Who are angels? Who are Angels

After falling away from God, Dennitsa began to be called Satan (which means “adversary”) and the devil (which means “slanderer”), and the fallen angels - demons or demons.

Only evil operates in fallen spirits. You need to remember this. There are no good brownies, trolls, or drummers (essentially demons). There are fallen spirits whose power is dangerous to underestimate.

Demons cannot do anything to the Creator - He is inaccessible to any of His creations (and fallen angels too). The demons turned all their anger, all their hatred towards man, knowing how much God loves people. The devil, taking the form of a serpent, deceived our first parents Adam and Eve, because of him they violated the commandment of God. By this he deprived them of immortality and Divine grace.

Since then, having gained the opportunity to influence the thoughts, feelings and actions of people, the devil and his demons have sought to plunge people deeper and deeper into the abyss of sin in which they themselves find themselves.

Whether we like it or not, from the moment we are born we are involved in a war between good and evil, between God and demons for our souls. This war began even before the creation of the world and will continue until the Last Judgment.

In Heaven, the war is over with the complete defeat of evil, but the battlefield has been transferred from Heaven to the heart of man. In the battle against evil, bright angels help all people a lot.

Bright angels

Bright angels serve God, protect us from demons and help us do good. There are very, very many of them: they surround the Throne of God with thousands of thousands.

The angelic world is vast, but not all angels are the same. Some are closer to God, others are further away, and they have different qualities - degrees of perfection.

All angels in the heavenly hierarchy, according to the nature of their service, are divided into several faces (“categories”). The first face consists of disembodied spirits who are closest to God: Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. The second, middle face is Power, Dominance and Strength. The third, closer to us, are Angels, Archangels and Principalities.

So, the angels are divided into three faces, and in each face there are three ranks.

According to their ranks, angels are endowed with different gifts of the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of wisdom and reason, the Spirit of advice and strength, the Spirit of the Fear of God.


Of all the Heavenly ranks, the Seraphim are the closest to God. For Seraphim, God is Love. The name "Seraphim" means "fiery", "fiery". Fiery Divine Love brings the Seraphim into sacred awe. They cover their faces with two wings, their legs with two wings, and with the help of two they fly. This is how they are depicted on frescoes and icons.


For the Cherubim, God is Wisdom. Cherubim contemplate the Divine mind with trepidation, explore it and, as it were, cover its secrets with their wings, keep them, protect them, and revere them. Because of the incessant contemplation of the Divine

The Cherubim themselves know everything perfectly and promise knowledge to people.


For Thrones, God is the King of Glory. The Thrones not only feel and sing the greatness of God, but they themselves are filled with this greatness and allow others to feel it. There are moments when a person with some special strength feels the greatness of God: the flash of lightning, marvelous views of nature, worship in a magnificent temple... Feelings of the greatness of God appear in us not without the influence of the Thrones.


For Dominions, God is the Provider. The Dominions marvel at how God, so great, embraces everyone and everything with His care - preserves and protects every blade of grass, every midge, the smallest grain of sand. Dominions teach us to take care of our souls, to dominate passions and sinful habits.


For the Powers, God is a Miracle Worker. They are given the power to see such miracles that our minds cannot even imagine. They can delve into the very depths of these miracles, and the highest goal of all miracles is revealed to them.


Authorities are witnesses of God's omnipotence. They are imbued with Divine power, like red-hot iron is imbued with fire, and they themselves become its bearers. The power with which they are vested is unbearable for the devil and puts his hordes to flight. When the demon of despondency attacks, it is advised to pray to the Authorities so that they will drive away this demon with their power.


God entrusted them with authority over the elements of nature (water, fire, wind). Thunder, lightning, storm - all this is controlled by the Origins. These angels also rule over entire nations. They work for their people before the Lord, and instill in kings and rulers thoughts and intentions related to the good of the people.


Archangels are Heavenly teachers. They teach people how to arrange their lives in accordance with the will of God. The Archangels know what awaits a person on this or that life path, therefore they deviate from one path, and, on the contrary, direct a person to another. They strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of the Holy Gospel.


