Sicilian mafia. Current state. How the Italian mafiosi sit

Until 1963, the Italian mafia was something of a myth for other countries, even the FBI did not acknowledge its existence, until some small fry of Cosa Nostra, Joe Valachi, to avoid death penalty, exposed the mafia, setting out in detail all its ins and outs. By the way, later, angry mafiosi tried to “sew” a traitor who was in prison until his death for breaking the vow of silence.

We can say that the mafia was secret society, about which only rumors circulated among the townsfolk, the whole system was shrouded in a halo of mystery.

After Valachi's confession, the Italian mafia became a truly fashionable phenomenon, its image romanticized in the media, literature and cinema. The most famous book about the Italian mafia, "The Godfather" by Mario Puzo, was written 6 years after the exposure, later an entire saga about the Corleone family was filmed based on it. Vito Corleone was based on Joe Bonanno, the godfather of one of the Five Families that control organized crime in New York.

Why did crime families become known as the "mafia"?

What the word "mafia" means, historians still argue. According to one version, it is an abbreviation of the motto of the uprising of 1282, which propagated the slogan: “Death to France! Breathe Italy! (Morte alla Francia Italia Anelia). Unfortunate Sicily was forever besieged by foreign invaders. Others believe that this word appeared only in the 17th century and has an Arabic root meaning "protector", "shelter".

Strictly speaking, the mafia is precisely the Sicilian group; in other parts of Italy and the world, the clans called themselves differently (for example, "Camorra" - in Naples). But with the increase in the influence of the mafia on other regions of Italy and the whole world, the word has become a household word, now they are named after any major criminal organization: Japanese, Russian, Albanian mafias.

A bit of history

under the guise Robin The Goode crime families have protected the poor from pirate raids, foreign aggressors and oppression by feudal lords since the 9th century. The government did not help the peasants, they did not trust foreigners, so the poor had no one to rely on, except for the mafia. And although the mafiosi also took a considerable bribe from them and imposed their own laws, they were still in order and protected.

The mafia was finally formed as an organization in the 19th century, and the peasants themselves put the criminals "on the throne", not wanting to obey the exploiters who ruled at that time - the Bourbons. So in 1861 the mafia officially became a political force. They crawled into parliament and got the opportunity to control political situation in the country, and the mafiosi themselves have become a kind of aristocracy.

Once the mafia extended its influence only to agriculture. But already at the beginning of the 20th century, mafiosi began to actively intervene in city affairs, helping this or that deputy win elections, for which he generously rewarded them. Now the influence of the mafia has spread to continental Italy.

Maybe the mafiosi would have lived without knowing anyone's refusal, swimming in money and enjoying unlimited power, but in 1922 the Nazis came to power. The dictator Mussolini did not tolerate the mafia as a second power, and then completely imprisoned thousands of people indiscriminately as involved in mafia affairs. Of course, such a tough policy has borne fruit for several decades, the mafiosi lay low.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the mafia raised its head again and the Italian government had to start an official fight against crime, a special body was created - the Antimafia.

And the mafiosi have turned into real businessmen. Most often, they acted on the principle of an iceberg: legal low-budget activities are at the top, and a whole block is hidden under the water, drug trafficking, “protection” of a business or prostitution. Thus, money is laundered to this day. Over time, many families have developed the legal part of the business so much that they have become successful entrepreneurs in the restaurant business and the food industry.

In the 1980s, a brutal clan war began, in which so many people died that the new generation of mafiosi preferred to do only legal business, while maintaining mutual responsibility and other signs of a secret organization.

But do not think that the Italian mafia is living out its last days. In March 2000, a scandal erupted in Italy: the police had to arrest several Sicilian judges suspected of working closely with the mafia.

Although the mafiosi were partially legalized, they did not leave the stage at all. In southern Italy, it is still impossible to open a business without enlisting the support of local authorities. In the past 10 years, the Italian government has been actively fighting the mafia, conducting "cleansing" and removing key positions mafia.

