Traffic - what is it and how to measure Internet traffic. What is traffic on the Internet: a couple of general words

Hi all! Today we will figure out what traffic is and what types of traffic there are. And the most interesting thing is how you can make money from this business.

What is website traffic?

Website traffic is the number of people who visited your website in one day. In other words, these are all the unique users who visited your blog in 24 hours. For example, 1000 people visited your project in a day, then your website traffic will be 1000 people. The unit of measurement is considered to be the visitor to your project.

I think everything is clear here. Now let's look at what kind of traffic there is.

Types of traffic

There are actually many types of traffic. But most people divide it into 4 types, and I completely agree with this. Let's highlight four types of traffic:

  • Other traffic

Let's take a closer look at each type of traffic.

This type of traffic is considered to be visitors who came to your site from search engines, such as Yandex, Google and others. This is the main type of traffic that all people who have their own websites, blogs or online stores are chasing.

The main advantage of search traffic is that you can use it to recruit visitors for your website in huge quantities. But first you need to work very hard and fill your blog big amount quality content.

The more quality articles on your project, the more traffic from search engines. How it works? For example, I have an article on my blog about . A person needs the keys to this antivirus program, he opens the Yandex search engine and writes “Kaspersky Keys” in the search bar. Below he is shown a list of sites where he can download these keys.

Among this list is my website. So a person clicks on a link and gets to my site. This is one visitor. The more articles are in the top search engine results, the more visitors you get to your blog. This is the search type of traffic.

A lot of webmasters are also chasing direct traffic. What is direct traffic? Look, a visitor came to your site, for example, from a search engine, read your articles, looked through the pages of your blog, and this visitor liked the site so much that he added it to his bookmarks.

The next time this person goes to your website, not through a search engine, but directly, through a link in the bookmarks, or writes the address of your website in the address bar of the browser. I think it's clear. Direct traffic is those visitors who go to your website directly.

Now I want to go to the site “”, I won’t look for it in a search engine, I have it in my bookmarks. I clicked on the “vk” link and went directly to this site. I made direct traffic for the site “”.

Also powerful traffic for sites that are used by many owners of Internet resources. Everything is as simple as always. So you wrote an article on your blog or website, and posted a small announcement with a link to this article on your wall of the social network Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, and so on.

Or, any other visitor came to your site, for example, from a search engine, and read your article. He really liked it, and he already posted the announcement of your article with a link on his page, and his friends, who were interested, click on the link and end up on your website.

Other traffic

Another type of traffic includes visitors who come to your Internet resource from other sites, services, and so on. For example, you wrote a mega-cool article on your website: “How to become a millionaire.” I come to your blog, read this article, I really liked it. I decided to write the same article on my website, based on the information I read.

So, I wrote an article and at the end I will write that I got the information from such and such a site, and provide a link to your resource. Basically they write “

Good afternoon, regular readers of my blog site and its guests. Today I suggest you understand what traffic on the Internet is and how to control it. Let's delve into all the nuances of this topic together!

Every webmaster strives to increase traffic and for this he can produce various actions: optimize your website, purchase links and, of course, regularly analyze the results of your efforts and their effectiveness. But like every body, there are also subtleties.

Before you focus on traffic growth, you need to prepare your project and check with the hosting provider what load the resource is ready for, so that the project does not freeze or it may be worth moving to a more powerful platform. Stable work affects the reputation of the site and you must admit that if you go to the site and it freezes, then you are unlikely to return there again.

How to get traffic?

As you understand, hunting for traffic is one of the main goals. There are several methods through which you can attract him:

  • Search engines;
  • Social network;
  • Newsletters;
  • Arbitration and others.

To find target audience used search method and it is the most popular, least effective - through social networks.

Now let’s look at each of the methods in turn for dummies.

Traffic via PS

Search engines can provide you with unlimited traffic, but only a professional can get the maximum. To do this, you need to seriously start studying content promotion and optimization. It also cannot be done without costs; investments will be required. But it also happens that articles that do not resort to advertising promotion captivate people with the content and the webmaster avoids spending.

I wrote in detail about how to implement this in the book " TOP articles".