Angels continue the work of the Archangels - they teach us to recognize the will of God. They guide us so that we do not stray from the right path in life, and protect us from the machinations of demons. Angels are so close to people that they literally surround us - they look at us from everywhere, they watch our every step. In the words of St. John Chrysostom, “the whole air is filled with angels.”

At baptism, God gives every person a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person throughout his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, protects him in the terrible hour of death, and does not leave him even after death.

All Angels of God are also called the Heavenly Forces or the Heavenly Host. The Leader of the Heavenly Host is Archangel Michael, he belongs to the seven main spirits closest to God.

The seven most important spirits are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Salaphiel, Uriel, Jehudiel and Barachiel. They are called Archangels, but are classified as Seraphim.

The continuation of the “heavenly hierarchy” is the “church hierarchy”, in which the three angelic faces correspond to three degrees of priesthood.

The word "angel" means "messenger". bring us messages from the Divine Mind of our Creator. They are like a gift to us from God, so that we always remember our Divine nature, remaining kind and loving, discovered and developed their talents - for the good of this world - and protected themselves from any harm. Angels guide us with other people, in matters of health, career and even finances.

They are next to us in order to realize the Divine plan of Universal harmony. Our angels help us calm down, because even one peaceful person gives rise to a whole world of harmonious people, which in itself equates to the harmonization of the world.
That is why angels are always so eager to fulfill our requests - in any way, wishing us serenity. We cannot disturb them or take up their time when we ask for “small” favors. They understand perfectly well: small problems lead to big stress. That's why For our angels, the greatest pleasure is to help us, as fully as possible, overcome obstacles in our path and achieve our goal, maintaining peace of mind, peace and peace in our souls.

angels undoubtedly promote our inner growth and lead to spiritual breakthroughs, but the angels are convinced that through calmness our biorhythms and creative abilities will be more open to the creative ideas of the Universe, and our bodies will serve us longer and function in a healthy manner. Thus, with each new day, our relationships with the world, with others and with ourselves will blossom more and more, and we ourselves will begin to turn into a radiant example of Divine love.

Regularly, although not often, I receive letters in which I am reproached for worshiping angels. The authors strive to emphasize to me that we should honor only God.

I always answer these letters the same way, with love.

We often make the mistake of assuming something about another person without checking all the facts. Anyone who has read my books - at least one of them, listened to my audio programs or attended my seminars knows: I always emphasize that everything exists - only God! Angels do not seek to take his place and do not expect worship.

God is everywhere. The Divine lives inside everyone - me, you, the angels. Regardless of the fact that not everyone wants to admit it. For example, some of my listeners who have had problems with official religion don't even want to hear about it! This happens if a woman was abused by her father in childhood or adolescence; she may begin to reject all father figures - including God. (God, of course, is a bisexual force, that is, both Mother and Father, but I prefer to use the masculine pronoun “he” to avoid the awkward He/She construction.) Or, perhaps, one of professing an official religion has caused harm to another believer, who after this may begin to deny everything that is in any way connected with faith, even spiritual guides and guardian angels. Or it may happen that to someone the very idea of ​​the Divine seems absurd, so he or she simply stops thinking about everything that has to do with spirituality. There are people who feel guilty about the lifestyle they lead, and therefore they are very afraid that God will punish them; It’s easier for them to block any possibility of awareness of the Higher Power - they feel calmer this way: “What if God tries to control me and force me to give up my usual way of life?”

Some students and readers ask me whether it is normal to talk directly to God or angels, is this not blasphemy? In response, I always insist that people follow their own beliefs. Moreover, if God, the ascended masters and the angels are actually one whole, then why should direct contact with them be considered something reprehensible? Isn't this how you receive the gift that Heaven gives you? You do not join forces with the angels in a rebellious plot against God! The angels - just like your higher self - will never challenge the Divine will, so there is virtually no chance for you to make a mistake.

Angels know everything about us - both that which we would prefer to hide from them, and that beautiful thing that we do not even suspect. God, being completely loving, knows nothing but love. The Creator can tell you that your consciousness is closed to Him and you are having a bad dream, but He cannot tell you what its meaning is.