How mafiosi ended up in America

Due to terrible impoverishment, from 1872 until the First World War, Sicilians emigrated in droves to America. Luckily for them, Prohibition was just introduced there, which helped them develop their illegal business and accumulate capital. The Sicilians completely recreated their orders on the new land and earned so much that they total income several times higher than the income of the largest American firms. American and Italian mafiosi never lost contact with each other and faithfully kept common traditions.

In America, organized crime that came out of Sicily is called " Cosa Nostra"(in Italian it means" our business "- they say, do not poke your nose into someone else's question). Now the entire Sicilian mafia is often collectively called "Cosa Nostra". This name is also given to one of the Sicilian clans that returned home from America.

The structure of the Italian mafia

The boss or godfather is the head of the family. Information about all the affairs of his family and the plans of enemies flocks to him. The boss is elected by voting.

The underboss is the first deputy godfather. It is appointed solely by the boss himself and is responsible for the actions of all capos.

The consigliere is the family's chief adviser, whom the boss can fully trust.

A caporegime or capo is the head of a "team" that operates in a single family-controlled area. Teams are required to give the boss a portion of their earnings each month.

The soldier is the youngest member of the family, who was recently "introduced" into the organization. Teams of up to 10 people are formed from the soldiers, controlled by a kapo.

An accomplice is a person who has a certain status in mafia circles, but is not yet considered a member of the family. Can act, for example, as an intermediary in the sale of drugs.

Laws and traditions honored by mafiosi

In 2007, Salvador's influential godfather Lo Piccolo was arrested in Italy and seized secret document, called "The Ten Commandments of Cosa Nostra". Basically from it we know the traditions of the Italian mafia.

  • Each group "works" in a certain area and other families should not go there.
  • Initiation ritual for newcomers: a recruit's finger is wounded and the icon is poured with his blood. He takes the icon in his hand, and it is lit. The beginner must endure the pain until the icon burns. At the same time, he says: "Let my flesh burn, like this saint, if I break the laws of the mafia."
  • The family cannot include: policemen and those who have policemen among their relatives; That, Whocheating on his wife or among his relatives there are those Whochange spouses; as well as people who violated the laws of honor.
  • Family members respect their wives and never look at the wives of their friends.
  • Omerta is the mutual responsibility of all members of the clan. Joining the organization is for life, no one can get out of business. At the same time, the organization is responsible for each of its members, if someone offended him, she and only she will administer justice.
  • For an insult, it is supposed to kill the offender.
  • The death of a family member is an insult that is washed away in blood. Bloody revenge for a loved one is called "vendetta".
  • The kiss of death is a special signal given by mafia bosses or kapos, which means that this family member has become a traitor and must be killed.
  • Code of silence - a ban on revealing the secrets of the organization.
  • Betrayal is punishable by the murder of the traitor and all his relatives.

Contrary to the established ideas about the mafia, the “code of honor” is often violated: mutual betrayals, denunciations of each other to the police are no longer a rarity today.

In conclusion, let's say...

Despite the seemingly fabulous wealth of mafia leaders, it is mostly poverty from the Italian south that dreams of such a career. After all, this is a very dangerous business and, on closer examination, is not so profitable. After unfastening all the bribes, confiscating some of the illegal goods by the police, constantly spending money to protect yourself and your family - there is not much left. Many mafiosi are killed stupidly in banal drug deals. Today, not everyone can live according to the laws of honor, and the way back, contrary to the assurances of American melodramas such as Blue-Eyed Mickey, is no longer the case.

Boss of the Sicilian Mafia Matteo Messina Denaro

He became one of the most powerful leaders in Sicily in 2006, after the arrest of the main leader of Cosa Nostra, Bernardo Provenzano.
Matteo Messina Denaro was born on April 26, 1962 in Sicily, in the commune of Castelvetrano (province of Trapani) in the family of the Sicilian mafia Francesco Messina. Already at the age of 14, his father taught Matteo how to shoot weapons. And he committed his first murder immediately after coming of age, at the age of 18.

