How to bring water into the house from a well or well. Selection and installation of a storage tank for water supply Pressurized water tank

In some cases, the owner of a suburban area has to install a simple, but very desired device- storage tank for water supply.

In essence, this is the simplest product and cannot be called a device, but it can play a very significant role in organizing an autonomous water supply system.

What such tanks are made of, how to mount and use them - this is the topic of our conversation.

For residents of city apartments, a stable water supply with a constant pressure seems to be something taken for granted, which is not worth even thinking about.

But for the inhabitants of cottage and holiday villages this question is not always easy to solve.

Well, if there is a reliable and affordable source of water - connect a pumping station to it and use it to your heart's content.

But quite often the conditions of water supply are not so ideal.

Here are some typical situations:

  • the house is connected to a centralized water supply, but water is not supplied all the time, but only several times a day;
  • organized on site autonomous water supply, but the well or well has insufficient productivity and quickly becomes empty;
  • water is supplied to the house by a pump, but the electricity is often cut off.

To use running water under such circumstances is a real torment: when water is not needed, it is; as soon as the need arises, you won’t squeeze a drop. This is where the storage tank comes in handy, which will play the role of a battery. Its function is quite simple: during the period of minimum water consumption, it will slowly stock up on water, and during the hours of maximum consumption, it will supply it to the water supply network.

On suburban area you can’t do without a well - water supply is necessary for household needs and watering the garden. - design technology, which determines the depth and types of well arrangement with your own hands.

Which pump to choose for a well for a summer residence and country house, consider .

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Storage tank eliminates the problem of lack of water due to interruptions in operation central water supply or a power outage if a booster pump was used.

In this article, read about the types of storage tanks and how to choose the right one.

Using the storage tank

A storage tank is a reservoir with a supply of water that acts as a hydraulic accumulator. Its main task is to maintain the consumer's water supply in an uninterrupted mode when the central source stops working.

In the apartment

Each apartment owner high-rise building faced with a shutdown of the water supply or with the supply of water by the hour. Residents of the upper floors are also familiar with weak head due to reduced pressure. A storage tank can be a solution to water problems.

The design idea is that during a proper water supply, the tank is filled, and when the pressure drops or the water supply is turned off, water from the storage is sent to all water intake points of the apartment.

The size of the tank for an apartment is recommended to be chosen in the range of 100-200 liters. This is enough to meet the primary needs of an average family of three for a period of several hours to a day. A tank with a float is usually used, which allows you to maintain an optimal water level.

The volume of the tank is selected individually, based on the area of ​​​​the apartment, the size of the family, the frequency of interruptions in water supply, etc.

In the house

In private houses with centralized water supply, a similar situation develops with water supply. The water consumption in the house, as a rule, is more, because the territory usually has a garden, vegetable garden, flower beds, and sometimes also livestock. Thus, the volume of water reserves should be ten times greater than in the apartment.

For such cases, manufacturers offer to purchase tanks with a volume of 1,500 to 5,000 liters (sometimes up to 10,000, but these are rarely used on the farm). The size of the tank will be impressive, but usually there are no problems with placement - a water tank can be installed in the yard, in the garage, in the barn and other households. buildings. There is a practice of burying the tank in the ground - this saves usable space on the site.

In the case of a tank buried in the ground, there is another advantage: in winter it does not need to be heated, since the temperature deep in the soil will not fall below zero.

The underground storage tank must have a ribbed surface and be strong enough to withstand the force of ground pressure.

In the country

From the cases described above, the dacha differs in that here, in most cases, there is no connection to a centralized source of water supply. Water has to be extracted and stored independently; for this, wells, wells and rainfall collection systems are used.

Plant Watering Tank

Such a tank is good because the water in it will not be too cold for watering plants, as, for example, straight from the well.

You can use a container for watering plants in the country in the event of a power outage (when the pump for the well or well does not work).

The watering tank should not stand under the open sun - if the water is heated excessively, algae and microorganisms will intensively multiply in it.

Shower tank

Summer showers in summer cottages are very popular. It helps to refresh yourself during the day, and in the evening, when the water in the tank warms up well, you can take full-fledged water procedures.

