DIY decorative plate stand. How to make a stand for a decorative plate with your own hands. Dish stand "home"

The plate stand is convenient if you don't have a very large plate. dinner table. You can place two plates on it and place another one under the stand.

Necessary materials:

  • Wire thickness 3 mm and 1 mm
  • Round nose pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Long nose pliers

Take two pieces of wire 3mm thick and 55 cm long. Bend both pieces in a semicircle.

Connect both sections and wrap them in the center with 1 mm thick wire. The length of the wrapped area is about 5 cm

Bend the ends of the segments into a spiral

Cut two pieces of wire 13 cm each and bend them into an S shape, with the ends twisted into a spiral, as in the picture.

Attach the S-shaped elements symmetrically to the sides of the future stand. Secure by wrapping with 1mm thick wire.

Cut four pieces of 3 mm thick wire 25 cm long. Using pliers, make several turns of wire around the legs of the stand and secure well so that the wire does not slide down.

Secure the wire in the same way on the other side of the stand. Make sure that the distance between the right and left legs is 18 cm. Cut off the excess wire.

If you meticulously select every item for your home, then you pay a lot of attention to even the smallest details. These stylish coasters hot with your own hands will fit perfectly into your modern interior. After all, today it is extremely fashionable to use natural and natural materials. This is exactly what real twine and cork are.

Making stylish coasters is not difficult.

Before work, in addition to twine and cork material, you need to prepare a knife and hot glue.

You can use old cork mouse pads as a base.

So, draw a circle on the base material and cut it out. Make a small notch to hide the end of the rope.

Starting from the edge, glue the twine in a spiral until you reach the center.

Such stands can be relatively small size for glasses and cups. Or maybe larger ones - for plates, and maybe even pots and pans.

Make at least six identical coasters. When guests come to you, use them to set the table, it should turn out very interesting and creative.

If desired, the twine is already in finished product can be painted in any color that best suits your interior.

However, the special charm of this kind of crafts lies in the unprocessed nature of natural materials.

The decision is yours - be creative!

How to make a simple stand for decorative plates

Every housewife tries to make the kitchen more attractive and beautiful, while she dreams of having decorative elements that her friends do not have. We invite you to please your soul mate and make it for her with your own hands wooden stand under decorative plates. To make it you will need several pieces of pine boards and several hours of free time. We do not specifically give the dimensions of the stand; you must agree on them with the “customer”, and then making calculations and making a drawing of the parts will not result in a breakdown. The stand is simple in design; it has two vertical posts, several horizontal cross-sections of circular cross-section and several shelves. For the product, a board thickness of 25 millimeters is sufficient, from which you will cut out shelves and make round horizontal lintels.

Where to start

Start by agreeing on the sizes. Let the “customer” tell you approximately where he wants to install the stand and how many decorative plates he has. Based on these data, you will determine the height and width of the stand, you will specifically know the distances between the horizontal ties and their number. Now figure out what materials you have and how you can arrange them into a single structure. Pieces of lumber and slats, boards and pieces of plywood, etc. can be used. All selected lumber must be pre-prepared.

Manufacturing of parts

To work you must have an electric plane, manual frezer and circular saw or electric jigsaw. Parts need to be completely cleaned sanding paper different numbers, the connection is made with self-tapping screws or confirmats, carpentry glue does not need to be used. The load on the parts of the stand is small, you shouldn’t get it dirty and then clean the parts with wood glue; the self-tapping screws will do the job perfectly on their own. Check and adjust power tools, never work with faulty or unsharpened ones. How better tool- the faster and better quality the products are made and the safer it is to work with them. Both factors are so important that not paying attention to them is strictly prohibited by safety regulations.

First, process the boards with an electric plane, the movement of the plane should always be along the grain. Do not rush to remove large thickness of boards at once; it is better to make several passes with a small cutting depth than one pass with a large cutting depth. Our side posts only have curves at the top and bottom; choose the radius of the curves yourself, use any available objects of a suitable diameter for this. If you have time and desire, you can go along the edges with a figured cutter, this will improve the look somewhat. appearance stands. Round cross braces can be made using an electric plane. Of course you have some lathe on wood, the stand will look more attractive; by hand you will never be able to make a perfectly round piece from a square piece. But modern designers recommend specifically focusing on handmade decorative elements, this emphasizes the uniqueness of the design and indicates its exclusivity. So the choice is yours, but we advise you to listen to the recommendations professional designers, and not only in the manufacture of this particular stand.

