Supply and exhaust ventilation or air conditioning. Types of air conditioning and ventilation systems. The cost of air conditioning and ventilation systems and their installation

Many fans of coolness are sure that the principle of operation of the air conditioner is to take air from the street and run it through a special system. Do not be deceived, the principle of operation of air conditioners is completely different. The excitement for installing a fashionable device is associated with far-fetched properties that are attributed to air conditioners by non-specialists.
Air conditioning has practically nothing to do with the term ventilation, except for the basic concept - air. Fresh air is the basis of a person's well-being and simply an essential life factor. Ventilation is responsible for bringing fresh air into an enclosed space. The air conditioner will process the already existing indoor air, either cool or heat. Air conditioning can help ventilation, but cannot replace it.
Modern air conditioning systems are equipped with forced ventilation, but the volume of air they supply is not enough even for one person, not to mention a family or work team. According to SNiP, ventilation must supply at least 60 m3 / hour per person, air conditioning with supply ventilation delivers about 20 m3/hour. Therefore, in enclosed spaces, especially residential, it is recommended to install and good system ventilation and air conditioning. The outside air is fed into the air conditioner, where it can be dehumidified, humidified, heated or cooled. After that, the air enters the room, i.e. the same air passes through the air conditioning system, over and over again. The myth that you can not open the windows while the air conditioner is running can affect your health. tributary fresh air indoors is required condition comfortable and safe living indoors.
Pathogenic bacteria and carbon dioxide that people breathe in cannot be removed from the air even by special filters installed in some models of air conditioners. This does not mean that you should give up air conditioning. Each technique has its own nuances of operation. The air conditioner is exactly following the instructions that come with it. If you read in the instructions that the air conditioner can operate in ventilation mode, this means that cooling will be turned off, and the same air will be circulated. Those. the fan in the air conditioner is no different from any desktop or floor fan. It is necessary to understand the terminology accurately and distinguish between the concepts of ventilation and operation in ventilation mode.
Modern plastic innovations on our windows deprive us of any opportunity natural ventilation. Because of plastic windows, the air in an air-conditioned room runs the risk of becoming worse than outside if you do not open the windows. The apparent relief of breathing when the air conditioner is on is connected with the laws of physics. When cooled, the number of oxygen molecules increases, i.e. air density increases. Plus, air conditioning reduces humidity, and in dry air, oxygen is absorbed faster and easier. The apparent relief of breathing does not really mean this, because. by analogy with oxygen molecules, the content of harmful molecules or chemical substances that we inhale. They are also well absorbed in chilled and dehumidified air. Pleasant coolness and lightened breathing are immediately felt by us, but harmful substances can manifest themselves in the form of chronic diseases after a while. We emphasize once again that this is by no means a contraindication to the use of an air conditioner, this is an urgent request to use it correctly and not rely on equipment. Simultaneously with the air conditioning of the room, ventilation is necessary! To the question of whether it is worth using air conditioning in residential premises at all, the answer is of course it is. It will help you endure the heat and create comfortable conditions for existence. You just need to remember that when cooling or heating the air with the help of an air conditioner, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air so as not to cycle the already exhausted one.
Of particular note is the operation of the air conditioner during sleep. Sleep with closed windows, only when the air conditioner is on for the sake of the long-awaited coolness, it is impossible. The amount of carbon dioxide in the room will increase with each exhalation, and there is nowhere for it to go, and it will circulate through you and the air conditioner. Is it worth explaining that this is not good for health?
Before installing the air conditioner, it is worth deciding on the goal: what is important for you in the operation of the air conditioner. After that, select a model, on your own or after consulting with specialists. When you decide and install the chosen model, carefully read the operating conditions, ask questions to specialists, get acquainted with the manufacturer's websites, read the attached documentation. Only vigilance will help make your home or office comfortable and safe.

The use of air conditioners has its origins over a hundred years ago in areas with particularly hot or humid climate. In our country, air conditioners are used in industry and everyday life relatively recently, while not everyone knows that ventilation and air conditioning are two completely different things. In order for the room to have a normal microclimate, it is necessary to ensure a normal supply of fresh air. Thus, ventilation is the process of taking air from a room with its subsequent replacement with fresh or, if necessary, treated air.

Air conditioners with ventilation function

Air conditioning can help ventilation, but it is not able to completely replace it. Fans operating in outdoor air conditioning units do not have anything in common with ventilation, since fresh air does not enter the room with the help of these units. Today, there are new air conditioners on the market that combine ventilation and air conditioning and supply fresh air at a rate of up to 20 m3/hour. However, these volumes are very small in order to maintain safe indoor air quality.