In July 1992, Matteo killed his father's rival, mafia boss Vincenzo Milazzo of Alcamo, and strangled his beloved Antonella Bonomo, who was three months pregnant. With this murder, he greatly increased his authority. In total, Matteo killed more than 50 people with his own hands. On this occasion, he even once spoke - "The people I killed can fill an entire cemetery." For this he was called the Devil.

A case is known when Denaro personally killed the owner of a Sicilian hotel for accusing him of cohabiting with underage girls. However, it is still unclear whether these accusations were really groundless or not, since the future boss of the Sicilian mafia led and leads a wild life.
He likes beautiful women, in his garage several Porsche sports cars. The wardrobe of the chief mafia of Sicily is presented expensive things Haute couture.

Matteo Messina Denaro in his youth

In the early 90s, the state began persecuting the mafia. Denaro and other bosses of the Sicilian mafia organized a series of bombings in Milan, Rome and Florence to make the state fear the mafia, and to abandon plans to arrest the big mafiosi. This is how they showed their power.

As a result of the explosions, 10 innocent people died, more than 90 were seriously injured. In 1993, Denaro was put on the wanted list by law enforcement agencies. But failing to find the mafia, he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment in 2002 for these crimes. But he remained at large, and took leadership positions in the mafia
After the death of his father in November 1998, Matteo became the CAPO in his home area, including Castelvetrano and the surrounding towns, while Vincenzo Virga was in charge of the city of Trapani and the surrounding area.

After the arrest of Virga in 2001, Matteo Denaro led the mafia in the province of Trapani. Under his leadership were about 900 fighters. Moreover, he reorganized the 20 mafia families in Trapani into a single "mandamento" (district, region), separated from the rest of Cosa Nostra.

The Trapani mafia is a strong supporter of the Cosa Nostra and is considered the most powerful, with the exception of families in Palermo. Matteo Denaro invested his money in extensive racketeering and extortion, forcing businessmen to come under his auspices and profiting from public building contracts (the family owns significant sand pits). Denaro is also involved in international trade drugs, joining forces with the Cuntrera-Caruana clan, which attracted the attention of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.

According to the Anti-Mafia Directorate in Palermo, he is in contact with relatives in New York and with Vito Roberto Palazzolo, a fugitive Mafia Boss in South Africa.

He also has interests in Venezuela and is in contact with Colombian drug cartels as well as with . His illegal network spread to Belgium and Germany.

Matteo Messina Denaro has close ties to mafia families in Palermo, especially in Branaccio, the territory of the Graviano family.

In 2006, the police arrested Cosa Nostra boss Bernardo Provenzano. Sicilian mafia could not be without the main leader for a long time, and Matteo Denaro became the new boss in the voting, especially since Provenzano himself supported the candidacy of Denaro. His closest opponents in the vote could be other influential mafiosi - Salvatore Lo Piccolo and Domenico Rakuglia. But in 2007, Salvatore Lo Piccolo was arrested, and two years later Domenico Racuglia was also arrested. So Matteo Messina Denaro became the "godfather" of the Sicilian mafia.

In 2009, the Sicilian police arrested one of the mafia divisions of Matteo, engaged in fraud in the area Agriculture. Structures controlled by Danero gave huge bribes to officials so that they would provide the mafia with winnings in government tenders related to all branches of agriculture. The mafia laundered huge amounts of money.
During the police operation, many businessmen, officials, were arrested. Denaro's brother, Salvatore, was also arrested. But it was not possible to arrest the main ideologist and organizer of this business, Matteo Denaro.

The boss of bosses received the next serious blow in 2013, when his sister, two cousins ​​and a nephew were arrested. They were charged with participation in an organized criminal group and racketeering.
Relatives of the mafia leader were detained as part of a large-scale operation to combat organized crime, which was carried out in the vicinity of the city of Trapani in western Sicily. In total, about thirty people were taken into custody. At the same time, money was confiscated in the amount of about five million euros, which, presumably, belong to Denaro and his family.
Until now, for the past 22 years, Denaro has been on the wanted list, and is one of the most wanted criminals. He is now 53 years old and continues to lead the Sicilian mafia.

