The head of RBC, Nikolai Molibog, asked those who revealed the “kitchen” of the new editorial office to resign. Molibog from RBC surrendered under threat of prison

On the day the publisher fired RBC's editorial top staff, the journalists held a farewell party. We chipped in 500 rubles each for wine and sausage. We gathered in the hall for planning meetings. Those who ran the last Friday issue came for a drink and left. Following the dismissal of the editor-in-chief and editors-in-chief Osetinskaya, Solyus and Badanin, about ten more editors of the holding also announced their resignation yesterday. The remaining employees announced that they will continue to work at least until June 30, when new management will be appointed to the merged publication. The policy department said that they would work “until the first note is taken.”

The resignation of Osetinskaya, Badanin and Solyus came as a surprise to the editors. Most employees found out about this on Friday morning. Deputy editor-in-chief of the RBC newspaper Pyotr Mironenko said that “such a denouement could have been expected, but still everyone hoped that it would work out.”

It was these investigations, as well as the coverage of the Ukrainian issue, that greatly irritated officials, primarily employees of the Russian presidential administration, according to interlocutors at RBC and Onexim, as well as in the Russian government. Those involved in investigations often complained about RBC to the administration, primarily to the first deputy head of the presidential administration Vyacheslav Volodin. Molibog, Sauer, Onexim employees and Prokhorov himself received calls from the administration demanding a change in RBC’s editorial policy, interlocutors say.

Sauer acted as an intermediary between shareholders and top managers, on the one hand, and the editorial board, on the other. He told the editors about the dissatisfaction of officials, but never asked to abandon any investigations, RBC employees say: “He was always on our side, we, as journalists, are simply doing our job.”

Sauer became the first victim. On June 22, 2015, RBC published a column by the director of the Center for Research of Industrial Society Vyacheslav Inozemtsev, who found signs of emerging fascism in Russian state system. Demonstrators began to gather at the RBC building with the slogans “Sauer is a NATO agent,” RBC employees recall. The chairman of the LDPR demanded Sauer's resignation Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Sauer resigned as chairman of the board of directors of RBC and became vice president of Onexim, but unofficially continued to work with RBC. He confirmed that he left due to pressure from the authorities. Sauer did not answer calls on Friday and the weekend.

, Rambler-Afisha


Should we wait for the launch of the RBC-TV Kazakhstan channel?

The Russian television channel RBC-TV, part of the RBC media holding, registered RBC-TV Kazakhstan LLP in Kazakhstan in 2015. It was assumed that the new TV channel would cover the most important news of the economy, business and politics. RBC then reported that the RBC-TV Kazakhstan channel could begin broadcasting in the first half of 2016, but the channel was never launched.

A correspondent for the business information center contacted the RBC media holding to find out whether Kazakhstanis should wait for a new TV channel.

Quote of the Day. RBC CEO Nikolay Molibog on the sale of the media holding

The ESN Group confirmed the purchase of a 65% stake in the RBC media holding from Mikhail Prokhorov's ONEXIM group. The transaction amount is not disclosed, writes RBC.

“Today we see RBC’s goal not only to strengthen the holding’s leading position, but also to meet the challenges facing the media and IT industry in the coming era digital economy, - Nikolay Molibog, CEO of the RBC group of companies, commented on the deal. “We are confident that relations with the UST group, built on mutual respect, will allow us to jointly realize these opportunities to the fullest.”

Molibog also commented on the deal on his Facebook page.

The head of RBC Nikolay Molibog asked those who revealed the “kitchen” of the new editorial office to resign

The head of the RBC media holding responded to a conversation between RBC journalists and the new editorial management that was open to everyone. The new co-heads of the joint editorial office of RBC, Igor Trosnikov and Elizaveta Golikova, met with the editorial office on July 7. The editors tried to explain how they were going to balance maintaining journalistic standards with the need to avoid direct confrontation with the country's leadership. The next day, Meduza published a transcript of an audio recording of a meeting between the new management of RBC and the old team.

