Card fortune telling. Fortune telling Three gypsy cards Gypsy fortune telling for the future 3 years

Every woman wants to know what kind of relationship lies ahead, and whether she should take the courtship of this or that gentleman seriously. Gypsy fortune telling will help you understand what is really happening and when to expect true love.

The gypsies always lived by their own rules and did not count on outside help. Many are afraid of them or consider them hypnotists or charlatans. But people always shy away from what they cannot understand, and therefore avoid people with different views on life. After all, the gypsies became famous not only for their hot temper and special traditions; These people have enormous knowledge and strength in their blood.

It is not for nothing that gypsy curses are considered the most powerful, and it is almost impossible to remove them. Fortune telling on cards using gypsy methods has also gained popularity with this side of it. Using them, you can absolutely say that the prediction will come true, and it doesn’t matter whether you believe it yourself or not. Everything that the gypsy predicted will happen sooner or later.

Gypsy fortune telling for love

In order to find out what awaits you in the love sphere, there is a simple fortune telling that everyone can do. It will require a new deck of 36 cards. If it has already been used for a game, then it will not work: the prediction will not be so accurate.

Before you begin, you need to decide on the question. Formulate it in your head to tune in to the desired information field. You can ask about anything, the main thing is that it is related to love.

Pick up the deck and read a special spell for truthful fortune telling. Everyone should have their own way to refer to cards, but you can use a universal one: “36 cards, 36 helpers. I turn to you and give you my strength. Reveal the truth to me and show me the right path. Let it be so."

After this, you can begin fortune telling. Shuffle the deck and draw three cards one at a time. The first is responsible for your past, the second for the present, and the third will reveal your future.

Map designation

IN in this case no matter what shape or number you choose. It's all about the specific suit of the card.

Hearts mean a happy future, and that you will soon meet the one you dream of. If you are already in a relationship, but doubt its sincerity, then this suit confirms the correctness of your choice.

Peaks are a warning sign of danger. You should carefully look at the events happening around you and soberly assess the situation. It is quite possible that it is better to stop communicating with specific person, otherwise you may end up in big trouble.

Clubs predict that you should consider a person not as a possible soul mate, but rather as a partner in business or other common affairs. New acquaintances will not become your life companions, but they can help you financially.

Diamonds inform about events related to the long journey. If you have a business trip or personal trip coming up, it’s better not to refuse. It is there that you will find answers to your questions or meet your long-awaited love.

You can guess about love different ways, and everyone will be truthful when competent preparation. Remember that you cannot give your personal deck of cards to anyone, otherwise your biofield will weaken and the prediction will not be accurate. All events are interconnected, and each one comes into our lives to bring us a little closer to our cherished dream. Believe in your strength, trust the Universe and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.01.2016 00:30

Most of us associate gypsies with freedom, cheerful songs and, of course, fortune telling. They predict...

Perhaps no other people are shrouded in such mystery and mysticism as the gypsies. We hear every now and then about the gypsy love spell, gypsy hypnosis, and, of course, gypsy fortune telling. Where would we be without him?! More than six hundred years have passed since the first maps appeared. And now it’s difficult to say for sure in whose hands the first deck was. Perhaps in the hands of a gypsy?

We are pleased to present you a traditional deck of Gypsy cards for fortune telling for all occasions. This deck contains thirty-six cards and the Bianca card (symbolizing the Client). The meaning of cards can be interpreted both in a literal and figurative (metaphorical) sense. So, for example, the drawn “Death” card does not always mean the end of someone’s physical life. In some cases it may mean - global changes, a situation where something old “dies”, and something new comes in its place. The “Disease” card does not always mean illness in the generally accepted sense of the word. After all, mental anguish, painful doubts, fears that make the heart feel heavy can also be called in general terms"disease".

When starting to interpret the situation that has fallen out, do not rush. Think about it. Try to literally feel what the card is telling you, what it is warning you about, what it is drawing your attention to. And only after that make a final decision and draw conclusions.

Free online fortune telling with Gypsy cards is a great opportunity tell fortunes about the situation or simply make a calculation in order to see what awaits you in the future.

Gypsy online fortune telling is considered one of the most mystical and most accurate. Thanks to him, you can find answers to questions that have long interested you.

In order to tell fortunes online using gypsy cards, you need to decide on a question or a situation that you would like to clarify. Once you have decided, click the “Get Prediction” button.

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about what or who you are casting a spell on. Hold down the deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Fortune telling Three gypsy cards . To consider 3 very important issues for a person, it is often used simplest layout, which does not require a fortune teller to spend a lot of time and effort. This divination is performed on a gypsy deck playing cards consisting of 52 pieces. It is somewhat expanded compared to what is usually used. This allows for greater flexibility and detail compared to a standard 36 card deck. Fortune telling on this deck adds not only specificity to the prediction, but also very serious information content. There is also an element of novelty and unusualness here. The topics discussed will be very interesting to almost any person; however, one should not forget that frequent fortune telling will have a detrimental effect on the accuracy of the answers. Since the correct result is the one that happens first, the others will not have predictive power unless the period of time necessary for execution has passed.

Technique for performing online fortune telling:

You and I will use gypsy cards. They are different from all others known to you. It is very easy to interpret the resulting values, since each of them is already a logically complete unit. And from the image printed on it, it allows you to latently guess what this card is talking about. To get the most accurate answer, you need to imagine the querent and ask the deck to tell you about him (her). What awaits in a relationship, the current situation and surprises along the way. The situation should be conducive to fortune telling, thoughts only about fortune telling. Shuffle the deck and remove part of it with your left hand. It is best to lay out the cards in front of you flat surface and choose, one by one, those to which your hand placed on them will react. Having chosen three cards, you need to interpret their meanings. To perform divination using our website, click on the deck of cards, a little further on the page.

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