From what time and until what time does the Orthodox Church work? Add your price to the base Comment

voice 4:

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, / ascend the world with the light of reason, / in it, for serving the stars / I study with a star / Bow down to You, the Sun of Truth, / and lead You, from the height of the east. / Lord, glory to Thee.

voice 3:

The Virgin today gives birth to the Most Substantial, / and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable. / The angels with the shepherds glorify, / the wise men travel with the star: / for the sake of us be born / A young child, the Eternal God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the reign of the Emperor Augustus (Octavius) in the city of Bethlehem. Augustus ordered that a national census be made in his entire empire, which then included Palestine. The Jews had a custom to conduct national censuses by tribes, tribes and clans, each tribe and clan had its own specific cities and ancestral places, therefore the Blessed Virgin and righteous Joseph, as descended from the lineage of David, had to go to Bethlehem (city of David) in order to add their names to the list of Caesar's subjects.

In Bethlehem, they did not find a single free place in the city hotels. In a limestone cave intended for a stall, among hay and straw scattered for feed and bedding for livestock, far from permanent residence, among strangers, on a cold winter night, in an environment devoid of not only earthly grandeur, but even ordinary convenience - the God-man was born , Savior of the world. “I see a strange and glorious sacrament,” the Holy Church sings with surprise, “Heaven is a nativity scene; Throne of the Cherubim - the Virgin; the manger is a receptacle, in which the incongruous Christ God is reclined” (irmos of the 9th song of the canon). Painlessly gave birth to the Divine Infant Holy Virgin, She herself, without outside help, “wrap him up and put him in a manger” (Luke 2).

But in the middle of the midnight silence, when all mankind was enveloped in the deepest sinful sleep, the news of the Nativity of the Savior of the world was heard by the shepherds, who were on night guard at their flock. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and said: “Do not be afraid: behold, I bring you great joy, even to all people, as if today the Savior was born to you, Who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David,” and the humble shepherds were the first to be honored to bow for the salvation of people to the One who descended to "slave of the ghost". In addition to the angelic gospel to the Bethlehem shepherds, the Nativity of Christ was proclaimed by a miraculous star to the magi "star-talkers", and in the person of the wise men of the East, the whole pagan world, invisibly to itself, bowed its knees before the true Savior of the world, the God-man. Entering the temple where the Baby was, the wise men - "fell bowed down to Him, and opened their treasures, giving Him gifts: gold and Lebanon and myrrh" (Matt. 2, 11).

In remembrance of the Nativity in the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Church established a feast. Its beginning dates back to the time of the Apostles. The Apostolic Decrees say: “Keep, brethren, the feast days, and firstly the day of the Nativity of Christ, which you may celebrate on the 25th day of the tenth month” (from March). In the same place, in another place, it is said: “Let them celebrate the Day of the Nativity of Christ, in the same time an unexpected grace is given to people by the birth of the Word of God from the Virgin Mary for the salvation of the world.” In the II century, the day of the Nativity of Christ, December 25, is indicated by St. Clement of Alexandria. In the 3rd century, St. Hippolytus of Rome mentions the feast of the Nativity of Christ as a former one, appointing the reading of the Gospel on this day from the 1st chapter of Matthew. It is known that during the persecution of Christians by Maximian, in 302, the Nicomedia Christians on the very feast of the Nativity of Christ were burned in the temple in the number of 20,000. In the same century, when the Church, after persecution, received freedom of religion and became dominant in the Roman Empire, the feast of the Nativity found in all Universal Church, as can be seen from the teachings of Saint Ephraim the Syrian, Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saints Ambrose, John Chrysostom and other Church Fathers of the 4th century on the feast of the Nativity of Christ. St. John Chrysostom, in his word, which he spoke in 385, calls the feast of the Nativity of Christ ancient and very ancient. In the same century, on the site of the Bethlehem cave, glorified by the birth of Jesus Christ, Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helena built a temple, the splendor of which her sovereign son tried a lot. In the code of Theodosius, published in 438, and Justinian - in 535, the law on the universal celebration of the day of the Nativity of Christ is set forth. In this sense, probably, Nikephoros Kallistos, a writer of the 14th century, in his history says that the emperor Justinian in the 6th century established to celebrate the Nativity of Christ throughout the earth. In the 5th century, Anatoly, Patriarch of Constantinople, in the 7th century, Sophronius and Andrew of Jerusalem, in the 8th century, Saints John of Damascus, Cosmas of Maium and Herman, Patriarch of Tsaregrad, in the 9th century, the Monk Cassia and others whose names are unknown, wrote for the feast of the Nativity of Christ many sacred hymns now used by the Church to glorify the brightly celebrated event.

