What to do if you are being bullied at work? Office hazing: what to do if you are "survived" from work

27 ways to earn respect - how to make yourself respected in a team?

New job - new life. And this means that you will have to gain authority in the team again. Employee respect doesn't come naturally. It is necessary to try so that the team accepts a newcomer - or, even more difficult, to recognize him as an unspoken leader.

  • The first rule is to always look good. They meet, as they say by clothes, only see off according to the mind. Therefore, everything is important - hair, shoes, makeup. At work, you should pack as carefully as you would for a date. After all, everyone knows that it is more pleasant to work with neat and well-dressed people than with sloppy, dirty people.
  • Try to be confident. Speak loudly and clearly. Don't mumble and don't chatter. Your speech should be calm and confident. And be sure to smile at people!
  • Make eye contact when talking to new colleagues - this emphasizes your interest in communication and suggests that you are not shy in front of them. If you cannot do this, then look at the point between the eyebrows or on the bridge of the nose. And it will seem to the interlocutor that you are looking directly into the eyes.
  • Try to remember names. Address immediately by name or patronymic name. After all, it has long been known that the most pleasant sounds for a person are the sounds of his name.

  • Be friendly and sociable. Get involved in conversations, share your knowledge and opinion.
  • Do not allow yourself to be rude and rude. Some people need to be cheeky towards other people in order to maintain a sense of confidence. This bad habit ruined the life of more than one person. If you have one, then fight it.
  • Take up more space. An insecure person is betrayed by his modest location in space. He sits on the edge of the chair, trying not to disturb anyone, elbows pressed, legs crossed under the chair. Remember how you behave in a pleasant society. And try to take the same postures.
  • Keep your posture, gesticulate less. If you are a leader, then this should be your first rule. After all, the boss should look like the boss - seriously, personably and boldly.

  • Be sincere. Even if in order to make the right impression you need to embellish something, don't do it. This will give you a bad reputation.
  • Don't promise what you can't deliver. Keep your word always and everywhere. Otherwise, you can pass for a trepach.
  • In any workflow, there are times when your help may be needed. This is fine. But helping colleagues don't get too emotional . Such a total surrender for some people may look like sycophancy. And to others, it may seem that you consider them to be incompetent workers or just stupid people. After all, only small children who can’t do anything are so happily helped.
  • Learn to tactfully refuse - so as not to offend a person. Indeed, due to the fact that it is inconvenient to say “no”, you may not have time to complete the task assigned to you. Politely apologize or offer to help after you've done what your boss has asked you to do. Read also:
  • If you are a leader, it is very important to learn how to protect your subordinates and defend their interests. This does not mean that you will constantly indulge them. So what you think about them, create them Better conditions labor. Show your care from the first working day!
  • Work in good faith. If a newcomer is a lazy person, then the whole team understands that the unfulfilled volumes will fall on their shoulders. And no one wants to be stressed out.

  • Constantly learn, develop as a specialist, leader and just as a person . There is no limit to perfection, and your desire to grow will be appreciated.
  • Explore in the early days - Look at the team. Who is friends with whom, what are the conversations about, what kind of people are here.
  • There are gossips in every team. You should not join them, but you should not wage war with them either. Because either way you will lose. The best option- listen to the person and leave under a valid pretext. In no case and with anyone not to discuss the news heard. After all, the ideal means of combating gossip is complete ignorance.
  • Participate in the collective life - it strengthens the team. If everyone is going to a restaurant, to the theater, to the cinema, go to the subbotnik with them.
  • Don't try to please everyone - it's impossible . Be yourself. Because individuals with their own opinion and way of thinking are valued everywhere.
  • Learn to rejoice in other people's successes. This emphasizes your kindness.
  • Take criticism appropriately . It needs to be listened to, and if you do not agree to calmly express your opinion. But do not shout, do not get personal and do not be offended.
  • Accept people for who they are . You should not impose your opinion, your own ways of solving problems and organizing working moments. Everyone decides for himself how to live and how to work.
  • Decide right away who you are. And follow the instructions of superior people only. Since in almost any team there are lovers to command newcomers.
  • Try not to show excitement - breathe deeply.
  • Do not build yourself a bore - a know-it-all. The first days of simplicity will not hurt.
  • Do not open up completely to your colleagues. And this rule applies not only to beginners. Not everyone needs to know what problems you have at home, what kind of relationship with your husband and children. Why take out dirty linen from the hut? There is a world in which there is no entrance to outsiders. Let colleagues know only about your marital status.
  • Do not engage in idle chatter in the workplace. The sad fact is that instead of completing tasks, chatterboxes come to work just to chat. These employees are being fired as soon as possible. Neither bosses nor colleagues like them.

