Water heat generator for air heating. All the details about the manufacture of vortex heat generators with your own hands. Manufacturing and development of the cavitator

IN modern conditions the purchase of their own device for the production and supply of heat costs buyers a fairly large amount. To save money or in the absence of the opportunity to purchase a heat source in a store, there are reasonable grounds to construct a heat generator with your own hands. There are several types of such projects. The choice depends on technical capabilities owner or tasks that need to be solved with a heat generating system.

Advantages of homemade heat production

In general, there are two types of devices: static and rotary. If in the first version there is a nozzle at the heart of the design, then other machines create cavitation using a rotor. These vortex structures can be compared with each other and choose suitable option for assembly.

A do-it-yourself heat generator designed to help provide comfortable temperature regime Vacation home, cottage, separate cottage, apartment - in the absence of centralized heating, its defects, interruptions or accidents.

Also, such devices help to offset the cost of heat, choose best option power supply. They are simple in terms of design and economical, environmentally friendly.

How to make a heat generator with your own hands?

For assembly, you will need the following materials and tools:

A sufficient number of pipes corresponding to the room in length and width;
- perforator (drill) for drilling pipes;
- pump;
- cavitator of any kind;
- manometer;
- a thermometer for measuring the level of heat and sleeves for it;
- taps for heating systems;
- electric motor.

Additional accessories may be required for different types of systems. But in general homemade heating appliances are quite accessible for design and customization by everyone.

cavitation design

Do-it-yourself cavitation heat generator can be made on the basis of which is often found in the bathroom, well, cottage water supply system. The low efficiency of such a pump can be converted into the energy of a cavitation heater. There will be a transition of mechanical energy into thermal energy. This principle is often used in industry.

A do-it-yourself cavitation heat generator is made on the basis of a pump that builds pressure above the nozzle. The disadvantage of a cavitation device is a high noise level, high power, inappropriate in small rooms, rare materials, dimensions - even a miniature model will take 1.5 square meters.

Wood heating

A do-it-yourself wood-fired heat generator will provide stable space heating in the absence of centralized heating and the presence of a sufficient amount of wood fuel. No matter how technology and construction methods develop, a wood-burning stove or a fireplace will save you during power outages.

For wood heating is carried out or a traditional stove.

But such systems require careful adherence to safety standards. It is important to decide on the installation site of the furnace - massive units cannot always be placed in country houses.

Making a do-it-yourself wood-fired heat generator is good decision if necessary, autonomous heating of rooms. Sometimes it's really the only one possible variant heating.

Potapov's device

Do-it-yourself Potapov heat generator can be made using the following materials:

Corner grinder;
- welding device;
- drill and drills;
- at 12 and 13;
- different bolts, nuts, washers;
- metal corners;
- paints and primers.

Potapov's heat generator, made with his own hands, allows you to generate heat based on electric motor using a pump. This is very economical option, which is quite simple to make from ordinary parts.
The motor is selected depending on the existing voltage - 220 or 380 V.

Assembly begins with it, fixing it on the frame. Performed metal carcass from a square, welding and bolts, nuts help to secure the entire structure. Bolt holes are made, the engine is placed inside, the frame is covered with paint. Then pick up centrifugal pump, which will be untwisted by the engine. The pump is mounted on a frame, but in this case coupler required lathe which can be ordered from the factory. It is important to insulate the generator with a special casing made of tin sheets or aluminum.

Frenette generator

Do-it-yourself Frenette heat generator is made by many lovers of technical experiments - this unit is known for its incredibly high efficiency and a wide variety of models. However, many of these heat pumps are quite expensive.

Do-it-yourself Frenett heat generator can be made from the following components:
- rotor;
- stator;
- bladed fan;
- shaft, etc.
The stator and rotor act as cylinders, one inside the other. Oil is poured into the large one, the small cylinder heats the entire system due to its revolutions. The fan provides hot air. This is enough simple model heat pump, which can be improved. In the future, you can replace the inner cylinder with steel discs or remove the fan.
A high level of efficiency is ensured by the circulation of the heat carrier (oil) in closed system. There is no heat exchanger, but the heating power is quite high. This system saves costs that usually need to be allocated to other types of heating.

