Crafts from paraffin. Wax casting of the figure. How to use beeswax yourself

Making candles with your own hands- It's simple, but fun at the same time. Thanks to him, you can prepare small, but cute gifts , which for sure will be not only original, but also unique. Let's talk about how to make candles with your own hands - elegant, very original, multi-colored.

To make candles at home, you need the source material - ordinary store-bought candles. Even the cheapest ones will do. As a dye, you can use colored wax crayons. Wick for a future candle, you can take it from those purchased as a starting material, if you carefully remove it. If desired, candles can be made in forms purchased from a specialty store. There you can also buy new wicks and even a variety of decorations for candles.

Beeswax candles are very pleasant and even useful. Their original properties make it possible to use such candles in any room, including as quite attractive decorative elements. . The flame of such a candle allows you to burn bacteria, viruses and all kinds of dust that is always in the air. A burning candle purifies the air, disinfects it, and leaves behind the aroma of natural honey and nectar.

To make a wax candle do it yourself , will need beeswax in sheets. Such a sheet must be cut diagonally to make two triangles. A wick is laid out along the base of such a triangle, after which it is slightly pressed into the wax. Next, the wax sheet is twisted around the wick, and its end is lightly pressed with your hands. Five minutes - and the candle is ready!

Also quite easy to make a candle with your own hands another way. To do this, the candle must be cut into pieces, but so that the wick remains intact. As a mold for a future candle, you can use any suitable container, for example, a yogurt cup. A hole is made at the bottom of the cup, through which the wick is pulled and fixed. After that, the hole is sealed so that the wax does not leak out.

Candle pieces are melted in a water bath in a suitable vessel until the wax is completely melted. While the wax is melting, the dye is being prepared, that is, the colored wax crayon is rubbed on a grater. It is placed in a container, where the molten wax is then poured and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Candles can be made single-color or multi-color. In the first case, the prepared wax is simply poured into a mold with a wick, in which it cools down. In this case, it is better not to touch the form, otherwise the candle will harden unevenly. In the second case, each color layer is poured separately and only after the previous one has completely frozen.

How to make a multilayer candle with your own hands. detailed wizard class with photos of all stages of work. What we need: a cylindrical shape, wax, a wick and a holder for a wick, sand, dyes, pots for a water bath.

how to make very original candles with your own hands quickly.

Let's prepare everything we need to make a candle. You can choose the shape and size yourself. I got a candle measuring 7 by 7 cm and 4 cm in height. In fact, the size of the candle will depend on the parameters larger box which you can find. candles will depend on what materials you prefer. For decoration, you can use anything that does not melt from the temperature of molten paraffin or wax and does not change its color (small stones, shells, starfish, coffee beans, buttons, cereals or seeds, dried flowers or artificial flowers, coins, etc.).

We will need:
paraffin or wax candles- 4 things.;
two square cardboard boxes;
glassware for melting paraffin;
hot stand;
tacks for hand protection;
microwave oven or water bath;
wooden stick for fixing the wick;
scissors or stationery knife;
adhesive tape to strengthen the boxes;
natural materials: cereals, pebbles, dried flowers, artificial flowers, buttons, etc.

Cut off unnecessary parts cardboard boxes and compare the height of the smaller and larger. Marking can be done with a ruler and pencil. We glue the bottom of the boxes with adhesive tape so that all the holes are securely closed and the wax does not leak out.

We insert the smaller box into the larger one so that it is located in the center. Glue for fixing should not be used, because further we will need to remove it from the hardened paraffin or wax. In order to keep the box from moving during work, use a few pebbles as weights, which you mark in a smaller box.

Pour the first layer of cereal.

We break the candles with gentle movements and take out the wick.

We put the paraffin or wax in a glass container and melt it in microwave oven. With a power of 750 W, 5 minutes will be enough.

Fill the first layer of cereal with paraffin.

On a slightly frozen first layer, carefully lay out dried flowers or other items of your choice. We fill everything with paraffin.

You can determine the number of layers yourself. It is important that each coat is allowed to cool slightly before applying the next. Let the candle cool down. To speed up this process, it can be put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

The wick is tied to a wooden stick.

If you have recently assembled a cabinet and you have found candles from the numerous things that you want to put in it, then you can make a wax amulet out of them. Many homes like to light candles. It is said that the flame of a candle dissipates negative energy, many people light them from that.
This is exactly what we will work with candle wax, it is not difficult and will not take much time.

For crafts you will need: A candle, a cap from sour cream or another product (not deep), a small piece of wire, a ribbon, decor (beads, beads, an ornament from an old hairpin or just Nice picture small size), office glue.

1. We light a candle and melt the wax. We think over the drawing or style of the medallion in advance (the wax hardens quickly and it will be necessary to have time to put the composition in a couple of minutes).

2. We cut the lid in two places and insert the wire into the slots. We keep ready decorative trifles.

3. Next we lay out beads, stars, etc. as they will be needed immediately.

4. Pour melted wax into the lid (I didn’t leak anything through the slots, so don’t worry).

5. We lay the intended exposure on the wax on top and carefully add a little more wax (for fixing).

6. The craft freezes in five minutes. Then pour transparent clerical glue on top over the entire area (the medallion will be better fixed and will have a glossy surface).