Horizontal shelves have a selected profile to support the edges of decorative plates; the profile is selected using a router. The sampling depth should ensure reliable fixation of objects and completely exclude the possibility of their spontaneous sliding. The lower part of the shelf is slightly wider than all the others and has a semicircular profile. You can attach hooks to it, on which decorative items will be hung. wooden spoons and other kitchen utensils. At the top there is a wide jumper that is attached to the wall. It is advisable to connect it with the side vertical posts in the spike/groin. If you don’t want to waste time on such a connection, then use self-tapping screws or confirmations for fixation, just increase their number and diameter.

Assembling the stand

Before starting assembly, be sure to check the dimensions of the parts. Due to the fact that you will be connecting them end-to-end, the length of the horizontal elements must be absolutely the same. How to adjust parts to length? Clamp them with clamps, while aligning them with an even bar on one side. WITH opposite side You need to accurately cut the parts to the shortest length. It is very important that the angle of all cuts is exactly 90°, otherwise gaps will appear at the joints, in addition, the joint itself will not have sufficient strength - the stand will not hold a rectangular shape.

On the vertical posts, mark the installation locations of the horizontal elements; the markings on both posts should be symmetrical. Then fix the parts one by one to one stand, do not rush to tighten them too much at once, let them still have a small backlash. Similarly, fasten the second vertical post to them, check the angles between the individual elements again, and only then tighten the fastening hardware until it stops.


Today, products from natural wood, and if so, then you should not hide its structure with paints, for finishing use clear varnishes. Before varnishing, it is necessary to sand off all the pile very carefully, otherwise it may rise while the varnish is drying and the entire product will have to be sanded again. You need to apply varnish at least twice, choose only high-quality varnish. The fact is that wet decorative plates can be placed on the stand, the water will long time located on the lower supports of the plates. Cheap varnish will not withstand such operating conditions and will begin to peel off; you will have to do “unscheduled” repairs, remove the old coating and apply a new one. This is quite long and always unpleasant.

550 rub.

  • RUB 1,250

  • RUB 1,300

  • 750 rub.

  • 850 rub.

  • RUB 1,250

  • 950 rub.

  • 2,000 rub.

  • 1,500 rub.

  • RUB 1,250

  • RUB 1,350

  • RUB 1,450

  • 700 rub

  • Every housewife strives to ensure that her kitchen is decorated in an original and beautiful way. Especially if the hostess has creative skills, then with the design kitchen interior there are no problems at all. Modern stores have a very large and rich selection of different kitchen utensils, among which there are also quite unique and unusual factory-produced items, but all of this is somehow standard and familiar. But creating something in an original design is quite interesting and entertaining. Decoupage in modern times is a very popular handicraft technique, thanks to which a wide variety of interior items, especially kitchen ones, are decorated.

    The range of products for decoupage is simply diverse, so if you add some imagination to them, you can get a great result.

    We present to your attention a master class in the decoupage technique - creating stands for hot plates. What we need for production:

    Two blanks measuring 15 by 15 cm - I have blanks made of hardboard.

    Napkin for decoupage with a kitchen-themed design.

    Glue for decoupage, glossy acrylic.

    White acrylic paint.

    Kitchen sponge.

    PVA glue.

    So let's get started. We cover the table with oilcloth so as not to stain anything, and place the blanks on the table. Kitchen sponge dip in white paint.

    Using tangential, as if dipping movements, we paint over the blanks with the first layer of paint. Leave it for about forty minutes for the first layer to dry.

    Carefully check whether the paint has dried - the surface should be completely dry. Then we cover it again with a second layer of white paint.

    Two layers of white paint, as a rule, are quite enough for wooden and hardboard blanks, but if the surface is not completely painted over, then we cover it with a third layer. Let it dry completely. The second layer takes longer to dry than the first.

    The process can be speeded up a little by drying the surfaces with a hairdryer. We turn the painted side down and now paint the other side in the same sequence, then coat the edges of both blanks in a circle.

    Now the second side is drying. When the blanks are completely dry, we begin decorating them. We take a napkin, unfold it and iron it. It is better to iron it with the picture down so as not to damage the design.

    All napkins for decoupage are three-layer, so we remove the topmost colored layer, only very carefully so as not to tear the napkin. Cut it in half.

