Pediatric development. Abstract of educational and research activities “Sponge-sponge Experiments with sponges

Evgenia Kuvaeva
Summary of a lesson on cognitive and research activities in the junior group “Mushrooms”

Lesson summary on cognitive and research activities

V to the younger group on the topic« Mushrooms» .

Target: give an idea about mushrooms and berries where they grow, about the dangers that lie in wait in the forest and about edible and non-edible mushrooms and berries.

Material: hedgehog toy, basket, mushrooms of different sizes(large, medium, small, separate caps and legs from mushrooms different sizes and different colors.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Oh, guys, I hear something, someone rustling. Can't you hear? (the teacher deliberately intrigues the children in order to capture their attention, then takes out a toy hedgehog with a basket full of mushrooms).

Educator: Look who came to visit us!

Meet the hedgehog,

He is an expert on forest paths.

Covered in needles, be careful

It can hurt to get pricked.

Teacher and children: Hello, hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Hello!

Educator: Hedgehog, let me help you, otherwise your basket is so heavy. What did you bring in it?

Hedgehog: I want to tell the guys riddles, if they guess them, then they will find out what’s in my basket.

Antoshka is all just a hat and a leg. (mushroom)

When it rains, it will grow. (mushroom)

It stood on a strong leg, now it lies in a basket. (mushroom)

Hedgehog: Well done boys. You have solved all the riddles. Of course, in my basket mushrooms. Look what they are, they have a cap and a leg. Yes, that’s not a task, I wanted the biggest ones dry mushrooms for the winter, from average cook mushrooms mushroom soup, and the smallest pickle the mushrooms. But I just can’t figure it out, help me guys, sort it out mushrooms by size.

(Children lay out mushrooms for 3 piles)

Hedgehog: Thank you, children, you helped me a lot. And two more mushroom caps fell off, and now I don’t know which hat to put on which leg. Help me guys.

(Children select a large leg for a large hat, and a small leg for a small one, a yellow leg for a yellow hat, and a brown leg for a brown one).

Educator: Oh, hedgehog, what do I see, you have another one mushroom left in the basket. (Takes out a fly agaric). Do you know what this is? mushroom?

Hedgehog: no, but I really liked it, it’s very beautiful and probably very tasty. (The hedgehog wants to eat a fly agaric)

Educator: (stops the hedgehog) No! No! You can't eat it! It's poisonous mushroom. And it's called fly agaric. Let's remember what a fly agaric looks like and never take it into the forest. Guys, tell me, what color is the fly agaric's hat? (red with white polka dots). But if in doubt, then it’s better don't take the mushroom, suddenly it turns out to be poisonous. So that you can better remember what a fly agaric looks like, listen riddle:

He stood in the forest, no one took him. In a fashionable red hat, good for nothing. (fly agaric mushroom)

Educator: If you meet this one mushroom in the forest, you don’t need to take him, but you don’t need to kick or trample him either. Fly agaric is a medicine for some forest animals, for example, elk.

Hedgehog: Thank you. Well, with everyone we figured it out with mushrooms. And you guys go to the forest for mushrooms? Remember a few very important ones rules:

1. Try not to go too far from adults.

2. If in doubt, edible or not edible mushroom, then it’s better not to take it.

3. Do not even touch toadstools with your hands, otherwise they are very poisonous mushrooms, touched this one mushroom, and then forgot, licked his finger and poisoned himself.

4. Fly agaric does not need to be trampled or kicked, it is medicine for moose.

5. And protect the forest from fire, do not make fires in the forest. One small spark can burn the entire forest and kill all the animals.

Hedgehog: Thanks for your help, I have to go. Goodbye. (the children say goodbye to the hedgehog and he leaves)

Educator: Did you remember everything? Let's let's repeat: do not leave adults, take only edible ones mushrooms, but don’t touch anything that’s not edible and don’t light fires in the forest.

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Organization: Saratov region, Balakovo

Locality: Saratov region, Balakovo

"The world surrounding a child is, first of all,

the natural world with its limitless wealth of phenomena,

with inexhaustible beauty. Here in nature,

the eternal source of children's intelligence. Very important from an early age

develop in children the ability to contemplate, enjoy it,

look into it and listen closely" -

wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky


Many great thinkers and teachers have written that the development of a child in the first years of life largely depends on the natural environment. The cause of nature conservation depends to a large extent on the consciousness of each person, his civic responsibility for the fate of his native nature, and this in turn requires increased attention to the education of people, a careful attitude towards nature, starting from preschool age - the period of formation of the foundations of a future personality.

