How to update the table book with your own hands. How to make a new piece of furniture out of an old "bored" kitchen table. How to update a glass table

If the table, which has served faithfully for many years, is completely old, do not rush to throw it away. There are many ways to decorate old table with your own hands and give him new life. Below is a master class on how to do this.

If the table itself is still strong, but there is simply a loss of appearance, then it can be updated and turned into a real pride of the owners. For today, hand-made is valued more than ever. There are a lot of ways to decorate an old table. These include:

  • tiling;
  • painting;
  • painting on wood;
  • film wrapping;
  • decoupage;

Decoupage - a new look from napkins

You can update the table using decoupage without even having special skills. You can learn how to work in this technique with your own hands by studying any master class.


For work you will need:

  • pictures for decoupage - you can replace them with ordinary napkins with your favorite pictures and even images from magazines;
  • acrylic varnish - it is best to buy varnish in a spray can;
  • PVA glue;
  • tassel;
  • napkin.



  • Clean the table from old layers, paint, dirt. Degrease the surface of the table by wiping it with a cloth with alcohol. If the surface is not completely cleaned, then the decoupage will turn out sloppy.
  • Pick up pictures and make a composition out of them. Any pictures will do. kitchen table you can choose motifs of fruits and vegetables, different colors. A handmade table with motifs of ancient buildings will look very original.

Important : if special pictures for decoupage are used, then you don’t need to do anything with them - just stick them. If the pictures are cut from a napkin, then two-layer napkins must be divided into layers. If the picture is cut out of a magazine, then its bottom layer must be removed by wetting the picture and removing the layer with your own hands. Then the restoration of the table will be more accurate.

  • Arrange the cut out pictures on the table. Mix PVA glue with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and stick the pictures to the table in the selected places. To avoid the formation of bubbles, iron the pictures with a napkin, expelling excess bubbles. Next, the pictures should dry.
  • After the decoupage dries, the surface of the table with pictures must be varnished. Varnish for decoupage is applied in several steps. Each coat of varnish should dry well. The better this operation is carried out, the more resistant the table surface will be to moisture. Do-it-yourself decoupage is ready - such a restoration will be inexpensive, and the table will look very stylish. If decoupage is done carefully, then such a table can become a real decoration of the house.

We paint the surface

The surface of the old kitchen table can be painted with paints. Such a restoration is more suitable for an old wooden table. Painting does not always require special artistic skills and talents. detailed wizard the class will show that even a beginner in this business can do it.


For work you will need:

  • paints - best acrylic, resistant to sun and water;
  • brushes;
  • stencils;
  • foam sponge;

Stages of work

Restoration begins with cleaning the surface of the table. If necessary, it must be sanded. Next, the surface is washed and degreased.

Drawings for painting can be found on the Internet or made by yourself. The master class advises to print the drawing and make a stencil out of it, carefully cutting out the contours of the elements stationery knife. When making a stencil, one must not forget to leave jumpers between paper elements. Then drawing will be easy. If you want to update the table, but there is no data for drawing or you don’t want to make a stencil, you can buy ready-made stencils in stores finishing materials or art supplies.

You can update the table by applying a pattern in the form of a border along the edges or by making a complex composition of individual elements scattered over the surface of the table.

Further, the restoration of the table includes the application of paint on a stencil. There are subtleties here. So that the stencil does not move during operation, it is better to glue it around the perimeter with masking tape. You need to take a little paint on the brush, otherwise the paint will spread and penetrate under the stencil, ruining the drawing.

Important : Instead of a brush, a sponge is often used, on which paint is drawn. The pattern applied with a sponge looks more even and uniform. Paint with this method of application practically does not flow and the risk of spoiling the work is minimal.

After the painting dries, the surface of the table is varnished. Lacquer is applied in several layers - it protects the painting from water and makes the surface more durable. The restoration of the table with your own hands is over.

Paint and only paint

You can update the table quite simply - by painting it entirely. To do this, select:

  • acrylic paints;
  • alkyd paints;
  • epoxy paints.

All of them are resistant to water and do not require additional surface protection in the form of varnish.

Important : if the surface of the table is large, then it is best to paint it with a roller. This will give a uniform, even, "factory" surface. Such a restoration will be almost invisible to outsiders.

