Independent installation of summer water supply at their summer cottage. Arrangement of a water supply system in a country house from a well: schemes, nuances, an overview of the necessary equipment

In a situation where the summer cottage serves as a place of rest, it is impossible to do without organizing a reliable source of water supply. If it is planned to grow crops in the country, regular water supply should be taken care of first.

The well can feed the water supply in the country

Based on specific conditions, the source of water can be called:

  • well or well - require a submersible or other pump;
  • water supply network - you need to embed in central water supply pipe of the irrigation and water supply system at home;
  • natural or artificial open water - requires a pump and filter according to the situation;
  • autonomous capacity as a drive for a working, but not in a constant mode, water supply.

The volume of the tank is sufficient, but an additional pump is required

Possible options for arranging water supply

As a source of water on the site, it is possible to use a central water supply system or a pump. In this case, an uninterrupted supply of fluid will be provided by a storage tank or a hydraulic accumulator. In a situation with a tank, a moisture reserve is stored equal to the volume of the container, which can be of any size. It is located at a height, due to which a slight pressure is created in the water supply.

The use of hydraulic accumulator is more convenient as it maintains stable high pressure in the plumbing. By adding a pressure switch and a suitable pump to the accumulator, you can get an automatic pumping station. Hydraulic accumulator - a container in the form of a cylinder, divided into two volumes by a rubber membrane. In one half there is air under a pressure of about 2 atmospheres, in the other part water is supplied. The hydraulic accumulator has a limited volume, and this is a serious drawback.

When the tap is opened, water leaves the accumulator, which reduces the pressure in the system, the value of which is controlled by the relay. When the lower threshold is reached, the pump automatically starts, which pumps water until the upper pressure level is reached.

Hydraulic accumulators come in different sizes

Types of water pipes

The market offers a large assortment pipes, mounting elements and stop valves for independent organization plumbing system Location on. Its construction is a responsible event, the success of which is determined by the optimality of the selected elements.

One of the important tasks is the selection of suitable water pipes. A worthy alternative to steel plumbing are plastic pipes. Plastic is not subject to corrosion, works well under low temperatures, retains its functions for a long time. There are several varieties plastic pipes, which makes it possible to choose suitable option based on the specific situation.

Pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are distinguished by a low price. They are joined by cold welding. As a result of welding, the connection can withstand pressure up to 15 atmospheres, and the water supply system has been serving for more than 50 years. Temperature regime its operation - from -15 ºС to +45 ºС (maximum +65 ºС). Susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation medium, in the cold the pipeline becomes brittle.

PVC pipes are suitable for plumbing

Advantages of PVC pipes:

  • ease of installation;
  • do not support combustion;
  • smooth surface;
  • resistance to oxidation;
  • possibility of bending.

Among the negative qualities of PVC plumbing, there is a loss of strength due to scratches. Polyvinyl chloride pipes do not allow threaded connections. It is undesirable to use them for an open plumbing system. Plumbing should be placed in a trench or sewer.

Polypropylene pipes (PPR) are often used for plumbing in the country. Note that PPR pipes for cold water are marked with a strip of blue color, for hot - red. The elements of the water supply system are connected by means of special soldering irons that heat up the plastic at the ends of the pipes to be welded, which are quickly fastened and solidified upon contact.

Polypropylene pipes in summer plumbing

Polypropylene pipes do not bend, and additional corners and fittings are used when collecting water pipes. The result is a high reliability of the system, but with a large number of fittings, the cost of the entire plumbing increases.

LDPE pipes

Polyethylene pipes low pressure(HDPE) connect without glue and accessories. Threaded HDPE plumbing fittings are easily twisted by hand. Other advantages of such products include:

  • operation in the mode up to -60 ºС is possible;
  • resistance to chemical attack, decay;
  • assembly by welding or using threaded fittings is possible;
  • service over 50 years;
  • use for summer and winter plumbing;
  • smooth inner surface, which eliminates pressure losses in the water supply and deposits on the walls;
  • when water freezes in pipes, they increase their size, and when thawed, they return to their original state without destruction.

An insignificant drawback of such pipes for country water supply is the impossibility of operation when high temperature liquids. A more tangible inconvenience is that it is impossible to step on such a water supply system, unlike metal structures.

HDPE pipe as a line for drip irrigation

We have already noted that HDPE pipes can be welded or joined using threaded fittings. notice, that threaded connection withstands water pressure up to 4 atmospheres, which is more than enough in a summer cottage.

When selecting HDPE pipes, you should purchase options with blue stripes (for transferring cold water). The version with yellow lines cannot be used in the garden, as they are designed for gas environments and contain toxic additives.

Based on the working pressure, HDPE pipes are divided into several categories:

  • light - hold up to 2.5 atmospheres;
  • medium-light - up to 4 atmospheres;
  • medium - up to 8 atmospheres.

Street water supply at the site is assembled from light and medium-light pipes (denoted C and SL, respectively) with a diameter of 32 to 50 mm. You need to decide what density of pipes you need, it comes in three options: 63, 80, 100 (the numbers indicate the density). The greater the density, the greater the cost of products.