Eternal links

Buying links from colleagues on their resources, where your resource is unobtrusively mentioned in the article, is a profitable and effective investment. It is very important to choose a site well, because some of them may not contribute to the development of your site, but to a decrease in position. The worst outcome incorrect selection advertising platforms – imposition of sanctions ().


To receive traffic using this method, a young site will need to conduct advertising company in Yandex Direct or Google Adwords. In these two systems, the cost of a click is on average 50 kopecks, and in order to receive an average of 1000 blog guests every day for a month, you will need to spend 15-40 thousand rubles per month.

It is more profitable to invest in unique content as it guarantees an influx of visitors on a regular basis.

Social media

Simple and free advertising - creating communities or groups on social networks. If you create a product that is interesting to users, then there will be quite a few transitions to your resource. In any case, you have nothing to lose here and can verify the effectiveness of own experience.

Traffic accounting

You can control attendance using statistical data. This way, if necessary, you can not only monitor the site, but also demonstrate statistical data to potential advertisers. If the latter like your resource and want to place advertisements on it, this can also become your additional source of income.

You can collect the mentioned data using special services by installing their counters on your website:

  • Google Analytics;
  • Rambler TOP 100.

The degree of depth of data analysis is individual in each case and these nuances are filled in by the webmaster in the settings.

Traffic Monetization

The hunt for traffic is carried out for a reason; the main goal is to increase earnings. Advertising costs should be perceived as an investment for subsequent profit. passive income.

  • Contextual;
  • Banner;
  • Affiliate.

We can conclude that it is impossible to promote a website without costs and expect profit.

Internet traffic

I would also like to talk about Internet traffic and how it is spent.

This traffic refers to the volume of information that each user sends and receives. The volume is calculated in megabytes and is divided into two types: outgoing and incoming.

Traffic is wasted when you download any information and documents, files or watch, for example, videos online and also when you automatically update programs or applications installed on your computer. To find out about the megabytes spent, you can go to “ Start », « Control Panel " And " Network connections " In the window " Connection via local network » and the necessary data about internal network flows is displayed.

The standard method mentioned does not always display information accurately, so you can install a program more specialized in traffic measurements (for example, NetWorx or Process Hacker). There you can also set a setting to avoid exceeding the limit.

If you want to connect a program on your phone or tablet, there are applications for these programs (or their analogues: Data Usage , Internet Speed ​​Meter Lite) .

To give you an idea of ​​how traffic is consumed, I’ll write what 1 MB of data is:
30 internet pages;
400 text pages;
1-5 photos High Quality.

An average audio file is 7 MB, a clip is up to 200 MB, and a movie is from 700 MB.

I hope the information was useful to you and you will apply the knowledge in your work. Subscribe to blog updates!

See you again!


Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

In your mobile phone settings you can find a section called “Data Transfer” or “Data Usage”. This section calculates the traffic that the user spends on his phone.

But many users do not know what traffic is and what to do with the traffic values ​​that are displayed in the mobile phone settings. If you also have not yet figured out this issue, then we suggest that you read our article.

Traffic is the amount of information that a mobile phone sends and receives from the Internet. Traffic can be measured in packets, bits, or bytes. But in phones, bytes and their derivatives (kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes) are usually used as a unit of measurement. Traffic counting is necessary so that the user can control his Internet expenses.

When traffic is counted, it is usually divided into several types. This can be incoming, outgoing, internal or external traffic. But the phone usually doesn’t have such detailed statistics about traffic usage. Instead, the phone simply shows the total amount of data that has been used over a period of time. In some cases, a separate count may be kept for mobile internet(traffic transmitted via cellular communication) and Wi-Fi.

If necessary, traffic counting can be organized on any device that is connected to the network or the Internet. For example, if you need to count traffic on a computer running Windows system, then for this you can use such programs as TMeter, NetWorx, BWMeter or DU Meter.

How to view traffic on Android

In order to see traffic consumption on an Android mobile phone, you need to open the “ Settings" and find the section there " Data transfer" or " data usage" For example, on pure Android 8.0, to do this you first need to go to the “ Network and Internet", and then open the subsection " Data transfer».

