How to clean a sauna stove. How to clean a pipe in a bath: ways "mundane" and "sublime. Clean the pipe with a garden hose quickly and economically

Everyone loves the Russian bath. However, the Russian bath is not only a pleasant pastime. Like any room, the bath needs constant maintenance. And care for it should be neat, thorough and constant. When servicing a Russian bath, one should not forget about the stove, which from time to time needs to be cleaned from accumulated dirt.

Indicators affecting the pollution of the chimney pipe

In addition to regularly removing soot from the furnace, do not forget about the pipe, which also becomes clogged. Part of the soot pours down the furnace, and the other part accumulates in the chimney.
It will definitely not work to avoid the accumulation of soot and other debris in the stove of the Russian bath. Sooner or later, you will still have to deal with it. It depends on several factors:

  • Firewood quality
  • Condensate
  • Penetrated elements in the pipe
  • soot deposited

In general, pollution is influenced by many factors. But in any case, you need to regularly clean the furnace so as not to bring this matter to a critical state. After all, the slightest error or inattention can lead to a fire.

When should the chimney in the sauna stove be cleaned?

Scheduled cleaning should be carried out at least once a year. It can be done at the beginning of the season or at the end. But these are just suggested times. You can clean the stove more often if you wish.

There are several signs that you need to clean up. If you notice at least one of them, be sure to clean the chimney in sauna stove.
Signs indicating that it is time to clean up:

  1. Increase consumable in order to melt the bath;
  2. Thick black smoke begins to billow from the chimney;
  3. When kindling the bath, a playing flame was seen in shades from orange color with a transition to blue.

Do not forget that timely cleaning will not only save you time, but also money.

Methods for cleaning pipes in a Russian bath

There are several cleaning methods. If you clean the oven in the bath using these methods, then it will become clogged much less frequently. Each method provides for the performance of such work so that it is safe for human life. If it seems to the owner of the bath that he can not cope on his own, then you can always seek the help of competent specialists.

Cleaning Methods:

1. Mechanical method

This is the most efficient method, if available. heavy pollution. To clean the pipe, you will need a special brush with a hard nylon bristle.
The dimensions of the brush must match the dimensions of the pipe. It is better to choose a brush so that it is convenient to clean hard-to-reach places in the pipe. After all, it is in the bends of the pipe that the greatest amount of soot accumulates.

2. Chemical method

It involves the use of various chemical cleaners that release active substances. Now in stores, a huge assortment of such chemical cleaners is offered to the attention of buyers, so it will not be difficult to find them.

The cleaning procedure goes like this: when the bath is melted, you need to put a chemical cleaner in the furnace. As a result, it will burn, but during combustion it will release active substances. These substances affect the soot layer and make it more pliable. As a result, one part of the soot will fly out into the pipe, and the other part will fall down.
Chemical cleaners do not contain toxins, so this cleaning is safe.

3. Cleaning the chimney with aspen wood

It is necessary to kindle the sauna stove with aspen firewood and add so much firewood so that a strong fire appears in the stove. In this case, all valves in the furnace must be open. When cleaning the pipe in this way, you need to ensure the air supply to the maximum. High temperatures will affect the soot and eventually it will simply burn out.

4. Ignition method

This method is considered the most dangerous, so it is better not to resort to it. In order not to invite trouble, it is better to use the services of professionals. After all, any damage to the stove can turn against you.

Cleaning the chimney using folk methods

Previously, there were no chemical cleaners and special tools with nylon felt. And people have coped and are still coping with the pollution of the sauna stove using folk methods.

Folk methods for cleaning the chimney:

  • Potato Peeling Method

This method was used by our distant ancestors. The procedure looks like this: about half a bucket of potato peels should be placed in a melted sauna stove. Thanks to starch, which is the active substance, the soot will fall down from the pipe. The result will be in 2-3 days. But after performing such a procedure, it will still be necessary to clean it with a brush, which was previously made from rods.

  • aluminum can method

Cleaning the pipe with aluminum cans, as practice shows, gives a good result. This is done as follows: melt the stove so that there is a hot fire. Then you will need to throw more coal into the furnace. When the coal becomes red-hot, you need to add aluminum cans. The jar burns out in about 5 minutes.

Cleaning the chimney of a sauna stove with a watering hose

Run a cleanup bath chimney You can even use a regular irrigation hose. This method is very practical and easy to perform. To do this, you need a hose, a brush or a cut bottle.

July 25, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobby: mobile connection, high tech, computer technology, programming.

As it turned out, in the yard of the relatives there was a bathhouse, which they had not used for a long time, since the chimney was clogged in the stove. Fortunately, I knew how to deal with this problem on my own, so I quickly got down to business and restored the oven to working order. As a reward, I took a steam bath in the steam room and collected very valuable information.

The result of all was the instruction for cleaning the chimneys, which I bring to your attention.

Why do you need clean smoke ducts

Many in childhood saw how their grandfathers and great-grandfathers cleaned the pipes from soot, but not everyone knows why this not very pleasant operation is necessary. Therefore, I will work a little as a lecturer, so that you have something to tell your children on long winter evenings, rocking in a rocking chair by the fireplace.

So when burning solid fuel, in addition to thermal energy and hot gases, soot is formed in the furnace. upstream thermal air it rises up the chimney and gradually settles on the walls chimney.