Angels are the bridge between truth and the nightmarish illusions of our problems. They help us return from this nightmare to a waking state of happiness, health, harmony and abundance. They work in union with the higher self of each of us and with the soul with which we are connected in Spirit, for example, with Jesus, Moses, Kuan Yin, the Holy Spirit, Buddha, Yogananda and many others. Angels do not evaluate our beliefs. On the contrary, they work with our real thoughts, thus reaching us.

The Creed states that God is the Creator of “heaven and earth, all things visible and invisible,” which directly indicates the Church’s belief in the existence of the invisible world - Angels. About Orthodox angelology - Rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy Bishop Sylvester (Stoichev).

The words “heaven and earth,” which are a quotation from the Old Testament (Gen. 1:1), were understood by many exegetes not in the literal sense (that is, the heaven and earth visible to us), but as an indication of the entire creation, the presence in the created the world of the invisible (sky) and visible (earth). V. Lossky, interpreting these words, writes: “The biblical expression “heaven and earth” (Gen. 1:1), which denotes the entire cosmos, everything that exists and was created by God, in the patristic interpretation receives a dividing meaning, pointing to the existence of spiritual reality and physical reality, the invisible world of “heavenly spirits” and the visible world.”

The very name “Angel” is found quite often in Scripture and means “messenger.” This name does not indicate nature, but service. In Scripture there is a direct indication of precisely this understanding of this term: “ministering spirits sent to serve those who are to inherit salvation” (Heb. 1:14),” says the Apostle Paul. Traditionally, in Orthodox theology and liturgical texts, Angels are called intelligent forces, the Heavenly army, the Heavenly Forces, and also the second lights: St. Gregory the Theologian calls angels “secondary lights,” St. John of Damascus: “Angels are the second lights, intelligent, borrowing their light from the first and beginningless Light.” This name for Angels indicates their connection with the First Light - God, from whom, like other created beings, they receive existence and grace-filled sanctification.

The Nature of Angels

In patristic theology there are examples of possible definitions of what Angels are by nature. Yes, Rev. John of Damascus says: “An angel is an entity endowed with intelligence, constantly moving, free, incorporeal, serving God” - and then makes an important addition, indicating the difficulty of forming a more precise definition: “only the Creator knows the form and definition of this entity.” Blazh. Augustine defines Angels as spirits and also points out that the name Angel refers to the type of activity, and not to the designation of nature: “Do you want to know the name of his (angel) nature? This is the spirit. Would you like to know his position? This is an angel. In essence he is a spirit, and in activity he is an angel.”

Speaking about the characteristics of angelic nature, we should certainly touch upon the issue of the incorporeality of Angels. Definitely, Angels do not have gross bodies - flesh. In Scripture they are called “invisible (Col. 1:16), that is, not containing anything that would be perceptible to the sense of sight,” there are texts indicating the incorporeality of angels (Luke 24:39, Matt. 22:30). Most of the holy fathers believed that we can talk about a certain subtle physicality of Angels, for example, St. John of Damascus writes: “She is called incorporeal and immaterial in comparison with us. For everything in comparison with God, the only incomparable one, turns out to be both gross and material, because only the Divinity in the strict sense is immaterial and incorporeal.” Asking the question whether angels are consubstantial with each other, the holy fathers, as a rule, answered that it was impossible to answer this question, since it was not revealed to us. Most of the holy fathers believe that Angels were created before the creation of the material world: “whether they are equal in essence or different from each other, we do not know”(1); authoritative theologians share the same opinion: “We can talk about the “human race”, that is, of innumerable persons possessing the same nature. But Angels, who are also personal beings, do not have unity of nature. Each of them is a separate nature, a separate intelligible world. Consequently, their unity is not organic and could be called, by analogy, abstract unity; this is the unity of the city, the choir, the army, the unity of service, the unity of praise, in a word - harmonious unity,” writes V. Lossky (2).