However, in the first three centuries, when persecution hampered the freedom of Christian worship, in some places of the East - the Churches of Jerusalem. Antioch, Alexandria and Cyprus - the feast of the Nativity of Christ was connected with the feast of Epiphany on January 6, under common name Epiphany. The reason for this was probably the opinion that Christ was baptized on the day of His birth, as one can conclude about this from the words of St. John Chrysostom, who in one of his conversations on the Nativity of Christ says: “not the day on which Christ was born is called Theophany but the one into which he was baptized." The words of the Evangelist Luke, who, speaking of the baptism of Jesus Christ, testifies that then “Jesus was about thirty years old” (Luke 3:23). The celebration of the Nativity of Christ, together with the Epiphany, continued in some Eastern Churches until the end of the 4th century, in others until the 5th or even the 6th century. A monument to the ancient union of the feasts of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany until now in Orthodox Church there is a perfect similarity in the administration of these holidays. Both are preceded by Christmas Eve, with the same folk tradition that on Christmas Eve one should fast until the star. The rite of Divine Liturgy on the eve of both feasts and on the feasts themselves is exactly the same.

The day of the Nativity of Christ has since ancient times been ranked by the Church among the great twelve feasts, in accordance with the Divine testimony of the Gospel, which depicts the celebrated event as the greatest, most joyful and wonderful. “Behold, I announce to you,” the Angel said to the shepherds of Bethlehem, “I have great joy, even if it will be for all the people. As if the Savior was born to you, Who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this is a sign for you: you will find the Infant wrapped, lying in a manger. Then suddenly there was a multitude of heavenly howls with the Angel, praising God and saying: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men. Everyone who heard marveled at the words of the shepherds about the born Savior, and the shepherds themselves returned, glorifying and praising God for everyone, even hearing and seeing ”(Lk. 2, 10 - 20). So the Nativity of Christ, as an event of the highest and extraordinary, was accompanied by the wonderful news to the shepherds and sorcerers about the universal joy for all people, “as if the Savior had been born”, Angelic praise to the born Savior, worship of the shepherds and sorcerers. the reverent surprise of many who heard the words of the shepherds about the Born Child, the glory and praise of Him from the shepherds.

According to the Divine testimony of the Gospel, the Fathers of the Church in their God-wise writings depict the feast of the Nativity of Christ as the greatest, universal and most joyful, which serves as the beginning and foundation for other holidays.

Christmas in the lives of many people occupies an important place, it is a holiday of love, warmth, faith, kindness and happiness.

January 7 is the best time to visit and receive guests. It is also important that it is better to communicate at Christmas only with those people who can bring happiness to you - happy families, or those families who are expected to have an addition, or a new family member has already been born. As a rule, edible gifts are presented at Christmas. Be sure to bring kutya, sweets, jam and pickles. You can also give a toy if it is a child, or some kind of winter accessory.

Nowadays, of course, you can get by with a phone call, the main thing is to make it clear to people who care about you that you remember them and wish them the very best. Be sure to congratulate all friends and loved ones on this holiday, Christmas greetings filled with joy and ...

The Christian holiday of Christmas is celebrated with reverence both in Orthodox and Christian families. catholic faith. The origins go back more than two millennia, to distant centuries, when pure virgin Mary gave the world her son, Jesus Christ. Catholics celebrate the event in December, while Orthodox do it on the night of January 6-7. But Russia (in the majority) is an Orthodox country, so Russian people are interested in the question of what they do for Christmas in Orthodox families? Baptized Rus' has always celebrated this holiday cheerfully. She even decorated the Christmas tree, until the revolutionary events that temporarily deprived the country of holy holidays. To the great joy of the Russian people, a little later, they began to dress her up again.