As you work heater the soot layer is getting thicker. And in the end, all this can lead to a very backfire:

  • the channel for the removal of gases formed during combustion is greatly narrowed, due to which the draft in the pipe decreases;
  • soot adhering to the walls of the chimney damages the surface of the pipe and reduces the life of the device;
  • the efficiency of the stove (heat generation) decreases, that is, to maintain the desired temperature in the room, you will have to use more wood, coal, fuel briquettes or whatever you have there;
  • increases the likelihood of ignition of soot deposits inside the stove chimney.

Cleaning the smoke channel will help get rid of all the troubles. It is only important to determine exactly when you need to start this not the most pleasant procedure. That is what I will talk about next.

When you can no longer put off this unpleasant task

Basically, based on own experience, I can tell you that if the fireplace or wood stove is stacked an experienced craftsman and they met all the requirements, it will be necessary to worry about how to clean the pipe from soot no more than once every few years.

Especially if you use quality fuel. For example, if, in addition to firewood, you throw various garbage, plastic bottles, plastic bags and other plastic items, you do not need to rely on a clean chimney.

I can also advise you not to use damp firewood for heating, especially pine or spruce wood.
Most of all, birch poles are suitable for the firebox, which have lain in your woodpile for at least 2 years from the moment of harvesting.

So, I’ll tell you what signs indicate the need for urgent cleaning of the chimney:

  1. Smoke color change. From a clean pipe comes clean, light and transparent smoke. If soot has accumulated there, it will change its color to a darker one. And the smoke itself will become denser.

  1. Changing the shade of an open flame in the furnace. If the draft in the chimney is normal and the chimney is clean, the firewood burns with a light orange flame. An orange-colored fire will indicate the need to clean the chimney.

Be that as it may, I advise you to perform preventive cleaning of the pipe once every 6 months: before the start of the cold season and after it ends. This allows not only to remove soot in time, but also to get rid of clogging of the smoke exhaust channel with cobwebs, bird nests, fallen leaves, and so on.

Focusing on the above signs, you will determine exactly what you need to get started. And here's how to do it - we'll figure it out below.

Pipe cleaning methods

There are many ways to clean soot from a pipe. Can be used as folk remedies and advice, and the achievements of the modern chemical industry. Yes, no one has canceled the mechanical method, that is, you can also work as a chimney sweep.

In my practice, I had to apply all the available methods, so I can safely talk about each of them in more detail.

Method 1 - Using Grandma's Remedies

There is no need to philosophize here. Our grandparents have long known what to burn in a stove to get rid of soot. I will not say that these methods are very effective, but they have the right to exist.

Here are a few tools you can use:

  1. Rock salt. Ordinary table salt should be sprinkled on burning wood or coal.

This method is quite common, but not particularly effective. My grandmother often poured salt into the stove, but she did this not so much to get rid of soot deposits in the smoke exhaust duct, but to prevent its accumulation. Therefore, I will not stop for a long time, I will tell you about another method.

  1. Potato skins or potato tubers. The amount is determined by the size of the firebox in the furnace, but as a rule, about a bucket of such waste was enough for me. They need to be poured into an already burning fire.

The essence of the method is that when organics are burned, starch is released from potatoes, which tends to soften soot deposits on the chimney. After this, the waste deposits fall into the lower part of the pipe, from where they are removed through a specially made hole (it was provided even when laying the furnace).

  1. Aspen firewood. There is not much to say about the technology itself. It is necessary to chop firewood from aspen logs, and then kindle a fire in the furnace.

Here's the thing. Aspen firewood burns at a very high temperature, so hot gases enter the chimney, which burn soot deposits. This method is quite dangerous, so I advise you to take some precautions:

  • make sure that the material of the chimney can withstand high temperatures;
  • check that the soot deposits in the channel are not large enough to ignite.

But in principle, no one bothers you to buy special chemical substances for cleaning furnaces from soot. Their price is low, and the effectiveness is proven by practical experience. At least mine. Therefore, the story about them will go on.

Method 2 - Calling on Science

Modern industry produce quite a few products specifically designed to remove soot from the chimney. They can be supplied as:

  • powders;
  • liquids;
  • fuel briquettes.

They are added to the furnace during fuel combustion. The chemical elements contained in the preparations do not harm human health, but have a destructive effect on soot deposits, causing it to collapse into the lower part of the chimney.

It is necessary to use additives as deposits accumulate or from time to time, as a prophylactic.

I described the most popular means for cleaning soot from chimneys in the table, which I suggest you familiarize yourself with.

Name Description
Anti-carbon chemical composition A special free-flowing powder that must be poured directly onto the firewood while it is burning. This is very effective remedy, which allows you to quickly get rid of soot in the smoke duct. It can also be used for prevention. In this case, the powder consumption is 200 g per ton of fuel.
Kominichek Means for removal of soot of the Czech production. Also available as a powder that contains a catalyst that allows the soot to burn off at a safely low temperature. However, the powder is only suitable for removing a not too thick layer of soot.
log chimney sweep The most popular method of cleaning soot from chimneys in our country. It can be used to clean the pipes of furnaces and boilers that operate not only on solid fuels, but also on fuels. Effectively removes soot buildup and can be used as a preventative. In my case, one log is enough to keep the fireplace chimney clean in the country, which I burn every month.

Considering that most likely you will also use the “Chimney Sweep Log”, I will tell you how to clean the soot in the pipe with it:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that the smoke outlet is not completely clogged with soot, debris or foreign objects.
  2. You can burn the fuel briquette itself both with the main fuel, and completely independently.
  3. To achieve maximum efficiency, I burn wood in the fireplace, after which I put the briquette on hot charcoal (like a barbecue, but not on skewers).
  4. Before use, you need to remove the packaging of the log, but not the wrapper itself, in which the substance is wrapped.
  5. Usually the log flares up on its own, but if for some reason this does not happen, set fire to the wrapper on both sides yourself.

