Defrost the refrigerator and freezer. How to quickly defrost the refrigerator. Rules for defrosting the refrigerator and freezer How to properly start the refrigerator after defrosting

The device of modern refrigerators have practically no differences. The heart of every refrigerator is the compressor, which accelerates the refrigerant substance through the refrigerator tubes. The compressor has an assistant - a condenser, which turns the gaseous refrigerant into liquid state, removing excess heat to the outside. Refrigerators with the “No Frost” system practically do not need defrosting, however, it is recommended to wash every six months internal parts such a refrigerator. Excessive attention will allow you to keep the device always clean and prevent the collection of unnecessary odors. Unfortunately, for many young housewives, when a question arises, they use the methods of parents and grandmothers, forgetting about the difference in technical specifications modern refrigerators. Only right advice help you avoid breakdowns and malfunctions.

1. Proper preparation. Before starting the defrosting process, it is necessary to set the temperature controller pointer of the refrigerator to 0, then pull out the wire from the mains. Open freezer doors and cold storage and completely free from products. If your refrigerator model does not have a tray for collecting melt water, you must put a deep plate or bowl on the very bottom.

Tip: Try not to take food out when the refrigerator is powered on.

2. Proper defrosting. Allow time for the refrigerator to defrost on its own. Many inexperienced users try to speed up the thawing process by placing bowls of boiling water on the shelves. Do not make such mistakes, as a sudden change in temperature can cause the freezers to overheat and further break down. The best option- this is to leave the refrigerator doors open, allowing the unit to thaw itself at room temperature.

Tip: Never scrape the ice from the chamber walls with a knife or other sharp object.

3. Proper cleaning in a refrigerator. After complete defrosting, you can general cleaning in a refrigerator. To do this, dilute a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent in warm water and arm yourself with a soft sponge. Remove all dirty shelves and trays and rinse thoroughly, then pat dry with a cotton towel. Then you can start washing the inside of the refrigerator itself. Be sure to give the refrigerator time to stand for a while. open door so that excess moisture evaporates, otherwise mold may appear.

4. Proper washing outer surface. Often, tired of washing the inside, you forget about the outside of the refrigerator. warm water with detergent it is necessary to wash the rubberized part of the doors well, where small debris gets most of all and wipe the doors from the outside, wiping them dry with a towel. Do not forget to also clean and wash the upper part, where housewives usually put a large mountain of unnecessary things and unread newspapers. Often the head of the refrigerator looks like microwave oven or TV. Remember, this area also needs cleaning. Also, do not forget that it is necessary, at least once a year, to move the refrigerator away and carefully wipe the rear lattice part, removing cobwebs and dust.

Tip: Do not cling too many magnets to the surface of the refrigerator, when you remove it, you leave scratches every time.

5. Properly turn on the refrigerator. First you need to turn on the refrigerator in the mains without food. In order not to overload the compressor, let the refrigerator work out the required amount of cold for a while and then put it back.

Tip: Do not defrost when indoors heat and the difference between the temperature inside the refrigerator and room temperature reaches 20-25 degrees.

When all the above tips are followed, the question how to defrost a refrigerator will be removed for you and your refrigerator will shine not only clean, but also work longer.

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In principle, any type of refrigerator is defrosted by the scheme, which we will describe further.

There are slight differences between no frost and conventional refrigerators, but we will consider them separately, below. Now, please, get familiar with the basics.

As you know, over time, a small layer of ice may form on the inside of the refrigerator. This reduces the efficiency of the device, adds money to your electricity bill, and makes it difficult to turn it on and off.

This video quickly and clearly explains the main stages of defrosting. For more detailed recommendations, read on.

Follow these steps and you will understand how to defrost the refrigerator as quickly and correctly as possible.

Step 1

Turn off the refrigerator. If you do not do this, then the ice will not be able to thaw.

Step 2

Empty the refrigerator from food and products. To prevent thawing of frozen foods, wrap them in towels or paper and place them in a box with some other cloth on top. Store this in the coldest part of the kitchen, out of direct sunlight.

Step 3

Remove drawers, trays and racks. Take them to the bathroom to wash them afterwards. It is much more convenient to do it there than in the kitchen sink.

