Do-it-yourself plumbing in the country. Do-it-yourself plumbing in the country: the simplest ways of device

Depending on local conditions, the source of water can be:

  • local water supply network;
  • water from the river near the cottage;
  • open reservoir of natural or artificial origin;
  • well;
  • well.

Let's characterize each of these sources in more detail.

Water pipes

Operating stationary water supply is far from uncommon in already established dacha cooperatives and horticultural associations. Yes, and new elite summer cottages can often receive water from the city or village water supply network. The owners of such dachas can only connect to the laid pipes and enjoy all the benefits of a civilized water supply.

Permanent water supply makes it possible to do without storage tanks, additional pumps and due to this, decently save on electricity. Unfortunately, even in our time, in areas remote from big cities, the presence of such a water supply is an unrealizable desire. Therefore, you have to equip yourself summer plumbing in the country.

Water supply from the river

In places where the river is not poisoned by sewage, industrial and domestic discharges and the environmental situation is favorable - river water can be used not only for watering plants, but also for cooking. For dirty water, there are modern filters and installations that can purify it to drinking water.

Plumbing from a spring or reservoir

Spring water is a source of vital energy. Such a water supply to the cottage is a real treasure. With a sufficiently large debit of water, the spring can become the source of a small man-made lake. Such water is equated to river water and can serve to meet summer needs.


It is easiest to make a water supply system in a country house from a well with your own hands - this is the most common option for water intake in the villages. As a rule, it is dug by hand, to a relatively shallow depth. The well is fed by the upper groundwater(perch water), so its water regime depends on the amount of precipitation.

In arid regions, the depth can reach more than one and a half dozen meters, but today, under such circumstances, it is more economical to drill and equip a water well. Well water is not always drinkable and must then also be filtered, boiled, or disinfected by other methods.

In places remote from civilization, in ecologically safe areas, the water in the wells is especially clean, and its quality is comparable to spring water. In such places, well water can be safely drunk and used in cooking without further purification.


This is the only possible source of water supply in places with a poor environmental background and in arid regions. The drilling rig is able to reach the deepest aquifer, located in the artesian calcareous soil horizon. Often, artesian wells give such a pressure of water that there is no need for an additional booster pump.

Types of summer water supply

Modern technologies provide an extensive selection of materials and methods for creating a summer water supply. Water in the country can be supplied using permanent (stationary) communications or collapsible (temporary).

Portable (temporary) water supply from polyethylene pipes

Making a collapsible water supply in the country with your own hands is very simple. It is quite capable of satisfying the needs of its owners. For this option, thick-walled PE (polyethylene) pipes are used, connected by a collet threaded fitting.

The main advantage of PE pipes is their low cost. The main disadvantage of such a system is that it is expensive. connecting fitting. In addition, the tightness of the joints can be violated with any shifts in the pipes. Therefore, polyethylene pipes are laid in shallow grooves for the summer, which can be covered with suitable boards. For distributing water supply in a house, a PE pipe is inconvenient and is usually not used there.

Stationary water supply from polypropylene pipes

Unlike collapsible, non-collapsible water supply is assembled from PP (polypropylene) pipes, which are tightly soldered into single system using a special soldering tool. Polypropylene plastic pipes for water supply in the country are somewhat more expensive than polyethylene, but the cost of this fitting is a very small fraction of the total cost of creating a pipeline. Since the PP water supply system is a stationary system, to protect it from frost, it is dug into the ground below the freezing level (at least 30 cm deep for those operated in winter time water pipes in the Moscow region). If necessary, they are additionally insulated with foam, cotton wool, polyprene, or any other suitable insulation.

Important! If the operation of the water supply system is not provided for in winter, the insulation will not protect the water in the pipes from freezing. The only protection in this case is a sufficiently deep pipe laying (see table).

Hose surface water supply for irrigation

When the owners rarely come to the dacha, and the summer water supply is used mainly for watering plants, a thick garden hose connected to any convenient storage tank, for example, or directly to a well pump, can play its role. The hose on the reel is quickly unrolled for use, and just as easily reeled up after the end of the job.

