Low speed android. A hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly increases Internet speed

Not enough high speed Internet connections often cause dissatisfaction among users. This applies to everyone mobile devices, and not just those running Android OS. It is clear that the speed depends on the operator cellular communications, on the selected tariff, coverage parameters and connection quality. But there is one nuance that is still known to a narrow circle of developers, specialists and the most inquisitive users.

It turns out that owners of Android mobile devices are in a privileged position thanks to the new application Internet Speed ​​Master, which was created by specialists from Nez Droid. This program optimizes data transfer settings by making changes to a number of system files, which allows you to increase the speed of the 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi Internet on Android devices. The developers claim that Internet Speed ​​Master can work on smartphones and tablets, regardless of the operating system version and user shell. But whether the application will work to increase speed on a specific device cannot be predicted. The fact is that for some models the problem of optimizing the data transfer rate has already been solved in advance, by default.

However, it is still worth trying to increase your Internet speed, and to do this you will need to root your device. We have repeatedly described how to do this for Android smartphones and tablets on our website in the “” section. There is one more nuance: super-user rights are required only when you launch Internet Speed ​​Master for the first time - after that you can safely return the old settings and continue to use the application. And now the instructions:

If you have root rights:

2. Open the application and (if you have superuser rights) provide root access, which it will require upon first launch.

3. Click " Apply Patch


If you don't have root rights, you can try another variant:

1. Download at Google Play application and install it on your device.

2. Open the application. Click " Improve Internet Connection» and reboot the device.

3. Evaluate the effect of using the program.

This method may not work on all devices, so you may still need to gain superuser rights. You can return to the original settings by selecting " Restore" in the main menu and confirming the request to restore system files by clicking "OK".

Do not forget that for a number of Android devices the Internet speed problem is being solved automatically. If the speed does not increase when using Internet Speed ​​Master, it means that you have just such a model - with an optimized data transfer speed.

Mobile devices have ceased to be ordinary “dialers” and means for sending messages. Now it's chief assistant in everyday affairs and a powerful means of communication and access to the Internet. The data transfer speed determines how quickly and efficiently the mobile device will cope with its functions and your requests. It is in search of means to improve their user experience that people are looking for the answer to the question of how to increase Internet speed.

It must be said that there are no guaranteed working methods that will help increase the outgoing speed, as well as the incoming one. Much of what we list will work on some smartphones and not on others.

There are several ways to increase Internet speed on your phone. We will look at editing system files, as well as using special applications that reprogram Android elements to increase speed.

Attention! Some tips require root rights to perform. With their help, we will edit system files and also give extended access to programs. Be careful, in no case change parameters that you do not know, so as not to damage the firmware.

Internet Booster

Speed ​​up internet speed to maximum operating system Android you can use free utility Internet Booster. You can download it to your phone via Google Play for free.

The application is intuitive and convenient for users of various levels. The utility can adjust the operation of 3G, as well as Wi-Fi connections. There is a mode for rooted smartphones and regular ones. Most people who have tried the program say that it helped, but the increase in connection performance depends on the device.

Opera Mini and traffic compression mode

Opera Mini has been in use for many years and has established itself as a fast browser that can quickly load pages even with poor network quality. The program does not increase speed, but it compresses traffic, so pages are displayed faster. Opera Mini is often faster than even Chrome, Firefox and other browsers.

Meanwhile. This program is not the only one that can compress traffic. This option is available on most modern browsers and it also does not increase the speed of the Internet, but reduces the size of pages so that they open faster.

Replacing the "Options" file

Many users who do not have access to WI-FI use mobile Internet (3G and 4G). And the speed of this network can also be increased, but you need root rights.

This method was published by one of the users on the Xda-developers forum. The person claims that by adjusting the system files responsible for the operation of the network, you can significantly increase the connection speed. The post provides instructions for enabling the Van Jacobson data compression method. It is designed to improve TCP/IP on low speed connections.

In the comments, many people report that the method worked for them and they observed a noticeable increase in upload and download speeds. However, some unsubscribed, saying that the result was zero. It all depends on the specific smartphone, so it’s difficult to predict whether the method will help you, but it’s definitely worth a try.

To perform this method you will need:

  • document with new connection parameters;
  • phone with superuser rights;
  • any file manager with access to system folders (ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, Total Commander).

We will show the procedure using the popular ES File Explorer as an example.