Practical, research activities in natural conditions play a huge role in children’s environmental education. Modern city children rarely communicate with nature. They know plants and animals of other countries quite well and are much worse than those who live next to them. A child’s environmental education must begin with familiarization with natural objects in the immediate environment.

While taking walks and excursions into the forest, we see a picture of the consumer attitude towards nature: scattered garbage, broken trees, destroyed anthills... How to look children in the eyes, how to explain to them what is good and what is bad in relation to nature. When we talk about the rules of behavior in nature, about the importance of preserving nature, but in everyday life children see something completely different.

Nurturing a careful and caring attitude towards living and inanimate nature is possible when children have at least basic knowledge about them and master simple ways to observe nature and see its beauty. On this basis, children’s love for nature and their native land is formed. The ability to see and listen to nature as it really is, acquired in childhood, arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands their knowledge, and contributes to the formation of character and interests. Introducing preschoolers to nature is a means of developing in their minds realistic knowledge about the world around them, based on sensory experience. In kindergarten, children are introduced to nature and the changes that occur in it at different times of the year. On the basis of acquired knowledge, such qualities as the ability to observe, think logically, have an aesthetic attitude towards all living things, and curiosity are formed. One of the definitions of curiosity sounds like “an active interest in the world around us, in phenomena, in people,” and the task of teachers is to develop this “active interest.” However, not everything can be correctly understood by children during independent communication with nature, and the correct attitude towards plants is not always formed. Introducing a child into the world of nature, forming realistic ideas - knowledge about its objects and phenomena, cultivating the ability to see the beauty of native nature, love, a careful and caring attitude towards it - are the most important tasks of a preschool institution. Communication with nature, knowledge of its secrets ennobles a person, makes him more sensitive.

Therefore, in our time, when a child communicates very little with nature, and his free time is increasingly occupied by the computer, television and other achievements of technological progress, it is very important to help the child see the uniqueness, integrity of nature, teach him to love it, respect it, and create a desire to communicate with it.

The more we learn about the nature of our Motherland, the more we begin to love it.


Today in Russia there is a problem of poisoning with berries and mushrooms. We can often hear that in some locality several people were poisoned. It's really scary. There are three main reasons why people lose their health and even die after trying berries or mushrooms. The main reason is the lack of awareness among the population about poisonous berries and mushrooms, and about twin mushrooms. And recently, even edible mushrooms have become deadly due to poor ecology. The second reason is partly a product of the first: according to statistics from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the majority of deaths from mushroom poisoning are among the urban population. In villages, people have a better understanding of forest delicacies. And they are collected in environmentally friendly places. City people have lost contact with nature, this harmony has been lost... We must know as much as possible about this in order to once again protect ourselves from harm. As they say: “Once you are forewarned, you are forearmed.”

How to build your work based on this problem? Popular wisdom says: “To love is to know.” It is necessary to teach children to love the nature of their native land, its past and future. Probably the problem is that adults set an example for children, therefore, it is necessary not only to work with children, but also with adults. Make sure that adults, through children, understand their mistakes and try to change their attitude towards nature and behavior towards it.

How to make sure that both adults are calm and children are safe?

This is facilitated by systematic preventive work with children in a playful form acceptable to them, which is closely intertwined with the cognitive process.

Thus, the safety formula for children reads:

We must see, foresee, take into account,

If possible, avoid

If necessary, call for help.

Project goals:


creating conditions that reveal the intellectual and creative potential of preschool children focused on environmental education;

developing children’s ideas about mushrooms and berries and safe collection skills.

Forchildren: learn more about the gifts of the forest - mushrooms and berries, the rules of behavior in nature.

Project objectives:


  • Give children the idea that everything in nature is interconnected (for example, the same plant can be poisonous to humans and medicinal for animals; insects harmful to humans can be food for amphibians, etc.).
  • Expand, clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about berries, mushrooms as special plants, about their structure, diversity, their significance and relationships within the natural complex.
  • Introduce rules of behavior in the forest; with the rules of the mushroom picker.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary, introduce them to stories, poems, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, folk signs about mushrooms and berries.
  • Develop the ability to compare, analyze, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, and make generalizations.