Here you can see how much traffic was used over the last month and take advantage of the functions that allow you to manage your mobile Internet expenses. There is also information about the amount of information that was transferred via Wi-Fi.

If the information that Android provides is not enough for you, then you can install special applications for traffic counting. For example, you can use applications or.

How to view traffic on iPhone

There is a similar section with traffic information on the iPhone. If you have an Apple mobile phone, then you need to open the settings application, go to the " cellular" and scroll the screen to the item " Statistics».

Here you can see the total amount of data from the Internet, as well as data that was received while roaming. In addition, the iPhone gives exact value traffic for everyone installed application. This allows you to quickly identify the applications that access the Internet most often and increase your mobile phone costs.

If the information provided by the iPhone is not enough for you, then you can install special applications for counting traffic. For example, you can use applications or.

How to save traffic on your phone

If your Mobile Internet expenses seem too high to you, then you can take a number of measures to reduce the amount of traffic consumed:

  • Turn off mobile Internet when you don't need it. Simple but very effective advice. If you are very limited in mobile traffic, then mobile Internet should be turned off at every opportunity.
  • Explore your phone settings. Explore the settings available on your phone. You'll likely find many features and functionality that will help you reduce your data usage and control your mobile Internet costs.
  • Use a browser with a saving feature. Many browsers have built-in bandwidth saving tools. For example, you can use the Opera browser. This browser passes all traffic through its own servers, where it is pre-compressed.
  • Try to always connect to Wi-Fi. While you are connected to wireless Wi-Fi networks you transmit traffic through this network, while the mobile Internet is actually disabled.
  • Explore application settings. In the settings of many applications there is an item “Only via Wi-Fi”; after enabling it, the application will only use the Wi-Fi network.

For those who not only use computer networks, but also pays for them, the concept of traffic is well known, on which the amount of payment often depends.

However, for most users the Internet has long become unlimited, and they do not need to monitor traffic. Still, you need to know what it is, not only for computers, but also for mobile devices.

Word "traffic" translated from in English means transport, movement. You can often come across the expression “traffic on a highway, street, road” - it means the intensity of traffic flow. Accordingly, computer traffic is the “movement” of packets with information over communication networks.

There are incoming and outgoing traffic - the amount of information that your computer receives and transmits during information exchange. Traffic can be local, i.e. what happens inside your home or office network, and externally when computers on global networks participate in the exchange.

In the early years of the Internet, fees were charged according to the amount of information received and transmitted. In order to connect one user to the Internet, the Internet provider had to incur quite significant costs, which were recouped only from the customer’s subscription fee.

Therefore, the Internet was paid on the same principle as water or electricity - according to the meter. Then limited tariffs appeared, which set “wholesale” prices for traffic, and exceeding the limit was paid at significantly more high price. Such tariffs are still sometimes maintained by some wireless Internet operators.

But paying for traffic is the side that concerns users. From the point of view, traffic is a resource, the use of which requires competent maintenance. The bandwidth capabilities of Internet networks and server equipment are not unlimited.

To ensure that the provider does not have to constantly replace laid cables, he must take into account the prospects for traffic growth, both due to increased Internet use by already connected clients, and due to the emergence of new connections.

In the same way, the work of Internet sites and portals that are designed for a certain level of traffic is organized, i.e. traffic. If it is exceeded, the site crashes.

Until now, some Internet providers provide limited traffic services. Most often this concerns mobile Internet provided via cellular networks.

Sometimes it happens that the monthly traffic volume ends, and there are still a few days left until the end of the month. Today, no one wants to be left without the Internet for at least one day - it’s inconvenient, and for many it also narrows their professional opportunities.

If you run out of traffic, you need to immediately contact your operator (provider) and discuss the conditions for providing traffic in excess of the prepaid limit. As a rule, this service is significantly more expensive, but sometimes there is simply no other choice.

Different providers can provide traffic packages for a day, a week, or simply count the number of mega- or gigabytes that you use by the end of the month and add them to your next Internet bill.

