Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Graduation ball scenario. Where there will be music and laughter. Books are waiting for them at school

Olga Mahazen

Music sounds, two presenters enter

1 presenter:

Good afternoon dear parents!

Hello dear guests!

We are happy to greet you! Today our kindergarten opened its doors for traditional holiday dedicated to our little ones graduates, future first graders!

2 Presenter:

For parents, they will always be babies, but for us they are the smartest, funniest, most inquisitive children that we have been proud of and admire all these years.

1 presenter:

Let the music play loud

Fanfare sounds joyfully

Today is an amazing holiday.

Together Vedas: Meet our preschoolers!

Dance composition with balls "Fluffy Childhood"

At the end, the children become semicircle near the central wall

1Ved: Is it possible not to love children

Selflessly, carefully and gently!

Children are our happiness on earth,

Our conscience, joy and hope.

2Ved: They came as babies

They were waiting here for both affection and comfort.

They asked for advice in everything, like a mother,

Now they give us advice.

Poems for children

Song "Our Favorite Kindergarten"

1 presenter:

Can't be! How grown up!

We didn't have time to look back.

And eyes wet with tears

Everything has its time, its time!

2. Host:

Guys, how nice to look at you, such adults, beautiful, funny! But when you first came to kindergarten, you were very young. Want to see what you were like?

Children enter with toys

Song of the little ones "We want to congratulate you" Kids give graduates medals 555555.

1 presenter: (referring to graduates) Which good wishes you guys have now heard. You came to our kindergarten just as small, and now you are already Graduates. Let's give these kids toys - a symbol of childhood. Let them play in a band and remember you.

Children with toys go to the middle of the hall. Read farewell poems

Dance "Smeshariki"

presenter: Dear children! Today I invite you to go to a fascinating and fabulous travel around the world. You are ready? So, close your eyes, fly away into a fairy tale ...

(background to music)

You will remember more than once

That good planet

Where is the light of children's eyes

Meets with dawn.

They believe in magic here

Here are friends with miracles.

Where are the fairy tales

They come to visit!

And the fairy tale will surely knock on our door (Music sounds. There is a knock on the window).

Leading: It seems like a fairy tale is knocking.

(Opens a window. Carlson with screams and cries: "Help! Save!" climbs through the window with balloons. The teacher helps Carlson get off the windowsill).

presenter: Hello, Carlson! What happened to you again?

Carlson: Today I decided to go to hot air balloon trip around the world, in order to add pages to my Book of Knowledge about different countries. And he invented the MULTIPURPOSE! Here…

presenter: Carlson, is it possible to fly around on such balloons around the Earth?

Carlson: And they told me that you can!

presenter: Can! Just not on balloon and what about guys?

(children's answers).

presenter: Here, Carlson! Heard what the guys told you. Only to build a balloon, you need to know and be able to do a lot, and for this you need to go to school, together with our guys!

Carlson: What else was missing! The school is so boring, you sit all day, but there's no point! I already know everything! What will they teach me there?

Leading: Guys, let's sing for Carlson's song about the importance of learning in school.

Song "Teaching at school"

presenter:You, Carlson, fabulously lucky today. Because the guys and I also decided to go to trip around the world.

Carlson: Tell me, do you have a rocket? And the flying saucer?

Children: No

Carlson: And then what will we fly on, my MULTIPURPOSE will not withstand everyone.

Music sounds. A boy and a girl come out


Trip around the world? That's it!

Let's go friends!

Do you just have to think brothers?

We can't get there on foot.

Look at the balloon here

I believe he will be obedient

And on it let's all

Let's fly to our dreams.

(They take out the balloon, the children take their places around the ball)

The song sounds "I'm flying away in a big balloon" .

presenter: Look, we have a map of the world on which we can make our journey and find many new friends.

presenter: Carlson, choose any place on the map, and we will find ourselves there in an instant!

Carlson points to Italy.

The music of Toto Cutugno sounds, Señor Macaroni enters to the music.

Macaroni: Bon zhorno seniors, bon zhorno signorina! Welcome to sunny Italy! My name is Señor Macaroni! Why is that my name? Of course, because I love pasta! But in Italy, not only do I love pasta, but the whole of Italy cannot live without pasta! If we have not eaten pasta all day, we immediately start to get sick, terribly sick.

Oh, here's what I remembered. I found a large briefcase on the road. Didn't you lose it? - No.

presenter: Well, if you found it, then show it, suddenly one of the guests recognizes him.

Macaroni takes out a large flat briefcase.

presenter: What are you, Macaroni, how can our children lift such a portfolio. In it, not only school supplies are wrong, but also fairy tales are hidden.

Macaroni: Exactly, the fairy tales were hidden, when I carried it, I heard someone talking.

presenter: We open our portfolio,

What kind of fairy tale is in it?


Sets the briefcase in the middle of the room.

Song "Ding Ding Kindergarten"!

Macaroni: It's good that you know what to take to school, but do you know how to play?

Vedas: Of course, our guys love to play.

A game "First Day of School" mom - a bouquet, dad - a ball, a child - a briefcase.

Macaroni: You are just great! We Italians are a very cheerful and hospitable people. As a memory of myself, I will give you a page from the Magic Book of Knowledge. On this page you will find a lot of interesting things about my beautiful country Italy! (gives page). Goodbye friends! Come again! Chao, bambini!

Leaves to the music

Carlson: This is it! Your hot air balloon. Let's go somewhere else we travel!

presenter: Where do we go next?

Carlson: Here!

Carlson points to India.

And now we are in the amazing and fabulous country of India.

(Len comes out, lies down on the mattress, Indian music sounds)

Indian dance

(several girls) Leo sits in the middle

Laziness: Don't worry, come on in and take a rest from the road.

Distribute pillows to the children. They go to the middle of the hall "lay down" on pillows.

Laziness. Yes, and I will sit with you, take a nap, otherwise you are still sleeping, sleeping - and there is no time to rest.

To the phonogram "Tired toys are sleeping" children with pillows "fall asleep", the rest "sleep" on the chairs.

2 Lead. Guys, is it possible? Don't fall for the scammer! Remember how we kindergarten taught to fight with Lenya.

"Pillow Dance"

Laziness tries to interfere, but nothing works out for her and she, shaking her fists, runs away.

1 leader. So Laziness ran away, and the difficulties are behind. Look, Sloth left us a page from the magic book of knowledge. I hope she never gets in your way again.

presenter: Wonderful country, India!

Now where do you want Carlson?

Carlson: Here!

Pointing at the map.

Children take their places in the balloon, music sounds

presenter A: Now we're going to Japan.

Japanese girls run out

Japanese dance. With fans

Japanese: Take chrysanthemum

Let the petal go

In a book in a moment a page

Fly like a bird.

presenter: Well, we will continue our journey! Carlson where are we going now?

Carlson: Always dreamed of visiting the Wild West.

Fly, get out the boys Cowboys


Carlson: And I heard that in the Wild West, cowboys can catch anything.

presenter: Let's play a game now "Catch the score"

Cowboy: I give you a page

From the Magic Book of Knowledge!

Carlson: Here you are, thank you!

presenter: Yes, Carlson is the Wild West, did you like it?

Now where do you want to go?

Carlson: Here!

Pointing at the map. Music sounds.

presenter: Guys, in my opinion, we ended up in a fairyland. And here are its inhabitants.

Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox enter to the music.

Alice. We open our business (taking the cat's hand)

We offer to help mothers

Private center "Impudent visionary, naughty child"

Cat. Our school is paid

And who is easy now?

Times are tough right now

Surviving is hard work!

Passes with a hat, collects alms

Alice: It is not necessary to respect someone,

We have to deceive, what is there to hide!

The cat looks at the children.

Cat: And why are you so dressed up, a holiday, or what?

presenter: And now we will sing to you!

Song "Soon to school."

Fox. Basilio, our children are going to school. Let's check them out, shall we?