Sometimes, despite the higher price, a high-density option should be chosen for a summer residence: the walls of such pipes are thinner, which ultimately reduces the weight of the structure. This can be a decisive factor when water is extracted from a well or well. The light weight makes it easy to fix the pipes.

Assembling the plumbing system

Before you start installing the plumbing in the country with your own hands, it is important to determine which side of the garden the wiring will go to and draw a diagram of the location of the plastic pipeline. Water must be provided for country house, as well as to the key places of the site, where regular watering is provided. A plan on a scale will allow you to determine the location of the water points, the length of the irrigation system and the number of fittings.

Several points of water intake should be provided so as not to carry heavy hoses and ensure simultaneous watering in different places. It is necessary to provide a crane at the entrance to the house and in front of the main branch.

A drain cock is also required in the lowest point systems. It will allow you to remove water from pipes in winter time to prevent it from freezing. If the plumbing is installed from HDPE, a drain valve is not required. It should be taken into account that the number of possible cycles of freezing and thawing water in the system is not infinite, and even a polyethylene pipe may eventually collapse.

The irrigation scheme will help calculate the amount of materials

The procedure for preparing for the collection of the plumbing system is as follows:

  • drawing up a layout of pipes;
  • calculation of the length of the system and the number of fittings;
  • decision on the operating mode: winter or summer;
  • preparation of ditches;
  • purchase of irrigation system components from the selected material.

Winter and summer mode the use of water pipes differ in the depth of laying polyethylene pipes. In the event that the cottage is visited all year round, it is advisable to choose an insulated water supply or lay a standard one, below the freezing zone. During installation watering pipes in the country it is more profitable to use the summer type of water supply. If you have a greenhouse, you can not do without a winter styling option. The insulated pipeline that goes to the greenhouse should be laid in deep ditches or pipe heating should be provided.

The issue of conducting water with our own hands to the house in the country is considered by us in a special article. Experts recommend using welded polypropylene pipes for this purpose, which are resistant to temperature fluctuations and depressurization. The place of their laying is chosen taking into account the location of the rooms and ease of installation. Filters are required. Expansion tank will be a good addition.

Diagram of a water supply system with drip irrigation

The type of filters for a garden house is selected based on the composition of the water being taken. When there is a lot of iron in it, a system of two filters is used. One of them is ion-exchange, removing iron. The other is carbon, for proper mechanical cleaning. Before using water for domestic purposes, it is important to take a sample for analysis. If the results are unsatisfactory, they put an additional filter and be sure to boil the water before use.

Autonomous water supply at their summer cottage with their own hands

An irrigation system with an automatic pump cannot work without electricity. The supply of electricity to rural areas can be intermittent, so you should think about a reserve stock so as not to be left without water in the absence of electricity. A tank or other container can be installed in an attic or a special area and water can be pumped into it from a well or reservoir.

Rainwater can also be stored in the tank, but in this case, a filtration system should be provided. First, the water must undergo a rough cleaning, and then several stages of fine purification. A coarse filter and a non-return valve should also be installed at the inlet of the suction pipe coming from the pump. The filter will prevent failure of the sensitive dirty water equipment. The valve will insure against the reverse discharge of water after the pump is turned off.

An autonomous tank in the country contributes to high-quality watering of plants. In the warm season, its contents warm up quickly. Plants that are watered warm water, grow faster and give a rich harvest. If it is necessary to create drip irrigation, a single line should be assembled. Tees should be placed on the central pipe and drip irrigation tapes should be connected.

The idea of ​​an independent summer water supply system visits many owners country houses. Water is necessary for summer residents for technical needs (watering plants, feeding animals, etc.) and taking hygiene procedures (shower, bath, etc.). Not all summer residents have the ability to connect to a centralized pipeline, there may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • remoteness of the site from the tie-in point in centralized system water supply;
  • high cost of work;
  • the need to install water consumption meters to pay for resources, etc.

The birth of an idea

Sometimes the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a summer water supply system visits new owners of country houses, when living in a country house is seasonal and investing in the installation of a centralized water supply is economically unreasonable.

Before the standalone device summer version delivery of water must be carefully studied all possible options by comparing the effectiveness of certain materials. In recent years, cast iron and steel pipes have given way to new pipeline fragments - polypropylene pipes. The cost of such products is almost 4 times lower than the same diameter and length of steel material. There is an economy. In addition, the lightness of polypropylene allows you to mount any water supply system with your own hands, without special equipment and a professional team.

The easiest way to assemble a summer water pipe with your own hands:

Design and procurement of materials

Before you go to the store for materials and consumables for the future summer water supply, you need to carefully consider its scheme. Ideally, this scheme is drawn on paper, indicating all branches and selection points. It is definitely worth considering the issue of creating a couple of releases “just in case” (possible expansion of the irrigation zone for the next year, etc.).