Ideally, you should like your job and you should be respected at work. However, sometimes it happens that these two aspects turn into mutually exclusive paragraphs. There are dudes who work at a good job and strain their butt as hard as they can, but no one appreciates them. And there are those who are very much appreciated, but at the same time they have a job - do not beat the recumbent.

Earning the respect of superiors and colleagues is a very important thing; if you succeeded, then every day at work will be much easier for you. If you love your job, but have not been able to put yourself on it, then you can put a cross on you as an employee. Working without recognition kills enthusiasm, with all the ensuing consequences. Recognition leads to satisfaction, and what leads to recognition? Respect.

Only those who are considered valuable are respected. You will be asked for advice, you will be praised, they will talk to you on an equal footing. What else is good about being respectful at work is next moment: if you feel bad at work, it will inevitably affect your life outside of it. If most of the day they wipe their feet on you, by the evening you will be unfriendly.

How do you earn respect at work? Now we'll tell you.

You don't have to try so hard

Men often get so hung up on their careers. For us, work is almost like a relationship. If you hold onto your career too much, one day you will lose it. Just like in a relationship, you need to be yourself and not lose your individuality. Your employer should appreciate your presence and understand that you are working for him because you wanted to. It doesn't matter how good the job is, if you always stay late and work weekends too, sooner or later it will be taken for granted.

It's a brutal economy, but you can't be in fear all the time, even when you're away from work. Your efforts will be taken for granted, and on top of that, the quality of your work will begin to suffer.

Try less. Basically, stop worrying. You don't want people at work to think that you can't stand up for yourself, that you can wipe your feet on you, and that you're losing your grip. If you are constantly afraid that you might lose your job, you act like you are intimidated. If it comes to that, come up with a backup plan for yourself. Ask yourself: “And what will I do if I get fired?” - and answer this question for yourself. Always keep working on something different, even if it's just a little different. Even if it's just a dream. Having a back up plan means being more confident at work because you know that even in the worst case scenario, it won't be the end of the world.

Never miss a deadline

It's called a deadline for a reason. This is not from the word "grandfather", but from the word "dead". Of course, no one will die if you miss a deadline, but people set it out of necessity and for reasonable reasons. It's an ethical issue, man. Do what you promised to do. What if someone has set a completely unreasonable deadline? Then it is necessary to say respectfully, but firmly, why the work will be done poorly and how much time it will take to properly complete it. Suggest an alternative.

Never be late

Being late shows that you value your time much more than someone else's: the person you agreed to meet with, the employer, etc. Of course, your time may be more valuable to you, but still you should not treat people disrespectfully: they don't like it. Put yourself in their place.

Don't gossip, especially by mail

Because one day you will mix up the "reply" and "forward" buttons or forget to log out mailbox or Skype - and then everyone will know everything. You won't get patted on the head for nasty talk.

Don't waste other people's time, but let the authorities waste yours

Dude, let these people talk about nothing if they like it. They give you a job, and sometimes they want to chat with you. Be tactful when your boss invites you to dinner or starts telling you about his grandchildren on your hardest day. You have no choice - smile. Think it's an investment. But never act the same. Don't drop by the office just to say hello. Keep bosses at arm's length. You don't suck up and fuss about a warm place. You're just playing the right game.

Treat subordinates well

There are few people more vile than a seasoned employee who mistreats newcomers. These dudes nitpick, never offer to help, and sometimes leave an empty plastic cup or bottle in plain sight for the newbie to throw away. If you know that you get more than someone and you know more, it's better to invite him somewhere for dinner. Thank the secretary for the fact that she carries out assignments, whether it is bad or good, and for communicating with everyone who comes to you. Look newbies in the eye and say hello to them. That way things will go much better.

You never know when a rookie will be promoted - perhaps making him even cooler than you - and this is fraught with you know what. If you treated the new one well, one day he will return this favor to you, and if you were a nasty type, he will take revenge on you.

Know when to shut up, especially when there are a lot of you

I'm sorry to say this, but too much honesty is sometimes not good. Especially when you are in a group of people. No need to lie, but know when, how and to whom you can tell the unvarnished truth. Some dudes look for an excuse to shirk their responsibilities, and if you point out their flaws in front of the whole team when no one asks you, it can turn out badly. You just give them this pretext.

