Proper transplantation of cyclamen at home. Selection of soil for cyclamen and tips for making your own Cyclamen: care at home

A transplant may be needed in the following cases:

  • It is worth replanting a flower if its tuber takes up a lot of space in the pot and the roots have nowhere to grow.
  • It is also necessary after purchase, but not immediately, but after several months. The pots in which the flower is sold are too small, so you need to choose a larger container so that the root system can continue to develop unhindered. Read about the rules for caring for cyclamen after purchase.
  • If a flower was purchased, then you need to know that the land in which it grows is very poor. Immediately after the cyclamen fades, it is replanted. In the case of good soil in a purchased pot, the plant can be left untouched for a whole year.
  • Experienced flower growers recommend replanting regularly. This needs to be done once every few years.

When to perform the procedure?

Important! Transplantation is carried out after the plant emerges, that is, at the end of July or beginning of August. This procedure must be done before the buds appear.

The end of the dormant period can be determined by the formation of young leaves.

The time of transplantation also depends on the type of cyclamen. For example, European cyclamen does not have a pronounced dormant state and remains green all the time. It begins to bloom in mid or late May. If you do a transplant, it will be until then. It is best to carry out the procedure in March.

You should behave completely differently with Persian cyclamen. Every year he experiences a state of rest. It begins in the middle of winter and lasts until the end of summer. In June-August, young leaves begin to hatch, it is during this period that replanting should be done.

Can this be done with a flowering plant?

Transplantation at the moment of flowering leads to the fall of buds, because during a change of soil the flower experiences stress. This causes flowering and growth to stop. The only exceptions can be those cyclamen that were purchased in a store, and then not immediately, but after the flower gets used to the new place. They need to be replanted from store-bought soil into fresh soil.


Preparation for the procedure

Container size

Cyclamen does not do well in large pots. The container is selected taking into account the size of the plant’s rhizome:

  • A pot with a diameter of 7-8 centimeters is perfect for a young tuber between one and a half years old.
  • Older tubers (2-3 years) need containers with a diameter of 15-16 centimeters.

Reference. The distance from the tuber to the edge of the pot should be 2-3 centimeters.


A lot depends on the soil, especially the condition of the cyclamen itself, the activity of growth and flowering. Ideally should be loose and nutritious. Loose soil is the main condition for successful flower growth. Often they buy a ready-made mixture at flower shops. But it's better to do it yourself. For this you will need:

  • One part peat.
  • Humus is one part.
  • Clean sand, also one part.
  • Leaf soil - three parts.

In order for roots to form better and the plant to take root better, a little vermiculite is added to the ground. Before planting, the soil must be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure is necessary to kill fungal pathogens.

Step by step process instructions

How to transplant homemade cyclamen into another pot - step by step:

How to divide a flower correctly?

On a note. Flower division can be done in two ways - tubers and rosettes.

  1. The first step is to take out the onion and dry it.
  2. Afterwards, cut into pieces and leave each piece with a bud and a few roots.
  3. Then we leave it in a dark place to dry the cut.
  4. When the tuber is planted, the pot is removed away from direct rays.


  1. To begin with, a shoot is torn off from the tuber and planted in damp soil.
  2. Next, place the flower under a transparent film.
  3. After a few weeks, the rosettes will develop roots.
  4. Be sure to observe the temperature regime.
  5. Subsequent care is no different from caring for an adult flower.

These and other methods of propagating cyclamen are discussed in more detail in.


Useful video

Watch the video instructions on how to properly transplant cyclamen at home:


Transplanting cyclamen is not such a complicated procedure. If you follow all the rules and instructions, it will not cause much trouble or difficulty. Timely replanting is very important for the plant, because with its help the soil is renewed, and with it the nutrients.

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The roots of cyclamen form a tuber, which expands during growth and flowering and fills the entire pot. The regrown roots have time to absorb all the useful elements contained in the soil. And if the plant is not replanted in time, then further growth will be slowed down or stopped altogether, which can lead to a lack of flowering or death of the plant.

When to replant

The most appropriate time to transplant cyclamen is the beginning of the next growth period.. This is easy to notice, as new leaves will begin to appear on the tuber, which indicates the awakening of the plant. This time is the most ideal time to replace the soil and move the tuber to a slightly larger pot.