A sketch transferred to paper is necessary for an accurate calculation of the volume of materials. When designing, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. water in the summer water supply will move at low pressure, with positive temperature parameters environment. These requirements are suitable for any type of propylene pipes(PN-10, PN-20, etc.);
  2. the pipeline passing along the surface of the site must have the necessary level of rigidity, which can be provided by pipes with a diameter of at least 25 mm. The optimal length of products is 2 m (it is convenient to transport even by private car). In addition, couplings (straight and angled) are required;
  3. a coarse filter at the inlet to the pipeline will save the system from frequent blockages and breakdowns;
  4. an important detail is a coupling with a union nut for quick separation of pipes;
  5. outlets - for connecting to a watering hose system, creating a household outlet, etc. On outlets, 1/2″ ball valves will need to be installed;
  6. combined transition fittings - for connecting pipes with metal elements;
  7. to create an outlet for summer shower- pipes with a diameter of 20 mm.
  8. Tees equipped with plugs - plugs for draining water at the end of the summer season. These parts are installed at the lowest points of the system so that water flows out of the pipes by gravity.

Important: summer water supply can be laid directly on the ground, because there are no temperature differences (from heat to frost) from May to September

Tool selection

To connect the polypropylene pipes of the summer water supply, you will need a special tool - a soldering iron. This welding machine is designed specifically for this work and consists of the following parts:

  • a soldering iron equipped with a heating element and a control unit (with a temperature relay, indicators and switches);
  • set of interchangeable nozzles for different diameter polypropylene pipes. Attached to the heating element with special bolts;
  • stand necessary for fixing the soldering iron during welding.

Important: Teflon nozzles are strictly not recommended to be cleaned with abrasive particles, this leads to abrasion of the upper layer (responsible for the quality of the connection of parts).

How polypropylene pipes are connected

Diffusion welding of polypropylene parts of the pipeline is a melting of the surfaces to be joined after being placed in them welding machine. Experts recommend connecting only pipes of one manufacturer, this is the only way to achieve a high result.

Before placing the soldering iron head into the pipe, it is necessary to try on cold parts if it is necessary to mark the immersion depth (mark the top and bottom, if necessary) with a simple pencil or marker. It is imperative to adhere to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the welding machine for observing cold welding modes: heating - welding - cooling. Elements for connection prepared in advance are placed on the nozzles of the device:

  • fittings - move onto a special nozzle - mandrel;
  • pipes - are inserted into a special coupling nozzle.

Important: do not move the connected elements, scroll or otherwise change the position of pipes and fittings. This will weaken the strength of the seam, which will subsequently negatively affect the strength of the entire structure.

The exact time required to withstand when welding polypropylene pipes is shown in the table:

Important: the countdown of the welding itself must begin from the moment the melted parts are joined.

In the described way, all pipes of a home-made water supply are connected, fittings, adapters and taps are inserted in the right places. If you purchase materials in advance and prepare the machine for welding, you can get the job done over the weekend.

If, during the assembly of the pipeline, excessive pipe stresses are formed in certain sections (uneven relief, sharp turns, etc.), the polypropylene pipe itself can be slightly bent using a building hair dryer and a special nozzle.

To cut plumbing parts, you will need scissors that are produced specifically for cutting plastic pipes. These scissors differ in the size of the cut diameter (40-75 mm). Some masters use roller cutters. cutting tool it can be a simple grinder, a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw.

A well for water in the country is the main condition for the normal life of the site, housekeeping and the comfort of vacationers. We devoted this article to a story about how to establish water supply in a country house from a well with our own hands.

Water supply of the suburban area

System Composition

To establish a quality water supply country house And personal plot, it is necessary to solve a set of problems. First of all, you should consider the configuration of the system and determine what elements it will include.

We want to present a standard system for today, which consists of several main nodes. The following table lists these nodes with a description:

Knot Compound Purpose and requirements
Water source Well, open spring or well The source must provide the volume of water of satisfactory quality necessary for farming
Water lifting equipment Submersible or surface pump, pumping station The pump must be powerful enough to lift water from the depth and deliver it end user, while providing the necessary pressure and performance
External pipeline Water supply pipe to the house, water supply system for irrigation and technical needs Must ensure reliable passage of the calculated amount of water without leakage and pollution from the well to the house, as well as deliver water to the irrigation system
Storage capacity and automation Pressure tank, pressure switch with switch and pump start switch Ensuring the necessary pressure, protection pumping equipment from frequent starts
Filtration system Coarse filter, fine filter Water filtration to ensure normal operation equipment and plumbing, purification of water for eating
Internal piping Collector or serial piping from the gyroaccumulator to each point of water consumption, fittings and plumbing equipment Distribution of water between points of consumption within the house
heating system electric boiler, geyser, boiler Heating water for hygiene needs, washing dishes and laundry, as well as for the needs of the heating system (optional)

When designing a water supply system, you must immediately take into account and calculate the drainage and treatment system.
Sewerage in summer cottages most often consists of discharge pipes and a septic tank system, sometimes they get by with a storage collector, which periodically cleans the sewer.