The meaning of the holiday

What do they do at Christmas? From January 6 to 7, in all all the churches of Russia, night service dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ. In the old days, people did not sit down at tables with food until the first star appeared in the sky. Currently this…

All day on January 7, it is best to visit and receive guests. It is also important that you need to communicate at Christmas only with those people who can bring you happiness.

If you are inviting guests for Christmas, see who enters your house first. If a woman enters first, then the whole year the women of your family will be ill.

At Christmas, it is customary to light a large number of candles, lights, a fireplace - if any. Candles will bring warmth and wealth to your home.

Be sure to light a special candle in honor of the deceased relatives - then they will definitely help you in the coming year, attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

If you have pets, you need to feed them abundantly at Christmas - then the year will be satisfying, financially successful.

Also on Christmas you can’t clean the house, do housekeeping and sewing in every possible way.

On major holidays, the so-called Twelve, every Orthodox Christian tries to visit the church and take part in the solemn divine service.

Are there long services in Orthodox churches?

IN holidays even the smallest temples and chapels open their doors to believers. Services, with short breaks, go one after another. They sometimes start very early, even before seven in the morning, and end after midnight. There are plenty of people. It is very difficult for an unaccustomed person to spend the whole day in church. Even those who are churched, and they do not always defend all services. But the Byzantine tradition assumed round-the-clock service to God, without interruptions. For a long time in Rus', the rites of liturgies were preserved, lasting 8-10 hours. Gradually, the readings of prayers, canons and Holy Scripture were significantly reduced, now even the longest service does not last longer than three to five hours. After it, a break is made, followed by another, laid down according to the rule.

As everybody…

Christmas 2015: what not to do, divination, carols, traditions and incredible customs of the holiday. Christmas comes on the night of January 6-7. This is one of the most important holidays for all Orthodox. On the night of January 6-7, traditional services will be held, and on January 7, many families will gather for festive tables celebrating this bright holiday.

By the way, the menu of the Christmas table must contain 12 Lenten dishes, on Christmas night you can’t do without Christmas divination, and on January 7 - without the traditional caroling. Christmas 2015: what not to do, divination, carols, traditions and incredible customs of the holiday.

When and how is it customary to celebrate Christmas

The entire Orthodox world will celebrate Christmas 2015 on January 7th. This holiday is a family holiday, so it is customary to celebrate it in the family circle, surrounded by relatives and friends.

Christmas is preceded by Christmas Eve, this day is considered the strictest day of Christmas ...

On January 7, all Ukraine celebrates the Nativity of Christ - on this day Jesus Christ was born. Signs on Christmas were given special importance, because as Christmas passes, the year will be set. IN current life few people are interested in the harvest of peas, but some signs and customs are quite modern.

A festive dinner at Christmas should begin only with the appearance of the first star in the sky. Remember - "you can't reach the first star!" Well, then you need to look with all your eyes so as not to miss a single Christmas sign! All day on January 7, it is best to visit and receive guests. It is also important that you need to communicate at Christmas only with those people who can bring you happiness. Christmas is a great time for shopping, big and small. Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully. At Christmas, it is customary to light a large number of candles, lights, a fireplace - if any ....

VGorode figured out what can and cannot be done from January 6 to 7? How did they guess these days and what signs did our ancestors believe?


Divination for Christmas


If you listen to old people, then many fortune-telling options are outdated long ago (for example, those associated with straw or chimney), although some "justify" themselves today. 🙂

Every girl and unmarried woman does not mind learning about her future husband. And on such days a lot comes true, so why not try it?

- Tie a belt around your waist in the morning and walk around with it all day. In the evening, going to bed, take it off and put it under your pillow with the words: "Belt, belt, show me the train with the betrothed-mummer, not to see, but to marry." - The future groom usually appears in a dream. - Throw your shoe out the door. In some direction, the toe will fall, from there, wait for the groom. And if the sock is on you - stay in girls for another year! - Put it under your pillow...