Step 4

Find a drain hose. Some refrigerators have such an emergency hose and usually it goes under the freezer. See if you can find it. Pull it forward and direct the water away from the refrigerator. It is best if you lower it into some kind of container, such as a basin.

Step 5

Prevent puddle formation. Lay old newspapers around the base of the freezer to soak up the water as the ice melts. They are ideal for this job as they are extremely absorbent. Instead, you can use kitchen towels or a floor cloth. This is especially important if you have a laminate floor.

Step 6

Select the defrost method. There are several ways to defrost a refrigerator, each with advantages and disadvantages. Here are the options:

1. Defrosting without acceleration is the traditional way. This is a rather slow process, especially if you live in a cold area and your house is poorly heated, but it is also the safest way. It may take you about 5-6 hours for the layer of ice to thaw.

2. If you do not want to wait so long, then use a regular hair dryer. It is absolutely safe to use a hair dryer to defrost your freezer, as long as you follow some basic precautions. Make sure you're standing far enough away from the water puddle so that its cord doesn't touch the water.

You should also keep the end of the dryer away from the coils or side walls of the refrigerator, as the heat can damage the device. High temperatures can also damage the plastic inside the refrigerator, so don't be too big. It is not necessary to bring the hot stream very close.

3. Instead of a hair dryer, you you can use a fan. It can help circulate warmer air into the freezer, but this only works if your room is warm enough. It will not help much, but it will speed up the process by one and a half to two hours.

4. Put dishes with hot water on the shelves. This is a wonderful way that even our grandmothers know.

It consists of placing bowls or pans of hot water on a shelf and closing the refrigerator door. The steam should melt the ice very quickly and in about 20-30 minutes you will be able to completely free the refrigerator from frost. Provided that it is small, and this is possible if you defrost regularly and do not allow heavy icing. The method is good for everyone, but hot dishes can damage plastic shelves. To reduce the chance of damage, place a towel folded several times under the pot.

5. Use a hot cloth to speed up the process. You can use a rag soaked in very hot water to melt the crust.

Step 7

Remove ice. As soon as it moves away, pry it with your hand or a wooden spatula. Do not use sharp objects, such as a knife, to cut off pieces of ice. This can damage the refrigerator and even cause a gas leak, because its walls are quite thin.

Step 8

Soak up any water that forms. Use paper towels or rags that absorb well. Leave them in the chamber for a short while until all the ice has gone and the water stops flowing.

Step 9

Wash the refrigerator. You should take this opportunity to sanitize it one more time.

Step 10

Dry out the fridge before turning it back on. You can use a hair dryer or wipe with a cloth, but it should be as dry as possible. If you turn on the device in the network, and there is moisture inside it, then a new crust of ice will form on it very quickly.

Step 11

Check rubber seals. If they dried up and gaps formed on them, then this is precisely the reason for the rapid freezing of ice.

To make rubber seals last longer, you can lubricate them with silicone grease.

Or, in extreme cases, refined sunflower oil. This prevents the rubber from drying out and helps maintain a strong grip when the door is closed.

This must be done, since a small backlash not only provokes frost, but also gradually disables the compressor. Any device is designed to catch up and turn off, and in this case, it is deprived of the opportunity to "rest".

Step 12

Defrost more often. Naturally, you can ask the question why and how often to defrost the refrigerator?

First, a thick crust of ice wears out the compressor a lot. Why is this happening? But because the ice blocks the access of cold air to the motor and the device “thinks” that it is still not cold enough inside. And, as a result, it catches up and catches up with cold, naturally, with the help of a motor.

And it is absolutely not designed for such a load, and the more it works continuously, the faster it will end.

Secondly, due to the constant operation of the compressor, your refrigerator “winds” many times more electricity than a new or recently defrosted one.

That's all the basic steps. Now you have a rough idea of ​​how often you should defrost the refrigerator.

And now we suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with some of the features of defrosting different types of refrigerators, as well as with the technical aspects of their operation.

Defrosting refrigerators No frost

So, let's figure out how to defrost a refrigerator with a no frost system and whether it is worth doing it at all if it seems to be defrosting itself.

You need to defrost, but very rarely. Such a need arises no more than once a year.

And the defrosting process itself is much faster than in other systems.