This is true? No. Absolutely not. But before you open your mouth, ask yourself if your honesty will side effects. If your opinion is asked by management, even if the whole team has gathered around and colleagues do not like your answer, it is still not the time to be silent. You were asked. It is not your fault. Then politely tell them when you're left unattended by management that you didn't want to, but you had no choice.

Keep your workspace in order

Not in perfect order: Work clutter is called so for a reason, it says that you are not sitting idle. But there is no need to have chocolate wrappers lying on the table that you ate a week ago. If you litter the space around you, this indicates that you are not able to manage.

Don't come to work drunk

What if someone gets drunk at a corporate party? Don't make this an event. Just make a joke while you call a taxi for this person.

And finally, happy birthday, from the bottom of my heart

But don't eat too much cake.

We spend at work. Depending on our habits, this can even be a big part of our day. A significant part of life. Therefore, you need to be respected at work, and then you will not spend Saturday and Sunday in fear of the upcoming Monday.


To live in a modern metropolis, citizens have to work daily labor activity, earning financial resources for a full existence. In the current situation, most people spend an impressive amount of time in the office. We leave the apartment early in the morning and return to it after sunset. It is not surprising that work becomes a second home for us, in which people with different characters are forced to coexist in harmony. Rarely do all team members easily find a common “language” with each other, avoiding quarrels on professional grounds. Often in the newly-minted "families" there are conflicts caused by inconsistency inner worlds employees. Work in a tense environment where negative emotions is an inappropriate decision that jeopardizes the profitability and productivity of the enterprise.

It is pointless to endure insults from colleagues, hoping for an end to regular ridicule, because the “offenders” will not stop, feeling their impunity

Biting jokes or caustic ridicule, obscene remarks or regular attacks, reports to superiors or constant - the variety of "tests" that employees have to face at work. Colleagues who, in their opinion, choose the most vulnerable person in the team, have fun and amuse themselves, insulting the honor and personal dignity of the employee. It is not surprising that the mental state of the employee is disturbed. Experiencing discomfort, a person does not want to return to work, driven by the instinct of self-preservation. Not every person is able to repulse the "offenders", some people prefer to ignore the ridicule of colleagues without defending. However, to endure the attacks of ill-wishers is an irrational decision that amuses the ego of a boorish team. You need to take care of yourself in time by finding the answer to the following question: What to do if you are insulted at work?

If you have become the object of ridicule from colleagues, then the first thing you need to do is to collect your own thoughts and stop panicking. It is impossible to give offenders pleasure from the current situation, therefore it is important to pull yourself together, in a calm atmosphere, considering further options for the development of events. It is worth noting that there is no difference in the positions of opponents - neither managers nor subordinates have the right to insult you. By adhering to the following recommendations of professional psychologists, you can correctly correct your behavior and or a colleague who wants to laugh at your sense of dignity:

Try not to show your own emotions so as not to satisfy the ego of the author of a caustic joke. You can overwhelm him with a non-standard reaction to the words spoken - laugh with the rest, start a conversation on a distant topic, or loudly refute the authenticity of the words spoken.
Respond to a taunt with a counter-taunt that does not affect your opponent's self-respect. If a colleague in front of the whole team joked about the smell of your perfume, then note their value: “In Italy, prisoners are tortured with the help of my perfume. Do you want to try?". The arrogance of the culprit will disappear, and the team will support you.
If you do not want to get involved in a verbal skirmish with a newly appeared offender who has chosen you as a target, publicly inform your colleagues about this. Why respond to a man whose jokes were relevant in kindergarten? Entering into a dialogue with the kids from the nursery group is not your level, let your colleagues know about it.
If acting is not alien to you, then the role of a deaf and curious person is effective method compromise the offender. With a puzzled face, ask again the content of the caustic joke, repeating the procedure until the culprit gets tired of fulfilling your requests. Refer to the opponent's diction or lack of humor in the statements so that the newly appeared "enemy" loses self-confidence.
Object to the offender, compromising with a counter joke or a caustic answer. Your unwillingness to put up with the current state of affairs is a powerful argument for colleagues, demonstrating a sense of your dignity. The next time, the team members will choose a weaker personality for ridicule, leaving you alone.

Following the simple advice of psychologists, you can change the current state of affairs. Colleagues will begin to respect you, no longer releasing sharp jokes and caustic ridicule. If you demonstrate self-esteem to people around you, then the team will definitely appreciate such an act. You can not bend under the opinion of the public, closing your eyes to this is an irrational decision that leads to the appearance of uncomfortable sensations in a person. If you do not set a goal by adjusting your behavior, then after a short period of time only a psychotherapist can help you.