A rally of the National Liberation Movement against propaganda in the media is taking place near the RBC building
RBC 05/28/2014, Moscow 14:02:29 The National Liberation Movement (NLM) is holding a coordinated costumed rally near the RBC holding building. Activists accuse company employees of “pro-Western propaganda.” About 20 people gathered at the rally. Law enforcement officers are monitoring the situation.
link: 20140528140229.shtml

Nikolay Molibog: Rambler is a portal built around media

One of the legends of Runet, Rambler, presented a new main page and updated services. General Director of Afisha and Rambler Media Nikolai Molibog told the host of the program Pavel Kushelev why the new Rambler took so long to make and why the updated portal is unique.

Rambler has decided on a new CEO

On July 28, Nikolai Molibog, currently the head of the Afisha company, will be officially announced as the CEO of the Rambler Media group of companies. Rambler, controlled by the ProfMedia media holding, plans to distribute a press release with a statement on this matter at 14.00 Moscow time. The current director of Rambler, Olga Turishcheva, will leave the company.
link: 1477536

“Our plans are to adapt the business models of the Begun and companies to the realities of today’s market and build a large, growing business,” says Nikolai Molibog, head of the combined company Afisha and Rambler.
link: 2012/10/15/4812665.shtml

We are adventurers

With the presentation of the new main page, Rambler “completes the first stage of its renovation,” which began in the summer of 2011, when the new corporate identity of the portal was presented. Over the past year and a half, Rambler has relaunched old services - search, news, mail and maps, launched new service Rambler-Kassa and personalization technology. spoke with the leaders of the merged company Afisha-Rambler - General Director Nikolai Molibog and Product Director Dmitry Stepanov - and found out that they consider themselves (and at the same time most of their employees) adventurers. Molibog and Stepanov explained how personalized Rambler differs from Facebook, what experience in foreign e-commerce was useful to them, and why Rambler needs its own editorial team.

Molibog spoke about the intermediate finish of the battle for the quality of Rambler services

The general director of the united company Rambler and Afisha, Nikolai Molibog, at a press conference dedicated to the launch of the new main page of the portal (tested since the summer of 2012), spoke not only about what was new in Rambler, but also about the process of abandoning old projects. In particular, the hardest story, according to Molibog, for Rambler was the abandonment of search, which consumed a lot of resources, required a lot of attention, and it was impossible to rethink search without rethinking Rambler itself.

Rambler bought Begun

“E-commerce in Russia is going through a period rapid development in a variety of segments. We see the dynamics and opportunities of this area in the example of our projects, such as Rambler-Kassa. Following the growth of the industry, the advertising budgets of e-commerce companies are also growing. And although there are already major players in the market of advertising products for e-commerce, it is, in our opinion, premature to say that this pie is finally divided,” says Nikolai Molibog, general director of the joint company Afisha and Rambler.
link: 2012/10/15/begun_rambler/

Rambler and Afisha are merging

Dmitry Stepanov: “Afisha and Rambler will be merged into one company. In this unified company, Nikolay Molibog will become CEO, Katya Kruglova will become executive director, and I will become product director. The merger does not mean the abandonment of any brands - “Afisha” will remain “Afisha”, “Rambler” - “Rambler”, “” - “”, etc. All functions will be unified - development, design , interface design, sales, finance and more. All projects of the company will fit into a single strategy - as in best houses. We have been developing this strategy together over the past few months, and it was recently approved by ProfMedia.
link: village/situation/situation/ 101193-ramblisha

Rambler moves its face

News and recommendations are planned to be compiled both general, relevant for all news, and personalized, that is, specially selected depending on the user’s gender, his place of residence and work, his hobbies and interests. This is how Rambler General Director Nikolai Molibog commented on the innovation: “I call it “ personal media", that is, this is the point where the user can find the most relevant news and articles from everything that the domestic media has produced today."

