Games for history lessons. Didactic games for history lessons

Also in Soviet time Methodists recommended introducing game elements into the lesson content to enhance students' cognitive activity, for example, one that helps to create a portrait description of an outstanding historical figure. Suchhistory lesson gameand will be the topic of this article.

A portrait description can be combined with a task involving a selection from a list of certain qualities of a particular person (education, cruelty, ambition, complacency, kindness, honesty, vanity, cunning, deceit, hypocrisy).

1 option

Work on studying the personality of a historical figure.

Students write down in notebooks information about the life of a historical figure, his actions, habits, contradictory character traits, judgments of his contemporaries and descendants about him, and the image of a historical figure is formed in the process of studying his actions and accomplishments.

Option 2

The teacher cites biographical facts from the life of a historical figure, without naming his name, time and place of action, or dates of events, and students must independently indicate all the missing data.

Now let's directly consider what it is didactic games and how they should be applied in a history lesson. A didactic game is a pedagogically oriented creative activity, which is in close connection with other types of educational work, where learning activities direct the activity of students to determine the direction of the educational process, and gaming techniques and situations act as a means of stimulating students in educational work.

Conducting games can be included in the thematic planning of history lessons, and the content can be specially thought out, first of all, for the formation of cognitive skills and basic knowledge. Students are not given learning tasks. They acquire new knowledge and practice skills indirectly, involuntarily, during the game itself. It is forbidden role-playing game identify with a production on a historical theme. The game is always improvisation. The game ensures an optimal level of activity for the participants. At the same time, the student is able to perform such a volume of academic work that is inaccessible to him under normal conditions. The game is especially useful when interest in the subject has not been formed. Before the game, the teacher introduces the students to the rules, regulations, and work procedures. To make them more focused and active, you should limit the time they complete the task. And finally, the results of the game should be predicted and its results analyzed.

Lesson – history game “Who is this?”

Depending on the preparedness of the students, the game task becomes more complicated or simplified. Based on the portrait (little known), dates of life and activity (you don’t have to give them), names of contemporaries, as well as text descriptions, students need to determine the name of the historical figure. For example, to complete a task, a student receives a card with the following content:

1. A little-known portrait of Peter I


3. Alexander Menshikov, Ivan Pososhkov, Charles XII, Nikita Demidov, Kondraty Bulavin.

4.Possessed a rare physical strength, easily unbent the horseshoes with his hands; was distinguished by great curiosity; I was not ashamed to study all my life. After his transformations, Russia became a strong European state.

Other game cards are formed similarly to the proposed scheme.

History game “Whose words?”

The teacher hands out cards to students with statements from famous historical figures and thinkers. Statements can be taken from a school textbook. The students will have to find out. By whom, when and under what circumstances were these words spoken? For example, the card may contain the words of the commander of the cruiser “Varyag” V.F. Rudneva from an address to the sailors before the battle with the Japanese squadron: “We are going for a breakthrough and will enter the battle as a squadron, no matter how strong it is... We will not surrender either our ships or ourselves and will fight... until the last drop of blood.”

Game "Recognize a historical figure."

Students receive cards containing information about famous statesmen. The student must say the name chronological framework life and work, facts from biography. Such, for example, a text about P.P. Milyukov: “A prominent political figure in pre-revolutionary Russia, party leader. Student of the famous Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky. He was persecuted by the authorities for his views. Having gone through prisons, exile and deportation abroad. Knew 12 languages. Member of the Provisional Government in exile since 1920.

There are other types of history games, as well as games in other lessons. We will look at them in the following articles.

Usage innovative technologies in history lessons. Didactic games for history lessons.

Every teacher wants his lessons to be interesting, exciting and memorable. Especially in today's school, in which the subject-information environment is constantly expanding. Current task school is to provide students with opportunities for active acquisition of knowledge, development of skills for independent selection and evaluation of information received. One of the forms of education that develops such skills is a didactic game.

For a schoolchild, play is important and understandable; it is part of his life experience. Learning in the game “occurs unnoticed by the student,

because all his attention is focused on the game, and not on mastering knowledge, as is the case when studying in lessons at school.”

The teacher, transmitting knowledge through the game, takes into account not only the future interests of the students, but also satisfies today's ones. Using the game, the teacher organizes learning activities based on the natural needs of the child, and not on his (adult) understanding.