Playing with children "Shouts"

Cat: Well done, the children are ready for school, and now it's time to start educating parents. Basilio, where is your magic hat. Now we will find out what thoughts visit the smart heads of our guests and parents!

Play with adults "Musical Hat"

Fox (counting gold coins).Well, jokes are jokes, but it's time to calculate the income.

Cat. Alice, this is the money that Buratino buried! Give me! I will count them and profitably invest! (Count money, snatch from each other, start to fight).

presenter: Oh no no no! You don’t know how to behave properly, but you also undertake to educate! You probably need to study at school yourself!

Cat. What are you school-school! What is it all about? And what is it for?

presenter: And you listen. The guys will sing a song for you about this.

Song "Preschool Rap"

Fox. It probably won't work for us! Really, Basilio? This is how much time to spend on some kind of study there! And then you have to work! This is not for us!

Cat. We'd better beg!

presenter: Then you and I are not on the way.

Fox. Yes, it doesn’t hurt, and I wanted to! Come on, Basilio!

To the music go with the words "Feed the Blind Cat"

presenter: And it's time for us to go further, choose Carlson!

Carlson: Let's go here, closer to the sea!

presenter: Guys, we returned to Russia again.

Here is the last page from your book, this is a page about our Motherland great country- Russia.

And you Carlson study this book. to pass this knowledge on to other children who will come to our wonderful kindergarten.

Carlson: Thank you so much for your help.

I wish you to study diligently,

Always get fives.

Be obedient and don't be lazy.

Remember me sometimes. Goodbye, guys! (leaves)

presenter: And it's time for us to return to kindergarten and may the magic and miracles in your life never end! You are leaving for the Land of Knowledge and new achievements, therefore, you will have to say goodbye to preschool carefree childhood, fairy tales and toys.

(Three girls exit)

1 girl

The hour of farewell is coming, kindergarten,

Soon you will send preschool children to school,

Invite them to class

bell bell,

They will rush to the bright class with excitement.

2 girl

You have a holiday today, kindergarten,

This is the first kids graduation party.

The hour of separation is coming

And the farewell waltz sounds

In the rhythm of the dance, the couples circle slowly.

3 girl

It's a pity to leave, kindergarten.

Do not return the past days, alas, back,

And your Graduates,

Naughty, mischievous -

Many good things are said to you.

Song "Invite me dad to waltz"

Students sing a song "Behind the summer is winter"

The floor is given to the parents.

The floor is given to the head. Presentation of gifts.

(Graduates go out into the yard releasing balloons.)

Equipment: musical accompaniment, crumbs, a ball, a box of sweets (one more candy than children), pictures with the heroes of fairy tales (crocodile Gena, Masha and the bear, turnip, puss in boots).

Stroke: children sit on chairs. Flies into the hall to the musicCarlson.

Carlson : "Step aside, step aside! Give me a landing! (makes a circle around the hall and stops) Hello guys! Girls and boys!

Educator: "Hello Carlson!"

Carlson: “Here I am, a man in his prime. Yes, I am Carlson, who lives on the roof! And how do you live here? (children answer). You don't answer correctly. Not fun. Who answers like this? Gotta put up thumb and say, "That's it!" It's clear? Let's start over!

How do you live?

Children: Like this!

How are you going to kindergarten?

Like this! (get up and stomp their feet)

How do you sleep during quiet hours?

Like this!

How do you eat porridge?

Like this!

How do you run home from kindergarten?

How are you playing at home?

Like this! (puff out their cheeks and pop them with their hands)

Well, let's continue the conversation. What are you doing here?”

caregiver : "Carlson! We are here to wish Arina a happy birthday! She turns 5 today!

Carlson : “Wow, you, birthday! Guys, you are very lucky. I am the best birthday wishes in the world! Look how I can congratulate ... (approaches the birthday girl and hugs her) Dear Arina, the best, kindest and beautiful girl in the world! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Do you want me to ride you? Then press the button! (rolls the child 1 time around the hall).

caregiver : "What a fine fellow you are, Carlson!"

Disturbing music sounds, runs into the hallMiss Bok with a fly swatter.Carlson hiding behind a curtain.

Freken Bock : "Hello guys! Have you seen a fat red-haired boy with a propeller here? He ate all my buns today!” (children answer). At that timeCarlson comes out of the curtain and hides behind his backMiss Bok . Freken Bock looking forCarlson behind the curtain, under the chairs, and he always hides behind her back.

Freken Bock (sadly): "Carlson is nowhere!"

Carlson buzzing.

Freken Bock : “Oh, something is buzzing in my right ear!” (turns,Carlson hiding). Oh, and now in the left ear is buzzing! (turns and discoversCarlson , who did not have time to hide). Ah, that's where he is! (chasing afterCarlson, he runs away to the music, finally catches up) Aha, got caught!

Carlson: “Calm, just calm. You are behaving inappropriately! Today we have gathered here to wish Arina a happy birthday. And you make noise and violate discipline!

Freken Bock : “What kind of holiday is this, a birthday! I have never heard of such a holiday! Stop imagining! Go to the group immediately, wash your hands and go to bed!” (pretends to send the children to the group).

Carlson : “What are you, Miss Bok! It's the most fun holiday in the world! Guys, let's tell Miss Bok about what a birthday is? (children agree). And for this, let's go on a fun journey? (children agree) And what will we ride? (children offer options). And let's go on a laugh! (fly)

Carlson: “First stop “Congratulations”!

All children stand in a circle.

Today for children and adults,
For thin and fat
obedient and disobedient.
Merry and sad
Our finest entertainment
Called Birthday!
Birthday is nice
It's weird and funny!
birthday boy ahead
Skip, honest people!
The birthday girl comes out and stands in the center.

Freken Bock: Now we will play the game "Yes - no" if we speak correctly, you shout "Yes - yes - yes." And if it's not right, then shout "no - no - no." Do you understand everything? How do we scream, if it's right? What if it's not right? Then let's start!

Well, guests, do not yawn.
Friendly, help in chorus.

Happy birthday congratulations?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: And wish you well soon?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: Should Arina grow up more?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: Is it necessary to be fatter?
Children: No no no!
Carlson: To be beautiful, kind, sweet?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: Both loud and pugnacious?
Children: No no no!
Carlson : To be strong, healthy, brave?
Children. Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson : Accurate and skillful?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carslon: For grandma to love?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: Did you hit the ass with a strap?
Children: No no no!
Carlson: To feed you candy?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Carlson: Maybe stop talking?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Carlson: "Is it time to drive a loaf?"

Children: " Yes Yes Yes!"

The game "Karavai" to the music

Carlson: "Well done boys! But it's time for us to go! What are we going to? (children offer options). And let's go on a johotobus! (go to the music). Next stop is Dance. And now, in honor of Arina, we will dance a fun dance! Get up in a circle!”

Music game with acceleration "Forward four steps"

After the game, the children sit on the carpet.

Freken Bock: “Well done, you dance well, but do you know how to solve riddles? I have photos of fairy tale heroes in my bag, guess riddles about them:

    The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all! (Carlson) - Carlson points to himself

    Harmonica in hands

On the back of the cap,

And next to him is important

Cheburashka (crocodile Gena) is sitting - shows a picture and. etc.

    Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in the basket,

Who sat on a stump

And wanted to eat a pie? (bear)

    What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,

Mouse, another dog Bug

Helped grandpa and grandma

Have you harvested root crops? (turnip)

    This fabulous hero

With a ponytail, mustachioed,

He has a feather in his hat

All striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots (puss in boots)

Carlson: Guys, it's time for us to hit the road again! And what are we going to? Let's swim! (swim to the music).

Freken Bock : “The next station is Game Station.

    Game "Congratulations"

All children sit on a chair. The birthday girl sits in front of everyone, with her back to the children. At Carlson's command, one of the players should approach her, put a hand on her shoulder and say "Arina, happy birthday!". The birthday girl must guess who congratulated her.