Previously, dacha cooperatives sometimes made an amelioration water supply system for plots, in which there was a pumping station and a surface pipeline that supplies water from a source to consumers. As a rule, a reservoir served as a source, and it was impossible to drink such water. In addition, the design assumed only summer use.

The scheme of water supply considered by us at the dacha from the well assumes a year-round uninterrupted supply of drinking-quality water, not only for irrigation and household needs, but also to ensure the normal functioning of the whole house for the city. It will allow you to use the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen sink, washing machine and other amenities.


The most important and significant node is the source of water supply.

There may be several options here:

  • Well . The most common and traditional source outside the city, it is distinguished by convenience, independence from electricity supply and sufficiently high-quality water, however, it has a limited margin of productivity;
  • Spring. If you are a happy owner of a spring on or near the site, then you can power the supply system from it. Differs in water of high quality and degree of purification, as well as good performance and an almost inexhaustible supply;
  • Well on the sand. shallow well or abyssinian needle. It is similar in its characteristics to a well, but less convenient and depends on the availability of electricity if there is no mechanical pump;
  • Artesian well. The highest quality source of water, the purity of which is unrivaled. Distinctive featureshigh price works and equipment, good resource and high quality of raw materials, the need for permits and legal responsibility for the condition of the facility.

If you got a well from the previous owners of the site, you can use it. Find out from your neighbors what the quality of the water in their wells is, whether it is constantly available or disappears depending on the season and weather conditions, and after that feel free to proceed with the installation of the remaining nodes.

The well is convenient in that you can always get water with a simple bucket on a rope, regardless of pipeline or pumping equipment breakdowns, power outages and other circumstances.

A spring on the site is such a rare success that we will not consider this option. We consider that we were unlucky, and there is no spring nearby.

A sand well is the most acceptable type of well, as it does not require a too deep shaft and can be made by hand. As a rule, the bottomhole depth of such a well is from 10 to 35 meters, sometimes it is necessary to go down to 50 meters.

If the level ground water in your area is high, then you can make an Abyssinian source - a pipe with a needle and which is driven into the ground to the water level.

Artesian well worth big money. In addition, you will need to formalize it, having previously obtained permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the territorial Center for State Monitoring of the Subsoil Condition, since artesian water belongs to strategic reserves and protected by the state.

For the same reason, you will be responsible for the misuse of the well and the contamination of the aquifer.

If your site is less than 60x60 m, then you can only get permission as an exception, and if it is less than 30x30 meters, then you will not see an artesian well.

Pump equipment

You will need a pump to lift water from the depth and supply it to the storage tank.

There are two types of well pumps:

  1. Submersible or deep. They are located at a depth under the water column and are able to provide its rise to a height of up to 150 meters, depending on the power;
  2. Surface. They are located on the surface and are able to raise water by a maximum of 8 meters, with an external ejector - up to 45 meters.

Deep units are considered more reliable and of high quality, however, they are more expensive. In addition, they are absolutely silent for the residents of the house, as they are located under water. The disadvantage is difficult maintenance and repair, the need for power supply to the well.

Surface pumps are relevant for shallow wells and wells located near the house. Now the most popular pumping stations are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and automatic start / shutdown of the pump, depending on the pressure in the system. They are characterized by lower performance and noise problem, especially when installed inside the house.

System installation

It will take a lot of time and effort to independently establish water supply to the dacha from the well.

Our instructions will help you not to make mistakes and build the work correctly:

  1. First you need to make excavation and dig a trench at least 1.5 meters deep from the house to the water source. An insulated caisson should be equipped around the head of the well so that water does not rise above the freezing level;

  1. Then you should install the pump and adjust its operation, make a test run and pump the well;

  1. After installing the deep pump, the vertical pipe is led into the caisson, if the pump is surface, its outlet pipe is simply left untouched. In a trench on a sand cushion, a water supply pipe is laid, which is connected to a vertical pipe or pump outlet through an elbow or fitting;

  1. In the basement of the house, a hydraulic accumulator is installed for 60 - 200 liters, which is connected to a water supply pipe. A starter is also assembled nearby, which feeds the pump with electricity, the starter is powered through a pressure switch that controls the pressure in the accumulator tank using a pressure gauge. The hydraulic accumulator is connected to the collector internal system water supply;

  1. From the collector, pipes are routed to a water-heating boiler, bath, kitchen sink, toilet bowl, washstands and make a conclusion for watering. Supply pipes run from the boiler hot water to the bath, sink and washstand;

  1. They start the pump and fill it, check the operation of the automatic start-up and shutdown system, the integrity and tightness of the pipes, the operation of the plumbing and the performance of the system. With all open taps, there should be normal pressure;

  1. If the test was successful, the trench is buried, having previously sealed the place where the pipe enters the well and the house.
  2. Excellent article 0

What is the best way to make plumbing in the country with your own hands? Is it possible to ensure a constant supply of water on the site if it is supplied by the garden cooperative according to the schedule? How to avoid defrosting pipes in winter?

Let's try to answer this list of questions.


To begin with, let's formulate what we have to achieve.