Pump and filters for water supply in the country

When planning water supply in the country with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that it is based on the use of external (vacuum) or submersible (vibration, rotary) pumps. The vacuum pump is located above ground level, which allows you to install it right in the house.

The power of the pump is determined by its performance. According to the laws of physics, any vacuum pump, regardless of motor power, raises water to a height of no more than 10 m. Therefore, this option is not applicable for deep wells and wells.

Submerged rotary and vibration pumps.

Unlike rotary, vibration pumps are characterized by a simple design, high maintainability and a much lower price. However, due to the transfer of vibration to the water, they contribute to the rapid siltation of the water source.

Multi-stage rotary rotary turbopumps are the best in terms of performance and head of water. The dimensions of such mechanisms are associated with the diameter of the casing pipes of a water well, therefore they are most often used for individual water supply. Rotary pumps are more expensive than vibration pumps and consume more electricity.

Organizing water supply in the country with your own hands is only half the battle. Water can be used for irrigation, hand washing and technical use. But, for the preparation of drinks and food, the water must be further purified. During filtration, all mechanical impurities are removed from the water, its salt composition is brought into line with SES requirements. If the water does not pass the test for bacteriological content - such water can be consumed only after boiling.

Reducing water hardness has a beneficial effect on the performance of irrigation systems. When using soft water, nozzles and drippers do not become clogged with deposits and do not require cleaning for several years.

Preparing summer plumbing for winter

Freezing water during winter frosts can break even metal pipe. Therefore, summer country water supply is usually dismantled, cleaned, washed, dried and put away for storage in a barn or utility block. The exception is soldered plumbing from polypropylene pipes laid below the freezing line of the surface.

If the terrain allows - you can organize the slope of all sections of the water supply to one point to drain the water. When making plumbing with your own hands, it is important to consider that water intake from an open reservoir (pond, river, reservoir on the territory of the site, well) must be carried out below the maximum allowable ice thickness. That is

Pipes for stationary water supply must be laid according to the scheme below, and must be insulated from water with a waterproof material. The leveling layer under the pipe must be at least 50 mm and carefully compacted to prevent subsidence. After laying the pipe, it is covered with sand or gravel 2-3 cm from the bottom of the trench, including the leveling layer. The total height of the trench (indicated by H in the diagram) must be at least 0.5 meters.

If winter operation is not expected - submersible pumps they are taken out of the wells to the surface, dried, cleaned from sand and plaque. Inspection required is carried out Maintenance and conservation with a special lubricant. The conservation process is always described in detail in the instruction manual for the specific product.


Since the conditions of water supply of various summer cottages very different, then the same universal prescription to create a water pipe does not exist. But now you know how to make plumbing in the country with your own hands, and you can easily solve this issue in an accessible way.

In a situation where the summer cottage serves as a place of rest, it is impossible to do without organizing a reliable source of water supply. If it is planned to grow crops in the country, regular water supply should be taken care of first.

The well can feed the water supply in the country

Based on specific conditions, the source of water can be called:

  • well or well - require a submersible or other pump;
  • water supply network - you need to cut the pipe of the irrigation and water supply system of the house into the central water supply;
  • natural or artificial open water - requires a pump and filter according to the situation;
  • autonomous capacity as a drive for a working, but not in a constant mode, water supply.

The volume of the tank is sufficient, but an additional pump is required

Possible options for arranging water supply

As a source of water on the site, it is possible to use a central water supply system or a pump. An uninterrupted supply of liquid in this case will be provided by storage tank or hydraulic accumulator. In a situation with a tank, a moisture reserve is stored equal to the volume of the container, which can be of any size. It is located at a height, due to which a slight pressure is created in the water supply.

The use of hydraulic accumulator is more convenient as it maintains stable high pressure in the plumbing. By adding a pressure switch and a suitable pump to the accumulator, you can get an automatic pumping station. Hydraulic accumulator - a container in the form of a cylinder, divided into two volumes by a rubber membrane. In one half there is air under a pressure of about 2 atmospheres, in the other part water is supplied. The hydraulic accumulator has a limited volume, and this is a serious drawback.

