Which candles are better - wax or paraffin? How to make the aroma candle burn longer? What to do to make the candle burn longer

Candles are the same constant participant of New Year's Eve as a garland, Olivier and the hundredth viewing of "Irony of Fate ...". Here are just really beautiful holiday specimens that can “tighten” so much that it’s a pity to even light it. But manufacturers of wax accessories are hiding one trick, thanks to which candles will burn twice as long. And this is at least!

Candles in the house create a special festive coziness and mood. But all good things come to an end. IN this case well, very quickly. To extend the life of candles twice, or even more, use three little tricks.

Trick number 1: Cold is a comrade to fire

First, before you light the candles, be sure to put them in freezer. At least for an hour and a half. Frozen wax will thicken and burn much longer. This trick alone almost doubles the life of the candle. Especially if you freeze it before each use.

Trick #2: Trim the wick

It turns out that the longer the wick, the faster the candle burns. Here is such a paradox. Therefore, all lovers of quality candles know Golden Rule: the wick should rise above the wax by no more than 1 cm. Cut off all excess without hesitation. Use nail scissors - it's more convenient.

Trick #3: Give it time!

Another paradox: for a candle to last longer, let it burn longer. At least for the first time. And all because upper layer wax should melt evenly. If this does not happen, a “tunnel” will form in the middle, the wick will sink and the candle will quickly lose its presentable appearance. Not sure how long to give a candle for the first burning? We'll have to practice in mathematics: in 1 hour, approximately 4 cm from the diameter burns out. So a candle with a diameter of 8 cm should not be extinguished for at least 2 hours, 12 cm - 3 hours and then according to the same formula.

How to make candles burn longer January 1st, 2018

The holidays are in full swing. Many create a fabulous, romantic or simply new year atmosphere- candles. It turns out there are a few tricks that will make the candles burn almost twice as long!

Did you know about it?

Trick number 1: Cold is a comrade to fire

First, before you light the candles, be sure to put them in the freezer. At least for an hour and a half. Frozen wax will thicken and burn much longer. This trick alone almost doubles the life of the candle. Especially if you freeze it before each use.

Trick #2: Trim the wick

It turns out that the longer the wick, the faster the candle burns. Here is such a paradox. That is why all lovers of high-quality candles know the golden rule: the wick should rise above the wax by no more than 1 cm. Cut off everything superfluous without hesitation. Use nail scissors - it's more convenient.

Trick #3: Give it time!

Another paradox: for a candle to last longer, let it burn longer. At least for the first time. And all because the top layer of wax should melt evenly. If this does not happen, a “tunnel” will form in the middle, the wick will sink and the candle will quickly lose its presentable appearance. Not sure how long to give a candle for the first burning? We'll have to practice in mathematics: in 1 hour, approximately 4 cm from the diameter burns out. So a candle with a diameter of 8 cm should not be extinguished for at least 2 hours, 12 cm - 3 hours and then according to the same formula.


Candles faithfully serve a person for many centuries. And if humanity has long been accustomed to using much more efficient devices to illuminate a room, then each of us still strongly associates a candle with a romantic atmosphere, warmth, comfort, home - all that without which we cannot exist.

Let's dive into the past

The history of the appearance of decorative candles is interesting. We will not go into the finest details and details, but we note that the first candles appeared in Rome somewhere in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. There are also earlier references to candles made in Egypt and Crete from wax or resin. However, it is in Ancient Rome began to make candles from solid types of fat (mainly mutton), which were cheap, affordable, and therefore received wide use at home.

In the 16th century there are wax candles with wicks made of cotton and hemp fibers. Wax candles smoke less, smell better and burn longer and brighter. But wax was more expensive than fat, and therefore only wealthy people and the church could afford such candles. Later, spermaceti (a waxy substance obtained from fat contained in a bag on the head of a sperm whale; before it was mistaken for whale sperm - hence the name) and paraffin began to be used for the production of candles. Spermaceti is no longer produced due to the cessation of sperm whale production, but candles made from paraffin, currently obtained from oil, are still widespread today.

In the 19th century, the production of candles was one of the developed industries, but the appearance of an incandescent lamp brought about changes in everyday life. Today, candles are rarely used as a source of lighting, but are almost indispensable for creating a romantic or mysterious atmosphere. And in the age of computer technology, people still easily succumb to the magic of living fire.