For a shower, you should buy a tank with a volume of 200-300 liters, preferably a flat shape (for convenient installation on the roof of the shower cubicle).

Well, if the tank is dark (and preferably black) color, this will contribute to more intense heating of the water during the day.

Flat shower tank

How to choose a storage tank

The tank should be selected based on the tasks that it will solve in the apartment (on the site). The main parameters for choosing a capacity:

  • volume;
  • material;
  • form;
  • surface;
  • nature of fastening;
  • color.

The volume will be individual for each type of needs. A tank for an apartment or a private house without a garden can be selected within 100-300 liters. Thus, it does not take up much space and its volume is enough to meet the primary needs of residents.

The volume of the country tank can be selected up to 5000 liters or more, it all depends on the irrigation area and free space for storing water supplies.

As for the material, here you need to be guided by the purpose of water. If it is to be used for drinking and cooking, the material of the tank must be safe for human health (for example, food grade plastic). In the case of a dacha, plastic also wins compared to metal, since the aggressive components that may be in the water will not actively interact with the container.

The shape of the tank also depends on the specific needs. For apartments will do a small cylindrical tank (for easy storage), for country shower- flat (for secure mounting on the booth). A tank dug into the ground can have any shape.

The surface of the tank matters when storing water underground. A ribbed and rough tank will be less subject to soil pressure, which will avoid deformation and movement.

Tank mount too important aspect. The tank can not only stand on the floor (ground), but also be suspended (relevant for small apartments so as not to take up space on the floor).

Color matters for heating (or vice versa - not heating) the water in the tank. If you want the water to be heated under the influence of direct sun rays(shower) - choose dark color if it is desirable for the water not to heat up above the norm (irrigation tank) - a transparent, white or any light shade will do.

What else you need to know about storing water in a tank

  1. The water in the tank should not stagnate, otherwise it will deteriorate and be unfit for consumption. The water in the tank should circulate as often as possible.
  2. When leaving the cottage for the winter, do not leave the container filled. The water will freeze, and under pressure, the tank will most likely burst. If stocks were stored in the attic, water will flood the room when thawed.
  3. The container needs periodic cleaning.

Before buying a storage tank, calculate how much water your family uses per day. The resulting figure will become the approximate volume of the tank that will suit you.

Plastic tanks are made of durable food-grade polyethylene, which has excellent frost resistance characteristics. The latter makes it possible to place such tanks on outdoors without fear of damage to the container when it freezes inside the water. Currently, on sale you can find a variety of storage tanks that are designed to store water and differ in their size. If you plan to install such a container in an apartment or inside a private house, then the optimal volume is 100-200 liters. For outdoor installation, you can choose larger tanks that can hold up to 1000 liters.

Tank overview

If you are looking for such plastic tank for installation in a private house or on suburban area we can recommend you the Elgad CV 500D model. Such a tank is made of high quality plastic, has a volume of 500 liters and is intended for storing clean drinking water and diesel fuel. This cylindrical container has screw cap and has excellent resistance to aggressive substances. This product does not change physical properties liquids that are stored in it. This is achieved through the use of environmentally friendly food grade plastic. It is only necessary to take into account the fact that such tanks are not designed to work under high pressure. The operating range is from -40 to +50 degrees.

Plastic water tanks of the AQUATEK ATP 1000 model are equipped with a special float, which makes it easy to control the water level in the tank. Buck has rectangular shape and is great for indoor installation. They are made of high strength polyethylene, which allows for rigidity and resistance to stress. Such a tank has a volume of 1000 liters and is intended for floor mounting indoors.

Storage tank for water supply - a tank included in a certain way in the water supply of an apartment, house, cottage, so as not to experience inconvenience when changing the water supply or pressure in the entire system.

It will relieve water hammer during pressure drops in pipes.

The tank also provides water to the residents of the house even in cases of its temporary shutdown.

A reservoir for collecting water in reserve (a storage tank for water supply at home) is not necessary for everyone, but only for those homeowners who experience regular shortages.

