When to harvest viburnum in Siberia. The berries of the common viburnum are a valuable medicine donated by nature. Why do you need to feed radishes

- a berry endowed not only with an original appearance, but also with useful qualities. It burns on a branch with scarlet lights among the greenery of a tree. And in winter, it is distinguished by its original beauty under white snow. But in order to use it in winter, the berry needs to be properly collected and stored. Before you start using it, you should familiarize yourself not only with the possible benefits, but also learn about the harm that it can bring with uncontrolled use.

saturated with useful microelements and vitamins. It contains a large amount of nutrients that help neutralize the formed disease, and also stimulate the enhancement of the human immune system.

The list of components that saturate viburnum includes the following ingredients:

  • Phosphorus
  • Tannins
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Pectins
  • Phytoncides
  • Vitamins C and A, P, E and K are present

In addition, the leaves of common viburnum contain an increased amount of various acids - oleic, valeric, formic and acetic. Kalina is used not only in folk medicine, it is recommended by qualified doctors to restore lost strength after a long illness or surgery.

Reception of scarlet berries is allowed not only for adult patients, but also for small patients. Kalina has an increased effect in the fight against various diseases, eliminates beriberi, and also neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms that enter the body.

The following useful properties are distinguished, which are endowed with a bright plant:

  1. In a short time, it cures colds and SARS.
  2. Significantly increases the body's defenses, blocking the possibility of attaching pathogenic bacteria.
  3. It has diaphoretic qualities and antipyretic properties.
  4. Neutralizes sleep problems, eliminates depression, improves mood and charges a person with a good mood and cheerfulness.
  5. Helps relieve nervous tension.
  6. A decoction of the flowers of the plant allows you to eliminate inflammation of the oral cavity with sore throat.
  7. An infusion on the berries of the plant is excellent for wet coughs, due to the fact that it has mucolytic qualities.
  8. Due to the fact that the use of berries contributes to the diuretic effect, excess fluid is removed from the body, which leads to the elimination of puffiness.
  9. Berries are recommended for use in gastritis of the stomach, they well increase the acidity of the pH environment inside the digestive organs.
  10. When using viburnum, the intestines are cleansed of harmful substances accumulated over a long period, as well as toxins.
  11. Allows you to normalize intestinal motility and helps to eliminate constipation in humans.

Proper use of berries, foliage, or color allows the plant to be used in almost a minor therapy for any disease. The main thing is to take into account the dosage and consult your doctor before use.

In addition to the fact that viburnum is used for medicinal purposes, various drinks can be made from it, such as fruit drinks, juices or kissels. It is great for making jams, preserves, both boiled and raw. Delicious marmalade is obtained from viburnum berries. In the process of preparing culinary delights, housewives add viburnum fruits as a filling or to enhance the taste when baking chicken or meat.

Due to the large number of useful qualities, it is widely used in various branches of medicine and cooking.

Soft branches of viburnum are used to make baskets, vases from natural materials, as well as wreaths and barrels. Such items are used to decorate and create comfort in residential premises and offices.

In addition to the use of berries to eliminate diseases, the consistency of the substance is actively used in cosmetology. It neutralizes rashes in adolescence and menstrual flow in girls. Eliminates blackheads and improves the color of the skin. Prevents the appearance of early mimic and senile wrinkles.

Before you start using a drug for the treatment of diseases, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Not all ingredients may be suitable for different people. Although viburnum is endowed with a wide range of useful trace elements and qualities.

If the substance is used incorrectly, then the possible benefit may be harmful to the human body.

There are the following categories of people suffering from certain types of diseases who are completely forbidden to eat viburnum fruits or can be introduced into the diet, but with caution and under the supervision of medical personnel:

  1. Reduced blood pressure. People with such an indisposition can be introduced into the body of berries, but not more than 1 tbsp.
  2. Pregnant women - berries contain a significant amount of ingredients identical to female hormones. An excess of a substance in the bloodstream of a woman in position can adversely affect the developing fetus, provoking malformations of the baby. In severe situations, the components of viburnum, obtained by the body in an increased mass, can stimulate premature birth.
  3. Diseases of the liver and kidneys, chronic course.
  4. Gastritis of the stomach.
  5. Allergic reaction to the berries of the plant.
  6. Increased stomach acid.
  7. Blood diseases such as leukemia or thrombophlebitis.

With hypotension, it is not recommended to use viburnum berries prepared in the form of juice. The drink contributes to an excessive decrease in blood pressure. You should not experiment with the healing process, using viburnum in the development of gout, arthritis or urolithiasis. The introduction of the drug into the body can adversely affect the general condition of the patient.