Self-adhesive film - the laziest way

Paint can be replaced with self-adhesive film. Today there are a large number of film colors, so you can make any table design.

Before pasting the table, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed and degreased. Next, the film is carefully glued to the surface and leveled - care must be taken not to form bubbles. This completes the restoration.

Tile decoration

You can update the table with your own hands if you decorate it with tiles. To do this, you can choose:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • mosaic tiles;
  • tiles made of composite plastic materials.

Important : It is convenient to work with tiles in the form of a mosaic. Such tiles are easy to cut with a knife, cutting off excess parts.

Restoration begins with cleaning and degreasing the surface. Then, using a special adhesive, the tile is glued to the surface. After a few hours, you can rub the joints between the tiles with grout or special paint for joints. A master class on this topic can be viewed on the Internet.

How to decorate the kitchen table with your own hands (video)

Updating the table yourself is not difficult at all. To do this, you just need to apply a little imagination and patience.

We all love to have beautiful things around us at home. However, the years go by and the interior begins to go out of fashion. Very often it is impossible to say goodbye to your favorite items, because so many happy moments happened with them! And sometimes there is simply no money to buy new furniture. The way out of this situation is very simple - you can update coffee table with your own hands. So the money will be saved, and the interior will become more modern. In addition, many people like the restoration of things. Some interesting ideas you will find in this article.

Removing the old coating

Before you start restoring the table, you need to remove the old varnish.

Important! You can use a grinder, but you should act carefully, otherwise the wooden surface may be damaged.

Do-it-yourself coffee table restoration begins with the preparation of the necessary tools:

  • Grinders or cycles;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Wood putties;
  • spatula.

You can use special solvents. It is very important to calculate the thickness of the layer, because the varnish must dissolve and the wood must not be damaged.

Important! If the solvent is absorbed into the surface of the table, there may be a problem between the materials during future processing. As a result, the coating may swell, peel or crack.

If the old varnish has not been removed, and cracks and scuffs have appeared on it, we get rid of them with sandpaper:

  1. Moisten medium grain paper.
  2. We wrap the paper around the bar.
  3. We process the surface.

Important! If the sandpaper is clogged with dust, you can simply rinse it and continue to work.

After removing the varnish, the surface is polished with fine-grained sandpaper. Then, with the help of putty, cracks and scratches are eliminated:

  1. Putty is applied with a spatula and leveled.
  2. After the putty dries, it is leveled with fine sandpaper.

Important! In the case of further processing of the table with the help of wood stain, a putty is purchased to match the color of the wood.

Decorate the table with wallpaper

So, how to restore a coffee table with your own hands? First of all, you should acquire materials:

  • Vinyl wallpaper;
  • Glue;
  • Clear acrylic varnish or special silicone sealant;
  • scissors;
  • decorative nails;
  • hammer;
  • Roulette;
  • With a simple pencil;
  • Ruler.

Important! Before updating the table, you should make sure that the countertop is clean and dry, and there is no grease on it.

So, how to restore an old coffee table with your own hands? To do this, follow the instructions:

  • We measure and cut the required number of wallpapers. They should be enough for the length of the countertop and bends down.
  • With your finger we press the edge of the wallpaper along the countertop - this way it will be easier to glue them.
  • We apply glue to the countertop from all sides.
  • We start the wallpaper sticker from the corner, gently press it and smooth it with our hands in order to remove air bubbles.
  • Using a dry cloth, smooth the wallpaper.
  • For normal gluing of the edges and turns, we apply glue to them. When it dries a little, the wallpaper is pressed tightly and smoothed out.

Important! When using spray adhesive, newspapers and masking tape are used to protect the rest of the surface.

  • We apply two or three layers of a special transparent sealant or transparent acrylic varnish. Thanks to this, scratches and damage will not appear on the wallpaper.
  • We hammer in beautiful carnations for the aesthetic appearance of the product.

Decorate the table with mosaics

If you're looking for a way to update your coffee table, look no further than decorating with mosaics. This will require the preparation of the following materials and tools:

  • Paints in a can;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Grid mosaic tiles;
  • Clay;
  • Grouts;
  • brushes;
  • spatula;
  • Scissors.
  1. We put paint on the table, let it dry.
  2. We apply glue to the place where the tile pattern will be glued.
  3. We apply the tile, press it and let it dry.
  4. We process the space between the tiles with grout, the excess of which is then washed off.