Here are a few situations that require the installation of a storage tank:

  • The house or apartment is connected to centralized system water supply, but the water supply is irregular, produced according to the schedule. For example, two hours in the morning and several hours in the evening.
  • A country cottage receives water from a well, but it cannot fully meet the needs of the residents and quickly becomes empty.
    “Life-giving moisture” is supplied by a pump, but there are problems with the supply of electricity, so the pump is not always useful. You need to “insure” and make a constant supply of water in case it is turned off.
  • There is a pump, but it works intermittently or cannot cope with pumping the right amount water.

The principle of operation of such a device is as follows. First, the pump (pumping station) pumps (pumps) water from a source available to it.

When the liquid level reaches the limit, the float (a regulator similar to the one installed in toilet tanks) reacts to this and closes the lever. In this case, the hole is also locked and the pump is turned off.

When the water tap is opened or the water is drained from the tank, water starts to come out of the storage tank, and the valve opens again. The pump is also switched on and filling starts again.

The device (or rather a device) turns out to be very simple, but useful in case of any problems with water supply or electricity.

Such a tank is made of stainless metal or food plastic mass (plastic).

Necessarily high quality material so that not a single molecule of foreign chemical compounds didn't get into the water.

After all, it will be used, including for food purposes.

In the event of a possible breakdown of the float valve, a pipe leading to the sewer cuts into the system so that there is no flood when the float fails.

For additional security and water purification, one or more filters are inserted into the tank outlet (pipe).

In cases with untimely supply of electricity, if available, it may be necessary to install a storage system.

If water does not enter the water supply system in time, such measures will also help prudent owners of a private house or apartment.

How to choose a water tank

There are a few things to consider before choosing a pump. simple rules, which follow from the principles of operation of the storage tank. Here they are:

  • The larger the volume of the water tank, the less often the pump will turn on. Conclusion: a large tank is economical.
  • If it is small, sharp drops in the pressure of the water channel are inevitable and they will occur more often.

Now negative trait large tanks: they take a long time to fill with water.

As for the shape of the tank, whether it is horizontal or vertical, it does not matter, there is no difference in duration.

For an average apartment with drops in water pressure in a tap, it is recommended to choose a tank with a volume of one hundred to two hundred liters. For private-type houses, especially those with a garden or any household plot, need in clean water increases tenfold.

Therefore, for such farms, you need a tank, one and a half thousand liters in size, and in some cases - five, ten thousand. The larger the tank, the more rational it is to bury it in the ground on the site, as a lot of space is saved.

Tanks for giving can have distinguishing feature- they may not be connected to a centralized water supply system, because it simply does not exist.

It is important not to install such tanks, rather intended for watering plants, under the open sun.

To choose right size a storage tank for water supply to a dacha, or apartment, it is required to assess the approximate needs of the family and household (if any) in water.

Too big a tank is just as bad as too small.

After all, wait large quantity time until the tank is filled is not rational.

For more information about the principle of a storage tank for water supply, you can watch the video:

The main stage in the arrangement of a country house or private bath is the installation of a modern autonomous water supply system.

For its implementation, a reliable storage tank for water is used.

Equally important is the issue of proper placement of the device in order to ready system water supply functioned properly throughout the entire period of operation.

Device and principle of operation

The storage tank for water supply is designed to create the necessary reserve of water for drinking and technical needs.

Such a device is used in modern autonomous systems for supplying hot and cold water. When a shortage of a water source is formed, the storage tank replenishes it from the available reserves.

Also, water tanks are successfully used in household needs for arranging summer showers and garden irrigation systems.

Note! Accumulative and at home is intended to store a sufficient supply of water resources and maintain powerful pressure throughout the day.

Water reservoirs are represented by hollow containers various configurations and volumes, in which inlet and outlet pipes, cleaning filters, ventilation holes and technical revisions are provided. More complex models are equipped with additional pumping stations.

Control over the water level is carried out using built-in shut-off valves - float or electronic. pumping station or submersible pump(in more simple models) supply water from a ready source to the storage tank.

The container is filled to the required level, after which the regulator (float valve) is activated and the intake is completed.

When the water is drained, the pump automatically turns on and the liquid supply process starts again.