Some gardeners advise picking a bright berry immediately after it has turned red, without greenery and unusual blotches. Others recommend harvesting only after the first frost. It is at this moment that the bitterness characteristic of unripe viburnum disappears, a sweetish taste is acquired with a slight tart aftertaste and an inherent pleasant bitterness.

Due to the fact that the berries are harvested after frost, they accumulate much more useful elements than when harvested before the first drop in temperature.

But if it is not possible to wait until frosty weather sets in, then you need to cut the bunches and put them in the freezer for a while. The effect of the procedure will be the same as if you keep the plant in the fresh air. In order to remove the berries, it is recommended to choose a clear, windless sunny day. The event is held with a sharp disinfected pruner. This is necessary in order not to infect the plant with pathogenic bacteria. The cut is carried out entirely with a brush so as not to damage the berries, thereby not losing useful properties. If the processing of viburnum is calculated to be carried out immediately after harvest, then you can remove the fruits without worrying about their safety and content in the brush.

After cutting the brush, it is recommended to immediately spread it on a baking sheet prepared in advance, in one layer. Otherwise, when the fruits pile up in a heap, it is almost impossible to carefully select the clusters. This is due to the fact that the branches cling to each other, and the berries crumble. You can tie the clusters together or immediately cut off all the berries, if you intend to fast processing. After that, they should be washed under running water and dried well. It is very important that bad, rotten or spoiled berries must be removed immediately during sorting. Otherwise, rot or disease can spread to the entire crop.

Harvesting the crop from the plant is half the question. It should be prepared for preservation. There are several storage methods for this:

  • The brushes are tied together in 2-3 clusters and hung from the ceiling in a well-ventilated, dry and cool room. But in this form it is not worth keeping viburnum for a long time. If you do not process it within 14 days, the tones may lose their useful qualities.
  • Freezing - the berries are cut off from the brushes, carefully sorted out, washed well, and dried. Then the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in one layer, and placed in the freezer for freezing. While the viburnum freezes, it should be mixed on a tray, and then packaged in separate containers and placed in long-term storage. If the berries are not large, then freezing can be done in its original form, without breaking the berries into separate buds.
  • Drying viburnum - dried berries do not lose their beneficial properties at all. They are used for medicinal decoctions and preparation of compotes. The procedure must be performed in the oven or in a special dryer for vegetables and fruits. You can also carry out the procedure at room temperature in a dry room, but the duration of the result increases in time.

It doesn’t matter how the storage of viburnum is chosen, but any use of a nutrient will protect the body from diseases during the spring-autumn epidemics and relieve spring beriberi.

Thus, viburnum is not only an interesting decoration for wedding ceremonies, but also a medicinal substance that helps to get rid of serious diseases in a short time. Most importantly, before use, you should consult with your doctor and set the dosage of the input, as well as identify possible contraindications. Otherwise, it is possible to provoke, if taken incorrectly, the acquisition of not good, but significant harm to the entire patient's body.

More information can be found in the video:

    Kalina ripens in August-September. The fruits of viburnum are usually cut in September with a knife or secateurs.

    If viburnum grows in your area, be sure to use the fruits of this tree. The fact is that viburnum has medicinal properties. Viburnum bark contains up to 6.5% resins, as well as tannins. E is used in medicine for internal bleeding, in gynecology, to lower blood pressure. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction.

    Viburnum fruits can be perfectly stored freshly cut. They contain a large amount of minerals, iron. From berries you can make marmalade, jam, jam. But since this is a very tart sweetness, it is better to use it with mdom. Freshly squeezed viburnum juice can even treat acne and pimples))) This is such a wonderful plant!

    Late autumn, the first frosts - that's when you need to collect viburnum. Kalina tends to improve in taste in a slightly frozen form, while not losing vitamins and other useful substances at all.

    Kalina is best harvested after the first frost. Then it, without losing its useful properties, becomes more tasty, not so tart. When cooking in order to preserve as much of the nutrients as possible, it should not be boiled. It's better to just rub it with sugar. Since viburnum seeds also have a lot of useful properties, they can not be removed. Simply crush the berries with a wooden mortar and add granulated sugar in a ratio of 1 to 2 by volume.

