The KGB of the USSR is a body of state security. functions and structure. KGB: pages of history

The first mention of such a body as the FSB of the Russian Federation appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century.

December 20, 1917 decision of the Council of People's Commissars to combat counter-revolution and sabotage in Soviet Russia The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) was formed. F.E. was appointed its first chairman. Dzerzhinsky. He held this post until February 6, 1922. From July to August 1918 the duties of the chairman of the Cheka were temporarily performed by Ya.Kh. Peters.

The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission in the first months of its existence, before moving to Moscow, was a small institution with only 40 employees and employees. At the disposal of the Cheka was a team of soldiers of the Sveaborzh regiment and a group of Red Guards. On January 14, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars instructed F.E. Dzerzhinsky to organize detachments of "energetic and ideological" sailors to combat profiteering. By the spring of 1918, the Cheka already had several detachments. In addition to the Sveaborsk team, she had a detachment of scouts, a detachment of scooters, a detachment of sailors and a combat team. Abdullaev R.A. History of the State and Law of Russia. - Volgograd, 2006. - P.34.

In March 1918, after moving to Moscow, the Cheka had departments: the fight against counter-revolution, speculation, crimes in office, a non-resident, and also an information bureau. At the end of 1918-1919, secret operational, investigative, transport, military (special), operational, instructor departments, an information bureau and a control and audit board were created in the Cheka. At the end of 1920-beginning of 1921, under the Cheka, a department of affairs, administrative-organizational, secret-operational and economic management, as well as the foreign department.

After a long series of reorganizations in 1922, 1934, 1941 and 1946, through the GPU-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB-MGB-MVD, the security agencies were transformed into the Committee state security under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. According to the then existing order, the important political decision on the allocation of structures of state security agencies from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to an independent department was adopted by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU on February 8, 1954 on the basis of a note by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR S.N. Kruglov. Lubyanka: Bodies of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB-MGB-MVD-KGB //

On April 2, 1957, the border troops were transferred from the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and the Main Directorate of Border Troops (GUPV) was formed to manage them.

Great importance was attached to preventive measures aimed at preventing state crimes. In 1967, 12,115 people were prophylacticized by the KGB, most of whom allowed, without hostile intent, manifestations of an anti-Soviet and politically harmful nature.

November 28, 1991 USSR President M.S. Gorbachev signed the Decree "On Approval of the Interim Regulations on the Inter-Republican Security Service". V.V. was appointed the head of this service. Bakatin.

An interesting stage in the history of the FSB of the Russian Federation was the formation of the KGB of the RSFSR. May 6, 1991 chairman Supreme Council RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin and Chairman of the KGB of the USSR V.A. Kryuchkov signed a protocol on the formation in accordance with the decision of the Congress of People's Deputies of Russia of the State Security Committee of the RSFSR, which has the status of a union-republican state committee. V.V. was appointed its head. Ivanenko.

On April 3, 1995, Yeltsin signed the federal law"On the Bodies of the Federal Security Service in Russian Federation", which entered into force on April 12, 1995. In accordance with it, the FGC was renamed the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, while no organizational and staffing measures were taken, service employees (including the director and his deputies) remained in their positions without reassignments and recertifications .23 June 1995 the corresponding changes "retroactively" were made to the structure federal bodies executive power. The same decree approved the regulation on the service and the structure of its central office, which, with few exceptions, repeated the structure of the FSK.

It seems to many that now we know literally everything about the activities of the Soviet special services. On the Internet, it is easy to find lists of educational institutions where intelligence officers have been and continue to be trained; you can read about the specifics of undercover work in the memoirs of both those who retired on a well-deserved seniority and those who fled to the West. The feeling is that there are no more secrets left, if not books, then newspaper articles have been written about all aspects of the activities of domestic special services. But one page in the annals of the secret war will not open soon - the one that tells about the 13th department, which was engaged in sabotage and murder. The correspondent of Nasha Versiya tried to at least slightly open the veil lowered over the most secret division of Soviet intelligence.

Very little is known about the department that dealt with the liquidation of objectionable persons on the territory of the USSR and abroad. There is some information in the memoirs of KGB officers who fled to the West. A little more information was obtained thanks to the employees of the special services, who in the early 90s found themselves on the territory of the former Soviet republics. Many of these people felt left to fend for themselves and, no longer feeling obligated to keep the secrets of the Soviet era, shared them with journalists.