As a result of such simple actions, you will become the owner of an original and practical table.

Decorating a table using decoupage technique

Usually furniture, which is to be decorated using decoupage technique, requires pre-painting. Most often they use white, light blue and light green colors. For this they use acrylic paint applied in two or three layers. Then varnish is applied to the surface, and then it must be processed with fine sandpaper.

  • Set for decoupage or disposable napkins with drawings;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Wide paint brush with dense bristles;
  • Strong tea;
  • Laka.

Important! In order for the edges of the napkins not to stand out too much on the countertop, they should not be cut off, but cut off. Moreover, you need to try to make the edge uneven.

In addition, when using napkins, the surface may turn out too white. Therefore, napkins should be dipped in tea for a couple of seconds. In addition, you can choose other colors of staining, for which they use a solution of watercolors.

Sooner or later there comes a moment when the wooden table loses its former attractiveness. Sending it to gather dust in the attic or throwing it out altogether is not the right way out. The best way out of this situation is to restore the old table.

Furniture restoration - fascinating process, allowing you to significantly save on the purchase of new furniture

This is especially true in the case when the product is made of expensive wood species. In such circumstances, it will be much more profitable to restore the table than to purchase a new expensive table or replace an old table with a product of lower quality. In addition, antique models are valued more and more over time, and it is likely that a repaired table will increase in value in a few years.

Round folding table made of wood before and after restoration with their own hands

For many, an ancient table in the house is not just a piece of furniture, but also a memory of their ancestors, a family heirloom and a symbol of long-term stability. By restoring a wooden table, you can give it a second life and keep it as part of the family history.

Chic table with carved legs with a restored top

Nai the best option do it is restoration wooden table with your own hands. Repairing the table will give a lot of positive impressions and will allow you to get a unique thing that no one else will have.

Decoupage will allow not only to transform the table on a budget and quickly, but also to stylize it, for example, under Shabby chic

Strong wooden things serve for a long time, but sometimes they lose their presentable appearance. This problem is easily fixed by repairing the table. Do-it-yourself table restoration will help save money family budget, because the workshops ask high price for such work.

Beautiful tables after restoration take on a new life

Thus, summing up all the above, we can distinguish the following benefits do-it-yourself wooden table restoration:

  • budget savings;
  • the second life of the old table;
  • preservation of a family heirloom;
  • creation of unique furniture;
  • low cost of repairing the table;
  • quality and durable product.

The process of restoring an old table is painstaking, but anyone who has even small skills in working with wood and modest knowledge in the field of furniture design can do it. With the help of improvised means and low material costs, you can give an outdated table a fresh and presentable look.

Table decor with a mosaic of broken plates - unusual budget solution for restoration

For the restoration of wooden tables, the following tools are used:

  • Sander;
  • sandpaper;
  • a set of skins;
  • primer roller;
  • set of brushes.

Materials and tools for restoration

In order to make the restoration of the table, you will need the following materials:

  • putty;
  • special means for wood;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • if necessary, a wooden canvas.

The wooden table after staining took on a completely different look.

There are several ways to repair a wooden table. The most popular method is based on painting the surface of the table with paint and then applying varnish.

To give the table a more spectacular look - it can be painted not entirely, but only individual parts

The second most common is pasting furniture with self-adhesive film. This method turns out to be the cheapest, but at the same time it allows you to hide existing furniture defects and transform appearance products for the better.

The simplest and beautiful option decor of an old table that does not require fuss with paints - sticking a film

An original technique in the restoration of furniture is laying tiles on the surface of the table. This method will allow the product to maintain a beautiful appearance for a long time, since it will not be afraid of exposure to moisture and high temperature.

Table decoration with ceramic tiles in the form of separate fragments

Work on the restoration of the table should begin with a thorough inspection of the product for defects. The best option would be to disassemble the furniture into parts, clean it of dirt, and then reassemble it.

We carefully inspect all fastenings in the structure and defects of the countertop and repair parts

If damages are found, they should be repaired. If one of the parts cannot be repaired, it should be replaced with a new one, prepared by yourself or made to order.