The general director of Afisha will become the head of Rambler
The head of the publishing house "Afisha" Nikolay Molibog will replace Olga Turishcheva at the post general director Rambler Media holding.

Changes in Rambler: new home page, search engine and other products

Nikolay Molibog, CEO of the merged company Afisha and Rambler, and Dmitry Stepanov, product director of the company, spoke about the changes to Rambler.

Rambler Media and the Afisha company will be united within one structure

The general director of the merged company will be Nikolay Molibog, who previously held the position of general director of Afisha. Olga Turishcheva, who has headed Rambler for the past year and a half, will continue to work in the merged company as a member of the board of directors and will oversee the integration of the companies.

Rafael Akopov, president of ProfMedia: “People play the main role. The merger is part of ProfMedia's strategy to create an integrated digital platform that reflects the growing importance of the Internet in media. The redistribution of advertising budgets from print media in favor of online platforms and the convergence of distribution channels are trends that are changing the face of our industry. Content, brand and scale will become strengths the company being formed."
link: news/archives/009086.html

Rambler is alive! And updated the “home”

According to the general director of the merged company Afisha and Rambler, Nikolai Molibog, the new Rambler is a portal whose key service will be personal media (whatever that means).
link: 2012/12/18

"Begun" is again looking for an investor. Rambler may sell the entire company that sells contextual advertising

The general director of the merged company Afisha/Rambler, Nikolay Molibog, confirmed to Vedomosti that the company is considering the possibility of attracting a co-investor for the new strategy of and Begun. He did not say whether it would be possible to sell the entire project.

Nikolai Petrovich Molibog born on July 16, 1975 in the village of Nadvoitsy, Segezha region, Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1997 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Novosibirsk Technical University of Communications and Informatics.

From 2000 to 2003, he worked as a manager of the network of regional enterprises of CJSC Kommersant Publishing House.

From 2003 to 2004 he worked as deputy managing director of the Gazeta newspaper.

2004-2013: "Afisha" and "Afisha-Rambler"

Since 2004, Nikolai Molibog worked at the Afisha company, where he different time served as director of distribution and regional development, publisher of the magazine "Big City", director of publishing projects, as well as deputy general director of ZAO Afisha Industries. Supervised issues of publishing and distribution.

In September 2009, Nikolay Molibog was appointed general director of the Afisha Publishing House.

In July 2010, Molibog headed the Afisha-Rambler company when the Profmedia media holding merged Rambler Media with the assets of Afisha.

In May 2013, the general director of the Afisha-Rambler company, which previously merged with SUP Media, Nikolai Molibog left his post.

2013: CEO of RBC

On July 10, 2013, the Vedomosti newspaper reported the imminent appointment of Nikolai Molibog as the new general director of the RBC holding. This information was confirmed by an acquaintance of Molibog, as well as a person close to the Onexim group (controlling owner of the holding) Mikhail Prokhorov. According to them, the appointment will be announced in the coming days, and Molibog will start working in mid-August 2013. According to Vedomosti, RBC hired Molibog Derk Sauer, the founder of Sanoma Independent Media (SIM), and now the president of RBC, says one of Vedomosti’s interlocutors. The current CEO of RBC, Sergei Lavrukhin, according to him, may move to the company’s board of directors. And a person close to RBC shareholders adds that Lavrukhin may return to Onexim. Before joining RBC, he was the executive director of Onexim and the general director of the Zhivi! media group. (also included in Onexim). Vedomosti's interlocutor recalls that Lavrukhin was invited as an anti-crisis manager, and his tasks included the search for a new general director. Lavrukhin told Vedomosti that he knew nothing about Molibog’s appointment.

On July 12, 2013, reported that Nikolai Molibog was unable to agree on the terms of the contract with RBC. The initiative to appoint Molibog to the post of general director of RBC, according to, came from RBC vice-president Elena Myasnikova and at the moment could not be translated into a real contract, the source clarifies. According to him, the difficulties in the negotiations are related, among other things, to the fact that RBC is a complex and multi-profile asset, which includes TV, print publications, hosting, and the Internet.