    Competition "Merry fight" (crumb)

Children are divided into two teams. Half of the field is marked with tape. One team stands on one side, the other on the other. At the signal of the leader, the teams must throw as many crumbs as possible into the territory of the opponent (the game is repeated 2-3 times).

    Competition "Compliment"

Children sit in a circle and pass the ball to each other. Each child should say a compliment to the birthday girl. If the child does not cope with the task, the other children can tell him.

Carlson : “Oh, what a great birthday! Now you, Miss Bock, have understood what kind of holiday it is!”

Freken Bock: “Understood, this is a fun and joyful holiday.”

Carlson: “Oh, I got sick. I need to urgently take some medicine: sweets, jam, pie or cake!”

Freken Bock : “Guys, we urgently need to save Carlson! Arina's grandmother brought and hid sweets somewhere in our hall. Let's find them!"

Children are looking for candy to the music. Find a box. The birthday girl treats all the children and Carlson.

Carlson and Miss Bock : “Well, okay, guys, it's time for us to go back to the fairy tale. Happy birthday. Arina!!!" (leave)

Natalia Afonina
"Carlson visiting the guys or let's fool around!" (Graduation script for children of the preparatory group No. 7)

« Carlson visiting the guys or let's, let's play pranks

(Graduation script for children of the preparatory group No. 7)

Music sounds, children perform a dance composition and at the end of the dance they line up in a semicircle.

Performance of a dance composition.

1 presenter:

Light and elegant now in our hall,

Beautiful bouquets are everywhere.

Today for a holiday we invited guests,

We accompany our people to school Guys.

2 leading:

Today, Guys, we accompany you,

Fives, fours - we wish more,

So that every teacher can at school say:

“You worked hard for five in kindergarten!”


1. Today they see us off

To the land of wonders and knowledge

And we're off to first grade

Thank you, good bye!

3. From year to year for six years in a row

We came to kindergarten

Cheerful, happy,

But those days are gone

Today we Graduates,

Tomorrow we will be students.

5. We are not in vain today moms

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart

We became students

We are no longer babies.

The song "Preschool childhood, goodbye!"

(music by G. Struve, lyrics by K. Ibryaev)

6. Our garden is a magical ocean,

Here we went swimming

We know that he is given to us by happiness,

And we have always loved him!

7. Who is everyone talking about today?

And for whom are these smiles!

The whole kindergarten is worried,

There is a reason: Of course, children!

8. Much the guys have learned,

Let's not forget our favorite garden.

Here in a beautiful dance we circled,

And they taught preschoolers to be friends!

9. Today we were hardly recognized

All guests that have gathered in the hall.

Came here for the last time.

Remember us forever!

9. Today we will say “Goodbye!”

And educators and nannies,

Everyone who loved us was happy to see us.

Together: Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

The song "It's a pity to leave!"

sl. and music. O. Shaporenko

After the song, the children sit on the chairs.

presenter: Guys How pleasant it is to look at you, such adults, beautiful, cheerful! But when you first came to kindergarten, you were very young. Want to see what you were like?

Enter the children of the youngest groups, congratulate alumni.

Perform a song "We came to congratulate you"!

Educators thank for the performance and treats with sweets. The kids are leaving.

Leading. This is how our children grew up. Summer will fly by and they will go to school. And who will look after them after school? We decided to advertise newspaper: "Required a governess for first-graders, loving children. Contact any

Knock on the door.

Leading. It must be her.

Freken Bok enters to the music. She has a cage with a cat in her hands.

Freken Bock. Hello. Do you need a governess? So here it is! Not a governess, but

housekeeper. It's me! Here is my Matilda!

Leading. Hello. I hope you love Freken Bock children?

Freken Bock. Uh... How do you say... Crazy! Come on, children, greet me in unison!

Children. Hello!

Freken Bock. Oh wow, hello there! Well, dear guests, set an example!

Guests. Hello!

Freken Bock. Is that how you show an example? Ah, one more time!

Guests(friendlier). Hello!

Freken Bock. Now that's better. Is this your apartment? The apartment is suitable. There is even a piano. I really like, you know, to play all sorts of symphonies. What are all your children? And I have to educate them all? Never tried so many raise children right away. What a pain it is to educate! Well, okay, the children are neglected, but not lost. I'll take them seriously while they're soft as wax. Then they will harden, and it will be too late. You will be exercising? It doesn’t matter, once again it won’t hurt, and Matilda and I will control it.

Performance of sports dance.

After the dance, the children stand in a semicircle.

Freken Bock. Let's do vocals. Sweetheart, may I? (speaking to music director). Children, sing: la-la-la. (Presses one key.) And now with accompaniment: “The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded long ago” (plays bass with both hands and sings). Children, I can't hear you, sing with me. Your kids can't sing at all.

Musical director. Our children are doing great. Excuse me?


10. We learned what friendship means,

What does it mean to protect the weak

What you need to be brave and dexterous,

And we need to help adults!

11. Our kindergarten is good.

You won't find a better garden.

And we'll tell you about

How we all live together here!

Performance of the song "My friends".

words and poems by L. A. Starchenko (#42 p. 3)

Freken Bock. Well then. Not bad at all. OK. And now they sat down (the children sit down, hands on their knees, do not move, their eyes are closed. And until I return, everyone sleep! Matilda, watch them. I went to the supermarket.

Freken Bok leaves to the music.

Leading. Guys what are you sitting on? Well, not will you sleep? We need to act.

I know who will help us. will help us Carlson. One has only to ring the bell, and he will fly to us. (Rings the bell.)

Flies to the music Carlson.

Carlson. Hello, Guys. Did you call me?

Leading. Save us Carlson, this housekeeper ordered everyone to sleep.

Carlson. Calm, just calm. I am against such methods of education. After all, I am the best teacher in the world. A let's play around a little? Do you have cake?

Children. No.

Carlson. Well, that's not fair. I do not play like that….

Carlson: But ... I know the game about the cake, stand in a circle, "ignite" candles.

The game is being played "Candles"

Children stand in a circle. Some children with handkerchiefs inside the circle - these are candles. Children walk in a circle to the right and sing to the tune of the song "Loaf":

We baked a cake for the holiday

We lit candles on it.

They wanted to eat cake, but candles

We were unable to extinguish.

Candle children swirl, waving handkerchiefs over their heads. Everyone stops. Children in big circle take a breath, blow on candles. Candles squat, spreading handkerchiefs in front of them.

Carlson is in command: "One-two-three - pick up a candle!", clapping, children raise handkerchiefs: Who is faster. These children become candles. (2p.)

Carlson: Wow, I'm tired!

Leading. Carlson, you rest, and the girls will dance for you.

Dance performance with umbrellas.

(Dancing 5 girls sit down after the dance.)

Carlson: Oh, it seems your housekeeper is coming. I'll prepare a surprise for her. (Puts a rat on a string on the floor). Well, here it is. I'll hide, and you sit as if nothing had happened and keep quiet. Carlson hides behind a curtain.

Freken Bok enters to the music. He puts the bag on the floor. Notices the rat and runs back.

Freken Bock. Guard! Rats! (covers face with hands). I can't stand rats. (opens face). Oh, where is she? It must have seemed. Children, have you seen a rat here?

Children: No!

Freken Bock. (sings).And I went crazy! And I went crazy! (speaking). What a shame! Something has been on my nerves lately. All sorts of nastiness is imagining!

He sits at the table, lays out the purchases.

Freken Bock. To calm down, I'll have a cup of tea with buns and sweets. (Children). But you can't! Firstly, the figure deteriorates from flour. (He strokes his sides, puffing out his chest). Secondly, teeth hurt from sweets. So remember! Thirdly ... And what about the third? Well, yes ... You, of course, did not wash your hands. So get some sleep everyone!

Leading. Sleep again! How can? Let's complain to our parents!

Freken Bock. Parents! Yes, they need to be educated. Anyway! Let's continue our studies. I taught you to sing. What's next? So, now let's do the choreography! (rises). Music for us, please! Cavaliers invite ladies.

Waltz performance.

While the dance is on Carlson takes all the buns and sweets from the table and hides behind the curtain again.