  1. Water must be brought into the house and diluted around the site for irrigation.

Tip: with its small area, it is more practical not to mount stationary sprayers for irrigation, but to connect a reinforced hose with a manual sprayer to a fitting located approximately in the middle of the site.

  1. For a constant supply of water, we have to mount a storage tank. Since pressure is needed for irrigation and normal operation of taps, the container is placed in the attic of the house, at the top of the slope, or simply on a metal stand at least 2 meters high.
  2. In addition, we have to solve the problem of wintering the water supply. Since in winter, in most climatic zones of the country, water is not supplied to garden partnerships, and the air temperature drops far below its freezing point, it is advisable to provide for the possibility of completely draining the pipes.

Material selection

What material will we choose to build a country water supply with our own hands?


We immediately weed out steel pipes - both without anti-corrosion coating and galvanized.


  • black steel in wet ground clearly will not serve happily ever after. Rust will eat pipes in 5-7 years.
  • Galvanizing is one and a half times more expensive than already expensive steel pipes. In addition, assembling a steel water pipe by welding or threading is an extremely time-consuming process.

What remains?

Metal-plastic, polypropylene, pressure pipes made of PVC and polyethylene.

Our obvious choice is the last of the listed materials.

Do you need arguments in his favor?


  1. Polyethylene is flexible and elastic. Do-it-yourself water supply scheme in the country house often includes curved sections; pave them flexible pipe won't be difficult.
  2. Equally important, elasticity is maintained at low temperatures. If at the end of the season water remains in some section of the water supply, its freezing will not lead to ruptures in the pipe: the polyethylene will stretch, and after the ice melts, it will return to its original size.


Polyethylene pipes are mounted using butt welding, electrofusion and compression fittings. For us, the latter method is preferable.


  • For butt welding and connecting electric couplings, electricity is needed, which is far from being available everywhere.

In response to possible objections: yes, buying or renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will solve this problem.
However, is it worth creating problems for yourself and then heroically solving them?
Isn't it easier to immediately opt for a more affordable solution?

  • The price of compression fittings is slightly higher than that of butt welding fittings and is noticeably lower than that of electrofusion fittings.
  • The compression fitting, unlike alternatives, makes the connection collapsible. Thus, it allows you to clean the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe water supply system without any extra effort or change its configuration.


What diameter should I stop at? For the water supply of a house with a good margin, the throughput of a pipe with an inner diameter of 12-15 mm is enough. If it is planned to simultaneously water the area with several stationary sprayers, the cross section can be increased by a step - up to 20 mm: this will increase the throughput by 1.8 times.

If, in parallel with watering the plot over the entire area, it is supposed to use a washbasin or an outdoor shower, the inner diameter increases by another step - up to 25 mm. In this way, we will avoid loss of pressure.

When choosing a size, do not forget that pipes and fittings are marked not with an internal, but with an external diameter. The internal section is linked to the wall thickness, which, in turn, is determined by the working pressure. Here are some values ​​of these parameters for a pipe made of polyethylene PE 63.

Average outside diameter, mm Wall thickness, mm at working pressure, MPa
0,25 0,4 0,6 1
16 2,0
20 2,0
25 2,0 2,3
32 2,0 3,0
40 2,0 2,3 3,7
50 2,0 2,9 4,6
63 2,0 2,5 3,6 5,8
75 2,0 2,9 4,3 6,8

How to use this table? The instruction is extremely simple: to obtain the inner diameter, it is necessary to subtract twice the wall thickness for a given working pressure from the value of the outer one.

Resetting water for the winter

It is more than easy to organize the possibility of dumping water supply. It is enough to find its lowest point and provide a relief valve in it. If the water supply system has sections with a counterslope, discharges are placed at the lowest point of each such section.

Nuance: if you just open the vent, most of the water will hang in the pipes.
To reset, you will have to open all watering and water taps.

storage capacity

The water supply schedule in garden partnerships is far from comfortable - from twice a day to a couple of times a week. storage capacity - simplest way provide yourself with water around the clock.

What can act as a drive? The best choice is a plastic water container. To be precise, polyethylene, already familiar to us, is used for its manufacture: the combination of strength and elasticity is in demand not only for the pipeline.


The containers are available in white (translucent), blue and black.

E Is there any practical difference between them?

  • Semi-transparent plastic is immediately swept aside. It transmits the sun's rays of the visible and ultraviolet spectrum; so the water in storage tank will bloom quickly.
  • Black color is preferred in regions with cool summers. It will more actively collect thermal radiation; even at air temperatures slightly above zero, the water in the tank will heat up to a temperature that is comfortable for showering and washing dishes.
  • Blue color is suitable for any temperature regime.


How to calculate the volume of the tank? For the calculation, you need to estimate the average daily water consumption. Sanitary norm per person is about 200 liters per day; the need for watering is completely determined by the climate, the moisture-loving nature of the planted and the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour dacha.

Let's bring average consumption water for some consumers.

Installation and connection

As already mentioned, the method of installing the tank is determined by the design of the country house and the relief of the site.