Gel candles

Today, decorative candles made from a special gel are popular. For their production, a jelly-like paraffin gel is used. Such candles burn 3-5 times longer than paraffin ones, they do not flow, do not smoke and burn out completely. The gel is poured into any glass vessel, a special wick is inserted - and the candle is ready for use. It burns several times longer than wax, does not smoke, does not melt: in the process of burning a candle, the gel simply evaporates. It is important to add that no substances harmful to health are released into the air. A nice feature of the gel candle is also that the vessel in which it was located can later be used at your discretion.

Gel candles are not only amazingly functional, but also give unlimited scope for design ideas. In gel you can place special accessories - dried flowers, berries, shells, other items - and this allows you to create whole thematic compositions. It is worth noting that such an impressive rate of evolution of candles was influenced not only by the capabilities of the gel, but also by new glass processing technologies. Today, technology is widespread fusing(sintering of pieces of glass), which allows you to endlessly play with colors and textures. Fusing is widely used to create both stained-glass windows and smaller ones. glass items- photo frames, plates, vessels, including containers for gel candles. All this means that gel candles have long been turned into an excellent interior decoration element festive serving and, of course, in a universal high-class gift.

How to choose decorative candles

We choose by color. The choice of candle color is extremely important. The Mexican horoscope will help astrology lovers to choose a gift and the main note in the interior: white candles are recommended for sensitive Cancer, red candles for energetic Scorpions and Aries, and orange candles for Gemini. Purple decorative candles will help Virgos become independent, and blue ones will give harmony to Sagittarius, Pisces, Capricorns and Aquarius. Give the lions yellow decorative candles - they help to win over others, which is so important for this royal sign, and to succeed in commerce.

For those who believe in psychology more than the movement of the planets, all the colors of the rainbow will come to the rescue, depending on their mood and planned activities. White decorative candles are the most traditional, they symbolize happiness, protection, spiritual cleansing and blessing. However, White color- one of the most solemn, so they are indispensable, for example, when decorating a wedding or New Year's table.

Silvery or blue decorative candles - a symbol of healing, wisdom and clairvoyance, they will give you a sense of peace and inner harmony.

Red color - sensuality and passion, a light on such a candle in the southwestern part of the bedroom will melt any ice in a relationship with a loved one.

yellow decorative candles will fill your home with energy creative inspiration and fun. Discussing the latest trends in the field of art with friends, going on trips and preparing for tomorrow's exam is good with this cheerful color.

Greens decorative candles are a feeling of harmony. Green color help solve problems with friends, relatives, loved ones. Candles lit in the southeastern part of the room will listen to your dreams of abundance.

Purple, orange, gold And pink decorative candles refine the impact of primary colors. Pink decorative candles are love and tenderness, help in establishing contact with children. Violet will help to penetrate into the world of mystery and self-knowledge. Orange, on the contrary, will allow you to throw out emotions on friendly party and motivate them to achieve what they set out to do. Golden candles are a feeling of celebration and the attention of higher beings, an invariable attribute of the New Year and Christmas.

black decorative candles look somewhat gloomy, but serious and a little mysterious. In interior design, they are usually used together with other colors to give depth and a sense of infinity.

We choose by smell. To choose the right scented candle, you need to figure out what effect this or that smell has. There are candles with a soothing, relaxing aroma. It is good to light such a candle during relaxation, so that the rest is the most complete. There are, on the contrary, invigorating smells that can refresh, lift tone and mood. An aromatic candle with a delicate scent creates an atmosphere of peace, conducive to heart-to-heart conversation, fills the room with a warm golden glow.

The following aromas relax: lavender, lemon balm, geranium, mandarin, basil, chamomile, patchouli, ylang-ylang, bergamot.

Soothing: orange blossom, mandarin, marjoram, lavender.

Seductive: ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine, verbena.

Refresh: eucalyptus, pine, lemon balm.

Stimulate: basil, verbena, rosemary, eucalyptus.

Relieve fatigue: sandalwood, coconut, cinnamon, coriander.

From insomnia are useful: basil, ylang-ylang, lavender, mandarin, neroli, Turkish rose, chamomile, sandalwood, thyme.

Have the effect of antidepressants: basil, bergamot, grapefruit, ylang-ylang, lavender, neroli, Turkish rose, sandalwood, clary sage.

Tone up: rosemary, orange, grapefruit, mint.

Separately, I would like to highlight candles that do not emit odors, but on the contrary - with the opposite effect. For example, candles are produced that absorb tobacco smell. They are placed in a smoky room to purify the air. After that, you can light a scented candle.