Leading. What a wonderful dance! Thank you very much To you, Freken Bock!

Freken Bock notices the loss.

Freken Bock. Who ate my buns and candies? Ah, these are the gluttonous children,

eating other people's buns.

Leading. I do not know who ate the buns, but I know for sure that these are not children.

Freken Bock. It's okay, I'll make real people out of them. I'm leaving, but I'll be back. (leaves).

Out to the music Carlson, bows.

Carlson. The world's best housekeeper tamer - Carlson, amateur

buns and sweets, a man in his prime.

Leading. So you ate the buns?

Carlson. Of course it's me. Who else is capable of such heroism? Do you have any jam?

Leading. No.

Carlson. Well, I don't play like that. I to them with all my heart, all my soul, and they for best friend sorry for the jam.

Leading. We have carrots, onions, peas, tomatoes. Want to?

Carlson. Fu, well, what is it, I don’t eat it.

Carlson. Okay, agreed give me a carrot. How a lot of: 3, 5, 8, 7; 10,

Carlson. I do, but I'm a little confused. Do you know how?


I count the whole day

Picking up a new one for school

I bought a briefcase.

Simple pencil - one,

I will draw for them.

2. Two - a notebook, three - a pencil case,

I chose it myself.

And four is my primer,

Pen - five, sixth - lantern,

No, I don't need a flashlight

I will take the sixth album.

3. Here is the ruler - this is seven,

What will I play with?

No, you need to take a flashlight,

At least play under the desk.

Eight - paint, nine - glue

Yes, the briefcase has become heavy.

4. Ten - counting sticks,

I really want to go to school.

Have I taken everything I need?

Let me know together!

Children are in charge!


Carlson reads the question, and the answers prepared in the bag,

offers to take after each question.

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. And who should follow the form of first-graders?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?

7. Who will cry, left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if child 2 got it?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take a first grader to school?

11. Who will get deuces at school?

12. Who will correct them now?

Carlson. Now it's time for me to hide. Looks like the housekeeper is coming.

Freken Bock. Children, I have returned to take on you with renewed vigor.

Freken Bock. Now we will watch the news. (Suitable for interactive whiteboard, the screen turns on in advance filmed record video with baby

Child. On air program "From the life of ghosts". Attention, a terrible ghost has appeared in our city. We ask all eyewitnesses to call 0052031. The ghost eats only housekeepers, we ask other citizens not to worry).

Freken Bock. Matilda, did you hear? They want to eat me.

Carlson at this time, she dresses in a sheet with a face painted on it and with holes for the eyes. To the music of the cartoon "Baby and Carlson» he runs out with a bucket and a mop, runs around the housekeeper and knocks.

Freken Bock. Help, guard! (Running from a ghost)

Carlson. Where are you? I do not play like that.

Freken Bock. Save, help!

Carlson. Well, fear not, madam!

Freken Bock. By the way, mademoiselle.

Carlson. OK then. Mademoiselle, allow me to introduce myself. The best ghost in the world. Wild but cute!

Freken Bock. They told me not to watch TV from morning to evening. Here is the result!

Carlson: (Sits down on one knee and takes fr. Bock by the hand) Well, let's get acquainted!

Freken Bock. (takes his hand away) No, I'm afraid of you.

Carlson. (takes Fr. Bock by the hand) Why not?

Freken Bock. (takes his hand away) I'm afraid of ghosts.

Carlson: Here you go! I do not play like that. (takes off the sheet).

Freken Bock: Excuse me, who are you?

Carlson: I- Carlson who lives on the roof. I am a man anywhere, in full bloom!

Freken Bock. So it was you buzzing in my ears?

Carlson: Well, to be honest, I am!

Freken Bock. So it was you who carried my buns?

(Takes a carpet beater from the table and runs after Carlson around the hall).

Carlson: Stop! And your milk ran out.

Freken Bock. (stopping abruptly). God! Milk escaped. Excuse me, what kind of milk? I don't have any milk. Played again. Naughty!

Carlson: Yes, we guys big naughty and we love it very much fool around! If you want, we will have fun too!

Freken Bock. Well, try it!

Children perform the dance "Elephants".

They sat down.

Freken Bock. Ooh, cheer up!

presenter: Our dear Freken Bok. These wonderful children today graduate from kindergarten! And from the first of September, they will only do what to sit at their desks and study, study, study ...

Carlson: So Let's, today we will only do what to play, play, play! After all, carefree preschool childhood is one fun game! Let's Let's play a wonderful game. I have a pair of pants, but they are too big for me. (Takes out his pants, unfolds them and shows them to the children). My grandmother bought them for me. What if I still gain a couple of kilograms ... so for now we can only play with these pants!

The game "Panties" is being played.

Carlson and fr. Side wear one pair of huge pants for two children. Each pant has one child. Children hold their pants, and the rest of the children stuff balloons into their pants. The one with the most balloons in their pants wins. After the game, the children sit down.

Freken Bock. So…. I did not really understand? You are soon go to school? What a pity. So you no longer need to be educated, and you do not need my services? And what is left for us?

Carlson. And we can only congratulate these wonderful kids. Which I do with great pleasure. Expensive Graduates! At such a solemn moment, I want to boldly, without hiding, congratulate you on the end of kindergarten and wish you all the very best ... sweet, tasty, and as much as possible. In the break there are sweets, and cookies, and meatballs. And, of course, not to be bored, but to play a little.

Freken Bock. However, what a scoundrel you are! Only I will tell you that there is no place for play in school.

Carlson. Wrong! It is at recess that you can have fun and play any games.

Freken Bock. Well, then I want a change!

Carlson. Mademoiselle, your wish is our command. Everyone plays!

The game is being played "Collect a portfolio".

Children stand in 2 lines. With the beginning of the music, everyone runs to their hoop with the objects laid out and takes the thing that will be useful at school and puts it in the briefcase.

Freken Bock. Oh, I think I've had enough of a change! And my poor Matilda can't take it anymore. It's time for us to leave.

Leading. Freken Bock, our children want to give you a bouquet of flowers.

Flower dance performed by girls.

They presented a bouquet to Freken Bock and sat down.

Carlson: Madam, I won't let you go just like that, only to the accompaniment of the orchestra.

Cheerful boys orchestra.

Polka S. Rachmaninov.

(accompanied by Freken Bock Orchestra and Carlson leave) .

Leading. This is how our children grew up. And I must tell you a secret, they all decided to become excellent students. (Children come out to the music).

Children read poetry:

12. In a cozy kindergarten

We lived like at home.

Any corners

We were familiar here.

13. We grew up in friendship.

Loved to laugh

But now they have become big,

It's time to say goodbye!

14. Farewell, sleeping dolls,

And shiny balls

And affectionate nannies,

What were we like mothers!

15. The school opened the doors,

Desks and a class are waiting for us.

We are leaving, but believe

We won't forget you!

16. It was good for us here in the kindergarten,

This is what we tell you honestly.

And a big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

All children: thank you very much!

Children sing a song "Thank you everyone!"

(all sat down).

Leading. The floor is given to the parents.

Vedas: And now comes the most solemn moment of our holiday. This is the presentation of diplomas on graduation from kindergarten. The head of the kindergarten is invited to present diplomas.

The ball flew away, melted,
Do not catch up, do not return,
But still our memory
Strongly holds the thread in childhood!

Composition for the entrance to the hall "Clouds are floating in the sky"

Leading - Sound, fanfares and trumpets blow!

The children are in a hurry for the holiday.

Today we see the children to school,

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten!

Meet the most fun and unique graduates of 2016!

Children in groups go to the center of the hall, performing a short dance composition, the leader introduces them.

  1. They charmed everyone around, always in harmony with the world and themselves,

They are friendly with everyone, beautiful both outwardly and in soul.

  1. Slightly lazy and a little imposing, he is stylishly dressed and good-looking,

Looks like a dandy from a magazine, anyone will confirm this!