Magnetic generator

Magnetic heating systems are of the vortex type and operate on the basis of an electromagnetic field, whose energy is absorbed by heated objects and converted into heat. This unit is based on induction coil- multi-turn cylindrical, when passing through which electricity creates an alternating state magnetic field.

A do-it-yourself magnetic heat generator is made from elements: a nozzle and a pressure gauge at the outlet, a thermometer with sleeves, taps and induction elements. If a heated object is placed near such a unit, the generated magnetic induction flux will penetrate the heated object. lines electric field located perpendicular to the direction of magnetic particles and go in a vicious circle.

In the process of divergence of vortex flows of electricity, energy is transformed into heat - the object is heated.

A self-made magnetic heat generator (with an inverter) allows you to use the power of magnetic fields to start the pump, quickly warm up the room and any substances to high temperatures. Such heaters can not only heat water up to desired temperature but also to melt metals.

diesel generator

Assembled with your own hands, it will help to effectively solve the problem of heating in an indirect way. The entire heating process in such units is fully automated, the diesel appliance can also be used in industrial needs.
The main type of fuel in this case is diesel or kerosene. The device is a cannon, which is formed from a housing (casing), a fuel tank and an attached pump, as well as a cleaning filter and a combustion chamber. The fuel tank is placed at the bottom of the unit for the convenience of supplying the resource.

A do-it-yourself diesel heat generator will help you heat the room efficiently and quickly in a fairly economical way.

Also, units can serve as fuel, they have a nozzle that sprays the fuel as it burns out, but in some embodiments, the supply can be done by the drip method. When counting on continuous work It is necessary to refuel the generator twice during the day.

Design test

A do-it-yourself heat generator will work as efficiently as possible if you conduct preliminary tests of the entire system and correct possible defects:
- all surfaces must be protected with paint;
- the body must be made of thick material due to very aggressive cavitation processes;
- entry openings must be different size- so it will be possible to regulate the performance;
- The vibration damper must be changed regularly.
It is better to have a special laboratory area where generators will be tested.

The best option - in which the water heats up more strongly in the same length of time, this device can be preferred and further improved.

The high cost of heating equipment makes many people think about whether it is worth buying an industrial model or is it better to assemble it yourself. In fact, the heat generator is a somewhat modified centrifugal pump. To assemble such a unit on their own is within the power of someone who has minimal knowledge in this industry. If there are no own developments, then ready-made schemes can always be found online. The main thing is to choose one by which it will be easy to assemble a heat generator with your own hands. But first, it does not hurt to learn as much as possible about this device.

What is a heat generator

Equipment of this class is represented by two main types of devices:

  • Stator;
  • Rotary (vortex).

However, not so long ago, cavitation models also appeared, which may soon become a worthy replacement for units operating on conventional fuels.

The difference between stator and rotary devices is that in the first, the liquid is heated using nozzles located at the inlet and outlet of the unit. In the second type of generators, heat is generated in the process of pump revolutions, leading to water turbulence.

Watch the video, the generator in operation, measurements:

In terms of performance, a do-it-yourself vortex heat generator is somewhat superior to the stator one. It has 30% more heat dissipation. And although today on the market such equipment is represented by various modifications that differ in rotors and nozzles, the essence of their work does not change from this. Based on these parameters, it is better to assemble a heat generator on your own with a vortex type. How to do this will be discussed below.

Complete set and principle of operation

The simplest design has a device consisting of the following elements:

  1. Rotor made of carbon steel;
  2. Stator (welded or monolithic);
  3. Clamping sleeve with an inner diameter of 28 mm;
  4. Steel ring.

Let us consider the principle of operation of the generator using the cavitation model as an example. In it, water enters the cavitator, after which it is spun by the engine. During the operation of the unit, air bubbles in the coolant collapse. In this case, the liquid that has entered the cavitator is heated.

To work, assembled with your own hands, using the drawings of the device found on the network, you should remember that it needs energy, which is spent on overcoming the friction force in the device, the formation sound vibrations, heating liquid. In addition, the device has almost 100% efficiency.