The chemical itself, which corrodes soot, continues to act for about 14 days. During all this time, it is possible for soot lumps to collapse from the pipe into the furnace or to the bottom of the smoke channel. It must be permanently removed from there.

In conclusion of this particular section, I want to mention one feature that not everyone knows about. "Log-chimney sweeper" when burned, forms gases with a temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius, which can melt a steel chimney. Therefore, the substance can be used in furnaces with stone and ceramic pipes.

Method 3 - we climb the pipe ourselves

I think you all know folk wisdom that you can do a good job only with your own hands. This is what I was guided by when I started cleaning the pipes in the bathhouse in the village. In this case, you get rid of not only soot accumulations, but also debris in the channel.

At the end of the work, you will see for yourself how efficient and smokeless the oven will work. And I won’t tell you how I took a steam bath in the bathhouse, otherwise you will become jealous.

I will only tell you about the scheme of work when cleaning the chimney from internal accumulations of soot. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First, we close the doors or lay bricks in the holes in the chimneys, which are specially designed to clean the stoves from soot accumulations. If this is not done, then you will be tormented to wash interior spaces baths (or whatever you have there) from black unpleasant plaque.

If you are cleaning the fireplace with an open hearth, I advise you to curtain it with a damp cloth, in order, again, to avoid a park-economic day cleaning the living room.

  1. Then we pretend to be Carlson and go up to the roof. Since you don’t have a motor, I advise you to come up with something as insurance so as not to break down in the midst of the process. Believe me, no one wants to take you to traumatology.

By the way, if it's raining, climbing to the roof is also best avoided. Either lightning strikes you or you slip on the roof. Both are unlikely to please you and your loved ones.

  1. First of all, you need to inspect the pipe from above. If the accumulation of soot does not exceed 2 mm, there is no need to complicate your life. Go to the store, buy a pipe cleaner and light it in the oven. This will be more than enough.

You also need to see if the pipe is blocking foreign object. Often this can be bird's Nest or fallen leaves. In this case, the plug must either be pulled up or pushed down to remove it through the door.

  1. If there is a lot of soot, as in my case, we clean it with a special scraper. Then it can be replaced with a special brush, which is sold in a specialized store.

To achieve maximum efficiency, I recommend that you measure the diameter of the pipe in advance and purchase a tool whose diameter is slightly larger than the dimensions of the smoke outlet. You will get a kind of brush, similar to the one with which my mother washed milk bottles as a child.

  1. One more moment. In the course of my work, it turned out that some kind of plug formed inside the pipe, which interfered with cleaning. In this case, you need to use a special weight on a chain that will break through the blockage and bring it down.

I do not advise in this case to use a sports kettlebell with a handle. She has a shifted center of gravity, so she can get stuck inside the pipe channel and you cannot pull her out of there. You will have to partially disassemble the smoke channel.

  1. If you are not cleaning the stove, but, you can partially free the smoke channel from soot by working from the bottom up. For this, special brushes with a long and durable handle are sold. It grows in length, so you can get very deep inside the pipe.

  1. At the end of the cleaning, it is necessary to remove the collapsed soot from the furnace and from the pipe through the doors specially provided for this. Do not forget to clean the blower, there is also a lot of soot pouring in that needs to be removed.

On this, the cleaning of the chimney could be considered finished. if not for one important stage - quality control of work. You can safely entrust it to your soulmate, unless, of course, she is not afraid to climb onto the roof.

Quality control of work

Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to check the quality of the work performed and, most importantly, the condition of the chimney itself. This can be done visually, but it is better to rent a special endoscope camera, with which you can see the pipe along its entire length.

If gaps or defects in the surface of the chimney are found within direct reach, they must be eliminated. You can do this in the following way:

  • dilute clean clay with water and coat cracks and crevices with it;
  • after this layer has dried, you need to make a clay-sand mortar and carefully wipe all other defects with it;
  • the last stage is whitewashing the treated areas with lime or painting with a water-based emulsion.

If in some places you could not clean the chimney, you will have to resort to partial disassembly of the stove, since soot residues in the smoke exhaust duct can cause serious trouble.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult in cleaning the pipe from soot. The main thing is to decide on the implementation of this dirty and unpleasant work. But in my case, the reward was waiting for me in the form of a pleasant pastime in the bathhouse. And I suggest you watch the video in this article, where there is a lot of information about the design and operation of furnaces.

And one moment. I would be very grateful if you shared your own secrets and tips on how best to clean the soot from the pipe in the comments to this material. Maybe next time I won't have to spend so much time getting the stove back up and running.

Thanks to its is a universal heater.

We can't say for sure which one. You have to look at the situation.

To clean the chimney from the room, you need to put a round brush on a flexible stick and push it up the pipe. In this way, you can clean not only the chimney, but also the furnace with a heat exchanger. A significant disadvantage of the mechanical method is that it is very "dirty", and it takes a lot of time. In general, there are more acceptable ways to clean soot from chimneys and stoves, read about them below.

Chemical means for cleaning the chimney from soot

The easiest and most modern way to clean the chimney with your own hands is chemicals. The bottom line is that the chemistry burns in the furnace and its gases dry up the adhering soot. After that, all the dirt peels off, part of it flies out, and part falls down, where it can be easily removed along with the ash. There are two types of chemicals - "log" (briquette) and powder.