    I remember as children, on the first frost, they ran into the forest, where viburnum and blackthorn grow. Under the influence of frost, these berries were quite tasty for us, especially since all other fruits have already been harvested, eaten or processed. Mother made jam from viburnum, for which my father sometimes went to the forest and brought a lot. The jam turned out to be quite tasty, and besides, it was also healthy.

    Although viburnum berries ripen by September, bunches of ripe berries should be removed after frost. You can tie several bunches together and hang to dry. You can freeze the berries, for this you do not need to wait for the first frost, but collect ripe berries and place them in the freezer.

    viburnum ripens here in the Central regions of Ukraine somewhere in late August-early September.

    I look out the window, today is the end of July, and the viburnum berries are already red.

    It remains for them to ripen a little more and it will already be possible to use it for making tea and other things. But it is better to pick the viburnum and store it after the first frost.

    viburnum then soft, juicy, sweet and sour.

    You can even eat like this.

    Viburnum berries, like rowan berries, are best harvested after the onset of the first frost. If harvested earlier, the viburnum will be a little bitter. After frost, viburnum berries acquire a sweetish taste.

    Viburnum is a very healthy berry, but it tastes a little bitter, so it is better to collect viburnum when there are first night frosts, the taste after that becomes softer, bitter notes are minimal, although viburnum ripens in September. Ripe berry, blood red, transparent.

    Viburnum berries have a bitter, astringent taste. Viburnum ripens in September, but it is better to collect it after the first frost, then the excess bitterness will leave these useful berries, the taste will be sour with a slight bitterness, the berries will be transparent, blood-red. I collect viburnum brushes with scissors, cut off the brushes along with small branches on which the berries are held. Then I rub the berries through a sieve to get viburnum puree. I mix this puree in a ratio of one to one with honey. In this form, viburnum is well stored. An excellent multivitamin remedy, helps with hypertension, with anemia, improves blood counts.

    Viburnum ripens at the end of September, but it is best to harvest e after the first frost. if you collect it earlier, then it is sour and slightly bitter, but when the frost hits a little, the viburnum acquires a sweetish taste. I tried to eat viburnum before frost and it seemed tasteless to me, but after frost I appreciated its taste.

    Gather viburnum in dry weather. Berries are not picked separately, but together with an umbrella, carefully so as not to damage.

    The ripening time of viburnum is the end of August and the whole of September. When harvested after the first frost, it has a slightly sweet taste. Collect it with brushes. Tassels are tied together and hung, so it is more convenient to store

» Shrubs

Of all the 140 viburnum species known to botany, most of them grow in temperate climates. Interestingly, only one of them has medicinal properties - common viburnum.

This unusually unpretentious shrub easily tolerates both heat and frost.

Kalina can grow not only as a bush, but also as a tree up to 5 meters high. Wild forms are found in mixed forests, along the banks of reservoirs, along the edges.

In the south of Russia and Ukraine, this berry shrub grows almost near every house.

When it ripens and in what month can viburnum be harvested: in the middle lane, Siberia, Moscow region, Ukraine

You can start harvesting viburnum berries as they ripen.

It depends not only on the region, but rather on the place where viburnum grows. The side of the bush facing the sun ripens at least a week earlier.

Usually, in Central Russia and the Moscow region, viburnum red acquires a characteristic color for the variety (the time has come for technical maturity) at the end of September. This does not mean at all that it urgently needs to be removed from the bush.

Do not rush to harvest: after the first frosts of October, the berries will only become tastier. Frost makes viburnum sweeter, as it destroys some of the glycosides.

North of Moscow, in Siberia, viburnum harvest time shifts to winter. It is no longer necessary to focus on the color of the berries.

After the first frost they ripen anyway, and when frozen, the viburnum is even more convenient to clean - the berries do not crumple.

Clusters can hang on branches until spring without quality loss. Birds during the winter starvation are very fond of eating the left berries - this helps them a lot.

Rules for collecting healing red berries

As soon as viburnum berries acquire a characteristic color ( deep red color without green blotches), you can start harvesting them for the winter.

A clear day must be chosen for harvesting. Brushes are cut with secateurs. Do not be afraid to cut the bush - it is only useful for him (at the same time you will rejuvenate).

Place cut bunches in one layer.. Dumped in bulk, it is almost impossible to make out later. The branches cling to each other - half of the berries will crumble.

These brushes can be immediately tied in bunches to hang in a ventilated place to dry. It is advisable to remove substandard berries immediately.

If you collect viburnum for processing, then wash it right away. On the branches, it is much easier to wash it. Lay out on a lined cloth to dry. After draining excess water, the berries are ready for processing.