The final decision on the appointment of Molibog to the post of general director of the holding has not been made. A high-ranking source in the RBC holding adds that information in the media about Molibog’s imminent appointment is not true.

In August 2013, RBC reported that Nikolay Molibog had received consent to take the post of first deputy general director of the company.

2014: Correspondence with the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

On March 31, 2015, the hacker group Anonymous International posted an archive containing about 40 thousand SMS messages online. They were allegedly pumped out from mobile phone Timur Prokopenko, who from the fall of 2012 to the winter of 2014 oversaw the Internet in the Administration of the President of Russia (and was then appointed responsible for federal elections). In the archive, the correspondence begins in the summer of 2011 and ends in October 2014. From it you can trace the rise of Prokopenko’s career - from an activist and leader of the pro-Kremlin movement “Young Guard” to an official of the Presidential Administration, to whom, among other things, the heads of the media and Roskomnadzor report.

If you believe the published data, the general director of RBC has met more than once with the first deputy head of the presidential administration, curator domestic policy Vyacheslav Volodin and Timur Prokopenko. The correspondence refers to at least five meetings; RBC editor-in-chief Elizaveta Osetinskaya allegedly attended another meeting instead of Molibog.

Prokopenko tried to adjust RBC's editorial policy. The official asked Konstantin Kostin, a political scientist close to the Kremlin, to “support the event,” and also drew the attention of Molibog to the media holding’s materials dedicated to actions for the “federalization of Siberia” and the “half-empty” column of the Russian “humanitarian convoy.” “Molibog” promised to “be more careful” and proposed to act through news agencies close to the state, which for RBC are a “relevant source.”

In addition, in the fall of 2014, “Prokopenko” received an order from an unknown person to deal with Maxim Solopov’s investigation about Russian soldiers in Ukraine (“RBC distinguished itself today with an article about the military in Ukraine. We need your teachers to talk. In general, they ate fish soup...”). “Prokopenko” turned to “Molibog”: “From Gromov’s apparatus they asked me to draw your attention to this hell.” There is no answer from “Moliboga” in the published data array.

“Prokopenko” and “Molibog” exchange thanks in SMS conversations (“Thank you for helping,” etc.). Despite this, in mid-September 2014, Molibog asked the official to communicate with the editors without pressure: “it’s been difficult with the editors lately, I put too much pressure on them,” “))) They are offended by my sanctions, calling me a strangler of freedom of speech)” .

On the same day, March 31, Nikolai Molibog responded to the publication of the correspondence on his Facebook page:

1. I confirm the fact of correspondence. Yes, I actively communicate and meet with AP officials and many other government representatives. We are very big business in the media industry, and it would be strange if I didn’t do this.
2. Yes, I communicate with the government about our content (but it is not me at RBC who determines what we write and show, but our editors-in-chief). And, moreover, it seems normal to me. Because I sincerely believe that in our country (and in the world) a lot of bad things happen simply because we don’t talk enough and don’t try to listen and hear each other. And because the volume of changes that have occurred with RBC in the last year and a half could not be carried out without explaining what we are doing.
3. I understand that the form of my communication in some places in this correspondence may seem unacceptable for dialogue between the media and the state, for which I apologize. I was not ready that my own space of working dialogues, which should never have become known to anyone, would be made public and would like to refrain from further public discussion of my manner of non-public communication.

2016: Criminal case about the deprivation of Panov and Karesky of shares in one of the RBC companies

On April 29, 2016, the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 25 % of company shares. This is stated in the notice in the criminal case. The resolution to initiate a criminal case states that the value of 25% of BT shares was $13.4 million.

According to Panov, who is familiar with the investigation documents, the circle of people whom law enforcement agencies will check for involvement in the crime also includes RBC CEO Nikolai Molibog.

