Where is mumiyo mined?  Origin of mumiyo What is Altai mumiyo made from?

Scientists and climbers made a video about mumiyo deposits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHU30ds17r0. It can be seen that mumiyo actually grows inside the mountains, flows like resin over rocky deposits and freezes in bizarre patterns. The mines for the extraction of mumiyo have a very ancient origin, because people guessed about the beneficial properties of this substance a long time ago, several thousand years ago.

Mumiyo was found in high mountain, hard-to-reach areas, and entire expeditions were organized to search for the healing substance. In Soviet times, mumiyo extraction sites were kept secret at the state level. At that time this substance was semi-legal. Apparently, the party bosses were afraid that there would not be enough mumiyo for everyone, and they treated themselves with it, while leaving the citizens under the care of traditional medicine.

In 1964, the Soviet government set a task for scientists: to find deposits of mumiyo in the Soviet Union. It was necessary to refute the prevailing opinion that the tar-like substance can only be found in Iran, Afghanistan and the regions of Tibet. Expeditions went to the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. As a result of the expedition, sources of mumiyo were discovered in the Zarafshan, Chatkal, Pamir, Kopetdag, and Turkestan regions of Central Asia.

Origin of mumiyo

Studying deposits of mumiyo, scientists suggested that different types of this substance have different origins. The “mountain resin” contains mineral and organic elements modified as a result of complex geological and organic processes. Depending on the origin, mumiyo is distinguished, resulting from the natural processing and mineralization of the remains of animals and insects, the roots of coniferous trees, excrement of small animals, and waste products of wild bees.

How to get mumiyo

Since mumiyo deposits are located in grottoes and deep caves located at an altitude of about 3000 m above sea level, it is not easy to obtain the substance. So far, the extraction of the substance has not reached industrial proportions. Mumiyo is located on the surface of the rock in the form of deposits, or accumulations flowing from cracks. It has been noticed that most often mumiyo is found in caves inhabited by high-mountain animals and birds: hay mice and bats, wild pigeons and argali. The substance is simply collected by scraping it from the cave walls.

In order to obtain mumiyo, no equipment is required. Reserves of the substance in nature are limited, but since very small doses of mountain resin are required for medical use, it is believed that mumiyo is abundantly sufficient to meet human needs. Most often, mumiyo is obtained through the efforts of local residents who know where the deposits of the substance are located.


  • Where does mumiyo come from and how is it extracted?
  • Search for sources of mumiyo formation. The experience of Soviet scientists
  • Mumiyo. Myths and reality (Neumyvakin I.P.)
  • Photo of the cave
  • Blue clay, mumiyo, buy mumiyo

Shilajit is a solid and heavy substance that has a characteristic odor and color and has the ability to dissolve without sediment. It has been known to folk medicine for more than three thousand years; mumiyo is used with great success to treat many diseases.


Shilajit is the best natural remedy that can improve mineral metabolism in the human body. This substance is in the blood and the number of red blood cells, which contributes to excellent blood supply to all tissues and organs. Shilajit contains more than 30 microelements, 6 amino acids, 28 chemical elements, a wide range of vitamins, 10 metal oxides, bee venom, and essential oils. In traditional medicine it is used as an anti-inflammatory, tonic and antitoxic agent. Shilajit takes an active part in DNA synthesis and helps restore the reduced functions of peripheral nerve trunks.

During the study, it became known that mumiyo contains fungi similar in properties to. Therefore, mumiyo can act as a reliable bactericidal agent in the treatment of many diseases. The complex composition of this resin determines its healing properties. The biologically active substances present in mumiyo dilate blood vessels well, which is important in the treatment of hypertension, headaches, sclerosis and heart attack. It perfectly stimulates the immune system and other protective functions of the body. Shilajit is successfully used as a prophylactic against acute respiratory diseases.

Good results can be achieved when treating with the help of mumiyo: ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, liver diseases, intestinal disorders, hemorrhoids, purulent-infectious wounds, rheumatism, burns, headaches, chills, bone-tuberculosis processes, migraines, epilepsy, paralysis, bleeding from lungs, sore throat, chronic allergic diseases, cough and runny nose, erosion, female infertility and thrombophlebitis. And this is still far from complete, amenable to treatment with the help of mumiyo.

Mumiyo can restore elasticity to the skin and get rid of stretch marks (it also helps prevent stretch marks). This resin has gained recognition among many modern women due to its powerful regenerating effect. Using mumiyo for skin is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. To prepare an ointment for stretch marks, mix a small amount of baby cream with 4 grams of mumiyo, which must first be diluted in a teaspoon of water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, put in a jar and store in the refrigerator. Rub the prepared product into problem areas, within a month you will notice an increase in skin elasticity. The course of treatment is four months.

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Tip 3: Mountain mummy in tablets: use, indications and harm

Aristotle and Avicenna wrote about the healing properties of mumiyo, but even today mountain mumiyo is successfully used in the treatment of many diseases. Back in the mid-twentieth century, mumiyo underwent a thorough chemical analysis, which showed the presence of many useful trace elements, which largely explained the beneficial effects of the “mountain balm”.

Description of the drug

Mountain mumiyo is a natural, organic compound that can be stored indefinitely. Despite the fact that mumiyo is widely used by healers, modern medicine also confirms its healing effect.

Shilajit has an antitumor effect and is often recommended for older people, as it is believed to have a rejuvenating effect and slow down the aging process. Mountain mumiyo helps well with diseases of the digestive tract, inflammatory processes and even neurological diseases.

Application of mountain mumiyo

Shilajit is also used to treat cellulite and in the fight against excess weight. Shilajit itself is not a fat-burning drug, but it has some laxative effects, improves metabolism and reduces hunger, which helps solve the problem of excess weight.

For weight loss purposes, mummy is consumed twice a day - on an empty stomach and one hour before bedtime, but one dose should not exceed one gram. The tablets should be dissolved in water and the solution should be drunk. The course of treatment is twenty days, after which it is necessary to take a break.

Shilajit is also used after pregnancy, trying to eliminate stretch marks that remain after childbirth. Mumiyo allows you, if not to remove them, then to smooth them out and make them less noticeable. Mountain mumiyo contains essential oils and other useful organic compounds that contribute to the necessary smoothing effect.

There are several ways to eliminate postpartum stretch marks using mountain mumiyo. One of them is that you need to crush the tablets so that you get one and a half grams of the substance. It needs to be dissolved in body milk or massage oil, then rubbed into the stretch marks for thirty days.

The second method is to make an ointment from one gram of ground, baby cream and one tablespoon of boiled water. The resulting mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and rubbed into problem areas daily.

You can also use mumiyo by dissolving several tablets in the microwave, adding a little olive oil to the resulting mass and applying the resulting mass overnight. It is worth noting that mumiyo for eliminating stretch marks is suitable for the treatment of many skin diseases.

Possible harm to mumiyo

Despite all the healing properties of mountain mumiyo, it must be remembered that with prolonged use this remedy can cause harm to the body. There are also certain contraindications. Thus, you should refrain from treating children under twelve years of age with mumiyo. Shilajit is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Even today, the exact chemical composition of mountain mumiyo is not fully known, and it is not always possible to predict the body’s reaction to this drug.

Humanity has been using mumiyo (a natural organic balm) for medicinal purposes for more than 4,000 years. Aristotle described the beneficial properties of this substance in his written works.