A log is a mixture of chemical elements pressed into a briquette, which is packed in paper. This is a one-time clog control measure that needs to be applied every 30 days. Means for cleaning chimneys from soot "Log" contains a large amount of reagent, such a battering ram. It includes:

  • unregenerated cellulose;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • ammonium sodium;
  • iron sulfate decahydrate;
  • calcium chloride;
  • functional additives.

The product must be certified, the test report is indicated on the packaging.

There are also instructions for use on the box. First, you need to heat the oven, then put a bag on the coals (you don’t need to tear the paper). The main requirement is not to put the chemical briquette on an open flame. Smoldering "Log" for about two hours.

Do-it-yourself chimney cleaning powder should be used as a preventive measure. The manufacturer recommends adding powder continuously for the first six kindlings, and then once every 10 kindlings. The advantage in the chemical cleaning method is that soot is removed in all hard-to-reach places including furnace and heat exchanger. With constant preventive maintenance, the entire smoke exhaust system always remains clean.

Folk methods to clean the chimney from soot

They never liked to clean the chimney mechanically - there is a lot of dirt. In ancient times, there were no chemicals, but our people are very savvy and a way out was found. It was empirically determined that it is possible to clean the chimney by burning aspen wood or potato peelings in the firebox. Aspen firewood gives a great heat, which burns out the soot. Using this method, you need to be extremely careful. If you have, let's say, it's better not to risk it.

Potato peelings remove soot by burning the starch, or rather the smoke, that is released. To prepare the cleaning, they need to be spread out in a warm place so that all the moisture is gone. If you dump them in a bucket wet, then they will simply become covered with mold and rot.

Do-it-yourself chimney blowing

There is another option on how to clean the chimney in the furnace from soot with folk remedies - this is through strong air pressure. The bottom line is that a turbulent flow is created in the chimney, which blows all the dirt out. The main thing is a powerful fan. As an air blower, you can use a chainsaw or a special apparatus for cleaning the territory (they blow off the leaves in the fall). The fan must draw the flow from the pipe - otherwise all the soot will go into the house and then there will be no time for experiments. In the video below you can see how to clean the chimney with air in a few minutes.

The Russian banya is associated with wet steam and a wood-burning stove. And where the stove is heated, there is always a chimney. Maintenance includes periodic cleaning. If this is not done, then the bath will be heated every year worse and worse. It will just reduce thrust, and this will reduce efficiency. How to clean the pipe in the bath, sooner or later, everyone thinks. We will show you how to clean effectively, without extra costs.

How to clean the pipe in the bath with a special ruff.

Different types of blockage in the chimney of the bath

Not everyone thinks about what consequences, in addition to a violation of draft, blockages in the chimney of the bath can lead to. Meanwhile, a tenth of the fires occur for this reason. Cleaning the oven is only a small part of the whole prevention. And the chimney gets clogged much more often than the owners think.

There are several reasons for a clogged chimney, the most common are:

  1. Soot and soot.
  2. Condensate.
  3. Various foreign objects.

Each of them causes trouble and requires its own cleaning methods.

Soot and soot in the pipe

Soot and soot clog the pipe and the draft in the furnace decreases.

Soot and soot accumulate inside the structure in a thick layer, for a year it can reach 1–2 cm. Such overgrowth depends on what kind of fuel is used for kindling. So, if the stove is heated with firewood, wood briquettes, coal, then the soot will be minimal. But in the sauna stove, not only firewood is burned, but also household waste, which emits a large amount of soot. Coniferous firewood also behaves, the resin during combustion forms soot in large quantities.

On sale there are special briquettes with chemicals that destroy soot when burned. They are simply kindled in the stove and after 1-2 days the dirt itself will fall into the furnace. From there it won't be too hard to clean it up. But it is not recommended to use such products in baths, as chemistry enters the premises and can adversely affect the health of bathers.

To clean the pipe of the bath from soot, it is easier to use a special ruff, brush. They are hung on a weight and lowered into a pipe. Craftsmen suggest using cut plastic bottles and other devices as cleaning. But you can use these if the pipe has a perfectly flat and smooth inner surface.

Condensate in the pipe

Condensation with soot can block the chimney almost completely.

The resin in firewood contains a certain acidity. For each type of wood, the resin content is different. With the constant use of the bath, the condensate in the pipes has a small resinous precipitate, but with a rare one it can reach a thickness of 3 cm.

It can be difficult to remove such contaminants, because of the increased oiliness, the resinous condensate will simply be smeared on the inner surface during cleaning.

It is possible to clean such a blockage only with a special “chimney sweep log”.

It must be used once a month for prevention, especially if firewood with a high resin content (pine, spruce) is used. If birch is used for kindling, then once every 2-3 months.

Foreign objects in the tube

Black smoke from the chimney is the first sign of a clogged chimney.

The ingress of a foreign object into the chimney is noticeable immediately. The smoke stops escaping and goes back into the bath. With such a firebox, you can easily get poisoned carbon monoxide. A foreign object may be a brick from a pipe masonry, a bird's nest that has fallen down from the branches of a number of growing trees by the wind.

Getting rid of such a blockage is the most difficult. You can try using a long pole or stick to push the object inward. A nail hook is made at the end of the stick, so you can try to hook the object if it is not a brick.

Telescopic brushes are on sale, the handle extends to the entire length of the pipe. You can try to push the object to her. If none of the methods has brought results, the pipe will have to be dismantled.