We will never know the whole truth: according to the decree of the President of Russia of January 14, 1992 “On the protection of state secrets of the Russian Federation”, all documentation relating to the activities of the “retribution department” is classified for 75 years. Our material is based on the author's conversations with several former high-ranking KGB officers who, by the will of fate, survived last years life in the Crimea, as well as on the memoirs of the historian of special services and writer Georgy Seversky, the author of the well-known "Adjutant of His Excellency".

The dropout rate was quite large: as a rule, no more than 50% of the graduates completely coped with the task. Many of those who perfectly mastered the theory simply could not physically kill a person. Naturally, such people were not fired from the KGB, they were simply given other work.

Until the beginning of the 1990s, the West did not even imagine that there was a whole department in the State Security Committee, whose tasks included assassinations and other acts of intimidation and retribution. That Soviet secret services are engaged in the physical elimination of unwanted people, of course, it was known. But no one could have imagined that this was done by a specialized structure, which included educational institutions, a huge staff of scientific, technical, medical and other servants.

The KGB major Oleg Lyalin, who left for the West in September 1971, told the world about the 13th department. The officer fled from the London residency, fearing exposure and reprisals. By his own admission, he was shocked by the story of Oleg Kalugin about how the famous defector Oleg Penkovsky actually died. The traitor was allegedly not shot, but burned alive in a crematorium oven.

In fact, Lyalin was by no means a timid man: a specialist in hand-to-hand combat, an excellent sniper and paratrooper, all his adult life he was engaged in the physical elimination of opponents of the Soviet regime, mainly in Western countries. Lyalin himself said that he happened to liquidate more than a dozen people. At that time, Lyalin was listed in department "B" ("Retribution") of the First Main Directorate (PGU) of the KGB of the USSR, which was formed in 1969 instead of the old 13th department, disbanded after the flight of officers Khokhlov and Stashinsky (the latter is known due to his direct participation in the murder of Stepan Bandera).

Why, in fact, the 13th? There was a legend about this among the committee members. In total, PSU had 17 departments. From the 1st to the 10th inclusive, as well as the 17th, they were engaged in specific countries: someone in the USA and Canada, someone Latin America etc. 11th - connections with intelligence agencies of the countries of the socialist camp, with the Romanian Securitatey, the German Stasi and others. The 12th was called "veteran", it was staffed by experts who had several decades of service in the authorities. As a rule, all these people were registered in various research institutes and were considered ordinary scientists in the world. The 14th department was in charge of the development technical means carrying out operations: weapons, cryptography, cameras, poisons and antidotes were also prepared there. The 15th department was the archive of the PSU, and in the 16th there were cryptographers and decryptors.

On this topic

So, the legend said that they were going to make the “liquidators” the 1st department, but allegedly Yuri Andropov, who was directly related to the formation of the PGU, a man not without humor, offered the 13th number to the assassins-murderers. Like, to devilry kept. But it turned out the other way around: the 13th was considered the most unfortunate unit of the PSU, the department had the highest turnover of personnel, and here cases of defections became more frequent. In general, the department was disbanded.

The training of assassins and saboteurs was taken up by the newly formed department (department) "B", later transformed into the 8th department of department "C" ("Illegals"). Department "B" had a broader specialization than its predecessor, which was behind the eyes called the department of mokrushnikov. Its functions began to include the preparation and conduct of sabotage in various utilities, transport and communications facilities within the country and abroad, the recruitment of especially valuable agents and many other previously unusual functions.

Training of employees has become more targeted. Was completely refocused on their training The educational center in Balashikha, and the period of study of a specialist has increased from six months to three years. True or not, it is difficult to say, but the veterans also recalled such a specific moment: all graduates who were supposed to work as “liquidators” in the future were facing “exams”. It was necessary to successfully carry out one liquidation, after which the graduate was considered a full-fledged employee. Operations were carried out both within the USSR and in the West.

Oleg Lyalin was recruited by the British from Mi-5 about six months before his flight. They recruited him as an ordinary employee of the embassy, ​​unaware of the special form of his activity. And only after Lyalin transmitted the first information, it became clear who the Mi-5 was really dealing with.