Mumiyo is even mentioned in the treatises of ancient Eastern philosophers and healers. The famous doctor Avicenna claimed that this mineral can rejuvenate the skin, have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and thin the blood.

The ancient Egyptians used mumiyo in developing their own medicine and embalming the dead. Thanks to its miraculous properties, the mineral has found its way into various legends, beliefs and traditions.

Mumiyo: what is it and what does it treat?

Many have already heard about the extraordinary healing properties that mumiyo has. What it is and what it treats is explained below in this article in sufficient detail.

Shilajit is a substance with a complex chemical composition.

Among the useful components of the mineral, the following should be highlighted:

Its extraction is carried out only in a few mountainous areas of the planet: India, China, Nepal, Mongolia, etc. The natural formation of the mineral is influenced by plants, animals, rocks, soil and the activity of microorganisms.

In nature, mumiyo is found in mountain voids, cracks and niches. It looks like a film or crust of a dark color, with a consistency reminiscent of tree resin. Unrefined mumiyo can have a different color: from ocher to black. This substance dissolves in water and becomes softer when heated.

Among the beneficial properties of natural balm are the following:

  1. Antiseptic. It is used to disinfect external damage and also removes toxins from the body.
  2. Antiviral. It is a strong remedy for the prevention of various diseases, strengthens the immune system, enhances the body's protective functions to fight bacterial and infectious diseases.
  3. Regenerating. The balm increases the ability of the body's cells and tissues to recover.
  4. Painkiller. Shilajit weakens painful spasms of any origin.
  5. Anti-aging. This mineral is traditionally used as a component in cosmetic products. It participates in the natural processes of skin cell activity and helps improve cellular metabolism.
  6. Anti-inflammatory. Shilajit contains minerals and other beneficial substances that help effectively fight inflammatory processes in the body.

Useful properties of mumiyo: application and treatment

Knowing the uses of mumiyo will help you better understand what it is and what it can treat. This substance is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine in the manufacture of prophylactic products.

The composition of the balm helps to effectively combat stretch marks on the body, restoring the elasticity and healthy appearance of the skin.

Mumiyo strengthens hair that is weak and prone to loss. The components of the mineral will prevent the appearance of split ends of the hair and restore its rich color.

To achieve the best result, you must use mumiyo in combination with shampoo. Often, nourishing face masks are made based on it.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of this substance in the treatment of fractures. To do this, you need to take 0.15 g of the mineral dissolved in water on an empty stomach. The unpleasant taste of the medicine can be weakened by drinking aromatic tea or natural juice.

Interesting fact! With regular use of mumiyo, human bone can recover several times faster.

The range of diseases that natural balm can treat is very wide.

It is successfully used in the treatment of:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • male infertility;
  • chronic diseases;
  • periodontal disease;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hearing impairment;
  • nosebleeds;
  • some other ailments.

How to take mumiyo

This substance can be used internally, dissolved in any liquid with a pleasant taste, externally as an ointment, or as a concomitant medicinal component in cosmetics.

Shilajit should be used strictly according to recipes. because it has a cumulative effect.

Note! During the period of using mumiyo, drinking alcohol and taking other medications is not allowed. You need to eat in moderation and follow a diet.

When treating an advanced stage of the disease, repeated courses of treatment using mumiyo are allowed, which can be prescribed no earlier than 10 days after the first.

The preparation of a medicinal solution based on mumiyo prohibits its heat treatment.

Received the drug must be taken orally, strictly observing the dosage and duration of the course.

Before the upcoming surgical operation, mumiyo solution is taken 7 days before. Chronic diseases are treated in short courses of 14 days. Before meals, 5 drops of the remedy are taken for diseases of the digestive system.

Mumiyo in tablets

For ease of use, mumiyo can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets familiar to everyone. However, before taking them, it is recommended to find outwhat is it - mumiyoAndWhatit cantreat.

The tablets have a wide range of therapeutic effects, so you should review all your symptoms in advance in order to finally begin treatment - choose a course and dosage.

Their indications for use are similar to natural balm:

  1. Thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the lower extremities.
  2. Infectious, viral and allergic diseases.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Deposition of salts in the joint structures of the skeleton.
  5. Flu prevention.
  6. General tonic.
  7. Heartburn.

Tablets are taken one 2 times a day. In the morning half an hour before meals and in the evening 2 hours after the last meal.

The dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician. It may vary depending on the general condition, age and weight of the patient.

In more than 90% of cases of taking mumiyo in the form of tablets, an immediate positive effect from the prescribed course of treatment is observed.

Altai mumiyo: application, instructions

This remedy has a strong general therapeutic effect. It is often used to treat diseases of bone and cartilage structures, and the destruction of human joints.

Altai mumiyo is successfully used for:

  • osteoporosis of varying degrees;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout

This mineral affects skin lesions and muscles of any origin. It heals sprains, burns, herpes, eczema. The therapeutic effect is manifested not only in terms of tissue restoration, but also in the disinfection and cleansing of wounds.

From the abdominal organs, Altai mumiyo has a therapeutic effect on the pancreas, gall bladder, and liver.

Many doctors claim that this the drug can relieve diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system. Diseases of the spleen and cardiovascular system can also be effectively treated.

It is better to take mumiyo in the morning and evening. The treatment course is at least 3 weeks. This is followed by a mandatory break of 10 days. If necessary, the Altai mummy is repeated.

The optimal daily dosage of the drug is calculated taking into account the patient's weight. A person weighing 70 kg can take 0.2 g of mumiyo per day. Each subsequent additional 10 kg of weight allows you to increase the dosage by 0.05 g of the product.

Mumiyo for face

Information about what mummy is and what it cures will be incomplete if we do not consider its use in medicinal masks.

Wherein The skin of the face has the following effects:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Mumiyo counteracts the formation of acne and pimples.
  2. Anti-aging. Natural balm improves skin elasticity and effectively fights existing wrinkles.
  3. Restorative. The therapeutic effects of mumiyo will help make scars and scars less noticeable.
  4. Cleansing. The mineral effectively fights toxins and impurities in the pores.

Liquid mumiyo balm has the greatest effect, rather than tablets crushed to powder. The full course consists of at least 10 masks. Each mask must be done once every 10 days.

How to add hair mumiyo to shampoo

Many people, not knowing about mumiyo, what it is and what this balm treats, have no idea about the benefits that mumiyo brings to the scalp and hair.

The remedy is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Dissolve 5 g of mumiyo in a small amount of warm water.
  2. The resulting solution is added to regular shampoo.
  3. The container with the product must be shaken and left for 2 days in a dark room.
  4. Afterwards, use it like regular shampoo.

The maximum effect is achieved after 1.5 months of use. To strengthen hair and add shine, it is recommended to use moisturizing balms and hair conditioners.

Shilajit for weight loss

Many people who first learned about mummy are interested in what it is and what this natural balm treats.

Shilajit helps to get rid of excess weight by triggering self-regulation mechanisms in the body. At the same time, metabolic processes improve, hormonal levels are normalized and calories are burned more efficiently.

If you want to know about mummy, what it is, what it cures and how to use it, it is better to talk with those who have been using it for a long period of time and know the instructions.
  • increase physical activity;
  • control portions and regularity of food intake.

3 days before taking mumiyo, you need to cleanse the intestines with a special diet.

During this period, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • unnatural juices;
  • coffee;
  • Black tea;
  • meat;
  • confectionery;
  • any preservatives;
  • salty and fried foods.