All that remains is to check if it worked. Download from Play Store Speed ​​Test application, run it and compare the speed that was before with the one you got as a result of the configuration change.

Editing build.prop

As soon as you start the smartphone, the parameters that affect the operation of the operating system are read from the build.prop file. Therefore, many changes can be made to it, for example, to increase the communication speed.

There are two ways to edit it, both require a rooted device. The first is through any text editor, finding the document in the system/build.prop directory. The second - through special programs, for example, BuildProp Editor, which is available in the app store.

These tweaks increase TCP clipboards on Android, which has a positive effect on network performance, especially when the connection is already slow. Suitable for mobile Internet and Wi-Fi connection. We will also edit DNS settings, which can reduce ping.

  1. Go to build.prop using one of the listed methods.
  2. At the very end, write the following lines.

net.tcp.buffersize.default=4096,87380,256960,4096, 16384,256960









3. Save everything you changed.

Tweaks sometimes make the upload and download speed almost twice as large. But, again, it all depends on the smartphone model, its components and the firmware that is installed on it.

Alternative ways to maintain Internet speed

You can increase the speed of the Internet with the help of some other, more simple means. Or rather, not to increase it, but to stabilize it and allocate it for a specific process that is needed at the moment.

  1. Clear the cache and registry of the browser you are using.
  2. If you use mobile Internet, then do not forget to turn it off when you are not online. This will help you save fast LTE or 3G traffic.
  3. Do not install hundreds of additional extensions and all kinds of programs on a tablet or smartphone that requires a constant Internet connection. Live wallpapers and similar widgets only slow down the connection and also negatively affect the performance of the device itself.

Now you know how to maximize data transfer speeds over Wi-Fi and mobile networks. We hope that at least one of the methods will work for your phone.

All modern Android smartphones are capable of accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi and mobile networks. This is extremely convenient, because in this way, owners of mobile devices can save huge amounts every month by independently limiting their Internet traffic. So, for example, at home, when connected to Wi-Fi, you can download some files or download new applications, but when using the mobile Internet, it is better not to do this, since this can result in large financial losses, especially if mobile packages are not connected to the tariff plan Internet.

However, there are cases when Wi-Fi in public transport, in a hotel or bar works so poorly that it is almost impossible to use it. At the same time, this has to be done, since in some cases a complete transition to mobile Internet can result in additional costs or loss of precious megabytes saved for some other day. Fortunately, all Android smartphones have a hidden setting that significantly increases Internet speed and anyone can activate it.

To do this, you need to make the “For Developers” section open. This is done very easily - just open “Settings” on your Android smartphone, and then go to the “About phone” section, where you should find the “Build number” column and quickly click on it 7 times in a row. The message “Congratulations, you are now a developer” should appear. If it appears, then you need to return to the main settings screen and open the “Advanced” section, where a new section should appear almost at the very bottom - “For Developers”.

In this menu, in the “Networks” section, there will be a switch opposite the “Do not disable data transfer” option, which you need to enable. It is responsible for ensuring that the mobile Internet will always be active, even when an Android smartphone is connected to the point Wi-Fi access. At the same time, the smartphone will choose itself through which network to download and send data, that is, there will be no unexpected costs for limited Internet traffic.

At the same time, if the smartphone is connected to a slow Wi-Fi networks, then he himself will begin to send and receive data via the mobile Internet, thereby significantly increasing the speed of working with the network. This hidden setting is found in all Android smartphones, but its name may differ slightly, but its essence is the same - it makes the Internet connection faster.

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There are several ways to increase Internet speed on your phone. Users can configure their browser or use a specialized software, which will speed up data transfer.

Internet browser settings

Slowness when loading pages may be related to the browser you are using. You must perform a number of mandatory actions to restore the correct operation of the browser, namely:

  • Install the latest version in the official application store.
  • Clear the browser cache (temporary data).

Clear cache (Google Chrome)

Clearing the cache using a browser as an example Google Chrome carried out as follows:

These steps will help speed up mobile Internet on your phone. If a positive effect is not observed, you should use special settings.

Setting up to save traffic

Many browsers on smartphones and tablets have a data saving feature. It will compress the data and the page will load much faster.

You can enable it (for example, in the Google Chrome browser) by following these steps:

This will slightly speed up the loading of pages in your Internet browser.

