Admission to a university based on the results of the Unified State Exam. The date has been announced when university admission results will be made public

Before submitting documents to an educational institution, it is better to familiarize yourself with how admission to a university occurs. With all the distinctive awards and confident knowledge, you can fail by applying at the wrong time. It is also worth paying attention to the competitive conditions for selecting applicants. Each educational institution has its own rules.

General principles

Various conditions affect how admission to a university occurs. Local characteristics, educational profile, as well as the acquired profession upon graduation contribute to this process. It even influences financial condition both the applicants themselves and the places where they are admitted.

Still traceable General terms selection in all universities in the country. Among these are:

  • Average school grade, Unified State Exam results.
  • Knowledge in entrance exams, expressed in the marks received for them. (Additional testing is provided at some universities.)
  • Availability of awards for participation in conferences, additional education (preparatory courses).
  • Availability of a referral to a preferential place or other privileges.
  • Competition during the submission period.

Not everyone understands how admission to a university occurs with a huge flow of beneficiaries. The streaming system also introduces difficulties, when some of the seats are already occupied before the exams begin. This is explained by courses from the university, which are conducted annually on a financial basis.

If you carefully consider how admission to a university occurs, you will notice that priority remains with those who have attended for a long time additional training from the teachers of the institution. In other words, all other things being equal, those who have paid for additional classes are taken first. This was previously called the admission of applicants from the first wave of exams.

The competition in the second stream is often higher. The most prepared applicants are selected here. There is some inequality for those entering the university. At this moment, “freeloaders”—with preferential referrals—infiltrate the ranks of those applying. To be admitted, they only need to have a rating comparable to a C in all subjects.

Calculation of indicators

Let's look at how admission to a university occurs based on the results of studying at school - points for the Unified State Exam. To do this, several indicators are used, tabulated for ease of calculation. However, the results of the ranking of applicants can be seen only after submitting documents to the admissions committee and calculating all the data. So, lists are posted after July 27 every year. But you can submit copies of documents. However, there are some peculiarities; the original will still be needed before the results are announced.

To understand how admission to a university on a budget occurs, it is necessary to compare the following indicators of applicants:

  • The total score for all indicators.
  • The scores for the three entrance exams are compared separately.
  • Points for individual achievements are taken into account.
  • Often, admission to a university is influenced by whether the applicant submitted an original education document or a copy.
  • All other things being equal, the presence of a preemptive right is taken into account (these are target areas, benefits, etc.).

The given list determines how admission to a university takes place according to priorities. If there are strong applicants in the stream, it may happen that an excellent student will be left out of work. A C grade student will enter another department, where at that moment the requirements turned out to be lower.

Often when good performance the rector of the university can accept extraordinary solution and open a few additional budget places. This happens quite rarely. After all, the institution itself, and not the Ministry of Education, will pay for the tuition.

Selection procedure

It is important to remember what date admission to the university occurs. The original education document must be submitted no later than the following dates:

  • For applicants in targeted and preferential areas - no later than July 29. Documents will no longer be accepted after 16:00 on this day.
  • For budget places - no later than August 3. The reception ends at 16.00 on this day.

How to assess your chances of admission?

Let's look at how the process of admission to a university works, using an example. So, we will assume that there are 30 budget places. Of these, only 8 are allocated to beneficiaries and target recipients.

Of all the places, applicants will be able to take 22. Confidence in admission can be given by a position in the ranking that will be higher than 80% of 22 budget places. The lucky ones are those whose last names will be above the position 22 * ​​80% = 17.6 = 17th line.

If your last name is higher, you can safely carry the original document. Will happen guaranteed reception to the chosen university. It is important to arrive before 16:00 on August 3 when applying on a general basis.

How are the recruitment stages different?

Let's take a closer look at how university admission occurs. The first wave provides for the allocation of 80% of places for state employees, the rest are allocated for targeted applicants. Beneficiaries can expect a low passing score and no consideration of other priorities when submitting original documents.