  • Develop children's coherent speech.
  • To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of observation, viewing thematic presentations, albums, illustrations, as well as on the material of didactic, vocabulary, outdoor and creative games, creativity, and communication skills.
  • Develop the ability to reflect one’s attitude towards the object being studied in various types of productive creative activity.
  • Use sensory information received earlier, activate memory, thinking operations (comparison, classification, analysis, synthesis.


  • Develop a caring and responsible attitude towards the natural world.
  • Draw attention to the surrounding natural objects, develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and shapes.
  • To cultivate the desire and ability to preserve the natural world around us.

Participants. Children of the older group, group teachers, teacher-defectologist, parents of pupils.

Project development

  1. To pose the question: is it really possible, in the process of purposeful and planned work, to form in preschoolers knowledge about mushrooms and berries, and the rules of behavior in nature.
  2. Select methodological and fiction literature, illustrative material, toys, and attributes for gaming and theatrical activities to familiarize preschoolers with mushrooms and berries.
  3. Select material for productive activities.
  4. Draw up a long-term action plan.


Direct educational activities

Retelling the text “How we went into the forest to pick mushrooms” based on a series of pictures

“One mushroom, two mushrooms and a whole box”

Quiz game "Question to fill." Topic: "The Kingdom of Berries and Mushrooms"

"Jar of Jam for Carlson"


"Mushroom kingdom, berry state"

“How to properly cut mushrooms. Is it possible to uproot it?

“Why are edible mushrooms so popular with people? What kind of mushrooms do forest dwellers love?

“Why are there mushrooms and berries in the forest?”

Conversation-discussion “What can be prepared from mushrooms and berries”


to the children's library.

Watching cartoons

“Luntik. Porcini";

"Masha and the Bear" - "Jam Day"


  • An evening of riddles and guesses

Research activities"Games with a sponge"

Didactic games:

"Collect mushrooms in a basket"

"Find the extra one"

"Find and name the mushroom"

"Say it differently"

"Guess where the mushroom grows"

"Forest Gifts"

"Find out by description"

"Compare mushrooms and berries"

“Whose mushroom?”


Role-playing game “Family – in the forest to pick mushrooms”, “Preparations for the winter”


"Mushroom Pickers"

"Berry - raspberry"

Reading and discussion with children literary works telling about mushrooms and berries:

V. Suteeva “Under the mushroom”

Reading stories by V. Zotov from the book “Forest Mosaic” (“Lingonberry”, “Strawberry”, “Raspberry”, “Amanita”, “Boletus”),

Thematic fairy tale “Mushrooms and Berries”,

Listening to V. Dahl’s video tale “The War of Mushrooms and Berries.”

Learning poems, riddles about mushrooms and berries

Discussion of proverbs and sayings.

Listening to music: Abelyan L. “For mushrooms”,

Learning a song-game with mushrooms.

View presentations

Consideration paintings, illustrations, photographs depicting mushrooms and berries

Mini-exhibition drawings

Working with parents.


Creation children's noise instruments made from waste material.

Exhibition books and audio recordings on the topic.

Drawing together with children on the topic “We’ll go into the forest and find mushrooms and berries.”

Exhibition of crafts “Gifts of the Forest”

Participation in the quiz game “Question to fill.” Topic: "The Kingdom of Berries and Mushrooms"

Resource support for the project:

1. Personnel and social partners:

  • Adults - educators, speech pathologist; music director, parents.
  • society - children's library .

2 . Material base :

  • equipment: computer, projection system, internet,DVDplayer, TV, music center
  • software: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft OfficePublisher, Microsoft Office Point
  • didactic games;
  • reproductions of paintings, images and models of mushrooms and berries;

3. Internet resources .

Stagesproject implementation

Stage name



Defining the problem of a child's goal, introducing children to project activities through discussions and reflections.

Diagnosing children in order to identify the level of knowledge and ideas about the gifts of the forest - mushrooms and berries.

Questioning parents.

Preparing adults for project activities: selection of literature, illustrative material, production of attributes and aids for gaming activities, preparation of materials for children’s productive activities.


Distribution of roles, determination of types of work on the project, children's tasks within the framework of project activities.

Replenishment of the development environment


Implementation of all types of work on the project.


Final diagnosis of children

Repeated survey of parents

Project presentation:

Exhibition of children's works

Quiz game "Question to fill."