As nature is rational and capable of choosing, the Angels made their choice: some of the Angels fell away from God, but most did not. This choice was a kind of decision for the angels, made once and for all, since it is, figuratively speaking, pure, that is, not caused by the weakness of the flesh, sinful inclination, emotional instability, etc., which often becomes the cause of human sinful actions. Their choice was determined only by their desire. And therefore, unlike people who can come to their senses (Luke 15:17) and begin to repent of their weaknesses, Angels do not have such weaknesses (3). Once made, the choice is 100 percent conscious, thoughtful and executed. Therefore, each of the Angels and fallen angels, having made their choice, established themselves in it forever. Remaining as created beings, in principle, changeable, by their own will they no longer change, since their will is directed in one vector: “They are inflexible to evil, although they are not inflexible, but now they are even inflexible - not by nature, but by grace and by attachment to the good alone” (4).

Ministry of Angels

As already indicated, the word Angel does not indicate nature, but service. What is the essence of this ministry? Based on the Holy Scriptures, we can say that the angelic ministry is twofold and consists in glorifying its Creator (Is. 6:3), communicating God's will, helping or punishing a person or community (Job 1:6; Is. 6:72; Sam. 24:16; Dan. 8:16-26; Job 12:12; Luke 22:43; Rev. 5:8; Matthew 16:27, etc.

The number of Angels is not directly indicated in the Holy Scriptures. All the holy fathers, with the exception of St. Gregory of Nyssa, they said that although this number is unknown, it is stable, that is, from the moment when the angels were created by God, their number remained unchanged.

Holy Fathers - St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Cyril of Jerusalem - in the Gospel parable about one lost sheep (Matthew 18:12), for the sake of which the owner leaves 99 and goes to look for her, they saw an indication of the numerical ratio of Angels (99) and the human race (one lost sheep), thus concluding that the number of Angels is incomparably greater, but it is impossible to determine their specific number.

Angelic ranks

The world of angels is hierarchical. The Scripture says: “By Him were all things created...whether thrones, dominions, principalities, powers” ​​(Col. 1:16), “far above all Principality, and Authority, and Power, and Dominion” (Eph. 1:21), “ neither angels, nor principalities, nor powers” ​​(Rom. 8:38), “to whom the angels and authorities and powers were subject” (1 Pet. 3:22). Also mentioned are Cherubim (Gen. 3:24; 2 Kings 22:11), Seraphim (Isa. 6:2-6), Archangels (Dan. 8:16, Luke 1:19, Jude 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 4:16). These texts testify to the hierarchy of Angels and name some ranks. Traditionally, based on the words of the apostles from the Epistle to the Ephesians (1:21), it is assumed that there are orders of angels, the names of which are unknown to us, but will be revealed in the coming Kingdom (5). The very name of the ranks symbolizes the type of service.

In the Orthodox tradition, the angelic hierarchy is understood as 9 ranks (three triads). The meaning of hierarchical relations is not in subordination, but in the transfer of grace-filled sanctification from higher ranks to lower ones.

This kind of hierarchy and angelology in general are presented in the Corpus Areopagiticum. According to the teachings set forth in this corpus, the angelic hierarchy consists of three triads: the first triad: seraphim, cherubs, thrones; second triad: domination, strength, authorities; and the third triad: started, Archangels, Angels.

Thus, the lower ranks of Angels partake of grace-filled sanctification not directly from God, but through the higher triad of the angelic hierarchy.

Guardian angel

It must be said that in patristic writing there is also another order of naming Angels, but, as a rule, in these cases the hierarchy is presented in nine orders.
In the Holy Scriptures there is no expression Guardian Angel, but there are expressions close in meaning, for example, Angel-mentor (Job 33:23) and a whole series of other expressions indicating that an angel is presented to people: “See that you do not despise any of the little ones.” these; for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:10),

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them” (Ps. 33:8), “And they said to her: Are you in your right mind? But she asserted her point. And they said, “This is his angel” (Acts 12:15). The rite of the Sacrament of Baptism speaks of the angel of light that is given to the baptized: “Connect an angel of light to his belly, delivering him from all slander that lies against him, from the meeting of the evil one, from the midday demon, and from evil dreams.”