Removing the old cover grinder or manually

After grinding, carefully clean the table from dust and repair cracks and chips

If the countertop does not have severe damage, then you can not hide the natural beauty of the wood and cover it with stain and then varnish

It is very important to polish the wood along the grain, otherwise difficult-to-remove defects may occur. At the end of processing, it is necessary to clean the surface sandpaper and then remove all dust from the furniture. After that, you need to degrease the surface of the table with special solvents, alcohol or acetone. If any parts of the product have chips, cracks or scratches, then it is necessary to putty them, and connect the fracture points with glue.

The table can be primed in 1-2 coats with a small foam roller, allowing each coat to dry completely.

When the primer dries, sand the countertop again with sandpaper or a medium grit sanding sponge.

Then you should again carry out the stage of grinding and degreasing the surface of the furniture. If the table is made of natural wood, then it is advisable to protect it from pests and diseases. To do this, the product is impregnated with an appropriate agent.

If the table is made of natural wood, it is better to treat it with a special impregnation that will protect it from pests and diseases.


Restoration of a polished dining table can be done by grinding the surface and applying a new layer of decorative varnish on it.

The next step is varnishing the wood parts. If you need to mask some defects or just want to change the color of the old table, then you can use paint before applying varnish. Changing the shade of furniture can also be achieved using not transparent, but colored varnish. After all the parts have dried well, you need to assemble the product.

The paint must be applied in 2 thin layers, and then protect the surface of the table with varnish

Finishing touch

Decoupage old table decor

The final stage of the restoration of a wooden table is decoration. You can again take up the brush and, using various stencils or masking tape, apply an application to the surface of the table.

Painting the table through tulle should be done on top of the base layer, with a pigment in a contrasting color

For those who can draw well, the image of their own masterpiece on furniture is suitable, which will remain for many years.

Table with artistic painting Perfectly complements the interior in ethnic or rustic style

Drawing on the table tops can also be created using mosaics or potali. The latter is used in work when the goal is to imitate one of the noble metals - gold, silver or bronze.

Create a picture from small fragments on the surface of the table

Potal (gilding) - a wonderful decoration for a table in a classic style

Video: Kitchen table restoration


Have you inherited a furniture set from the beginning of the last century, or is there dusty chairs and chests of drawers in the house that you are sorry to part with? Congratulations! You have the opportunity, and most importantly, a suitable texture in order to minimal cost update old furniture and interior, thereby transforming your home. You only need a couple of hours and a small set repair materials. With their help and with the desire to create, you can achieve great results easily and quickly!

Before starting work, you need to prepare necessary materials. In order to update old furniture, it is convenient to use paint in cylinders. In this case, you will only need a few aerosols of the desired shades. No need to purchase rollers different sizes, numerous brushes and thinner. So, before we start painting, we carry out preparatory work. This stage cannot be neglected, because the quality of painting and its durability largely depend on it.

  1. First of all, we clean the surface that we will paint from dirt and dust, after which we wipe it dry.
  2. We process with sandpaper varnished furniture.
  3. Before painting, it is desirable to cover the surface with a special primer. In this way, we will achieve the best adhesion of the paint to the coating.
  4. We cover with old newspapers or plastic wrap the area that we do not want to paint, and also protect the surrounding area from excess paint when it is sprayed.
  5. We use painter's tape to seal parts of the furniture that are not to be painted, as well as to get a smooth edge of the area to be painted.
  6. We protect our hands with gloves.
  7. Shake the bottle vigorously for several minutes before using. Spraying is carried out from a distance of 25–30 cm from the surface to be painted.
  8. Designers advise boldly using bright contrasting shades, decorating the surface with drawings, as well as decorative elements, colored film and various moldings. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize, be creative and implement your most unusual ideas!

Well, a selection of our photos will help you look at old furniture in a new way!

1. In order to turn an old dark chest of drawers into an original dressing table, it is enough to update it with bright paint. You can purchase new handles for doors and drawers, or clean the finish of old ones with special means for cleaning metal products.

2. New interior design is not a reason to replace furniture. With the help of paint, you can change the shade of a table or chest of drawers, perfectly fitting them into the surroundings. By pasting the area around the moldings with masking tape, you can easily paint them in desired color. IN this case Golden strips and handles perfectly decorate the white chest of drawers.

3. A dull, unsightly chest of drawers that you would like to push into the darkest corner in the country can become a real decoration of the living room. To do this, all its elements are painted with white paint. Gray moldings will perfectly highlight the drawers and contrast with the main color. The color composition will be complemented by original silver handles.