The agent announced plans to carry out sabotage in London, Washington, Paris, Bonn, Rome and other capitals of Western states, as well as the fact that in almost every European capital Department "B" employees were ordered to "keep at gunpoint" not only individual politicians, businessmen and public figures, but also former defectors, emigrants of the first and second waves, as well as ... employees of Soviet embassies and even fellow agents, so that in the event of a critical situation they should be immediately eliminated.

The information so shocked the British that at first they did not believe in them and dedicated their American colleagues to them - which Mi-5 always did only in special cases. The Americans, in turn, immediately not only offered Lyalin a colonel's rank and a well-paid position in Langley, but also promised to resolve all issues related to moving his relatives to the West. Lyalin refused: he had no intention of fleeing to the West, apparently hoping to work as a double agent for as long as possible. But the nerves passed after six months.

The British got hold of such information that they did not possess for at least a quarter of a century. Based on the data received from Lyalin, 105 (!) employees of the Soviet embassy, ​​as well as Soviet citizens who constantly worked in the United Kingdom, were expelled from the UK. 90 KGB and GRU officers in London were expelled from the country. Another 15 people who were on vacation in the Soviet Union were notified that they were not allowed to re-enter. Neither before nor after such a large-scale expulsion was carried out.

Moreover, Lyalin spoke about agents recruited by him and his colleagues from among British subjects who could provide support to illegal immigrants from department "B". In addition, the British side was given a list of sabotage organized by us: plans to flood the London Underground, blow up a missile early warning station in Fylingdale (North Yorkshire), destroy class V strategic bombers on the ground and attack other military installations. But that's more! Soviet agents, under the guise of messengers and couriers, were supposed to scatter colorless ampoules of poison in the editorial offices of newspapers, offices of parties and ministries, which killed everyone who stepped on them.

When it came to granting Lyalin British citizenship, the United Kingdom prosecutor's office informed the House of Commons that the fugitive major had told a lot of useful things about "organizing sabotage in Great Britain and preparing to liquidate persons who were considered enemies of the USSR." After the flight of Lyalin, department "B" was again disbanded, and its employees were recalled from foreign residencies in full force. An unprecedented event for the KGB.

The department was disbanded, but the training of assassin agents continued. On the basis of the 13th and Department (Department) "B", the 8th Department of the Department "C" of PSU was created. We know even less about the activities of the new structure than about its predecessor units. It is known, perhaps, only about one of the operations, which received the code name "Tunnel". It was carried out in 1984. Student students were entrusted with the preparation and execution of the murders of 10 citizens of Poland, the USSR and Czechoslovakia suspected of spying for the United States and Israel.

There has not been such a massive number of murders of people convicted of espionage outside the court record in the Soviet Union since the late 40s. Usually, suspects were either immediately arrested, tried and sent to Soviet prisons, or exchanged for captured Soviet agents, or - if they had diplomatic immunity - expelled abroad. But within the framework of the "Tunnel", it was decided to carry out several demonstrative "liquidations" in order to consolidate the knowledge gained by the agents in practice.

Selected 12 potential victims convicted of spying for the United States and Israel. They were ordered to liquidate "students". As a result, 10 people were killed, and two who operated in the USSR managed to escape (later they were arrested, tried and shot). During the operation, one special agent died - he crashed, falling from the roof of a nine-story building.

The Balashikha training center is still operating today, now there is a training school for the anti-terrorism department.


USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev signs law No. 124-N "On the reorganization of state security bodies": the KGB of the USSR is liquidated as a single government agency, and all territorial divisions are transferred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the republican authorities.


Russian President Boris Yeltsin signs a decree establishing the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. Later, the Presidential Security Service and FAPSI were allocated to separate departments. Many of their mandates overlap: competition is supposed to be an incentive for quality work.


from the Ministry of Security, renamed the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK), the Border Service is separated into a separate structure. The Investigation Department is dissolved, the security officers are actually deprived of the opportunity to conduct operational activities. Prisons, including Lefortovo, are transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The lowest point of the fall of the influence of the Chekists.


From the Ministry of Security, renamed the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK), the Border Service is separated into a separate structure. The Investigation Department is dissolved, the security officers are actually deprived of the opportunity to conduct operational activities. Prisons, including Lefortovo, are transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The lowest point of the fall of the influence of the Chekists.


The FSK is renamed the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Investigation Department returns to its composition, which dramatically expands the operational capabilities of the Chekists. Lefortovo prison returns to the FSB.