  1. Artists! Created for the stage, people used to surprise
  1. Always in good mood, laugh themselves, make friends laugh,

They sparkle with laughter and fun, and their heads are full of ideas.

  1. Looking at the world open eyes, always resourceful, smart,
  1. They will find an approach to any girl, they dream of them in the evening and in the afternoon,

Serious passions boil in the group, who should dance with them together.

  1. Everything checked, folded and put in order,

She lit up everyone with a smile, lifted the mood.

And does not walk, but flutters like a dragonfly in spring,

Her gray eyes shine like stars.

  1. Nothing to surprise them, they will always bring everyone up to date,

Who brought what, where he went, they will tell you quickly and skillfully.

  1. He is a mystery to everyone in the district, he is independent and smart,

Like everyone else, he does not want to be at all, he only goes his own way.

Leading - Today we see off our children to the first class,

At parting, we invite you to dance a preschool waltz.

Farewell waltz, a little sad, it's not easy to spin in it

Farewell waltz, farewell in a light graduation dress.


1 - We have gathered together with you

Not for sadness, not for tears

We are today, see for yourself,

Brighter than the brightest stars.

2 - May the dawn always burn in the window,

Blazing bright rays

Let the calendar leaves fly.

This means that we are growing.

3 - Our children have become a year older.

We dream of going to first grade as soon as possible.

Why are our educators sad?

And tears drop from tender eyes?

4 - We once lost socks and tights,

You were angry with us for such trifles,

But always remained calm and meek,

Dealing with socks. And they knew where - whose!

5 - Today we will tell you: you will not appreciate your work,

Patience, care cannot be measured by anything!

We will never tire of thanking you for your hard work!

We will remember you! And we will love!

6 - Well, that's it! It's time to say goodbye.

And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschool children.

Everything is ahead of us, but only in kindergarten

We will never return.

7 - Tic-tac-toe on the sidewalk,

Flowers wave goodbye.

We're leaving - we're almost schoolchildren,

We leave, you stay...

8 - Here they sang about mom, spring, New Year,

They sang about the sun, led a round dance ...

We begin to sing a farewell song.

After all, we are leaving kindergarten forever!

Song "Kindergarten - a magical land"

9 - My first step!

My first friend!

All this was remembered and it suddenly became bright!

I thank you with all my heart

To all who have walked this great path with me!

10 - My dear doll,

The time for goodbye is coming!

Girls favorite dolls

Never forget!

11 - You can talk to the doll

Open all secrets to her!

Sing her a simple song

Tell the story quietly.

You can walk with the doll

Spin in a fast dance.

And now it's time to say goodbye -

We go to school to learn!

12 - My ball is bright, cheerful,

You have come to say goodbye.

Follow us to school

And score a goal!

Dance "Goodbye toys"

Leading - The holiday started off great!

Children, do you agree with me?

Maybe a song, maybe a dance?

Leading - Well, of course, it's a fairy tale!

Yes, today is the hour that we all have been waiting for.

We gathered for the last time in this cozy hall.

And we are sad, and joyful, and the heart beats like that!

Today, even for the last time, the fairy tale will return to us again!

King Pea enters and sings.

1. At the King, at Peas

Life is going pretty well.

2. I manage everything in the world

All children should know me

Wow, wow, they love the father of the king.

3. I stomp, I stomp my heels,

Let me walk sideways.

Wow, wow, they love the father of the king.

Tsar What is this meeting here? Who brought all the children here?

And what is this company? Why so many people?

Leading - The holiday is here! After all, summer is coming, then autumn will come to us -

Our children will go to school in autumn to study!

Tsar- "To school!" How cunning! School… What a wonder?

Maybe an overseas fruit? Explain to me here!

Leading - This is where they will torment you first, but then they will teach you everything!

Tsar- School! Here they found me a miracle! I will make the school live!

All the people, like a pretty one, will go to the royal school!

Here! The order is ready!

Leading - We honor ... "At this very hour

I order everyone to come to school! Everyone will now learn!”

But, tell us a secret, where will you open this school?

Tsar- The children all went here, studied all the approaches ...

I can't find a better place. School will be here! In the garden!

And, to make it more interesting, I will bring the princess here!

She'll need to learn a little here, too!

Let her take her girlfriends - they need to study too!

She leaves, calling the princess.

Leading - And the rumor went around the world about this tsar's school!

In fairy tales, everyone fussed - they suddenly hurried to school!

Two daughters and Cinderella come out.

1 daughter— Cinderella! Where are you, lazybones? Beat all the carpets!

2 - Wash the windows, the floor, the stove - clean it up!

1- You need to, so be it, give a new broom!

2 - And in addition - garbage! Charm! So that you don't sit up!

together- Mother will come soon, she will bring us gifts!

Stepmother enters.

Stepmother Why are we so dirty? Did not make it? Ta-ak, everything is clear!

I don't want to listen to you! Go away! Prepare us to eat!

Daughters! What have I learned! A neighbor told me

A school has been opened in the kindergarten! Learned - and you're done:

You will immediately become a princess!

Daughters We'll go study together!

Song of a stepmother and her two daughters

They go behind the curtain.

Cinderella- And I would like to go there, but, another thing awaits me ...

There is no end in sight to the work! How embarrassing, though!

Leaves. The King enters with the Princess.

Princess- I do not want to study! I won't! Don't want! I won't!

Tsar- Quiet you! Calm down! Yes, take a better look!

See what's going on in the world? The kids are going to school!

Princess- What an incredible thing! What kind of school is this?

In the castle in the morning different professors

They teach me nonstop!

Tsar- Only something of little use!

Princess- Still studying? Don't want! And I will teach others:

What to do in this school, it is better to sit and spit on the floor!

Tsar- Daughter! What are the manners? You must be an example!

But other guests are coming! Come in! Please, please!

The stepmother and daughters enter.

Stepmother- Tsar! Where are you? My respect! Accept congratulations!


1- This is ... How is it ... Congratulations and I wish you something!

So, move on, give me a diploma!

2 - No - no - no! Listen to me! My knowledge is the best!

Two times two is 4! Dot! You will give me the diploma, right?

Leading - No, listen, friends! Well, you can't do that right now!

Hush ... Someone is walking there, gently singing a song!

Cinderella song

Tsar— That's what I understand! And I accept it!

Who sings so beautifully? I'll give her a diploma, that's clear!


1 - So this is me: la - la - la - la!

2 - No, it's me: la - la - la - la!

Leading - And who is standing over there, on the sidelines?

Daughters and stepmother: (covering her back) One nasty girl!

Leading - You are Cinderella! And your singing

It was a great performance!

The Professor of Sour Cheey enters.

Professor— Hello, Your Majesty!

Princess— And who are you?

Professor- I would like to introduce myself:

I am a professor of sour cabbage soup!

Princess- (laughs) You made me laugh, she-she!

How is it - Sour Chey?

Professor- Don't be in a hurry to laugh

And write down my recipe.

Princess Why should I know how soup is cooked?

I'm not a cook. I'm a princess.

It will take me a long time to find the letter.

And I have no interest in this.

Professor“Does it matter what letter it is?”

Though this letter, though another ..

Don't strain, don't search.

It is important that cabbage soup be sour!

Princess“Wow, Professor……I like you!”

Leading(to children) - That's the princess! That's how Professor Sour Soup! They do not even know the letters and rejoice. Will have to teach them.

Game "Collect the word"

Princess I don't want to learn letters! And shut up!

Professor- It is important that cabbage soup be sour!

Do not want to repeat the letters -

Let's start the dance! (claps hands)

Overseas guests will be invited now

And together we will start dancing.

Dance of the gentlemen

Princess- Oh, how beautifully they danced ... They didn’t take me to the dance!

And there were seven of you dancing!

Princess- But I sing like! Ta-ra-ra!…

Leading And we are all masters of singing!

Song "Teach Us Music"

Princess- Oh, how beautifully they sing! Do they know your sheet music?

Leading- You should study at school! Learning is useful in life!

And exercise!