Folk ways to clean the pipe

Pipe cleaning problems arose not only in modern baths. Our grandfathers also fought blockages in their own ways. Some of them proved to be good and are still used today. Moreover, it is better to clean the pipes in the bath without chemicals. Choosing a method for yourself, you need to start from the following factors:

  1. metal or brick construction. It is easier to clean a simple metal sandwich pipe, since it inner part smooth and even. Brick is harder to clean.
  2. Design, with bends or straight (a straight line is easy to clean with a brush, a chimney with bends is more difficult).
  3. What a mess.
  4. Pipe diameter.

How to know when it's time to clean

A weight with a ruff will clean any blockage mechanically well.

There are several ways to determine whether it is time to clean the pipe. The most common is to use a kettlebell. It is selected according to the diameter of the pipe. On a rope, lowering a weight into a pipe, they watch how it passes: freely or not. If the kettlebell gets stuck, then the time for cleaning is long overdue. In this way, by throwing and lifting the weight, you can clean the pipe from large contaminants.

The second folk way to watch the smoke during kindling. If it is colorless or whitish, then the chimney is clean. The appearance of clouds of soot and black smoke should alert the owner and cause the start of cleaning actions.

Of course, with the exception of raw and pine firewood, since when the resin is burned, the smoke also has a dark color.

For kindling a bath, it is generally better to use dry chocks that have lain under a canopy for at least 1-2 months. Linden and birch firewood is preferable, since there is practically no soot from them.

Cleaning with water

You can try to clean the chimney with plain water, the method is ineffective for severe blockages.

If the structure is iron, with a small diameter, then in winter you can put a clod of snow 9-10 cm in diameter into it. It will melt and wash the pipe, and gradually sliding down, scrape off the digging with sharp ice floes. But after that, the stove must be heated, so the pipe dries out and does not freeze from the inside. And on metal, without drying, rust can form inside, this will shorten its service life.

In the same way, 1-2 liters of warm water are poured into the pipe before kindling. Do it gradually along the walls. With such a cleaning, black smoke clouds of soot will appear from the chimney during the furnace.

In factory expensive models of the furnace there is a special overlapping system. Snow should not be thrown into such a design, but it will be easier to spill water. A container is placed inside the furnace furnace where digging and soot will drain and fall down, only then they spill water.

Cleaning with aspen

Cleaning the chimney with aspen is the oldest and most proven method.

Our grandfathers noticed that during the combustion of aspen firewood, pieces of soot and soot appear in the furnace that have fallen off the chimney. This phenomenon was later explained by the composition of aspen smoke, which can break down deposits on pipes. After such cleaning, a layer of dirt will crumble inside the stove in small pieces for 1-2 days.

Perform cleaning as follows:

The stove is kindled as for a regular sink, and at the very end, aspen firewood is thrown 1-2 times. They will not give a special heat, but they will clean the pipe. Later, the procedure can be repeated as a prophylaxis 1-2 times a month.

Before cleaning, a special device is attached to the top - a spark catcher. It can be made from old tin can: The walls are cut and folded into a cone. The cone is attached to the pipe at a distance of 5–7 cm from above. Sparks during combustion will enter the device and the possibility of ignition is reduced.

Sellers often offer chemical Kominichek or Stumpfyre as cleaners. But the use of compounds in the bath is unacceptable!

Whether or not to clean the pipe of the bath is not a question. Cleaning is necessary and systematic. Once a month, do prophylaxis with the help of a "chimney-sweep" or aspen firewood. Only in this way the bath will serve its owner for a long time, and the chimney will not burn out prematurely. In addition to all of the above, it will be difficult to burn in a properly functioning bath. And the proposed video in this article will help you choose a convenient cleaning method.

When clogging a chimney in a bath due to blockage, a number of unpleasant consequences can occur - poor draft, long temperature build-up and even fires.

Therefore, it is necessary to clean the pipe regularly, since there are many effective ways for this.

Article content

Why does the chimney get clogged?

There are several reasons why pipes clog in the bath, it can be:

  • soot and soot deposits;
  • condensate formed on the inner walls of the pipes;
  • foreign objects in the pipe.

With the accumulation of soot on the inner surface of the chimney pipes, clogging occurs, and the traction force in the sauna stove is significantly reduced.

A layer of soot per year can "grow" by 1.5-2 cm. It all depends on the characteristics of the fuel used.

You will have to clean the pipes from soot much more often if you use firewood from coniferous trees for kindling.

Condensation and soot deposits in most cases lead to almost complete blocking of the chimney.

Clogging occurs due to the kindling of the bath with firewood with high acidity. The condensate forms resinous deposits on the pipe walls, the thickness of which in some cases reaches 2.5 cm.

It will be possible to clean the pipe when kindling the furnace with a special log-chimney sweep. At the same time, clean the chimney mechanically it will be almost impossible - the resinous condensate will simply be smeared along the inner walls of the pipes.

Cleaning of pipes in case of ingress of foreign objects is necessary immediately, since the smoke will stop coming out and go back into the room.

This may be harmful to health. Cleaning the chimney at the same time will be quite difficult, but possible.

To do this, use a long stick or pole, with which you can push a foreign object inside. The stick can be equipped with a hook, which will allow you to clear the blockage more efficiently.

It should be noted that careful regular cleaning chimneys from deposits (soot) in the bath is needed even when using expensive modular stoves.

Cleaning methods

The most effective methods, with an orientation on which it will be possible to perform pipe cleaning, are:

  • mechanical;
  • folk;
  • chemical.