When the tap is opened, water leaves the accumulator, which reduces the pressure in the system, the value of which is controlled by the relay. When the lower threshold is reached, the pump automatically starts, which pumps water until the upper pressure level is reached.

Hydraulic accumulators are different sizes

Types of water pipes

The market offers a large assortment pipes, mounting elements and stop valves for independent organization plumbing system Location on. Its construction is a responsible event, the success of which is determined by the optimality of the selected elements.

One of the important tasks is the selection of suitable water pipes. A worthy alternative to steel plumbing are plastic pipes. Plastic is not subject to corrosion, works well under low temperatures, retains its functions for a long time. There are several varieties plastic pipes, which makes it possible to choose suitable option based on the specific situation.

Pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are distinguished by a low price. They connect with cold welding. As a result of welding, the connection can withstand pressure up to 15 atmospheres, and the water supply system has been serving for more than 50 years. Temperature regime its operation - from -15 ºС to +45 ºС (maximum +65 ºС). Susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation medium, in the cold the pipeline becomes brittle.

PVC pipes suitable for plumbing

Advantages of PVC pipes:

  • ease of installation;
  • do not support combustion;
  • smooth surface;
  • resistance to oxidation;
  • possibility of bending.

Among the negative qualities of PVC plumbing, there is a loss of strength due to scratches. Polyvinyl chloride pipes do not allow threaded connections. It is undesirable to use them for an open plumbing system. Plumbing should be placed in a trench or sewer.

Polypropylene pipes (PPR) are often used for plumbing in the country. Note that PPR pipes for cold water marked with a stripe of blue color, for hot - red. The elements of the water supply system are connected by means of special soldering irons that heat up the plastic at the ends of the pipes to be welded, which are quickly fastened and solidified upon contact.

Polypropylene pipes in summer plumbing

Polypropylene pipes do not bend, and additional corners and fittings are used when collecting water pipes. The result is a high reliability of the system, but with a large number of fittings, the cost of the entire plumbing increases.

LDPE pipes

Polyethylene pipes low pressure(HDPE) connect without glue and accessories. Threaded HDPE plumbing fittings are easily twisted by hand. Other advantages of such products include:

  • operation in the mode up to -60 ºС is possible;
  • resistance to chemical attack, decay;
  • assembly by welding or using threaded fittings is possible;
  • service over 50 years;
  • use for summer and winter plumbing;
  • smooth inner surface, which eliminates pressure losses in the water supply and deposits on the walls;
  • when water freezes in pipes, they increase their size, and when thawed, they return to their original state without destruction.

An insignificant drawback of such pipes for country water supply is the impossibility of operation at a high temperature of the liquid. A more tangible inconvenience is that it is impossible to step on such a water supply system, unlike metal structures.

HDPE pipe as a line for drip irrigation

We have already noted that HDPE pipes can be welded or joined using threaded fittings. notice, that threaded connection withstands water pressure up to 4 atmospheres, which is more than enough in a summer cottage.

When selecting HDPE pipes, you should purchase options with blue stripes (for transferring cold water). Version with lines yellow color cannot be used in the garden, as they are designed for gas environments and contain toxic additives.

Based on the working pressure, HDPE pipes are divided into several categories:

  • light - hold up to 2.5 atmospheres;
  • medium-light - up to 4 atmospheres;
  • medium - up to 8 atmospheres.

Street water supply at the site is assembled from light and medium-light pipes (denoted C and SL, respectively) with a diameter of 32 to 50 mm. You need to decide what density of pipes you need, it comes in three options: 63, 80, 100 (the numbers indicate the density). The greater the density, the greater the cost of products.

Sometimes, despite more high price, for a summer residence, you should choose a high-density option: the walls of such pipes are thinner, which ultimately reduces the weight of the structure. This can be a decisive factor when water is extracted from a well or well. The light weight makes it easy to fix the pipes.