Mobile is Internet traffic organized using wireless networks mobile (cellular) communications. Because it relies on the bandwidth of expensive cellular equipment, mobile Internet capabilities tend to be limited compared to cable.

Mobile traffic is used by tablets, laptops, communicators and other computer devices that are convenient to carry with you.

Operators that provide unlimited mobile Internet actually also limit its use, but traffic is reduced in this case by reducing the speed of data packet exchange. If you downloaded several movies or games in one day, you may notice that your mobile Internet speed is dropping.

As a rule, mobile companies monitor users' daily traffic and regulate it in this inconspicuous way.

Google monitors each user's traffic, and if their computer exhibits unusual activity, it issues a "suspicious traffic" message.

This means that your computer is either sending requests or directly pumping large amounts of information. Both may be the result of computer scammers or. Often, “suspicious traffic” is your search activity, when you send many search queries per unit of time. Then you simply answer Google's suggested test question and move on.

If you are not searching, but see a message about suspicious traffic, it is advisable to disconnect the device from the Internet and scan it with a special anti-virus program.

Traffic for the site– this is the number of visitors to a certain site over a certain period of time. In other words, all users who visited a specific site in the last 24 hours will constitute the traffic for the last 24 hours.

What is traffic for?

The answer is banal - to advertise or sell something to him (traffic). Perhaps I'm wrong, and there are other motives for attracting traffic. But for the most part, everything is done for financial gain. Moreover, this very benefit can be both direct (direct sales of goods and services) and indirect (advertising of other people's goods and services).

How to attract traffic to the site?

Today, a website is not just entertainment for programmers and techies, but also a real way for ordinary ordinary people to make money and build their business.

But how can a young website attract traffic? To understand this issue, you must first understand what types of traffic exist. All types of traffic can be roughly divided into:

1) Search traffic- these are people who came to your site through search engines (Yandex, Google, etc.). The beauty of such traffic is that you can receive it for free in huge quantities. But for this you will need a lot of unique content. If you are going to write articles for the site yourself, then get ready to spend months, or even years. If you are going to buy articles on text exchanges or order text writing on a freelance exchange, then get ready to fork out a lot, because the services of professional copywriters are not cheap.

2) Traffic from social networks– these are visitors who found your VKontakte group, a post on a friend’s Facebook wall, or simply clicked on a link in the next tweet they read on Twitter. There are both free and paid methods of promotion on social networks, but the principle is similar to the principle of search traffic (either you work yourself, and work long and hard, or pay a lot of money to professionals who do all the work of attracting traffic to the site for you) .

3) Direct traffic– visitors who have already been to your website, and they liked it so much that they had a desire to “come visit you” more than once. They bookmarked your site in their browser or memorized the site address and, when they had a free minute, visited your site again.

The most “ancient” and already classic way to attract traffic is to use search engine optimization (SEO). But with each new search engine algorithm it becomes more and more difficult to do this, you have to switch to new level and adhere to new, stricter standards. However, even today search traffic occupies a leading position, so SEO optimization is still worthwhile.

Social traffic for a website is becoming increasingly important. What's happened social media I'm sure everyone already knows. Every day they cover an increasingly larger sphere of attention, begin to “bring” more and more traffic to your site and help to establish contact with your regular readers and subscribers. Moreover, in the “eyes” of search engines, social accounts are gaining more and more authority. So, focusing only on SEO and neglecting this type of traffic would be very unwise.

In the long term, the most important and profitable traffic is direct traffic, because these are your regular visitors, people who know and appreciate you, which means the level of trust on their part is an order of magnitude higher than from random traffic.

Well, the fastest type of traffic is purchased traffic for the site. You can buy traffic:

- in contextual advertising systems (Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Begun)
- in banner (Rotaban) and teaser advertising services
- in mailing lists (SmartResponder, Subscribe)

Shopping traffic is also the most common way to drive traffic to a business. After all, proper advertising works according to the principle “paid $1 for advertising - received $2 in profit - paid again for advertising...”. In other words, the return on advertising should generate more profit than the amount spent on advertising itself. Only in this case does it make sense to buy traffic to the site.


You learned: what types of traffic exist, and also understood various strategies using these types of traffic.

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