A little history of the mafia
Each business has its own development, and each development is determined by the people involved in this business, especially if it is “Our business”. And the origins Italian mafia go back to the 9th century, when "robin hood" detachments protected the Sicilian peasants from the oppression and extortion of feudal lords, foreign raiders and pirates. The authorities did not help their poor, so they only called for help mafia and trusted in her. In return, a considerable bribe was paid, the unspoken laws put forward by members of the "security" groups were carried out, but, on the other hand, the poor were given guaranteed protection.

Why did crime families become known as "mafia"
There are two versions origin of the word "mafia". According to the first, under the influence of the Arab flair (either military or trade relations Sicily with representatives of the Arab countries), the root of the word means "refuge", "protection". According to the second version, suffering Sicily foreign invaders trampled along and across, and in 1282 there was an uprising, the motto of which became: “Death to France! Breathe Italy! (Morte alla Francia Italia Anelia). Anyway, mafia- a primordially Sicilian phenomenon, and identical criminal groups in other parts of Italy and the world were called differently, for example, "Ndragetta" in Calabria, "Sacra Corona Unita" in Apulia, "Camorra" in Naples. But, the “mafia” today, like the “jacuzzi”, “jeep” and “copier”, has become a household name, so any criminal organization is called it.

How did the mafia get into power?
As an organization, the mafia crystallized only in the 19th century, when the peasants, who did not want to obey the exploitative Bourbon regime ruling at that time, “blessed” mafia for political exploits. Thus, in 1861, the mafia officially took over the status of a ruling force. Having made their way into the Italian parliament, they got a chance to influence the formation of the political and economic course of the country, and the mafiosi themselves were transformed into the so-called aristocracy.
Beginning in the 20th century, members of criminal organizations began to promote "their senators" to parliament, secretaries to city councils, for which they were generously thanked. The carefree “bathing in money” might have continued further if the Nazis had not come to power. Head of Italy Benito Mussolini did not endure mafia in power, and indiscriminately began to imprison by the thousands. The rigidity of the dictator, of course, has borne fruit, Italian mafiosi sunk to the bottom.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the mafia perked up again, and the Italian government had to start an official fight against crime by creating a special body, the Antimafia.
And the mafiosi dressed in expensive suits of businessmen, building their work on the principle of "iceberg" where the official chain of sporting goods could be engaged in the underground trade in drugs or weapons, prostitution, "protection" of other business. But, even today nothing has changed, this is what happens in some areas of Italy to this day. Over time, some "businessmen" have seriously promoted their restaurant and hotel business, food production.
In the 80s, a fierce bloody struggle began between criminal clans, where such a huge number of people died that most of the survivors prefer to work only in the field of legal business, maintaining omerta, "mutual responsibility", and other signs of a valid mafia organization.
But, the mafia has not left the stage to this day. In southern Italy, 80% of firms pay bribes to their "roof", just as it is impossible to start a business without enlisting the support of local authorities. Carrying out "cleansings", the Italian government regularly sends city, regional and national officials from key posts accused of collaborating with the mafia to prisons.

How Italian mafiosi moved to America
Since 1872, as a result of sheer impoverishment, the Sicilians, in search of a better life, armies emigrated to America. And, lo and behold, the introduced “dry law” worked into their hands. They began to sell illegal liquor, having accumulated capital, they bought up enterprises in other areas of activity. Yes, for short term, the money turnover of the Sicilians in America began to exceed the turnover of the largest American corporations. The American, originating from Sicily, the mafia is called "Cosa Nostra / Cosa Nostra", which means "Our business". This name is also used by those who returned from America to their homeland Sicilian crime family.