As you know, candles differ in their composition. 95% of all candles are made from paraffin. Much less common are candles made from stearin, a substance consisting of oils and fats. The most expensive candles are made from beeswax. They have a great scent on their own, but with the addition of "love" scents, they create a sensual atmosphere in the room. For romantic evening that you want to spend alone with your loved one, choose candles with scents of apricot, vanilla, cinnamon, lavender and, of course, rose.

Choosing candles for the interior. Transform a room with decorative candles - easy occupation and incredibly exciting, no wonder designers love experiments with them. The color of decorative candles can repeat the dominant note in the interior or a bouquet of flowers, harmonize with the tablecloth, napkins and other accessories. The same color in different quantities has different effects - from fun to pleasant excitement and from achieving harmony to light thoughtfulness. Concentration of decorative candles certain color reinforces in one place psychological impact colors, dispersal - weakens. Several pure colors will interfere with each other at the same time, and the skillfully chosen addition of shades to the main color will enhance its effect. A slight contrast will draw the attention of your guests, a strong contrast is artistically interesting, but will be very distracting when communicating.

In interior design decorative candles There are a few generally accepted rules. A candle must burn, even the most beautiful composition with "dead oh ”with a candle in the center - a sad sight. Therefore, decorative candles are almost never used to decorate the table during the day - daylight will still make the light almost invisible. Only sometimes they can decorate a table for afternoon tea.

Evening is the realm of candles. On a small table, you can put individual candles near each place or 2-3 small ones in the center. Decorative candles look good in a composition with fresh flowers, while they should be higher than the flowers, but below the eyes of the sitting people, so that the lights illuminate the situation well, filling the room with warm, gentle light, but not irritating the eyes with flickering.

On big table they put at least six candles, often in large candlesticks and candelabra - in this case, the lights can be above the eyes. For a solemn atmosphere, candlesticks are selected for silver, gold or bronze, and crystal and metal cutlery will provide multiple refraction of light. Sometimes the table is decorated with decorative candles of different heights and even shapes, but this design requires restraint and good artistic taste. You need to light candles before the guests sit down at the table; extinguish - only after the very last guest rises.

Don't forget about health

One candle is unlikely to cause harm. But scientists believe that if paraffin candles are burned every day for several years in a poorly ventilated bathroom or placed near the plate during meals, then problems cannot be avoided. The fact is that the temperature of the fire of a burning candle is not enough to burn molecules of such dangerous chemical compounds like toluene and benzene. Much less dangerous in this regard are candles made from beeswax or soy.

However, the British Candle Manufacturers Federation has already stated that thorough research two years ago has shown that wax candles do not pose a health risk.

“We want to emphasize that the occasional use of paraffin suppositories does not pose a serious threat,” says Dr. Noemi Eiser, a lung specialist. “However, we advise you not to neglect precautionary measures, such as airing the premises while using candles. This way you minimize the content harmful substances in the air".

At the same time, British oncologist Joanna Owens is skeptical about the warnings of American colleagues.

“We don’t have direct evidence that the use of suppositories can provoke the development of cancer,” says the physician. “I think it would be much better to focus on risk factors such as smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, excess weight and unhealthy diets.

Issue price

Good quality-assured scented candles are not cheap. Prices for branded candles sometimes reach the amount of € 20-40. It is worth choosing a candle with smooth surface, which indicates the presence of mineral wax in the product, which contributes to a better transfer of aromas, especially light ones. When choosing candles in glass, it all depends on taste. But transparent glass allows you to control the quality of the purchased product.

If the wick is not located exactly in the center, and even more so, wriggles, you clearly have a low-quality product in your hands. Such a candle is unlikely to please you. After all, it will burn unevenly, it will not burn out to the very end. Be sure to note that the wick is attached to a metal base. Moreover, this base must be zinc. Cheap candles use lead, which is harmful to the human body. The wick itself is made from cotton. None artificial materials not allowed. Consider also the fact that any tinting pigments change the structure of the wax. In any case, a tinted candle burns less evenly, gives off aroma worse. Thick candles sometimes have several wicks, which must be spaced at a sufficient distance from each other.

A good quality candle burns up to 60 hours, and a funnel should not appear on its surface. It releases the aroma evenly during the combustion process, without obvious "emissions" of smell. Of course, over time, you will choose the most suitable candles for yourself.

