Proper seating of the child at the desk. How to choose a desk and save your child's posture? Orthopedic Tips Correct seating for a student at a table

School years are a long period of life. During this time, we have time not only to grow up, get a secondary education and feel like an independent person, but also acquire health problems. One of the most common violations that the majority got at the end of the 11th grade, along with a school certificate, is incorrect posture. And all because rarely any of the parents thought about how their child should sit at the desk correctly. The priority was good grades, exams, long-awaited holidays ... And in the classroom, day after day, the spine received gradual curvature. And even if from time to time the teachers reminded how to sit at a desk in order to maintain posture, few listened to their advice. In order not to repeat your own mistakes, teach your child to sit at a desk correctly.

How does sitting at a desk affect your back?
The spine is the backbone of the entire body. In some medical sources of the past, one can still find a slightly pretentious metaphor: the spine is called the "pillar of health." Although, if you look, this is not such a strong exaggeration. After all, the health of the spine depends not only appearance of a person (and it is very important, especially in youth!), but also the work of all organ systems. Not to mention the back pain that accompanies spinal curvature. A curved spine makes it difficult to engage in certain sports, withstand heavy loads, and enjoy a full life. And the root of these serious difficulties lies in the simplest, even elementary, life situations. That's probably why we don't pay enough attention to them. And sometimes we catch ourselves too late, when the spine is already deformed.

But the fact is that not only the spine supports the body. He, in turn, also needs the support that the back muscles provide. They need training to be strong enough. And it's not only and not so much about sports, although it is necessary for a growing organism. But the general mode of activity directly affects the condition of the spinal muscles and spine. For proper development, the student must actively move, run, walk, stand on both legs. Instead, children and adolescents school age spend several hours in a row sitting at a desk, being distracted only during short breaks (and even then not all). Returning home in the evening (which they got to while sitting in the bus or dad's car), they sit down for lessons or at the table in front of the computer (which, in fact, differs little from the desk at school). And so day after day, year after year. This immobility is diluted with physical education lessons a couple of times a week, in best case- Classes in the sports section. But they do not reduce the harm that the inability to properly sit at a desk causes to health.

How to sit at a desk - rules for maintaining posture
To minimize the harm from a sedentary lifestyle, you need to teach your child to sit properly at a desk and any other table from childhood. Moreover, it is important that he adheres to your recommendations, not only under supervision, but also when you are not around, to remind you of the need to take the correct position. The only option is to explain, show and bring to automatism such a position of the body at the desk from childhood:

  1. The back should be straight, the spine is directed vertically. Only a slight forward tilt is allowed, and then on condition that the spine is kept straight, that is, the tilt, if necessary, is carried out by the whole body.
  2. The shoulders should always remain at the same level and form a horizontal line, without tilting. This will happen by itself if the requirement of the first paragraph is met.
  3. Be sure to leave a gap between the chest and the desk. On average, it should be such that an open palm is placed, turned up along the edge of the table. It is strictly forbidden to lie down on the table or cuddle up to it with your chest - this violates vertical position back and straightness of the spine.
  4. Hands should lie on the desk, and when bending at the elbows, an approximately right angle is formed. If the child gets used to lowering one arm down, under the desk, the shoulders will not be horizontal. If both hands go down - the shoulders stoop, the back is rounded and “humped”.
  5. Feet should be firmly planted on the floor, next to each other. Both feet should completely touch the floor, from heel to toe. The load on both buttocks is the same.
  6. It is forbidden to cross your legs. The legs should be parallel to each other and bent at the knees so that the thigh and lower leg form a straight (or as close to it as possible) angle between them.
  7. It is impossible to prop your head with one or two hands, lean on the table with your elbows and reach in any direction, touching the edge of the table with your armpits.
  8. You can also not lean back on the back of a chair. It is designed for light support and temporary rest. If you touch the back, then the entire spine, and not just the lumbar or other department.
Also, keep in mind that all these rules assume that the desk itself meets the standards. Once upon a time, in schools, a desk was called not just desks in classrooms, but solid structures consisting of a table and a bench connected to it. In modern schools, most chairs and tables are not interconnected. This creates situations where it is simply impossible to sit properly at a desk. To avoid mistakes, remember the signs of the correct desk:
  • The size of the desk depends on the height of the child. Accordingly, in junior and senior classes there cannot be tables and chairs of the same height.
  • If the height of the desk and chair is chosen correctly, then compliance correct posture does not cause labor. Otherwise, it will be impossible to put your feet on the floor with your entire foot and at the same time bend your knees at a right angle.
  • The correspondence between the height of the table and the chair is determined by the ability to put your hands on the table, bent at the elbows at a right angle. If the chair is too low, the fold angle will be sharp. If the height of the table is insufficient, the hands will bend unnaturally, which is fraught with the development of the so-called tunnel syndrome in the wrists.
  • You can not sit at a desk on a stool, the chair must have a back. The back of the chair is directed vertically or with a slight adjustable tilt back.
  • Chairs on wheels make it difficult to maintain a stable posture while sitting at a desk, so they are less desirable than regular chairs with four stable legs.
If there is no opportunity or desire to regularly buy new furniture, purchase immediately a desk with adjustable height. This allows you to adjust your posture according to different height children in the classroom. Houses are so thoughtful workplace ensures that active growth does not cause discomfort for the child, and you will be sure that he sits at the table correctly.