    Place one half of the napkin on the workpiece and, starting from the middle, coat it with the adhesive mixture. Glue mixture first prepare from water and PVA glue (1:1), mix in a small bowl.

    The top side is glued, we wrap the remaining napkin on the back side, carefully coat the fold line.

    Every person at least once in his life tried to collect a collection of some interesting things, for example, coins, figurines or painted plates, which, among other things, are effective decorative elements. The same coins can be collected in a box, but it is better to display beautiful dishes. If you like to collect something like this and always buy original and unusual things to decorate your home, then you will certainly need a stand for a decorative plate to store them. It’s not at all difficult to make it yourself; the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations given in this article.

    In order for you to get high-quality and reliable stands for decorative plates with your own hands, then first of all prepare the necessary materials:

    • For the manufacture of side walls, planks 1.5-2 cm thick and 8.5 cm wide are suitable.

    Important! Their shape can be rectangular or curved, but in the second case you will need skills in working with wood and special tools.

    • In addition to the sides, you will also need a base, that is, a shelf, which can be made from thick material, for example, boards 2 cm thick and 6 cm wide.
    • Rods will be useful for supporting plates, which can be made from cuttings intended for garden tools.

    You will need to perform these steps in a clear sequence:

    • Decide on the size of the shelves. Calculate everything so that their width allows you to mark the required number of plates.
    • Saw off the shelves, make one recess in them in the middle.
    • Cut out the sides, and also make holes in them for installing shelves and rods.
    • Sand all the parts until the edges are rounded.
    • Assemble the structure, not forgetting the board for attaching the shelf to the wall.
    • Fix it at the level of the highest crossbar, opposite it. Before doing this, make two holes in it to attach the shelves to the wall.

    Important! Such walls should be made for each crossbar so that the plates do not rest against a bare wall.

    • Cover the finished shelf with several layers of high-quality varnish and hang it on the wall.

    Important! If you wish, you can decorate the stand with beautiful patterns or carvings.

    A rather original and beautiful stand for a plate with your own hands can be made from cardboard and felt. In addition to the basic materials, you will also need a hot glue gun and tape.

    Important! The shape of the product directly depends on your imagination; it can be ornate or simple. It's better to draw yourself a sketch on paper to use as a reference.

    Perform the work according to the following scheme:

    1. Draw a blank on cardboard, it is better to transfer it from paper. Its dimensions directly depend on the size of your decorative plate.
    2. Carefully transfer the design onto the felt, then cut out two such blanks.
    3. By using glue gun Glue the felt on both sides of the resulting cardboard blank.
    4. Use ribbon and a hot gun to decorate the edges.
    5. Bend the workpiece in the center and glue a strip of braid corresponding to the length of the product.

    It's so easy to make an unusual, but beautiful stand, and you don’t need to have any special knowledge for this.

    If you're just starting to collect dishes, you only have one great plate, but you want it to take its place in your kitchen, decorating it and adding some flair to it, then this next idea will definitely appeal to you. Your new stand for a decorative plate with your own hands is made from the most ordinary cutting board. Such work will not take more than two hours, but its results will delight you every day.

    For work, prepare:

    • Board. You can take an old one or buy a new one, preferably wooden or bamboo. It should be slightly smaller or larger in size than the plate.
    • You will also need a wooden strip and a small piece to support the product.
    • A small piece of plywood or wood to cut out a sharp triangle.
    • Stain or paint of the desired shade - it is better if it matches the color of the facades, countertops or kitchen apron.
    • A rag for staining or a brush for painting.
    • Saw or jigsaw.
    • Strong hold adhesive.

    Follow all steps indicated in these instructions:

    1. Using a jigsaw or saw, shorten the fragment or strip to required size(according to the width of the board), sand the edges sandpaper, glue it to the bottom of the cutting board.
    2. Cut the support for the stand from a piece of wood so that it is shaped like a sharp triangle with a right angle. Then glue it too reverse side boards. The angle of inclination of the holder directly depends on the inclination of the hypotenuse of this block.
    3. Paint the workpiece and let it dry.
    4. Decorate the handle of the stand with ribbon or jute rope if you want to hang the board on a hook.

    Important! This stand can be in an interesting way decorate, for example, make it look old artificially or burn a design, draw something, cover it with slate paint.

    You can make such wonderful stands for your collection of decorative plates from scrap materials without leaving your home.

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