The presidential security service is included in the Federal Service protection (FSO). The failure of the first recent history Russia attempts to create a service over the services, which was undertaken by Boris Yeltsin's bodyguard Alexander Korzhakov.


In the structure of the FSB, a department of constitutional security is being created, the purpose of which its leader Gennady Zotov called the fight against "political sedition" within the country. Later it will be merged with the department for combating terrorism.


Dramatically expanded control functions economic security FSB: within its framework, a department for counterintelligence support of industrial enterprises (department "P"), transport (department "T"), a credit and financial system (department "K"), a department for combating smuggling and drug trafficking (department " N").


FAPSI and the Border Service lose their independence. The border guards are included in the FSB, the powers and material and technical base of the FAPSI are divided between the FSB and the FSO. Actually recreated Soviet KGB. Only foreign intelligence remained independent, as well as a number of highly specialized departments - for protection high officials state, drug control and the construction of special facilities.


Vladimir Putin signs the law "On Combating Terrorism": the FSB officially leads the fight against terrorism, its director coordinates the actions of all departments in this direction as chairman of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee. Thus, the fight against terrorism is officially recognized as the main priority of the activities of the special services.

Cheka December 20, 1917 resolution of the Council of People's Commissars to combat

counter-revolution and sabotage in Soviet Russia, the All-Russian

Extraordinary Commission (VChK). Its first chairman was

F.E. .

He held this post until February 6, 1922. From July to August 1918the duties of the chairman of the Cheka were temporarily performed by Ya.Kh.

GPU February 6, 1922 The All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution on the abolition of the Cheka and the formationState political management(GPU) under the NKVD of the RSFSR. OGPU November 2, 1923 The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR created the United Statepolitical administration (OGPU) under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Chairman of the GPU and OGPU until the endof his life (July 20, 1926) remained F.E. Dzerzhinsky, who was replaced V.R.

head of the OGPU until 1934.


July 10, 1934 in accordance with the resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, state bodiessecurity entered the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR. Afterdeath of Menzhinsky by the work of the OGPU, and later the NKVD from 1934 to 1936. supervised G.G.Yagoda.

From 1936 to 1938. The NKVD was headed by N.I. Yezhov.

November 1938 to 1945 L.P. Beria was the head of the NKVD.

NKGB USSR February 3, 1941 The NKVD of the USSR was divided into two independent bodies: the NKVD of the USSRand the People's Commissariat for State Security (NKGB) of the USSR. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs -L.P. Beria. People's Commissar for State Security - V.N. Merkulov.

In July 1941 The NKGB of the USSR and the NKVD of the USSR were again merged into a single people's commissariat -NKVD USSR. In April 1943 the People's Commissariat of State was re-establishedsecurity of the USSR, headed by VN Merkulov.

MGB March 15, 1946 The NKGB was transformed into the Ministry of Statesecurity. Minister - V.S. Abakumov.

In 1951 - 1953. the post of Minister of State Security S.D. Ignatiev.

In March 1953 decision was made to merge the Ministry of the Interior and S.N. Kruglov.

MIA 7 March 1953 decision was made to merge the Ministry of the Interior andMinistry of State Security into a single Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, headed by S.N. Kruglov. KGB USSR March 13, 1954 established the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers THE USSR. From 1954 to 1958 the leadership of the KGB was carried out by I.A. Serov,

from 1958 to 1961 — A.N. Shelepin,

from 1961 to 1967 - V.E. Semichastny,

from 1967 to 1982 - Yu.V. Andropov,

from May to December 1982 — V.V. Fedorchuk,

from 1982 to 1988 — V.M. Chebrikov,

August to November 1991 - V.V. Bakatin.

December 3, 1991 The President of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev signed the Law "On the reorganizationorgans of state security". On the basis of the Law of the KGB of the USSR waswas abolished and the Inter-Republican Service was created on its basis for the transitional periodsecurity and the Central Intelligence Service of the USSR (currently - the Serviceforeign intelligence of the Russian Federation).

SME November 28, 1991 The President of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev signed the Decree "On approvalTemporary Regulations on the Inter-Republican Security Service".Head - V.V. Bakatin (from November 1991 to December 1991).

KGB RSFSR May 6, 1991 Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin and Chairman of the KGBUSSR V.A. Kryuchkov signed a protocol on education in accordance with the decisionCongress of People's Deputies of Russia of the State Security Committee of the RSFSR,having the status of a union-republican state committee. leaderhe was appointed V.V. Ivanenko.

