Presentation on the topic of safety, dangerous objects. Lesson in kindergarten. Presentation "Children's safety at home." Mom: So it’s not a collapse

Causes of fire Careless handling of fire: lighting fires and careless handling of them, heating flammable substances on gas or electric stoves, etc. Violation of the rules for operating household electrical appliances: the TV overheats in the furniture wall, many electrical appliances are plugged into one socket, faulty ones are used appliances, etc. Violation of the rules for operating stoves: using gasoline to start a fire, improper installation of chimneys, leaving furnace doors open, etc. Children playing pranks with fire: playing with matches in residential and public buildings, improper use of firecrackers, sparklers and so on.

It is prohibited: - to use homemade electrical appliances, to use electrical cords and wires with damaged insulation; - use faulty electrical and gas appliances, use damaged sockets; - violate the instructions for the use of household gas and electrical appliances, use them for other purposes; - connect more than three electrical appliances to one outlet (or more than one appliance, if its power is high: electric kettle, iron, electric stove, etc.); - wrap electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth and other flammable materials; - use electric irons, stoves, kettles and other heating electrical appliances without a stand made of fireproof materials; - leave operating electrical appliances unattended, especially irons, electric stoves, televisions;

Use flammable objects and liquids near open fire or operating electrical appliances: gasoline, spray the contents of cans of varnish, etc.; - use electrical appliances or open fire if there is a smell of gas, indicating the danger of an explosion of a gas-air mixture; - heat varnishes, paints and other flammable materials on a gas or electric stove; - dry clothes near electric heating devices or gas stoves, over hot stoves; - light firecrackers, sparklers, fireworks, candles near the Christmas tree, use homemade firecrackers, etc.; - leave burning stoves unattended, as well as entrust small children with supervising them; - set up workshops and warehouses in apartments of residential buildings where flammable substances and materials are used and stored; - clutter passages, landings, flights of stairs, hatches, attics, basements, balconies with furniture and other things. Prohibited:

For the purpose of safety regulations: - to prevent dangerous proximity of hot objects, fire and fire hazardous objects, liquids (iron and curtains, electric stove and clothing, etc.); - prevent the use of faulty instruments and devices that contain heating elements that can overheat or catch fire due to a malfunction; - prevent the incorrect use of fire-hazardous devices, devices and materials (gas stoves, varnishes, gasoline, etc.); - exclude uncontrolled combustion, which can develop into a fire (unattended stoves, fires, etc.).

Dangers in the bathroom a) Unexpected and sudden falls. Hence, it is extremely important to identify objects that potentially provoke such falls. This could be: bed and bath mats made of slippery materials placed under your feet; wet tiled floor; soap or a washcloth falling into the water and accidentally falling under the foot can cause an unexpected and therefore dangerous fall; uncomfortable slippers with slippery soles, poorly placed hangers and shelves that you have to reach almost across the entire bathroom. In such an unnatural position, it is easy to lose your balance and fall. b) Injuries associated with scalding with hot water. Worn out water pipes can leak at any moment and simply burst, which no longer threatens with drops, but with a hot stream gushing far away. c) Electric shock. Due to increased humidity and air temperature, the bathroom is considered a particularly dangerous room in terms of electrical hazards. It is mortally dangerous stupidity to try to heat the water while in the bath using boilers, hair dryers, etc. devices. There are many sad cases where a heater or lamp that accidentally fell into the water killed a person on the spot. d) Any furniture in the bathroom is potentially dangerous. The same cabinets and shelves, weakly nailed to the wall or overloaded with things and household supplies, can fall on the heads of the owners, which threatens more than just bruises. e) Drowning in the bathtub. Yes! Water remains water, no matter where it splashes - in a river, sea or bath. Typically, drowning is associated with a short-term loss of consciousness caused by electrical trauma, a fall, or a sudden attack of illness.

Signs of a gas leak The first sign of a gas leak is a specific smell in the room. Why are special, sharp-smelling additives included in gas intended for domestic use? Another sign is a whistle coming from gas pipes, hoses, and the cylinder reducer. Minor gas leaks can be detected by covering the hose or pipe with soapy water. Bubbles will appear at the site of damage.

