Automatic keyboard switcher - Punto Switcher. Caramba Switcher - a new program for automatically switching keyboard layouts

The main purpose of the program Punto Switcher is an automatic change of keyboard layout from English to Russian (and vice versa) when typing is not performed in the language required. This process is constantly monitored using a built-in dictionary, which contains a fairly large number of the most frequently used phrases. Thus, when typing text on the keyboard, you no longer have to worry about having to rewrite it again; the Punto Switcher program converts everything automatically. However, if for some reason this does not happen, you can use the built-in transliterator, which will make the typed text readable in a split second.
Punto Switcher works using the principle that certain letter combinations are impossible for Russian and English languages. In Russian, for example, a word cannot begin with the letter “b”. The program monitors which letters are typed on the keyboard and, if the program sees an invalid combination, for example, More, after pressing the spacebar, Enter or Tab, the layout automatically switches. A dictionary of several million words is used to identify impossible combinations. Please keep in mind that the program works correctly with Russian and English keyboard layouts; the switching rules are based on the rules of the Russian and English languages.

Punto Switcher program features:

  • creating and editing your own custom dictionary;
  • Fixed RANDOM pressing of CapsLock;
  • Cancel switching and correcting the typed text by pressing Break. For example, you want to turn the “we” you just typed into “vs” - click Break;
  • switching prevention and correction. For example, you type the password with Latin letters and don't want the layout to switch. Press the right arrow (→ key) and the layout will not switch, but the typed text will be corrected;
  • sound signal for typos;
  • correction of the first two capital letters, for example in the case: RUSSIA - Russia;
  • setting the way to switch layouts;
  • autocorrect. Now you can create shortcuts that will unfold. For example, you write “SNP”, and these three letters turn into the phrase: “With Best wishes" Also, you can put the name of your company in autoreplace, for example, SKK - “Samara Cable Company”.

The Punto Switcher program includes a diary - Punto Diary. The diary is designed to help you save and organize meaningful text that is usually scattered throughout conferences, letters, and chats. Punto Dairy has the ability to search through all the text that a person typed during the week, month, year. A journalist can make an article out of this, a writer can make a book, or you can, flipping through your diary, remember what you did last spring. Punto Diary may be useful for citations forgotten conversation in chat, text recovery after a program failure, etc.

Hello, friends! In this article we will look at a very useful program that greatly simplifies life, automatic keyboard switch- Punto Switcher. This program allows you to forget about switching keyboard layouts, make formatting and typing more enjoyable and, most importantly, much faster. It has a huge number of settings thanks to which it is possible to adapt the program to any requirements. We will discuss most of them below.

To install, click on the button below. An installation file approximately 2 MB in size will be downloaded.

Launch the downloaded file. You remove both “birds” so that the Yandex start page is not there and search and services are not installed (which accumulate and can significantly slow down the browser). Click Install

Once the installation is complete, the Punto Switcher icon will appear in the notification area

Automatic switch Punto Switcher keyboard has been successfully installed, proceed to the settings.

basic settings

In order to get into the settings, you need to right-click on the Punto Switcher icon in the notification area and select the appropriate item

In the context menu of the automatic switch, you can disable Auto Switching and Sound Effects without digging into the settings. These are the most frequently used functions and placing them as separate items in the context menu adds comfort to the user.

The General settings and the Basic tab will open in front of us

The first 4 “birds” in the keyboard layout switch are set by default; you can configure them at your discretion. I didn't touch anything.

Function Show floating indicator allows you to drag the Punto Switcher icon to any area convenient for you on the screen. It can also be fixed if necessary.

Function Change icon color for typos makes the automatic switch icon in the notification area completely red, which is very convenient. A sound signal is also played, which will immediately draw your attention to a possible typo in the word.

The function is useful Make an icon in the form of country flags

It turns out more informative.

When Auto Keyboard Layout Switching is disabled, the Punto Switcher icon turns pale. In order to show the flags of countries in full brightness, you can use the function of the same name.

Another very useful feature (enabled by default) is Show useful tips , which will help a beginner, and even an experienced user, quickly understand the automatic layout switcher.

Go to the tab Additional settings and let's quickly go through them.

Function Correct abbreviations. If you made a typo in an abbreviation, for example, you wrote “CCSZ” instead of “USSR,” then the keyboard switch will understand you and correct you to a more likely abbreviation.

In most cases the automatic switch will fix the 2nd capital letter in a word if there is a typo and turns off the Caps Lock key.

The most useful function is Monitor your clipboard. Which allows you to remember up to 30 entries copied to the clipboard. Let's look at it below.