Princess - Yes, you must sign up...

Oh, it's time to run then and take a place at school!

Tsar- So, I ran ... And I didn’t manage to open a school here ... And the children will soon go to a real school ... And I will be left without them in my fairy tales all alone ...

Leading“Don’t be sad, tsar father! Children go to school, but do not leave the wonderful land of Childhood. And they will be with you for a long time!

Let's go back to kindergarten from fairy tales.

Let's see, listen to our guys!

14 - Goodbye, our beloved, kind kindergarten!

We were with you together for many years in a row!

And now we are parting - we have to go to school,

But we will not forget you in life!

15 - We will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes,

Where are the sunny dreams, where are the star paths,

Where chuckles and sadness are heard in the songs.

16 - Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Here the clouds are not visible, but from smiles it is crowded -

The "Planet of Childhood" flies under the sail of spring.

Song "Childhood"

Leading - Our graduates have learned a lot in kindergarten. Now we need an experienced teacher who would check and evaluate their readiness for school. But who should I invite? Perhaps I'll call the Good Offices Bureau to send us such a specialist.

The host picks up the phone and dials a number. Phone beeps are heard.

Leading - Hello! Please send an experienced teacher to our kindergarten to test the knowledge of the children who are going to school.

The leader dictates the address.

Leading - Thank you very much (hangs up the phone). While the teacher is coming to us, I suggest not to be bored,

Very fun and friendly

Sing a song, well, or dance.

Summer is not far off!

Don't forget about it!

Dance "Summer"

After the end of the dance, the hat remains in the hall, which the dancers “lost”.

Leading- It is not without reason that this hat remained in our hall (listens). Exactly! She is magical. With this hat, we can read minds, get answers to questions, just get to know each other. Shall we try?

Questions for boys:

1.- What day do you think it is today?
/What a wonderful day/

2.- What car will you drive in 10 years?
/black BMW/

  1. - Do you go to school willingly or are you a little afraid?
    / What is snow to me, what is rain to me /
  2. - Will you prompt your friends at school if they are called to the blackboard?
    / I don’t know anything .... I won’t tell anyone /
  3. - Will you peep at a friend's house at school?
    / Oh, one more time /
  4. - What do you think if you are called in the 6th lesson to answer the blackboard?
    / Tili-tili, trali-wali /

For girls:

  1. - What is our _________ thinking about?
    /Because I'm like this/
  2. - Our hat learns all __________ secrets.
    / I am a fashionista, I am a fashionista ... /

Questions for parents:

  1. - Summer will quickly run by and what awaits our parents from September 1?
    / Not a moment of rest /
  2. - How do you think. What does it take for your child to succeed in school?
    /Two tape recorders…/
  3. - Let's get to know this dad, introduce yourself ...
    / I am smart handsome ... /
  4. - How much money do you need to be happy?
    /Million USD/

Manager's question:

  1. - Do you like our holiday?
    / How great that we all gathered today /

There is a knock on the door. Freken Bok enters the hall with a cat, which sits in a special cage for transporting animals.

Freken Bock - Hello! Do you need a housekeeper, honest, with a good character? So, this is me! My name is Freken Bock.

Leading - But we invited an experienced teacher, educator.

Freken Bock - Who needs to be educated here?

Leading - No one needs to be educated. But we would really like to know how our children prepared for school.

Freken Bock - Well, where do we start? (Takes out notebooks and pens and puts them on the table, then barely audibly speaks.) Ah, what a torment to bring up children. (Loudly) You get ready while I go and wash my hands. Mathilde (gently turns to the cat), let's go, I'll show you a place where you can rest, my treasure.

Freken Bock leaves. Carlson enters the hall noisily, holding a briefcase in his hands.

Carlson - Hello guys! (Guys greet in unison.) Why don't you ask where I've been all this time? (Children ask a question.) I visited my grandmother. You know what kind of grandmother I have! As soon as she sees me, she shouts at the whole village: “Karlsonchik, dear!” Will fly in and hug. She's my hugging champion. Don't believe me?.. (Looks at the guys with bewilderment.) What are you doing here?

The children answer that today is their graduation in kindergarten.

Carlson - And how will your knowledge be tested? .. And who? .. Now I myself will check how ready you are for school. (Pulls out a notebook and a pen. Looks at the children.) Oh, it seems someone is coming.

He puts his notebook and pen back in his briefcase. Hides behind a chair. There he puts on a sheet, turning into a ghost. Freken Bon enters the hall with buns on a tray, which he puts on the table, and she sits next to him in an armchair.

Freken Bock - So! Are all the kids there? Now I will check it.

Freken Bock leads the roll call of the children, Carlson at this time “steals” buns one at a time ... After the roll call, Freken Bock puts the notebook-magazine on the table and sees that there is nothing left on the tray.

Freken Bock - Excuse me, where are my buns?

Carlson(speaking from behind a chair) — Madame!

Freken Bock - By the way, mademoiselle!

Carlson(jumps out from behind a chair, waving his arms) - Mademoiselle, hello to you from the world's best ghost with a motor.

Freken Bock - Brrr! They told me not to watch TV from morning to evening. Here is the result!

Carlson(gets down on one knee, takes Freken Bock by the hand) - Well, let's get acquainted!

Freken Bock(takes his hand away) - Don't, I'm afraid of you.

Carlson(takes her hand again) - But why?

Freken Bock - I'm afraid of ghosts (removes his hand again and runs out the door).

Carlson- Well, she ran away. (takes off the sheet). I do not play like that. Let's have some fun guys.

M musical game "One-two-three-four-re-five"

To the music, children perform exercises: jumps, running in place, side gallop, etc.

Carlson(sitting down in a chair) - Sit down. Let's continue the conversation.

Freken Bock enters.

Freken Bock -(comes to the table) — Excuse me, who is this?

Carlson(gets up from the chair) - I am Carlson, who lives on the roof. I am a man anywhere, in full bloom!

Freken Bock - So it was you buzzing in my ears?

Carlson Well, to be honest, me!

Freken Bock - So you stole my buns?

He takes a carpet beater from the table and runs after Carlson around the hall.

Carlson- Stop! And your milk ran out.

Freken Bock(stopping abruptly) - God! The milk ran away... Excuse me, what kind of milk? I don't have any milk... Played again. Naughty!

Carlson Yes, I like to have fun. I like it when everyone around laughs. And now

let the guys dance something sporty and fun. At the same time, we will check what successes you have in physical education.

Sports dance

Freken Bock - The next exam is to familiarize ourselves with the objects around us.

It will be necessary to name what students should take with them to school.

Carlson- I! I know!

He takes out various items from the briefcase and explains their purpose. For example: jam, if you are hungry and want to eat; a bell, if you are tired of sitting in a lesson, then you can ring it, then the teacher will think that the lesson is over and will let everyone go; a toy so that it is not boring in the lesson; sweetie, box, etc.

Their dialogue is interrupted by Dunno, cheerfully bursting into the hall.

Dunno - Hello boys and girls! And what are you doing here?!.. Do you have a holiday?.. Interesting! And what kind of holiday is it today?.. Graduation?!! So why are you sitting so modestly?! .. We must celebrate in such a way that everyone around knows that the kids have a graduation today! Well, all together and loudly shouting "Hurrah!" and clap your hands!!! 3-4!

Mo-lo-dtsy! Well, now - tell us how you are going to continue to live? .. Childhood is all - bye-bye, over! It's time adult life start off! Tomorrow, probably, you will go to work to get a job! Here you are, boy, what do you want to work? .. Probably, a pilot? ..

And you, girl - probably - a doctor? .. But this boy looks like a banker! .. What are you doing wrong - to school, to school! Is it really necessary to study at school first in order to work as a pilot, doctor or banker? ... And how many years do you need to study? ..

Eleven years?!.. But why so many? I, for example, without any study, I will take it and become ... Oh! Invented! School principal!!! And what? I have a hat, a tie too! All is decided! I will be the director!

Freken Bock - Stop, stop! Who are you?