Using third party programs

Third-party software can also speed up the Internet. Developers offer specialized programs to increase speed. The application will change a number of settings, which generally give a fairly high speed increase. Please note that some software may ask you for ROOT rights (or superuser rights). We will talk about the simplest and most accessible applications.

Internet Booster

This is a popular program that caches data, while being able to independently evaluate the signal from cell towers in order to choose the most acceptable one. The advantages of the application include a built-in browser, with which you can achieve maximum improvement, a simple and intuitive interface, as well as informative icons. It is worth noting that Internet Booster is distributed absolutely free of charge and does not require root access to Android for your phone.

Internet Speed ​​Master

The application optimizes system settings, which can significantly improve speed mobile Internet. The interface includes only four keys, of which you only need two. An unpleasant feature is the presence of superuser rights. Without them, the functionality of the program is not guaranteed.

You can speed up the Internet on your phone in two simple steps:

  1. With the app open, click the Apply Patch button and then wait for the process to complete.
  2. Click the button that says Improve Internet Connection.

If necessary, the user can always restore the original state of system files.

Other applications

Dozens of other programs can speed up the Internet on Android, including Network Master, Internet Booster, Internet Speed ​​Booster and others. Download utilities only from official stores (Google Play and AppStore) to protect your device. Be sure to read reviews from other users, so you can get a real idea of ​​the effectiveness of a particular utility.

Remember that you will not be able to get a speed higher than that provided by the technology. The maximum data transfer speed in 3G networks reaches up to 2 Mbit/s. The real figure is even lower. For 4G Internet users, the limit is 1 Gbit/second.

Replacing a tariff or SIM card

If traffic savings and third-party software do not produce an effect, you should think about changing the tariff or operator. MTS, Megafon and others provide many favorable tariffs, which include 4G Internet (or as it is also called LTE). In urban conditions, when you stay in one place, you will achieve maximum speed. The faster you move and the further away from your phone's coverage area, the slower the Internet will become.

The problem is unstable and too slow internet connection has already affected many Android device users. It may appear immediately after connecting the service or after some time, but the fact remains that the task of increasing Internet speed exists, and it requires a solution.

The problem associated with slow Internet is one of the most common, so it is not surprising that special applications have already been developed to eliminate it. They are designed to improve connection parameters, but it is important to know about other methods that can achieve a positive result.

Method 1: Third Party Applications

You can find several online good apps, which can increase the Internet speed on an Android device, and on our website you can learn about all the ways to install them. For users with root rights, the applications will improve the overall performance of all browsers, and also try to make changes to settings related to the use of Internet traffic. Before starting work, it is advisable to make a backup of the system, as is usually done before updating the firmware. Applications can be downloaded from the store.

Internet Booster & Optimizer

Internet Booster & Optimizer is a free, simple and convenient tool for optimizing not only the Internet, but the entire system as a whole. It checks the Internet connection for errors and also regulates the activity of other applications that have access to the network.

The developers claim that their product does not do anything that users who decide to perform such actions manually could not cope with. It would just take them much longer, but the app does it in a matter of seconds.

Internet Speed ​​Master

Internet Speed ​​Master is another simple application that performs a similar function. It works on the same principle, i.e. Suitable for devices with and without root rights.

Just as in the previous case, the application will try to make changes to system files. The developers are responsible for security, but a backup won’t hurt here.

Method 2: Browser Settings

Even if using third-party programs will bring positive result, the fact that the user takes other measures will not make things worse. For example, by working with your browser settings, you can significantly improve the quality of your Internet connection. Let's consider this opportunity against the backdrop of popular web browsers for Android devices. Let's start with:

Instructions for users:

Instructions for Firefox users:

Method 3: Clear cache

You can increase the speed a little regular cleaning cache. While applications are running, temporary files accumulate there. If you do not clear the cache for a long time, its volume increases greatly, which over time causes the speed of the Internet connection to slow down. On our website you can find information on how to clear the cache on Android devices using the settings of the system itself or third-party applications.

Method 4: Fighting external interference

Many users, trying to decorate their device or protect it from physical damage, especially when it is new, put it in cases and bumpers. They are often the cause of unstable and low Internet speeds. You can check this by freeing the device, and if the situation improves, you will have to find another accessory.


With these simple steps you can speed up the Internet a little on your Android device. Of course, you shouldn’t expect colossal changes, because we're talking about about how to make surfing the Internet more comfortable. All other issues are resolved through the provider, since only he can remove the restrictions that he has set.

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