Tool required to assemble the unit

It is impossible to assemble such a unit from scratch on your own, since for its manufacture it will be necessary to use technological equipment, which home master simply no. Therefore, with their own hands, they usually assemble only an assembly that in some way repeats. It is called the Potapov device.

However, even to assemble this device, equipment is needed:

  1. Drill and a set of drills for it;
  2. Welding machine;
  3. grinding machine;
  4. Keys;
  5. fasteners;
  6. Primer and paint brush.

In addition, you will need to purchase a motor powered by a 220 V network and a fixed base for installing the device itself on it.

Generator manufacturing steps

The assembly of the device begins with the connection to the pump, the desired pressure type, the mixing nozzle. It is attached using a special flange. A hole is made in the center of the bottom of the pipe through which hot water will be discharged. To control its flow, a braking device is used. It is in front of the bottom.

But since cold water also circulates in the system, its flow must also be regulated. To do this, use a disk rectifier. When the liquid cools, it goes to the hot end, where it is mixed with the heated coolant in a special mixer.

Next, they proceed to the assembly of the design of the vortex heat generator with their own hands. To do this, I use a grinder to cut squares from which the main structure is assembled. How to do this can be seen in the drawing below.

There are two ways to assemble the structure:

  • Using bolts and nuts;
  • With a welding machine.

In the first case, get ready for the fact that you have to make holes for fasteners. This requires a drill. During the assembly process, all dimensions must be taken into account - this will help to obtain a unit with the specified parameters.

The very first stage is the creation of a frame on which the engine is installed. It is collected from iron corners. The dimensions of the structure depend on the size of the engine. They may differ and are selected for a specific device.

To fix the engine on the assembled frame, you will need another square. It will act as a cross member in the structure. When choosing an engine, experts recommend paying attention to its power. The amount of heated coolant depends on this parameter.

We watch the video, the stages of assembling the heat generator:

The last stage of assembly is painting the frame and preparing holes for installing the unit. But before proceeding with the installation of the pump, its power should be calculated. Otherwise, the engine may not be able to start the unit.

After all the components are prepared, the pump is connected to the hole from which water flows under pressure and the unit is ready for operation. Now, using the second pipe, it is connected to the heating system.

This model is one of the simplest. But if there is a desire to regulate the temperature of the coolant, then a locking device is installed. Also can be used electronic devices control, but it should be borne in mind that they are quite expensive.

Connecting the device to the system is as follows. First, it is connected to the hole through which water enters. She is under pressure. The second branch pipe is used for direct connection to the heating system. To change the temperature of the coolant, a locking device is located behind the nozzle. When it is closed, the temperature in the system gradually increases.

Additional nodes may also be used. However, the cost of such equipment is quite high.

Watch the video, the design after manufacturing:

The body of the future generator can be made welded. And the details for it according to your drawings will be machined by any turner. Usually it has the form of a cylinder, closed on both sides. On the sides of the body are performed through holes. They are needed to connect the unit to the heating system. A jet is placed inside the body.

The outer cover of the generator is usually made of steel. Then holes for bolts and a central one are made in it, to which a fitting for supplying liquid is subsequently welded.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in assembling a heat generator with your own hands on wood. But in fact, this task is not so easy. Of course, if you do not rush and study the issue well, then you can handle it. But at the same time, the accuracy of the dimensions of the machined parts is very important. AND special attention requires the manufacture of a rotor. Indeed, if it is machined incorrectly, the unit will work with high level vibrations, which will negatively affect all the details. But the bearings suffer the most in this situation. They will break very quickly.

Only a properly assembled heat generator will work efficiently. At the same time, its efficiency can reach 93%. Therefore, experts advise.

For heating a private house and apartment, autonomous generators are often used. We propose to consider what an induction vortex heat generator is, its principle of operation, how to make a device with your own hands, as well as drawings of devices.

Description of the generator

Exist different types vortex heat generators, they are mainly distinguished by their shape. Previously, only tubular models were used, now round, asymmetric or oval ones are actively used. It should be noted that this small device can provide full heating system, and when right approach also hot water.