If you do not know colleagues, you can seek the help of professional lawyers. In legislation Russian Federation the duties and rights of every citizen are clearly spelled out, violating which is strictly prohibited. Insults and humiliation of a person's honor are a clear deviation from the constitutional order of the country. Surrounding people do not have the right to "undermine" the social security of the employee with their sharp jokes or inappropriate swearing, belittling self-esteem. In order to punish the perpetrators in accordance with the law, it is necessary to thoroughly study the corpus delicti, enlisting the advice of a lawyer. The statements of colleagues are considered insults that humiliate your honor if they are accompanied by the following aspects:

the phrase of the offenders contains obscene language;
colleague's joke, involves comparing you with inanimate products, representatives of the animal world, etc .;
a word or phrase that offends self-esteem and belittles honor;
touching the torso or face, bearing a cynical and offensive character;
uncomplicated gestures or facial expressions that deprive you of;
the abuser forces you to take actions;

It is impossible to tolerate and turn a blind eye to the daily behavior of colleagues who violate constitutional rights. If you provide the court with an evidence base testifying to the guilt of employees, then the offenders will definitely answer for their deeds and words spoken. Law enforcement agencies will be guided at the time of the verdict by the Criminal and Civil Codes, in which such violations are prescribed in articles 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and 152, respectively. The main thing is not to put up with the barbs of colleagues, but in a timely manner to contact the police with a statement about the violation of your constitutional rights or to the world court at the place of residence of the offenders.

It is worth remembering that the offender can offend the “victim” in oral, written and tactile form, belittling the honor and self-esteem of the opponent

IN judicial order you can get moral compensation and achieve justice by putting your boss or colleagues in their place. According to the laws in the Criminal Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for verbal abuse, the perpetrator must pay a fine of 1,000 to 50,000 rubles or be imprisoned for 15 days; for swearing accompanied by assault - to reimburse compensation (up to 50,000 rubles) and be arrested for a period of 1 year; for a crime in which the victim committed suicide, go to prison for a period of 3 to 7 years.

Turning to the world court, it is important to clearly understand the seriousness of the ongoing processes, because the perpetrators will be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If the prosecutor sees the corpus delicti and finds a sufficient amount of evidence, then colleagues may not limit themselves to paying moral compensation. In cases involving mental and physical impact on the victim, imprisonment becomes part of the sentence. It is not surprising that the authorities regularly arrange trainings for the team, keeping, because one inappropriate joke can change the lives of several people at once.

January 15, 2014 admin

Many people spend most of their lives at work. After all, going to work is not only about fulfilling duties. At work, we communicate with colleagues, make friends, move on career ladder. If an employee works in one place for more than one year, then he comes to work as if he were home, obviously not expecting a catch. But, at any moment, trouble can happen. A new ambitious employee or your mistake leads to the fact that you are starting to survive from the position. Harassment of an employee by colleagues or boss is called mobbing. If you do not want to lose your place, then you need to act urgently. What to do if you are out of work?

Why are they surviving from work?

An attentive person will notice in advance that something is wrong around. Colleagues whisper and fall silent only when you appear. The slightest request is treated with hostility. They do not help with work, they refuse to replace, to cover up for an early departure from the service. Why colleagues announced " cold war and survive from work? Consider the main reasons:

Revenge. If you insulted or unwittingly framed a colleague, then do not expect mercy. Recall if you had to tell the director who caused the last project to fail. Even if you told the truth, it won't save you. An angry employee will go on the offensive, gather a group of disgruntled people and start spreading rumors and gossip.
Misunderstanding. This is often the case for new hires. Upon arrival at work, not because they do not support the habits of colleagues. Do not go to a pizzeria or a pub on Fridays. Even worse, if you not only refuse, but instead of gatherings in a cafe, you prefer to go to a workout.
Fight for a place. In large companies, top positions break out after 7-10 years of work. Perhaps your subordinate got tired of waiting and decided to take your place. Hence the rumors about your unprofessionalism spread.

Bullying starts with petty mischief. Colleague forgot to warn about the meeting, it turned out that they were gone important papers or documents are filled with coffee. If you don't respond to this stage, then it will be difficult to rehabilitate. Therefore, change your attitude towards colleagues, replace oral agreements with written ones. Try to organize your work in such a way that there is evidence of your activity.