Do not install a large storage light wooden overlap.
If country houses from block containers with a frame made of corrugated pipe or a channel with a cross section of 100 mm or more can withstand a load of a ton or more, then wooden beams not strong enough for that.

How to organize the connection of the tank? The water outlet in most cases is already present at the bottom of the tank. It is completed with a ball valve in case of repair of valves in the internal water supply.

To draw water in a fully automatic mode, a filling valve from the toilet bowl is mounted in the upper part. The hole for it is drilled with a conventional wood drill and widened with a cutter; a pair of rubber gaskets are used for sealing.

A couple of nuances are associated with the installation of the filler valve.

  1. A coarse filter should be installed in front of the valve. It will not allow debris that has flown through the pipes to clog the valve or jam it in the open position.

  1. The valve itself is better to take a domestic sample, brass, with a wire rocker. It is distinguished not only by durability, but also by the ability to work with water with minimal overpressure and even gravity. For imported products, at least 3-5 meters of pressure are needed.
  2. 0

Water supply from a well is sometimes simply necessary. But first you need to determine whether a well or water supply is better. After all, the price of the structure will depend on this.

In this article, we decided to analyze this issue. You will learn the difference between these two types of water supply. Learn how to install plumbing in a country house from a well. Find out what it takes and how it's done.

A scheme for connecting the water supply from the well will be given. Before starting work, it is worth watching videos and photos on this topic and correctly imagine what will be required of us in the process of work.

Water supply

Water supply in the country from a well is done according to certain rules and according to technology. However, the supply of water from the well is not fundamentally different.

Let's see how it is done and works:

  • Do-it-yourself water supply from a well begins with determining the place from where the water supply will be made;
  • After that, a scheme for installing a water supply system from a well is made and a pipeline is laid;
  • Now you need a pumping station or just a pump. Everything will depend on the type of construction. The video in this article will help you understand this issue;
  • It is also necessary to install a coarse filter, and one should not forget about the check valve, which must be installed even before the pumping station;
  • You will need a manometer and ball valve, this is necessary to determine the pressure and adjust it;
  • It is also necessary to prepare a container for water, selected depending on the required volume;
  • To get hot water, you should immediately decide whether you need a water heater or a boiler;

SES requirements for water

In order for no one to cling to us, we need to know the requirements for water.

After manufacturing and supplying water to the room, it is imperative to take samples and take them for verification:

  • According to the platinum-cable scale, we should not have a colorlessness of more than 30 percent;
  • Foreign odors and other colors should not be present;
  • The percentage of nitrates should be no more than ten;
  • There should not be more than 10 bacterial bacilli per liter of liquid.

Choose a source

A well or a central water supply can be chosen as a source, but a supply from a well can also be made and it will not cost much. This must be considered on a case-by-case basis.

It is good if there is a high-quality well or well on the territory of the summer cottage that you purchased. But if it doesn't exist, it needs to be created.

Attention: When choosing the type of source and its depth, consult with your neighbors. Find out if they use a well or a well.
Ask about water quality. Sometimes it is better to do without amateur performances and listen to the advice of more experienced people. In addition, you can do an analysis to finally make sure that it is really good.


A well is the most ancient artificial source that provides a person with water.

Attention: It is built when aquifer located at a depth of 4-15 m. At the same time, the water must be of high quality, so that it can be used in writing.

What is good and what is bad

Before equipping a well, make sure that the volume of water is sufficient for your family:

  • This option is cheaper than creating a well.
  • It is not necessary to resort to the services of specialists, you can purchase necessary materials and do all the work yourself. This will save you a lot of money. The price of the entire structure will be significantly lower;
  • A well lasts longer than a well. The maximum period of its operation is 50 years. In addition, the well is independent of electricity, unlike the well.
  • But there is one drawback: it may contain perched water, which significantly reduces the quality of water. But this happens only if the waterproofing is performed incorrectly (see).

In some regions, well drilling is preferred. The reasons can be very different.
Perhaps there is a source or an underground river with high-quality water nearby, or maybe the groundwater is at a depth of more than 15 m.

Well "on the sand"

When it is created, water is taken into upper layers soil. the first is reached. In this variant, it is only necessary to reach the first layer of water, which is suitable for consumption. Above it is dense loam, which filters rain, melt and groundwater.


  • In each region, the aquifer lies at different depths, so the depth of the well "on the sand" can be 10 - 50 meters.
  • This type of well contains 500 liters of water. Since over time they become clogged with silt and sand, such a source can be used for about 5 years.
  • Of great importance is the area on which the well is located. The source may turn out to be inexhaustible, because even with a low occurrence of groundwater (deeper than 15 m), you can stumble upon an underground river. In this situation, the filters will not clog, and the well will last more than 20 years.

Attention: It is advisable to look for a suitable place using old-fashioned methods, and to hit the well manually. As a result of the use of such methods, there is a greater chance of finding an aquifer with water. good quality. With machine drilling, it can be "slip".

