The mysterious wife of Yuri Dudya. How Yuri Dud created one of the most powerful personal brands in media

There is a very interesting channel on YouTube with interviews conducted by Yuri Dud. With enviable regularity, his episodes become trends, and in many ways this happens because the presenter does not hesitate to ask all sorts of uncomfortable and pressing questions, and raises topics that are usually passed over in silence on television.

We have collected several issues, the heroes of which were actors and directors of Russian cinema.

Warning: Contains obscene language.

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Alexander Rodnyansky

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Alexander Pal

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Yuri Aleksandrovich Dud is a video blogger, journalist, former editor-in-chief of the sports website His popularity was brought to him by his activities on YouTube in connection with the “vDud” channel that sharply gained popularity. Thanks to Yuri’s charisma and good preparation, the seemingly banal format of the interview kept the viewer in suspense until last minute every issue.

Early years and education

October 11, 1986 is the date of birth of Yuri Alexandrovich Dud. His place of birth was Potsdam, a German city of what was then the German Democratic Republic. He has Russian citizenship, but is Ukrainian by origin. This is how Yuri Dud speaks about it: “I am a purebred Ukrainian, but I do not eat lard or mayonnaise salads. I’ve been living in Russia since I was four years old, I feel like a Russian person and I’m not going to change either my place of residence or my citizenship.”

From an early age he suffered from bronchial asthma, which is why he was subsequently unable to fully play football. Since his family was not rich, from an early age Yuri wrote notes for various publications (including the Youth Newspaper). In high school, he worked for the newspaper Izvestia.

In 2008, he received a diploma from the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow state university. By the time of graduation, he had already gained experience as a journalist in the Segodnya publication, on the NTV channel and City-FM radio.


In 2004, 18-year-old Yuri Dud worked as a correspondent for the summer Olympic Games in Athens. Three years later, the young journalist got a job at the monthly PROSport magazine, a well-known glossy magazine on sports topics.

From 2011 to 2013, Yuri hosted the football television show “Header” on the Russia 2 channel. The show was recognized as “the most daring and stylish sports program of the 2010s,” largely thanks to the cynical Yuri (although many viewers still considered his cynicism feigned). Despite the success of the program, in 2013 the channel’s management decided to close it. Dud attributed this to the fact that the channel stopped broadcasting major football tournaments.

In 2011, in parallel with his work on the Headbutt show, Yuri Dud was appointed editor-in-chief of the Internet portal At that time he was 24 years old.

On January 2, 2014, Yuri Dud registered on YouTube and named his channel with the laconic name “vDud”. However, the first video was published only in February 2017 (release with Basta). The very first video with the memorable jingle “Yuri will be Dud” gained 100 thousand views in a day, and the channel itself became a millionaire in record time.

Yuri Dud: interview with Basta

In 2015, the young man became the host of the “Cult Tour” program on the Match TV sports channel. The coach of the Russian national team Leonid Slutsky, football players Fedor Smolov and Vasily Berezutsky and an ardent football fan Mikhail Boyarsky managed to visit his studio.

In 2016, Yuri, together with football player Evgeny Savin (co-host of the “Cult Tour” show), became the laureate of the “Person of the Year” award in the “Face from TV” category according to GQ magazine. At the beginning of 2017, the project was closed due to the departure of the sponsor.

Personal life and hobbies

He carefully hides the details of his personal life, but it is known that Yuri is married and has two children.

He prefers to use the metro and does not understand people who move around Moscow by car, endlessly getting stuck in traffic jams.

Loves ska-punk. Goldfinger, Ska-P – favorites music bands.

Yuri Dud in Vasya Oblomov's video

He played the role of himself in Vasya Oblomov’s video for the track “Carry Bullshit.”

Yuri Dud now

At the moment, Yuri Dud is hosting his own show called “vDud”. the main objective The project, he said, is improving interviewing skills on non-sports topics. For a long time he combined this activity with the post of editor-in-chief of, but in the fall of 2018 he left the publication’s team.

Participants of the show "vDud" in different time there were such famous personalities, like Basta, Scriptonite, Sergey Shnurov, blogger

PEOPLETALK presents a new section! Every week we will tell you about interesting characters that are being discussed and that you need to know in order to be in the know. The column is opened by a sports journalist (30), presenter "Cult Tours" on "Match TV" and creator of a popular channel "Wood" on YouTube. If you haven't heard anything yet about his joint show with Sergei Shnurov(43) or a frank interview with Bastoy(36), read quickly!

Why are they discussing it now?

February 7, 2017 Yura posted the first video on my channel "Wood" on YouTube. The debut video was an interview with Bastoy– managed to discuss growing hemp, salary Basty in a year, Stalin, Putin(64) and more. Following Bastoy have already been to the show L'One (31), , Alexander Timartsev(aka Restaurateur) (28), (30). The videos consistently receive more than a million views.