How to respond to bullying colleagues?

If you decide to fight and defend the position, then be patient. From now on, do not talk about plans, do not trust subordinates or ordinary employees. To check who orchestrated the bullying, tell the suspect some secret information. If it reaches the leadership, then you have correctly calculated the enemy.

How to respond to bullying colleagues? The goal of mobbing is to get fired, so your task is to protect yourself from all sides. To do this, follow these steps:

Ask the HR department job description. Go through the checkpoints, refresh your memory, make sure you complete all the duties. Observe labor discipline. Get to work on time, leave work, don't stay late for lunch.
Have a frank conversation with a colleague or co-workers about why the bullying started. Perhaps you unwittingly offended a colleague or got in the way, set you up at work. There are times when survival activities are performed because of another employee's slander. Only a frank conversation will clarify these points.
Show that you are not afraid. Since you are already involved in a fight, then behave with dignity. No fear, no uncertainty in the voice. Stubbornly lead your line, defending workplace. Not everyone is ready to withstand such pressure.

If a colleague survived because of a banal insult, then having met a serious opponent, he will retreat.

Prepare your escape routes. As a real fighter, you must prepare a plan for defeat. While the office wars are going on, write a resume and send out a questionnaire. Let friends and family know that you are looking for a new job. Who knows, you might find a better job with the right co-workers.
Set aside 20-30% of every paycheck. This money will help you stay afloat the first time, if a layoff follows. The more finances you collect, the more confident you will feel after parting with your workplace.

If you briefly describe your actions, then you must calculate the offender, then bring the employee to the conversation. Show that you are not afraid and openly speak out against a colleague. In order not to be left without a financial cushion, look for new job save money. Don't run out of work duties, complete tasks flawlessly.

What to do if the boss is out of work?

This situation is more difficult. To compete with the leadership of an ordinary employee is too tough. Use the time you're working on to your advantage. Analyze your actions, understand why you fell out of favor with your boss. Such an analysis is needed in order to avoid mistakes in the next position. Don't go down to low measures. Complete the work with dignity, without filling up projects and disrupting the deadlines for the delivery of orders.

If, during the analysis, you came to the conclusion that the current job is your dream to which you have been going for a long time, then try to defend your place. What to do if the boss is out of work?

Confirm your decision. Write down the pros and cons of your position on a piece of paper. High salary, good position, big company, the possibility of growth is positive sides. But, when deciding to fight with the boss, you run into hostility on the part of the boss, misunderstanding on the part of the team.

Gotta be inside strong man to give a worthy rebuff and not break down due to bullying.

Calculate the instigator. It is unlikely that the boss one fine morning decided to fire you. Surely this is someone's cunning and thoughtful strategy. Your task is to find the person who sang in the ears of the boss that you are not a suitable candidate. After discovering the instigator, collect dirt on a colleague or contact your colleagues. In a large team, there will certainly be people who fell under the intrigues or gossip of this person. Gather a group of like-minded people and oppose the instigator.
Find the positive. If you are faced with nagging boss, then approach the problem from the other side. Perhaps the leader does not survive you from the position, but is really dissatisfied with the performance of duties. Either way, it's a rewarding experience. Try to follow the instructions of the boss, contact the boss on difficult issues, show that you are ready to learn and change.

Don't cross the line. Even if it didn’t work out and the dismissal will take place in the coming weeks, save business relationship. Continue to fulfill your duties, address your boss respectfully, exclusively on “You”. This will show that despite the circumstances, you remain a polite and professional employee.

If you decide to fight, then think about reverse side question. Yes, you will keep your position and salary, but you will work among envious colleagues. How long will you last in such an atmosphere. Surely this period will be accompanied by quarrels and stress. Are you ready to pay such a price or do you prefer to quit your job on time, without waiting until you finally survive.

January 17, 2014

According to experts in the field of HR, the discipline of a person directly depends on the position he occupies. So, lawyers, managers, economists and programmers rarely go missing. Most often, loaders, couriers, waiters and security guards go underground.

Basically, three categories of workers stop going to work. First, these are people engaged in unskilled labor. They go into drinking binges and can forget about work. The second category is skilled workers, but not very far removed from the lumpen. They are solely concerned with finding money. As soon as they find out that somewhere they pay three kopecks more, they rush off to a new place. The top three is closed by part-time workers who do not always understand that part-time work, according to Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, refers to regular, not temporary work, - notes the head of the personnel department of KORISassistance LLC Evgenia Rivkina.