Assembling the plumbing system

Before you start installing the plumbing in the country with your own hands, it is important to determine which side of the garden the wiring will go to and draw a diagram of the location of the plastic pipeline. Water must be provided for country house, as well as to the key places of the site, where regular watering is provided. A plan on a scale will allow you to determine the location of the water points, the length of the irrigation system and the number of fittings.

Several points of water intake should be provided so as not to carry heavy hoses and ensure simultaneous watering in different places. It is necessary to provide a crane at the entrance to the house and in front of the main branch.

A drain cock is also required in the lowest point systems. It will allow you to remove water from pipes in winter, to prevent it from freezing. If the plumbing is installed from HDPE, a drain valve is not required. It should be taken into account that the number of possible cycles of freezing and thawing water in the system is not infinite, and even a polyethylene pipe may eventually collapse.

The irrigation scheme will help calculate the amount of materials

The procedure for preparing for the collection of the plumbing system is as follows:

  • drawing up a layout of pipes;
  • calculation of the length of the system and the number of fittings;
  • decision on the operating mode: winter or summer;
  • preparation of ditches;
  • purchase of irrigation system components from the selected material.

Winter and summer mode use of plumbing differ in laying depth polyethylene pipes. In the event that the cottage is visited all year round, it is advisable to choose an insulated water supply or lay a standard one, below the freezing zone. During installation watering pipes in the country it is more profitable to use the summer type of water supply. In the presence of a greenhouse, you can not do without winter version styling. The insulated pipeline that goes to the greenhouse should be laid in deep ditches or pipe heating should be provided.

The issue of conducting water with our own hands to the house in the country is considered by us in a special article. Experts recommend using welded polypropylene pipes for this purpose, which are resistant to temperature fluctuations and depressurization. The place of their laying is chosen taking into account the location of the rooms and ease of installation. Filters are required. Expansion tank will be a good addition.

Diagram of a water supply system with drip irrigation

Filter type for garden house selected based on the composition of the water being taken. When there is a lot of iron in it, a system of two filters is used. One of them is ion-exchange, removing iron. The other is carbon, for proper mechanical cleaning. Before using water for domestic purposes, it is important to take a sample for analysis. If the results are unsatisfactory, they put an additional filter and be sure to boil the water before use.

Autonomous water supply at their summer cottage with their own hands

An irrigation system with an automatic pump cannot work without electricity. The supply of electricity to rural areas can be intermittent, so you should think about a reserve stock so as not to be left without water in the absence of electricity. A tank or other container can be installed in an attic or a special area and water can be pumped into it from a well or reservoir.

Rainwater can also be stored in the tank, but in this case, a filtration system should be provided. First, the water must undergo a rough cleaning, and then several stages of fine purification. A coarse filter and a non-return valve should also be installed at the inlet of the suction pipe coming from the pump. The filter will prevent failure of the sensitive dirty water equipment. The valve will insure against the reverse discharge of water after the pump is turned off.

An autonomous tank in the country contributes to high-quality watering of plants. In the warm season, its contents warm up quickly. Plants that are watered warm water, grow faster and give a rich harvest. If it is necessary to create drip irrigation, a single line should be assembled. On central pipe tees should be installed and drip irrigation tapes connected.

For many, a dacha is not just a place where you can grow any vegetables and fruits, but also a place of rest. In both cases, water supply in the country is simply necessary. It often happens that central water supply no, so you have to arrange or wells.

Purposes of plumbing

This is a rather important question, since, depending on the purpose, a water supply scheme in the country can be chosen.

Country water supply can be:

  • seasonal;
  • Permanent.

In addition, you need to decide on the amount of water consumed. You also need to take into account the number of collapsible points, that is, washbasins, a sanitary unit, as well as watering the site.
Often, country water supply is only constructed for the purpose of watering the site.

One way or another, when calculating for normal water consumption, including all consumers, it is generally accepted that a family of 4 people can consume no more than 3 cubic meters liquids.