The easiest way to clean the chimney of the bath from soot is with a regular nylon brush equipped with a hard bristle.

The nylon nap is well pressed against the inner surface and has a high degree of flexibility.

This product will help extra hassle the inner surface of the bath pipe with your own hands.

However, before cleaning the inside of the chimney, it is important to correct selection such a brush.

In this case, a nylon product will be the most suitable - such a brush can easily penetrate into the most inaccessible areas, and cleaning does not take much time.

It is important to remember that the brush handle has a high degree of flexibility in order to better control the movements.

Folk methods

You can also clean the chimney in the bath using folk methods. For example, using potato peelings.

To do this, you need to throw a bucket or half a bucket with potato peels into the previously maximally melted oven.

Cleaning will be carried out due to the fact that during the combustion of the material starch will be released, which will effectively contribute to the destruction of soot deposits.

After 2-3 days, the unnecessary sediment will completely disappear from the inner walls. For prevention purposes, a brick and a ruff should be tied to a strong rope and the pipe should be additionally cleaned in the classical way.

Another way is to clean the chimney with aspen wood. For this purpose, aspen firewood is placed in the oven, and it is well kindled.

Such raw materials provide a fairly high pressure temperature. It is important during the kindling process to open all available doors and latches and from time to time toss new logs.

As a result, the soot will begin to burn, and the stove will emit a characteristic hum. Perhaps fire will come from the chimney, and the entire area around the bath will be covered with soot.

It should be remembered that such cleaning is carried out only if the pipe is not designed for a temperature of more than 1100 ° C, at which soot burns out.

You can get rid of the sediment without too much trouble and use a regular garden watering hose for this. To do this, a glass is removed from the bottom of the chimney, and a hose with maximum rigidity is pushed in from above or below.

You can clean the inner surface using reciprocating movements, as a result, all the sediment will be at the bottom.

To enhance the effect, you can attach a chopped plastic bottle or a ruff to one end of the hose - this will help you get rid of plaque with ease and without any special material costs.

Application of the chemical cleaning method (video)

chemical method

This method involves the use of various chemically active substances. They are produced in the form of special powders, briquettes or liquids.

This method is especially good for the preventive removal of deposits and is characterized by high convenience and low labor intensity.

When implementing this method, in the process of burning firewood, chemically active substances are added to the furnace.

When burning, they will initiate the release of gases that are not capable of harming a person. Gases are able to effectively destroy the internal structure of deposits that will crumble down.

The most popular chemicals for removing soot deposits in the chimney are the anti-carbon chemical composition (PCC), the chimney sweep log and the tool called Kominichek.

PHC is sold in the form of a powder, which must be burned in the package at the same time as firewood or charcoal. Following the instructions, you need to ensure that the powder consumption does not exceed 150-200 grams per kindling.

Kominchek is a product that is produced in the Czech Republic. It is packaged in bags containing only 15 grams of the active substance.

When carrying out preventive work, one package of this chemical agent can last for more than 3 months.

Kominchek is most effective if the thickness of the soot deposits does not exceed 2 mm. During the resulting catalytic reaction, all deposits become oxides and burn without residue.

A chimney sweep is considered the most popular means for removing soot from chimneys made in the form of brickwork.

The tool is presented in the form of briquettes or bars, which, during combustion, release active compounds.

As a result of their impact, the creosote sediment on the inner walls of the pipes dries up and falls into the furnace. Log-chimney sweep is also highly recommended for prevention purposes.

Self-made brush

In order to clean the chimney in the bath, it is not necessary to purchase a finished product, you can save money and make a special brush with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • synthetic round broom;
  • steel cable for the entire length of the chimney;
  • stud and washers with a thread of 8 mm.

After acquiring all the components, the pile of the plastic broom unbends into different sides. Due to the fact that it has a certain elasticity and rigidity, it will be necessary to apply physical effort to bend it.

After that, the fixing nut with washer is screwed. It is important to know that the tighter the washer is tightened, the more the ruff pile will diverge in different directions.

After that, with the help of a bracket, a pre-prepared steel cable is attached to the ruff. Then it will be necessary to measure the diameter of the chimney and cut the pile, taking into account its size.

To achieve high accuracy in trimming the ruff fibers, you must first try on and make a round template from cardboard with the appropriate diameter. At the end, any load is securely attached to the cable. Its weight must be at least 2 kg.

Operating procedure

Chimney cleaning can be done on your own, for this you can use both special sets of brushes with compound handles, and a brush made by yourself.

First of all, it is necessary to remove all loose parts from the oven and free the room in the bath from foreign and interfering objects.

The brush is screwed to the cable along with the load. If the tool is factory, then the ruff is attached to the first link of the compound handle.

The tool is carefully inserted into that part of the chimney that is located above the firebox. It is necessary to wrap a blanket or other prepared fabric around the handle and press it with weights to the edges of the furnace opening.

The brush is pushed along the chimney until there is a noticeable decrease in resistance.

This means that the tool is coming out. It is not recommended to make rotational movements with a brush - this can lead to twisting of the cable and unwinding of the compound handle.

The product must be pushed until the blockage is removed, while you can feel how everything moves more freely in the pipe. After carrying out the work, it will be necessary to remove the ash and soot from the furnace.

Table of contents:

Today it is not easy to find a professional chimney sweep. There are practically none. It's a pity. After all, many are faced with the problem of how to clean the pipe in the bath, which is in almost every summer cottage.

Why is this needed?