Topic: "The Kingdom of Berries and Mushrooms"

Expected project results

Short term :

The goal will be achieved: children will gain new knowledge;

The interest and activity of parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten will increase;

The card index of didactic games and manuals will be replenished with illustrative material and a music library;

New printed products will be created;

The professional level of the teacher will increase in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in their work;

Having gained an understanding of the variety of mushrooms and berries, the rules of collection and behavior in nature, children will consciously set a new cognitive task.

Long-term :

Getting to know the diversity of the natural world around a child will help in socialization, in cultivating the desire and ability to preserve the natural world around them;

It will be possible to implement this project when working with new children;

The teacher will need to develop and implement new projects in working with children;

There will be an opportunity to present this project in professional pedagogical competitions

Efficiency of project implementation.

During the implementation of the project, certain results were achieved. Before the start and at the end of the project, a survey of children and a survey of parents was conducted. As a result of the project implementation, positive dynamics in the quality of knowledge among students and their parents was noted.

During the project implementation the following were achieved results:

1. The children learned a lot of interesting things about mushrooms and berries, their structure, rules for collecting and behavior in nature and came to the conclusion:

You need to know as much as possible about this in order to once again protect yourself from trouble.It is important to take care of nature, because this is the home for its inhabitants.

One of the types of pedagogical recording of work results was recording children's discoveries.

2. Parents of students gladly took part in all the proposed activities:

Drawing with children on the topic: “We’ll go into the forest - we’ll find mushrooms and berries”;

Exhibition of crafts;

Attending a quiz game;

Reading the literature he suggested and searching for new ones.

3. The following were created:

New manuals for didactic games;

Album “The Kingdom of Berries and Mushrooms”;

A selection of poems, riddles, finger exercises, proverbs, and sayings about mushrooms and berries has been created.

4. The project participants came to the conclusion that the project method is a very interesting and productive type of teaching activity. An idea appeared for the development and implementation of a new pedagogical project “Why do the leaves turn yellow”

Risk assessment and measures planned to minimize the impact of such risk factors


Insufficient competence of teachers in mastering new forms of work.

Increasing study load.

Reluctance of parents to participate in activities.

Ways to minimize risks:

Improving the qualifications of teaching staff through consulting work. Assistance to teachers by creating a methodological service on the basis of a preschool institution.

Optimizing the number of classes and bringing it to SanPiN standards

Conducting events in a fun way.

Further development of the project

Present this project in professional pedagogical competitions.

Use this project with other children.


I.P. Pavlenko, N.G. Rodyushkina “Development of speech and familiarization with the environment”, Moscow, 2005.

E.A. Alyabyev “Final days on lexical topics”, Moscow, 2006.

I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten. Senior group", Moscow, 2007

Shorygina T. A. “Mushrooms. What are they?”, GNOM and D, 2010

Shorygina T. A. “Berries. What are they?”, GNOM and D, 2012

Encyclopedia “I explore the world”

Belaya K. Yu., Zimonina V. N., How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. /Lesson notes on the basics of safety for preschool children - Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2006.

Polynova V.K. Dmitrenko Z.S. Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children / Work planning. Conversations. Games. - St. Petersburg Childhood - Press, 2010.

Internet resources:

“Country of Masters”

"" http

Children's portal "Sun"



Open class"

Methodological development of the project

“We won’t put such a fungus in a box”
The current stage of development of the education system is characterized by the search and development of new technologies for teaching and raising children. In this case, the activity-based approach to the child’s personality is used as a priority. One of the types of children's activities used in the process of raising and comprehensive development of children is experimentation.

Children are by nature explorers, discovering the world around them with joy and surprise. They are interested in everything. This is explained by the fact that they are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age-related characteristics.

When conducting direct educational activities to introduce children to nature, I introduced them to the diversity of the world of mushrooms. The children learned that mushrooms are very diverse in their appearance, structural features and vital functions. After hearing the riddle: “We won’t put such a fungus in the box,” the children began to list poisonous mushrooms. I drew the children’s attention to the fact that there are mushrooms on Earth that do not have the usual cap and stem for us. They are so small that they are difficult to see without a magnifying glass or microscope. Mold on jam or bread is also mushrooms. The guys took an active part in the discussion of this type of mushroom. Based on personal experience, they are familiar with mold, which for some lives in the corners of the room, for others it forms on the peel of an orange, but most of all mold forms on bread, and this can lead to poisoning of the body. In order not to be poisoned by spoiled bread, my children and I decided to learn more about mold and grow it on bread. And this will be facilitated by the implementation of the Mysterious Mold research project.
Objective of the project:
creating conditions for the growth of a fungus called bread mold.
 introduce children to the appearance of bread mold, talk about its properties and harm to humans, cultivate a careful attitude towards bread, and a conscious attitude towards the quality of food;  learn to grow bread mold in a mini-laboratory and evaluate the role of molds in human life.  Develop cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things.
 Interact with parents of students through the implementation of a research project.
Our research hypothesis:

We hypothesized that the development of bread mold is affected by air temperature and ambient humidity. If we identify the conditions for the development of mold fungi, their impact on the human body, through our own activities, then we will be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the effects of harmful mold. We can also give advice to our friends and relatives on how to properly store bread to protect it from mold fungi.
Expected results:
 The mini-laboratory will be replenished with research objects;  A number of studies will be conducted on the cultivation of bread mold;  A targeted excursion to the library was organized on the topic “Mold – is it harmful or beneficial”;  Development of cognitive activity, creative self-expression, and communication skills in children;  Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project (about 60%);  An exhibition of albums “What is mold?”, “Mold is friend or foe” was organized, where parents will take an active part;
Evaluation of results
The effectiveness of the project will be assessed by the teaching council and parents. As a kind of report as part of the work on the project, a presentation of the project will be carried out in the form of a multimedia presentation “Mysterious Mold”.
Project participants:
Preparatory group teacher, preparatory group children and their parents, librarian, senior teacher.
Direction of work:
Methods and techniques:

 Communicative (communication situations, role-playing games);  Visual (showing drawings, photographs, viewing slides);  Practical (research, observation of the teacher and children, work of parents and children).
Materials needed to implement the project

Stage I - preparatory




1. Consultation “Project activities in a preschool educational institution” Discussion of the goals and objectives of the project, generating interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project Project manager Senior teacher Parents November 2014 2. Searching for information on the Internet, in educational literature on the topic of the project Creating conditions for the implementation of the project Senior teacher Project manager November 2014 3. Selection of visual and didactic material Creation of conditions for the implementation of the project Project Manager November 2014 Equipment Software Camera, computer, printer, digital camera, multimedia equipment, DVD player, scanner, TV 1. Encyclopedia for children. Biology - M. Avanta, 1994. 2.Preschool pedagogy, No. 5 (100), May, 2014. 3. Children's experimentation 4. A.A. Pleshakov, A.A. Rumyantsev A giant in a clearing, or the first lessons of environmental ethics. Moscow. year 2012. 5. Familiarization with the surrounding world. Experimentation. E.V. Marudova, 2010.
“Fungi” 4. Questionnaire for parents “Use of bread in the family” Formation of knowledge about certain conditions for storing bread Project manager November 2014 5. Making by parents Albums “Mold - what is it?”, “Mold”, “Is mold friend or foe?” Involve parents in cooperation with the kindergarten Project Manager November 2014 6. Create an observation diary. Teach children to independently record the results of the study, make sketches and photographs. Project Manager November 2014
Stage II - Research
1. GCD Priority educational area “Cognitive development”, child and the natural world, topic “What types of mushrooms are there?” Formation of ideas about mushrooms Project Manager November 2014 2. Cognitive and research activities viewing the presentation “What is mold?” Development of cognitive activity, desire to learn what mold is. Project Manager November 2014 3. Communication situation “Conditions for the appearance and development of mold” Help children understand where mold comes from and what it is like. Project Manager November 2014 4. Research Help children learn, Leader
This activity on growing bread mold and keeping an “Observation Diary”, if the bread is placed in certain conditions, then mold can grow on the bread, accustoming children to long-term observations. project Pupils November 2014 5. NOD OO “Cognitive Development” with viewing of the presentation “Good and Bad Mold” Give children an idea of ​​the role of molds in nature and for human life. Project Manager November 2014 6. Targeted excursion to the library named after. S.Mosiyasha Expand the understanding of mold, its harm and benefits.” Librarian November 2014 7. Role-playing game “Laboratory” Introduce children to the profession of a scientist, explain that scientists usually conduct experiments in the laboratory, record the results of observations in the form of albums, drawings, photographs. Teacher November 2014
Stage III - Generalizing
1. Presentation of the project in the form of a multimedia presentation “Mysterious mold” Summarize children’s knowledge about invisible fungus-mold Project leader November 2014 2. Processing and design of project material for the preschool educational institution website Summarize the project activities Project Manager November 2014
Project implementation schedule