4. Wood is a great texture to create decorative effects. This chest of drawers has been painted White color, after which the boxes were pasted over with a colored film and highlighted with the help of moldings. The new fittings complete the composition, renovating the old furniture and making it the perfect addition to the light-coloured interior.

5. Do not rush to get rid of the battered desk. White shade will refresh and allow you to update old furniture. And with the help of masking tape, you can experiment and create a pattern on the boxes that will help fit the table into the environment. In this case, the color shades of the drawers are ideally combined with decorative shelves on the tabletop.

6. An old cabinet can be repainted white in an hour and a half and creatively decorate its door with black squares. We process the internal space using an aerosol can with yellow paint. Unusual handles will perfectly complement the new image of your pedestal, which will decorate the hallway.

7. An old Soviet-era lacquered nightstand gets an updated look with two contrasting hues. Their bold combination is perfectly complemented by thin moldings painted with golden paint. The handles on the doors are processed in the same way.

8. In order to update an old grandmother's chest of drawers, you can paint its frame white and make the drawers gray. Then, using a stencil and white paint, we create a magnificent openwork effect on them. New accessories complete the look. By the way, the boxes can be swapped, after which your family will definitely decide that you have purchased new furniture!

9. From old pedestal you can make great serving table. Spray paint will help create smooth color transitions that look spectacular through a combination of contrasting shades. A minimum of work - and such a great result!

10. The updated chest of drawers organically combines light and dark shades. With the help of masking tape on the boxes, an original decorative element. The fittings look like new after applying golden paint.

11. Using stencils, you can easily update old furniture, making it fashionable and stylish. This chest of drawers with the original drawing of the ship will now decorate the nursery. Contrasting color combinations look great here.

12. old wooden chairs can be easily restored by painting the frame with bright paint and replacing the upholstery of the seats. In this case, the yellow paint is in perfect harmony with the golden pattern of the fabric. Original, practical and inexpensive!

13. You can make a bright designer chair! We paint the frame of the ancient exhibit with bright paint, change the upholstery of the seat and make striped covers to match the main shades. A small contrast pad - and the harmonious look is complete!

14. Here is such a creative coffee table can be made using a stencil. First, we paint the entire structure with white paint, wait for it to dry completely, and then apply the stencil to the countertop and spray a bright blue tint. The new table is ready and fits perfectly into the interior!

15. A shabby wooden chest of drawers is a great opportunity create something special with your own hands. Bright sunny hues, interesting color combinations and new fittings will help to update old furniture and turn it into original decoration your bedroom.

16. An excellent solution: the green drawers of the chest of drawers are visually highlighted with the help of thin moldings painted in white. Using painter's tape, it's easy and simple to paint delicate furniture parts in the color you want. New handles on the drawers complete the attractive look of the chest of drawers.

17. The old bedside table has been changed beyond recognition with the help of bright green paint and a decorative film that covered the table top. Used old fittings It has been removed and painted black. amazing decoration original interior!

18. Skillful hands turned the old bed into a small sofa, while its headboard became its back! The structure is painted white, the seat is upholstered in an attractive fabric, and cute cushions complete the new look.

19. From the old grandmother's chest of drawers turned out an elegant dressing table for modern bedroom. gentle pastel shades complemented by the original pattern of decorative film, which is pasted over the doors. Updating old furniture can be very easy, getting great results with minimal effort!

20. A section of an old Soviet slide has been turned into a great storage cabinet. The base is painted white, the doors are pasted over with a decorative film of pleasant colors and decorated with new fittings. Simple Solutions– and global restoration!

21. If you can draw, you can decorate the white dresser drawers with bright designs or intricate patterns. To create them, choose colors that match the shades of the interior.

22. This folding table is given a makeover with yellow paint and an original pattern on the top. Using stencils, you can create a variety of color compositions, which will perfectly fit your updated furniture into the environment.

23. old shabby desk began to look stylish and modern. Unusually shaped legs give it a graceful look, and bright hues refresh and renew.

24. Updating old furniture, or rather this bedside table, is easy and simple. It is enough to cover it with white paint, and draw a pattern on the doors with an ordinary marker with a thick pen, and then fix the result with a colorless varnish. You can complete the work by installing new fittings. After all, manufacturers today offer a huge variety of handles and loops of all shapes, colors and sizes.

