Aquarius and Aquarius, compatibility in love relationships of extraordinary personalities. Cancer and Aquarius - compatibility of partners, difficulties in love relationships

Cancer and Aquarius, very different from each other, demonstrate compatibility, albeit the most successful, but quite interesting. In such an alliance, both partners are in for a lot of surprises and surprises. Their first meeting may occur under very unusual circumstances. Representatives of signs can perfectly communicate with each other, without thinking about a joint future. At the same time, it will seem to them that such an alliance will last for a long time. However, time tends to make adjustments. Relationships will gradually begin to break down. If lovers do not make efforts to save them, then everything can end in a break.

1. Psychological compatibility signs of the zodiac.

2. Aquarius woman, Cancer man in love.

3. The intimacy of Cancer and Aquarius.

4. Aquarius woman and Cancer man - are spouses suitable?

Psychological compatibility of zodiac signs. Cancer man, Aquarius woman in a relationship

Such an alliance is very difficult, both partners have to overcome many serious trials. As a rule, the man suffers more from these relationships. He initially had an erroneous opinion about his chosen one. After a while, Aquarius begins to control, manipulate Cancer.

Aquarius woman and Cancer man build love relationships very intriguingly, we can say that their union is rather mysterious, unusual and curious:

Aquarius is naturally endowed with self-confidence, strong will, besides, she knows how to keep her mouth shut.

Such a woman is wounded by life, and therefore the Cancer man begins to take care of the chosen one, patronize and protect her.

For a girl, such a gentleman always remains a mystery, but that's exactly what she likes.

Sometimes Cancer gets tired of living in his own small world, he opens up to his soulmate, counting on her care and support.

This is where the similarity ends. Partners perceive the same phenomena and events in completely different ways. A woman often thinks in pictures, and her chosen one - in images. That is, he has a developed imagination, which causes frequent mood swings. The picture is a very real, detailed object. Cancer reacts strongly to changes in the lunar cycle, while Aquarius is guided only by personal preferences. A man is used to trusting emotions and feelings, and his partner is controlled by thoughts. It is thanks to so many differences that the union “man Cancer - woman Aquarius” looks very intriguing.

Such a partner cannot be called a reliable support. His mood depends on feelings and emotions, which sometimes lie so deep in the soul that even Cancer himself does not know why he behaves one way or another in a particular situation. A woman perceives her boyfriend as a natural phenomenon that needs to be felt and understood.

Is it good compatibility? Aquarius woman, Cancer man in love

Such a woman is sure that the past does not matter. She will try to wean her partner from living in the past, to return him to reality. On this basis, conflicts often arise between lovers. After all, it will seem to Cancer that the girl simply does not understand this vulnerable, sensitive soul. In principle, he is right, since Aquarius really does not differ in tact, intuition and sensitivity.

Initially, the Cancer man really likes the mystery of the Aquarius woman. She is also attracted by his shyness, modesty, lack of independence and masculine mentality. It will seem to a woman that the gentleman is very cute and funny. Not knowing how things really are, she will be sure that Cancer is just as shy in intimate life. However, he surprises her greatly. After all, in bed he is a real knight. Sexual pressure, willingness to experiment will amaze and please the partner, because she herself is a liberated person. That is why sexual compatibility"Cancer man - Aquarius woman" is filled with harmony.

When it comes to everyday life, the situation is much worse. Such a woman loves order and cleanliness. She will be unpleasantly surprised by the carelessness and sloppiness of the gentleman. He used to throw clothes, candy wrappers and other items around the house. Cancer calls such chaos a creative disorder. In addition, he likes to litter the apartment with all sorts of unnecessary things. He simply believes that without them it is impossible to achieve spiritual harmony. Naturally, this will unnerve and annoy Aquarius. When a woman begins to get rid of garbage, Cancer will consider her heartless.

Sometimes the compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius in a relationship helps to keep a woman's optimism and sense of humor. But often partners have to look for compromises in order to save the union. They need to learn to listen to the second half, not to make the same mistakes. At one point, it may seem to a spouse that life with Cancer has become monotonous, insipid and monotonous, because he does not like the fuss, hype, unnecessary movements. Quiet evenings in home environment. A sociable, cheerful wife will insist on going out, attending various events. A man will resist such pressure. Aquarius will find a way out of the situation in a house party. Such a decision will anger Cancer, but he will try to endure it.

Intimacy between Cancer and Aquarius

If the stars successfully converge and circumstances develop, Cancer man, Aquarius woman will find compatibility in bed quite harmonious. This young lady is naturally very proud, and therefore will not take the first step towards intimacy. But she will not be able to withstand the pressure of the impatient Cancer. IN sexual relations such partners it is difficult to identify a leader. Her natural femininity does not allow her to be an initiator, although the determination and willpower of Aquarius would be quite enough to take a leading position.