Information resources Electrical safety [text] – Access mode: Fire safety [text] – Access mode: Gas appliances in the home [text] – Access mode: Safety in the home [text] – Access mode: /item307/ Fire truck [isomaterial] – Access mode: Domestic gas explosion [isomaterial] – Access mode: Fundamentals of life safety 9th grade. [Electronic resource]: Elektr. Edition at the rate. - Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, 2005 LLC “Cyril and Methodius”, 2005.

Development of a lesson for preschool children on the topic “Children’s safety at home”

Explanatory note
It is very difficult to determine whether a person behaves correctly or incorrectly in certain circumstances. However, it is necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained to children in detail, and then their implementation should be monitored. However, safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unexpected situations on the street and at home, so the main task is to stimulate their development of independence and responsibility.
The presentation consists of 12 colorful animated slides, which will be excellent assistants during the event. The work is intended for preschool teachers. The presentation covers a large amount of program material on “Basics of life safety for preschool children”, section of the “Child at Home” program:
sharp, piercing, cutting objects;
household chemicals, detergents, medicines;
electric current, electrical appliances;
invisible and inaudible danger - gas;
Fire safety.

To be more effective, the presentation is structured taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers; it includes entertaining questions, didactic games, riddles, theatrical activities, and reading poetry on the topic. Alternating between demonstrating theoretical material and talking with children, using didactic games and cognitive tasks helps to achieve the goals.
Properly selected material helps to track the level of knowledge of pre-school children and plan further work.
The content provided is an accompaniment to the presentation. Slides are provided in the appendix.
This event is designed for preschool children.

Lesson: "Children's safety at home"

1. Consider the rules of safe behavior when using electrical and gas appliances, and household chemicals.
2. Get acquainted with the causes of fire and the skills of careful handling of fire.
3. Consider what situations may arise at home, how to act correctly in these situations and how they can be avoided.

Illustrations for the lesson: electrical appliances; presentation “Household things can be dangerous!”, didactic games “The Fourth Wheel”, “Dangerous Objects”.

Preliminary work:
1. Learning poems on the topic;
2. Preparation of illustrations for didactic games “The Fourth Wheel”, “Dangerous Objects”;
3. Making a presentation for the section “Child at home” - “Danger!”
4. Examination of objects (stabbing, cutting, medicines, household chemicals, electrical appliances).


1. Organizational moment
Educator. When a man got tired of living in a cave without comfort, he came up with many different things that help him.
He got tired of going to the stream, and he made the water flow into his house. It is inconvenient to roast a mammoth over a fire, so man came up with a gas stove. The washing machine washes clothes, the TV shows the news. Man invented all these things for his own convenience.
But all these things can be not only helpful, but also dangerous. If a person has not learned to use things that help, then they can harm him.

2. Repetition of the material covered
(Presentation. Slide 9. Prohibitory sign - a red circle with a white stripe on which is written: “DANGER!”)

Educator. What does this road sign mean?
Children. Prohibits the movement of cars.
Educator. And today in class he will help us determine which household items can be dangerous.
Educator. Let's remember what can be dangerous in the house?
Children. Scissors, knives, needles, knitting needles...

(Add slide 10 “The boy cut his hand.”)
Educator. Yes, the first danger in the house is sharp, piercing and cutting objects. If you have ever cut your hand with a knife or been pricked with a needle, then you know how and why these objects are dangerous.
Therefore, order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

Didactic game “Dangerous Objects” The teacher invites children to circle objects in the illustration that may be dangerous.
(Check - Slide 11.)

A child reads a poem.

Keep the house in order:
Forks, scissors, knives,
And needles and pins
Put it in its place.

Educator. Guys, medicines and household chemicals are also dangerous. What is everyday chemistry?
Children. Washing powders, dishwashing detergents, etc.
(Adds slide 12 “Girl looking at medicines.”)

Children read poems:
1. Vitamins and tasty,
Both useful and important.
Just remember, friends.
You can’t eat them without moderation.
The doctor must tell
How to take them.

2. All the little kids
Must find out:
Pills and Tablets
You can't swallow secretly!
When you're sick,
Then the doctor is called
And the adults go to bed
The tablets will be brought!