Dunno“What, you didn’t recognize me?” My name is Neznaika

From me you balalaika!!!

Leading - Wait, Dunno, director, that's good. But to be a director you need to know a lot.

Dunno - And I already know a lot.

Leading - Now let's check ... You have 2 apples in your pocket ...

Dunno -(finches in his pockets) Are you cheating?! I don't have any apples!

Leading - This is how the problem says that you have 2 apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you, how many are left?

Dunno - Two!

Leading - And why?

Dunno - And I won’t give Nekt an apple. Even if he fights and screams!

Freken Bock - Think, Dunno, and if someone still took one apple. How much is left?

Dunno - No one.

Freken Bock - Why?

Dunno - And I managed to eat them!

Freken Bock - No, Dunno, you don’t know how to solve problems and you definitely won’t become a director.

Dunno - What should I do?

Freken Bock - It's time to collect a portfolio. Maybe you will still have time to go to school with our guys.

Dunno - But I don't know what to put in a briefcase.

Freken Bock - Then look at the guys. Let them collect only school supplies in a briefcase. I need two students. At my signal, they will pack everything they need at school into a briefcase. Whoever does it faster will win.

Freken Bock rings the bell, and the guys, competing, collect school supplies in a briefcase.

Game "School Bazaar"

Several hoops contain various items, including school supplies. Children run in circles. With the end of the music, they take one of the school supplies and put it in the briefcase. The winner is the one who never mixes up and collects only school supplies in a briefcase.

Dunno - Thank you guys for your help! You know so much! I'll run and collect my portfolio! (runs away)

Freken Bock - And I see that you know and can do a lot, but at school you will have to sit and listen to the teacher for a long time, memorize a lot, prepare lessons. To do this, you need to be assiduous, organized and very attentive. How much you have brought up these qualities in yourself, Carlson and I will now check.

Carlson takes several (5-b) toys and places them in front of the children. Children look at them for one minute.

Carlson Look carefully at the toys, remember them and how they stand. And now we close our eyes. One-two, one-two.

Children close their eyes, and Carlson at this time removes one toy or swaps them.

Freken Bock - And now you look and rather tell me what has changed here?

The first person to name the changes wins.

Carlson- Well, I don’t play like that - they cope with all the tasks, there’s even nothing to come up with. And do you know how to dance?

school polka

Leading- In parting, we will tell, even show something:

How we played in the kindergarten, what we read, drew,

How we had fun together and what we learned!

17 - You were our favorite home

He warmed me with his warmth.

And more than once we will remember

About you, kindergarten later.

We know in the group on the window

Every indoor flower.

Carefully planted in the ground

Delicate, thin stem.

18 - Set the table for dinner

Learned etiquette.

And in the albums they drew

House, trees and dawn.

Here the builders were

Doctors and tailors.

In this bedroom hundreds of times

Rested at quiet time.

19 - And more than once, during leisure hours,

Sitting quietly on the carpet.

Together with the book we were

In a good fairy land.

In September other children

They will come to a good group.

Well, we will close the doors:

Big things are waiting for us.

20 - Our kindergarten, goodbye

Our dear, beloved home.

We will sing you goodbye

We call you a small Motherland.

Song "Goodbye Kindergarten"

21 - Today we part with you.

We are sad, well, what can I say.

We came for the last time with flowers,

To thank you for everything

For your care and kindness,

For great and honorable work,

For health, songs and a fairy tale,

And for everything that was taught here.

Handing bouquets

Freken Bock - Well, guys, you coped with all the tasks, everyone has excellent marks and you are ready for school. And I will be happy to present you diplomas. But there are so many of them that I call your manager for help.

Leading“That was the end of our farewell party.

Carlson- And it's all? Well, I don't play like that! Where are the fireworks? Where are the balloons in the sky? Am I in vain, or what, flew in?

Leading- Dear guests! We ask you to come with us to the fountain to launch wishing balls into the sky. And you are with us, dear Carlson!

Music plays, everyone leaves the room.

22 - Blue balloon

I'm holding on to a thread.

I'll let him go to the sky

And I'll say goodbye to him.

23 - He will rise above the earth,

Flying into the clouds

And then the last hello

They will send me from afar.

childhood balloon,

You cannot be overtaken.

You don't even hope

That we'll meet again.

24 - But I ask you very much,

So that on the wings of spring

Definitely came back

Arrived at least in dreams.

Release balloons into the sky

25 - The ball flew away, the ball melted,

Do not catch up, do not return,

But still our memory

Strongly holds the thread in childhood!

Characters: Hosts, Freken Bock, Carlson, Three Little Pigs (children).

Leaders enter the room.

1st host:

Oh, how many times in the spacious hall

We celebrated the holidays with you!

But this one has been waiting for so many years -

And now the solemn moment has come!

2nd leader:

We are our lovely babies

Today we go to school

We wish them well and happiness!

Make way for schoolchildren!

Children enter the hall in pairs, they are introduced. "Waltz "School Years".

1st host:

We've been waiting for this day for five years

But he came at once.

And the lilac blossomed for you,

Like it has never bloomed before.

2nd leader:

Bouquets, music, poetry

And a hall bright with smiles -

All this for you, graduates,

Today is your last ball.

1st child:

You took us kids

Kindergarten, our home,

We are now big

And we say goodbye to you.

2nd child:

Here the walls became native,

And beds, and toys,

Educators and nannies

And my girlfriends.

3rd child:

But it's time to learn

The bell will ring soon

And spring, sonorous song

Call us to class.

4th child:

OK it's all over Now! It's time to say goodbye.

And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschool children.

Everything is ahead of us, but only in kindergarten

We will never return.

The song "Let's not forget the kindergarten."

Leading: Look, guys, who came to see you off to first grade. Let's hear what they have to say to you.

Toddlers (in chorus):

We have come to you today

Lead to first class.

This is one!

Two - we want to wish you

All become excellent students.

Three - sighs very heavily

Chipollino with Cheburashka...

Don't forget about them

Visit kindergarten.

And four - we promise

What is without you in the native garden

Learn a lot of new things

And save the toys.

Well, five - we ask you

Don't be lazy at school.

We wish you guys

Study well.

Host (addressing kindergarten graduates): What good wishes did you guys hear. You came to our kindergarten just as small, and now you are already graduates ... Let's, guys, give these kids the toys with which you danced. Let them play with them in a group and remember you.

Graduates give the kids toys and balls, then escort them to the door.

Host: Our graduates have learned a lot in kindergarten. Now we need an experienced teacher who would check and evaluate their readiness for school? Perhaps I'll call the Good Offices Bureau to send us such a specialist.

The host picks up the phone and dials a number. Phone beeps are heard.

Host: Hello! Please send an experienced teacher to our kindergarten to test the knowledge of the children who are going to school.

Moderator: Thank you very much (hangs up the phone). While the teacher is coming to us, I invite everyone to sing a song together.

Song we will go to school soon.

After the end of the song, there is a knock on the door. Freken Bok enters the hall with a cat, which sits in a special cage for transporting animals.

Freken Bock: Hello! Do you need a housekeeper, honest, with a good character? So, this is me! My name is Freken Bock.

Leading: But we invited an experienced teacher, educator.

Freken Bock: And who should be brought up here?

Host: You don't need to educate anyone. But we would really like to know how our children prepared for school.

Freken Bock: Well, where do we start? (Takes out notebooks and pens and puts them on the table, then barely audibly speaks.) Ah, what a torment to bring up children. (Loud). Get ready while I go and wash my hands. Mathilde (gently turns to the cat), let's go, I'll show you a place where you can rest, my treasure.

Freken Bock leaves. Carlson enters the hall noisily, holding a briefcase in his hands.

Carlson: Hello guys! (Guys greet in unison.) Why don't you ask where I've been all this time? (Children ask a question.) I visited my grandmother. You know what kind of grandmother I have! As soon as she sees me, she shouts at the whole village: “Karlsonchik, dear!” Will fly in and hug. She's my hugging champion. Don't believe me?... (Looks at the guys with bewilderment.) What are you doing here?