Form of organization of children Name Tasks Duration Participants Responsible NOD priority area “Cognitive development”, child and the natural world. Topic “What types of mushrooms are there?” Formation of ideas about mushrooms 10.11. 2014 Project manager Educator Cognitive and research activities viewing presentation Presentation “What is mold?” Development of research activities “Mold” through experimental and play activities 12.11. 2014 Children 6-7 years old Project manager Communication situation “Conditions for the appearance and development of mold” Give children an idea of ​​the conditions for the appearance and development of mold 11.13. 2014 Children 6-7 years old Educator Research activities, keeping an “Observation Diary” A series of studies on the growth of bread mold To help children find out that if bread is placed in certain conditions, then mold can grow on the bread, to accustom children to long-term observations. 13.11. 2014 - 25.11. 2014 Children 6-7 years old Project manager NOD NGO “Cognitive Development” Presentation “Good and bad mold” To give children an idea of ​​the role of molds in nature and for human life. 18.11. 2014 Children 6-7 years old Teacher
Targeted excursion to the library named after. S.Mosiyasha. “Mold - harm or benefit” Expand your understanding of mold, its harm and benefits.” 20.11. 2014 Children 6-7 years old Librarian Role-playing game “Laboratory” Introduce children to the profession of a scientist, explain that scientists usually conduct experiments in the laboratory, record the results of observations in the form of albums, drawings, photographs. Within a month Children 6-7 years old Teacher Presentation of the project in the form of a multimedia presentation “Mysterious mold” Summarize children’s knowledge about the invisible mold fungus 11.27. 2014 Children 6-7 years old Teacher Processing and design of project material for the preschool educational institution website Summarize the project activities 11.28. 2014 Children 6-7 years old Parents Teacher
As a result of the project:
 A subject-specific development environment has been created for the development of research activities;  A number of studies have been conducted on the cultivation of bread mold;  A targeted excursion to the library was organized on the topic “Mold – is it harmful or beneficial”;  70% of children in the preparatory group have developed an interest in research activities, increased cognitive activity, creative self-expression, and the children’s vocabulary has been expanded.  60% of parents took an active part in the implementation of the project. They showed creativity, showed their erudition in the field in
microbiology (this is a science that deals with microorganisms) and created the albums “Mold - what is it”, “Mold is friend or foe”, “How a mushroom became a medicine”.

preparatory group children and

project manager Baum M.V.
We have conducted a number of studies on the cultivation of bread mold. Purpose of the study: to find out the timing of mold germination depending on the types of bread and the conditions for their germination.
Progress of the study: Children know that bread can spoil - tiny organisms (molds) begin to grow on it. We draw up an algorithm for the experiment, place different types of bakery products in different conditions: a) in a warm, dark place, in a plastic bag, add a drop of water without the bag; b) in a cool place (on the windowsill) in a bag (add a drop of water) and without a bag; c) in a warm, dry place, d) outside on the windowsill (freeze at temperatures from -10 to - 30 degrees). We carry out observations for 10 days, examine the results through a magnifying glass, sketch and photograph. Materials: plastic bag, slices of bread, pipette, magnifying glass.

We carry out the research with a roll of bread. Place the roll in a warm place,

dark place in a plastic bag (spray with water) and without

In the dark warm

On the 3rd day - in a bag, it remained soft, the smell did not change. Without the package, it hardened, but remained soft inside. On the 7th day, mold appeared in places in the bag. Without a package - hard. On the 10th day, greenish and bluish mold appeared along the edges of the roll, villi grew, and the roll began to smell like a mushroom.

2. We conduct the study with premium wheat bread.

We place it in a plastic bag (without spraying with water) and without

package in a dark, warm place and in the cold, on the windowsill (if

temperature from -10-30 degrees).

In the dark warm

On the third day, the bread in the bag is soft and smells delicious. Without a bag - it hardened, dried out on the outside, but remained soft on the inside. On the 7th day - unchanged in the bag, dried up without the bag. On the 10th day, mold appeared - 2mm, a bad smell appeared. In the cold, the bread froze. On days 3, 7, and 10 the bread did not spoil.

We conduct the study with a bun. Place it in a warm, dark place

place in a plastic bag (spray with water) and without a bag.