How did you start?

Born October 11, 1986 on Ukraine, in 1993 he and his parents moved to Moscow. According to many viewers, he is now one of the best interviewers in the country. From the age of 11 he wrote short notes for "Youth newspaper", at 13 he asked for an internship at a newspaper "Today", and already in 2001 he became an intern at the newspaper "News". At 16 years old, when Yura entered the first year of the Faculty of Journalism Moscow State University, he was hired "Izvestia".

Career as a sports journalist

After "Izvestia" Dud tried my hand at "NTV-Plus", but his television career young man didn’t go (he remained a commentator under the contract), and Dud went to the site At the age of 24 he became editor-in-chief. For more than six years Yuri heads the site.

“Cult Tour” program on the Match TV channel

"Cult of Tour"– a review program dedicated to domestic football: a half-hour format for discussing the most interesting things of the weekend. In the first season, co-host Jura was Sergei Shnurov. In the second Sergei The tour began, and the program was based on celebrity guests.

We managed to attend the show Mikhail Boyarsky (67), Leonid Slutsky (45), Vasily Berezutsky (34), Fedor Smolov(27) and many others. Two successful seasons were aired, but in 2017 it was decided to close the program.

“Headbutt” on the program “Russia 2”

Who is Yuri Dud

Yuri Alexandrovich Dud . Date of birth: October 11, 1986. Dud was born in the city of Potsdam, a German city of the then German Democratic Republic. Ukrainian by origin. Has Russian citizenship. In 1990 he moved with his family to Russia.

This is how Yuri Dud speaks about his origin: “I am a purebred Ukrainian, but I do not eat lard or mayonnaise salads. I’ve been living in Russia since I was four years old, I feel like a Russian person and I’m not going to change either my place of residence or my citizenship.”

In his youth, Yura loved to play FIFA 98 and Warcraft.

Yura became interested in football as a child and was seriously focused on a career as an athlete. When playing football, Yura liked most of all being a goalkeeper. But the dreams were not destined to come true. Dudya developed bronchial asthma. Despite his illness, Yuri did not stop being interested in football and sports theme generally.

From an early age, Yuri showed an interest in writing. At the age of 11, he wrote short articles for the Youth Newspaper. At the age of 13, he interned at the Segodnya newspaper. At the age of 14 he worked as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper Izvestia, and at the age of 16 he became a full-time employee.

At the age of 17 (2004), Yura managed to work as a correspondent at the Summer Olympic Games in Athens.

At the age of 19, Yura went to the Olympics in Turin (2006).

In 2007, he worked for the PROSport magazine.

Studied at the Faculty of Journalism. In 2008 received higher education at the country's main university, Moscow State University.

Yuri believes that the education of a journalist in Russia is a pure formality. The essence of journalism in Russia is teaching the humanities, which are completely unnecessary. The only thing that can be useful (if the student is diligent) is a foreign language.

Yuri's view of journalism in Russia is quite strict - everything is in complete ruins. Nowadays, working as a journalist is like being under pressure. You can’t say anything wrong, because the media sphere is controlled. Because of this, the very meaning for which Yuri went to study and work as a journalist disappears. Dud believes that the only way out of the situation is economic growth of the country.

Believes that an interviewer should be like a service staff: “A cool interviewer is like a cool waiter. That person whom you don’t notice at all. You don’t notice him, but at the same time he does everything on time.”

In 2011, he became editor-in-chief of the publication, while working on the Headbutt show. At that time he was 24 years old.

On the Russia-2 channel from 2011 to 2013, he hosted the program “Head Blow,” a talk show about football, where they discussed the successes and failures of players on the field. For this program in 2016, Yuri Dud received the GQ “Person of the Year” award in the “TV Face” category.

In 2011, he worked as a special correspondent and commentator in the sports editorial office of NTV-Plus and as the host of a morning show on Radio City FM.
He also hosted the program “Cult of the Tour” on the Match TV channel. The Cult Tour project was closed in February 2017.

“Cult of the Tour” is a review program dedicated to domestic football, where the presenters, together with the guests, discussed the most interesting things that happened over the weekend. In the first season, Yuri Dud's co-host was Sergei Shnurov. In the second season, Shnur left due to difficulties in the Leningrad group, and the program began to be built on star guests.

. Later, Yuri on his YouTube channel #vDud.

The program "Cult Tour" was closed due to the departure of the sponsor. The project’s indicators did not please Yuri himself, since they were low in relation to his ambitions. And he considers this his personal failure.