Permanent plumbing device

Before you make plumbing in the country, you should choose a source of water supply:

  • Central water supply;
  • Well;
  • Well.

Each of these sources of water supply in the country has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, by making the water supply of the dacha from central system water supply, making her dependent on it. But the big advantage is that there is no need to develop the source yourself. All that's left is to simply dig a trench, lay the pipeline and connect it.

If we talk about wells, then often they are not able to provide the family with the necessary amount of water. In addition, surface water is quite polluted.

As for the well, then it is a completely different matter. The waters are always the right amount, it is clean, and you don’t need to take care of the well itself, provided that it was originally designed and equipped correctly.

Perhaps one of the drawbacks of the well is its equipment.

What are the wells and how they are equipped

All wells are usually divided into three main types, depending on the material that is at their bottom:

  • sandy;
  • Clay;
  • Limestone.

The water supply of the cottage can be carried out from any of them. However, there is one nuance that should be understood. Drilling is carried out to a certain depth, and each of the three materials has its own approximate depth. For example, sands lie at a depth of 1 meter, clay is a little deeper.

For this reason, limestone developments are considered the best and cleanest, since their depth starts from 50 meters and can reach 150 meters in the country, or even more if we are talking about industrial wells.

Such deep developments can be done only once and forgotten about for life. The main thing in this matter is the right equipment.

Inside the drilled hole, a pipe is lowered, which is called casing. It will prevent the shedding of the soil, as well as the penetration of the water that lies on the higher layers of the soil.

This issue also has its own nuances. It's about the pipe itself. For small diameters, the pipes are suitable in size, that is, their diameters coincide with the diameter of the development, but in the case of large diameters, everything is not so. Pipes are usually slightly smaller, which leads to the need to make additional reinforcement by filling the cavity between the pipe and the walls of the well with crushed stone or cement.

The most simple circuit country water supply may contain the following elements:

  • Source;
  • Plumbing to the cottage;
  • Shutoff valves, which can shut off the water supply throughout the country;
  • Tee;
  • filtering device;
  • Block automatic control with an adapter;
  • Hydraulic accumulator.

It should be noted right away that some elements private scheme may not contain, for example, a hydraulic accumulator. It can be done if there is such a need, for example, the pressure in the system is weak or there are power outages.

It should also be noted that the scheme may contain additional elements, for example, another filter. Often the water supply in the country has not only a circuit with cold water but also hot.

In this case, the circuit will contain a heating element, to which a water pipe is laid.

So, the only thing that remains unchanged is the source hardware:

  • Well equipment, i.e. casing pipe and tip;
  • Submersible pump;
  • A nipple is installed on the pump with check valve. This valve prevents water from entering the pump back;
  • Water adapter - from it the laying of water supply to the dacha is carried out;
  • Among other things, the pump is equipped steel cable, with which this pump is lowered into the drilled hole and rises out of it;
  • The pump power cable is also brought out and connected to a power source.

Installation of equipment

So, as it has already become clear, the dacha water supply system begins with a source, or rather, with its equipment. The pump is lowered into the equipped source already completely ready, that is, with a part of the pipeline, with a fixed check valve and nipple, and so on.

So, from the pump, the water supply is laid to the dacha itself. In this case, the water supply must be in the ground. In addition, it should be insulated.

Advice! The depth to which the water supply is laid depends on the maximum depth of soil freezing. For this reason, it is better to know this figure for each individual district in advance.

In the ground, laying is carried out until the dacha itself. Already inside the premises, the water supply is connected to the shut-off valves. It is recommended to use the simplest and most reliable ball valve. It is needed in order to be able to completely shut off the water, if necessary.

From the shutoff valves, the water supply is connected to the filtering device.

Often, the water supply to the cottage is done with two filters - coarse and fine filters. But in the event that water is supplied from a well, the depth of which is large enough, then one filter can be dispensed with.

From this five, the water supply moves directly to consumers and to the accumulator, if any.

In the case when a hot water supply system is being installed, then from the fiver, that part of the water supply that goes to consumers is divided into two branches using a tee.