In the dark warm

On the 3rd day in the bag, the softness remained, the smell did not change. Without the bag, the bun is soft, the smell has not changed. On the 7th day, mold grew 1 cm in size. Without the bag, it was almost dry. On the 10th day, white, black, greenish mold with villi (fluffs similar to feathers) appeared and grew, became 3.5 cm, smells like a mushroom. Without a package, the bun is dry, there is a smell
did not change.

We conduct the study with black bread. We place it in

cool place on the windowsill.

Cool place.
On the 3rd day in the bag - soft, odorless. Without the bag it dried out a lot, the smell did not change. On the 7th day, bluish mold appeared, 5 cm in size, and the smell changed. Started to smell like mushroom. On the 10th day - Almost completely covered with mold measuring 8 cm, the smell changed.

We conduct the study with a loaf. Place it in a cool place

place on the windowsill.

Cool place.
On the 3rd day in the bag it is soft, the smell has not changed. Without the bag, the loaf is dry on the outside, but soft on the inside, and the smell has not changed. On the 7th day, bluish mold appeared in places, 5 cm in size, and the smell changed. On the 10th day, it was completely covered with mold measuring 7cm. Started to smell like mushroom.

We conduct the study with a bread flatbread. Place it in a warm place

dry place in a plastic bag (spray with water) and without

package (at room temperature).

Warm dry place.
On the 3rd day in the bag there is a soft flatbread with a specific sesame smell. Without the bag, almost everything had hardened. On the 7th day, bluish mold appeared in places throughout the cake, and the smell changed. On the 10th day, it was completely covered with gray-green mold. Started to smell like a mushroom.
Summary of the study:
We have conducted a number of studies on the cultivation of mold fungi on different types of bakery products. The study confirmed that mold quickly appears on food in a humid and warm environment, while cold, on the contrary, prevents the formation of mold. Mold requires moisture and heat to grow. Mold, like all fungi, grows and develops in damp conditions. On black bread, mold begins to grow earlier and develops faster. The result is disastrous: the bread has become moldy and must be thrown away.
We, as researchers, warn:
You should not eat bread or baked goods that have mold on them, even if you first get rid of its visible part.
Our advice:
To prevent bread from molding, it must be stored in a cool, dry place.
“Take bread for dinner in moderation: bread is a treasure, don’t waste it”

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Secondary school No. 15 structural unit "Kindergarten"

Cognitive and research activities in the preparatory group

"How living nature works."

Prepared and carried out

Shivrina. E.V.

teacher of the first qualification category


Goal: to organize children’s accumulated ideas about nature. Bring them to the elementary concept of how the entire nature of the Earth works, expanding and concretizing the knowledge gained.

    Continue to practice drawing up various classifications based on consolidating and clarifying existing ideas about nature.

    Develop memory, thinking, general and fine motor skills.

    To foster activity, initiative, independence, cooperation skills, and respect for nature.

Equipment and materials:

    Laptop, multimedia projector, projection material, ICT application computer presentation “Magic Box” developed using MS Power Point software.

    Event space: group room.

    Whatman paper A-1, glue pencil, scissors, images of plants, animals, various objects.

Preliminary work:

    Solving riddles on the topic “Living - not living”, looking at the encyclopedias “Wildlife on Planet Earth”, “I Want to Know Everything”, “Clever Men and Wise Women”.

    Reading fiction : P. Bazhov “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, V. Gauf “Simbad the Sailor”, K. Paustovsky “Caring Flower”, A. Bianchi “Woodpecker and Robin”.

    Conducting experimental activities.

Progress of the lesson:

Bringing in the “Magic Chest”.

Educator: What’s interesting?

It was the boy Kompik who sent you a riddle. Shall we guess?

I think yes, you are smart. And to help you, I have prepared a hint. Let's remember what nature exists

Slide No. 1.

Children: Living and non-living.

Educator: Well done, now let’s play the game “YES and NO”

Slide number 2.

Children: It's alive.

Educator: Yes, it's alive

Slide number 3.

Children: Trees, flowers, mushrooms, grass.

Educator: Yes, this is a flower. Guys, let's talk about flowers. Remember what flowers are there?

Slide number 4.

Children: Garden, field, indoor.

Educator: Yes, this is a houseplant. Guys, there is a houseplant hidden in the “Magic Chest”. A flower that grows in our group. Try to guess what kind of flower this is? What flowers grow in our group? Name it.