3. But if you are not sick,
Tablets contain only harm!
Swallow them for no reason
There is no need, believe me!
After all, you can get poisoned
And even die!
So be careful -
Why should you be sick?

Didactic game “The fourth odd one” The teacher invites the children to choose an extra one from a number of proposed pictures. Slide 13.

Educator. The third danger in the home is electrical appliances. They may cause electric shock or cause a fire. (Add slide 14 “Boy near the outlet”). Conversation based on the picture. Let's remember the answers to riddles about electrical appliances.

Both in winter and in summer
There is cold and ice in it.
Fish, soup, cutlets
He will save us. (Fridge)

He sucks both dust and rubbish,
Cleans chairs and carpet.
Collects garbage in the house
And he never sneezes. (Vacuum cleaner)

Wet hair after washing.
I can dry it quickly. (Hairdryer)

I'll collect shirts, T-shirts,
And I’ll tell her: “Wash it!”
Spin it in a drum
Return your laundry clean” (Washing machine)

Slide 15. “Electrical appliances”

Educator. When leaving a room or home, be sure to turn off electrical appliances. Never pull the electrical cord with your hands. Do not approach or touch exposed wires with your hands.

3. Physical education minute
Slide 16

Tili-bom, tili-bom,
The cat's house caught fire,
The cat jumped out
Her eyes bulged
A bunny runs with a bucket
Fill the cat's house.

Educator. What terrible incident is mentioned in the poem?
Children. About the fire.
Educator. Guys, what do you think causes a fire?
Children. When they play around with matches and lighters. When they forget to turn off electrical appliances.

4. Learning new material
Educator. Guys, there is also an invisible and inaudible danger that can also lead to a fire. This is gas.
(Add slide 17 “The girl takes the pot of food off the stove.”)
Educator. Gas can be very dangerous. Firstly, if gas accumulates in the kitchen, it can explode. Secondly, they can be poisoned. Thirdly, it can also cause a fire. Gas is very dangerous. Therefore, you need to remember the rules:
4. If you smell gas, immediately tell an adult about it.
5. Immediately open the windows and ventilate the apartment.
6. Check if the taps on the stove are closed.
7. Never turn on the light or light matches.
8. Call 04.

Educator. In case of a fire, you need to know the rules. (An illustration is added - slide 18) Conversation based on the illustration.

Rule 1. If the fire is small, you can try to extinguish it by throwing a thick cloth or blanket or pouring out a pan of water.
Rule 2. If the fire does not go out, you need to run out of the house to a safe place and be sure to close the doors tightly, since the fire flares up more strongly from the air.
Rule 3. You must immediately report the fire by calling 01.

A child reads a poem:
Every citizen knows
This number is 01,
If trouble comes to you -
Call there quickly.
And if there is no phone -
Call people from the balcony.

Rule 4.(Slide 19) And lastly... In a fire, smoke is more dangerous than fire. Inhale it several times and you may feel dizzy.
You need to lie on the floor, as the smoke rises upward. There is no need to hide from the smoke in the closet or under the bed - this way you cannot escape from the smoke and fire. And firefighters can’t find the children for a long time because of this.

Educator. Guys, the most important thing is don’t play with fire. From a red kitten he can turn into an angry tiger. And then there will be trouble.

5. Summary of the lesson
Educator. What new did we learn today?
Children. We learned about how fire occurs and what needs to be done to save ourselves. We remembered that we should not touch the gas stove or play with matches.

Presentation on the topic: Children's safety at home

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Slide captions:

Purpose of the lesson: to familiarize students with a variety of hazardous substances and their adverse effects on the human body. Teach how to safely handle hazardous substances. Educator Sukhomlina E.V.

What household chemicals do you know? What rules for handling them do you know?

Household chemicals. Hazard levels of household chemicals: Safe. Relatively safe. Flammable. Poisonous.

Domestic gas. Rules for using a gas stove, gas water heater. What should you do if you smell gas?

Medicines. -Is it possible to be poisoned by medications? - Think about in what cases is this possible?

Causes of drug poisoning: Overdose; Use of expired medications; Use of medications for other purposes; Negligence in handling medicines.

Where can you encounter mercury in everyday life?