Often those who decide to quit do not go to work. At the same time, they are little concerned that their work book has remained in the personnel department, and payments are due for unused vacation days.

Deputy Head personnel service"KSK group" Aida Ibragimova emphasizes that there are missing employees in almost every company. Their number depends on the activities of the organization. There are many fugitives in firms with a large staff of production and sales personnel, as well as in large call centers.

Regularly among the missing employees are those for whom the company is the first place of work. Such employees stop going to work, because they do not have time to combine it with their studies or get a job in a new place.

It happens that employees ignore official duties after a conflict with superiors. Many deliberately do not come to the service.

What should an employer do if an employee does not show up for work?

The problem is that the employer does not have the right to dismiss the missing employee under the law. There may be a good reason, but it still needs to be installed and formalized. The employer can dismiss a person only after presenting them with an explanation of the reasons for non-appearance. If the company dismisses the truant without asking for an explanation, then he can appeal the decision in court. As a result, the court reinstates the employee at work in connection with a violation of the dismissal procedure. The employer in such a situation must pay average earnings during forced absenteeism and calculate holidays.

What to do? First of all, colleagues and the authorities of the missing employee try to get through to him, write letters to email, ask friends and relatives (if their contacts are available). CEO Center for Business and Career Development "Perspektiva" Natalia Storozheva advises also to send a letter to the home address of the truant, drawn up on the letterhead of the organization. The letter must be registered, with acknowledgment of receipt.

The principle of protecting the employer from dishonest employees has adapted to the realities of the market. If earlier the employee was afraid of being fired for absenteeism, now he is not. And this means that you will often have to deal with the problem of absenteeism. I advise employers to be sure to prescribe all the nuances of working in the company. If you have employees who work remotely, then do not be too lazy to indicate the time of mandatory contact, no one bothers you to prescribe that if an employee does not get in touch within four hours during working hours, this behavior can be regarded as absence from the workplace with consequences, - comments the HR director of exeStation, an expert in the selection of freelance professionals at design work for solving business problems Olga Shulgina.

If the employee does not show up for work, start acting on the same day. Don't forget about new technologies. Take a look at the employee pages in social networks. Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will help you.

If attempts to find an employee have not led to anything, the employer needs to record the fact of the absence of the employee by a special act, which must contain the following data: the name of the employee, his position, the date of absence. The act must be signed by the persons who drew it up, as well as employees (necessarily at least three people) confirming the information contained in the act. Such a document is drawn up every day throughout the entire period of the employee's absence, - adds Natalya Storozheva.

You can pay a visit to the missing employee and demand an explanatory note from him. If the truant could not be caught at home, then this information must be entered in the act. The document must be certified by the signature of one of the neighbors, reports SimbirSoft HR Director Ekaterina Artyushina.

As noted Head of the Moscow Human Rights Center Mikhail Salkin, the employer will have to keep work book missing employee and keep his personal file. However, reporting for the pension fund and tax office such an employee will not be affected, since payments for absenteeism are not expected.

The employer must record the employee's absences from work on the time sheet. Wherein wage the employee is not charged. If necessary, the employer may accept a new employee under a fixed-term employment contract to replace the truant. Officially, the absence of an employee at the workplace for more than four hours in a row can be considered absenteeism.

When the fact of absenteeism is established, the employer has the right to unilaterally decide on the punishment of the employee. The employer may dismiss such an employee under article 81, paragraph 6, part 1 in connection with a single (or repeated) violation labor discipline or for the first time limit yourself to a reprimand, - explains Natalya Storozheva.

By the way, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is not obliged to either seek a truant to go to work, or fire him (part 2 of article 22 Labor Code RF). Also, the law does not require the employer to search for the missing person, and the Labor Code does not contain instructions for finding missing employees.

Whose side is the law on

If an employee for a long time does not appear at work, it is possible to terminate the employment contract with him only in court. The court must provide evidence that the employer has made every effort to search for the employee. This is where the act of non-appearance comes in handy.

The employer applies to the court if there is no information about the whereabouts of the employee during the year. In this case, the employment contract can be terminated under paragraph 6 of part 1 of Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (termination employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties).

If by his actions the truant caused direct material damage to the employer, the latter has the right to go to court demanding compensation.

If you are faced with a situation where your employee does not appear at work for several weeks in a row and does not get in touch, act in accordance with the rules of the Labor Code. And do not make a decision to dismiss before you establish the reason for the employee's absence from work.

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