The game allows you to make more dynamic and interesting process perception historical facts, names, dates, names of geographical objects with which historical events are associated. It eliminates unloved memorization. In the game, knowledge is acquired through practice. Students not only study the material, but also consider it with different sides, are laid out into various logical series.

The advantage of the proposed game options is their ease of use for the teacher and their interest for the students. I suggest using them while learning new material in a combined history lesson.

The proposed games are close to those that children play on the streets, in summer camps recreation. Many games do not require special props and are very simple to perform. In terms of time, they take on average from 10 to 30 minutes, that is, part, and not the entire lesson. Thus, the teacher can use the game together with other types of educational activities.

Game "Translator"

This game is relevant when working with terms. Difficulties in mastering different definitions are caused by the complexity scientific language. Most often, students simply memorize historical definitions without understanding their content. During the game, students are asked to translate a historical phrase from scientific language into accessible language. For example: “Raznochintsy are an interclass category of the population, primarily engaged in mental work = people of various ranks who received higher education= people from different classes who joined the ranks of the Russian intelligentsia.” The teacher invites everyone to express different variants. The most interesting, accessible and concise ones can be recorded in a special historical phrasebook, which can be placed, for example, on a historical information stand in the office.

Game "Three Sentences"

The teacher reads short story or document. Students need to listen carefully and convey the content of the story or document in three simple sentences. The winner is the one whose story is shorter and at the same time accurately conveys the content. Another version of the game is working with printed text. This could be an excerpt from a textbook. Three simple sentences Students can write it down in their notebook. In this case, it is easier to determine the winner.

This game helps to develop a very important skill - to highlight the main thing on which the skills of working with the press, and navigation in the information flow, as well as the ability to draw up a plan, outline, and abstract are based.

Game "Picture Alive"

Students are given tasks to depict some historical event(“Collection of tribute”, “Sale of serfs”, “Decembrists on Senate Square", etc.) or another famous painting on a historical theme: “Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps”, “Boyaryna Morozova”, “Morning of the Streletsky Execution”, etc.

Teacher explaining new material, can “paint a living picture” with the help of students. For example, when studying the topic “Reforms of the 60-70s. XIX century in Russia", revealing the essence judicial reform, the teacher “paints” a picture of a post-reform court: a student sitting at the first desk in the middle row is appointed judge, 12 people are appointed jurors. From the remaining students, a prosecutor, defense attorney, or defendant is selected in accordance with the situation.

Game "Restoration" ("Encrypted Text")

This game develops one of the important didactic skills - the ability to take notes. A summary is a short summary of the material. Firstly, you need to learn to shorten words, highlight the main thing and avoid the unimportant; secondly, it is necessary to be able to decipher a synopsis, that is, from a short recording, restore the entire text as close as possible to the original one.

To play on the board or on a card, a short summary is written with abbreviations, without periods, without commas, with missing words. Students need to reconstruct the text. Here is an example of several variants of a game problem:

“Imagine that you are working in an archive and find ancient documents that have turned black from moisture and faded. You need to restore the text."

Or, “This is encrypted text. Some words are abbreviated. Some words are missing. You need to make a maximum out of a minimal text.”

Or, “Imagine that you are taking an exam. You have a question that you don't know enough about. But finally you came across a cheat sheet. Your task is to decipher it and make a coherent answer from the abbreviated text.” The game can take place in groups or individually. When the game first occurs, it is necessary to show what "decipher the text" means.

When checking work, the teacher familiarizes students with interesting options different answers. Carrying out this game prepares students for a different type of game: encrypt the text, reduce words and thoughts as much as possible, but in such a way that they can be used to recreate the primary version, that is, the work of compiling notes is organized. By performing it in the form of a game, students show interest, attention, and creativity, which contribute to success not only in mastering the material, but also in developing skills.

Game "Find the mistake"

This game is usually used to consolidate and repeat material. However, it can be used when studying new material if, before looking for errors, students have read this text, but without errors. Thus, correct text is part of the game.

The teacher prepares in advance several sheets with text No. 1 (without errors) on the topic being studied, as well as the same number of sheets with a similar text No. 2, in which errors are deliberately made.

Students can work with them individually and in pairs or groups of 4 people (two desks are combined). The teacher explains the essence of the game: “Each of you (each group) has a text on your desk. You must carefully read the contents of the text. You have 10 minutes for this work. You are allowed to make notes in your notebook. After 10 minutes, this text will be taken away from you, and you will receive another similar text. Only there will be errors in it that need to be found. The winner will be the one (or that group) who finds the most errors faster and more correctly.”