25. If you don't like your new coffee table, go get some paint! With the help of aerosol cans, we change the color of the frame - and now the updated piece of furniture pleases the eye.

26. After painting with bright colors, this garden group looks fresh and festive. A combination of contrasting shades looks advantageous, as well as bold accents created using multi-colored pads. Such garden furniture able to decorate any terrace.

27. We clean the surface of the old chest of drawers with sandpaper, removing the peeling varnish. After that, we apply a primer and cover with paint. In our case, the old fittings only emphasize vintage style updated interior. Fashionable, creative and tasteful!

28. With the help of paint, you can update old furniture and combine a table and chairs from different groups into a single composition. We paint the table white, and we cover the seats of the chairs with a white cloth. Fresh furniture pleases the eye!

29. Wanted something new? The kitchen cabinet can be changed beyond recognition by repainting its frame and drawers in one color, and the countertop in another, as well as installing new handles. Feel free to experiment with colors and accessories!

30. Do not rush to send the old Soviet-era table-book to the landfill. With the help of stencils and paint, you can create a fancy pattern on the furniture, after which you won’t even need a tablecloth on such a table.

31. Children's furniture should be bright and attractive! You can update old furniture and create unique interior together with the child by painting the table and chairs. Add more colors And contrasting combinations, entertaining drawings and patterns. At such a table, your baby will sit with great pleasure.

32. Old chairs will look like new after painting and reupholstering. Minimum effort and great results!

33. This shabby stool began to look bright and fresh. Pleasant contrasting shades allow you to update old furniture, creating its new image. A comfortable and practical stool will become a real decoration of the kitchen or dining room.

34. And this is how you can update a stool for a nursery. With the help of bright shades of paint, old and shabby furniture has become fashionable and creative. Agree, such a beautiful stool - a place in the new nursery!

35. The white color of the interior is one of the newfangled current trends. Light furniture looks easy and elegant. At the same time, there is no need to spend significant funds - you can update the chest of drawers with high-quality paint with your own hands, making it an effective element of a fashionable interior.

36. Antique mirror frame after painting will look like new. A spectacular shade will help her regain her former chic, and you - to refresh the interior!

37. Color accents are very important for creating modern interior. You can decorate the room in two primary colors, and the third - to emphasize the details. To give objects the desired shade, say golden, paint in spray cans will help.

38. 39, 40. Bright doors will become a real decoration of the interior, emphasizing the excellent taste of its owners. With the help of masking tape and high-quality paint in spray cans, you can give the canvas and door frame any, even the most daring shade, as well as create a spectacular combination of contrasting colors.

41. Feel free to experiment with contrasting shades! Such furniture will be a reflection of your individuality and creativity.

42, 43, 44. Bright colors, interesting combinations shades, new fittings - and a shabby chest of drawers is unrecognizable! Updating old furniture is easy and simple with the help of spray paint. The point is small - choose colors, add fantasy and create the interior of your dreams!

45. Designers do not have the concept of "outdated furniture" - only vintage, which means it is certainly fashionable! Add fresh shades - and create an original interior!

46. Masking tape will help you create creative geometric compositions on your furniture. Add accessories to the tone of the selected shades - and enjoy the new image of your home!

47. Bright, bold shades will transform old furniture, which in turn will refresh the room and fill it with inspiration. After all, after painting a shabby table, you will want to change everything around!

48. You can paint the rack on the outside in one color, and its inner space- others. It will turn out bright, bold and original!

49. With the help of spray paint and your imagination, you can easily and easily update old garden furniture. The most unexpected decision is sometimes the right one. Choose a creative way to create original garden compositions!

50. Bright fresh shades of updated furniture will fill you with positive and bring back a great summer mood. With Motip spray paints, the world around becomes more beautiful!

When it comes to updating furniture, don't be afraid of minor difficulties that you may have to face. After all, an excellent result will be a reward for your efforts and will inspire you to create a unique original interior for your home!

Good day, brain artisans! The coffee table featured in this article has served my parents ever since I was a little tadpole. And although they slightly polished it and removed the marks of my erupting teeth with which I "decorated" this brain table, it's time for me to do its "restoration" myself.