Christmas omens for good luck and prosperity

On January 7, all of Russia celebrates Christmas - on this day Jesus Christ was born. This ancient holiday, and before the revolution, was considered much more important than the New Year - that's why they celebrated it on a grand scale, and both looked at signs on Christmas. Signs on Christmas were given special importance, because as Christmas passes, the year will be set. In today's life, few people are interested in the harvest of peas, but some signs and customs are quite modern. The women's site will tell you about such signs.

What to do for Christmas for good luck and prosperity

A festive dinner at Christmas should begin only with the appearance of the first star in the sky. Remember - "you can't reach the first star!" Well, then you need to look with all your eyes so as not to miss a single Christmas sign!

All day on January 7, it is best to visit and receive guests. It is important that you need to communicate at Christmas only with those people who can ...

On the night of January 6-7, 2018, on the feast of the Nativity of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' celebrated a series of Christmas services in the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow - Great Compline, Matins and the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great.

The Nativity Patriarchal Divine Liturgy was broadcast live on the First and Russia 1 TV channels. A live broadcast with sign language translation from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was carried out on the air and on the website of the Spas TV channel. Also, a live broadcast of the Patriarchal service was available on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church

TV broadcast was organized Information agency Russian Orthodox Church. An employee of the Moscow Patriarchy N.I. Derzhavin.

Before the start of the service, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill congratulated the viewers on the holiday live.

His Holiness was co-served by: Metropolitan Arseniy of Istra, the first vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' for the city of Moscow; Archbishop Sergius of Solnechnogorsk, head of the Administrative Secretariat of the Moscow Patriarchate; Bishop Savva of the Resurrection, First Deputy Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate, Viceroy of the Novospassky Stauropegial Monastery; Bishop Tikhon of Yegoryevsk, chairman of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, abbot of the Sretensky stauropegial monastery; Schema-Archimandrite Eli (Nozdrin); Archimandrite Mark (Davletov), ​​elected and named Bishop of Vorkuta and Usinsky; Archpriest Mikhail Ryazantsev, dean of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior; Moscow clergy.

The Chairman of the Government was present at the temple Russian Federation YES. Medvedev with his wife S.V. Medvedeva.

Liturgical hymns were performed by the Patriarchal Choir of the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior (conductor I.B. Tolkachev) and the Children's Choir of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia (artistic director Yu.I. Molchanova).

At the Liturgy after the special litany, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church offered up a prayer for peace in Ukraine.

: what is impossible, and what can and must be done on this holiday. Christmas is not only a warm family celebration but also a very important day in church calendar. And therefore, on the eve of the holiday, many are wondering what can and cannot be done on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ on January 7, 2018.

Christmas January 7, 2018: what you can and must do on this holiday. On such an important day, you should definitely try to visit the temple, take part in the Christmas liturgy. If this is not possible, then you can put a candle and read a prayer at home. Most importantly, your words must be sincere and come from a pure heart. That is, the first and most important thing that must be done on Christmas Day on January 7, 2018 is to offer thanksgiving prayers to the Almighty.

On Christmas Day, January 7, 2018, you can wash and comb your hair. You can also conduct daily business, but in the event that they are necessary condition to meet your needs and requirements, and not aimed at entertainment. Work is also not prohibited if you need this income to purchase vital things. But washing clothes on Christmas is possible only in case of emergency.

Hard work such as sewing, knitting, embroidery is also allowed. But only if it is not entertainment, but work or a gift for your dear person. Such a work is considered pleasing to God, and therefore it can be done on Christmas Day on January 7, 2018. After all, work has always been and remains respected.

Close marital relations are not prohibited by the church on Christmas Day, January 7, 2018, if the family is striving for procreation.

On Christmas Day, January 7, 2018, you can go shopping and make purchases. Moreover, folk omen says that shopping at Christmas brings prosperity and financial well-being into your life. Also on this day, you can give alms so that the asking people pray for your health.

Christmas January 7, 2018: what not to do on this holiday.
On this great church holiday, one cannot swear, scold, swear, enter into disputes and conflicts. In general, any negative on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ on January 7, 2018 is prohibited.

It is believed that on such a bright holiday one should not wear black clothes, since they are associated with mourning. It is better to choose clothes of calm light colors on this day.

All kinds of entertainment events are prohibited on Christmas Day on January 7, 2018. It is strictly forbidden to abuse alcoholic beverages.

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