If the partners correctly connect their best qualities, then they will be able to achieve harmony in their personal lives. Both will be quite happy with the roles that they got. Aquarius will become an obedient lover, will give her partner pleasure with her caresses. And he will win her heart with his desire and endless pressure.

Love compatibility signs. Aquarius woman and Cancer man - are spouses suitable?

Such partners may well move to the next stage of the relationship. Only for this they need to overcome all the difficulties. Cancer should become less shy, and Aquarius should calm their ardor and not look for new adventures. It is marriage that will help to understand how different they are. Everyone will try to pull the blanket over to their side. A man longs for home comfort, quiet family evenings, and a woman cannot imagine life without communication. Dissimilar Aquarius woman, Cancer man will find compatibility in marriage only when they learn to find compromises.

Only mutual help will help to achieve harmony in relationships. Cancer must learn to understand the chosen one, allow her to meet with friends more often. She should try to establish a home, arrange family evenings, pamper her husband. delicious food. In this case, lovers will find mutual language. The birth of joint children will help spouses get closer, as in a couple.

Are Cancer and Aquarius able to maintain compatibility in a love relationship for a long time?

In order for the Cancer man and the Aquarius woman to find compromises in love, they first need to change themselves. The girl must stop constantly patronizing the chosen one, provide him with freedom, come to terms with his rather strange desires. After all, if something does not suit him, he will not endure, but simply pack his bags and evaporate. Even a stamp in the passport will not be able to keep Cancer.

In fact, a woman is able to demonstrate good compatibility between Cancer and Aquarius. The main thing is that both have good mood. Then they will joke and have fun. If partners understand each other's character traits, they will be able to achieve happiness and harmony. A man must love himself so as not to look for confirmation of love from others. A woman must understand that life is impossible without emotions. Despite the fact that Cancer, Aquarius, the compatibility of signs is very strange, they are able to build a successful union.

Aquarius loves to play tricks on others, and a loved one is no exception. However, Cancer does not have a good sense of humor, and therefore may not understand jokes. He does not endure ultimatums and restrictions, does not like it when something starts to go wrong. If the spouse tries to put pressure on the chosen one, he will show perseverance, which will offend his beloved. Fortunately, both signs are easygoing. Thanks to this, Cancer and Aquarius often manage not to lose compatibility in love during a quarrel. Even after a strong scandal, the partners quickly calm down and begin to do more important things.

When the Cancer man and the Aquarius woman overcome the crisis line, their compatibility will improve, the relationship will become easy. It is always interesting with such a wife, because she is a wonderful companion, it is good to travel with her and even just walk. Cancer is able to fill even an ordinary day with bright colors, because he has a developed imagination. This will help lovers come to terms with their dissimilarity.

The union of two Aquarius has every right to exist. This is exactly the case when not only opposites attract. Aquarians can not only tolerate, but also love and respect their own kind.

Problems in any relationship between the two Aquarius are possible, but they are very unusual and incomprehensible to many. Despite this, each union of two representatives of the same sign is a frequent phenomenon.

For two Aquarius to create a love union, a tiny spark is enough. What does it have to do with we are talking not at all about erotic notes. Aquarians know how to look at sexuality in mental abilities , so relationships will start even in winter, when there will be no opportunity to consider the charms of figures under thick down jackets.

The beginning of the novel promises to be very interesting, because these people like to impress. They will definitely join extraordinary thinking and will do everything to turn an already romantic relationship into real fairy tale. Aquarians are not averse to playing with each other and dramatizing, so if there are quarrels, it's for the sake of a beautiful plot.

Neither a man nor a woman will take each other to the registry office. They value freedom and see no particular need for marriage.

In addition, they treat the fuss, without which registration at the registry office will not do, they treat badly. That is why a man and a woman can meet for a long time or live in a civil marriage.

It would seem that everything is perfect. Both live today, think and act the same way. That's just, after marriage, Aquarius will certainly run into trouble.

If the representatives of the Aquarius sign nevertheless got married, it means that they realized the power of their feelings. Just like that or for the sake of any benefit, these people will not tie the knot. At first, life together will not disappoint at all, because the newlyweds will be enthusiastic about the new life stage.

The cause of the first serious conflict will most likely be complex life situation . There is a huge minus in the character of Aquarius - the “turning off” of common sense under critical circumstances. If something unpleasant happens to them, only emotions and, therefore, rash actions will go in.

save the day in this case the parents of Aquarius are capable, if, of course, they are not representatives of this sign. Since both a man and a woman are happy to listen and even adapt to those who seem to be their authority, relatives will help resolve the situation.