It is also recommended to replant cyclamen after purchase, especially if the plant is imported. The transport of soil across borders is often tightly controlled, and therefore foreign plants are often placed in a special substrate of not the best quality.


Transplanting cyclamen at home is not so difficult. You can make your own soil or buy a ready-made mixture at a garden store. It should contain leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 3/1/1/1. A slight presence of vermiculite or vermion will also not hurt. Before replanting cyclamen, it is advisable to place the soil mixture in a hot oven for an hour (recommended temperature 80 degrees) to prevent contamination of the soil by insects and other diseases.

Ready for transplant

The size of the pot should be chosen slightly larger than the tuber itself, so that there is a distance of about 1 cm between the bulb and the walls of the flowerpot. If the pot was used before replanting, it must be disinfected. To ensure drainage, it is necessary to lay a small layer of expanded clay or pebbles (about 2 cm thick) on the bottom, mixing it with the soil.

Before planting in a new flowerpot, the tuber must be removed, completely freed from the old soil and cut off rotten and small roots. Then pour the prepared soil into a new pot and place the cyclamen there so that the tuber protrudes at least 1/3 above the surface of the earth.

After transplantation, cyclamen must be moved to a cool place and ensure good watering. It is important to remember that it is better to water the plant from a tray so that water does not fall on the top of the tuber. You can feed with fertilizers 30 days after transplantation.

Video of cyclamen transplantation

Below is a video that shows in detail the process of transplanting this magnificent flower:

Cyclamen is a herbaceous flowering perennial from the Mirsinov family. It belongs to the tuberous representatives and is grown at home. Popular among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness in terms of maintenance and care. Has a long flowering period. Despite all the advantages of cyclamen, regular plant replanting is required for full growth and development. Only in this case is the flower able to please the owner with its appearance for almost 20 years.


Cyclamen is a herbaceous tuberous perennial. The most commonly found potted varieties are Persian and European cyclamen. Their flowering period begins in October and continues until the first month of spring. Single erect flowers of various colors bloom at the tops of the shoots: pink, white, red, purple. The leaves are rich green, sinewy.

The characteristics of indoor cyclamens are described in the table:

Name Description Photo
PersianThe bush is 25–30 cm high. The root is an oval, flattened tuber, about 16 cm in diameter. The leaves are heart-shaped, green in color, with a steel pattern on the surface. The inflorescences are elongated, dense, with twisted petals. Peduncles are erect, 20–25 cm long. After flowering, the foliage is shed
EuropeanPopularly called alpine violet, which is due to its place of growth in nature - the Alps. It differs from the Persian in its more compact size. Tubers with a diameter of no more than 10 cm. The leaves are heart-shaped, dark green above with silver inclusions, red below. Doesn't shed leaves after flowering

The plant tends to fade quickly, which is sometimes caused by elevated room temperatures.

For long and full flowering of cyclamen throughout the winter season, it is necessary to maintain low air temperatures and acceptable humidity along with an abundance of natural light. The plant categorically does not tolerate direct exposure to rays, which leads to burns on the leaves and loss of decorative appearance.

When buying a flower in a store, you should pay attention to a number of external factors:

  • the tuber should protrude slightly above the surface of the earth;
  • A healthy plant has dense stems;
  • The structure of the leaves is leathery, with a bright green color and visible veins.

Drooping bushes hanging over the sides of the pot indicate an unhealthy state of the plant. The presence of the slightest signs of mold and slimy plaque, which can serve as a source of infection of other indoor flowers with fungal or viral pathologies, is unacceptable.

How to replant cyclamen correctly?

The need to transplant indoor cyclamen arises in the following cases:

  • a greatly overgrown tuber, when the roots become cramped in the old pot;
  • the need to change soil due to its depletion;
  • completion of flowering - at the end of summer.

It is strictly forbidden to replant a plant if there are buds on the stems. It is necessary to wait out this time or have time to carry out the procedure before budding. The permissible limit of transplants is 2–3 times a year.

It is necessary to carry out an annual replanting after flowering, which is due to the need to replace the old soil, which has lost nutrients during the growing season, with fertile soil. During the transplantation process, the roots are also inspected for damage and rot.