If you notice ice buildup on the walls of such a refrigerator, then it's okay. In “no frost”, over time, a thin layer is really formed, not even ice, but hoarfrost.

Defrosting 2-chamber refrigerators

How to defrost a two-chamber refrigerator?

The answer is very simple: just like a single-chamber.

The only caveat here: There are some refrigerators in which the chambers work independently of each other. It is very comfortable. At the moment of defrosting one chamber, you can transfer the products to another, and then restart them again and defrost the second one.

Now almost all modern units are equipped with this function.

Even refrigerators of domestic production "Atlant" have such a plus.

Is it possible to defrost the freezer without turning off the refrigerator?

If you want to know how to defrost the freezer while leaving the main chamber running, then you first of all need to ask this not from the search engine, but from the manufacturer.

Open the instructions for the model and see if it has the ability to partially disable it. If so, then feel free to turn off the freezer, and if not, then alas, you will have to turn off the entire refrigerator.

Where to put food from the refrigerator during defrosting?

As we wrote above, it is necessary to fold it into a basin, after wrapping it in a cloth.

It's best if you put food that won't keep for a long time next to frozen meat or something that doesn't lose temperature for a long time. Then you do not have to look for the coldest place in the kitchen or

Take out to the balcony. Be sure to keep foods that have a strong smell away from each other. For example, fish should not be put in a common container at all, otherwise there is a high risk that all products will “stretch” the fishy smell.

How to wash the refrigerator inside after defrosting?

Before defrosting the refrigerator, you need to think about whether you have the means to clean it on hand. If there is nothing special to disinfect and remove the smell, then you can use ordinary dishwashing gel.

Do not wash the refrigerator with washing powders or other chemicals that smell strongly. Keep in mind that the smell will not disappear soon and you will have to eat cutlets with a chemical flavor.

Every year, housewives are faced with the question of whether there is a quick and safe defrosting of the refrigerator, and how to implement it. Regular defrosting and cleanliness of the device directly affects the appearance of the device and its further normal functioning.

All modern refrigerators are arranged in approximately the same way: the compressor drives the refrigerant, the condenser turns the refrigerant into a liquid state and rids the interior of the refrigerator of warm air. Refrigerators with the "No Frost" system are recommended to be washed inside once every six months. They do not require systematic defrosting. Old refrigerators without auto-defrost need to be defrosted every four months. In spring and summer, they are thawed every two months. Constant monitoring of the contents of your assistant will make it possible to avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors.

If a problem arises on how to properly defrost a refrigerator, it is not always advisable to seek help from the owners of old household appliances, since the latter can differ significantly in their device from their young descendants. However, there is one universal rule for the correct defrosting of equipment - the older it is, the more often it will have to be defrosted, and vice versa.

Course of action

Starting the defrosting of the refrigerator, the thermostat pointer is set to zero. Next, turn off the device from the mains. The doors of the device open wide. Products are removed from the chambers. Containers are placed under the refrigerator to collect melted water. These can be pallets, saucepans with a wide bottom and a small height, or ordinary cotton rags, as they absorb moisture perfectly. From time to time, the vessels need to be emptied of the liquid, and the rags should be twisted or new dry ones should be used. To speed up the defrosting process, you must constantly ensure that the doors of the appliance are constantly open.

Products that were stored in the refrigerator can be moved to the balcony if defrosting occurs during the cold season. If the action takes place in the summer, then it will be more difficult to keep food from room temperature. Frozen meat is wrapped in newspapers and placed in bowls or pans. The top is covered with a thick cloth so that warm air does not defrost and spoil the food. There is another effective solution - you can purchase thermostatic bags, they are sold in supermarkets and markets, and store food in them while defrosting the refrigerator.

For some time, the device must be left until it is completely defrosted. Attempts to speed up this business can lead to failure of the unit itself. Do not place a container of hot water in the refrigerator. Temperature fluctuations inside the device are highly undesirable for its normal functioning. The thawing step should take place at room temperature and naturally. It is not recommended to scrape the ice from the freezer compartment with a knife or other sharp objects, as the evaporators may be damaged.

After complete defrosting, you can start cleaning in the chambers. A few drops of dish detergent are diluted in water. You can also prepare either a soda solution or a soap solution. They will perfectly cope with the pollution in your refrigerator and even destroy the foreign smell. To prepare a soda solution, you need to dissolve a few teaspoons of soda in a small amount of water. It is strictly forbidden to use abrasive cleaners or pastes.