When both representatives of the Aquarius sign reach adulthood, they will understand what was often done from elephant flies and will laugh at what upset and baffled them. That is why astrologers say that these people should marry in very adult.

In addition to the difficulties in everyday life, Aquarians are unlikely to quarrel over something else. This couple will not face betrayal, since both the man and the woman are related to intrigues on the side extremely bad. Accordingly, one can say nothing about jealousy. If one of the Aquarians seriously loves another person, he will immediately leave for him and confess everything.

The virtue of this marriage union- absence quarrel over money. Aquarians will feel like they are in paradise in a hut if they really feel good together.

Another one possible problem between a pair of Aquarius is the appearance of children. Difficulties will arise after the kids grow up and understand that not everything said by their parents is true.

A child born under any other zodiacal sign, capable destroy family harmony created over the years.

As in the case of domestic troubles, Aquarius parents will quarrel over wrong actions in relation to the child. Each Aquarius will be angry at the soul mate, reproaching her for the wrong upbringing.

It is very difficult for astrologers to say anything specific about this, since every Aquarius in bed very individual. One of the representatives of the sign may prefer romantic intimacy, and the other - violent role-playing games.

Even if the interests in the sexual sphere are different, Aquarians will make concessions to each other, as they are not afraid of experiments. Innovations are not alien to them at all.

Only quarrels and discontent can spoil intimate harmony. Aquarians are not the kind of people who make up in bed. If in their relationship frequent conflicts, there can be no question of any sexual compatibility.

If the representatives of the sign turn out to be colleagues, then the union will be productive. No intrigues, hostile attitudes and misunderstandings - only passion for work and warm friendly relations . Two representatives of the Aquarius sign will most likely prefer the same style in the business field, so it will be easy to work.

Problems are not excluded in a situation where the Aquarius woman will play the role of the boss, and the Aquarius man will play the role of a subordinate, or vice versa. The first problem is thirst for equality for both signs. The subordinate will have to give in, but it is hard for him to take it for granted. The employee will wind himself up, even if the boss is not harsh.

Problem number two is the inability to act in extreme situations. In a difficult set of circumstances, the boss will be confused, and the subordinate will accuse him of inaction or cowardice, instead of helping.

The friendly union of representatives of the Aquarius sign will confirm the possibility of friendship between a man and a woman. If there's no deep between them love feelings, two Aquarius will be just faithful and caring friends. Their other halves should not be afraid for treason, because Aquarius does not tend to turn friendship into love.

The basis of a successful relationship in this case will be a common outlook on life. Comrades will understand each other perfectly. There will be no rivalry, no jealousy, no envy. Representatives of these signs have no desire to be friends because of the benefits. Even if one of the comrades finds himself in a difficult financial situation, the other will definitely help him.

Two Aquarians often come together, such couples are not uncommon. But it is impossible to call them ideal and cloudlessly happy. They, like many other people, have quarrels and problems. One of the Aquarians in a pair suffers and sacrifices his interests. The “non-ideal” of the couple is proof that there are few common interests and similarities of characters for a happy union.

Aquarius-Aquarius compatibility: how to seduce an Aquarius man?

The Aquarius man thinks progressively, but he believes that in addition to the material world there are other moments that are no less important and affect our lives. Therefore, he is sensitive to the messages of fate. He will consider the birth of his chosen one under the same Zodiac sign as such a message. For him, this may be an indication that this woman and he are meant for each other. So on the side of a woman who wants to seduce - the circumstances themselves. The Aquarius man is selfish in personal relationships and loves to be taken care of. He must be full of strength in order to transform the world in a revolutionary way (or at least to help his friends), and as a companion he will choose the one who will take care of the well-being, domestic and psychological comfort of Aquarius, and will not burden him with his problems. The Aquarius woman really does not like to burden anyone with her difficulties, and in a state of love, sacrifice and the need to take care of a partner wake up in her. And only in the third place, the Aquarius man will notice the amazing unanimity and similarity of beliefs with his woman. This will be the last argument, after which he no longer wants to lose her.

What does an ideal couple look like: an Aquarius woman - an Aquarius man?

The ideal couple of two Aquarians is distinguished by curiosity, a mobile lifestyle and an unusual family lifestyle. At least something in their union will not be the way it is accepted. Guests willingly visit the house of this couple: Aquarians are very hospitable even in moments of quarrels between themselves or everyday difficulties. People around are unlikely to know about their problems: Aquarians are open and sociable, but they do not let them inside their personal lives. Therefore, most acquaintances will agree that this is a sweet and pleasant, albeit somewhat eccentric couple. Of particular surprise is how casually Aquarians treat their resources. “We should have that kind of money/education/connections!” - many people gossip enviously and incomprehensibly. Aquarians are really indifferent to material goods and in this they found mutual understanding. They are more interested in not attaching themselves to the material. Therefore, among Aquarians there are so many people associated with abstractions: programmers, philosophers, esotericists. The ideal couple of Aquarius does not live “as it should” and not according to the scheme of petty-bourgeois well-being, but adhering to a certain idea. According to this idea, they compare their ordinary everyday actions.