The structure of the Italian mafia
Boss or Godfather - the head of the family, a criminal clan. Information about all the affairs of his family and the plans of enemies flocks to him, and is elected by voting.
Henchman or underboss- the first assistant to the boss or godfather. Appointed solely by the boss himself and is responsible for the actions of all caporegime.
Consigliere- the chief adviser of the clan, whom the boss fully trusts.
Caporegime or capo- the head of the "team", which works in a single area controlled by the family-clan.
Soldier- the youngest member of the clan, who was recently "introduced" into the mafia. Teams of up to 10 people are formed from the soldiers, controlled by a kapo.
Partner in crime- a person who has a certain status in mafia circles, but is not yet considered a member of the family. Can act, for example, as an intermediary in the sale of drugs.

Laws and traditions honored by mafiosi
In 2007, the famous godfather of Salvador Lo Piccolo was arrested, who was found to have "The Ten Commandments of Cosa Nostra", which describes the traditions and laws of members of the mafia clan.

Ten Commandments of Cosa Nostra
Each group "works" in a certain area and other families do not interfere with their participation.
Newcomer initiation ritual: a finger is wounded and the icon is poured with its blood. He takes the icon in his hand, they set it on fire. The beginner must endure the pain until the icon burns. At the same time, he says: "Let my flesh burn, like this saint, if I break the laws of the mafia."
The family cannot include: policemen and those who have policemen among their relatives.
Family members respect their wives, do not cheat on them, and never look at the wives of their friends.
Omerta- Mutual responsibility of all members of the clan. Joining the organization is for life, no one can get out of business. At the same time, the organization is responsible for each of its members, if someone offended him, she and only she will administer justice.
For an insult, it is supposed to kill the offender.
Death of a family member- an insult that is washed away with blood. Bloody revenge for a loved one is called "vendetta".
The kiss of death- a special signal given by mafia bosses or capos and meaning that this family member has become a traitor and must be killed.
Code of Silence- a ban on disclosing the secrets of the organization.
Betrayal is punishable by the murder of the traitor and all his relatives.

Thinking about this topic, I conclude:

Despite the untold treasures found, only the poor of the Italian south coast dream of such a career development. Indeed, with a simple calculation, it turns out that it is not so profitable: members of a criminal group have to calculate the costs of protecting themselves and their families, unfastening bribes, constant confiscation of goods, and this at a constant risk to their lives and all family members. A halo of mystery, supported by heartbreaking rumors for many decades, was shrouded in the whole secret mafia system. Is it really worth it?

Svetlana Conobella, from Italy with love.

About konobella

Svetlana Conobella, writer, publicist and sommelier of the Italian Association (Associazione Italiana Sommelier). Cultivist and implementer of various ideas. What inspires: 1. Everything that goes beyond the conventional wisdom, but respect for tradition is not alien to me. 2. The moment of unity with the object of attention, for example, with the roar of a waterfall, sunrise in the mountains, a glass of unique wine on the shore of a mountain lake, a fire burning in the forest, a starry sky. Who inspires: Those who create their world full of bright colors, emotions and impressions. I live in Italy and love its rules, style, traditions, as well as "know-how", but the Motherland and compatriots will forever be in my heart. www..portal editor

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Until the middle of the XIX century, the concept of "organized crime" in the United States was absent. The first sign was the clash of New York gangs, about which Martin Scorsese made his famous film. The groups "Swamp Angels", "Dead Rabbits", "Gophers" originated in the cellars of old breweries and the slums of the Irish who came to the New World in search of a better life. They recruited 10-11-year-old killers into their ranks, organized dog […]

Despite the relentless use of mafia images by Hollywood that have long become cliches, there are still illegal gangs in the world that control industry, engage in smuggling, cybercrime, and even shape the global economy of countries.

So where are they located and which ones are the most famous in the world?


This is not a myth, they exist and, by the way, were among the first to make significant efforts to help after the tsunami in Japan in 2011. The traditional areas of interest of the yakuza are underground gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking, arms and ammunition trafficking, racketeering, the production or sale of counterfeit products, car theft and smuggling. More sophisticated gangsters trade in financial fraud. Members of the group are distinguished by beautiful tattoos, which are usually hidden under clothing.