After purchase, the plant must be moved to a new pot.

Prepare the soil composition by mixing:

  • peat;
  • river sand;
  • humus;
  • leaf compost in a ratio of 1:1:1:4.

It is first calcined in the oven or spilled with manganese solution for disinfection. For better survival of plantings, vermiculite is added to the soil composition.

The pot is selected based on the age of the flower: for cyclamens up to 1.5 years old, a diameter of 10 cm is suitable, for older specimens - 15–17 cm.

The gap between the tuber and the walls of the container should not exceed three centimeters. Too large a volume will not allow the roots to fully absorb the excess moisture that accumulates, which will lead to their rotting.

Step-by-step instructions for properly transplanting cyclamen:

  1. 1. Holes are made in the bottom of the selected new pot.
  2. 2. Lay out a drainage layer of expanded clay, brick chips or pebbles 1–1.2 cm thick.
  3. 3. Fill in new soil mixture up to half the height of the container, with a depression in the center to accommodate the bulb.
  4. 4. First, remove old leaves from the bush by twisting the cuttings. Transfer the bulb from the previous pot using a transshipment method, keeping the adhering lump of earth.
  5. 5. Hold the plant suspended and gently sprinkle it, leaving the top of the head open. Tamping is not required, since the tuber needs free access to oxygen.

After completing the work, place the flower in a bright and warm place without drafts. The first watering is possible only after 7 days. The water flowing into the pan is immediately drained. They begin to feed cyclamen after a month, using ready-made complex formulations.


After transplanting a flower, it is necessary to create acceptable conditions for successful adaptation in a new place. First of all, choose the right location for the next 1–2 months. It is recommended to keep the flower pot on the windowsill on the north side.

Further care includes:

  • Systematic moderate watering. When flooding occurs, dampness is created, which leads to the development of pathogenic microflora in the soil. Prevent drops of moisture from getting on the leaves, buds and protruding top of the tuber. It is recommended to moisten the cyclamen through a tray, which allows the plant to absorb the required amount of moisture.
  • Maintaining the room temperature at 15–17 °C. When ventilating the room, the flower is removed away from the flow of cold air.
  • Removing faded foliage. This must be done manually: scissors cannot be used.

If cyclamen is replanted during the dormant period, the leaves will certainly begin to wither. This is not critical, since after emerging from hibernation, the green mass is quickly restored. It is enough to keep the plant cool and remove dead leaves.

An equally important component of care is feeding, which helps cyclamen to fully grow and develop. Commercially available mineral compositions are suitable. Fertilizer is applied once every 2 weeks, until the first buds set. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped.

The reason for the popularity of cyclamen is the marvelous appearance of the plant with basal dark green leaves with gray-silver patterns, on top of which drooping flowers bloom on tall peduncles. The length of the petioles is 30 cm. The originality of the flower depends on what species it belongs to. Among them there are representatives with a pointed flower, curved back, with fringed petals, etc.

Not only the appearance of the flower varies, but also its color. Breeders have developed hybrids with flowers that are snow-white, pinkish, dark red, burgundy or purple. Flowering duration is up to 3.5 months. If you provide them with cool conditions when growing, flowering will last from mid-October to the end of March (read about when and how long flowering lasts and what to do with cyclamen after it has bloomed).

The importance of the right substrate

Not all gardeners follow soil recommendations. They believe that the type of substrate is not important. You can take garden soil and the plant will grow. They are wrong, since its fate depends on which substrate is chosen. Soil is the main material that affects the growth and flowering of the plant planted in it.

What kind of soil is needed?

It is important to know what soil is suitable for the plant. Cyclamen grows well in slightly alkaline soil. Experienced gardeners claim that cyclamen is also suitable for slightly acidic and neutral soils. There is some truth in their words.

The composition of the earthen mixture can be any with the only condition: when it dries, it should not shrink, and the water in it should not stagnate.

Preparing soil at home

Required Ingredients

When preparing the soil mixture for cyclamen, add coarse sand and perlite to it in a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm. Above the substrate there should be a layer of small pebbles: gravel, small pebbles, granite with a size of 0.5-1 cm.