All shelves and storage containers are removed from the refrigerator and washed with this solution using a soft sponge. Next, wipe the containers with cotton material. Next, move on to washing the inside of the refrigerator. After cleaning, the appliance is left with the door open for a while. Moisture during this time will evaporate.

The outside of the device also needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Use a soft sponge with a solution of water and detergent to wipe the outer surface. Pay special attention to the rubberized layer, which collects the most debris during the use of the refrigerator. Further, everything is also wiped with a cotton cloth. At least once a year, move the appliance away from the wall and wipe the back, and remove the cobwebs from the grate. The floor under the refrigerator can also be washed.

Often refrigerators are decorated with magnets brought from different countries or cities. The decor is incredibly beautiful, albeit common, but dangerous, because when removed from the surface, many scratches and marks remain. The front surface of the machine may be damaged.

After defrosting and cleaning, the empty refrigerator is connected to the mains so that the compressor of the device is not overloaded. After some time, food can be loaded into the refrigerator.

Technology for accelerating the defrosting process

The defrosting procedure takes a fairly large amount of time, about half a day. The refrigerator, as mentioned earlier, should defrost on its own in a natural way. But there are methods that have been used by housewives for years. These methods, in their opinion, do not harm their home assistant in the least. Each hostess has the right to independently choose the method of defrosting. Non-traditional refrigeration methods include the following:

  • during use, a whole block of ice may accumulate in the freezer. Use a bowl of hot water to speed up the process. Steam must come from the water. They put a folded towel in the freezer, put a bowl of water on the towel, close the freezer and wait. Later, the water in the bowl can be changed to hotter;
  • defrost the refrigerator with a fan or hair dryer. The air flow is directed to the inner ice wall of the device. To defrost the entire inner surface, you will need to change the direction of the air. The whole procedure will take about two hours, and the glaciation will completely disappear. Using a hair dryer will defrost the unit even faster than a fan, because. The hair dryer is much warmer. However, you will have to work hard and stand for some time with a hair dryer, directing it in one direction or the other;
  • there are non-traditional methods without violating the rules for using the refrigerator, i.e. avoiding extreme temperature fluctuations. A plate of salt is placed in the freezer, which will corrode the entire snowball. If the icing of the freezer is very strong, you can sprinkle it all over with salt, and the result will not be long in coming. After the fight against ice, it is recommended to clean the inside surface of the freezer very carefully;
  • Like salt, vinegar is great at defrosting ice. A plate of vinegar is placed in the center of the freezer. If the snow cap is large, you can spray vinegar all over the inside of the freezer. Washing the freezer will also have to be quite scrupulous, since the acid tends to corrode the surface of the products.

In the process of its work, snow-ice coats are formed on the walls of the refrigerator chambers. It becomes more and more difficult for the compressor to maintain the temperature set in the device. Therefore, regular defrosting of the device will extend its performance, keep the place of food storage clean and avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Whatever refrigerator you have, say, a modern Samsung with an auto-defrost system or an old Biryusa, it needs to be defrosted periodically.

  • How often should the refrigerator be defrosted? There are no strict rules in this matter, the main thing to focus on is the appearance of ice. An old model refrigerator without any auto-defrost system requires frequent defrosting - about 1 time per month. If you have a modern refrigerator with the No frost, Frost free or Full No Frost (two-compressor) system, then one on-duty defrosting every six months will be enough.
  • Why do you need to clear the ice? A layer of ice, and especially a thick layer of ice inside the freezer/refrigerator, not only makes it difficult to access food, but also makes the compressor work harder with less efficiency, while increasing your electricity bill.
  • Why does ice form? Ice buildup is caused by warm air entering the refrigerator/freezer while the door is open. If you notice that the ice coat builds up too quickly, then most often the reason for this is damage to the thermostat or sealing gum.

With the help of our step-by-step instructions, you can defrost any refrigerator - one- or two-compressor, old or modern, with the No Frost, Frost Free (drip defrosting system) or Full No Frost, brands Atlant, Veko, Nord, Ariston, Samsung, Bosh, Gorenje, Lg, Liebherr, Whirlpool, Zanussi, Electrolux, Indesit, or Stinol.