The basis of the diet should be:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables,
  • nuts,
  • fresh juice,
  • dried fruits,
  • seafood.

For effective weight loss, you need to take mumiyo 2 times a day, 1 g. The course of admission is 20 days. After this, it is recommended to take a break for a month. Subsequent weight loss courses are carried out if necessary.

Shilajit for immunity

Know what mummy is and that it does not heal enough if you plan to take it to improve immunity.

Shilajit should be taken after the main therapeutic treatment. Shilajit helps support the body during the autumn-spring lack of vitamins and nutrients.

You need to mix 200 ml of warm water and 200 g of mumiyo. Within 10 days, consume the entire volume of the resulting mixture (taken on an empty stomach). This is followed by a break of 5 days. Then 200 g of mumiyo are mixed with 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.

Take this medicine for strictly 10 days, followed by a five-day break. The third stage of treatment is similar to the first.

Mumiyo for skin diseases, burns

To supplement the information about what it is - mumiyo, it is necessary to indicate that this balm treats 1st and 2nd degree burns. For these purposes, mumiyo is taken orally and used as an external remedy.

It is not recommended to make alcohol tinctures from natural resin. due to their drying effect. To create a medicinal ointment, you need to mix 5 g of mumiyo and 2 tbsp. l. rose oil. The resulting product is infused for 24 hours, then the affected area of ​​skin is treated every 8 hours.

For oral administration, 0.2 g of mumiyo must be dissolved in pasteurized milk. This remedy will reduce pain and speed up the healing of burns. It should be taken for 3 weeks.

Shilajit for various diseases of the body

Shilajit is used to treat sinusitis, providing a powerful anti-edematous and antimicrobial effect. In this regard, the natural mineral helps in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Magnesium, chromium and phosphorus compounds contained in mumiyo help restore a stable heart rate, energy exchange within the heart muscle, and increase the level of thromboplastin and erythropoietin.

All this is the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis and such serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system as coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Shilajit can have a beneficial effect on the walls of the esophagus, as well as increase the secretion of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Such properties help in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis and colitis.


Like any medicine, mumiyo has a number of restrictions for its use.

Doctors do not recommend using the balm:

Note! People suffering from high blood pressure should take mumiyo only after detailed consultation with their doctor. Poor blood clotting is also a reason for refusing to take mumiyo.

This substance must be taken according to a strict dosage and course duration., which are prescribed by the attending physician.

How to store mumiyo at home

Shilajit will not lose its medicinal properties if it is placed in a dry container and stored in a dark and cool place. Room temperature is the most detrimental to resin. It promotes active water exchange between the natural balm and the surrounding air.

Shilajit may dry out quickly or become too viscous in consistency. This will not affect the benefits of mumiyo, however It is better to store it in plastic packaging, which can be hermetically sealed. If the resin is exposed to moisture, it can be dried at a temperature below 40 degrees.

The medicinal solution of mumiyo in any liquid should be stored in a cool place. The shelf life of mumiyo in this form does not exceed 2 weeks. All the beneficial and healing properties of the resin are preserved for a long time. If you follow the storage rules, the balm can be used for many years.

Where to buy mumiyo, price

Considering the above about mummy, what it is and what it treats, we can assume that there are a large number of counterfeits of this substance from various distributors.

The lowest risk of being deceived is provided by purchasing the drug at a pharmacy.

The average cost of a jar of balm weighing 6 g is 120 rubles. The range may also include tablets (capsules). On average, a package (20 tablets) will cost about 80 rubles.

Shilajit is a natural medicine, capable of coping with many diseases. It has no strict contraindications, but should only be taken as recommended by a doctor.

This video will tell you and show you mumiyo, what it is, what it cures and what it is needed for.

From this video you will learn about all the beneficial properties of mumiyo.

The history of human use of the organo-mineral balm mumiyo created by nature goes back more than 4000 years. The various healing properties of mumiyo were described more than 2500 years ago by Aristotle; many references to this substance, unique in its composition, are found in ancient Eastern literature and in the medical treatises of the famous physician and philosopher Avicenna, who believed that mumiyo “gives strength to the senile heart, rejuvenates the skin, relieves excessive blood thickening."

In the 3rd millennium BC. e. Shilajit was widely used for embalming the dead and for treating the sick in Ancient Egypt (at that time the Egyptians called mumiyo “Illyrian resin”). Also, this natural product with healing powers was often used in their practice by healers of Tibet, India, Burma, Central Asia and Mongolia in the treatment of bone fractures, dislocations, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, liver diseases, sexual weakness, ear diseases and skin diseases, for poisoning and bites of poisonous snakes and insects. The miraculous healing power of mumiyo was often sung by ancient Eastern poets in their poems; many legends and traditions were written about this balm, unique in its properties, in ancient times, in which mumiyo was often called the “mountain tear” or “tear of the stone giant.”

It is worth noting that the word “mumiyo” (which is still the generally accepted and most common name for a healing resin-like balm in our time) has been used since the birth of Arab culture. And regarding the origin of this word, linguists still have two versions: according to one, translated from Greek, “mumiyo” means “preserving, protecting body”; according to the second, the name “mumiyo” may come from the Persian word “mum” ( wax). However, from ancient times and to this day in different countries of the world, resinous mummy has many different “local” names, which eloquently speak about the characteristics of the deposits of this natural product, its medicinal properties, quality and composition. For example, in Central Asia, mumiyo is called “asil” or “arhar-tash” (translated as “best”, “priceless”, “extremely rare”), in Buryatia, Mongolia and Tibet - “bragshaun” (translated - “rock juice”, “rock blood”, “rock nectar”, “jewel juice”), in Southern Siberia and Altai - “barakhshin” (“mountain oil”, “mountain wax”, “mountain tar”), in India - “salojit”, in Burma - “chao tun” (“blood of the mountain”).

What is mumiyo. Conditions of its formation and deposits. Mumiyo raw and purified mumiyo.

In nature, the organo-mineral product mumiyo is found in the form of deposits and crusts in cracks and crevices of high-mountain rocks protected from precipitation. Mumiyo deposits are most often formed at an altitude of 300 to 3200 above sea level, mainly on the southern slopes of the mountains, in conditions of low oxygen content and minimal humidity, under the influence of sudden temperature changes, strong winds and increased ultraviolet radiation. It is these conditions that are most favorable for the gradual polymerization and mummification of the biological masses of animal and plant origin included in the mumiyo. Clusters of mumiyos, as a rule, are localized where hamster-like pikas (“hay huts”), bats, squirrels, wild pigeons, argali usually live, and where at the same time medicinal plants grow, which are food for these animals (juniper, rose hips, rhubarb, lichens, mint, thyme, valerian, wormwood).

Deposits of the most valuable mountain balsam mumiyo have currently been discovered in the mountains of Southern Siberia and Transbaikalia, in the North Caucasus and the Far East, in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, India, Iran, Burma, as well as in Australia, South America and Indonesia.

In its natural, unrefined form, mumiyo (or rather raw mumiyo) is a heterogeneous resin-like mass of dark brown or brown-black color, with a granular, shiny or matte surface, containing various inclusions of plant, mineral or animal origin (seeds, sand, plant parts, small rock fragments, wool, shells insects, bones, pieces of wood, mummified animal waste products). In this form, mumiyo is not suitable for consumption, since the impurities it contains may be unsafe for human health.