Some people think that there is no need to clean chimneys at all. And in vain. Even with a trembling owner, a well-built stove cannot keep perfect cleanliness for years. Especially if we are talking about about the bath, into the furnace of which in our country it is customary to throw everything that comes to hand. And the deposition of even a small amount of soot on the walls of the chimney narrows its clearance, which, as a result, causes a deterioration in traction, and, consequently, insufficient heating of the chimney walls, and increased smoke in the room during kindling. The overall efficiency of the furnace is also reduced.

But, of course, the most unpleasant surprise is spontaneous combustion of the chimney and wooden floors, which, in turn, can pose a threat not only to property, but also to your health or even life.

There are three types of stove blockages:

  • Condensate
  • A certain amount of accumulated soot
  • Any foreign object in the pipe

Condensation and soot

Condensation is a weak acidic solution that appears as a result of irregular use of the firebox. Because of it, the masonry of the walls is gradually destroyed over time, and resinous deposits form on the outer surfaces of the furnace.

To prevent such a process, you need to use a special cleaning agent several times a month - a “chimney sweep log”, which is sold in almost all hardware stores. When burned, it produces carbon-based smoke, and it just eats away condensate, as well as tar deposits.

If the pipes for the bath are full of accumulated soot, then it will be somewhat more difficult. In this case, they resort to the classic method of cleaning the pipe: having climbed onto the roof, it is necessary to lower a rope with a ruff and a weight tied to it into the chimney and gently clean off the pollution with smooth up and down movements. Moreover, the ruff should be slightly larger than the hole in the pipe so that it can freely penetrate there and at the same time remove soot. Most modern pipes have one significant advantage- special side windows through which this can be done much faster.

There is also a preventive way to combat the formation of soot. Currently, special compounds are being produced (for example, an anti-lime chemical composition or simply PHC), which treat the inner surface of chimneys or burn them together with firewood. During combustion, a non-toxic gas is released, which causes plaque to crumble from the walls, and most importantly, prevents its further formation. Folk remedies for getting rid of soot on the walls of the chimney are also known - burning aspen logs or potato peelings.

All owners of the Russian bath from time to time are faced with the question of how to clean the chimney.

To prevent contamination of the chimney, dry cleaning can be used. It also copes with a not very thick layer of soot.

During operation, the pipe passage becomes clogged, the draft decreases, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the furnace room.

It also increases the risk of fire. How to clean the chimney of the bath and will be discussed below.

Types of pollution

In order to ensure the safety and quality of the bath furnace, it is advisable to establish a cleaning schedule and clean the stove and chimney at least once a year. During the operation of this building, there may be the following types blockages:

  1. Foreign object. It is the most difficult pollution. It can be a bird's nest, a collapsed piece of brick, etc. Takes up a lot of space in the chimney, thereby blocking the free exit of smoke to the outside.
  2. Accumulated soot. The more often the bath is heated, the thicker its layer. The amount of soot depends on what kind of fuel is used. There will be almost no soot when using fuel briquettes, firewood, charcoal. Its rapid formation is facilitated by the incineration of household waste.
  3. Condensate. Its formation is facilitated by the irregularity of the firebox. It is a weak acidic solution, which over time can cause destruction. It settles on the walls with resinous deposits.

Chimney cleaning methods

The main ways to clean the chimney of the bath include:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

In order to clean the chimney mechanically, you will need the following set of tools:

  • rope;
  • ball (weight);
  • ruff brush (can be replaced with a more advanced ramrod, which is a brush on a thin metal cable).

Before starting the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to check the chimney and the integrity of its channels. If there are foreign objects in the pipe, they should be pushed with a pole from top to bottom. The effectiveness of work on removing blockages is largely determined by the correct choice of the shape of the brush. Therefore, when purchasing it, you need to give preference to options that are more consistent with the size of the pipe.

Modern chimney sweep tools, in comparison with classic and slightly outdated sets, allow for better and more comfortable cleaning work for the performer. The special brush has a handle that adjusts its length and facilitates movements inside the pipe. To carry out cleaning work, it is required to remove the first link of the handle from the set and screw the brush to it. With this device, the chimney is cleaned with gentle up and down movements. The brush must be installed and moved along the pipe, gradually increasing the brush links. The same technology works when using a brush, fixed together with a weight on a rope.

Chimney cleaning is required once a year. If it is not carried out, the thrust will decrease and the bath will warm up longer.

To protect yourself from soot particles, a chimney sweep needs to use gloves, goggles and a respirator. The brush handle should be wrapped with a rag and placed close to the firebox opening. In the course of work, you should try not to rotate the handle too much so that it does not unscrew, leaving the brush in the pipe passage.

When cleaning the chimney, specialists can use a special vacuum cleaner with high power, sucking out soot through the opening of the furnace. However, this method is effective only for small deposits.

With the chemical method of cleaning the chimney of the bath, various preparations are used, which are produced by manufacturers in both powder and liquid form. However, the most popular was the "log - chimney sweep". It must be put in the oven and set on fire. The smoke released during combustion will react with the soot and make it pliable. After a couple of days, the contents of the chimney will crumble into the firebox and all that remains is to remove it from there. The advantage of this method is not only the ease of execution, but also its absolute safety due to the absence of toxic substances.

Given the above information, everyone will be able to choose the most appropriate way to remove the contaminants of the chimney of the bath. It should be remembered that the systematic cleaning of the pipe is the key to the durability of the bath and fire safety.

When burning a sauna stove, solid and gaseous combustion products are formed. Gaseous substances escape into the atmosphere with hot smoke, and solid substances precipitate on the inner walls of gas ducts in the form of soot, soot.