Storage tanks for water can be divided into several categories:

  1. According to the form of execution - round, cylinders, rectangular, non-standard;
  2. By design - open (with a neck, protected by a lid and without) and closed (completely sealed);
  3. According to the material of manufacture - plastic, metal, polypropylene;
  4. By internal volume - from 20 to 30 liters (small), from 50 to 10 thousand liters (large);
  5. By appointment - for water supply (cold, hot), summer shower, irrigation systems, water reserves;
  6. According to the method of installation - vertical and horizontal placement, inside and underground.


The most popular and practical are models of plastic tanks, which are easy to manufacture, light weight and low cost.

Large tanks take longer to fill with water than small tanks, but are more economical. After all, the larger the volume, the less often the pump is turned on.


Metal tanks are made from of stainless steel, corrosion resistant and mechanical damage. It defines high cost similar tanks, so they are often made to order.

To reduce negative impact corrosion, metal containers for hot water inside covered with a reliable heat-resistant enamel layer.

The most affordable option is plastic or polypropylene storage tanks with the appropriate level of thermal conductivity.

Location of water tanks

The location of the tank determines the type of plumbing and equipment that is required for the reliable and uninterrupted operation of an autonomous system.

A modern storage tank for water supply at home and a bath has two installation options - upper and lower position.


Such a scheme provides for the installation of a storage tank at the maximum allowable height - a terrace, second floor, attic, on the roof or under the ceiling. The height of the location is proportional to the force of pressure - for every 10 meters, 1 bar of pressure is added.

When operating the accumulator in winter period, the device is additionally insulated.

The top position provides best fence water even without pumping station, as well as simple and safe operation of the tank.


This method of installing a storage tank provides for rational use free area. In this case, a pump or pumping station is required to supply water to a house or bath.

When placed at the bottom, with the help of a pump, water is injected into the storage tank, as a result of which a special air layer. When a certain level of water in the tank is reached, the air with maximum force pushes it to the intake points.

Often, in order to achieve optimal pressure when supplying water, submersible drainage pump with a float installed inside the tank.

If the lower water tank is planned to be used in winter, then it should be buried in the soil to a depth below the freezing level.

Additionally, reliable insulation is provided. When installing summer system water supply, the storage tank can be located at a depth of up to 45 cm from the top soil level.

Important! With an underground installation method, the tank must be installed with a slight slope of up to 16 degrees. This will ensure one-sided accumulation of sedimentary masses under the cover.

Mounting process

Most affordable option organization of an autonomous water supply system in a house or bath - installation of a container in the attic.

To do this, it is necessary to manufacture or purchase a bath tank of the required volume and configuration.

The tank is mounted on the top beam ceiling or in any convenient place in the attic.

Installation work is carried out in stages:

  1. The base for the water tank is being strengthened. The floor beams are covered with wide boards.
  2. The drive is installed on the prepared base.
  3. A float valve is being installed. 7.5 cm recede from the upper edge, make a mark and cut out a hole of the required diameter. The tail part of the valve with a plastic sealing washer is threaded into the hole. A special stiffening plate is installed from the opposite wall of the container, another sealing washer and a nut is screwed on. All fasteners are securely fixed, a connector is screwed to the tail section, with the help of which a water pipe is connected.
  4. Holes are made for the outlet pipes of the required size. into pre-drilled holes with inside container, a connector with a washer is screwed in. The thread is reinforced with a special tape. Next, the washer is put on, and the nut is tightened.
  5. Shut-off valves are inserted into the outlet pipes.
  6. Transfer in progress. To do this, a mark is set 2.5 cm below the placement of the float-type crane and a hole is made. The overflow pipe is led into sewer system, is fixed to the walls of the tank using connectors according to a similar principle. Next, pipes are laid with compression fixation. Finished plots piping systems are mounted to the walls of the tank and a wooden base.
  7. The connected tank is filled with water to check the tightness of the system, as well as to regulate the float valve.
  8. The container is insulated with sheet polystyrene or rolled mineral wool.

In such a simple and reliable way, you can equip autonomous system water supply, the main element of which is a storage tank for a bath or a house.

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