During technical processing of raw mumiyo by methods of water extraction, centrifugation, filtering or evaporation, all kinds of ballast substances are removed, resulting in high-quality purified mumiyo, suitable for therapeutic, prophylactic and cosmetic use. Mumiyo purified It is a thick, homogeneous plastic mass (easily kneaded by hand) of dark brown or black color with a shiny smooth surface, having a bitter taste and a specific spicy odor, completely soluble in water and poorly soluble in alcohol, ether and other organic solvents.

When determining the quality of mumiyo, the age of this substance and the method of its purification are important. The “older” the mummy, the higher the content of natural antibiotics and anticoagulants in it and the higher the effectiveness of its therapeutic and prophylactic use. And the most correct method of cleaning mumiyo is considered to be one in which the raw mumiyo is not overheated, and therefore does not lose its beneficial properties.

Biochemical composition of mumiyo

Mumiyo is a complex natural organo-mineral complex consisting of more than 80 components.

The biochemical composition of mumiyo contains: essential and essential amino acids(glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, lysine, arginine, valine, aspartic acid, etc.), monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids(oleic, petroselinic, linoleic, linolenic, etc.), phospholipids, organic acids(hippuric, benzoic, adipic, succinic, citric, oxalic, lichen, kojic, tartaric, etc.), essential oils, resins, resin-like substances, steroids, alkaloids, enzymes, chlorophyll, tannins, coumarins, terpenoids, carotenoids (provitamin A), flavonoids (including rutin (vitamin P), vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E, as well as about 60 macro- and microelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, sulfur, silicon, selenium, chromium, silver, cobalt, nickel, aluminum, etc.).

In the mineral composition of mumiyo, the leading positions are occupied by potassium, calcium, magnesium and manganese- these macroelements account for from 20% to 60% of the inorganic component of mumiyo (the mineral part of mumiyo, consisting of free macro- and microelements, hydroxides and insoluble salts (potash, calcite, lime, dolomite, quartzite, etc.) averages from 12 to 40% of the total mass of this useful natural product).

The organic part of mumiyo, characterized by a high content of humic acids, accounts for more than 70% of the total mass of mountain balsam.

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect

Possessing a unique biochemical composition and a wide range of beneficial properties (immunomodulatory, regenerative, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, fungicidal, antiseptic, anticoagulant, detoxifying, antiallergic, analgesic, choleretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, etc.), mumiyo has been found in various forms for more than 3000 years. application in folk medicine around the world.

Shilajit, a natural adaptogen, helps increase the human body’s resistance to the negative effects of environmental factors (such as exposure to ionizing radiation, sudden changes in temperature, air humidity or atmospheric pressure, unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions, exposure to infectious agents, toxins, carcinogens and other harmful substances ).

Besides, A characteristic feature of mumiyo is its pronounced regenerative and wound-healing effect. The chlorophyll, zinc, chromium, amino acids glycine, leucine and arginine present in mumiyo, as well as vitamins C and E, rutin, amino acid lysine, sulfur, zinc, copper, silicon, stimulating the natural synthesis of collagen, promote improvement reparative processes, accelerate granulation and epithelization of damaged skin, stimulate the regeneration of mucous membranes, cartilage and bone tissue.

It should also be noted pronounced antibacterial effect mumiyo, due to the high concentration of organic acids, tannins, sulfur and silver in its composition. Shilajit, which has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms, is very effective in the fight against Staphylococcus aureus, pyogenic streptococci, E. coli, some types of enterococci, as well as the causative agents of typhoid, dysentery and diphtheria.

Anti-inflammatory effect Shilajit is mainly associated with the presence in this organo-mineral balm of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, silicon, selenium, sulfur, cobalt, carotenoids, vitamins E, K, C, tannins, organic and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Shilajit, which has a general strengthening effect, improves metabolic processes (protein, carbohydrate, fat, water-salt and mineral metabolism), has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels and the immune status of the body, is recommended for use as part of prevention and complex treatment:

  • Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, arthritis (including rheumatoid arthritis), gout, polyarthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis deformans, glenohumeral periarthrosis, myositis, bursitis, periarthritis, tendinitis, fractures, dislocations, bruises, sprains ligaments, etc.). Mumiyo has long been a famous folk medicine for accelerating the healing of bones during fractures (clinical studies have found that as a result of using mumiyo, the period of callus formation during fracture healing is reduced by about 10-14 days). Improves blood supply to muscles, spine and joints, has an anti-inflammatory effect, is rich in substances necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue (amino acids proline, lysine, leucine, manganese, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, copper, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids), mumiyo significantly shortens the recovery period for injuries, infectious-inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine and joints. Shilajit, which also has analgesic properties, can bring significant benefits and relief from neuralgia associated with the above-mentioned diseases of the musculoskeletal system (lumbosacral radiculitis, lumbago, sciatica). Being a rich source of potassium and organic acids that prevent the deposition of uric acid salts in joints, mumiyo is a very effective remedy as part of the prevention and complex treatment of gout (gouty arthritis). You can learn in detail about the various methods of internal use and external use of mumiyo for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the section “Recipes for the therapeutic and prophylactic use of mumiyo.
  • Dermatological diseases and skin injuries (burns, cuts, psoriasis, eczema, acne, seborrhea, mycoses, herpes, furunculosis, eczema, urticaria, atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis), trophic ulcers, bedsores, etc.). Shilajit has an antiseptic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes effective cleansing of wounds from necrotic tissue, accelerates the processes of granulation and epithelization of damaged skin areas.
  • Diseases of the digestive system (diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract (cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, viral hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis), diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis), diseases of the stomach (chronic anacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers), intestinal diseases (dysbiosis, enteritis, colitis, ulcerative colitis), as well as for constipation, dysentery and various dyspeptic disorders (heartburn, belching, flatulence, nausea) he mentioned the benefits of mumiyo for the gastrointestinal tract back in the 10th century in his “Canon”. medical science" by the famous physician and philosopher Avicenna. The reparative and protective effect of mumiyo on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum affected by the erosive-ulcerative process is due to both the positive effect of mumiyo on the metabolism of catecholamines and the presence of carotenoids, chlorophyll, vitamin E in the composition of this natural substance. zinc, amino acids lysine and histidine, mumiyo also contains substances that improve the functional state of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts. Among these substances: phospholipids (improving metabolism in the liver and its detoxification function, as well as promoting the restoration of the structure and regeneration of liver cells - hepatocytes), amino acids methionine, arginine and threonine (which, like phospholipids, prevent the development of fatty infiltration of the liver and inhibit the formation of liver connective tissue), flavonoids, magnesium and organic acids (improving the processes of bile formation and bile secretion), as well as the amino acids glycine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and valine, which have a hepatoprotective effect and improve liver function. Shilajit also helps improve metabolic processes in the pancreas, activates the production of pancreatic juice, improves the synthesis of digestive enzymes in the pancreas, compensating for exocrine insufficiency of this important organ of the digestive system. It is also impossible not to note the beneficial effect of mumiyo on the functional state of the intestine: mumiyo improves the tone and motor function of the intestine, stops the development of inflammatory, fermentative and putrefactive processes in it, and helps restore the disturbed balance of intestinal microflora.
  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems (leptomeningitis, poliomyelitis, polyneuropathy, syringomyelia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, epilepsy, paralysis, etc.). Descriptions of various methods of using mumiyo for paralysis and other neurological diseases were described in their works by famous ancient Eastern healers (Avicenna - in the “Canon of Medicine”, Muhammad Hussein Shirazi - in the treatise “Treasury of Medicines”, etc.). Shilajit, which improves cerebral circulation and helps restore impaired functions of the analyzing centers of the brain and peripheral nerves, contains phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acids (tryptophan, glycine, glutamic acid, valine, etc.) necessary for the natural synthesis of neurotransmitters (substances with the help of which electrical impulses are transmitted between neurons). The amino acid glycine contained in mumiyo reduces the excitability of the nervous system, and the amino acid tryptophan (which is a precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin), which is part of the mumiyo, also, like glycine, has a sedative effect, and in addition, is “responsible” for sound and healthy sleep and good mood and prevents the development of depression. Shilajit components such as zinc, iodine and the amino acid phenylalanine take an active part in regulating the interaction between neurons, have an antidepressant effect, and help improve memory and mental abilities. Magnesium, manganese, copper and B vitamins also contained in mumiyo are also necessary for the full functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. You can learn more about the beneficial effects of the above-mentioned biochemical components of mumiyo on the functioning of the central nervous system from the article “Oil balm “Clear Brain”).
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart attack, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, etc.). Shilajit, which has a cardiac stimulating effect, helps lower blood pressure, eliminate spasms and inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the lumens of blood vessels, and also improves central, peripheral and microcirculatory circulation. The mummy contains substances that improve the functioning of the heart muscle, helping to restore the normal rhythm, frequency and strength of heart contractions (glutamic amino acid, amino acids proline, methionine, arginine, valine, succinic acid, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, etc.), biochemical components, helping to increase the elasticity and strength of blood vessels (these include vitamin C, rutin, carotenoids, vitamin E, sulfur, copper, zinc, silicon, flavonoids, etc.), a complex of substances that help reduce cholesterol in the blood (flavonoids, phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, rutin, phytosterols, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iodine, selenium, silicon, chromium, B vitamins), as well as anticoagulant substances that prevent the formation of blood clots (including vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, vitamins B3, B6, B12).
  • Diseases of the spleen, blood diseases (iron deficiency anemia, etc.). Helping to improve the rheological properties of blood and having an anticoagulant effect, mumiyo regulates the content of leukocytes in the blood, helping to increase their number in case of leukopenia and reducing their number in case of leukocytosis. Shilajit is also very rich in substances that activate the natural production of the red blood cell protein hemoglobin (the complex of such Shilajit components includes iron, manganese, copper, sulfur, cobalt, nickel, zinc, silicon, chromium, flavonoids, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E , chlorophyll).
  • Diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelocystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, urolithiasis, renal tuberculosis, nephrosis, etc.).
  • Diseases of the male genitourinary system (erectile dysfunction (impotence), varicocele, oligospermia, hypoaspermia, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, male infertility, etc.), diseases of the female genital area (mastitis, mastopathy, cervical erosion, colpitis, endometriosis, endomyometritis, salpingoophoritis (adnexitis), cervicitis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, female infertility, etc.), as well as regular use of mumiyo will bring significant benefits in reducing libido and various sexual disorders. The complex of zinc, vitamin E, manganese, selenium and steroids present in mumiyo helps to increase sexual desire and potency, and also has a beneficial effect on the process of spermatogenesis (improves sperm quality, helps increase the number and motility of sperm) and stimulates the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. Shilajit, which has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and restores the optimal hormonal balance in a woman’s body, is also very effective in the treatment of a wide range of infectious-inflammatory and hormone-dependent diseases of the female reproductive system. Shilajit, which has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels and improves the functional state of the central and peripheral nervous systems, can also be recommended for use by women with painful sensations, vasomotor and psycho-emotional disorders characteristic of the premenstrual or menopausal periods.
  • Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity (periodontal disease, periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, pulpitis, periodontitis, caries, etc.)
  • Diseases of the respiratory system and ENT diseases (bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute respiratory viral infections, otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis), chronic tonsillitis, etc.) Providing bactericidal , anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiallergic and antispasmodic action of mumiyo enhances the secretion of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, improves the drainage function of the bronchi, activates the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs affected by the disease, reduces swelling accompanying respiratory diseases, and helps to increase specific and nonspecific immunity.
  • Diseases of the visual system (cataracts, glaucoma, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, diabetic retinopathy, etc.). In the article “Eye balm “Blueberry-Dragon Eye”” you can learn in detail about the beneficial effects of zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids (provitamin A) present in mumiyo on the functional state of the visual organs. .

Mode of application

In folk medicine, it is recommended to take mumiyo 1 or 2 times a day (morning and evening), and the recommended duration of internal use of mumiyo is, as a rule, 25-28 days (if necessary, the course of taking mumiyo can be repeated with a break of 10 days). Moreover The optimal daily dose of this mountain balm depends on the weight of the person using it. With a weight of 70 kg - the optimal daily dose of mumiyo is 0.2 g, from 70 to 80 kg - 0.25 g, from 80 kg to 90 kg - 0.3 g, over 90 kg - 0.5 g. When preparing medicinal products based on it, mumiyo should not be heated above 40 degrees.

Before internal use Shilajit must be dissolved in milk, water, vegetable or fruit juice. During the course of taking mumiyo, alcohol consumption is contraindicated.

For cosmetic purposes, mumiyo is recommended to be used externally(in masks, creams, shampoos, etc.), and regularly consumed with food(1-2 capsules (or tablets) 2 times a day with meals), washed down with water, juice or milk. The recommended duration of internal use of mumiyo as part of cosmetic skin or hair care is 25 days. You can find various options for using mumiyo in home cosmetology in the section “Recipes for cosmetic use of mumiyo”.

For external (cosmetic or therapeutic and prophylactic) use, mumiyo can be used either by dissolving the elastic mass of this product in water, or using capsules containing dry extract of mumiyo (in the second case, you need to carefully pull the ends of the capsule in opposite directions and pour its contents into water, ointment, gel or cosmetic).

Before rubbing in the ointment prepared on the basis of mumiyo, it is recommended to lubricate your hands with vegetable oil.


Individual intolerance to the product, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 12 years, cancer, decreased blood clotting, hemorrhagic diathesis. Use mumiyo with caution in patients with arterial hypertension (hypertension). Before starting regular use of mumiyo, it is recommended to consult a doctor. During the course of taking mumiyo, alcohol consumption is contraindicated.

Popular goods.

Some scientists studying the substance believe that mumiyo is one of the varieties of geological rock. Others believe that mumiyo occurred in the process of synthesis of animal waste products, wax, various natural resins and plant remains.

Mumiyo is found in the form of frozen sagging on rocks in the highlands of the Caucasus, Pamirs, and Altai.

The chemical composition of mumiyo found in different areas differs from each other. To date, about three dozen chemical elements, various trace elements, metal oxides, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils and resins have been found in the substance. The full composition of the chemical and organic compounds that make up mumiyo cannot yet be determined. Several compounds have been discovered that are not present in any living organism.

High-quality mumiyo is a very dark, elastic substance that easily dissolves in water and is almost insoluble in alcohol. The aroma of real mumiyo is unique - bitterness with a spicy tint. When exposed to air, it loses moisture and becomes hard. The shelf life is unlimited.

The healing properties have been known since ancient times. Currently, the list of diseases that are treated with drugs based on it is very extensive.