What are the difficulties in the union of the Aquarius woman and the Aquarius man?

Both men and women of this sign are stubborn. With the problem of compromise, they will face the very first time after the start of a relationship. Still, absolutely all tastes and interests do not coincide with them simply because of the difference between the male and female psyches. If the question concerns one of the Aquarius, everything is fine - the second will not interfere in his affairs and decisions. But if it comes to a common cause, then no one wants to give in. For example, disputes about what to cook for dinner are common, and both Aquarius are based not on tastes, but on ideological beliefs about what a healthy diet should be. The second problem of the couple is that over time, romantic fervor can fade away, and they, blinded by the calm course of life and agreement on most issues, will not notice how they became friends from lovers. Often the unions of two Aquarians exist as a partnership of friends and like-minded people. But this lasts until one of them meets love. Aquarians are romantic in feelings and their former connections will not hold them back.

The original thinking of Aquarius will help to cope with the problem of concessions. One of you wants one, and the other wants another? Why stop at just two options? Turn on your ingenuity and find at least a dozen more. The more original and exotic they are, the greater the chance that they will suit both, and in addition they will allow you to have a good laugh. Ingenuity and a sense of humor - great way resolve any conflict of interest. Ideally successful and existing for a long time the unions of Aquarius are a partnership of spiritually developed people. If Aquarius began to get stuck in life or he hit originality for the sake of originality, then he himself will not notice how he will begin to live like everyone else. In this case, a meeting with a pretty lady or a courteous man can break up a couple, because sexuality in the current world is considered more important condition relationships than spiritual unity. But if Aquarians grow intellectually and morally, if they are true to their convictions, then both the woman and the man will cherish the partner who has become their "friend and brother." They are well aware that next to them is their spiritual half, and one should not even dream of a better one. Therefore, the only advice to Aquarius: develop and help your partner develop. This will save your union.

Aquarius woman and Aquarius man compatibility at work

It is better for two Aquarians to work side by side, but not together. They will gladly support each other with advice or help in right moment, but the thinking of each of them is too peculiar for them to be able to share one idea for two. Everyone is interested in realizing their ideas.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Aquarius man - colleagues or partners

They perfectly understand each other, but are not interested in the affairs of a colleague. It is more convenient for each of them to look for a group of like-minded people for their idea and implement plans with them. If they just work side by side, but not in pairs, then they become good friends and always ready to help each other.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss and the Aquarius man is the subordinate

A strange union in which neither a woman can lead, nor a man can obey. Good result work is achievable if both of them are interested in it and have discussed the rules of cooperation.

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and an Aquarius man is a boss

Almost the same situation as in the previous version. The Aquarius man as a boss is not very good, he does not know how to set goals for the team. The Aquarius woman is non-confrontational, smart, but does not like a rigid schedule and control. They will understand each other, but this does not make the work any easier - it will certainly be completed on time and not in the right way.

Aquarius Woman and Aquarius Man Friendship Compatibility

This great couple friends. They understand each other, they have a similar temperament, character, hobbies. Two Aquarians will be happy to attend various events together, participate in public life, explore the world, share ideas. In addition, a woman of this sign is very kind and will patronize a male friend. And he, in turn, is ready to help at any time. They are reliable and constant in affection, so they may not see each other for months, when everyone is busy with their lives, but not interrupt friendship and not move away from each other. They consider themselves friends and behave towards each other accordingly even after years of separation. The "halves" of Aquarius can not be afraid of betrayal - rather, Aquarius will try to make friends with their partners and organize a common company.

Many people believe in horoscopes. What does the union of Aquarius and Sagittarius promise? The lifestyle, values, worldview of Sagittarius and Aquarius are very similar. Therefore, this union is considered ideal. The unpredictable Aquarius will immediately be attracted by the openness, friendliness of Sagittarius. Complementing each other, they will easily find mutual understanding. These signs feel each other on subconscious level. Being optimistic, this pair of two adventurers will easily build a bright future and find a way out of

any problem or dispute.

If the woman is Sagittarius and the man is Aquarius, compatibility will be very interesting. What can you say about Sagittarius? Sometimes it is too direct. And he voices his thoughts, forgetting about the feelings of a person. He likes to reach the truth, easily recognizing deception. So it's important to be honest with her.

She pleasant and easy to communicate, optimist, versatile personality. She does not purposefully seek to offend someone's feelings, hurt a person, and if she does, it is not from evil, more by accident.