Word of mouth game

The game can be played with the whole class. 4 people are called. Three of them should not leave the classroom for long. The one who remains, together with the whole class, must listen carefully to the story that the teacher reads in front of the whole class, and retell it to one of the participants who walked out the door. The story should be short, interesting and contain as many dates and terms as possible. As soon as the story is read, another participant is invited to go out the door. His task is to listen carefully to the retelling of the first participant, in order to then convey the information to the third participant, who then shares the information with the fourth. The last (fourth) participant tells the class what he understood from the story of the third participant (it is important that the game is dynamic: the retelling must be done at a fast pace, without pauses). After this, the teacher slowly reads the first version of the story, and then helps the students disassemble what turned out to be difficult to retell, asking questions about the content of the topic.

Game "Name Auction"

This game can be played during generalization lessons. The auction is selling a rating of "5". Each student can buy it by raising his hand and naming any historical person who lived during the reign of Ivan IV. Students name the names of Ivan the Terrible's contemporaries known to them and write them on the board (one of the students is appointed for this). At the same time, little-known names are commented on. At the moment of decline in the activity of auction participants, the teacher hits the hammer three times. The winner is the one who was the last one, before the third blow of the hammer, to name the name of another hero. He receives a grade of “5” (or a prize).

Second option. Students are asked to write down in their notebooks as many historical names as possible related to the chosen topic. Time is allocated for this work, for example, 5 minutes. The auction starts in 5 minutes. A starting price is offered (say, 2 conventional units). "Who can offer more?"

Participants name their numbers (according to the number of names on the list).

The winner receives a grade of “5” (or a prize).

Game "Historical Chain"

The topic is set. The first participant in the game names the name of any historical hero associated with this topic. The next participant must first say what the first one said, and then add a new name, concept related to the content of the topic. A new member completes this series. Finally, a long series of names and concepts comes out on a given topic.

The game will take place It's more organized if you ask all the players to come to the board and stand in one line. Anyone who makes a mistake or takes a very long pause leaves the game and sits down in his seat. The line in front of the board thins out quickly. One of the students writes down the created historical series on the board and identifies errors. Players face the class, so only the teacher and those who have dropped out of the game see the notes on the board. The game ends with a conversation in which

the relationship between the words that created the historical chain is determined.

Game "Historical ABC"

A letter is specified, for example “P”. Students, one at a time, in groups or in pairs, are asked to write a list within a certain period of time consisting of words that begin with that letter or are closely related to the topic being studied. The team with the longest list wins.

Game "Guess the Hero"

One of the participants (the presenter) leaves the class. Students guess the names of historical figures. The presenter must guess them. He is allowed to ask questions to all participants in the game. But the answers can only be: “yes”, “no”, “partially”.

To make the game more organized, you can set the following conditions: no more than a minute passes between the answer and the question, limit the number of answers to 10 (that is, the one who does not guess the name of the hero in the answers to 10 questions gives way to another participant). This game is convenient to play after the “Auction of Names”, when a large list of names is written on the board, which promotes greater diversity and less stereotyping when choosing a hero by asking a certain number of questions. The game teaches students to think logically, ask questions correctly, look for the right answers, and draw conclusions.

Game "Guess the term"

This game is played in the same way as the previous one, only instead of a hero, the class thinks of any historical concept related to a given topic.


interest students in history;

make the lesson interesting, exciting, memorable.

The game in the lesson should

have the most important feature -

a clearly stated goal of communication

and corresponding to it

pedagogical result.


it `s naturally


Games for learning new material;

  • games for consolidation;
  • games to test knowledge;
  • educational games;
  • relaxation games.

The game is a means of activating the educational process, promoting mental development.

The game is a tool for personality formation, aimed at developing its positive qualities.

The game is a form of self-expression aimed at relieving tension, as well as developing certain skills and abilities.


After reading the text, students pass/write


The best offers with precise content.

Game "Tree of Wisdom"

By the end of the lesson, students come up with three questions or tasks of different difficulty levels on separate pieces of paper.

The sheets of paper are handed over to the teacher.

In the next lesson, the leaves are used to test knowledge.

Game "Restoration"

There is a text/sentence on the topic being studied, written down using individual proposals(separate lines).

Then the text is cut into strips so that each contains one sentence (word). The strips are mixed and placed in an envelope.

The student must reconstruct the text (sentence).