Artesian well

IN this case it is necessary to drill to limestone rock, which lies at a depth of 35-1000 meters or more. An artesian well is a reliable and durable source with a minimum volume of 1500 liters.


  • The water in the limestone layer of soil has high quality. Usually wells “for limestone” are not created for personal needs, and if they are created, then they are no more than 135 m deep.

Attention: The process of drilling an artesian well is complicated by the fact that the limestone aquifer is a public property. Before carrying out work, you must obtain the appropriate permit. In addition, the well must be registered.

  • Its arrangement takes from several days to a month. At the same time, much more money is spent than when creating a well "on sand".
  • Groundwater and perched water cannot enter an artesian-type well. Its service life is approximately the same as that of a well.

Attention: To make the drilling of an artesian well the most profitable, do it together with other neighbors. After all, everyone needs quality water. And then the price will be much lower.

If you want to equip such a source of water as a well, ask for a debit calculation. This way you can choose the right pump for you. And if you do it together, then a pumping station. And these are costs that can be avoided.

Find out the productivity of the well

In order to find out the performance of a water source, you need:

  • Pump out water with surface pump or motor pumps;
  • Then you need to measure its amount. Tie a string to the nut and lower it into a source of water, then measure the length.

Thus, you will recognize the mirror of water. Having received the necessary data, you can proceed to the purchase of the pumping station itself.

To get acquainted with the parameters, use the system passport. Pay special attention to the presence of an inlet filter and a check valve.

Selection of a pumping station

It is important to choose the right pump for country water supply. Pumps are surface and submersible.


  • Surface devices are suitable for installation in a house and a utility room, they are able to pump water, which is located at a depth of no more than 9 meters.
  • Installation is carried out in deep wells and wells, with their help it is possible to pump water, the depth of which is 10-150 m.

Attention: Do not forget that in the upper layers there is not such high-quality water. Therefore, for its use in food, it is better to use a submersible design.

Pumping station - more convenient option, it consists of such elements as a hydraulic accumulator, a pump, a supply hose and a pressure switch. Such stations are very common, they are sold everywhere.

The most famous are those pumping stations that have a centrifugal self-priming pump and a built-in ejector:

  • They are designed for springs no deeper than 9 m and water supply to a height of up to 40 m.
  • In order for the station to work, the filling hole must be filled with water so that it flows over the edge, then it is necessary to close the lid and turn on the pump. At first, air will be pumped, over time water will flow.
  • The sensitivity of this type of pumping station to air in the system is negligible. To lower it, simply open the valve (faucet). Such a unit is suitable for taking water located at a shallow depth.
  • The pumping station is installed in a caisson or pit. Its installation can be done in the house itself, but only if there is a slight distance between it and the well or well.

If you need a system that will perform water purification for where the depth is up to 45 m, then there will be the best option buy a pumping station with a centrifugal self-priming pump, it has an installed external ejector. It is also used in cases where the water is far from home and the distance is 20-40 meters.

It is possible to install systems in a utility room and a residential building:

  • Two pipes are laid from the pumping station, they have an ejector at their end, and they are immersed in a water source.
  • One pipe supplies water to the ejector, and the second - to supply it to the house.
  • The station with an external ejector is sensitive to the presence of air inside the system, but it can be installed in the interior of the building. At the same time, an ejector is in the source of water intake.

Attention: When choosing a pump, be sure to pay attention to the suction height. Some devices have a suction height of 8 m, others - 20-45 m.
If this indicator is 8 m, then this does not mean that the pump cannot be used in wells that have a depth of 15 m. Our groundwater depth is much higher than the depth of the well itself.

Before you equip the water supply and purchase a pumping station, check the performance of the source, the volume of water consumption, the pressure in the system, the level of the mirror. In order for water to enter the house uninterruptedly, then a pumping station should be selected so that it is not higher than the water supply source, but should be higher than the level of possible water consumption.

We select pipes

Having correctly identified, you can take them in the desired manufacture, they differ in the angle of rotation and this will greatly facilitate the work:

  • The diameter of any pipes from different materials(steel, polypropylene, metal-plastic) should be from 32 mm.

Attention: All connecting seams must be reliable and tight, otherwise there will be a risk of pipe breakage during an increase in water pressure when using the water supply. Pay special attention to this.

  • When choosing pipes, you should pay attention that the material of their manufacture is food grade, not technical. Check it out for sure;
  • We need to supply pipes to the premises, trenches from the well to the foundation of the building must be at least a meter deep. It is important that the level of laying the pipes in the trench is below the freezing ground in your area. It is necessary to provide reliable protection by covering the pipeline with insulation (see). For this, mineral wool is used.
    It is even better if you also lay a special electrical cable, which will provide heating and prevent the pipe from freezing;
  • An above ground piping option is also available. In this case, measures to insulate the external water supply must be carried out. Pipes are laid directly on the ground, or in a preliminary recess. In parallel, a heating cable is laid, but in this embodiment it should already be mandatory.

We do our own water supply

Some people think that this is a rather difficult question. In fact, she is not.