One branch is used to supply cold water, while the other branch is connected to a heating element, such as a boiler.

It turns out that direct supply is also made, both cold and hot water, and the supply of water from the reserve, that is, from the accumulator. Since the boiler itself also has a certain volume, we can say that this system water supply forms a certain supply of both hot and cold water.

If the volume of the boiler is small, then you can do this: from the accumulator, the volume of which is usually quite large, the water supply is again divided into two branches using a tee. One of these branches is supplied to the cold water supply system, the other to the boiler.

Connection and selection of pipes

Before you make plumbing in the country, you need to decide on the materials. For example, if we are talking about a pump, then it is best to use a submersible for a well. For a well, an ordinary one is also suitable.

As for the pipes, then there should not be any problems when choosing. Of course, copper, and iron, and plastic, and many others are produced today.

To make a water pipe yourself, it is best to use plastic pipes, polypropylene.

In the case when the total length of the water supply in the country does not exceed 30 meters, pipes with diameters from 10 to 20 mm are used.

Connection methods different pipes different:

  • Copper and metal parts of the water supply are connected using threads and special fittings. At the same time, a FUM tape is glued onto the thread, or flax is wound, which is coated with a sealant;
  • Metal-plastic pipes can be connected in the same way;
  • Polypropylene pipes are connected by soldering. For this, a special tool is used, which is called an iron or soldering iron.

I must say that the use of polypropylene pipes will allow you to quickly and easily make water supply to the dacha. Because the soldering process itself is very short and simple, not requiring any special skills and knowledge from the person performing it.

The soldering process is as follows:

  • The material is cut into pieces right size for which special scissors are used;
  • Further, all soldering points are degreased - this is approximately 16-20 mm away from the end;
  • After that, the fat-free ends of the segments are placed in a soldering iron and heated;
  • After 5-7 seconds, both parts are removed and joined together. In this position, they are held for about 10 seconds.

Advice! In order not to damage the material, when placing it on the nozzle of the soldering iron, it is not recommended to make any rotational movements.

In addition, immediately before use, the soldering iron is turned on and warmed up to required temperature, which is about 260 degrees.

Advice! For hot water supply, it is necessary to choose polypropylene materials reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum. At the same time, the process of their welding is similar.

The idea of ​​an independent summer water supply system visits many owners country houses. Water is necessary for summer residents for technical needs (watering plants, feeding animals, etc.) and taking hygiene procedures (shower, bath, etc.). Not all summer residents have the ability to connect to a centralized pipeline, there may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • remoteness of the site from the tie-in point in centralized system water supply;
  • high cost of work;
  • the need to install water consumption meters to pay for resources, etc.

The birth of an idea

Sometimes the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a summer water supply system visits new owners of country houses, when living in a country house is seasonal and investing in the installation of a centralized water supply is economically unreasonable.

Before the standalone device summer version delivery of water must be carefully studied all possible options by comparing the effectiveness of certain materials. IN last years cast iron and steel pipes gave way to new fragments of the pipeline - polypropylene pipes. The cost of such products is almost 4 times lower than the same diameter and length of steel material. There is an economy. In addition, the lightness of polypropylene allows you to mount any water supply system with your own hands, without special equipment and a professional team.

The easiest way to assemble a summer water pipe with your own hands:

Design and procurement of materials

Before you go to the store for materials and consumables for the future summer water supply, you need to carefully consider its scheme. Ideally, this scheme is drawn on paper, indicating all branches and selection points. It is definitely worth considering the issue of creating a couple of releases “just in case” (possible expansion of the irrigation zone for the next year, etc.).