Plant benefits and health benefits

Calories 100 grams fresh and dried viburnum berries, respectively, 26 and 200 kcal. But these figures do not reflect the value of red berries. They contain up to 75 mg of vitamin C, 500 mg of active phosphorus compounds, 2.5 g of carotene.

Viburnum has more common ascorbic acid than citrus fruits by 1.5 times, phosphorus salts by 3 times, iron salts by 4-5 times.

Healing red berries are rich in trace elements - Ca, Mn, K, Zn, Cu, Cr, Fe, Se, I, Co.

The most valuable thing in viburnum is viburnin. This glycoside, which gives the berries a slight bitterness, provides them with unique medicinal properties for humans.

A complex of acids (folic, valeric, including), pectins, mineral complexes, tannins, essential oils, phytoncides - such a set rightfully classifies the plant as one of the most effective means of folk and traditional medicine.

Berries are an effective immunostimulant. The natural substances of viburnum have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, which is used to prevent diseases of the heart and coronary vessels.

Like all red fruits, viburnum berries rich in iron compounds. Ascorbic acid improves its absorption, so viburnum processing products are indispensable for anemia.

A slight sedative effect of viburnum is due to the presence of alkaloids and alkaline acids, it helps with mild anxiety, nervous excitement. It is useful to drink viburnum tea at night.

The combination of viburnum with honey raises the body's defenses, treats colds, bronchitis, is used as an expectorant. It has a mild diuretic effect.

A special glycoside viburnin with a unique vasoconstrictive effect was found in viburnum. It is his presence that explains the high hemostatic ability of viburnum, in particular with uterine bleeding.

Fresh berry juice has a slight whitening effect on the skin. In the old days, girls used it to whiten freckles. Crushed berries were also treated for acne and age spots.

Red viburnum berry and its beneficial properties:

Harm to the human body, contraindications

In wild species of viburnum, alkaloids and glycosides are present in lethal concentrations. Even edible varieties of berries you can not uncontrollably eat handfuls.

The use of these fruits is limited for patients with high acidity of gastric juice, gout, urolithiasis.

Of particular danger is the consumption of excess viburnum for patients with low blood pressure, with serious renal pathologies, and especially a tendency to increased blood clotting - this is a direct contraindication.

Since viburnum contains a natural analogue of female sex hormones, pregnant women should use its fruits with extreme caution- Excessive consumption can cause miscarriage.

Many traditional medicine recipes advise take exactly 21 berries per serving. Let's omit the esoteric, such an amount of harm cannot bring. And small doses of a healing substance sometimes have a much stronger effect than a chemically pure drug (the principle of homeopathy).

Medicinal properties of the bark, flowers and roots

From ancient times, knowledge has been preserved that has been confirmed in modern medical practice about the beneficial properties of viburnum berries.

By the way, the flowers, bark, roots of the plant are no less useful - they are also widely used in folk medicine.

Viburnum decoctions shown in the treatment of sore throats, colds, bronchitis - a natural antibiotic is contained in these berries.

Important, that viburnum is harmless for diabetics- It has no sugar. Most of all, viburnum is valued for its hypotensive effect.

The berry cannot replace the medicines prescribed by the doctor; self-medication in case of cardiovascular diseases is unacceptable. But if you first consult with your doctor, you can prepare a very effective natural medicine.

Recipe 1. Remedy for high blood pressure:

  1. Grate the beets, squeeze out the juice and let it stand (this is important!) 40 minutes.
  2. Get juice from a glass of viburnum berries (if you first pour boiling water over it, the juice leaves much easier).
  3. Combine three components: beet juice, viburnum and honey (in equal proportions).
  4. In a water bath, the mixture is constantly stirring to cook for no more than 10 minutes.
  5. Pour into a glass dish and store at the bottom of the refrigerator.

Take this remedy only with an increase in pressure (and not regularly) 50 ml half an hour before meals. Blood pressure must be controlled, avoid overdose - the recipe is very effective!

Various blanks can be prepared from viburnum berries: jelly, juice, rub with honey or sugar, just freeze, dry.

Recipe 2. Pureed viburnum with sugar: Rinse the berries, pour over with boiling water - the berries will be easier to give the juice.

Place the sieve on a bowl with high edges. Add berries in small portions and rub with a spoon. Juice and pulp will drain into the bowl. The cake will remain - do not throw it away, you can cook delicious jelly or compote.

Sugar must be added to the resulting puree. Usually, 0.5 kg of sugar is enough for a liter of such puree. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved, put in the refrigerator for storage.