The function will be useful for beginners Show tooltips and will help you quickly master all the intricacies of the automatic switch.

If you often work with text (study at school or university, for example), then the function Comma by double pressing spacebar will help you in almost every sentence.

The remaining functions of the keyboard switch are self-explanatory.

At the bottom of this window you can configure which keys will be used to switch the layout.

There are many options to choose from. But! With the installation of an automatic keyboard switch, I no longer had any need to switch languages. These functions are disabled for me. If you start writing in any layout, Punto Switcher will fix it.

Hotkeys and Switching Rules

The first 4 actions with default hotkeys must be remembered or changed for your convenience for comfortable work.

So, with the key Break you cancel the random keyboard layout conversion. For example, you made a mistake in a word, the switch considered that it was a word from another language and automatically changed the layout. At the same time, you hear a beep and before you start typing a new word, you can use the Break key to return the keyboard layout by correcting a typo.

An equally useful function is to change the layout of the selected text and its case.

The most interesting feature of the keyboard layout switch is Show clipboard history.

Usually the clipboard remembers only one phrase that we can paste somewhere. With the Punto Switcher program there can be up to 30 of these phrases, and you can insert any of them at any time. Set the hotkey “Shift” for this function

I had not used this function before writing this article.

Switching rules

In this window you can set your own rules for switching layouts if the keyboard switch does not respond to any word.

To add a new switching rule, click on the button Add…

In the window that opens, enter the letter combination, set the condition and method for processing it. Click OK

This way we can teach or further train the automatic keyboard switch to suit our requirements.

Punto Switcher has the ability to offer you a new switch rule after 2 canceled switches. The number of switchings can be adjusted. This function in the layout switcher can be completely disabled, which is what I did until I started to understand the program.

Exception programs and troubleshooting


In this section, you can add exception programs that disable auto-switching of keyboard layouts. For example, in games, when you get unimaginable key combinations and Punto Switcher clicks here and there.

To add an exception program in the keyboard switcher, click on the button Add… and either select from already running applications, or press the button Review… and look for the file that the program launches.

With tab By application file we figured it out.

Punto Switcher allows you to add an exception program based on the window title. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate tab and add a window title or part of it. Letter case is sensitive. When a window with a matching keyboard shortcut becomes active, the keyboard layout switch will not change layouts.

You can also add an exception program by specifying the folder in which this program is located. This function is available on the corresponding tab.


If you frequently edit text, the layout switch may inappropriately change the layout. To avoid this effect, you can check the appropriate boxes. However, according to the manufacturer, switching quality may decrease.

For Punto Switcher the main languages ​​are Russian and English. When using other languages, “unnecessary” switching of keyboard layouts may occur. In these cases, you need to refer to the field Additionally.

Function " Take into account input only in Russian and English keyboards» — allows you to monitor the main layouts. As I understand it, if you work with a different language, switching will not happen.

Function " Do not switch layout using the “Tab” and “Enter” keys- I’ve never used it, but they say it helps if the automatic switch does not work correctly with the “AutoText” function in Microsoft Word.

Function " Don't interact with exception programs» allows you not only to disable auto-switching of keyboard layouts, but also to disable the program altogether. Useful if you work on a weak computer.

The remaining options should be self-explanatory.

Autocorrect, sounds, diary in Punto Switcher


Allows you to automatically replace abbreviations with full phrases and even sentences that you add.

To add an abbreviation to the layout switcher, click Add… In the window that opens, fill in the fields “What to replace:” and “What to replace with:”.

Function Remember cursor position supposedly allows you to remember the cursor position after replacement. I was unable to move it to another place other than the end of the phrase being replaced. After the test, I had to turn it off, since the word in square quotes was also displayed when replaced. Anyone who has figured out this function, please write in the comments.

The Automatic Keyboard Switcher rules prohibit the use of minus signs and hyphens in AutoCorrect.


The Punto Switcher program allows you to customize your sound scheme: install any sounds in WAV format, enable or disable existing ones.

For users of portable equipment (laptops and netbooks), it is possible to set “click” sounds simulating pressing keys on a desktop computer keyboard. (You can read what to do if the latter slows down)

The developers of the keyboard switch provided for the use of the system unit's speaker as a sound playback device in the absence of anything else.


An option that allows you to automatically copy all your notes no shorter than ..... words into a notepad.

The auto switch diary looks like this. It records the date, the application in which the text was typed, and the text itself.

The diary's capacity is not specified.

Convenient function Do not keep entries shorter... words preventing authorization data from entering the keyboard switch diary.

Text information is good, but video is even better!