Game "Archive"

Text with worn letters/words, abbreviations, symbols, without dots, with spaces for common words.

Students need to restore the text and enlarge it.

Game "Interview"/"Press Conference"

One is a student hero, the other is a journalist(s).

  • The “hero” collects in advance as much information as possible about the person he will have to play.
  • The “journalist(s)” should prepare interesting questions in advance.

Game "Association"

Say out loud or write down words that are associated with a given term. Wins with big amount words

Snowball game

Students take turns pronouncing terms on a given topic.

Each subsequent participant in the game must complement what the previous student said.

ABC game

A letter is specified. Students at their desks must remember, within a certain time, words that begin with this letter and are closely related to the topic being studied.

The team with the longest list wins.

Game "Hero"

  • Based on the given text, some students make riddles historical figures, and others guess.
  • It is allowed to ask each other questions, but the answers can only be “yes”, “no” or “maybe”.

Game "Carry On"

Desk neighbors, in turn, must tell the material of the topic being studied one sentence at a time. One starts, the other continues. The one whose sentence was the last wins, while the other one will no longer be able to remember anything else.

Game "Anagrams"

Students solve terms with rearranged letters. They need to restore the order of the letters and write the resulting word.

lady - slave


senate - wall

Come up with Anagrams on the topics:


Game "Bull"

3-6 students are selected who are poorly prepared on a given topic.

Teams of 2-3 students explain the material first, and they take turns moving from group to group. After listening to all the commands, the student must retell what he heard and choose the best tutors.

Game "Seine"

Your deskmates must write an essay on a given topic. After a certain time, they exchange sheets of paper and continue their neighbor’s essay.

Game "Hare"

The teacher asks short questions to the whole class. Students respond in writing to questions asked. At the end of the game, students exchange notebooks and check the answers with the correct ones. Whoever gets the most correct answers wins.

The game stimulates development mental abilities students, as it includes: unobtrusiveness in the presentation of monotonous information, and the opportunity to express oneself creatively, obtain the desired result while gaining knowledge, skills and abilities.

The game dilutes and unobtrusively includes students in the process of obtaining sometimes complex theoretical knowledge, making it possible to bypass the idea of ​​​​the inability to assimilate seemingly complex information.

The game promotes the student’s cognitive activity, makes it possible not only to get a result in the form of a mark, but also to feel like a winner, which is important for the formation of normal self-esteem. During the game, it is important to make it clear to children that even if they lose, they still acquire something new for themselves: for example, skills in working with text and information. Opportunity thanks to acquired new knowledge and skills next time. It is extremely important that the games are repeated periodically, alternating and diluted with new games. Not all games used for the first time pass the “examination” of schoolchildren, but those that still interest remain in the teacher’s practice for a long time.

For example, successful games “Guess the identity” or “cipher coder”. Games that occupy whole lesson require careful preparation and may not always meet all lesson objectives, so their use is more relevant in extracurricular activities than during a regular lesson. It is advisable to use games in a lesson for no more than seven minutes and different ones at different stages of one lesson.

It is important to follow the rules while playing. The rules of the game must correspond to the purpose of the lesson and the individual capabilities of the students. Game actions are regulated by the rules of the game and promote the cognitive activity of students, help to reveal their abilities, apply the acquired knowledge and skills. The rules should be the same for everyone. The meaning and form of the game are clear and feasible for students. If they are not thought out, it complicates the understanding of the meaning of the game and causes indifference, giving a completely opposite result. The rules determine the method of action and sequence, and impose requirements on the behavior and interaction of children during the game.

During the game, the teacher must control the actions of the students, compliance with the rules, guide, encourage, and prevent the possibility of conflict situations. Violations of the rules are monitored and a remark is made, but the remark should not take much time away from the game process. So, you can give out instructions to participants on sheets, or spell out the rules, and add new ones to them together with the children. To summarize the game, conduct it in the form of a reasoned self-assessment or mutual assessment.

To sum up the thoughts, we can say that there is no most best method or methods will not lead to success if they are not passed through the prism of the teacher’s consciousness and do not acquire something new, that feature of character, temperament, habitual rhythm that is characteristic of each teacher’s individuality. Any game should be organically implemented and accepted by the participants in the educational process directly, while maintaining the same favorable climate in the classroom as usual.