Photo - Mini vortex type heat generator

A vortex and hydrovortex heat generator is a mechanical device that separates the compressed gas from hot and cold streams. The air leaving the “hot” end can reach temperatures of 200 ° C, and from the cold end it can reach -50. It should be noted that the main advantage of such a generator is that it electrical device has no moving parts, everything is permanently fixed. Pipes are most often made of stainless alloy steel, which resists high temperatures and external destructive factors (pressure, corrosion, shock loads).

Photo - Vortex heat generator

The compressed gas is blown tangentially into the vortex chamber, after which it is accelerated to high speed rotation. Due to the conical nozzle at the end of the outlet pipe, only the "incoming" part of the compressed gas is allowed to move in a given direction. The rest is forced to return to the inner vortex, which is smaller in diameter than the outer one.

Where are vortex heat generators used:

  1. in refrigeration units;
  2. To provide heating for residential buildings;
  3. For heating industrial premises;

It must be taken into account that the vortex gas and hydraulic generator has a lower efficiency than traditional air conditioning equipment. They are widely used for inexpensive spot cooling when compressed air is available from local network heating.

Video: study of vortex heat generators

Operating principle

There are various explanations for the causes of the vortex effect of rotation in the complete absence of motion and magnetic fields.

Photo - Scheme of a vortex heat generator

In this case, the gas acts as a body of revolution, due to its rapid movement inside the device. This operating principle is different from generally accepted standard, where cold and hot air go separately, because when the flows are combined, according to the laws of physics, different pressures are formed, which in our case causes the vortex motion of gases.

Due to the presence of centrifugal force, the outlet air temperature is much more temperature it at the inlet, this allows the use of devices both for heat generation and for effective cooling.

There is another theory of the principle of operation of the heat generator, due to the fact that both vortices rotate with the same angular velocity and direction, the internal vortex angle loses its angular momentum. The decrease in torque is transferred to the kinetic energy to the external vortex, resulting in the formation of separated flows of hot and cold gas. This principle of operation is a complete analogue of the Peltier effect, in which the device uses electrical energy pressure (voltage) to move heat to one side of the dissimilar metal junction, causing the other side to cool and the energy consumed to return to the source.

Photo - The principle of operation of the hydrotype generator

Advantages of a vortex heat generator:

  • Provides significant (up to 200 ºС) temperature difference between "cold" and "hot" gas, works even at low inlet pressure;
  • Works with efficiency up to 92%, does not need forced cooling;
  • Converts the entire inlet flow into one cooling flow. Due to this, the possibility of overheating of heating systems is practically excluded.
  • The energy generated in the vortex tube is used in a single flow, which contributes to efficient heating natural gas with minimal heat loss;
  • Provides efficient separation of the swirl temperature of the inlet gas at atmospheric pressure and outlet gas at negative pressure.

Such alternative heating at almost zero cost, the volt perfectly heats a room from 100 square meters (depending on the modification). Main cons: This high price and rarely used in practice.

How to make a heat generator with your own hands

Vortex heat generators are very complex devices; in practice, Potapov's automatic WTG can be made, the scheme of which is suitable for both home and industrial work.

Photo - Potapov's vortex heat generator

This is how the Potapov mechanical heat generator (93% efficiency) appeared, the diagram of which is shown in the figure. Despite the fact that Nikolai Petrakov was the first to receive a patent, it is Potapov's device that is particularly popular with home craftsmen.

This diagram shows the design of the vortex generator. The mixing pipe 1 is connected to the pressure pump by a flange, which in turn supplies liquid with a pressure of 4 to 6 atmospheres. When water enters the collector, in drawing 2, a vortex is formed and it is fed into a special vortex tube (3), which is designed so that the length is 10 times greater than the diameter. The vortex of water moves along the spiral pipe near the walls to the hot pipe. This end ends with bottom 4, in the center of which there is a special hole for the exit hot water.

To control the flow, a special braking device, or a water flow straightener 5, is located in front of the bottom, it consists of several rows of plates that are welded to the sleeve in the center. The sleeve is coaxial with the tube 3. At the moment when the water moves through the pipe to the rectifier along the walls, a countercurrent flow is formed in the axial section. Here, the water moves towards the fitting 6, which is cut into the wall of the volute and the fluid supply pipe. Here the manufacturer installed another 7 flow disc rectifier to control the flow cold water. If heat comes out of the liquid, then it is directed through a special bypass 8 to the hot end 9, where water is mixed with water heated by a mixer 5.