In this article we looked at one of the most popular programs, Automatic keyboard switch- Punto Switcher. I have been using the program for more than 7-8 years and only now have I gotten around to studying it more seriously. The keyboard switch is easy to learn and results in significant time savings when working with text. I would especially like to note the possibility of using a clipboard for 30 entries. With its help, everyday work at the computer becomes much easier.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the conversation about useful programs.

In fact, when working with website design, when adding new materials, we definitely use a number of auxiliary utilities - unnoticeable, but which have already become almost irreplaceable. For example, our today's hero is used to switch keyboard layouts and is called Punto Switcher. I won’t exaggerate if I say that the vast majority of RuNet users probably already have it.

Punto Switcher is a very convenient, simple and, importantly, reliable program that allows you to forget about how you actually switch the keyboard layout on your computer. But in addition to its main function, it also has a number of quite convenient functions, such as transliterating the contents of the clipboard, saving its history (the last 30 copies to the clipboard), forcing a keyboard layout change, autocorrect (you can assign frequently used words and phrases to hot keys) and much more.

Features of the free Punto Switcher program

Of course, most of the additional features of Punto Switcher are also available in other programs, but this utility is already installed on your computer and will be loaded along with the operating system anyway. Therefore, I personally find the set of features that it provides quite convenient, with the exception of the function of saving clipboard history. For this purpose, I use another program (Clipdiary), the capabilities of which will also be described at the end of this article.

So, Punto Switcher has always been free program. Personally, I’ve been using it for about ten years and have become so accustomed to it that working on a computer without it not only causes me discomfort, but downright infuriates me and over time can drive me crazy. In general, I don’t quite understand why the great and terrible Melkosoft shouldn’t pre-install a similar feature in its operating system, because it’s very convenient not to bother with which keyboard layout you’re currently trying to type text in.

Some time ago the program development team Punto Switcher came under the wing of Yandex, who has since been tirelessly promoting it even on his own, and I think that Yandex has its own reason for this.

I won’t say that Bar is a bad addition, but Yandex’s interest here is obvious - to popularize its search and at the same time be able to collect statistics on user behavior on the sites they visit. Remember about and related to them new way assessing the quality of content on the site? There are different Bars there and can be one of the sources of collecting this very data. But this in no way diminishes the merits of the Punto Switcher, and you can refuse to install an additional set. We have a democracy after all.

That. you can always download Punto Switcher absolutely free and at the same time not be afraid that free utility a rootkit or Trojan may be introduced, because it is not anyone who is responsible for this, but the “Runet mirror” itself. After installation, it will automatically be added to startup and will delight you with the appearance of the corresponding tray icon after each launch operating system.

That's it, now you can forget (forget) which hot keys on your computer were used to activate the keyboard layout switch. Punto will analyze the characters you enter on the fly and if such a combination of letters is statistically unlikely for the currently installed keyboard layout, then it will occur automatic switching even while you are typing word symbols.

Switching the layout will be accompanied by sound signal, similar to carriage return on a typewriter. If, while typing a word, the Punto Switcher program fails to finally decide on the desired language, then it will definitely do so when you press the spacebar. She also makes mistakes, but quite rarely.

However, you always have the option to manually change the selected layout. To cancel an incorrect selection, simply press the key on the keyboard Pause/Break. True, this can only be done for the last word typed, until you have yet started typing the next one. This is somewhat inconvenient, but you can get used to it.

Probably, it is precisely because of the sometimes occurring errors when choosing a keyboard layout and the lack of knowledge of how this can be influenced that there are still haters of Punto Switcher who are prejudiced towards this program. But still she has many more fans. So let's try to go through its settings and look at those additional features, which it provides us (except for switching layouts).

So, by default, Punto will launch automatically when the operating system boots and it will live in the tray (bottom right) in the form of an icon with a visual display of the typing language currently used. Therefore, you can deactivate the language bar that is displayed in Windows by default.

To access the Switcher settings, you need to right-click on the icon of this program and select “Settings” from the context menu:

There is nothing particularly interesting on the general settings tab:

True, at the bottom of the settings window you have the opportunity to assign your own hotkeys to manually switch keyboard layouts different from what you had selected in Windows. Personally, I haven’t used manual switching of layouts since I first installed Punto Switcher on my computer. It never occurred to me to uncheck “Auto switching”, because then why would I need this utility.