In 2000, the Pharmacological Committee under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution to authorize the release and use of the drug “Dry Shilajit Extract” in treatment. It began to be produced in the form of tablets of 0.2 g. Today it is used in the treatment of patients in the postoperative period as a general tonic.

In ancient Middle Eastern countries, the quality of shilajit was determined by the duration of bone healing during fractures in small animals. Shilajit was dissolved in oil and the fracture site was smeared with this mixture. If the bone fused within 24 hours, the mummy was recognized as genuine.

Features of the substance's action

There are some nuances that you need to know when taking mumiyo. There may be a deterioration in your general health during the first three to five days of use. If such a phenomenon occurs, the age of the patient and the nature of his disease should be taken into account, but it is not worth stopping the course of treatment; it is better to adjust replacement therapy. After taking the drug, you should reduce physical activity and lie quietly for half an hour.

In general, only a doctor prescribes the course of treatment and dosage. Self-medication with mumiyo preparations is not recommended. Having a stimulating property, mumiyo affects the process of cell division in the body, however, drugs with it are not causative agents of oncological tumors. Contraindications are recognized only for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Mumiyo: whatever they called him! Stone oil, mountain tar, mountain blood, tears of giants. This substance has been known to mankind for centuries. It is used to treat many diseases. It is known, for example, to help with broken bones. It is included in various cosmetic products. Traditional healers are convinced that mumiyo prolongs life. Interest in it periodically renews and grows - why?

What is mumiyo

Shilajit is a mineral substance with a resinous texture. It can vary in color, usually in the brown range. Its beneficial properties and contraindications have aroused the interest of mankind for generations; in nature it can be found in different forms. Sources differ not only in tone, but also in structure and degree of transparency. Shilajit can be hard and in the form of a glassy substance, but it can also be sticky and tough. Regardless of its consistency, it always has a unique balsamic aroma. Another name for the product is shilajit; translation from Sanskrit means “victor from the mountain.”

Mumiyo in its natural environment is found in different parts of the world: Altai, the Caucasus, Nepal, Central Asia, India, South America, North Africa - and that’s not all. Traditional medicine uses it in the treatment of various diseases. There are still many questions about the beneficial effects and contraindications of the substance. But one thing is certain: it really has healing powers. The general practice in official medicine is to recommend mumiyo in complex therapy along with various medications. This is a good addition that speeds up the healing process.

Benefits of mumiyo

Useful properties of the product: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothing, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-cough, secretory, urinary, biliary, wound healing. It is also safe to inhale under certain conditions. This helps, for example, in treating the respiratory and digestive systems. Helps in weight loss programs. In addition to treatment, mumiyo is used in cosmetology.

However, allergic reactions have been reported. Mumiyo is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. It is not used to treat cancer. You can't take alcohol with it.

Composition of mumiyo

What does this strange product contain? It has already been said that science has not definitively clarified the issue of the content of the mysterious resin. Proven ingredients are amino acids, organic fatty acids, resins, albumin, steroids, terpenoids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus, chromium. We should also mention bee venom, essential oil extracts, all vitamins.

The mineral composition is influenced by factors such as flora and fauna, soils, microorganisms and their effects.

In nature, mumiyo can be found in uninhabited places - caves, rocks and niches. It looks like frozen jelly, a thick elastic film or crust of tree resin. Natural, unprocessed shilajit has a color ranging from yellowish to dark brown or black. When it is soaked, it dissolves in water.

Types of mumiyo

To classify this unusual product, they usually refer to the place of origin: Siberian mumiyo, Himalayan, Altai, Arabian, Tibetan, etc. Subspecies are determined depending on the predominant components of certain metals. Here are the four types:

  • Gold - color from dark orange to burgundy;
  • Silver - has a milky tint;
  • Copper - painted in a blue palette;
  • Iron - as if it is the most common, recognizable in dark brown or black color.

What is the treatment for mumiyo?

The healing properties of mumiyo develop during external use and during administration; each therapy follows certain rules, dosage, duration, etc. The product is useful for diseases of the throat, nose and nasopharynx: colds, angina, rhinitis, sinusitis. It is useful for asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis. Experts also recommend it for dyspepsia, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Supports the nervous system and helps in the treatment of headaches, migraines, insomnia, neurosis and neuralgia, epilepsy, seizures.

Shilajit has been proven to have a positive effect on the endocrine system - for diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, and adrenal glands.

It is useful for the hematopoietic and cardiovascular system - anemia, hypertension, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. Helps against diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.

Particularly useful for the locomotor system of fractures, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism. Shilajit is also beneficial for the proper functioning of the reproductive systems in both sexes. And last but not least: strengthens the immune system and relieves immunodeficiencies and allergies.

It is also used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, inflammation is neutralized, the skin is disinfected, and regeneration is accelerated.

Proper consumption of mumiyo, instructions

Mumiyo can be taken orally - dissolved in any liquid with a pleasant taste; externally - as an ointment or as an ingredient in a cosmetic product. The use of resin must be carried out with precise instructions and dosages and in no case should it be excessive in quantity - it tends to accumulate.

Important! While you are being treated with Shilajit, you should not drink alcohol or take any medications. The food is moderate, general dietary.

  • Maximum permissible dose. Minerals, like any other medication, should be taken with caution. Standard recommendations are not to exceed a daily intake of 6 grams for internal consumption.
  • Recommended dose. Typically, significantly lower doses are taken; The recommended standard dose is 3 g per day. It is best to measure this dose using a pharmacy scale, but not everyone has such an item. It’s not difficult to calculate by eye: three grams of mumiyo is slightly more than a medium-sized pea. Purified mumiyo can be dissolved for consumption in water, milk or juice.
  • Some sources indicate a minimum therapeutic dose of 0.2 g for a 70 kg patient. Every 10 kg of weight above this limit allows for another 0.05 g of mumiyo. The exact daily dose for each patient should be determined by a physician to advise on preparation and route of administration.

The product is dissolved in water and prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. In the morning - fast;
  2. At noon - an hour before meals;
  3. In the evening - two hours after eating. Thus, all diseases requiring internal treatment are treated.

How long should I take it?

The question that arises in the mind of a novice patient is not only what dose of mumiyo to take, but how long the treatment will last. The product is designed for courses of treatment, which in some diseases should be repeated after the second and third rest. Here are some descriptions of such practices:

  • In acute painful conditions, mumiyo is taken for 10 days. Then rest for five days and repeat the 10-day intake; this is considered sufficient.
  • For a chronic disease, therapy is again 10 days, but is interrupted for another 10; 4-5 such courses are needed.
  • In severe forms of the disease, consumption is more than a month, a break is 10 days, and another course of treatment is 30 days.
  • The drug is prepared by dissolving the resin in boiled water at room temperature. For 2g mummy you need 10 tablespoons of water, neither cold nor hot. You can add honey to the solution, which makes it more palatable and healthier. This is recommended, for example, for cardiovascular or joint problems. With the exception of water, mumiyo dissolves in milk or natural juice.

Beauty, cosmetology

Shilajit has collagen, and this is important for skin elasticity. For this reason, the product is used in cosmetology. This helps neutralize harmful external effects and age-related changes so that skin can slow down aging and recover from injuries and infections - without spending too much money. With Shilajit, positive results are achieved for cellulite, wrinkles, age spots, freckles, withered and sagging skin.