The Prosecutor General's Office handed over the materials on the case to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as follows from the response supervisory authority Alexander Panov. The Prosecutor General's Office established that from 2009 to September 2014, Panov and Karetsky each owned 12.5% ​​of the shares of BT CJSC, the remaining 75% belonged to the offshore Karuta Investments. RNS has at its disposal a document signed by Molibog, according to which 75% of Byte-Telecom as of September 23, 2014 belonged to RBC through the offshore companies Karuta Investments, Gattico Holding, Halvertson Holdings and Pintolexa Holdings. The director of Karuta was Derk Sauer, Panov specified.

On August 29, 2014, Farida Karimova, allegedly acting as the sole shareholder of BT, signed and submitted for registration to the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Moscow decisions on the reorganization of BT CJSC into InvestProject LLC, the dismissal of BT General Director Igor Selivanov and the appointment of herself as this position, as well as the transfer deed of property from Byte-Telecom CJSC to InvestProject LLC, the document says. Then InvestProject was merged with Drok LLC, registered in the Republic of Tatarstan, “at the place of mass registration legal entities and not carrying out actual activities,” the Prosecutor General’s Office established.

“In this regard, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Art. 37 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the materials of the audit on the facts of fraudulent actions in relation to property belonging to you (Panov. - RNS) and Y. V. Karetsky, as well as the illegal formation (reorganization) of a legal entity, were sent to the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,” the document says.

Panov claims that Karimova liquidated several legal entities that were previously part of RBC.

Nikolai Molibog wrote on his Facebook:

“We haven’t seen any resolution, we don’t know what it says, and we don’t even know if RBC or any of RBC’s employees are mentioned in this resolution.” “We understand that any hint of news about us is now “hot cakes,” but let us see this resolution, understand whether it has anything to do with RBC, and then we will give our comments,” Molibog wrote.

Nikolai Petrovich Molibog born on July 16, 1975 in the village of Nadvoitsy, Segezha region, Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1997 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Novosibirsk Technical University of Communications and Informatics.

From 2000 to 2003, he worked as a manager of the network of regional enterprises of CJSC Kommersant Publishing House.

From 2003 to 2004 he worked as deputy managing director of the Gazeta newspaper.

2004-2013: "Afisha" and "Afisha-Rambler"

Since 2004, Nikolai Molibog worked at the Afisha company, where at various times he held the positions of director of distribution and regional development, publisher of the magazine " Big city", director for publishing projects, as well as deputy general director of Afisha Industries CJSC. Oversaw issues of publishing and distribution.

In September 2009, Nikolay Molibog was appointed general director of the Afisha Publishing House.

In July 2010, Molibog headed the Afisha-Rambler company when the Profmedia media holding merged Rambler Media with the assets of Afisha.

In May 2013, the general director of the Afisha-Rambler company, which previously merged with SUP Media, Nikolai Molibog left his post.

2013: CEO of RBC

On July 10, 2013, the Vedomosti newspaper reported the imminent appointment of Nikolai Molibog as the new general director of the RBC holding. This information was confirmed by an acquaintance of Molibog, as well as a person close to the Onexim group (controlling owner of the holding) Mikhail Prokhorov. According to them, the appointment will be announced in the coming days, and Molibog will start working in mid-August 2013. According to Vedomosti, RBC hired Molibog Derk Sauer, the founder of Sanoma Independent Media (SIM), and now the president of RBC, says one of Vedomosti’s interlocutors. The current CEO of RBC, Sergei Lavrukhin, according to him, may move to the company’s board of directors. And a person close to RBC shareholders adds that Lavrukhin may return to Onexim. Before joining RBC, he was the executive director of Onexim and the general director of the Zhivi! media group. (also included in Onexim). Vedomosti's interlocutor recalls that Lavrukhin was invited as an anti-crisis manager, and his tasks included the search for a new general director. Lavrukhin told Vedomosti that he knew nothing about Molibog’s appointment.