Clipboard Manager in Punto Switcher and Clipdiary

The only thing I changed was to remove the check mark from the “Show helpful tips” box. On the Advanced tab, you can check or uncheck the box "Monitor clipboard":

Punto Switcher has a so-called clipboard manager that can save the last thirty additions to it. If you check the box shown in the screenshot, the program will begin storing a stack of the thirty most recent copies to the buffer. You can access the contents of this manager in several ways:

By calling the clipboard manager in one way or another, you will see its contents:

That. to paste into Right place something saved earlier in the buffer, you need to place the mouse cursor in this place, call up the clipboard history view in Punto (it is best to set it first to a hotkey combination), find the line with the fragment you are interested in and click on it with the mouse. In general, everything is simple.

The operating clipboard itself Windows systems stores data transferred to it directly in random access memory and erases the old entry when adding a new one. This leads to two main disadvantages of the standard Windows tool:

  • inability to add several fragments to the clipboard at once
  • When the computer restarts or crashes, data from the standard clipboard is lost

In fact, when permanent job With texts, it is often necessary to use a clipboard story. The add-on to Punto Switcher described just above solves these problems, but I personally think the stack of thirty values ​​is too small, and there are not enough search functions for the buffer history.

Therefore, in addition to Punto Switcher, I also use a separate program. For personal, non-commercial use, this utility can be download for free. It will automatically register itself in autoload and all you have to do is set a hotkey combination in its settings to open a window with the history of the clipboard.

To do this, left-click on the Clipdiary icon with a yellow folder and select “File” - “Settings” from the top menu.

Now everything that you copy to the clipboard using ctrl+c and ctrl+x, as well as through the context menu, will be saved on your hard drive in the Clipdiary database. In the settings, you can set the number of stored records from the clipboard and, if necessary, clean the database:

In Clipdiary you can search through the history of the buffer and, what is not unimportant, everything that you now copy into it will be stored not in volatile memory, but on the hard drive. This once saved me from re-writing part of an article when an unexpected power surge forced the computer to reboot.

Transliteration in Punto Switcher, case change and autocorrect

But let's return to Punto Switcher. So, as you can see, in its settings it is possible to attach quite a lot of actions to hotkeys, except for showing the clipboard history, which we have already discussed in detail.

I still really like it and I use it all the time - auto-correct option:

You assign a key combination and paste any text, code, etc. onto it. I personally use autocorrect quite actively and I have many combinations configured in Punto Switcher (for all occasions). For example, I can touch-type quite quickly (thanks to ), but only on the Russian keyboard layout. But I have troubles with the Latin alphabet.

Therefore, I preferred to assign all the terms in Latin, which I often use in many articles, to the autocorrect hotkeys in Punto (for example, the words Joomla, WordPress, VirtueMart, WebMoney, Html and others).

I’m almost blindly entering given combinations to insert the desired word, while typing the same word in the Latin layout causes me some inconvenience (I need to get up from a lying position computer chair in a sedentary position and begin the unusual process of searching for the necessary keys on the keyboard).

I also periodically add links to new publications in old articles that would be appropriate in the course of the story. Thus, I improve such an important promotion factor as internal linking. It is more convenient for me to make changes to texts in, because there is the possibility of rolling back. But notepad++ does not have a visual editor, and therefore, to insert a hyperlink, I would have to write its code every time according to all the rules of the Html language.

P.S. Now I have discovered the WebEdit plugin in Notepad++, which adds the buttons I need to the toolbar:

AutoCorrect in Punto Switcher allows you to automate this process by attaching the opening and closing Html tags of links to two hotkey combinations. To do this, you need to click the “Add” button in the settings (see the screenshot above) and enter the desired sequence of characters, which will then be replaced with the text or code fragment you need:

When you have configured all the autocorrect combinations you need, you can select in the Punto Switcher settings which button will be used to perform it. There are two options, of which the first one suits me best (Enter or Tab), because... Autocorrect by pressing the spacebar sometimes worked for me in the wrong place.

Now, based on our example, we can insert two letters X in a row “xx” in the text (or two “hch” in the Russian layout), and then press the “Tab” key on the keyboard.. In my opinion, this is very convenient. Yes, there are many programs that implement autocorrect, but you already have Punto Switcher installed and you don’t need to mess up the operating system with anything else.

Now let's go to the settings again and go to the "Hot Keys" tab. The most interesting things there seem to me to be the already assigned combinations in the first four lines:

I have already mentioned the first of them - this is canceling the erroneous switching of the layout using the “Pause/Break” key. Punto Switcher sometimes makes mistakes and if you notice this right away, you can press “Pause/Break” to change the layout of the last entered word. If you noticed this later, you can highlight the right word or words and then press hot combination keys "Shift+Pause/Break"— the layout of the highlighted words will change.