What is the danger of soot accumulation in the pipe and how to clean the bath pipe from it, we will talk in this article.

Below you will find a description of the design for cleaning the pipe, as well as a video on how to properly clean the bath pipe with your own hands.

Where does the soot in the pipe come from?

Soot or soot is formed during the combustion of solid fuels (wood, coal, briquettes) with an insufficient amount of oxygen supplied with air to the furnace furnace.

The bulk of the soot is almost pure carbon in the form of black powder with a bulk density of 0.05-0.5 g/cm3. Carbon makes up 98% of the black deposits on the walls. The remaining 2% are sulfur compounds, resinous substances and dust particles.

These substances are in the form of black deposits and accumulate on the internal surfaces of the sauna stove, as well as all sections of the chimney.

Why is soot in a pipe dangerous?

It would seem - just think, black soot settles on the inner surfaces of the pipe. So what? No one climbs in the pipe there, and this soot does not bother anyone.

But that's not the case at all. More precisely, not at all. Soot deposits can pose a rather serious threat. And that's why.

First, soot burns beautifully. That is, the inner surface of the pipe is eventually lined with combustible material, ready to ignite at any moment. An uncleaned pipe often causes a fire in a bath. When ignited, soot releases a large amount of heat, and its burning particles flying out of the pipe can become a source of ignition of outbuildings or houses.

Secondly, the overgrowing of the pipe with soot leads to a gradual narrowing of its passage diameter.

Pipe overgrowth reduces draft, reducing flow fresh air into the furnace furnace, which leads to incomplete combustion of fuel and the formation of carbon monoxide, which is deadly to humans. Bad traction is one of common causes death of people in the bath.

Carbon monoxide has a density similar to that of air, so it does not rise or fall. It is colorless and odorless and cannot be detected in the air until poisoning occurs. Penetrating into the lungs, carbon monoxide affects the nerve endings, causing respiratory paralysis and rapid death.

Carbon monoxide does not interact well with activated carbon and therefore even a gas mask against him is practically useless.

Thirdly, the soot adhering to the walls leads to the gradual destruction of the pipe as a result of the action of a mixture of soot and condensate containing substances aggressive to the pipe material. Pretty soon, the pipe may fail, which will require a rather labor-intensive repair.

How to reduce the amount of soot during combustion?

The amount of released combustion products that can be deposited in solid form on the pipe walls is primarily influenced by the following factors:

  1. The type of fuel used to heat the furnace. So, for example, coal will give more soot than firewood.
  2. fuel moisture. Wetter fuel requires more oxygen and a higher temperature for complete combustion. The more humidity, the more undercooked. The stronger the stove smokes and the more soot falls on the walls. Try to heat with dried wood or briquettes to reduce the amount of black smoke. Store firewood under a canopy so that it is not covered with snow.
  3. Fuel purity. The presence of foreign contaminants in the fuel can also cause black smoke during combustion. The cleaner the coal or wood, the less the stove smokes. Try to heat the stove with wood low content resins.

In addition, the fallout of soot in the pipe is affected by:

  • smoothness of the inner walls - on rough walls, soot accumulates much faster and in a thicker layer;
  • pipe wall temperature - if a pipe made of thin sheet material passes through cold attic, this will lead to condensation of soot particles on its surface;
  • incorrect geometry of the exhaust pipe - the design did not take into account local resistance and loss of traction on turns and in places where the diameter of the gas duct changes, which can lead to a decrease in the speed of movement of exhaust gases and precipitation of solid particles from them;
  • lack of air supplied to the place of combustion, poor draft.

In order to prevent the accumulation of a large amount of soot, which can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to clean the internal surfaces of the bath pipe from soot in a timely manner!

How to clean the pipe in the bath from a layer of soot, read below.

Cleaning the pipe with a homemade ruff

In order to clean the pipe, you will need a ruff, which, with its protruding parts, will scrape off all deposits and return the pipe to a clean inner surface.

Craftsmen make ruffs for cleaning pipes from a variety of improvised means. The main requirements for such a ruff are that it should not get stuck in the pipe and should provide good cleaning internal surfaces.

You can make a ruff for cleaning soot from plastic bottles from under mineral water, making cuts in their walls and folding them like a Chinese lantern.

Having made the structure heavier with the help of a load, the ruff is lowered into the pipe from top to bottom on a strong metal cable and gently move back and forth to clean it.

Video how to do homemade ruff for bath pipe, you can see below:

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in the design of the ruff, and you can easily do the same with your own hands and clean the chimney.

Plastic bottles are a great size, and the material they're made from is strong enough to scrape off accumulated soot deposits.

Pipe cleaning with special rotary sets

If you do not want to build a cleaning device yourself, you can use ready-made kits that can be found on sale.

As a rule, such sets consist of segments of a flexible shaft, which is built up as you move deeper into the pipe, and a ruff fixed to the front of the structure.

A special shank can be attached to the flexible shaft, which allows you to clamp it in the chuck of a conventional electric drill and use it to set the entire structure in motion - by rotating, the ruff acts much more efficiently than just moving back and forth.

You can watch a video on how to clean a pipe using a special ruff with a flexible shaft below:

As you can see, cleaning the pipe from soot is not a whim, but a necessity that allows you to reduce the risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning when heating a bath. Therefore, be sure to regularly clean the chimney to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Use the options suggested in the article for this, or you can come up with your own way. The main thing is that it is effective and does not require large labor costs. And light steam for you!

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