According to the teachings of the Church, those who have been baptized receive spiritual help from assigned guardian angels: “And they manage our affairs and help us,” writes St. John of Damascus (6).

You can turn to the Guardian Angels in prayer, that is, we should talk about the presence in the Orthodox tradition of prayerful veneration of angelic powers. However, the Church has always condemned it when the veneration of angels developed into some kind of worship with features of pagan beliefs. Already the Apostle Paul writes: “Let no one deceive you through self-willed humility and the ministry of angels” (Col. 2:18). Interpreting this text, the holy fathers (7) talk about the existence in apostolic times of the opinions of some wrong-thinking people who believed that it was the angels who were mediators between God the Father and people, and not the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore they, the angels, needed to be served. Apparently, this opinion was widespread several centuries after the times of the apostles, since the Council of Laodicea (364) decreed in its 35th canon: “It is not fitting for Christians to leave the church of God, and go away, and name angels, and hold assemblies. This is rejected. For this reason, if anyone is found practicing such secret idolatry, let him be anathema: he has forsaken our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and has begun to worship idols.”

Bishop Sylvester (Stoichev)


1. John of Damascus, Venerable. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox Faith. Book 2, chapter 3.

2. Lossky V.N. Dogmatic theology. Part III (12).

3. Most of the factors that lead us to sinful acts are associated with bodily infirmities. The absence of a body among angels also means the absence of these infirmities, which, on the one hand, can lead to sin, on the other, are overcome with the help of Grace. That is why St. Damascene's possibility of repentance is placed in direct dependence on the body, and the lack of corporeality is seen as the reason for the inability to repent: “He is incapable of repentance because he is incorporeal” // John of Damascus, St. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox Faith. Book 2, chapter 3.

4. John of Damascus, Venerable. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox Faith. Book 2, chapter 3.

5. St. John Chrysostom writes: “There are, without a doubt, other forces that we do not know by name... But how can we see that there are more forces than the above-mentioned ones and that there are forces whose names we do not know? Paul, having said this, also mentions this when he speaks of Christ: He set Him above all principality and power and strength and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in the one to come.”

6. John of Damascus, St. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox Faith. Book 2, chapter 3.

7. “What do all these words mean? Some said that we should be brought to God not through Christ, but through angels, because bringing through Christ is more than what is needed for us." // Biblical commentaries of the Fathers of the Church and other authors of the 1st-8th centuries. T. 2. P. 534; Theodoret of Cyrus, bl. “Defenders of the law encouraged to pay respect to the angels, saying that they gave the law” // Biblical commentaries of the Church Fathers and other authors of the 1st-8th centuries. T. 2. P. 54

Angels are messengers of God on earth. According to the holy scriptures, these spiritual creatures do not have a physical body and exist forever. Few people know who angels really are and how many of them exist, so we will try to answer all the important questions. To begin with, it is worth saying that God created these spiritual creatures long before the first man set foot on the earth. The main purpose of angels is to guard people and provide them with help when necessary.

Who are angels and what are they like?

Many clergy express their opinions about the essence, but some similar features can be identified. The angel is believed to be a light, insightful and quick entity that is submissive and disciplined. In addition, the angel is endowed with intelligence, and the clergy also talk about their relative freedom. He does not change throughout his life, either externally or internally. It is clear that all these traits can be assigned to an angel only conditionally, since this information cannot be confirmed or refuted. An angel is usually depicted with wings, which symbolize the speed of fulfilling the will of the Lord.

When figuring out who the angels are, it is worth paying attention to the existing hierarchy between them. These spiritual entities differ from each other in their enlightenment and degree of grace. The most important angels who are close to the Lord:

  1. Seraphim. Angels with hearts experience great love for God and evoke the same feelings in people.
  2. Cherubim. Such angels have enormous knowledge and are illuminated by the rays of God’s light.
  3. Thrones. It is through these angels that justice manifests itself.