Sometimes it is necessary change the case of letters in a word to the opposite (for example, if you typed text with “Caps Look” turned on) and for this, Punto Switcher provides the “Alt+Pause/Break” hotkey combinations. You will need to select the entire word(s) or just a few problematic letters, and then press “Alt+Pause/Break” on the keyboard - the case of the selected letters will change to the opposite.

And, finally, another very convenient feature integrated into this utility, which I regularly use, is the ability to translate the language (i.e., not a direct translation, as, for example, in, but namely the replacement of Russian letters with Latin ones in sound). Transliteration is used to write Russian words in Latin letters. Why might this be necessary?

The whole point here is that for search engines(in particular, Yandex) the use of transliteration in pages is the best option rather than using Russian characters or words in English language. No, of course, transliteration will not give you a hundred points ahead, but it may be the last straw that allows you to get and stay in the Top of the search results. You should not neglect its use.

So, Punto Switcher allows you to instantly transliterate a selected fragment of Russian text. To do this, use a hotkey combination "Alt+Scroll/Lock". Fast and easy. Personally, I use this feature to transliterate the names of image files added to my blog content.

The fact is that optimizing images comes down not only to using the necessary ones, but it would also be advisable to use a transliteration of the same keys in the name of the image file.

In addition, you can use the possibility of instant transliteration using Punto Switcher in Joomla. The fact is that when activated, you will have to fill out the “Nickname” field yourself when writing articles. The contents of this field will be added to the Url address of the page with this article and to improve search engine optimization it is best to use transliteration.

That. you can copy the title of the article in the “Nickname” field, place a dash between the words and transliterate the entire text using Punto Switcher (“Alt+Scroll/Lock”). Although I personally prefer to use a component that does all this automatically, there are cases when using this component is either ineffective or not possible.

In general, you will probably need to use transliteration, change layout and register using Punto hotkeys. Of course, you can say that everything I described in this article is trifles and meaningless trifles.

But here it is necessary to make allowances for the fact that these little things from the Punto Switcher arsenal bring a slight simplification to the routine that any webmaster does every day. Believe me, you will feel relief immediately and will remember it for a long time. kind words the authors of the program for such insignificant, but very trifles that make life easier.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The first thing a person remembers when becoming a PC user is the key combination Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift. It is responsible for changing the keyboard layout, or rather, changing the input language. Sometimes, having forgotten about the current setting, the user writes and writes something, and then, looking at the monitor, falls into despair. The entire text resembles a set of letters that must be deleted and retyped. To prevent this kind of misunderstanding from preventing the user of Windows 10 (and earlier builds of Windows) from working with text editors, the developers of some software have provided the ability to automatically switch the language to the one that was already in use. Sometimes such concern for convenience causes confusion and the user does not know how to disable automatic language switching in Windows 10 and simultaneously type in both Russian and English.

Disable auto-switching in Windows 10 programs and settings

Windows 10 developers have given the user the opportunity to choose how the system behaves with the text input language in a particular application. Unfortunately, not all text editors support automatic language switching. However, in the input method settings of the operating system itself, you can specify the need to remember for each application desired language. To do this, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select Control Panel.
  • A new window will appear. Select the “Language” section.

  • A window with language settings will appear. Click on the “Advanced options” link. Here we check the box “Allow you to choose an input method for each application” if you want to enable automatic language switching or uncheck the box to deactivate the function.

After making changes in this section of the Control Panel, automatic language switching can be turned off or on in a specific program. Let's look at an example at Word program, this is what Windows 10 PC owners use most.

  • Open Microsoft Word. Click “File”, “Options”.

  • A small window will appear. In the menu on the left, select “Advanced” and check or uncheck (depending on the purpose) the item “Automatically switch keyboard layout according to the language of the surrounding text.”

  • Save the changes. Now, auto-switching will not work and you will be able to change the input language yourself (or vice versa).

It is important to note that only in editors that allow you to create text documents, you can enable or disable language autosave. This cannot be done in other programs.

A programmatic way to disable auto-switching of the input language

You can enable or disable automatic language switching when entering text using the Punto Switcher program. This program will monitor your typing and, if necessary, change the input language. At the same time, it is important to note that the program switches the language not only in text editors, but also in games, programs and Windows itself. You can configure it as follows.

Install the program. We launch it on our PC. Call up the settings. Select “General” and indicate when and how to change the keyboard layout.

By going to the “Hot Keys” section, you can configure language switching control. It is enough to double-click to select a parameter and set a key combination for it.

If you do not want automatic language switching to work in some program, you should select the “Exception Programs” section and add software in which automatic layout switching will be disabled.

Thus, using such a lightweight program, automatic language switching in Windows 10 and installed programs can be turned on or off. The main thing is to set the necessary parameters correctly.

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