I've owned this coffee table for 15 years and it's made it difficult to move around my living room all these years, plus I've always wanted a lighter, more modern coffee table. So it was easy for me to use it as a prototype for dining table which I plan to do later.

Some details, which I will mention in the following steps, need to be done more professionally. Well now, let's go!

Step 1: "Dismantling the era"

Tools and materials:

  • circular table
  • plane
  • band-saw
  • drill
  • wood glue
  • N95 respirator
  • self-tapping screws (I used old 5cm-e)

First, I took apart this old coffee table. Oh, and there were a lot of screws in it: 20 pieces fastened the parts of the legs, another 20 fastened the boards of the table top, with 8 screws the legs were attached to the table top. 48 screws and not a drop of glue, wow!

The tabletop was 60x180cm, so it will be easy to recreate brainwashing in sizes 60x120 or 60x180cm.

Step 2: "Generation" of a new table

I did not present a photo of the processes of planing and jointing here.

I was going to make all the boards 4cm thick, but they came out 3.2cm thick. First, I cut them with a planer to remove the old coating, and now I need new blades for the planer.

And after that, I glued several boards and trimmed the ends, thereby obtaining a worktop blank, which, after planing, turned out to be 3.2 cm thick.

Step 3: Chamfering the Edges

Around the bottom of the tabletop homemade i made a 45º chamfer to give brain table"lightness". This is easily done on circular table with guide rails.

Step 4: Corners

Long boards, which were previously the legs of an old table, with the help of band saw I sawed it diagonally, stepping back from the edge 4cm, thereby getting two new legs from one board at once. After that, I cut a "bunch" of corners to determine the angle that would fit the legs of the table. As a result, this angle was 8º.

When cutting the legs to the chosen angle, make sure both ends cerebellum cut in opposite directions.

The legs are 3.2cm thick and 42.5cm long.

Step 5: Mounting the legs

At this stage, I made my first mistake.

I sawed out two spacers and screwed them to the legs crafts, and now the mistake itself - I managed to smear them with glue without thinking that later I would have to disassemble this connection to install the leg supports. At that time I thought that the screws would hold tight enough while the glue dries, and then I wanted to drill holes for the dowels with a diameter of 1.25cm.

But it turned out differently...

Step 6: Stability and Appearance Check

Checking your brain-building I still didn't see that I screwed up...

But the table suited me and I processed it with stain.

On scraps I tried 6 various shades stain and chose the "dark walnut" that I liked.

Step 7: Laying Out the Leg Supports

I had to think a little about how to mark the supports ...

I cut the ends of the supports adjacent to the legs by 15º, and decided to make the supports themselves touching each other.

The black mark on one stanchion showed the material to be removed so that the stanchions themselves would mate flush. I removed this extra material brain plane and grinder.

Step 8: Installing props

And here is the second error...

In the first photo, you can see that because of the spacer, which is already glued, I could only install one dowel in the leg, because I did not remember that I would have to do this. Like this…

So I drilled a couple of holes with inner sides brain props so that they are not visible.

Well, the third mistake was completely stupid - in a hurry, I forgot that the thickness of the legs is 3.2cm and installed a jig for holes for 4cm thickness. As a result, when screwing in the screws, I broke two legs and had to unscrew the screws, glue the pieces of wood with epoxy, clamp, wait and then screw the screws back in.

Step 9: Hiding the Holes

Initially, I planned to remove the self-tapping screws, and instead drill holes up to the struts and glue in long dowels. But to my brain surprise among the available ones, I did not find dowels with a diameter of 1.2 or 0.9 cm, so saying “well, okay,” I drilled a few plugs and plugged the holes with self-tapping screws with them. I hope the table doesn't fall apart.

But it turned out to be strong enough, I even got up on it and jumped up, and also sat on it when I put on my boots in the morning.

On last photo shows how I screwed the countertop on, sanded it down, and applied one coat of wood polish to the bottom of the countertop.

Step 10: Finished Table

In the photos shown, the table is already covered with three layers of glossy polish and has gone through a three-day drying period (when I processed brainwashing the humidity in our area was high).

Videos from brain process certainly not impressive, it was "glued" using the highlight reels app on my Moto X and then uploaded.

I have more footage and later I will make another video.

I hope you liked it and thank you for reading my article!

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