7. The glue dries for a long time, so calmly leave the craft on the windowsill and go about your business.

8. After complete hardening, remove the medallion from the lid and thread a beautiful ribbon or braid through the loop.

Tell your child that he is the most wonderful son (daughter) and give a medal.
You can think of it as an amulet of luck or a talisman of good luck. Let your child have a personal amulet charged with your love and care. Also try to do for the child, or.

They say that best gift the one made by hand. It doesn’t always work out that way, but decorating the box with a bow (and not only!) Made by yourself and with the help of only your imagination is quite within the power of everyone. It's simple, cheap and extraordinarily beautiful (after all, paraffin is soft and can be given any shape).

What is needed for this?

First you need to take parchment paper and use pins to give it the desired shape. Pour melted paraffin into the resulting container (but, in no case, not boiling). In order for the mass to be homogeneous, the form must stand on a smooth surface.

Then it starts to freeze, and in the meantime you sharp knife cut into strips right size. While they are warm, transfer them to the surface of the gift (or packaging) and make a bow. But he, unlike the present, is not tied, but is folded from the strips. After it can be decorated with beads or sequins. It will turn out very beautiful and unusual.

You can experiment with candles and a variety of small objects. Candles come in a variety of scents and colors. And if you melt them and soak something, then just an amazing little thing will come out. With the help of ordinary threads (better for knitting), you can make leaves, flowers, butterflies, etc. In general, everything your heart desires.

If you do not know how to occupy your child, then the best game No! But the presence of adults is required. Let them melt wax and dip objects, and the kid only makes all sorts of figures. For convenience, you can use tweezers (with it you can not only dip, but also move the parts away). It is better to shape it on the parchment paper mentioned above. You can even use cookie cutters to create shapes.

If you wish, try to make one with several candles, mixing them and combining colors.

The flowers come out very nice. With the help of wax, they can be preserved, it will even allow you to make your own herbarium. Having put on a sufficient number of flowers, you can arrange them around the house in small vases to give comfort. In order for the flower to be as natural as possible, the wax must be transparent and applied very thinly throughout the flower. But the most important thing when working is that the flowers are fresh.

Try it, experiment, maybe you will like it too!

    Cooking steps:

    1. melt the candles (pour water into an aluminum container, put on fire, make a steam bath. Place the candles on top in pieces. Let them melt.);
    2. pay attention - the wax should not boil;
    3. add shavings from candles and stir with a wooden stick until a uniform color;
    4. add oil;
    5. put paper on a baking sheet and pour wax (1 cm - thickness);
    6. prepare a wick;
    7. pull out a huge plate of wax from the pan;
    8. lay on the table and remove the paper;
    9. cut the petals of the correct shape with a knife;
    10. wrap all the petals around the wick;
    11. we form a flower;
    12. bend the edges of roses;
    13. but do everything quickly, as wax hardens quickly;
    14. wrap the bottom of the flower with soft wax;
    15. shape into a circle so that it can swim in the water.

    To do this, melt the bottom of the rose a little.

    Creating a new candle

    Don't throw out the burned-out old candle. The rest of the wax will help you create a new candle, experiment and save your money.


  • wax candles (remnants),
  • saucepan and molds are special.

Stages of creating a candle

  1. Choose a shape for the shape.
  2. Wash and dry the mold sides and bottom.
  3. Lubricate them with soapy water.
  4. Make a hole in the middle of the mold.
  5. Insert wick and twist.
  6. Thread the thread and tie a knot.
  7. Tie a pencil to the end.
  8. Heat up the pieces of wax.
  9. Cool for 5 minutes.
  10. Pour the wax into the mold.
  11. After 24 hours the candle is ready.
  12. You can color the candle by adding dyes to the composition.

Candle figurines

In addition, children often make wax crafts for various holidays.

For example, wax hearts using molds:

  • cover the table with newspaper so as not to spoil the table cover with wax;
  • heat wax in an iron bowl and pour into a baking dish;
  • when it cools down a bit, you can cut out hearts with molds, you can also stars or flowers;
  • make holes in crafts;
  • thread ribbons;
  • put the figures on wooden sticks;
  • decorate with beads, beads and so on.

Candle candle holder

In addition, it is considered easy to make a candlestick out of wax. It will be a good gift for both mom and grandmother on March 8:

  • pour cold water in a balloon;
  • melt the wax in a saucepan;
  • dip the ball into the wax. Be careful, the ball should not burst;
  • shake the ball and put it on paper; cool and pierce a little with a needle;
  • pour out the water and take out the rest of the ball.

Christmas decorations

Also, many kids do new Year decoration with the help of wax.

For this you need:

  • candle wax;
  • forms special for cookies;
  • notebook covers;
  • caps.

And the algorithm of work is quite simple:

First you need to melt the wax candles and pour on the covers of notebooks. Let cool and cut out different shapes. Make holes with a cap. Thread it on and you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

Here are the most popular among children's wax crafts. They will please both the child in the process of creation and you when they give for the holiday.

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