Directly from the hot water pipe, the liquid enters the radiators, after which, making a “circle”, it returns to the coolant for reheating. Further, the source heats the liquid, the pump repeats the circle.

According to this theory, there are even modifications of the heat generator for mass production. low pressure. Unfortunately, the projects are good only on paper, few people actually use them, especially considering that the calculation is carried out using the Virial theorem, which must take into account the energy of the Sun (a non-constant value) and the centrifugal force in the pipe.

The formula is as follows:

Epot \u003d - 2 Ekin

Where Ekin =mV2/2 is the kinetic motion of the Sun;

Mass of the planet - m, kg.

A household vortex-type heat generator for Potapov water may have the following specifications:

Photo - Modifications of vortex heat generators

Price overview

Despite the relative simplicity, it is often easier to buy vortex cavitation heat generators than to assemble them yourself. homemade device. The sale of new generation generators is carried out in many major cities Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Consider the price list from open sources (mini-devices will be cheaper), how much the Mustafaev, Bolotov and Potapov generator costs:

Most low price for a heat generator of eddy energy brands Akoil, Vita, Graviton, Must, Euroalliance, Yusmar, NTK, in Izhevsk, for example, about 700,000 rubles. When buying, be sure to check the device passport and quality certificates.

To ensure maximum economical heating, home owners use various systems. We propose to consider how a cavitation heat generator works, how to make a device with your own hands, as well as its device and circuit.

Pros and cons of cavitation energy sources

Cavitation heaters are simple devices, which convert the mechanical energy of the working fluid into thermal energy. In fact, this device consists of a centrifugal pump (for bathrooms, wells, water supply systems for private houses), which has a low efficiency indicator. Energy conversion in cavitation heater is widely used in industrial enterprises where the heating elements can be damaged by contact with a working fluid that has a severe temperature difference.

Photo - Design of a cavitation heat generator

Device advantages:

  1. Efficiency;
  2. Profitability of heat supply;
  3. Availability;
  4. You can assemble a home appliance for the production of thermal energy with your own hands. As practice shows, a home-made device is not inferior to a purchased one in terms of its qualities.

Cons of the generator:

  1. Noisiness;
  2. It is difficult to get materials for production;
  3. The power is too large for a small room up to 60-80 square meters, it is easier to buy a household generator;
  4. Even mini-appliances take up a lot of space (on average, at least one and a half meters of a room).

Video: cavitation heat generator device

Principle of operation

"Cavitation" refers to the formation of bubbles in the liquid, thus the impeller operates in a mixed phase (period of liquid and gas bubbles) environment. Pumps are generally not designed for mixed flow (their operation destroys bubbles, causing the cavitation generator to lose efficiency). These thermal devices are designed to induce mixed phase flow as part of the agitation of the liquid, resulting in thermal conversion.

Photo - Drawing of a heat generator

In commercial cavitation heaters, mechanical energy drives the input energy heater (eg motor, control unit), causing the fluid that is responsible for generating the output energy to return to the source. This conservation converts mechanical energy into thermal energy with little loss (typically less than 1 percent), so conversion errors are taken into account in the conversion.

A supercavitational jet power generator works a little differently. Such a heater is used in powerful enterprises, when thermal energy output is transferred to the liquid in a certain device, its power greatly exceeds the amount of mechanical energy required to drive the heater. These devices are more energy efficient than return mechanisms, in particular, because they do not require regular checks and adjustments.

Exist different types such generators. The most common type is the Griggs rotary hydrodynamic mechanism. Its principle of operation is based on the operation of a centrifugal pump. It consists of nozzles, stator, housing and working chamber. At the moment, there are many upgrades, the simplest is a drive or disk (spherical) rotary water pump. It is a disk surface in which a lot of various holes deaf type (without exit), these structural elements are called Griggs cells. Their dimensional parameters, the number directly depend on the power of the rotor, the design of the heat generator and the speed of the drive.