AFB November 26, 1991 President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin signed the Decree on the transformation of the KGBRSFSR to the Federal Security Agency of the RSFSR.The AFB was headed by V.V. Ivanenko from November 1991 to December 1991.

MB January 24, 1992 President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin signed the Decree on EducationMinistry of Security of the Russian Federation on the basis of the abolished AgencyFederal Security Service of the RSFSR and the Inter-Republican Security Service.Minister - V.P. Barannikov since January 1992. to July 1993,

N.M. Golushko since July 1993 to December 1993

FSK December 21, 1993 President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin signed a Decree on the abolitionMinistry of Security and on the creation of the Federal Counterintelligence Service.Director - N.M. Golushko since December 1993. to March 1994,S.V.Stepashin since March 1994 to June 1995

FSB April 3, 1995 The President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin signed the Law "On the Bodies of the Federalsecurity services in the Russian Federation", on the basis of which the FSB issuccessor of FSK.Director - M.I. Barsukov since July 1995. to June 1996,

N.D. Kovalev since July 1996 to July 1998,

V.V. Putin since July 1998 to August 1999,

N.P. Patrushev since August 1999

Breastplate 5 years of the Cheka-GPU with the inscription: "VChK-GPU. 1917-1922" was established in 1923. The badge was awarded for a merciless fight against counter-revolution. To the cavalier of the badgewas awarded the title of Honorary Worker of the Cheka-GPU. He had the right to wearweapons, the entrance to all the buildings of the GPU.The first to be awarded were employees of the Cheka and the State Political Administration, who participated inthe defeat of the "Union for the Defense of the Motherland and Freedom", "National Center", "Tacticalcenter", in carrying out operations "Trust" and "Syndicate", which ended with the arrests of B.Savinkov and S. Reilly.

December 17, 1927 by order of the OGPU to 10- summer anniversary the security authorities werea sign with the profile of F.E. Dzerzhinsky against the background of a red banner. placewearing the "anniversary badge" was determined by the left breast pocket.

On November 23, 1932, the OGPU issued an order stating: "Incommemoration of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the badge "VChK-OGPU. 1917-1932",to which to attach importance the highest award collegium of the OGPU"The sign was presented until the end of 1940 to the employees of the OGPU, and from1934 - Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD of the USSR,distinguished himself "in the fight against counter-revolution" and the suppression of hostile intriguesforeign intelligence services both in Russia and in Republican Spain.

Breastplate "Honored Worker of the NKVD", put into effectDecree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR from December 31, 1940, employees were awarded "formerits in leadership or direct performance of work on protectionstate security and for the successful completion of special tasks government." This sign was also awarded to employees who distinguished themselves on the fronts of the secondworld war, who managed to neutralize the efforts of the Abwehr and the Gestapo.The award was made until 1946, when the NKVD was transformed intoMinistry of State Security.

The badge "Honored Chekist of the MGB" repeated on appearance sign"Honored Worker of the NKVD".Established in 1946.

In 1957, three years after the formation of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by the 40thOn the occasion of the anniversary of the state security agencies, the badge "Honorary Officerstate security". The award was made "for the achieved specificresults in operational activities" in accordance with the decisionBoards of the Committee.This award marked 7375 people.

Anniversary badge with a gilded number "50" was issued in 1967 for the 50th anniversary of the organs security.

Anniversary badge with a gilded number "60" issued in 1977 for the 60th anniversary of the organs security.

Anniversary badge with a gilded number "70" issued in 1987 for the 70th anniversary of the organs security.

By order of the FSB of March 22, 1994, the badge "Honorary Officercounterintelligence". They were awarded for special merits in the operational and serviceactivities and displayed initiative and perseverance.The awardees were provided with benefits in the field of medical, sanatorium andhousing, they were assigned a monthly allowance to their official salaryand granted the right to wear a military uniform upon dismissal, regardless of years of service.

The badge of three degrees "For service in counterintelligence" was established by order ofFSB No. 256 of July 12, 1994. This sign is awarded to military personnel andcivilian personnel of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation "for the achievements positive results Vofficial activities and having work experience in security agencies of at least 15 years". As of December 2000, 16working employees of the FSB Department in the Yaroslavl region.

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