The second wave accommodates only 20% of all available budget places. At the same time, for other state employees, the passing score often becomes higher due to the increasing number of applicants who were not included in the first wave.

Who are the beneficiaries?

To understand how admission to a university occurs in waves, it is recommended not to panic immediately after you find a surname below the boundaries given in the example. After all, beneficiaries may not submit documents. To do this, you should monitor the rating lists daily.

If the target persons provide copies of documents, then these places will be designated as budget places. Your name may be among them. Beneficiaries may include:

  • Olympic athletes.
  • Applicants with targeted directions from certain schools and gymnasiums.
  • Participants in educational projects.

Control rules

Once you are on the list of lucky ones, you need to monitor your position every day. It is especially important to check when trying to enroll in two universities at once. Those beneficiaries who have a copy of their documents always have a chance to bring the original before 16:00 on July 29.

For budget applicants this deadline is even longer - until August 3, 16.00. That's why constant control your position will help you correctly assess your chances and transfer the original to another university in time, where the likelihood of admission will be much higher. It should be remembered that for those who failed the first wave there is a second one.

When re-selecting, you can also send the original documents to the selection committees. Along with them, they must also submit an application requesting admission to the university. Specific evidence of awards and achievements is also provided.

Conditions for beneficiaries

Documents are submitted to the target places in the first wave. Medalists and other beneficiaries have the right to enroll in two universities at the same time, submitting a copy to one place and the original to another. If an applicant does not pass somewhere in the ranking, then he has the opportunity to participate in the second wave of admission.

However, re-submission of documents will already take place on a general basis. Students will be selected according to a new, higher rating. This approach allows us to select the most competent guys from the entire stream.

Second run

The first stage of selection ends on August 3, and on the 4th the order for enrollment is issued and lists are posted. 80% of budget places have already been occupied. Based on the number of applications submitted, the second wave of applicants is being collected.

At this stage, the same rules for selecting the most successful guys apply. Original documents must be brought before August 7. Already on this day the second order for enrollment will be issued.

At the second stage, the remaining budget places are filled - 20%. If you didn’t find your name on the lists, then you weren’t lucky enough to become a student. However, this is not the end of educational opportunities.

Did not work out. What's next?

If you do not qualify for the first and second waves of admission to government-funded places, you can get an education on a paid basis. Recruitment of applicants also takes place through a competition from the remaining lists. The rules are similar to the previous ones: you will need to bring original documents and an application requesting admission to the university.

The number of places is determined by the director of the university and is limited only technical capabilities establishments. The competition here is much lower than for budget places. If this option is not suitable, there are two more options to still graduate from a university: a correspondence budget form of education or a similar paid form.

Dates for accepting documents:

  • Under the contract, applications are accepted until August 27. Preferential loans are available for students to study at universities. You can also pay expenses from maternity capital parents.
  • You can apply for correspondence courses until August 10 for budget-funded places.
  • Applications for absentee contracts must be submitted by September 29.

Considering all the possibilities, only the lazy do not go to university. To properly assess your capabilities, you need to constantly review the lists and not despair if your name is not found among the lucky ones. It’s not easy to compete for prestigious places, but if you really want to, you can find suitable option training.

Has the appointment been received?

This, of course, is good news if a name is found on the list of lucky ones. But what happens after enrolling in a university? You should definitely visit the HR department and find information about the necessary documents.

Those who have been admitted to the university must prepare photographs for their personal file and student ID. Size - 3x4 cm, no corner required. The next stage is a medical commission, the result of which should be a certificate 086U.

Those liable for military service submit registration certificates for reporting. Recently, you can submit documents through the university website or by mail. The date for the meeting will appear on the notice board soon.

The freshmen will be gathered to meet the group, and a prefect will be appointed. A little later the day for issuing student transcripts will be announced. And a week before the start of classes you can see the schedule.