Food. How to avoid food poisoning? Why do food poisoning occur more often in the summer? What safety rules should I follow?

Safety regulations. Eat only fresh foods; Check the expiration date before use; Store food in the refrigerator; Keep dishes clean; Prevent the breeding of flies; Wash your hands thoroughly before eating.

Remember!!! All medications and hazardous substances (household chemicals, solvents, gasoline, kerosene, etc.) must be stored out of the reach of children! At the first signs of poisoning (stomach cramps, weakness, dizziness), immediately tell your parents or other adults (neighbors, relatives, teachers)

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Slide 2

The first danger.

If you are not sick,

Tablets contain only harm!

Swallow them for no reason

There is no need, believe me!

After all, you can get poisoned

And even die!

So be careful -

Why should you be sick?


Slide 3

Lots of tubes and jars

Our mothers have them in their closets.

They store different funds,

Unfortunately, dangerous...

Creams, pastes and tablets

Don't pick it up, kids:

These household chemicals

Like a very strong poison!

Slide 4

Pills and Tablets

You can't secretly swallow!

This is what our kids are talking about

Must find out.

Now, if you get sick,

They will call you a doctor

Then the adults take a pill

They will bring it to you themselves.

But if you are not sick,

You can't eat pills:

Swallow them for no reason

It's dangerous for you, friends.

After all, you can get poisoned:

Such tablets are harmful!!!

So be careful -

Live for many years!!!

Slide 5

The second danger.

Gas can be very dangerous. If gas accumulates in the kitchen, it can explode. You can get poisoned by gas. And it can also cause a fire.

Slide 6

If you smell gas.

Do not turn on lights or electrical appliances.

Don't light matches

Turn off the gas in the apartment -

Gas requires an eye and an eye.

Feeling the smell in the apartment,

Call urgently04.

Slide 7

If you don't know how to light gas,

Don't come near, or you'll regret it later...

It is very dangerous to approach the stove:

It might catch fire, explode...

Mom will warm and cook everything herself,

He will prepare the soup and put on the kettle.

You, baby, don’t rush:

you grow up -

You can light the burner with a match!

Slide 8

The third danger. Electrical appliances

Slide 9


Electrical appliances may cause electric shock or cause a fire.

When leaving the house or even your room, be sure to turn off electrical appliances.

Slide 10

You, baby, must remember:

Be careful with the outlet!

You shouldn't play with her

Stick a hairpin, stick a nail there -

It will end in disaster:

The current in the socket is very bad!!!

Slide 11

The fourth danger.

You cannot lean out of the window, sit on the windowsill or hang from the balcony. In this case, it costs nothing to fall off.

Slide 12

Slide 13

Do you want to open the window?

Try to be careful:

Don't stand on the windowsill and don't press on the glass;

What if it can’t stand it?

And the window will break -

You might fall down.

Why do you need such a surprise?

On the balcony - just know!

Don't stand on chairs

Don't climb on the railing

Don't bend too low

It may be dangerous:

Falling from above is so scary!!!

Slide 14

Friend, on the railing

dangerous to ride!

You can swing -

and can't resist

Or your pants might get caught on a bolt...

My back hurts

fall on the steps!

Or you'll fall apart

What then?

This is already a worse problem!

So don't risk yourself

don't ride

And calmly go down the steps!

Slide 15

Sharp, piercing and cutting objects. The fifth danger.

Slide 16

Don't play sharp

Forks, knives.

After all, such a “toy” is simply

Injure something.

It will hurt, it will be sad,

Mom will scold...

Do you really need toys?

Is there not enough in the house?

Slide 17

My son wanted to become like his dad

And he began to hammer in a nail;

Hit my finger with a hammer -

The whole house came running to the roar...

Baby, remember our advice:

So that no trouble happens to you,

Wait a little longer:

You'll have to grow up first

Slide 18

  • Sharp, piercing and cutting objects
  • Medicines and household chemicals
  • Window and balcony
  • Electrical appliances
  • Slide 19

    Quiz on the topic "Home Hazards"

  • Slide 20


    • Read the question carefully.
    • Read all the answers carefully. Remember that there may be more than one answer.
    • Choose a geometric figure (or figures) that matches your answer.
    • Draw on your test sheet.
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