The children answer that today is their graduation in kindergarten.

Carlson: And how will your knowledge be tested? ... And who? ... I will now check myself how ready you are for school. (Pulls out a notebook and a pen. Looks at the children.) Oh, it seems someone is coming.

He puts his notebook and pen back in his briefcase. Hides behind a chair. There he puts on a sheet, turning into a ghost. Freken Bock enters the hall with buns on a tray, which she puts on the table, and she sits next to him in an armchair.

Freken Bock: Yes! Are all the kids there? Now I will check it.

Freken Bock leads the roll call of the children, Carlson at this time “steals” buns one at a time ... After the roll call, Freken Bock puts the notebook-magazine on the table and sees that there is nothing left on the tray.

Freken Bock: Excuse me, where are my buns?

Carlson (speaking from behind an armchair): Madam!

Freken Bock: By the way, mademoiselle!

Carlson (jumps out from behind his chair, waving his arms): Mademoiselle, hello to you from the best ghost in the world with a motor.

Freken Bock: Brrr! They told me not to watch TV from morning to evening. Here is the result!

Carlson (gets down on one knee, takes Freken Bock by the hand): Well, let's get to know each other!

Freken Bock (takes his hand away): Don't, I'm afraid of you.

Carlson (takes her hand again): But why?

Freken Bock: I'm afraid of ghosts (again removes his hand and runs out the door).

Carlson: Well, she ran away (takes off the sheet). I do not play like that. Let's have some fun guys.

Conducts a musical game.

Carlson (sitting down in a chair): Sit down. Let's continue the conversation.

Freken Bock enters.

Freken Bock (approaches the table): Excuse me, who is this?

Carlson (gets up from his chair): I am Carlson, who lives on the roof. I am a man anywhere, in full bloom!

Freken Bock: So it was you buzzing in my ears?

Carlson: Well, to be honest, I am!

Freken Bock: So you stole my buns?

He takes a carpet beater from the table and runs after Carlson around the hall.

Carlson: Stop! And your milk ran out.

Freken Bock (stopping abruptly): God! The milk ran away... Excuse me, what kind of milk? I don't have any milk... Played again, Playful!

Carlson: Yes, I like to have fun. I like it when everyone around laughs. Now let the guys sing something funny.

Song funny man.

Freken Bock: The guys sing well, but if they know mathematics, I'll check now. Children, listen carefully.

1. In a clearing by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

2. In a clearing near the oak

How many fungi did the mole find? (three)

3. To the gray heron for a lesson

Seven forty arrived.

And of them only three magpies

Prepared lessons.

How many loafers are forty

Arrived at the lesson? (four)

Freken Bock: The next examination is to familiarize ourselves with the objects around us. It will be necessary to name what students should take with them to school.

Carlson: Me! I know!

He takes out various items from the briefcase and explains their purpose. For example: jam, if you are hungry and want to eat; a bell, if you are tired of sitting in a lesson, then you can ring it, then the teacher will think that the lesson is over and will let everyone go; a toy so that it is not boring in the lesson; candy, box, etc.

Freken Bock: Wait, Carlson! Let's listen guys. Let them tell us what the school supplies are called, and riddles will help them with this.

Children give answers to riddles.

1. The letters are all from "A" to "Z" on the pages ... of the primer.

2. Every student should take with him to school ... a diary.

3. Who will color your album? Well, of course... a pencil.

4. So that suddenly he does not disappear, put him in ... a pencil case.

5. To write with pens, we will prepare ... a notebook.

6. Footsteps in the corridor. Who calls everyone to the class?... The bell.

7. Who walks with a bag of books to school in the morning?... Pupil.

Freken Bock: And now I invite the guys to compete in who will collect the portfolio faster. (The children are getting ready for the game.) I need two students. At my signal, they will pack everything they need at school into a briefcase. Whoever does it the fastest wins.

Freken Bok rings the bell, and the guys, competing, collect accessories in a briefcase.

Carlson: I invite my friends.

Pigs run into the hall and sing.

piglets, piglets

We have a lot of fun

We don't need a house at all

We grow in the air

Oink, oink...

Host: Hello, pigs! Time to introduce yourself guys.

1st: My name is (surprised) - If, If ...

2nd (even more surprised): And my name is Af, Af ...

3rd (crying): And me: Phew, Phew ...

Host: What's wrong with you? What's the matter?

Pigs: Our names have disappeared, what should we do now?

Host: Guys! Help us, tell me which letter is missing?

The children answer.

Piglets: And where can we get it?

Leading: Children, let's help the piglets find the letter.

Piglets: We will show it now (they make up the letter “H” from sports sticks).

1st: My name is Nif, Nif!

2nd: My name is Naf, Naf!

3rd: My name is Nuf, Nuf! Hooray! The letters are back!

They bow and run away.

Freken Bock: And now let's see how you can read and make words from letters. You need to choose participants for two teams, each of which will make up its own word.

The children are given cards with letters. Children are looking for right place for your letter. The first command is the word SCHOOL. The second team makes up the word FRIENDSHIP.

Carlson: How fast and fun the teams made up the words!

Freken Bock: I see that you know and can do a lot, but at school you will have to sit and listen to the teacher for a long time, memorize a lot, prepare lessons. To do this, you need to be assiduous, organized and very attentive. How much you have brought up these qualities in yourself, Carlson and I will now check.

Carlson takes several (5-6) toys and arranges them in front of the children. Children look at them for one minute.

Carlson: Look carefully at the toys, remember them and how they stand. And now we close our eyes. One-two, one-two.

Children close their eyes, and Carlson at this time removes one toy or swaps them.

Freken Bock: And now you look and rather tell me what has changed here?

The first person to name the changes wins.

Carlson: Well, I don’t play like that - they cope with all the tasks, there’s even nothing to come up with. Can you sing songs about your kindergarten?

Sing the song "Our favorite kindergarten."

Freken Bock: Well, guys, you coped with all the tasks, everyone has excellent marks.

Carlson: Now let's say goodbye to our educators of this house, who have been working for you all these years.

1st child:

The cuckoo sings on the clock

Says: "It's time to say goodbye!"

2nd child:

Goodbye toys

It's a pity to part with you.

3rd child:

Goodbye, dolls, bears

And pictures in our books!

You guys will play

How we used to play.

4th child:

And now it's time to say goodbye

We go to school to learn.

Sing the song "We are now students."

1st host:

Today, the excitement is unstoppable.

Your last holiday in kindergarten

Our hearts are light and anxious

After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

2nd leader:

And how hard it is to part with you

And let you out from under the wing into the light

We became family, we became friends

And better than you, it seems, can not be found.

1st child:

"Thank you," we say softly

We are our educators.

We also confess to you:

You look like our mothers.

Thank you a hundred thousand times

We will remember you all our lives.

2nd child:

Thanks to our lovely nannies

For their work and diligence!

3rd child:

Thank you all

Who worked in the kitchen

We cooked porridge and prepared compotes!

4th child:

For the fact that our house is a kindergarten -

Year by year it was more beautiful

We must say "thank you"

Our manager.

All children:

For what you dreamed about here

We have been for many years

For what was, will be, is

Thanks Kindergarten!

The song "Goodbye, kindergarten!" (music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by V. Malkov). Children give flowers to kindergarten staff and invite them to waltz.

Freken Bock: Let me say again, guys, that you passed all the exams with excellent marks and are ready for school. And I will be happy to present you diplomas. But there are so many of them that I call your manager for help.

The head of the kindergarten congratulates children and parents on their graduation, presents gifts and diplomas.

Host: This is where our farewell party ended.

Carlson: Is that all? Well, I don't play like that? Where's the birthday cake? Where is the treat? Am I in vain, or what, flew in?

Moderator: Dear guests! We ask you to come to our group, we are waiting for the graduation cake.

Music plays, everyone leaves the room.

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Page creation date: 2016-04-27

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