For many, housing issues will have to be resolved before classes begin. You will have to write an application with a request to allocate a room in the hostel if you have the right to do so. Details of this action can be found in the educational department. It is worth starting to resolve this issue immediately after the release of the enrollment order.

The problem of purchasing travel cards remains relevant. After all, they are produced in limited quantities. It is also worth picking up literature before starting classes.

The parents of graduates and the students themselves are facing the most important and exciting time - deciding where to go to study. But, you see, today, due to constant changes, the question of what documents are needed for admission to a university in 2017-2018 is also relevant. After all, every year the Ministry of Education introduces adjustments. What should we expect this year? What information is already available to future applicants?

Admission rules in Russia.

By order of the Russian Ministry of Education, the following changes are being introduced this year.

  • Firstly, the procedure for admission to training in educational programs higher education, or, more precisely, bachelor's, specialist and master's programs.
  • Secondly, a list of entrance tests for admission to educational programs of higher education, that is, bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs.

Changes have also been introduced to the procedure for admission to universities. First of all, you should carefully consider and study the list and list of persons who have the primary right to enroll in undergraduate and specialist programs. What kind of faces are these?

The following category of persons have the right to submit documents and enroll in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus.
  2. Compatriots from the CIS.
  3. Foreign citizens living in Russia.
  4. Citizens who do not have citizenship, but live in Russia.
  5. Citizens who have a certificate of secondary education.
  6. Persons with an appropriate document on vocational education or with a diploma of graduation from a university.

Orphans and disabled people are also excluded from the competition if they have no contraindications for this educational process.

Regarding the issue related to the number of budgetary funds, this figure is ultimately determined by the ministry to which it reports this type educational institution, and then agreed with the Ministry of Education. As for budget-funded places in the master's program, this issue is resolved locally, that is, by the university itself.

In order to enter absolutely any university in Russia, you must follow the following sequential steps.

  • First, write a corresponding statement.
  • Secondly, collect and provide a standard package of documents, which are prescribed by law. What does it include?

    1. Passport.
    2. School certificate.
    3. Document on vocational education.
    4. Diploma of higher education.
    5. Photos.

If an applicant wants to take advantage of the benefits that are also available upon admission, he must also provide an additional package of documents, depending on the benefits he is counting on and applying for.

Benefits upon admission.

According to the existing amendments to Russian legislation The following categories of benefits can be distinguished, which all applicants have the right to count on.

Applicants are enrolled as students of a given educational institution only based on the results of entrance exams, and no later than 10 days before the start of classes. As you can see, the rules for admission and admission to universities have actually remained the same, with the exception of only some changes and adjustments, which for many may be decisive and play a major, important role in admission.

Russian universities will enroll applicants based on the results of the Unified State Examination (USE) in three stages: the final lists of applicants will appear on August 21, the press service of Rosobrnadzor reported on Monday, July 20.

In Russia, this year a law came into force according to which the results of the Unified State Exam become both final exams in schools and entrance exams in universities. The number of universities or institutes to which you can apply is not limited. Universities do not have the right to require original Unified State Examination certificates from applicants. It is enough for the applicant to indicate in the application which exams he passed and what scores he received. Universities will independently recheck the Unified State Exam results of their applicants in the federal database of certificates.

Acceptance of documents to universities ends on July 25, then within two days the results are summed up, and on July 27 the first list of applicants who pass the scores is published. This is followed by three stages of enrollment. The first begins on July 28 and lasts seven days - until August 3. At this time, the applicant who passed the competition must bring the original Unified State Examination certificate to the university of his choice.

“Let’s say an educational institution accepts 25 people for budget-funded places for a certain specialty, and 100 people submitted applications. The university posts a list of 25 who passed the competition, the remaining 75 remain in reserve,” explained Sergei Shatunov, assistant to the head of Rosobrnadzor.

According to him, if in the first “seven days” the original certificates of the Unified State Examination were brought, for example, by only 10 people from this list, and 15 did not, their places are freed up and the next 15 people from the reserve list apply for them. “Applicants from the first list who did not bring the original before August 3 are considered to have refused enrollment,” the source emphasized.