How to teach a child to sit properly at a desk
Many parents would be very happy to preserve the health of their children and carefully control their posture in home environment. But at school, the position of the body of a student sitting at a desk depends only on himself and the indifference of the teacher. Here are a few practical advice, which increase the likelihood that a teenager will not forget how to properly sit at a desk:

  1. Regularly (every 15-25 minutes) you need to move at least a little. Without getting up from the table, it is enough to stretch, stretch your shoulders, turn your head to one side and the other, turn your neck, etc. This will restore blood circulation, cause you to break a frozen posture, and in general will benefit both physical health and mental activity.
  2. If we are talking about school desks, the distance between them should be such that you can fully straighten your legs under the table. This will provide an opportunity to do the exercises from the previous paragraph and a comfortable feeling when sitting at a desk.
  3. In the classroom, it is also necessary from time to time to transplant children from one desk to another. This is necessary for the child to be different places regarding the blackboard, the teacher, the passage between the rows of desks. Accordingly, the inevitable deviations from an even posture will also change and partially balance.
  4. If there is a computer monitor on the desk, then its center should be exactly opposite the student's eyes, at the same level. At the same time, the optimal distance from the screen to the eyes of a seated person is about 50 centimeters.
  5. One of the most difficult to comply with, but extremely important rules Don't cross your legs under the table. To facilitate the formation of this habit, choose a school desk for the student with a drawer, shelf or crossbar that limits the empty space.
Sitting at a desk correctly - this, in addition to body position, means not sitting at a desk for too long. Just at the age of 16 years, there is an active formation of the musculoskeletal system. And all the defects laid down at this time can over the years “come around” with a tendency to migraines, fatigue, early osteochondrosis and other troubles. It is possible to increase the load on the spine only gradually. Children under 10 years old should get up from the table and move every half hour. Meanwhile, the lessons primary school last at least 40 minutes. Therefore, at least at home, watch the posture of the child so that he gets used to and sits correctly at the desk even without supervision.

The active formation of the child's skeleton falls precisely on school years. That is, at the time when a person spends most of his time at school for lessons. Therefore, it is very important for a student to know how to sit at a desk correctly. Otherwise, the consequences will be sad. The least that threatens children is bad posture and.

Why Proper Sitting is Important

The spine of each person has several. This is necessary to evenly distribute the load when walking upright. But the bones complete their formation after adolescence, and in the process of growth they are still too soft and prone to deformation. The muscles of the back that support the spinal column in the desired position are still weak and, if sitting or sleeping incorrectly, are too soft surface, the spine is deformed.

Most of all, the curvature contributes to improper sitting. It is not surprising that with primary school Children are diagnosed with scoliosis. Kyphosis and lordosis are diagnosed less frequently, and poor posture is diagnosed in almost everyone. The exception is children who go in for sports, dancing, classical choreography.

Poor posture always causes muscle pain. Poor circulation in the neck provokes headaches. Due to the stoop, the lungs are compressed, therefore, the depth of inspiration decreases, the body receives less oxygen, which leads to fatigue and feeling unwell. Digestion also suffers, as the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract are squeezed.

All these deviations cannot be called critical, they are not diseases. However, deviations in work internal organs- risk factor. Tendency to bronchitis, gastritis, diseases of the gallbladder - in many cases, the reason for this is the wrong position of the body at the table. Therefore, adults should know how to properly teach a child to sit (see).