Instead of sugar, you can add honey, you get a universal remedy for raising immunity.

Kalina, grated with sugar. Preparation for the winter:

Recipe 3. Viburnum juice: the use of viburnum juice for the treatment of allergies, hypertension, colds, neuroses, and simply to restore the body's strength after a long illness.

A bunch of viburnum (two small ones) is poured with a glass of boiling water, after about 10 minutes (when the water has cooled), the berries are kneaded, boiled water is added to a volume of 200 ml.

Take for 2 weeks 1⁄2 cup 1-2 times a day (not more often).

Recipe 4. Tea from viburnum berries: indicated for diseases of the nervous system, general weakness of the body. For such tea, the preparation “Viburnum mashed with sugar” is used.

It is enough to brew a tablespoon of the pureed mixture with a glass of boiling water, after 5-7 minutes the healing drink is ready.

Recipe 5. Viburnum tincture with honey: used to prevent colds and simply to strengthen the immune system.

For cooking you need:

  1. 500 grams of fresh berries without twigs and seeds.
  2. 200 ml of quality vodka.
  3. 500 grams of natural honey.

The berries are kneaded, mixed with vodka and honey. After about two weeks of exposure in a dark, cool place, the tincture is ready. The finished product should be taken for a long time, 20-25 ml (almost 2 tablespoons) 2-3 per day before meals.

The viburnum bush retains its decorative effect almost at any time of the year:

  • strewn with inflorescences in spring in May;
  • dense greenery with red tassels in summer;
  • yellow-red color of autumn foliage with scarlet berries;
  • red clusters of berries with snow caps in winter.

And how much benefit, besides beauty, does an ordinary bush of “common viburnum” give ... Treated with viburnum is not only effective, but also very tasty: teas, juices, puree, jelly, fruit drinks.

Almost everything can be prepared from improvised means, given the availability of viburnum berries. And no chemistry.

Deciduous shrub viburnum belongs to the Adox family. Its height can reach 4 m. Today, more than 130 different types of viburnum are known in the world, but the common viburnum (or red) is the most common. This species is able to grow in one place up to 60 years, endure severe winter frosts, increased gas pollution and other adverse conditions.

Harvest viburnum fruits should be when they reach full maturity. In central Russia, it occurs from September to October. The collection is carried out in dry, clear weather, while the brushes should be removed together with the stalks (the berries are not collected separately to avoid damaging them). It is convenient to cut them with ordinary household scissors or secateurs. If you slightly delay the collection of viburnum and wait for the first night frosts, then the berries will lose (significantly reduce) their inherent bitter taste, which will positively affect the taste of your preparations.

In addition to berries, the bark of viburnum is highly valued. It contains a large percentage of resins (about 6-7%) and tannins. In medicine, it is used to lower blood pressure, with internal bleeding and in gynecology. The bark must be harvested from April to May, using only small branches of shrubs for this.

© Ilya Vladimirovich | 2015-08-14
amateur gardener

In ancient times, a lot was said about red viburnum, how many songs were composed about it, and all this is due to the fact that it is very healing and useful. Those who have never seen viburnum should know that this is a shrub reaching a height of 5 meters, it belongs to the honeysuckle family. The fruits of the viburnum are small, elastic, red in color with a special incomparable taste, which, moreover, can vary depending on when the viburnum was harvested, in what month? But healers use for medicinal purposes not only the fruits of viburnum, but also the bark.

When is viburnum harvested, in what month?

When are viburnum berries harvested?

They begin to collect red viburnum at the very beginning of autumn, the fruits are cut with scissors, and then sent to the oven for drying or hung in ventilated dry rooms. After they dry, they are sorted, removing the branches, and the fruits are stored in bags.

In red viburnum, not only the fruits and bark have healing powers, its seeds are also often used. They are inside the fruits, so to get them you need to process the fruits. The seeds are separated from the pulp of the berries by hand, after which they are washed several times under running water in a sieve, and then dried in the shade, but in no case in the sun.

When should you collect viburnum bark?

The bark will be most useful when it is harvested in early spring, at the moment when the bush wakes up from its winter sleep and sap flow begins. But it is worth remembering that you should not delay collecting the bark, otherwise the leaves will quickly bloom, and the collection must be carried out before they appear on the bush. The bark is collected only from young shoots in April or early May, just at this time it is best separated, it is cut out with a knife, while not causing inconvenience to the bush. The bark must be dried in the fresh air, and then dried in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees.

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