Then, on August 4, the university issues the first order of admission and publishes the second list of those who passed by scores. The second stage of enrollment also lasts seven days - from August 5 to August 12. “If during this time 10 more people brought original USE certificates, five places remain in reserve,” said a representative of Rosobrnadzor.

According to him, on August 13, the university publishes the second order of admission and the third list of those who passed by scores. The third stage of enrollment takes place from August 14 to 20. The university must publish the final order on the enrollment of full-time students on August 21.

“This only applies to full-time applicants. Enrollment for evening and correspondence forms, for the 2nd and subsequent years (for example, when a student transfers to another educational institution or goes back to study after an academic leave), universities are determined independently,” Shatunov said.

He called on first-year students to check with universities for a certificate of state accreditation and a license to conduct educational activities. “Educational institutions must familiarize their applicants with these documents against receipt so that there are no conflicts in the future. Children should immediately know where they are going to study,” says a representative of Rosobrnadzor.

What nuances should be taken into account when submitting documents to a university?

To simplify, let’s imagine a situation where there is a field of training (specialty) for which 100 budget places are allocated. This is the so-called recruitment plan. On June 20, universities began accepting documents and forming a list of applicants for admission, ranked in descending order of points. Thus, at the top of this list will be applicants with higher scores compared to the rest.

Let’s assume that by the end of accepting documents (July 26), it will include a total of 500 people, some of whom brought original documents and agreed to be enrolled, while the other part did not. On July 27, the university publishes lists of applicants on its website indicating the amount of Unified State Exam points they scored. In fact, this is equivalent to the fact that the university announces: if you want to be enrolled, before August 1, inclusive, bring the originals and give your consent to enrollment, otherwise you will be left out. But not everyone usually responds to this message, because... Some applicants do not consider this university as a priority.

In this case, a situation may arise in which by August 1, a total of only 90 people will bring original documents and consent to enrollment. But will they all be enrolled? It turns out not. The university admission mechanism works in such a way that at the first stage no more than 80% of the enrollment plan can be accepted, i.e. no more than 80 people. Thus, in the end, it turns out that 90 people brought the originals and gave their consent, and only 80 of them, who have higher scores than the rest, will be enrolled in the university. And all this will become known no earlier than August 3, when orders for enrollment received at stage 1 are issued.

A reasonable question is, what will happen to the remaining 20 places that remain free? In total, 100 budget places have been allocated. The answer is simple - they will be transferred to the 2nd stage of enrollment, which begins immediately after the end of the first and will last until August 8, inclusive. At the same time, on August 3, the university will again invite EVERYONE remaining on the list who was not previously enrolled to bring the originals in a timely manner and agree to enrollment (until August 6 inclusive), and if this condition is met, then on August 8 the following order of enrollment will be issued ( Stage 2). But again, only those applicants who will have top scores compared to others.

What do we end up with? In fact, a lottery in which, even at the 1st stage, applicants with a total of 290 points and 170 can be enrolled. And all this is only because many others from the list of applicants, trivially, did not bring the originals and did not consented to enrollment. But these are the rules of the game that are common to everyone and will have to be taken into account.

And yet, what to do in such an uncertain situation? There cannot be a single recipe here. However, let us note a number important points which you should pay attention to.

First: you need to have a complete understanding of the number of budget places for the specialty you are interested in for each of the admission conditions.

Second: it is necessary to understand that some of the budget places will be taken by target students, preferential categories of applicants and Olympiad participants. The order for their enrollment will be issued on July 29, and therefore by the evening of the same day you will know the exact number of budget places that will remain for the general competition, i.e. for those who are admitted based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Third: keep in mind that there are quotas for targeted and preferential categories of applicants, and if they are not filled, the free places must be transferred to the general competition. Thus, total number There are more budget-funded places for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Fourth: after receiving an accurate idea of ​​the number of budget places, it is necessary to monitor the situation with competitive lists on a daily basis. Especially in the period from July 29 to August 1, when the ranked list of applicants with their scores will be known, the number of those who agreed to enroll will be visible, and it will be clear how many applicants were enrolled earlier. To do this, you can make tables in EXEL for each university (specialty), and enter relevant information into them daily. This will allow us to consider the movement within the competition list in dynamics.