How to sit during class

  1. The back and hips should be at a right angle.
  2. The knees are bent at a right angle.
  3. Feet are on a stand, not hanging in the air.
  4. The neck is straight.
  5. The back touches the back of the chair, does not bend.
  6. Shoulders are deployed.
  7. Elbows on the table.

These recommendations must be observed at school and at home, always, no matter what the child is doing. But to make it easier to sit, parents must provide their child the right furniture- it is impossible to maintain good posture when sitting at a table that is too high or on the wrong chair.

How to choose furniture for a child

For the child to sit comfortably, you need to pick up right table. It is worth focusing on school desks- they have an optimal height and the tabletop is set at a slight slope. This table top position allows you to write comfortably without having to lean forward or slouch your shoulders. For the home, to ensure the correct position of the back while sitting, you need to look for a table with the same top. A good option is transformers, in which the countertop can change its position.

Naturally, a suitable table height is also selected. A suitable option would be one in which the child will sit upright with his hands on the table, bending his elbows correctly. It is advisable to buy a model with adjustable height, in this case you will not have to update the furniture year after year, the table will “grow” with the student.

You need to pay attention to the color of the furniture. The best option- pastel shades or wood coloring. Too much dark color will absorb light rays, too light or bright - reflect, and both options are not suitable for the child, as his eyes will quickly tire.

A chair is also important for proper posture. It is advisable to buy a model with an orthopedic back, then there will be no problems with how the child should sit correctly. Thanks to the backrest, the torso of the sitting baby itself assumes a physiological position. The height of the chair should be adjustable, preferably a footrest, for greater comfort.

How to teach a toddler to sit

School is school, but proper sitting and posture skills should be taught from an earlier age. You need to know how to properly teach your baby to sit. Constant reminders to "straighten your back, sit up straight, don't slouch" are ineffective.

In order for the baby to keep his back evenly, you need to provide him with appropriate furniture. Yes, if not “adult”, but correct. The chair plays the main role in shaping the posture of preschoolers - let it be orthopedic. If there is a table, then the rules for choosing it do not change.

The second point is the general strengthening of the skeleton and muscles. From this point of view, it is very useful to go barefoot, where possible. Through bare feet, sensory information is transmitted to the rest of the body, which helps the brain to better analyze and control the spatial position of the body. Accordingly, it becomes easier to control posture.

Of course, you need to remind the child how to sit correctly in a chair or on a sofa - where there is no orthopedic back, but there are all the conditions to “fall apart”. No, the baby should not always sit “on the line”, but his pelvis should be as close as possible to the back of the chair, sofa - then it will be both comfortable and correct.

Find out what type of sports activity is best to choose.

Read about: the main indications, how to choose and wear a device.

Parents take note! different ages.

Requires sports or dancing. Everyone needs them, and not just for posture. General strengthening of the body, regular physical activity - this is what every child needs.

But for the formation of the correct posture, swimming, football or basketball are best suited (see). These sports help to strengthen all muscles, including the shoulder girdle, back - what is needed for the prevention of scoliosis.

And gymnastics or dances perfectly form the posture - classical choreography, ballroom or folk. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look not even at professionals, but at those who have been dancing for three or four years - the difference is obvious. In addition, this is also a good physical activity, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the child, making his body stronger, more flexible and plastic.

A child - a schoolboy spends a lot of time at his desk. Correct fit at the desk is the key to the proper development of the spine, back muscles and many internal organs.

The child is behind desk throughout the day. Of course, there are times of breaks and pauses, but the total period of sitting is long enough. Curvature of the spine is a process that develops rapidly. The impact of such a violation on the state of other internal organs is very large. Curvature of the spine can provoke disturbances in the work of the respiratory and digestive systems. These children are more likely to be diagnosed with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, constipation and colic. Central nervous system is also subject to change. Children with postural curvature show inattention and memory problems.

How to sit at the desk correctly?

The correct posture of the student is a guarantee that the load on the spine will be distributed properly. This, in turn, prevents the development of curvature. If the child is located at the desk in the correct position, there is increased efficiency, concentration and concentration of brain activity.
The position of the child at the table should be as follows:

  • The knees form a right angle.
  • The back and hips are at right angles.
  • The elbows are on the table.
  • The feet should rest on the footrest or on the floor.
  • The back of the chair is equipped with a ledge, which is necessary for the lower back.
  • The position of the back is even, but without tension.
  • The chair should fit the student in height.
  • You can't bend your neck to the table. It must remain straight.
  • The back and back of the chair must be in contact.