Parallel use of ventilation and air conditioning

Based on building codes and regulations, ventilation should bring into the room no less than 60 m3 of fresh air per person in 1 hour, therefore, this is three times more than the most modern air conditioner. Based on this, it is necessary to install both ventilation and air conditioning systems in residential premises. The air that is supplied from the street with the help of ventilation will then be dried or humidified, as well as heated or cooled with the help of an air conditioner, and after that it will enter the room. Systems from the company "BiK", with the help of which Ventilation and air conditioning provide quality results at the most affordable price.

Ventilation system project

For the design of building ventilation systems, many factors are taken into account:

  • purpose of using the building;
  • area size;
  • the presence and dimensions of windows;
  • the maximum number of people in the room at the same time.

The quality of ventilation and air conditioning is determined by the correct choice of equipment.

Organization of ventilation and air conditioning

The company "BiK" carries out the design and installation of air exchange systems for rooms various types and appointments. For example, the option of organizing ventilation and air conditioning as two independent systems is the simplest. In this case, the air is purified and enters the room through supply system ventilation. And the air conditioning system in this case consists of wall split systems. The advantages of wall blocks are affordable price, low noise and easy installation. For more complex projects, we use other types of air conditioning and ventilation systems.

Modern ecology, especially in cities, leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the presence of fresh air in a residential area is, first of all, a concern for the health of everyone who lives there. But if in country house enough to open sash, then in the conditions of gas contamination and dustiness of the urban atmosphere, such a solution looks doubtful.

Air conditioner

How to provide yourself with fresh air? Many people see a way out in the installation of an air conditioner, mistakenly believing that it takes in outside air, purifies, cools (or heats) it, and releases it into the room already in this form. However, this is not at all the case.

An air conditioner is a device used to create comfortable conditions in room. First of all, this applies to summer, when unbearable heat sets in on the street, when it is difficult not only to walk along the street, but also just fall asleep at night. What does the air conditioner do in this case? Cools the air. But what kind of air? The same one circulating in the room. Yes, he cleans it of harmful impurities as much as he can. A cheap one does not clean well, trapping only large particles of dirt and dust, as well as accidentally flying insects, on a special grate. Expensive "catches" pathogens, pathogenic fungal spores, pollen and other allergens and smaller dust particles. However, the air remains the same and each time the percentage of oxygen in it decreases, and the percentage of carbon dioxide increases. And the apparent freshness is due to its purification from harmful impurities and cooling. But after all, harmful impurities do not disappear anywhere - they settle on the air conditioner grille, which should be cleaned regularly, otherwise the condensate that accumulates there can become comfortable environment for the development of bacteria, mold and other unhelpful microorganisms.

An alternative to traditional recirculation air conditioners can be an air conditioner with a forced ventilation mode. However, at the moment this additional function the indicated devices are poorly developed and, if you use it, the air conditioner starts to emit increased noise. And the more air you need to "draw in" from the outside, the louder this noise. Is it comfortable for those living in the apartment? Hardly. Although a person gets used to everything ...

According to the norms, for one person in the room, 30 cubic meters of fresh air are needed per hour. Air conditioners with forced ventilation, in which the indicated function is set to the maximum, can provide an influx of fresh air in the amount of about 20 cubic meters per hour. This is clearly not enough.

Another mistake of those who want to buy an air conditioner is the opinion that it is able to heat the air, providing warmth in the house in winter. Yes, it heats up the air. However, he is able to do this “painlessly” for himself only if the temperature outside is above zero. If you try to turn it on in the heating mode at sub-zero outdoor temperatures, very soon it will simply break. For cheap models, the compressor will fail, and for expensive ones, the equipment itself will refuse to ruin itself and simply will not turn on. The real benefit of such a split system is only in autumn or spring, when it is plus outside. The risk here lies in the accelerated rate of formation of condensate, which should be removed in time - otherwise the device may break.

And finally, installation. As you know, the air conditioner consists of two parts - internal and external, called blocks. The installation of an outdoor unit is equivalent to a redevelopment, for which a permit is required. If this action is inconsistent, the unauthorized air conditioner installer may be complained about by neighbors, the city, or Management Company. The main threat in this case is the obligation, by a court decision, to dismantle the unauthorized structure. And the installation process itself involves the use of a perforator, the “zeal” of which some particularly old and fragile walls may not withstand.

ventilation unit

Another class of devices that perform more important and vital purposes is supply ventilation installations (or, in other words, ventilators).

Installation is carried out with special equipment to perform diamond drilling. Its high accuracy allows punching a hole in the wall without any concern for its overall integrity and is acceptable even in a newly renovated room. At the same time, on outer wall no need to hang any outdoor units - just install a protective grill with a visor. It can be painted to match the color of the wall. Such an action is not considered redevelopment and does not require additional permission.

Part ventilation unit, placed indoors, has an attractive body made of safe eco-materials. Its main advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • heat resistance;
  • high sound insulation.