Children: Violet, Rose, Impatiens (Vanka Mokry), Clivia, Spothyphylium, Crassula arborescens.

Educator: Let's check whether you guessed right or not. Guys, if the flower has disappeared. This means the answer is incorrect.

Children: Crassula arborescens

Educator: No

Children: Clivia.

Educator: No.

Children: Spothyphylium.

Educator: No.

Children: Rose. Educator: No.

Children: Violet.

Educator: No.

Children: Balsam (Vanka Mokry).

Educator: Well done, you guessed right. Guys, let's remember why plants are considered living things?

Children: Plants are considered living because they grow, eat, breathe, move, reproduce, and die.

Educator: Guys, what conditions are necessary so that the plant does not die.

Children: So that the plant does not die, it needs warmth, food, light. C lead No. 8,9,10.

Educator: How did we find out about this?

Children: We conducted experiments with the Vanka wet flower.

Slide No. 11. Experimental activities. We need light.

Slide No. 12. Experimental activities. Need warmth.

Slide No. 13. Experimental activities. Need food.

Educator: You guys are great. Let’s do a triz “Living is not living” and show and tell the guys from other groups what nature is like on our Earth.

Irina Efremova

Summary of cognitive and research activities in the senior group compensatory focus on the topic « Mushrooms. Mold is harmful and beneficial» .

Target: find out the conditions of emergence and development mushrooms.


Correctional educational:

- introduce a variety of mushrooms - mold,

Secure the building mushrooms and introduce with growing conditions mushrooms,

Explain with an example the difference between harmful and beneficial mold.

Correctional and developmental:

Create search engine prerequisites activities, intellectual initiative;

Develop the ability to put forward hypotheses and independently formulate conclusions,

Development of communication skills.

Correctional and educational:

Foster a caring attitude towards living nature,

Develop the ability to work in a team.


Magnifying glass, 2 cans of milk, 3 pieces of bread, cheese moldy, cheese with mold, cream cheese, packaged cottage cheese, grocery bags, toothpicks, saucers, ICT monitor and screen.

Preliminary work:

Growing mold on cheese, conversation with children about mushrooms and their structure(hat, leg, mycelium) .

Move educational and research activities:

Guys, are you already familiar with edible and inedible mushrooms.

Name the edible ones mushrooms.

(Children's answers)

Name the inedible ones mushrooms.

(Children's answers).

And now I invite you to the table.

The teacher invites the children to sit at a table on which food is displayed (milk in two transparent jars, a plate of cheese with mold, plate with mold cheese, a plate with cream cheese, cottage cheese in a transparent package, 3 pieces of rye bread). Guys, what do you think, is there something on this table? mushrooms?

(Children's answers)

It turns out that among mushrooms have mold, which renders products unusable. Certain species mold diluted to add flavor to foods. like this mold is called food mold. It can be different colors: blue, green, light blue, white.

Look at the table, examine the cheese, arm yourself with a magnifying glass and tell me which cheese is fresh, which moldy, and which one with mold.

(Children look at cheeses, make assumptions, try cheeses, except mold)

- Guys, what do you think?: if you cut off the crust mold cheese, will it be possible to eat it?

(Children's answers)

- Mold spreads through the air in the form of microscopic particles. When it hits a damp surface, it sprouts in tiny threads. Mold capable of releasing substances that can cause harm the body of people and animals. This means eating cheese moldy, even if you cut off the crust, you can’t! This cheese is poisonous. The same happens with others moldy food(show photos on screen)

Anyone who wants can try fresh cheese and cheese with mold. moldy We won't touch the cheese! (Those who want to eat and try)

Guys, the next experiment will help us find out how mold. Want to know what this experiment is?

(Children's answers)

Look at what other products are on the table.

Let's take 1 jar of milk and place it in a warm place (where, for example? Children's answers, place 1 piece of rye bread in a warm place in a bag, put the cheese from which the crust was removed in a warm place in a bag, forget about a piece of fresh cheese also place in a bag in a warm place, like cottage cheese in a package.

Place the second jar of milk and the second piece of bread in a cold place (where, for example) (Children's answers)

Leave the third piece of bread on the table.

We'll look at these products in a few days.

So guys, what kind of you learned about mushrooms today?

(Children's answers)

Is it possible to eat cheese with mold?

You can eat mold cheese? Other moldy food?


Right. Next time we'll find out how it appears mold on food.

Thank you for your attention!

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