Reference! It is not always convenient to prepare soil for cyclamens at home. Increasingly, they buy universal, special soil for cyclamen or flowering plants at a flower shop. A good manufacturer is Seliger Agro.

To make loose soil for cyclamen, take:

  • Store-bought substrate.
  • Perlite.
  • Sand.
  • Needles.

Before preparing the ground, treat the substrate with a solution of potassium permanganate. The solution used for processing should be pinkish. For ten liters of water add 1.5-2 grams of dry potassium permanganate powder. Sand is subjected to preliminary preparation in addition to impregnation with potassium permanganate. It will be treated in a steam or water bath for half an hour. When adding pine needles, take forest and not rotted ones. Otherwise, it will rot, become covered with fungus and contribute to the rotting of the plant in the pot.

The resulting mixture is calcined in the oven for an hour. Sometimes this procedure is omitted, making do with only treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. Calcination is the best way to save cyclamen from the development of fungal diseases.


  • 4 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 tsp sand;
  • 2 hours of turf;
  • 0.5 tsp pine needles.

The right pot

A pot for cyclamen is selected by purchasing a plant at a flower shop. A new one is bought when it is replanted or propagated. When choosing the right one, take into account the age of the plant. If the age is one year, the optimal diameter of the container is seven centimeters. Two-year-old cyclamen is transplanted into a container with a diameter of 14 cm. It is not recommended to sharply increase the size of the pot. Otherwise, the soil will oxidize. To prevent waterlogging of the soil in the future, the bottom is pierced, i.e. make drainage holes.

A transplant is not always necessary. It is recommended to carry it out after purchasing a new flower. In a flower shop, it grows in a special substrate so that there are no problems when transporting it from abroad. In the future, it interferes with the good flowering and growth of the plant. When the tuber grows greatly and it becomes obvious that the plant is cramped in the pot, it is important to replant it. If you delay, the roots will grow too much and they will not have enough nutrition to meet all their needs.

If desired, every gardener can cope with a cyclamen transplant. You don't have to do anything special The main thing is to strictly follow the steps listed below:

Important! When transplanting cyclamen from one pot to another, be careful not to damage the fragile roots. If injury occurs, the bulb will not take root. and will die.

Watering and fertilizing

It depends on after the transplant whether cyclamen will be accepted or not. It comes down to timely watering and fertilizing with the right fertilizers. In the first month they are rarely watered. It is better to pour water into the pan so as not to soak the tuber on top with water and contribute to its rotting. For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature. A month later, the cyclamens are fed with fertilizer.

Never deviate from the recommendations given by experienced gardeners. If this happens, the cyclamen will disappear or bloom later than expected. After one month, water it as the soil dries out and only with the beginning of flowering more abundantly than before. Overwatering is not permissible, as it contributes to the development of diseases in the flower.

Read in detail about how to properly water cyclamen, and from there you will learn how and what to feed the plant.


The type of soil chosen for cyclamen determines whether it will quickly acclimatize to new conditions and bloom. They don’t take the first soil they can get their hands on to replant it. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that pests will not appear.

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Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


In flower shops and large garden centers it is difficult not to notice the blooming cyclamens. Saturated bright green leaves and clouds of delicate weightless petals will not leave you indifferent. Unfortunately, plants grown in greenhouses behave unpredictably at home, and after flowering they shed their leaves, which surprises novice gardeners. But having learned to care for them, you are unlikely to refuse such a neighborhood. By collecting a collection of different varieties, you can achieve almost continuous flowering.

Description of cyclamen

Cyclamen is a small perennial plant from the primrose family (Primulaceae) with tuberous roots. It grows under natural conditions in the Mediterranean countries, North-East Africa, Iran, and Turkey. About 20 of its species are found in nature. Two of them are suitable for growing at home: European and Persian.

The first is known as “alpine violet”. A distinctive feature of the species is that the plant does not have a dormant period and does not shed its leaves. It feels great at a temperature of 18–20 degrees. The plant is not demanding of humidity. European cyclamen is not particularly popular among gardeners, unlike its Persian “brother”, from which it differs in the smaller size of its leaves and flowers. Abundant flowering from spring to autumn is accompanied by a delicate aroma that distinguishes this species from others.