This is one of the most aggressive sects in Kenya, which arose in 1985 in the settlements of the Kikuyu people in the central part of the country. The Kikuyu gathered their own militia in order to protect the Masai lands from government militants who wanted to crush the resistance of the recalcitrant tribe. The sect, in essence, was a street gang. Later, large detachments were formed in Nairobi, which engaged in racketeering of local transport companies transporting passengers around the city (taxi firms, car parks). Then they switched to garbage collection and disposal. Each slum dweller was also required to pay the representatives of the sect a certain amount in exchange for a quiet life in their own shack.

Russian Mafia

It is officially the most feared organized crime group in the world. Former FBI special agents call the Russian mafia "the most dangerous people on the ground". In the West, the term "Russian mafia" can mean any criminal organization, both Russian itself and from other states of the post-Soviet space, or from the immigration environment in far abroad countries. Some stuff hierarchical tattoos, often use military tactics and carry out contract killings.

Hell's Angels

Considered an organized crime group in the United States. This is one of the largest motorcycle clubs in the world (Hells Angels Motorcycle Club), which has an almost mythical history and branches all over the world. According to the legend posted on the official website of the motorcycle club, during the Second World War, the US Air Force had the 303rd heavy bomber squadron with the name "Hell's Angels". After the end of the war and the disbandment of the unit, the pilots were left without work. They believe that their homeland betrayed them and left them to the mercy of fate. They had no choice but to go against their "cruel country, get on motorcycles, join motorcycle clubs and rebel." Along with legal activities (saloons for the sale of motorcycles, workshops for their repair, sale of goods with symbols), Hell's Angels are known illegal activities(sale of weapons, drugs, racketeering, control of prostitution and so on).

Sicilian Mafia: La Cosa Nostra

The organization began its activities in the second half of the 19th century, when the Sicilian and American mafia were the strongest. Initially, Cosa Nostra was engaged in the protection (including the most cruel methods) of the owners of orange plantations and nobles who owned large land plots. By the beginning of the 20th century, it had turned into an international criminal group, whose main activity was banditry. The organization has a clear hierarchical structure. Its members often resort to highly ritualistic methods of revenge, and also have a series of elaborate rites of initiation for males into the group. They also have their own code of silence and secrecy.

Albanian mafia

There are 15 clans in Albania that control most of the Albanian organized crime. They keep drug trafficking under their control, they are engaged in trafficking in people and weapons. They also coordinate the supply of large quantities of heroin to Europe.

Serbian mafia

Various criminal gangs based in Serbia and Montenegro, consisting of ethnic Serbs and Montenegrins. Their activities are quite diverse: drug trafficking, smuggling, racketeering, contract killings, gambling and information trafficking. To date, there are about 30-40 active criminal groups in Serbia.

Montreal Mafia Rizzuto

The Rizzuto are a crime family primarily based in Montreal but running the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. They once merged with families in New York, which eventually led to the mafia wars in Montreal in the late 70s. Rizzuto owns hundreds of millions of dollars of real estate in different countries. They own hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, construction, food, service and trading companies. In Italy, they own firms for the production of furniture and Italian delicacies.

Mexican drug cartels

Mexican drug cartels have been around for decades, and since the 1970s have been aided by some state structures Mexico. Mexican drug cartels intensified after the collapse in the 1990s of the Colombian drug cartels - Medellin and. It is currently the main foreign supplier of cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine in Mexico, and Mexican drug cartels dominate the wholesale illicit drug market.

Mara Salvatrucha

Slang for "Salvadorian roaming ant brigade" and is often shortened to MS-13. This gang is mainly based in Central America and is based in Los Angeles (although they operate in other parts of North America and Mexico). According to various estimates, the number of this cruel criminal syndicate ranges from 50 to 300 thousand people. Mara Salvatrucha is involved in many types of criminal business, including drug trafficking, arms and human trafficking, robbery, racketeering, contract killings, kidnapping for ransom, car theft, money laundering and fraud. hallmark The members of the group are tattooed all over their bodies, including on the face and the inside of the lips. They not only show a person's belonging to a gang, but also tell in their details about his criminal biography, influence and status in the community.

Colombian drug cartels

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