It is best to purchase scented mineral wax candles. They do not emit harmful substances into the indoor air and are best able to convey the natural aroma. Certainly, beeswax the most environmentally friendly. But it is quite expensive, and its aromatization is very difficult, due to which the price of such candles is too high. Eco-friendly vegetable wax burns out rather quickly and doesn't transfer aroma well.

When buying, it is best to choose a product European manufacturers, this guarantees the absence of many harmful substances in the combustion products. Uncontrolled production very often creates serious problems, from allergic reactions to mucosal lesions.

Scented candles are special. It is better to use them less often so that the feeling of the holiday is preserved. And for these infrequent festive evenings, it is better to purchase expensive, but guaranteed high-quality candles.

There is hardly anyone who would not want his beloved to burn longer. After all, it is the aroma candle that creates a truly spiritual atmosphere in the house! Thanks to the unique notes of aroma, it impregnates the premises with an atmosphere of relaxation, harmony, comfort and warmth. You, too, feel better when the room gently flickers scented candle?

But the time comes and the candle goes out ... Sometimes it happens in a matter of hours, sometimes - after a few days. You've probably already thought how to extend the burning time of aroma candles? After all, each of us always strives to use the purchased products to the maximum, isn't it? And to make your aspiration come true, we offer several good advice how to help your favorite aroma candle burn longer:

  • Choose the right scented candle

What should be a scented candle to burn as long as possible? Round! This form is the most good option, since in it the wax is at a short distance from the wick, which guarantees the most correct melting. Candles irregular shapes may melt unevenly. As a result, a lot of wax is wasted.

  • Light a chilled candle

Even if you have chosen a different shape of candle, try placing it in the refrigerator an hour or two before you light it. This procedure will cool the wax, which will help it burn more slowly. Notice! The aroma candle does not need to be frozen. Do not put it in the freezer, otherwise the wax may freeze so much that the candle will break and you will no longer be able to use it.

  • Set burn limit

As obvious as it may sound, if you want your aroma candle to last a long time, limit its burning time. Let it flicker until the melted wax covers the top layer of the candle. When this happens, extinguish the scented candle. For most candles, the “time to extinguish” moment comes after 2-3 hours of burning. Tea candles, of course, melt faster. In addition, such advice will not only help save more wax until the next aromatherapy, but will also save you from headaches and malaise. It is known that excessively long use of aroma candles (more than 3-4 hours at a time) can adversely affect a person's well-being due to air glut.

  • Trim the wick regularly

This is a very important procedure! If you do not trim the wick and leave a blackened, charred tip, then when next use Your aroma candle will heat up unevenly and therefore melt quickly. In addition, the candle will smoke and emit an unpleasant aroma. Bad effect, right? Therefore, do not be too lazy to trim the wick! By the way, you can learn about how to do this correctly in one of the previous articles of our blog.

  • Choose your scented candle carefully

Make sure that the scented candle is not standing in a draft, near a window or close to a fan. Even the lightest breeze will make the flame tremble! If this happens, the candle will heat up unevenly and melt. The result is rapid combustion.

Now a candle with your favorite scent can serve you for a long time if you follow these recommendations. Don't forget to share these useful tips with family, friends, colleagues! Be sure to visit our. We know how to make your shopping profitable and comfortable!

The holidays are in full swing. Many create a fabulous, romantic or just a New Year's atmosphere - with candles. It turns out there are a few tricks that will make the candles burn almost twice as long!

Did you know about it?

Trick number 1: Cold is a comrade to fire

First, before you light the candles, be sure to put them in the freezer. At least for an hour and a half. Frozen wax will thicken and burn much longer. This trick alone almost doubles the life of the candle. Especially if you freeze it before each use.

Trick #2: Trim the wick

It turns out that the longer the wick, the faster the candle burns. Here is such a paradox. That is why all lovers of high-quality candles know the golden rule: the wick should rise above the wax by no more than 1 cm. Cut off everything superfluous without hesitation. Use nail scissors - it's more convenient.

Trick #3: Give it time!

Another paradox: for a candle to last longer, let it burn longer. At least for the first time. And all because the top layer of wax should melt evenly. If this does not happen, a “tunnel” will form in the middle, the wick will sink and the candle will quickly lose its presentable appearance. Not sure how long to give a candle for the first burning? We'll have to practice in mathematics: in 1 hour, approximately 4 cm from the diameter burns out. So a candle with a diameter of 8 cm should not be extinguished for at least 2 hours, 12 cm - 3 hours and then according to the same formula.
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