On the second hierarchy there are the following angels: Dominance, Strength and Power. Already from the name it is clear what powers they are endowed with. The third level is also characterized by three ranks:

  1. Beginnings. Such angels rule the Universe, protecting individual peoples and countries. Their power allows one to strengthen his faith.
  2. Angels. These are light spiritual beings who come closest to humans.
  3. Archangels. In the Holy Scriptures they are presented as senior angels who rule over the others.

Who are Guardian Angels?

The Holy Scripture describes that at birth and baptism, each person is given a protector - a guardian angel. It is believed that its strength and capabilities directly depend on a person’s spirituality and his good thoughts and deeds. Guardian angels accompany people throughout their lives, recording all their good and bad deeds, and then appear at the main judgment before God. When figuring out who a guardian angel is in Orthodoxy, it is worth saying that people can communicate with them through prayers, or they can contact the “protectors” in their own words. You can contact the angels at any time when you need advice or help.

Who is a fallen angel?

All angels were originally light creatures, but some of them stopped obeying God and refused to serve him, so they were expelled from the Heavenly Kingdom. As a result, they turned to the dark side and began to serve Satan. It is believed that the moment of expulsion of the apostate angels and their transformation into demons was the victory of the Lord’s army over Satan. Lucifer was the most important and powerful helper of God until the moment he wished to be equal to him. The Creator's refusal angered Lucifer, and he decided to fight against the forces of light, attracting other fallen angels to himself. They are considered to be the main tempters, whose activities are aimed at destroying a person from the inside, depriving him of peace. Fallen angels also push people to commit sins.

At birth, every person is assigned a Guardian Angel; you may not know his name and may not even believe that angels exist, but they do exist. Our Guardian Angel protects us all our lives, he helps us go through difficult trials and often saves our lives, and if you don’t know how to recognize your guardian angel, then we will try to help you with this. But first, we suggest you understand in more detail who they are.

Who are Guardian Angels

Since ancient times, people have believed in Guardian Angels and given them a special place anywhere, in religions, in mythology and even in esotericism. If we delve a little deeper into the study of world religions, we will see that in all of them there is a certain being who protects us from dangers, shows us the right path in life, protects us during life, and when we die, he accompanies us to another world until gate of Hell or Heaven.

There are many ideas about who these ethereal beings are that accompany every person throughout his life, and if you want to understand how to find out the name of your Guardian Angel, then just delve into these ideas that will create a single holistic picture about angels .

And since most of us are believers and religious people, first of all we will look at who the Guardian Angels are from the religious side. People of many faiths believe that angels are supernatural beings that were created by God before He created man, and this can be clearly read in the Bible when God spoke to Job,

If we turn to the translation of the word “angel”, we will understand that this is a messenger of God’s will, which He wants to convey to man, that is, in fact, Guardian Angels not only protect us, but also convey to us what He wants from us God, and if our hearts and souls are open and pure, then we will definitely hear it.

There are people who ask not only how to recognize, but also how to see their Guardian Angel, but it is impossible to see him, only in rare cases can we see him, and only if God allows it. Yes, there have been cases when, during major accidents, a photo report was made and some white, almost transparent creatures with wings got into the camera lenses, but this is rare.

All angels are divided into the iconography of angelic ranks, and at the head of this iconography are Seraphim, Cherubim and thrones. The Bible and many teachings about these creatures say that this group of angels is closest to God and are endowed with almost the same power and the same wisdom as and Himself. The second group is forces, domination and power; many of us have never heard of such creatures, but they exist, and they were created in order to emphasize the basis of world domination and the divine universe. And the third group is the beginning, the archangels and guardian angels, who are closest to man, they are the ones who monitor our actions and thoughts, protect us and guide us on the true path.

There is also another version of the origin of these creatures. Many people believe that the souls of deceased people who were very close to us, for example, relatives or loved ones who do not want to leave the earth or cannot go to heaven, return to us in the form of angels and protect us. It is believed that they will be with us until the Creator calls them to Himself.