Energetic, responsive, self-confident, is always on the move, eager to learn new things and learn. At the same time, she beautiful hostess and will easily create coziness in the house, doing it with pleasure.

Monotony and monotony burden her, so the Sagittarius woman loves travel where you feel relaxed and free. looking for a man intellectual, adventurous, interesting. A spineless, weak and spineless life partner is unlikely to interest her.

It is useless to remake this woman, it is difficult to impose your own rules on her, it is pointless to stifle with jealousy, and even more so to limit something: for example, in communicating with friends and in the desire to do what you love.

If you do not make these mistakes, then the relationship with Sagittarius will bring joy and a lot of positive emotions.

This guy open, talkative, intellectual, adventurer. Honest and frank, does not accept secrecy in relation to himself, doesn't like fake.

It is useless to remake and convince this person. If he disagrees with something, he will do as he sees fit. Such people are not inclined to live according to generally accepted norms and rules.

A woman will push him away jealous, dominant, encroaching on his freedom, fixated on the material. It is important to support Aquarius, to have common interests with him, to be an intellectually developed person, to surprise with non-standard inventions and fantasies.

Acquaintance and date

Representatives of these signs - adventurers They don't like to sit in one place. Therefore, they are able to meet anywhere.

They easily find contact with each other, a lot of common themes for a conversation during which the easy-going Aquarius will invite Sagittarius on a date. The representative of fire is used to being bright and irresistible.

She will prepare for the date by going around all the shops. A romantic Aquarius arrange the best date, during which it turns out that they have many common friends, interests, views, tastes. Therefore, a romantic date can turn into a noisy party with invited friends.

Love, relationships and marriage

Openness, friendliness, thirst for adventure, adventurism, restlessness immediately attract the Aquarius man. Sagittarius will praise him all the time, inciting him to new adventures and adventures. The tenderness and affection of Aquarius will be to the heart of a passionate Sagittarius woman. A spark will fly between them instantly.

The Sagittarius woman loves to flirt on the side. The Aquarius man will not throw tantrums, but simply hint that if his company is tired, he will understand everything and leave.

One of the difficult moments of the relationship will be household device. After all, they both do not tolerate routine. Someone will disappear with friends, and someone - on business trips. Both of them value their personal space.

They can live in a civil marriage for a long time. Most often, the wedding occurs after the woman becomes pregnant. The wedding will be magnificent, and they will live, most likely, outside the city, where there is a lot of space. Decorated in bright colors, the house will be filled with fun, happiness, love. When children appear, Aquarius and Sagittarius will immediately become good friends for them.

intimate life

Intimate connection in this couple going pretty fast. In sex, they do not have monotony - it can be both passionate and affectionate. They love experiments, games, studying each other.

Friendship and partnership

The restless, charming girl Sagittarius does not sit still. Adults adore the erudite Aquarius boy. They will immediately make friends, find themselves a noisy company, creating a movement around them.

Office work is not for her.. Sociable, she easily finds business partners who soon become her friends. Aquarius grabs people with its calmness, charisma. They can easily become colleagues, have a common cause.

However, in terms of organization, handling money, they need a responsible, stable, workhorse person. Eg, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.

So, in a couple, Aquarius man, Sagittarius woman, compatibility in love will make you want the best or will it be perfect?

Let's talk about the character of the Aquarius Woman. She has difficult character . To someone, an Aquarius woman may seem arrogant, in fact, it is a developed sense of self-esteem. Easy to communicate, not jealous, knows his own worth, not suspicious. Calm, restrained in feelings.

Appreciating her freedom, she faithful to her husband in marriage and becomes his devoted friend and wife. She is looking for an easy-going man, intelligent, not boring, moderately strong and quick-witted, who has a goal in life and whom she can trust.

Such a woman will not pester her husband with jealousy, scandals and restrict his freedom, since she herself values ​​\u200b\u200bit. She will not be bored both outside and at home, because such a woman will always find something to entertain her husband with.

The constellation of Aquarius endows such a woman developed intuition, curiosity, attraction to everything new, unknown.

Negative qualities of an Aquarius woman:

Sagittarius man

noble, conscientious, with honor comes out of difficult situations. He peaceful, does not know cruelty and aggression. Loves variety and freedom. He promises nothing, afraid Serious relationships. Therefore, such men marry most often in adulthood.

Selective in choosing a woman. His ideal is traveler, adventurer, sociable, humorous, easy-going, versatile, intellectually developed and spontaneous. Looking for an equal both in temperament and intellect.

It is useless to re-educate a Sagittarius man. If you can't accept him for who he is, don't date him at all. In a companion, he is looking first of all for a good, understanding friend, and then everything else.