Facts about Duda

  • Dud enjoys weekdays exclusively the metro for moving around Moscow, as this method saves time and allows you to avoid tedious traffic jams;
  • He is proud of the team of the website, the work carried out during his management, the integrity and excellent articles of his employees. People working with Dud are constantly trying to change for the development of all and one of the motivators is the newspaper “On Sports”, published in the 90s;
  • Wants to interview Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin;
  • The most difficult interview that Dud took was with Roman Pavlyuchenko in 2017 after the Russia-England match in Luzhniki;
  • I first visited St. Petersburg at the age of 17;
  • Dudya's favorite musical groups: Cockroaches, Last Tanks In Paris, Pink;
  • There has never been a female guest in the “vDud” program (“For me, men and women are not different at all in terms of interest in personality. I don’t focus on this.”), Yuri answered the question: why were there no girls visiting Dud? );
  • The first one who came to the channel in Dud was Basta;
  • 5 most important music videos for Dudya:
    • Sum 41 - The Hell Song;
    • Pink - U + U Hand;
    • Cockroaches - Ghetto Borders;
    • Leningrad - I am free (Invasion-2005);
    • ATL - For Rus'.
  • On Yuri Dud - Gnoyny recorded a diss track with the title "Well, You're Dud." In an interview with him, Dud asked: “Why is the diss that you wrote about me so bad?”

Yuri Dud's plans

In one of his interviews, Yuri Dud shared his plans for the future. He said that he would like to visit Sziget.
Sziget is a music, art and culture festival that takes place annually on the island of Óbuda, Hungary.
He realized this dream in 2016. In 2017 again.
Yuri said about Sziget: “For the second year in a row I went to Sziget - obviously the most colorful, diverse and convenient festival in Europe.”
He would also like to attend Coachella to compare it with European festivals and see which is better.
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (Coachella Fest) is a six-day music festival (since 2012, held in two three-day stages a week apart) held in Indio, California.

In addition to festivals and concerts, Yuri would like to visit Kamchatka and try this type of entertainment as freeride.
Freeride is skiing or snowboarding on unprepared slopes (untouched snow).
Regarding global plans, Yuri would like to work hard, have a stable income, which would make it possible in the future to devote more time to his growing children.

Personal life

Yuri Dud wife and children

Dud tries not to disclose details of his personal life.
It is known that Yuri is married and has two children (a boy and a girl).

Dudya's wife. Photo

What does Dudya's tattoo "Danila" and "Alena" mean?

Yuri has a "Danila" tattoo. After the birth of his son, Dud got a tattoo with his name on right hand. Dud has a “Pank” tattoo on his right forearm.
And on her left hand there is a tattoo with her daughter’s name - “Alena”.

One of the most popular journalists and bloggers on YouTube, author and host of the “vDud” project, Yuri Dud, carefully protects his family from prying eyes. On personal pages social networks the showman posts photographs and posts dedicated to his work, where there is no hint of anything personal.

Mysterious Olga

Vasily Vakulenko decided to bring the popular blogger Dudya to the revelation as part of own YouTube project "GazLive". Yuri became the first guest of the famous Basta, who prepared an unusual surprise for the daring presenter and comedian. During a calm conversation, Vasily decided to switch the topic to his personal life and unexpectedly asked the question: “Why are you hiding your wife?”

It's no secret that at all social events Dud appears in splendid isolation, and all his posts on social networks are dedicated to appetizing forms unknown girls. Only from his tattoos can one guess that in his life there are three relatives with the names Olga, Danila and Alena. They are stamped on the hands of the journalist.

According to tradition, Dud started an old record about how he doesn’t hide anyone, everyone knows his wife Olga. According to the blogger, he does not like to spread melancholy, post pictures of loved ones so that they are discussed by inappropriate users on Instagram.

Vasily continued to correctly ask leading questions to Dud about his wife’s attitude towards his profession, fans, and vulgar posts. To which Yuri succinctly replied: “Olga clever woman, is sympathetic to the costs of my work.” In a family where there is love, there is no place for mistrust, the journalist added.

Unexpected turn

Then Basta asked the guest: “Let’s ask Olga about this personally?” The cheerful blogger’s face instantly changed; he was perplexed for several seconds, unable to understand how his wife could come to the show without his knowledge. Then a girl who looked like Olga came into the studio and asked Dudu a question in a languid voice: “Can I speak? Yura, do you mind?

Dudya’s reaction tore the hall apart, he laughed so loudly and said: “This is really cool! Well done for coming up with such a thing!” The unexpected prank defused the situation in the GazLive studio, but the husband did not want to raise the topic of the mysterious Olga, even though Basta tried to find out more about the other half of the sought-after and talented journalist.

According to some reports, the real name of Dudya’s wife is Olga Boneva. The girl does not lead a public life, or publishes photos exclusively for friends and family, so finding enough information about her is quite difficult.

In their free time from work, Yuri and Olga love to party in Ibiza, where the atmosphere of relaxation and drive reigns. After a night of fun, a married couple basks in the sun and swims in the ocean. When children grow up, modern parents want to take them with them to introduce them to local flavor and culture.

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