Fifth: it is necessary to remember that August 1 is the last day for accepting original documents from persons included in the competition list and wishing to be enrolled at stage 1, and therefore, if you have not yet brought the originals and have not given consent to enrollment, then you should understand that the final choice will need to be made before the end of this day. Otherwise, the train will leave.

Sixth: you should not think that nothing depends on you in this situation. A painstaking and careful analysis of competition lists, in most cases, bears fruit.

All of the above fully applies to the 2nd stage of enrollment, where it is important to know: how many budget places are left free after the 1st stage, how the progress is going with the originals and consent to enrollment within the competitive list, what place you occupy in the ranking.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Any significant changes this did not happen in the rules for admission to Russian universities in 2017. There are not many changes - but they may play a role in admissions. Therefore, future students are advised to be more careful and clarify the admission rules, which are regularly adjusted, directly at the chosen university.

So, what should everyone who is applying this year need to know?

  • According to the rules of this year, an applicant has the opportunity to submit documents for admission to a number of universities equal to 5. In addition, he can choose up to 3 specialties in each of the selected educational institutions. Moreover, a graduate can submit an application by e-mail or send it by Russian Post.
  • Starting this year, the list of persons who have a priority right to enrollment has been expanded (note – for specialist and bachelor’s programs). In 2017, it included the children of employees of the FSV National Guard of the Russian Federation, as well as the employees and military personnel of the FSV National Guard.
  • The changes also affected Crimeans and Sevastopol residents. This year, special admission conditions for them have been canceled, and there are no special quotas for applicants from Crimea and Sevastopol. Students will be admitted in the general stream and undergo entrance examinations on an equal basis with all applicants in Russia.
  • However, the benefit for former schoolchildren Crimea was left after all : Sevastopol and Crimean residents have the right to enroll in any university in the country for specialist and bachelor’s degree programs upon presentation of the relevant educational documents.
  • All updated rules for admission to universities must be posted on personal websites educational institutions.
  • Regarding disabled people, as well as persons with disabilities on health, changes were developed in the conditions of admission concerning more expanded provision of their needs.
  • Prize-winners/winners of Olympiads retain special rights , into whose “piggy bank” additional points are added upon admission (note – up to 10 points in total).
  • The list of Olympiads that can bring additional points has also been expanded – there are 88 of them in total today. The list includes several more Olympiads (note – Robofest, Innopolis, TechnoKubik, etc.).
  • For applicants to the direction of “intelligent systems in the humanitarian field” will useful information about the introduction of a new entrance test - now you will also have to take mathematics.
  • The changes affected the deadlines within which universities must announce benefits for winners of Olympiads. Data on such benefits must be published on October 1.
  • Admission to a university without entrance exams in 2017 is also possible! This right will be available to the winners of Olympiads, as well as to school graduates who received the highest scores on the Unified State Exam in a core subject. But only on the condition that they passed the remaining subjects with at least 75 points each.
  • The deadline for admitting students to master's programs has also been changed. Applicants must submit the entire set of documents by July 20th.
  • Innovations also affected medical universities in the country. Internship, as a form of professional training, will be completely abolished from September of this year. That is, doctors will begin work directly without a certificate of completion of residency (only with a diploma of graduation from a university). As for healing techniques, students will have to master it on simulators assigned to medical institutions. Skill development, according to the introduced amendments, will have to take place during the training process under the direct guidance of specialists.
  • Another change affecting future doctors. The usual certification procedure will now be replaced by accreditation, which takes place simultaneously with state exams. This examination will have to be completed every five years.
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