The best interiors for children. Children's room design. What is not recommended to arrange in the interior of a nursery for a small child

We bring to your attention ready design kids room interior designs various styles starting from the modern laconic interior of a nursery for a teenager and ending with classic interior nursery for your baby. We will be happy to help you transfer the entourage you like to your apartment or Vacation home. You can also slightly change the interior of the children's room, under the style of adjacent rooms or general interiors at home, leaving the overall concept. Such changes may affect the color of the walls or textiles.

Transform your child's room from a boring room into a stimulating environment with creativity by choosing a themed design. A themed room is just as fun to decorate as it is for little ones to grow up in. Very large bedroom with built-in wardrobe. You should also think about storage, but about beauty and fun. Free standing or integrated modular wooden shelves very practical.

The very colorful and cheerful rooms are ideal for children. They are great for providing easy access to toys while kids learn to keep their room organized. Another modern design for a child entering adolescence.

Children's room design

Not everyone knows that the future character of a child depends not only on the parents, but also on what colors surround him in early childhood. Clean and bright colors form a cheerful perception of the world. It is clear that it would never occur to anyone to paint the walls of a nursery for a baby in gray, brown and black colors, which does not exclude such a range for a teenager. At the age of 14-15 years, experiments with black and brown flowers can be - as a good background for posters, furniture and various collections placed on shelves along the walls.

One important thing one thing to do when designing kids rooms is to literally get things on your level. Ideas for decorating the walls in the children's bedroom. You have to decide which toys should be placed on low shelves, such as placing furniture to create a cozy reading area and where to hang art boxes for your little man and they can actually see them.

Neutral colors for furniture and walls in the children's bedroom. When it comes to designing a bedroom for children, it is very important to think about the materials and finishes used. Especially if you are remodeling or adding new furniture. A superhero theme guides the design of this children's bedroom.

For the children's room of a small child, it is very good to use sets, that is, combinations of textiles and wallpaper. A large number of factories have created designer collections that create a sweet and friendly atmosphere in a child's room. Princesses, bears, lambs and sweets in pink, light green pastel colors, in the "textile - wallpaper" sets "are perfectly combined in different scales, textures and colors. In our design studio, decorators know how and love to create interiors for children.

Natural, regenerated fibers and raw wood, low VOC paints organic compounds and plants that purify the air are great options. Very narrow ideas bedrooms. Don't be afraid to drastically reduce the amount of toys and decorations in your child's room. If younger child having problems tearing them away from old toys, try to sort out the mess in the room yourself.

Shelf ideas with interesting geometric shapes. Room for sports lovers. The first thing to toss or give away is any broken toy or missing parts, as well as toys that are no longer appropriate for your child's age. Girls' room in green.

What is not recommended to arrange in the interior of a nursery for a small child?

We strongly do not recommend using glass in any of its variations in the design of a children's room: be it doors, open shelves or furniture. Mirrors very well increase space and give volume even to very small rooms. If you want to hang a large mirror in the interior of the children's room, then it is better to glue it on the wall.
And one more piece of advice from the practice of an interior designer. An abundance of beautiful and well-groomed indoor plants has always been considered a plus for the interior, such beauty leaves few people indifferent. But what should be excluded for the interior of the children's room is prickly cacti and euphorbia, and flowers with poisonous juice and leaves: lamer, dieffenbachia, spathiphyllum, poinsettia.

Children's designer furniture - an unsurpassed addition to the home interior

If you have a lot of toys left, you can always save or decorate the shelves with them. Once you remove old, unloved and worn out toys, you may be surprised when there will be free space. Very spacious children's rooms with a modern design.

Children are naturally creative and expressive. Of course, sometimes expressing this creativity can cause problems such as painting on walls, breaking things, and generally chaos. Play and relax in the children's bedroom. To do this, we must take advantage of the positive momentum and create space for healthy expression in your room. Some ideas we can give you.

Arrangement of the interior of a children's room for two children

Such a task, frankly, is not an easy one, especially if the children are of different sexes and different ages. But, if you approach the issue creatively, there are enough options. The main thing to pay attention to here is sleeping places for children, which can be in the form of regular beds or bunk beds. And they can be in the form of roll-out or folding modules or chair-beds.

An interesting combination of bright colors in the children's bedroom. Painting an entire wall or door with slate paint will be a place where you can draw and paint whenever you want. Install gym mats in the corner of the room where they can jump around without worry. Spacious bedroom with blue furniture.

Don't forget to make an active room where your child can play and have fun. Especially if you live in an urban area where there is no outdoor play space, it is important to include some elements such as swings and slides or wooden houses. Of course this is the place.

Planning and zoning of the children's room

If for parents the bedroom, as a rule, is a place only for sleeping, then in the nursery there should also be work zone for lessons and creativity, game Zone(if friends come, the child receives them in his room) and, ideally, some kind of sports corner. Based on the foregoing, one should start from the fact that for the children's room it is necessary to allocate the most big room in an apartment, and when designing a room in a private house, the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room is at least 20 square meters.

Wooden bed and wardrobes with orange doors in the children's bedroom. Consider investing in a gym mat or folding tunnel. These two options can be stored in a closet or under the bed and even removed in summer days. The combination of green and pink in the girl's room.

If the children's room is too small for such extra items, why not hang a swing that can be installed and removed. Just be sure to take the necessary precautions to install it safely. Clips decorating the wall in the children's bedroom.

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  1. The use of cheerful and hues.

  2. How can less curtains, lambrequins and draperies, no matter how beautiful it looks. There is no place in the children's room for dust collectors.

  3. Designer pillows and bedspreads on the children's bed.

  4. As floor covering Recently, a laminate or a smooth carpet has been used, which could be easily washed. Best put in baby floors out natural wood with a smooth finish.

  5. Pasting the walls with photo wallpaper, which can be replaced after a certain period of time. After all, children often change their interests and a given photo theme can quickly get bored.

Modern ideas for furnishing the interior of a children's room

  • Safe and highly functional boxes for personal belongings made from environmentally friendly materials

  • Bunk bed that gives the child a sense of "their own territory"

  • Toy storage boxes

  • Table and chair

In 2015, they differ depending on the complexity of the work performed. After all, combining different functions in one room, making it safe, beautiful and comfortable is not an easy task. But the specialists of our design studio can do it.

A quiet place to study is important for children school age especially in a noisy house. Creating a space in your room where you can dedicate your task and reading in silence is a must. Room with double bed and fireplace. You could buy a table for your child's room, small table and a chair to create your own home office or even desk built into a small closet.

Very beautiful red wallpaper and bunk beds V dark blue in the children's bedroom. One more thing we have to add in this workspace is good lighting and a comfortable chair. You can also consider a board where to put the calendar and why not a potted plant or flowers.

The interior of the children's room can not be monotonous. Walls, ceiling, furniture and bedspreads - all this should be bright, but at the same time not tire the eyes of the child. It is important to revive the interior with the help of cute figurines and little things that can create a positive mood in the baby.

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