that such a decision encourages many to illegally sell strong drinks. That is why cases of poisoning with low-quality alcoholic products have recently become more frequent. It is worth noting that another goal of the bill is to reduce the number of accidents involving people under the influence of alcohol. Statistics show that most of these accidents occur at night. It is for this reason that the alcohol prohibition bill provides for a temporary barrier to the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Illegal trade

For each of us, the World Wide Web is not only a way to find useful information, but also convenient option to make purchases. Statistics show that the number of online shoppers is growing every year. Every day a huge amount of illegal products appear on the Web, which scammers are diligently trying to sell. Among these products is alcohol. On the Internet, the price of alcoholic beverages is much lower than the market price, but are they of high quality?

Careful monitoring made it possible to find out that the majority of strong drinks that are sold on the Web not only do not have a license, but are also dangerous to human health. In connection with the increase in cases of alcohol poisoning by low-quality alcoholic beverages purchased virtually, the State Duma seriously thought about strict control of Internet sellers. The bill, which provides for punishment for illegal Internet trading, is planned to be released this spring.

Time barrier

There are many public holidays when the ban on also plays a significant role. What time is it impossible to buy alcohol in Russia?

The decree prohibits the sale of alcohol from 23:00 to 08:00. However, almost every region has set its own time barrier. It is worth discussing this in more detail. In the Moscow region, the sale of alcohol ends at 21:00, and begins at 11:00, while, for example, in the Tula region, you can only make a purchase from two in the afternoon until ten in the evening.

The most stringent measures have been taken in the Chechen Republic, since alcohol can be purchased there only for two hours a day, namely from eight to ten in the morning. In some regions, the ban on the sale of alcohol also applies on weekends, that is, it is also impossible to purchase alcohol on Saturday and Sunday. Ulyanovsk region stands out among such regions.

Powder alcohol

Powdered alcohol in Russia is becoming more popular every day. This is a dry mixture that, when interacting with water, turns into alcoholic drink. Usually this product is sold again on the Web. Experts conducted a series of studies and found out that this is a narcotic substance that is similar in taste to alcohol.

In December 2015, the State Duma submitted for consideration a proposal to ban the sale of powdered alcohol. The bill is currently being prepared for public disclosure. As we said earlier, this mixture is most often sold on the Internet, and that is why the State Duma will soon establish special controls that will prevent illegal sale on the Web.

New bill

So, the State Duma seriously took up control over enterprises that sell alcoholic beverages. This year, it was proposed to allow the sale of such products only in specialized outlets. A store that has an area of ​​at least fifty square meters. It is also worth noting that the room must have both an entrance and an exit. If the store is in countryside, then the minimum area threshold is twenty-five square meters.

Opponents of bans

In Russia, there is a ban on the sale of alcohol in May, September, June and other months, as well as at certain times. However, more recently, the authorities put forward a proposal to lift the ban on the sale of alcohol in certain territorial categories. They believe that the number of alcohol addicts has not decreased, but this has significantly hit the budget pocket.

The Ministry of Health does not support such an initiative. They believe that this could provoke an increase in alcohol consumption, including among young people. This can lead to an aggravation of the criminal situation.

Prohibition of alcohol in thermoplastic

Interestingly, since the beginning of this year, a new project has been released that prohibits the sale of alcohol in plastic bottles. Only that alcohol in plastic is allowed, which exceeds four degrees of strength. First of all, this decree will affect beer factories that sell their products in such containers. However, amendments were adopted, and the State Duma allowed the sale of wine from Russian grapes in plastic bottles, but only if they are properly packaged.

Proposal to ban the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age

Russian deputy and governor Alexander Drozdenko earlier this year submitted for consideration a proposal to introduce a bill that would prohibit the sale of alcohol among persons under the age of 21. The deputy emphasizes in his draft that this will help preserve the health of the citizens of the Russian Federation. For clarity, Alexander cites world statistics, in which the country ranks fourth in the consumption of strong drinks.

Drozdenko believes that in the first place it is necessary to pay attention to young people. Often, teenagers do not control themselves in a state of intoxication and commit rash, and sometimes even life-threatening or social acts.

The fine for drinking alcohol by a person under the age of 21 will be from 500 to a thousand rubles. An institution that sold alcohol will not only be punished with a fine, but in the future may lose its license altogether.

The aim of this project is to reduce the level of alcohol consumption among young people. As the statistics show for Last year, average age adolescents who drink alcohol is fourteen years old. Such data, of course, is not encouraging.


As we have already found out, only an adult citizen can purchase alcohol, but there are exceptions in the law. Alcoholic beverages can be sold to a person who has not reached the age of eighteen if the teenager has opened his own private enterprise or is married. In such a situation, the minor is considered as a capable citizen. Nevertheless, few sellers know about this amendment and still do not risk selling alcohol to independent teenagers.

Summing up

Drinking alcohol is individual choice everyone. We found out on which days the ban on the sale of alcohol is valid and what time frames are set for this. This information will be of interest to every connoisseur of strong drinks. However, we strongly recommend not to get involved in alcoholic beverages, and if possible, completely abandon them. Be healthy!

The full title is "On the state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products." It is designed to solve the problem of alcoholism in the country. According to the law on the sale of alcohol, drinks containing more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol are considered as such.

Restrictions on the sale of alcohol are from 21 or 18 years old?

No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (hereinafter - the Law). According to paragraph 2 of Art. 16 of the Law does not allow the retail sale of alcoholic products to minors. Minors in the Russian Federation are persons under the age of 18 years. Alcoholic products include food products that are produced using ethyl alcohol produced from food raw materials and (or) alcohol-containing food products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 1.5 percent by volume. finished products. In case of doubt that a person has reached the age of majority, the seller has the right to demand from this buyer an identity document that allows to establish his age.

What hours and on what days is the ban on the sale of alcohol?

What rules it sets, read in the article. The situation in Russia with alcohol consumption these days does not look in the best way: according to statistics, the amount of alcohol consumed per person has increased significantly compared to the beginning of the 20th century. It is also depressing that the problem has become much “younger” – there are even cases of teenage alcoholism. The authorities, concerned about this state of affairs, pass laws designed to limit the possibility of acquiring alcohol by a strong-willed decision.

Decree of the Government of Moscow dated

No. 1069-PP Additional restrictions on the conditions and places for the retail sale of alcoholic products 2. Retail alcoholic products are prohibited at a distance of up to 100 meters from children's, educational organizations, student dormitories, libraries providing educational process, wholesale and retail markets. The prohibition set forth in this paragraph shall not apply to retail sale alcohol products, carried out by organizations in the provision of catering services (except for dairy, children's, dietary canteens), at a distance of 25 meters. 3.

Law of the city of Moscow on the sale of alcohol

At the same time, the mentioned article of the main “alcohol” law provides regional authorities establish additional prohibitions on alcohol. The city authorities did not miss the opportunity to introduce their alcohol restrictions in Moscow. which are reflected in the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 28, 2005 No. 1069-PP. Let's look at the current alcohol restrictions in Moscow in 2014. Federal restrictions on the sale of alcohol in 2014 The Federal Law on State Regulation of the Alcohol Market No. 171-FZ establishes restrictions on the sale of alcohol.

Hours of sale of alcoholic beverages in Russia in 2019

what the law says evening time days. Such measures, according to them, lead to a decrease in the level of crime, reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages per person. But these innovations are not clear to all citizens, because the time for alcohol in different regions of Russia is not the same. IN federal law on alcohol turnover under the number 171-FZ (in article 16), it is stated that the retail sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited throughout Russia during the time period from 23:00 to 8:00 (local time). This ruling does not apply to state organizations catering.
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