The ventilation unit draws in fresh, oxygenated outside air, cleans it and delivers it to the room already in this form. IN winter time an additional air heating function is also activated up to comfortable temperature. What is most interesting, the greater the difference between the external and internal temperature the more efficient the heating will be. In the most simple models although there is no function for setting the desired temperature, there is a power regulator.

Using the iFresh installation as an example, let's consider several speeds at which the ventilator fan can operate:

  • the first, providing fresh air supply in the amount of 40 cubic meters per hour, is absolutely silent and especially comfortable at night;
  • the second, supplying air in a volume of 80 cubic meters per hour, is suitable for daytime use;
  • the third involves active ventilation in the presence of a large number of people and provides the room with air in the amount of 120 cubic meters per hour.

At the same time, active purification of the air supplied from the street is ensured, due to which, no matter how terrible the street atmosphere is, only clean, oxygenated air is inside the room. A similar effect is achieved due to double filtration through dust and active carbon filters, which trap all harmful particles - dust, industrial gases, pathogens. microorganisms, chemical compounds, etc. As a result, there is always enough fresh air in the room, and everyone who is in it feels great.

Summing up, we note that the use of air conditioning is limited to hot summer days and off-season, and we need fresh air every day.

If we talk about the material component of the issue, then from the point of view of the efficiency of investing money, the installation of forced ventilation is a more rational and priority choice. Having provided yourself with clean, oxygenated air, you can decide to install an air conditioner for "hot days".

In the conditions of modern hermetic apartments, issues related to inefficiency are increasingly arising, namely, the lack of inflow of street air masses. Due to the lack of fresh air in such rooms, the oxygen content in the air mixture is significantly reduced, which leads to a sharp decrease in the mental and physical activity of the people in it.

Today, this problem is solved by creating a forced

Equipment of premises with ventilators and wall supply valves, as well as specialized climatic equipment - air conditioners with an influx of fresh air. In fairness, it should be said that it is more correct to call this equipment not with an inflow, but with an admixture of street air, and the volume of air masses supplied to the room usually does not exceed 40%.

The device and principle of operation of the air conditioner with inflow

with an influx of fresh air come in various designs. The most popular among our compatriots are models with wall and channel arrangement indoor unit. The device of such climate systems is not much different from standard air conditioners, with the exception of the air duct that combines the internal and outdoor unit and systems for filtering the incoming air mixture. Duct air conditioners of this type are most often equipped with an electric or water heater, which heats the incoming air flow during the off-season.

An air conditioner with forced ventilation mode for an apartment consists of:

  • Evaporative (internal) unit, which includes a heat exchanger, a fan, a filtration system, and an electronic control unit.
  • An outdoor unit including a compressor, a condenser heat exchanger, a cooling fan and an additional suction turbine, as well as a mixing chamber.

The mixing of air masses occurs as follows: by means of a suction fan, fresh air is supplied through the duct to the evaporation unit, where it enters a special chamber and mixes with the air from the room. After that, the air mixture passes through the filtration system and is subjected to additional processing(heating, humidification, dehumidification, etc.), which depends on the version, set mode and model of the split system. Only after processing the air mixture is fed into the room. Microprocessor control allows you to automatically control the parameters of the air mixture specified by the user, as well as the strength of the air flow.

Scope and advantages of split systems of this type

Air conditioners with a function are most often used in residential hermetic buildings equipped with modern plastic windows, as well as in rooms with special requirements for air exchange and the quality of the air mixture.

The main advantages of an air conditioner with an influx of fresh air are:

  • Year-round supply of serviced premises with an influx of fresh air. The competent approach of manufacturers made it possible to create such climate equipment that can work even at low temperatures.
  • High degree of purification of street air. Open window, will give the necessary influx of air masses, but its quality, especially in a metropolis, leaves much to be desired. Split systems are equipped with efficient filter elements, thanks to which clean and fresh air enters the room.
  • Microprocessor control makes it possible automatic maintenance given temperature and humidity characteristics and performance of the device.

Factors to pay attention to

Despite the rather serious advantages of such, air conditioners with forced ventilation for an apartment have not become particularly popular with our compatriots, and there are several explanations for this:

  1. Increased noise level, the source of which is an additional fan. From Russia, the noise level is normalized sanitary standards, which unambiguously state that the level of penetrating sound exposure to residential premises cannot be higher than 30 dB at night. Most common models are climate technology have an indicator on the verge of this value.
  2. A household air conditioner of this type cannot fully replace the ventilation system.
  3. High price. The price of such a device is approximately 15-20% higher than that of inverter-controlled climate control equipment of similar power.

The choice of a split system of this type should be entrusted to professionals, since the implementation of proper air exchange and synchronization ventilation system with an air conditioning system is possible only with proper calculation and assessment of the required volume of supply air.

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