The Persian version is loved by gardeners because it blooms in winter. It is the ancestor of many varieties that surpass the species plant in the size of its flowers. You can find hybrids of pink, scarlet, dark purple and snow-white shades. Persian cyclamen flowers rarely have a scent. Plants go on sale in the fall. With the onset of spring, flowering stops and the perennial sheds its leaves.

Many people mistakenly believe that the plant is dead and throw it away. This is a misconception; Persian cyclamen requires a period of rest, during which the tuber, continuing to grow, gains strength for the next flowering. If you provide proper care by placing the pot in a cool, dry place, new leaves will appear by the end of July, and the plant will enjoy abundant flowering for many years.

Groups of cyclamens

Breeders do not stop working on developing new varieties. Depending on the size of flowers and bushes, they are divided into three categories. The most popular plants from the mini-cyclamen group. They are distinguished by large flowers. With a plant height of 10–15 cm, the size of the bud can exceed 4 cm. Among the cultivars of this group there are aromatic varieties. Miniature bushes with small leaves and lush flower heads feel good in pots with a diameter of 6–10 cm. Mini-cyclamens include varieties of the following series:

  • "Silverheart"
  • "Midori";
  • "Zhanetto";
  • "Libretto";
  • "Silverado."

The next intermediate group is midi-cyclamens, which require a pot diameter of 10–13 cm. These include the following varieties:

  • "Kanto";
  • "Laser";
  • "Sterling".

The last group is maxi-cyclamens. These are large varieties close to species plants. The height of their rosettes reaches 25–30 cm. To grow cultivars of this group, you will need a container with a diameter of 13–20 cm. Maxi varieties include the following series:

  • "Concerto";
  • "Rainier";
  • "Sierra";
  • "Winter Ice".

Replanting cyclamen after purchase

Persian cyclamens appear on store shelves in the fall already with buds. Flower growers have a rule: do not replant plants during flowering. You should wait until the dormant period, even if the tuber occupies the entire pot. You can start replanting in March, after the bush has flowered, or in July, when young leaves appear. The European variety does not go into dormancy and does not shed its leaves. It begins to bloom in the spring. It is important to replant it before the buds appear. It is better to do this in March, when active sap flow begins. A transplant is required if:

  • cyclamen was sold in a small container, and the bush needs an increase in “living space”;
  • The purchased plant was planted in poor peat soil.

If everything was fine with the pot and soil when you purchased it, you can postpone replanting for another year. It is easy to prepare soil for cyclamen yourself or buy a ready-made soil mixture (Tulip is recommended). Replanting a flower is not difficult. It only takes a few steps:

  1. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot; expanded clay will do.
  2. Add some potting mix.
  3. Place a cyclamen tuber with a lump of earth in a container.
  4. Add more soil so that two thirds of the tuber are in the ground and one third is on the surface.
  5. Compact the soil with your palms.

Caring for cyclamen at home

Novice flower growers consider it capricious, but this is not so. With proper maintenance, the flower will not cause any trouble and will delight you with long-lasting flowering. It is not difficult to create favorable conditions for perennials. Need to:

  • place the pot in a cool room;
  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • do not plant the plant in large containers;
  • do not allow the soil to dry out or become waterlogged;
  • regularly water and feed;
  • provide a period of rest.

Lighting and location

Cyclamen prefers cool rooms. The suitable temperature for winter is 10–12 degrees. At higher rates it will stop blooming and shed its leaves. It is not always possible to maintain such a low temperature at home, but if you purchased a plant in a greenhouse where it was kept under optimal conditions, you should gradually accustom the flower to warmth. Place it on a cool windowsill or glassed-in loggia. In summer, the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

Fresh air will be beneficial, but when airing, move the plant away from the window so that it is not in a draft. In terms of lighting, eastern or western window sills are favorable, since the flower prefers diffused light. If the pot is on the south side, in sunny weather you should create artificial shade using a light curtain.

Soil and pot requirements

All types of perennial prefer light substrates that allow water and air to pass through. Soil with a predominance of clay is absolutely not suitable. The soil is easy to prepare. For Persian cultivars, equal parts of turf soil, humus, sand or vermiculite should be mixed. A little lime wouldn't hurt. For European cyclamen, you additionally need to add one part of peat. Ready-made soil for cacti or soil mixture “Tulip” is suitable.