On July 12, 2013, reported that Nikolai Molibog was unable to agree on the terms of the contract with RBC. The initiative to appoint Molibog to the post of general director of RBC, according to, came from RBC vice-president Elena Myasnikova and at the moment could not be translated into a real contract, the source clarifies. According to him, the difficulties in the negotiations are related, among other things, to the fact that RBC is a complex and multi-profile asset, which includes TV, print publications, hosting, and the Internet.

The final decision on the appointment of Molibog to the post of general director of the holding has not been made. A high-ranking source in the RBC holding adds that information in the media about Molibog’s imminent appointment is not true.

In August 2013, RBC reported that Nikolay Molibog had received consent to take the post of first deputy general director of the company.

* 2014: Correspondence with the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

On March 31, 2015, the hacker group Anonymous International posted an archive containing about 40 thousand SMS messages online. They were allegedly downloaded from the mobile phone of Timur Prokopenko, who from the fall of 2012 to the winter of 2014 oversaw the Internet in the Russian Presidential Administration (and was then appointed responsible for federal elections). In the archive, the correspondence begins in the summer of 2011 and ends in October 2014. From it you can trace the rise of Prokopenko’s career - from an activist and leader of the pro-Kremlin Young Guard movement to an official of the Presidential Administration, to whom, among other things, the heads of the media and Roskomnadzor report.

If you believe the published data, the general director of RBC has met more than once with the first deputy head of the presidential administration, curator of domestic policy Vyacheslav Volodin and Timur Prokopenko. The correspondence refers to at least five meetings; RBC editor-in-chief Elizaveta Osetinskaya allegedly attended another meeting instead of Molibog.

Prokopenko tried to adjust RBC's editorial policy. The official asked Konstantin Kostin, a political scientist close to the Kremlin, to “support the event,” and also drew the attention of Molibog to the media holding’s materials dedicated to actions for the “federalization of Siberia” and the “half-empty” column of the Russian “humanitarian convoy.” “Molibog” promised to “be more careful” and proposed to act through news agencies close to the state, which for RBC are a “relevant source.”

In addition, in the fall of 2014, “Prokopenko” received an order from an unknown person to deal with Maxim Solopov’s investigation about Russian soldiers in Ukraine (“RBC distinguished itself today with an article about the military in Ukraine. We need your teachers to talk. In general, they ate fish soup...”). “Prokopenko” turned to “Molibog”: “From Gromov’s apparatus they asked me to draw your attention to this hell.” There is no answer from “Moliboga” in the published data array.

“Prokopenko” and “Molibog” exchange thanks in SMS conversations (“Thank you for helping,” etc.). Despite this, in mid-September 2014, Molibog asked the official to communicate with the editors without pressure: “it’s been difficult with the editors lately, I put too much pressure on them,” “))) They are offended by my sanctions, calling me a strangler of freedom of speech)” .

On the same day, March 31, Nikolai Molibog responded to the publication of the correspondence on his Facebook page:

1. I confirm the fact of correspondence. Yes, I actively communicate and meet with AP officials and many other government representatives. We are a very big business in the media industry, and it would be strange if I didn't do this.
2. Yes, I communicate with the government about our content (but it is not me at RBC who determines what we write and show, but our editors-in-chief). And, moreover, it seems normal to me. Because I sincerely believe that in our country (and in the world) a lot of bad things happen simply because we don’t talk enough and don’t try to listen and hear each other. And because the volume of changes that have occurred with RBC in the last year and a half could not be carried out without explaining what we are doing.
3. I understand that the form of my communication in some places in this correspondence may seem unacceptable for dialogue between the media and the state, for which I apologize. I was not ready that my own space of working dialogues, which should never have become known to anyone, would be made public and would like to refrain from further public discussion of my manner of non-public communication.


  1. Nikolay Molibog will become the new CEO of RBC
  2. Molibog did not agree on the transition to the position of CEO of RBC
  3. What is said in the new correspondence published by hackers from Anonymous International
  4. Comment on FB about correspondence with the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation
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