Negative qualities of a male Sagittarius:

First meeting

He likes travel, hiking. She with her sociability draws people in. Being all the time in motion, they may not notice each other, but the planets will still bring these people together. They will immediately feel attraction or love at first sight. Their first date is going to be great. Aquarius girl always looks good, eh fiery Sagittarius impress her with your scope, romance, non-standard setting.

Family life

Aquarius woman prefers long courtship. But the attraction will arise instantly. And intimacy is possible even after the first date.

Sagittarius man is amorous, but flirting with everyone. The Aquarius woman will not tolerate such an attitude towards herself. No scenes of jealousy. She just quickly finds an alternative to her boyfriend. Upon learning of this, Sagittarius will flare up and ... ask for forgiveness. Wise Aquarius will forgive.

Sagittarius is easy to get interested in. He always ready to chat. It is important to give him this interesting communication, become a friend, like-minded person. Due to his gullibility and naivety, he tends to believe every word. Therefore, before you promise something, think. He quickly loses interest in people who are not obligatory, who do not know how to answer for their words.

She will spend time with her friends, he with his friends. And neither of them will nag the other. Both value personal space and freedom. When Aquarius becomes pregnant, Sagittarius will be able to become a gentle husband. He will pamper his child, and Aquarius mother will support the child in everything.

bed relationship

They are both liberated, easily discuss intimate topics, and are ready to experiment. But Sagittarius has a more passionate temperament. In a partner, he wants to see more sensuality, passion, romance. It excites the mind and personality of a man. She treats sex as a satisfaction of a natural need. The sexual compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius is ambiguous.

Friendship and partnership

The restless fidget Sagittarius will quickly make friends with an elegant, educated girl. He will become for her knight, protector, companion. He will fulfill all her desires, and she will pull him out of any controversial situations.

He talented but can't figure out what he really wants. Today he dreams of a career as an economist, tomorrow as an artist.

She is charming and has out of the box thinking. Aquarius will be able to direct the energy of the restless Sagittarius in the right direction. Of them make a great team. But the financier will have to be looked for on the side.

Attention, only TODAY!

The compatibility of the Aquarius man with other signs can be very difficult. Not everyone is able to understand the original type of thinking or accept extravagant behavior. This air sign constantly changes his hobbies, activities, passionately loves to travel. He does not accept restrictions on freedom, his attachments are very short-lived. The Aquarius man is in no hurry to tie the knot, but family life with him is very difficult.

Aquarius personality

The characteristic of the Aquarius man is very complex and controversial. This person prefers to live like in a fairy tale, and each time in a new one. He has highly developed creative abilities, and an irrepressible thirst for knowledge. Aquarius wants to learn new things all the time. His intellect works at high speeds, his thinking is non-standard and original. Not everyone is able to understand the ideas of the air sign. The scale of his thought is directed to the future.

Many Aquarius people are creative, they do not accept any restrictions. Often men choose the professions of artists, musicians, writers, journalists. In this field, great results can be achieved. But failures are not uncommon, because representatives of this sign do not like to work on the same thing for a long time. Their interests and hobbies change rapidly. Therefore, among the men of Aquarius there are many losers. It seems that a person has a very great potential, but in the end it turns out that behind him are solid undertakings and not a single completed project.

At first glance, the Aquarius man finds compatibility with other signs of the zodiac very easily. He is very sociable, he has many friends, but few true friends. Aquarius easily breaks old ties for the sake of new acquaintances, not paying attention to other people's feelings. Who can hold the air? He is capable of sympathy, ready to help the whole world, and often participates in volunteer organizations. Although it happens that the closest people are left without his attention. A man pays more attention to his friends than to his relatives.

Aquarius is in no hurry to marry, even when he is perfectly compatible with his chosen one according to the horoscope. He is afraid that family ties will limit his freedom too much. Most often, such men marry in adulthood, considering the wedding as another adventure that they have not yet had in their lives. They make surprisingly good fathers. They love children and do not let them get bored. Dad can teach his child many things, never gets tired of inventing games and fun. However, Aquarius husband often disappears from home. He has too many friends, interests, little time left for his family.

Compatibility with the fire element

Fire rules such representatives of the Zodiac:

  • Sagittarius

Air and fire are compatible well. These elements perfectly support each other, because the burning of fire is impossible without air. According to the horoscope, these are active, freedom-loving and independent people. Their union is bright and fruitful. A man will direct the energy of his fiery partner in the right direction, feed the connection intellectually. His girlfriend will powerful engine, will turn the partner's ideas into completed cases. The main thing is that the spouses do not argue which of them is more important and smarter.