Didactic games for history lessons

Worked as: history and social studies teacher

MBOU "Khovu-Aksynskaya Secondary School" Kuular Choduraa Aleksandrovna

A game- active type of activity,

aimed at recreating and

assimilation of social experience, in

which adds up and

self-government is being improved

student's personal-evaluative


A game-this is a natural form

learning, so the teacher organizing

game, comes from natural

children's needs. During the game

there is a balance between

child and adult. IN

children create their own game

reality, create their own world.

  • Entertaining
  • Communicative
  • Self-realization
  • Play therapy
  • Diagnostic
  • Correction
  • Interethnic communications
  • Socialization

The pedagogical game should

have the most important feature -

clearly stated purpose communication

and corresponding to it

pedagogical result .

The didactic game does the following: target orientations :

1) Didactic. Expands horizons, activates cognitive activity, forms the necessary skills and abilities, promotes the assimilation educational material, allows you to quickly check the result.

2) Developmental. Promotes the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, find analogues, accept optimal solution. The development of the motivational orientation of educational activities, creative abilities, fantasy, and imagination is activated.

3) Educational. Moral and aesthetic positions and worldviews are formed. A sense of collectivism is fostered. Communication and tolerance skills are developed.

Classification according to the essential gaming basis :

  • Games with rules (for example, the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”;
  • Role-playing games (for example, a court game);
  • Complex gaming systems

(for example KVN)

Classification by structural elements lesson

Games for learning new material;

  • games for consolidation;
  • games to test knowledge;
  • educational games;
  • relaxation games-pauses.

The use of didactic games helps solve the following problems :

  • Development of cognitive interest in history;
  • Deep assimilation of the material even by low-performing students;
  • Activation of cognitive activity;
  • Creating conditions for personal self-expression;
  • Increasing the creative potential of students;
  • Variety of educational activities;
  • Development of communication skills, a sense of teamwork, goodwill.

Games for learning new material

Game "Three sentences". This is a simple game with

some rules. It is based on logical

operation to remove the main thing. Conditional component

making the game entertaining is achieved through

rules - state this “important” in three simple

proposals. One of the game options is to work with

printed text. This could be a point from a paragraph

textbook or document. After reading the text, students pass

Suggestions. The one with the shorter story wins, and

The content is conveyed accurately.

Game "Tree of Wisdom"

Students learn to ask questions about what they are learning

historical material. In class, when learning something new

material, the children are given a task: during the explanation or

work with text, write down on three pieces of paper, three different in

the level of complexity of the question and the task for it. After

After studying the material, the papers are handed in. Most

interesting ones are evaluated and presented in the form of “apples”

or “leaves” and are attached to the “Tree of Wisdom”

(red tasks - at "5", yellow - at "4", green - at

"3"); in the next lessons when testing knowledge

called students “pluck” a fruit or leaf, read

question and answer it.

Game "Blank Board"

To organize it before explaining new material in

Write down questions at different ends of the board that can

be expressed both in ordinary form and by diagram, date,

map, picture. They must be built on

material of a new topic. The teacher reports that along the way

explanations of the material, students will participate in the game:

"Look at the board, it's filled with different

questions. The answers to them are contained in my story. I

from time to time I will ask if you are ready to answer

to any question. If you give an answer to it, then

this question is erased. The challenge in this game is to

so that by the end of the lesson the board remains clean.”

Didactic games for consolidation, repetition and generalization of historical material

Game "Restoration". For the game, a text (easy to read) on the topic being studied is selected. Each sentence (word) is written on a new line. It carries an independent semantic load. Then the text is cut into strips so that each contains one sentence (word). The strips are mixed and placed in an envelope. This is a preparation for the game, which is used as an individual task. The student must reconstruct the text (sentence). You can write a certain letter in the corner of each strip so that when correct execution the word would form (“well done”, “right”, etc.)

Game "Anagrams"

Can be designed around any topic, e.g.

theme "Culture Ancient Greece" The game will require

knowledge of ancient Greek playwrights. These are the names

playwrights in which the order of the letters is disturbed. Necessary

restore the order of the letters and write the resulting name.



The game allows you to reinforce in a fun way

memorizing words.


  • Bakhanov K. A. Theatrical games in the classroom. “Teaching history at school”, No. 4, 1990.

2. Borzova L.P. Games in a history lesson. Toolkit for teachers / M.: Vlados - Press, 2003.

3. V.V.Gukova, A.A.Kravchenko, L.I.Mikhailova and other technologies modern lesson. "Teacher" 2009,

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