Regardless of whether you bought the substrate or prepared it yourself, do not forget about disinfection. The soil needs to be steamed and shed with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is not recommended to plant flowering plants in large containers. In this case, the perennial will use its strength to expand the root system. If the volume is limited, the plant will more actively grow the ground part and bloom better. The pot for cyclamen should be 2–3 cm wider than the diameter of the tuber.

Watering and air humidity

It is advisable to water the plant frequently, but moderately. The water should be soft and cool: a couple of degrees below room temperature. While there are no flower stalks, you can carefully water from above, so that the liquid does not fall on the tuber. The pot must have holes for drainage so that excess moisture flows out freely. During flowering, bottom watering is preferable. To do this, place the pot in a container of water and leave it for a while so that the soil is saturated with moisture. Then the excess liquid is poured out.

To ensure the necessary humidity, place the pot in a deep tray filled with damp expanded clay. If the room is extremely dry, you can carefully moisten the bush with a spray bottle, avoiding liquid getting on the base of the tuber and flowers. The water for spraying is taken soft: filtered or settled. Do not place the plant near radiators; the air there is too hot and dry.

Fertilizer application

Regular application of fertilizers has a beneficial effect on growth and flowering. It is better to use liquid complex fertilizers with a high potassium content. The first feeding should be carried out 30 days after transplantation and continue to be fed twice a month throughout the growing season until the dormant period begins. When sprouts appear, the addition of fertilizers can be resumed. Fertilizing is carried out during watering in moist soil to prevent the concentration of salts from becoming too high.

Growing cyclamens

At home, cultivation of perennials lasts up to 7 years. During this time, it can be propagated by dividing the tuber. After seven years, propagation by vegetative means becomes impossible: you will have to buy a new plant. On an industrial scale, cyclamen for sale are grown from seeds. This is a troublesome task, but you can try to do it yourself.

From seeds

Cyclamen seeds are easy to buy. If you decide to try collecting seed from existing plants, do not forget to pollinate them first using a cotton swab or brush. When the seed pods are ripe, pick them and wrap them in cloth. Once dry, they will open up. It is recommended to start sowing in the spring. In this case, you can do without additional lighting. Before sowing, seeds must undergo stratification. Then you need to perform a series of manipulations:

  • to improve germination, soak the seed in a pale solution of potassium permanganate, Epin or Zircon for 12–15 hours;
  • in the prepared and moistened soil, form grooves 1 cm deep, into which place the seeds at a distance of 2–3 cm;
  • sprinkle soil on top;
  • cover the container with glass and place in a dark place with a temperature of 18–20 degrees;
  • ventilate and moisten the soil daily;
  • when shoots appear, remove the glass and move the seedlings to a bright room, avoiding direct sunlight;
  • after a pair of leaves appear on the sprouts, dive;
  • After six months, plant them in individual pots.

By dividing the tubers

Propagation of cyclamen by dividing the tuber is a simple way. It is used when there are several growth points. During the dormant period, you need to cut the tuber into pieces with a sharp knife. Make sure that each fragment has roots and a bud. Fresh sections should be dried in a dark place and processed. Brilliant greens and crushed activated carbon will do.

Transplanting cyclamens

The bush requires replanting every 1–2 years. This is done when the old pot becomes cramped or if necessary, replace the soil. Persian cyclamen has roots that grow downwards, so the tuber should be placed in the soil so that one third of it is on the surface. The root system of the European species grows in breadth and should be buried in the ground. The plant is replanted using the transshipment method in the same sequence as the first transplant after purchase.

Caring for cyclamen after flowering

After flowering, the Persian cyclamen begins a period of rest. The leaves turn yellow and dry out. Their remains must be trimmed or carefully torn off without damaging the tuber. Some gardeners recommend twisting out dried leaves. Watering cyclamen is kept to a minimum, but the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out. The pot is placed in a cool, shaded place. You can take it outside. The appearance of young leaves means the end of the dormant period. You can resume watering and fertilizing. The European species does not have a dormant period and remains green.

Pests and diseases of cyclamens

With proper care, perennials are not afraid of diseases and pests: all problems arise from improper maintenance conditions. Excessive waterlogging causes fungal diseases described in the table:


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