Aquarius man partnership with Aries woman

The compatibility of the zodiac signs Aquarius man and Aries woman is very controversial. It could be like perfect couple, and a completely impossible union. Often a guy and a girl fall in love with each other unexpectedly, they are overwhelmed by passion, and they do not notice the contradictions. A woman becomes the initiator of marriage, she often thinks about creating a family. The main problem is the lack of ambition in Aquarius, which is completely unacceptable for Aries. The family is never without scandals. Peace can come only when husband and wife learn to yield and respect each other's opinions.

Lioness and Aquarius Compatibility

These two signs are at opposite ends of the zodiac spectrum. Between them it is possible real love for life, so is hatred. The union of the fiery Lioness and the independent Aquarius is very strong and fruitful. They respect the taste, creativity of each other. Both partners love society, they shine in the company of friends, at receptions and parties. Conflicts between a man and a woman can arise on the basis of finances. Aquarius is not at all interested in the financial situation of the family; money is important for Leo, because his demands are very high.

Aquarius Compatibility with Sagittarius

Aquarius and Sagittarius are compatible very well, this pair is the best in the combination of fire and air. Two freedom-loving and creative people perfectly understand each other. Together they will travel the whole world, come up with more than one stunning project (sometimes they will successfully fill it up together). Everyone envy this couple, because their life is so interesting and exciting, full of emotions, adventures, adventures. Unfortunately, partners rarely marry. They can remain lovers for years and be absolutely happy from this, no matter who tells them what. They are forced to create a real family by external circumstances - the pressure of authoritarian relatives, pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

Partnering with the Earth Element

To the elements of the Earth belong:

  • Taurus
  • Capricorn

Next to an earthly woman, an Aquarius man can forget about all material worries. She perfectly organizes life, puts aside an impressive amount for a rainy day. But not everything is so rosy in this union. A free air sign feels like being in a cage next to such a partner. He cannot realize his creative potential, a girlfriend can never understand his ideas and aspirations. Therefore, compatibility between Aquarius and earth signs is weak, happy marriages a rarity, there are a lot of them in the percentage of divorces.

Aquarius Compatibility with Taurus Woman

A Taurus woman can fall in love with Aquarius, seeing in him a child who needs to be patronized. But for her, such a marriage will turn into continuous difficulties. All household chores will have to be pulled alone, and her husband will never be around. The financial situation of the family is often deplorable if the wife does not earn money herself. For a man, this position brings many benefits, but it is he who initiates the gap. Independence and freedom are more important to him than home comfort. Therefore, the husband easily leaves, however, the wife will sooner or later realize that it is better for both. After all, the compatibility of signs Aquarius man and woman Taurus is very weak. It is better for them to seek happiness with other partners.

Aquarius Compatibility with Virgo

An Aquarius man has very little chance of meeting a Virgo woman. He leads a bohemian lifestyle, constantly attends parties, where Virgo rarely visits. Most often, the couple gets acquainted on a visit to relatives. At first, they may be interested together, because both are smart enough. But everything ends with communication, further between the air and earth signs too little in common. It is difficult for a man to withstand the constant pressure, criticism and restrictions that a woman puts on him. He feels in front of his girlfriend, like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor. Virgo gets tired of the carelessness that the partner brings to her organized world. She is unable to understand his strange ideas. Therefore, the marriage between these people is extremely rare, the couple breaks up in the first months of their acquaintance.

Aquarius Guy Compatibility with Capricorn Girl

Such an alliance quite often occurs between a young guy and a girl. Both partners see each other those features that they so lack. The girl likes the spontaneity, initiative, independence of the guy. A man is attracted by the determination of a Capricorn woman, her organization. At first, there is a clear distribution of responsibilities in the family, but soon the husband begins to be burdened by the narrow framework in which his wife puts him. After several years of living together, Aquarius tries to break free, and Capricorn gets tired of unsuccessful attempts to somehow accustom his soulmate to order. Often a couple breaks up on the initiative of an air sign, but it happens that both partners seek to end a painful relationship for them.

Compatibility with signs of the air element

The air signs of the zodiac are:

  • Twins
  • Aquarius

With whom is Aquarius man compatible better than with representatives of his element? They have similar views on life and relationships. Air signs of the zodiac love independence, intellectual communication, they rarely build strong ties. It is with the last point that the problems in such pairs are connected. The connection between a man and a woman is easily formed and easily destroyed. None of the partners will suffer from a breakup, but this can negatively affect children, close relatives, who are much more worried about divorce.

Aquarius man partnership with Gemini

Already on the first evening of acquaintance, the guy and the girl understand each other perfectly. They are so interested in being together that they do not want to leave. The compatibility of Aquarius men with Gemini is very high. This couple may seem strange from the outside. A man and a woman are rarely at home, they travel together and separately, spend a lot of time with friends. There will be much more intellectual communication in such a union than passionate sex, and both are quite happy with it. If the partners suddenly become bored together, they will part without much regret. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often.