If the source of water supply has already been created by you or the former owners, it remains only to install the pipeline, pump and other equipment. All this can be done completely with your own hands and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Water pipe wiring diagrams

After a water well has been built, the scheme of the water supply elements is developed in one of two options:

  • Serial connection of pipes.
  • Collector wiring of water supply elements.

The first option is suitable for a small house.

The principle of its operation is as follows:

  • Water enters the house through the main pipeline.
  • A tee with a branch is installed in the right direction at the points of water consumption.

The disadvantage of this option is that when using several water consumers, the pressure drops sharply at the most remote point. Therefore, such a scheme for supplying water from a well to a house is not acceptable for a residential country house and a cottage, but it is well suited for country housing.

Collector piping is suitable for a country house where people constantly live. With this connection, individual pipes are diverted from the main collector individually to any point of water intake in the house.

Possible pressure losses are negligible. Although the cost of the collector connection is higher, it pays off with the quality, convenience and reliability of the plumbing system.

Well water supply system

Pipe laying and trenching are no different. If you plan to install a pump and pipes directly above the well, equip a caisson or pit above it. Thus, you will provide protection against freezing.

Installation of the caisson

This work is carried out in compliance with certain rules and technology:

  • Dig the well pipe 2.5 m high. The width should be twice the diameter of the caisson;
  • After that, compact the bottom of the pit and fill it with a layer of concrete 20 cm thick.
  • Then install the caisson.
  • Cut the pipe, leaving 50 cm above the bottom of the caisson.
  • At this level, create a hole in the caisson through which pipes will be laid in the future.
  • Connect the pumping station, concrete the caisson outside (layer thickness - 30-40 cm), backfill it cement-sand mixture, the remaining 50 cm - with soil.

We make the connection of the pumping station to the well

The remote pump can be installed directly in the caisson. With a close location of the well, the installation of a pumping station can be done in the house.


  • The supply pipe should be led into a caisson or pit and installed in the well pipe.

Attention: There must also be a faucet designed to drain the system down.

  • Install a pump in the caisson, connect it to the well pipe, then connect the pipe that is connected to the house to the pump.

Install the rest of the equipment, such as filters, control relays and a hydraulic accumulator, in a farm building or house.

We connect the pumping station to the well

If your well is located near the house and there is a high water level in it, use a pumping station whose suction height does not exceed 9 m.

For installation, a utility building, a house and the well itself are suitable:

  • If the well is deep and distant from the house, use a remote ejector. Install the pumping station in the house, place the ejector in the well.

Attention: The room allocated for the installation of the system must be heated. The temperature must be at least +2 °C.

  • Before the pump, install a valve designed to drain the liquid;
  • We are installing a filter, which will provide a rough cleaning, and a check valve.
  • After that, install the pump and filter, which will be designed for fine cleaning.
  • As a result, if necessary, you can change the cartridge in the filter. Next, install the accumulator.
  • After that, the entire water treatment and water treatment system is mounted.

We make internal plumbing in the country


  • Run a 32 mm pipe to the cold water manifold.
  • Install ball valves in it, and then connect 25 mm pipes. It is they who will ensure the flow of water to consumers or their groups.
  • For internal wiring, corrugated stainless pipes, metal-plastic, as well as pipes made of polypropylene and steel. Corrugated products are the most expensive, but they are easy to install. In terms of quality and price, the most best optionpolypropylene pipes. They can be connected with an electric soldering iron and fittings. To work with an electric soldering iron, you do not need certain skills. In addition, this tool can be rented.

Attention: Before buying, carefully consider what you need. After all, during the work there will be waste. Write down how many elbows and corners you will need to join the pipes.

Lead the pipe to the water heater, then connect, you need to do this from on the side of the collector, only from it reverse side. A pipe comes out of the water heater hot water, we make its connection to the collector, after that we make a tap for draining water and ball valves.

As can be seen from the above, there is nothing particularly complicated. The main thing is to determine the source correctly and then choose the right equipment and you can definitely handle it.

Seasonal plumbing options

For arranging local can be used various options. Taking into account their needs and accommodation options, the owners of suburban areas in the absence of centralized communications can independently equip their plots.

summer construction

Summer water supply schemes are represented by systems:

  • collapsible;
  • stationary.

The collapsible design is extremely easy to install and operate. With the advent of the warm season, you can safely install necessary set elements on the site.

The configuration of plastic pipes and the hose is laid on top of the ground in the required directions. The design will be characterized by high reliability when using high-quality connecting adapters and valves.

The stationary structure is a conventional plumbing system laid in the ground. The depth of the bookmark may not be significant. In the necessary places, water taps are displayed. The shallow depth of occurrence will always allow reorienting such a system in the summer season.

However, it should be borne in mind that frost can damage the system. Therefore, there must necessarily be some slope of the highway to be able to free the system.

winter construction

For efficient and reliable operation the winter version of the water supply will require its thorough warming. This guarantees its safety and functioning.

Work starts from the spot. Many owners combine plumbing with a power cable in a common casing.

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