A sketch transferred to paper is necessary for accurate calculation volume of materials. When designing, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. water in the summer water supply will move at low pressure, with positive temperature parameters environment. Any types of propylene pipes (PN-10, PN-20, etc.) are suitable for these requirements;
  2. the pipeline passing along the surface of the site must have the necessary level of rigidity, which can be provided by pipes with a diameter of at least 25 mm. The optimal length of products is 2 m (it is convenient to transport even by private car). In addition, couplings (straight and angled) are required;
  3. a coarse filter at the inlet to the pipeline will save the system from frequent blockages and breakdowns;
  4. an important detail is a coupling with a union nut for quick separation of pipes;
  5. outlets - for connecting to a watering hose system, creating a household outlet, etc. On outlets, 1/2″ ball valves will need to be installed;
  6. combined transition fittings - for connecting pipes with metal elements;
  7. to create an outlet for summer shower- pipes with a diameter of 20 mm.
  8. Tees equipped with plugs - plugs for draining water at the end holiday season. These parts are installed at the lowest points of the system so that water flows out of the pipes by gravity.

Important: summer water supply can be laid directly on the ground, because there are no temperature differences (from heat to frost) from May to September

Tool selection

To connect the polypropylene pipes of the summer water supply, you will need a special tool - a soldering iron. This welding machine is designed specifically for this work and consists of the following parts:

  • a soldering iron equipped with a heating element and a control unit (with a temperature relay, indicators and switches);
  • set of interchangeable nozzles for different diameter polypropylene pipes. Attached to the heating element with special bolts;
  • stand necessary for fixing the soldering iron during welding.

Important: Teflon nozzles are strictly not recommended to be cleaned with abrasive particles, this leads to abrasion of the upper layer (responsible for the quality of the connection of parts).

How polypropylene pipes are connected

Diffusion welding of polypropylene parts of the pipeline is a melting of the surfaces to be joined after being placed in them welding machine. Experts recommend connecting only pipes of one manufacturer, this is the only way to achieve a high result.

Before placing the soldering iron head into the pipe, it is necessary to try on cold parts if it is necessary to mark the immersion depth (mark the top and bottom, if necessary) with a simple pencil or marker. It is imperative to adhere to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the welding machine for observing cold welding modes: heating - welding - cooling. Elements for connection prepared in advance are placed on the nozzles of the device:

  • fittings - move onto a special nozzle - mandrel;
  • pipes - are inserted into a special coupling nozzle.

Important: do not move the connected elements, scroll or otherwise change the position of pipes and fittings. This will weaken the strength of the seam, which will subsequently negatively affect the strength of the entire structure.

The exact time required to withstand when welding polypropylene pipes is shown in the table:

Important: the countdown of the welding itself must begin from the moment the melted parts are joined.

In the described way, all pipes of a home-made water supply are connected, in right places- fittings, adapters and taps are inserted. If you purchase materials in advance and prepare the machine for welding, you can get the job done over the weekend.

If, during the assembly of the pipeline, excessive pipe stresses are formed in certain sections (uneven relief, sharp turns, etc.), the very polypropylene pipe can be bent a little with a building hair dryer and a special nozzle.

To cut plumbing parts, you will need scissors that are produced specifically for cutting plastic pipes. These scissors differ in the size of the cut diameter (40-75 mm). Some masters use roller cutters. cutting tool it can be a simple grinder, a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw.

Modern owners of country houses are not always able and willing to spend time there without the benefits of civilization, especially when it comes to running water in the country. But even if it does not yet exist, it is not big problem with current possibilities. You can bring water into the house yourself, you just need to study some instructions and drawings. Especially since self assembly allows you to save money.

Water intake source

Before building a water supply in the house, you first need to take care of the source of water supply. In this case, the homeowner has three options for these purposes. As a rule, this is a connection to a centralized water supply, the arrangement of a well or a well. Not only the quality characteristics of water, but also the complexity, as well as the price tag of home improvement work, will depend on the source of water intake.

Well as a source of water supply

The oldest and proven method is to dig a well. As a rule, its depth will depend on the area in which the cottage is located. Watery formations can be located from 10 to 20 meters deep. Very often, under such conditions, water can be contaminated with heavy metals and nitrates, so it can only be used after installing special filters. But if it is possible to dig a well deeper, then you can do without additional water purification.

Arrangement of a well for water

There are two main types of submersible pumps:

  • vibration;
  • centrifugal.
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Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
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The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.