Some people are sure that the Protective Power descends from heaven only during Baptism, it is difficult to argue with this, and there is no need. But there are many learned people who claim that this Power is given to us immediately after we are born into the world, and during Baptism we also acquire a patron saint whose name we bear; this is also confirmed by many Church Fathers.

Is it possible to turn to the Guardian Angel for help?

We often turn to God and His saints, but we forget about our Protective Power, but we also need and can turn to angels. When can I contact him? Usually when some difficulties occur in your life, then you need to ask him to help you and patronize you. You may not even recognize your Guardian Angel, but, nevertheless, you can turn to him with prayer, and he will definitely hear you.

They usually ask him to protect you or your family from troubles on the road, from evil and bad people, from diseases and other misfortunes that await a person in this life.

It is believed that the Heavenly Forces help only believers, kind, honest and decent people, but even if you lead an incorrect lifestyle, but at the same time have faith in your soul, you can turn to your protector and ask him to guide you on the right path .

There is also an opinion that a pure and pious person can have several protectors, especially for people with the gift of healing, insight and foresight, which are given from God.

There are skeptics who do not believe that there are Higher Powers that protect us, but if you look at the many stories told by different people from different parts of the globe, even the skeptics will have their disbelief shaken. Look how many children fell from the windows of high-rise buildings, and many of them did not even receive an abrasion, and how many people miraculously survived car accidents, after which the cars turned into a pile of metal

We also know that these creatures not only protect us with some of their actions, but can also send us prophetic dreams and visions that tell us how to protect ourselves from unfortunate events; moreover, they can give clear indications of what we need. you should repent before God. But all this happens in exceptional cases, and the priests say that such dreams should be treated with caution, since dreams can be sent to us by a demon and his assistants. And in order not to follow the demon’s lead, each of us must have a confessor with whom we can talk and act on his advice. But we have moved a little away from the topic, so we suggest moving on to the most important thing and finding out how to recognize your patron or Guardian Angel.

How to recognize your Guardian Angel

Some people wonder how to recognize their personal Guardian Angel? But this question is a little incorrect, since an angel is a good spirit, he has no name, and the name day, which many of our readers celebrate, is not at all the day of honoring this creature.

Also, many of us confuse the patron saint whose name we bear, or whose name we are named at Baptism, and this good spirit. So, the patron saint, who also prays to God for us and helps in some problems, and the Guardian Angel are completely different creatures. Yes, their missions are similar, but the patron saint cannot be with a person all day, as this good spirit does, which leaves us only at nightfall to tell God about what we did and thought during the day. As we have already said, you can call on them for help, read prayers to them, but we will not be able to find out who they are and what their names are.

And finally, it wouldn’t hurt to talk about what we don’t need to do in our lives so that our good intercessor doesn’t turn away from us.

What scares away Guardian Angels

Despite the fact that these creatures are sent to us at birth to protect and protect us, they can turn away from us if we lead the wrong lifestyle. For example, they may turn away from aggressive, angry and hateful people. They don’t want to be around those who smoke, drink, take drugs, and who constantly quarrel and scream with everyone.

Our defenders have a very subtle nature, and if they feel that a person does not need their help, does not believe in God, then they can leave such a person, leaving him to his own devices, and this is very dangerous for us, since an unprotected person can easily tempt the devil. But not all is lost, and if a person wants to be protected again, he needs to repent with all his soul, with all his heart, change his way of thinking, change his life, cleanse his heart and soul, and then your protector will return again and will protect.

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After falling away from God, Dennitsa began to be called Satan (which means “adversary”) and the devil (which means “slanderer”), and the fallen angels - demons or demons. Only evil operates in fallen spirits. You need to remember this. There are no good brownies, troll
Prayers before reading the akathist
Turning to the Lord through prayer, a solemn song of praise is an ancient Orthodox tradition. An akathist is one of many different types of church hymns. The word “Ο Ακάθιστος Ύμνος” that came to us from Greece comes from
Duchesse de Montpensier's lollipops
On the border of Normandy and Picardy rises an imposing and melancholic castle, once specially built for the amusement of the court, but now bored under the burden of past years. The castle in O has been around for a very long time. The creator of the first small fort was