It must be borne in mind that the correct posture and the organization of the working angle of the child are interrelated concepts. You cannot purchase one set of furniture for all academic years. It is necessary that the pieces of furniture change as the child grows. It is acceptable to use adjustable furniture various characteristics: height, angle, etc. Parents should also take into account that light furniture will reflect Sun rays. While dark furniture contributes to the absorption of a large amount of light. Both options are unacceptable, because they provoke eye fatigue. The best option furniture is considered, the color of which is as close as possible to natural wood.
The ratio of the height of the child and the height of the table, chair:

  • If the height of the student is from 110 to 119 cm, then the table is 52 cm high, the chair height is 32 cm.
  • When the child is 120 - 129 cm, the height of the table is 57 cm, the chair is not higher than 35 cm.
  • The child is 130 -139 cm, optimal height the table in this case will be - 62 cm, a suitable chair - 38 cm.

Conscientious parents should not lose sight of the fact that sports are necessary prevention posture disorders. Regular exercise will allow the muscles of the back and abdomen to be in the correct position. It is important for a child from primary school to form conscious control over the position own body when studying at a table at home or a desk at school.

Landing rules when writing

1. In order for your back to remain flat, your eyes to be sharp, and beautiful, even letters to turn out in your notebook, at your desk you need:

Sit straight;

Lean back on the back of a chair;

Do not lean on the table with your chest;

Keep your legs straight, feet on the floor or stand;

Keep the torso, head, shoulders straight;

Put both hands on the table so that they rest on the edge of the table, and the elbows protrude beyond the edge of the table;

Hold the notebook with your left hand (if you are right-handed) and with your right hand (if you write with your left hand);

Write straight, and the slope will be created due to the inclined position of the notebook.

2. Do you know how to hold a pen correctly?

Imagine that on the middle finger right hand there is a "cushion":

On this "cushion" we lay the handle.

Index and thumb grab the handle from above:

Distance from the very tip of the pen to the tip index finger(distance X in figure) should be approx. 15 mm. If the distance is too small or too large, the hand will be tense when writing.

Well? Ready to go? Then...

Sit up straight, feet together

Let's take a notebook under the slope.

Left hand in place

Right hand in place

You can start writing!

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The formation of correct posture in schoolchildren is one of the primary tasks of parents and teachers. The child needs to sit correctly at the table in order to avoid developmental disorders of the spine, back muscles and internal organs. According to medical statistics, among children with various types curvature of the spine are more common diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis), the digestive tract (gastritis, cholecystitis, colic, constipation) and the central nervous system (attention and memory disorders).

In this article we will talk about the prevention of postural disorders in schoolchildren and how a child should sit correctly.

How to sit at a school desk for a student?

Correct posture at a desk not only prevents the development of spinal curvature, but also increases efficiency, and also has a positive effect on the quality of mental activity and attentiveness.

How to sit at the table for a student:

  • knees under the table should be bent at a right angle;
  • the line of the back and hips should also form a right angle;
  • elbow joints should lie completely on the table;
  • feet should be completely on the floor (or a special stand);
  • on the back of the chair there should be a special ledge (lumbar support);
  • the back should be straight, not tense;
  • The height of the table must match the height of the child. Thus, the student will not have to slouch or raise his elbows too high;
  • do not tilt your head forward or bend your back when sitting. The neck should be straight and the back should touch the back of the chair.

How to choose the right table?

Correct posture largely depends on the properly organized and the quality of the desk and chair. Throughout life, as the child grows, the furniture should "grow" with him. To do this, you can either regularly buy new tables and chairs, or initially choose models with the ability to adjust the height, angle of inclination and other characteristics.

It is also important to remember that furniture that is too bright or light reflects a lot of light rays, and a desk that is too dark absorbs light. Both that, and another leads to fast fatigue of eyes of the child. It is best to choose neutral colors for countertops (pastel or natural wood shades).

Prevention of posture disorders in children

Sport is an excellent prevention of posture disorders. Regular moderate physical exercise help to maintain the tone of the muscles of the back and abdomen, which significantly reduces the risk of spinal curvatures. Of course, the most important element formation of correct posture is a conscious control over the correct position of the body during sedentary work. Not only the children themselves, but also the parents must constantly monitor the correct posture, trying to always sit straight, without slouching or bending.

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