Aquarius Compatibility with Libra

Aquarius man and Libra woman compatibility is good. There will be more romance in this pair than in the previous one. The Libra woman will bring sensuality to the union, she knows a lot about love and bodily pleasures. Their romance is very similar to a book one, as if the couple came to us from past centuries. On an intellectual level, complete harmony reigns between partners. They creative people, are often fond of mysticism, philosophy. The house of such a family is always furnished with taste and no frills. Conflicts between the two air signs arise, and quite often, the couple is not at all ideal. But the spouses never hold a grudge for a long time, therefore they live together for many years.

Partnership of two Aquarians

It would seem that with whom a man can be better compatible than with a woman of the same zodiac constellation. But in most cases, such people find it difficult to tie strong relationships. Aquarians are very selfish, their own interests, freedom and independence are more valuable to them than love and friendship. It can be very easy and pleasant for a guy and a girl to communicate, but they rarely go beyond intellectual conversations. More often such people are friends than lovers. The sexual compatibility of two identical signs is weak, they are in no hurry to be together in bed. Marriage is also not included in the circle of their priorities. If, by coincidence of incredible circumstances, such people create a family, there will be no harmony in the house. In the percentage of divorces, couples of two Aquarians are quite common.

Compatibility with the water element

Water governs the following zodiac signs:

  • Scorpion

With whom the Aquarius man is completely incompatible, it is with water partners. If the "earthlings" limit his will, but in return take on many responsibilities, then the water drags the air into a quagmire of melancholy and sadness. It is difficult for him to understand the emotional, subconscious, intuitive type of thinking that representatives of the elements of Water possess. Attempts to get into inner world partners are unsuccessful and quickly bother the man. Women will also be disappointed, because they are used to building strong, sensual bonds. Although there are exceptions in all situations, a lot depends on the mutual desire to build relationships.

Aquarius man and Cancer woman relationship

These two people are subconsciously attracted to each other. A woman sees in a man both a brave knight and a defenseless child. At first, she is ready to follow him to the ends of the world, the air sign awakens in Cancer his thirst for travel, makes him more daring. A woman is fascinated by a man, like a rabbit with a boa constrictor. In addition, there is excellent sexual compatibility between partners. But very soon the couple will be disappointed, they are too different to be together. A woman gets tired of the constant change of hobbies in Aquarius, she is malnourished by frequent trips. Cancer loves his home, is attached to relatives, and dragging Aquarius to a family dinner is simply unrealistic. The airy man perceives the traditionalism of the partner, her guardianship, as a limitation and quickly runs away. Often a couple breaks up peacefully by mutual agreement, both find happiness with other partners.

Aquarius Union with Scorpio

The relationship in this pair is very unpredictable. No one knows how two people with the most complex and contradictory characters in the entire Zodiac will behave. From the first meeting, they feel that they just have to be together. Sex between Scorpio and Aquarius is enchanting, a woman is able to awaken passion, sensuality in a man and bring him to the top of pleasure. But over time, the man notices that he is not so compatible with his partner. Her constant desire to control his actions begins to strain. For a woman, an air partner seems too superficial. If they manage to overcome the difference in their views, pass all the tests and truly fall in love, the union can be very strong. But this is more the exception than the rule.

Aquarius Compatibility with Pisces

Often, Aquarius and Pisces find a common language in the creative field. They might meet at a bohemian get-together, a writing class, or an exhibition. famous artist. The connection between them will be sensual, overflowing with emotions, sex and very interesting intellectual communication. But such a union is rarely strong, the difference in the perception of reality is too quickly evident. A man looks through the eyes of an intellectual, a woman is guided by intuition and feelings. If partners get married, domestic difficulties await them. Nobody knows how to make money or solve everyday problems. Conflicts in such a family are inevitable, and divorces are very frequent.

Aquarius sex compatibility horoscope with other zodiac signs Partners of Aquarius Horoscope Aquarius

Aquarius Compatibility with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Aquarius Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility

Oriental or chinese horoscope. Rat, Dragon and Monkey very quickly find a common language with each other. This open years who are looking for contacts do not like secrets and understatement. Bull, Snake and Rooster are closed, but they converge well together. Tiger, Dog and Horse are strong-willed, stubbornly moving towards their goal. Together they can turn the whole world upside down. Rabbit-Cat, Goat-Sheep and Boar-Pig are creators, they are best suited in character for Aquarius.

Compatibility love Aquarius men with other representatives of the zodiac cannot be the only criterion when choosing a soulmate. A lot depends on the mutual desire of partners to build relationships. The horoscope can tell you what difficulties await the couple and how they can be solved. Real, sincere feelings can arise even between those who bear little resemblance to each other and whose sign compatibility is very low.

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