Shilajit is an integral part of many recipes that help maintain fresh and glowing healthy skin. It is no coincidence that beauty comes from the outside with the help of health within. This is why good skin requires taking shilajit. Here's how to do it:

Wipe the mummy into powder and add water at room temperature - the technology has already been described. As a rule, 50 ml of water is enough for 5 g of mummies. From a healthy solution, take one teaspoon twice a day before meals.

Hair restoration mask

You can “revive” your hair with the following mask: mix 4 grams of mumiyo with one tablespoon of honey. Then add one raw yolk and one tablespoon of burdock oil. The mask is applied to the scalp along the length of the hair; after an hour we wash off with plenty of warm water, mild shampoo and chamomile infusion. This procedure is performed no more than twice a month.

In shampoo for hair loss

Many people do not know how beneficial shilajit can be for the scalp and hair. The easiest way to make shampoo with resin is how:

Dissolve 5 g of mumiyo in a small amount of water at room temperature. Add the resulting solution to your shampoo, shake it vigorously and leave the bottle in the dark for two days. We can then use the enriched shampoo as we are used to. We must use such an enriched product for one and a half months to feel the desired change. Meanwhile, we need to choose the right conditioner and conditioner and take more care of your hair.

For facial skin

Shilajit, dissolved in a small amount of water, can also be used as a face mask. It has an anti-inflammatory effect - prevents acne and rashes. It has a rejuvenating effect - improves skin elasticity and smoothes out fine wrinkles. It also has a restorative effect, making wrinkles less noticeable.

A face mask with mumiyo is performed once every 10 days.

It also has a cleansing effect, freeing pores of dirt and toxins.

This mask can improve your appearance; It is enough to keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes. There is no need to make the mask too often; it is better to apply it every 10 days.

Cream with mumiyo for acne and skin spots

To prepare this cream, you must first dissolve 15 g of saturated mumiyo in a spoon of water. Meanwhile, we melt 40g unsalted butter and 20g beeswax in a water bath. Let the resulting mixture cool and add the reconstituted mummy and one teaspoon of agave and aloe juice. The resulting cream is intended for daily use - applied in a thin layer once a day. Instead of a mixture of oil and wax, you can also use ready-made baby cream, but it is better to use natural ingredients.

For skin diseases, burns

Maintaining healthy skin, overcoming skin diseases and speeding up recovery are made easier with the help of mummies. The resin is useful for bleeding, burns, dermatitis, cuts, purulent wounds and rashes, stretch marks, psoriasis, eczema, non-healing ulcer-type wounds.

Mumiyo balm is especially useful for first and second degree burns. It is made from 5 g of resin and two tablespoons of rose oil. Once mixed, the mixture is left to sit for one day, after which the burned area is treated every eight hours. At the same time, shilajit is also taken orally to stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissue. It is recommended to take a dose of 0.2 g in skim milk - once a day for three weeks.

For stretch marks and cellulite

Against stretch marks and cellulite, an internal regimen can be useful - similar to injuries, burns and skin diseases. At the same time, local lesions are treated with an effective homemade cream that can be prepared at home using a recipe. Here's how to do it:

5-6 mummy tablets - from the pharmacy, crushed into powder. Add 100 g of high-quality baby cream; the mixture is diluted with 20-25 drops of essential oils of your choice: cinnamon, orange, lavender. The mixture should stand for ten hours; then mix again and ready to use. Choose a baby cream with natural ingredients and no parabens. Adding mumiyo and essential oils will make the skin more elastic and smooth and stimulate the production of its own collagen.

For weight loss

For many, it is strange that mummies are also recommended as a means of weight loss. Resin is truly useful if the body has “turned on” its self-regulation mechanisms. Metabolic processes are optimized, accelerated and normalized. It also normalizes hormonal levels, which allows you to activate calorie burning.

Of course, you won’t lose weight just with mumiyo. Therefore, caloric intake and physical activity should be monitored. Three days before the weight loss program with mumiyo, the body should be cleansed by avoiding coffee and black tea, sparkling wines, pastries, meat, fried and spicy foods. The basis of the menu should be fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, fresh juice, dried fruit, seafood and fish. Shilajit is taken twice a day - one gram. This is done for 20 days, followed by a one-month rest. If necessary, the weight loss program is repeated.

Like medicine, recipes

The main beneficial effect of shilajit is its effect on the immune system - and, therefore, overcoming a long list of painful conditions. In some cases, the resin also acts directly on organs and systems in the human body, with a combination of topical application and consumption being most effective. We remind you that any treatment with mumiyo is carried out after consultation with a doctor.

For immunity

Shilajit treatment is recommended to maintain and strengthen the immune system, but before it needs to cope with drug-related diseases that affect patients with weakened immune systems. Immune support courses can also be carried out in early spring, when the body has exhausted its strength due to the long winter. It also works at the border between autumn and winter.

To support the immune system, prepare a mixture of 200 g of mumiyo and 200 ml of water. We receive a mixture that should be taken in equal parts for 10 days. It is interrupted for five days, and then the second module, for which we prepare a mixture of 200 g of mumiyo and one tablespoon of natural honey. The amount is taken in equal parts over 10 days. We then rest for five days and repeat the first module.

For colitis

For the treatment of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis, a solution of 0.1 g of mumiyo and one tablespoon of water is recommended. Half of this mixture is swallowed; the second honor is administered rectally. The procedure is performed twice a day. Treatment with the solution acts as an anti-inflammatory and restorative and relieves the painful symptoms of ulcerative colitis. For successful treatment, the course must be maintained for one month.

For colitis and enterocolitis, taking mumiyo in the recipe helps soothe and restore the intestinal mucosa. The therapeutic course should be at least two weeks, but in most cases a longer period is required, it is individual.

For bones, for osteoporosis

For bone problems - fractures, sore joints, as well as bruises, rheumatism, bone loss or osteoporosis - treatment occurs by taking shilajit. Take once a day, 0.2-0.5 mg of resin dissolved in water or fresh milk. The amount of mumiyo depends on the person’s weight. Treatment lasts from 25 to 28 days. Rest for 10 days, and then the course can be repeated.

For tuberculosis, the mummy mixture consists of three tablespoons of fresh milk and a pea amount of mummy. Take twice before meals.

For diabetes

Shilajit can support pancreatic function and balance blood sugar levels. Check out this popular diabetes treatment regimen:

18 g of mumiyo are dissolved in half a liter of water. For 10 days, the mixture is taken three times a day, one tablespoon, half an hour before meals. After this, take a spoonful one and a half to three times a day for 10 days, again 30 minutes before meals.

Spinal hernia, discopathy

In the practice of some healers, discopathy is also cured. Treatment is carried out internally and externally. Every morning, a mummy pea is dissolved in a spoonful of water. At the same time, mumiyo is also rubbed on the sore spot - again, this amount is dissolved in a tablespoon of water.

For cancer

Some sources recommend compresses with mumiyo solution and internal administration - the dose is 0.2 g in a spoonful of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Solutions can be made with a mixture of 3 g resin and 100 ml water. However, according to many experts, treatment with mumiyo is contraindicated for cancer. Obviously, consultation with a specialist is required before starting each treatment.

For cirrhosis of the liver

Shilajit treatment helps stabilize the condition and function of the liver. The dosage is as follows: in the morning, 0.2 g on an empty stomach. In the evening the dose is the same; taken before bed, but should be three hours after eating. This is done for 10 days, then a break of 5 days and the course can be repeated again.