Defrosting the refrigerator in 8 steps

Step 1. Adjust the temperature of the refrigerator to 0 degrees, then turn off the power and open the door wide open.

  • How to defrost a refrigerator with two compressors? The principle is still the same, the only difference is that its cameras can be defrosted in turn or simultaneously.

Step 2 Remove all food from the chamber. It’s good if you planned the defrosting of the refrigerator in advance and were able to organize supplies so that there were no perishable and frozen foods left among them. And if not? The following tips will help you save food while defrosting the refrigerator:

  • Take food to the balcony (in winter);
  • Put the food in a saucepan and lower it into a basin filled with cold water and ice;
  • Put the food in an insulated bag along with bags filled with ice cubes and put it in a dark, cool place. You can buy a thermal pack at a hardware store.
  • The thermal pack can be replaced with foil polyethylene or any reflective insulating material that is sold in hardware stores. In this case, the products just need to be wrapped in the same way with ice packs.
  • If your refrigerator has two compressors, then you can defrost the upper compartment first and put all the food in the lower compartment, and then do the opposite.

Remove all containers, shelves and grates from the chambers as well. By the way, we advise you not to pull food out of the refrigerator directly in containers, as plastic can crack from their weight.

Step 3. If your refrigerator does not have a container for collecting melted liquid, place towels or several layers of newspaper sheets under it, and a pallet on the bottom shelf. Typically, this measure is required for older models of refrigerators; for modern technology, water is drained into a special sump (most often it is located behind the refrigerator).

Step 4 Now it remains only to wait for the refrigerator to defrost. The natural process of melting an ice coat can take from 3 to 10 hours depending on the thickness of the ice.

  • The best way to defrost your fridge is the traditional way - just leave it overnight.

But if you wish, you can speed up the process with the help of simple actions. First, let the refrigerator just stand for half an hour, then choose one of the following quick defrost methods and start practicing.

Ways to accelerate the defrosting of the refrigerator

  • Method 1: Place a heating pad filled with hot water in the freezer.
  • Method 2. Place a board in the chamber, and a pot of boiling water on it. Change the water as it cools down. Do not put pots of boiling water without a plank, so as not to damage the plastic. After 30-60 minutes of such a “bath”, the ice coat should begin to break off.
  • Method 3. Fill the spray bottle with hot water and start spraying the walls of the chamber with it. After 15 minutes or more, the ice will start to break off.

Spraying the ice crust with hot water is perhaps the safest, easiest, and yet most effective way to quickly defrost your refrigerator.

  • Method 4 Place a heater in front of the refrigerator so that the melt water cannot come into contact with it, and the warm air is not directed directly to the rubber seal.
  • Method 5. Is it possible to defrost the refrigerator with a hairdryer? Yes, if you keep it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the walls of the chamber, distribute hot air evenly and do not aim it at the rubber gasket. And of course, do not neglect the safety rules and completely eliminate the contact of the hair dryer with water.
  • Method 6. Wet a cloth in hot water and wipe the frost with it. Repeat the procedure until the ice begins to break off.

Unwanted activities

  • Do not chip, scrape or collect ice with a knife. So you can damage not only the plastic, but also the channel under it, which conducts the freon refrigerant. If it breaks, you will have to do repairs - fill the channel with freon, and then solder it.
  • When warming the ice coat with a hair dryer or fan heater, do not direct the hot air stream directly at the sealing gum. Otherwise, it will dry out and deform. If this happens, then warm air will constantly enter the chamber, which will disrupt the operation of the refrigerator and provoke the rapid appearance of a new fur coat.

Step 5. Remove all melt water and broken ice from the chamber with a rag.

Step 6. Take care of cleaning the chambers, shelves and containers, following.

Step 7. Use a cloth and/or the same hair dryer to dry the sides of the refrigerator to prevent frost from forming again. Next, wipe the floor and the area around the appliance dry.

Step 8. Turn on the refrigerator. Wait for the temperature in the chamber to drop to normal (this will take about 30 minutes) and start filling the shelves with products.