Photo - Griggs hydrodynamic mechanism

There is a certain gap between the rotor and the stator, which is necessary for heating water. This process is carried out by means of the rapid movement of fluid on the surface of the disk, which contributes to an increase in temperature. On average, the rotor moves at approximately 3000 rpm, which is enough to raise the temperature to 90 degrees.

The second type of cavitation generator is commonly called static. It does not have, unlike a rotary one, any rotating parts; in order for cavitation to take place, it needs nozzles. In particular, these are the details of the famous Laval, which are connected to the working chamber.

For operation, a conventional pump is connected, as in a rotary form of a generator, it pumps pressure in the working chamber, which ensures a greater speed of water movement, respectively, an increase in its temperature. The fluid velocity at the nozzle outlet is provided by the difference in the diameters of the inlet and outlet nozzles. Its disadvantage is that the efficiency is much lower than in a rotary one, especially since it is larger and heavier.

How to make a generator yourself

The first tubular unit was developed by Potapov. But he did not receive a patent for it, because. Until now, the rationale for the operation of an ideal generator is considered incomplete "ideal", in practice they also tried to recreate the device Schauberger, Lazarev. At the moment, it is customary to work according to the drawings of Larionov, Fedoskin, Petrakov, Nikolai Zhuk.

Photo - Potapov vortex cavitation generator

Before starting work, you need to choose a vacuum or non-contact pump (suitable even for wells) according to your parameters. For this, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. Pump power (a separate calculation is made);
  2. Required thermal energy;
  3. The magnitude of the pressure;
  4. Type of pump (boost or step-down).

Despite the huge variety of shapes and types of cavitators, almost all industrial and household devices are made in the form of a nozzle, this form is the simplest and most practical. In addition, it is easy to upgrade, which greatly increases the power of the generator. Before starting work, pay attention to the cross section of the hole between the confuser and diffuser. It must be made not too narrow, but not wide either, approximately from 8 to 15 cm. In the first case, you will increase the pressure in the working chamber, but the power will not be high, because. the volume of heated water will be relatively small compared to cold water. In addition to these problems, a small cross-sectional difference contributes to oxygenation of the incoming water from the working pipe, this indicator affects the noise level of the pump and the occurrence of cavitation phenomena in the device itself, which, in principle, negatively affects its operation.

Photo - Cavitation heat generator

Cavitation heat generators of heating systems necessarily have expansion chambers. They may have different profile depending on requirements and required power. Depending on this indicator, the design of the generator may change.

Consider the design of the generator:

  1. The branch pipe from which water flows 1 is connected by means of a flange to a pump, the essence of which is to supply water under a certain pressure to the working chamber.
  2. After the water enters the nozzle, it must acquire the desired speed and pressure. This requires specially selected pipe diameters. Water quickly moves to the center of the working chamber, reaching which several fluid flows are mixed, after which an energy pressure is formed;
  3. A special brake device is used to control the fluid velocity. It must be installed at the outlet and outlet of the working chamber, as is often done for oil products (oil waste, refining or washing), hot water in a household appliance.
  4. Through the protective valve, the liquid moves to the opposite branch pipe, in which the fuel is returned to the starting point by means of work circulation pump. Due constant movement and heat and heat is produced, which can be converted into constant mechanical energy.

In principle, the operation is simple and based on a similar principle as that of a vortex device, even the formulas for calculating the heat produced are identical. This:

Epot = - 2 Ekin

Where Ekin \u003d mV2 / 2 is the movement of the Sun (kinetic, non-constant value);

Mass of the planet - m, kg.

Price overview

Of course, a cavitation heat generator is practically an anomalous device, it is an almost ideal generator, it is difficult to buy it, the price is too high. We suggest considering how much a cavitation heating device costs in different cities Russia and Ukraine:

Cavitation vortex heat generators have simpler drawings, but are somewhat inferior in efficiency. At the moment, there are several market leaders: the Radex rotary hydro-impact heat generator pump, NPP New Technologies, the Tornado electric shock and the Vektorplus electric shock, a mini-device for a private house (LATR) TSGC2-3k ( 3 kVA) and Belarusian Yurle-K.