During pregnancy, breastfeeding

Shilajit is known to normalize hormonal levels and help treat some gynecological diseases. The medicinal product can also be used in the treatment of infertility and preparation for conception. It is believed that taking the resinous substance during pregnancy and lactation is safe.

Nasal polyps

For nasal polyps, this is how it is taken:

10 g of mumiyo are dissolved in eight teaspoons of water. Costs 5-6 hours; used as nasal drops. Inject two drops into the nostril 2-3 times a day.

In case of allergies

Shilajit helps with allergies. For our treatment, we prepare a solution of one teaspoon of resin and a liter of boiled water. The dosage for one day is taken at once and varies among different age groups. Children aged 4-7 years can take 70 ml; above this age, the dose is 100 ml. The effect may be felt after the first few days, but treatment should continue for three weeks. Such a course, but for preventive purposes, can be prescribed by a doctor before the hay fever season.

Shilajit and Hashimoto's

The autoimmune disease Hashimoto's thyroiditis can be treated with shilajit. The treatment schedule is four modules over 10 days after each weekly rest. Daily doses depend on the person's weight - for example, at 70 kg, the intake is 0.2 g per day, and for every 10 kg it increases by 0.1 g

After a stroke

Shilajit is given to a stroke patient after he has been discharged from the hospital. Every day for two weeks he should take a spoonful of a mixture of mummies and aloe, Kalanchoe, twice a day. The mixture is prepared from 5 g of mummies and ¾ cup of juice. After two weeks of treatment, there is a break of two weeks - then the patient receives only a cleansing tincture three times a day, 20-30 drops. Next is a new course of 2 weeks with mumiyo.

For hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids with mumiyo includes internal administration, topical application and microenemas. To take in the morning and evening, a dose of one tablet is prepared in two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Treatment is carried out for 3-4 months, and after every third week - rest for 7 days.

For cystitis

How to distinguish a real mummy from a fake one?

Back in the Middle Ages, mumiyo sellers added impurities to their product and told legends about where they got it from.

4 types of mumiyo were sent to the laboratory for chemical examination to study the composition in order to distinguish natural from fake.

For the study, tablets and capsules were dissolved in water, then reagents were added and the liquids changed color and density in different ways. This is a key point in the analysis; it is based on the properties of substances that transmit light differently and have different concentrations. After this, the laboratory assistant places the flasks in two spectrophotometers, these are devices that literally probe the compositions with light. First, we determined how well each mummy dissolves in water, which means it is completely absorbed by the body. The second device determines the chemical composition of each food additive. The analysis took two days.

As a result, it was established that two samples are natural mumiyo, the third sample contains foreign impurities - sand, clay, and the fourth does not correspond to what is stated on the packaging, that is, a fake. The latter is similar in appearance to mumiyo and smells like bitumen. Most likely, this is raw material that has not undergone filtration, containing small stones, earth, etc.

Where to buy mumiyo, where is it sold? Prices at the pharmacy

Shilajit is a product that is quite actively sold on the drug market - it can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online. Various forms are available: natural, purified resin, capsules and tablets. But there are a lot of fake mumiyos. Of course, everyone is free to make their own choice; but it is better to discuss an individual course with your doctor.

In tablets and capsules

Shilajit capsules are a convenient form because the doses are ready for direct oral administration; Usually one capsule contains half a gram of pure shilajit, and the standard daily dose is two capsules. There are different brands of capsules; prices for Indian mumiyo are 396 rubles. for 100 capsules and 269 rubles. for 50 pcs.

Shilajit is often recommended as a means of preventing and strengthening the immune system. For this product the unit dose is less, 200 mg per tablet. The recommended dose is one tablet twice a day - after meals. This form is often recommended as a component for various cosmetics. The price of 60 tablets is 239 rubles.


The resinous form of shilajit is usually purchased online; the most common type is Altai mumiyo in packages of 50 grams costs 340 rubles. Each package must contain a description of the exact composition, purpose - for external or internal use, recipes.


Prepare to spend more money if you have a serious bone and joint health problem and want to treat yourself to pasta. The price is 240 rubles. for 30 gr. This is an original product, which, unlike tablets and capsules, is not subject to heat treatment, and the expected therapeutic effect is higher. This paste can also be used as an ointment when required.

You can buy Altai mumiyo online for about 500 rubles. suppositories (candles) for hemorrhoids, in the form of a balm 250 ml for 250 rubles. Altai purified mumiyo is intended for use inside and outside. One dose is dissolved in a liter of water and part of the solution is taken every day. The duration of dosing and daily dose are prescribed by a specialist and should be based on diagnosis and body weight. When applied externally, the resin can be mixed with water, alcohol, honey, or in the form of cosmetics - with baby cream.

Tibetan balm with mumiyo

Tibetan balm is a herbal base ointment with the addition of mumiyo. A package of 30 grams is sold for 570 rubles; Intended for topical use to help relieve pain and stiffness in bones, muscles and tendons. The painful area is lubricated with gel and massaged for 5-6 minutes, twice a day for one month.

Tibetan drops with mumiyo

Drops with mumiyo, more popular as “drops of life,” are a tincture that also contains plant extracts: St. John’s wort, chamomile, garlic, immortelle, strawberry leaves and birch buds. The price is 800 rubles. for 100 ml. Drops are dissolved in 50 ml of water or milk. The treatment course is 10 days, during which a three-day dose is scheduled for 10-15 minutes before meals. It starts with one drop, then another is added to each subsequent dose until it reaches 15, then again with one drop, the specific dose decreases.

White mumiyo is a product of Altai; also known as rock oil. It is most often recommended as a general enhancer. Internal and external rectal use of the product is acceptable. Contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 14 years of age. A dose of 3 g costs about 250 rubles.

Contraindications for use

Despite the contradictory comments of some experts, mumiyo is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation; This recommendation is due to the fact that the effects of the product on human embryos have not been studied. Naturally - it is not used if you are allergic to any ingredients.

Recommendations from some healers for use in cancer are mainly ointment and compression in skin and joint forms. This is also controversial; There are several comments that Shilajit does not help with cancer.

Alcohol is absolutely contraindicated during treatment or prevention with mumiyo.

Side effects

Some side effects, such as irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, are the result of non-compliance with the recommended concentrations of the solution. Saturated solutions can be hazardous, especially if ingested. Various sources sometimes show larger doses for daily use; Therefore, with any treatment, you must consult a specialist, otherwise there may be toxicosis. An overdose can cause insomnia, tachycardia, and fluctuations in blood pressure.

If the resin is used in appropriate and safe forms and doses, no side effects other than rare allergic reactions should be expected.

Storage at home, expiration date

Shilajit in the form of capsules, tablets or lubricating gel is stored indoors for a period of time specified for each product. General rules for protection from direct sunlight and moisture apply.

If we are talking about a natural product, we need to know what can harm its qualities. In direct contact with liquids, resin can become a medium for the development of pathogenic bacteria. If it is a ready-made solution, it should be used within 24 hours. A solution in oil can be stored for up to four weeks, and in alcohol - one year.

Shilajit should not be placed near toxic materials, as the resin has the ability to absorb vapors. It would be a mistake to leave the product in a warehouse or garage where gasoline, acetone or any other chemicals are stored.

Every time we buy a product, we must be careful about the officially assigned expiration date. It is correct to buy small doses so that we can use them without storage problems.

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