A refrigerator is a device without which it is impossible to imagine a modern kitchen, regardless of the level of its equipment. A few decades ago, housewives regularly performed the defrosting procedure for this unit. New technologies have made it possible to operate the refrigerator without the formation of frost, but this does not eliminate the need to clean the appliance regularly. Consider how to quickly defrost the refrigerator, and also find out the features of this process for different models.

Why do you need to defrost the refrigerator? During the operation of the device, layers of frost and ice form on its walls. The thickness of ice in the refrigerator can vary from 1-3 mm to 2-3 cm. It depends on the model, condition and operation of the unit.

The main reason for the formation of a “fur coat” is the ingress of warm air into the chamber. High temperatures make the compressor work harder. Too rapid formation of ice may indicate a violation of the rules of operation or a technical malfunction of the device.

Possible reasons:

  • placing inside containers with hot food;
  • overflow of chambers;
  • thermostat damage;
  • violation of the integrity of the sealing gum;
  • breakdown of the defrost sensor;
  • refrigerant leak.

Inside the old models of refrigerators, frost is inevitable. Modern devices are devoid of this drawback, and therefore the question arises, is it necessary to defrost a refrigerator with no frost? This system is designed to automatically remove frost. The principle of its operation is as follows. The device is equipped with an evaporator that provides a low temperature of the back wall, and fans that are responsible for air circulation inside the chamber. When the compressor stops, the frost melts and evaporates. In the no frost refrigerator, “crust” does not form at all or in a minimal amount, however, it should also be defrosted periodically.

The main purposes of defrosting:

Important: Periodic defrosting of the refrigerator allows you to stabilize the operation of the system, extend the life of the device and create normal conditions for storing food.

How often to defrost?

In order to determine how often to defrost a refrigerator, it is necessary to take into account its model and the rate of frost formation. Almost any old refrigerator without an auto-defrost system must be cleaned of a “fur coat” once every 1-3 months.

“Duty” defrosting of the refrigerator no frost or full no frost may be more rare - 1 time in 6-12 months. The procedure is necessary for washing all surfaces, as well as for the complete removal of frost.

In addition to no frost, there is a drip system for automatic defrosting frost free (another name is fresh). It is with it that the refrigerators of the Atlant brand are equipped. With frost free, a thin layer of frost can form on the walls. How many times to defrost a refrigerator with such a system? It is advisable to clean the device once every 4-6 months.

Using a modern refrigerator, it is worth making a defrost schedule in paper or electronic form. This will help keep the instrument clean and maintain the quality of its operation.

Note: The rules for operating the refrigerator, including the frequency of defrosting, should be clarified in the instructions for the appliance or with a consultant in a household appliance store.

Refrigerator defrosting steps

Let's find out how to properly and quickly defrost an old model refrigerator without automatic systems. The algorithm of actions for the Biryusa brand device or any other similar model:

To speed up the procedure a little, you can pick out the melted ice with a wooden or plastic spatula. It is important to do this carefully so as not to damage the walls and sealing gum. Do not use sharp or metallic objects.

Features of cleaning some models

Let's consider how to defrost the refrigerator know frost (no frost). The work must be carried out according to the algorithm described above, but there are some differences. There is no need to lay towels under the appliance and place containers to collect water, as it will not flow out. In addition, the defrosting time is reduced to 1.5-2 hours.

When solving the problem of how to defrost the Atlant two-chamber refrigerator, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  1. If there are two chamber compressors, it is possible to defrost alternately or simultaneously. With one compartment compressor, it will be possible to clear the ice only together.
  2. An urgent need for defrosting arises if the freezer is “overgrown” with a layer of frost more than 3-5 mm thick.
  3. The fresh mechanism assumes the presence of a drain system: drops of moisture flow down the back wall of the refrigerator into the tray, then fall into the tube, and from it into the vessel on the compressor, where they evaporate. If the drain system becomes clogged, then water pours out of the tray and enters the junction of the metal bar and the inner cabinet of the freezer. Over time, this can lead to corrosion of the metal and a violation of thermal insulation. During defrosting, it is important to make sure that the hole in the tray and the tube are not clogged. If something interferes with the outflow of water, you should use a brush, which is usually included in the kit.

How to speed up the process?

It is not always possible to wait 3-12 hours until the frost in the refrigerator melts. There are several ways to speed up this process.

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