Photo - Heat generator tornado

Sale is made in dealerships and partner stores in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and other CIS countries.

In connection with high prices for industrial heating equipment many craftsmen are going to make an economical heater with their own hands - a vortex heat generator.

Such a heat generator is just a slightly modified centrifugal pump. However, in order to assemble such a device on your own, even with all the diagrams and drawings, you need to have at least minimal knowledge in this area.

Principle of operation

The coolant (water is most often used) enters the cavitator, where the installed electric motor spins it and cuts it with a screw, resulting in the formation of vapor bubbles (the same happens when a submarine and a ship float, leaving behind a specific trace).

Moving along the heat generator, they collapse, due to which thermal energy is released. This process is called cavitation.

Based on the words of Potapov, the creator of the cavitation heat generator, the principle of operation of this type of device is based on renewable energy. Due to the absence of additional radiation, according to the theory, the efficiency of such a unit can be about 100%, since almost all of the energy used is spent on heating water (coolant).

Create a wireframe and select elements

To make a homemade vortex heat generator, you need an engine to connect it to the heating system.

And, the greater its power, the more it will be able to heat the coolant (that is, it will produce heat faster and more). However, here it is necessary to focus on the operating and maximum voltage in the network, which will be supplied to it after installation.

When choosing a water pump, it is necessary to consider only those options that the engine can spin. At the same time, it must be of a centrifugal type, otherwise there are no restrictions on its choice.

You also need to prepare a frame for the engine. Most often, it is an ordinary iron frame, where iron corners are attached. The dimensions of such a frame will depend primarily on the dimensions of the engine itself.

After choosing it, it is necessary to cut the corners of the appropriate length and weld the structure itself, which should allow you to place all the elements of the future heat generator.

Next, you need to cut another corner to mount the electric motor and weld it to the frame, but already across. The final touch in the preparation of the frame is painting, after which it is already possible to mount the power plant and pump.

The design of the body of the heat generator

Such a device (a hydrodynamic version is considered) has a body in the form of a cylinder.

It is connected to the heating system through the through holes that are on its sides.

But the main element of this device is precisely the jet located inside this cylinder, directly next to the inlet.

Note: it is important that the size of the inlet of the jet has dimensions corresponding to 1/8 of the diameter of the cylinder itself. If its size is less than this value, then water will not physically be able to the right amount pass through it. In this case, the pump will become very hot, due to high blood pressure, which will also provide Negative influence and on the walls of the parts.

How to make

For creating homemade generator heat will be needed Sander, electric drill, as well as a welding machine.

The process will take place as follows:

  1. First you need to cut off a piece of a sufficiently thick pipe, with a total diameter of 10 cm, and a length of not more than 65 cm. After that, you need to make an external groove of 2 cm on it and cut the thread.
  2. Now, from exactly the same pipe, it is necessary to make several rings, 5 cm long, after which it is cut internal thread, but only on one of its sides (that is, half rings) on each.
  3. Next, you need to take a sheet of metal with a thickness similar to the thickness of the pipe. Make lids out of it. They need to be welded to the rings on the side where they do not have threads.
  4. Now you need to make center holes in them. In the first, it should correspond to the diameter of the jet, and in the second, to the diameter of the pipe. At the same time, with inside the cover that will be used with the jet must be made using a drill, chamfer. As a result, the nozzle should come out.
  5. Now we connect a heat generator to this entire system. The pump hole, from where water is supplied under pressure, must be connected to the nozzle located near the nozzle. Connect the second branch pipe to the entrance already in itself heating system. But connect the output from the latter to the pump inlet.

Thus, under the pressure created by the pump, the coolant in the form of water will begin to pass through the nozzle. Due to the constant movement of the coolant inside this chamber, it will heat up. After that, it enters directly into the heating system. And in order to be able to regulate the resulting temperature, you need to install a ball valve behind the nozzle.

A change in temperature will occur when its position changes, if it passes less water (it will be in a half-closed position). Water will stay and move longer inside the case, due to which its temperature will increase. This is how a water heater works.

Watch the video which gives practical advice for the manufacture of a vortex heat generator with your own hands:

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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
Spring rolls with vegetables Vegetable rolls at home
Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.