Windows 10 lock screen key combination. Remapping Windows hotkeys. Screenshots and games

The Windows operating system is a rather complicated thing, but at the same time it is very functional. Many things are quite easy to do with the mouse. But it can be even faster to get to frequently used elements using keyboard shortcuts, bypassing all the menus and many clicks. Below you will find out about the 10 most useful keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10, which are sure to come in handy for you to speed up your daily work at the computer.

Win- a button on the keyboard with the image of the Windows logo. By pressing it, the Start menu opens, from where you can run programs, system settings, or manage the computer's power (reboot, turn off, activate sleep mode).

You can also use it to find files, folders and programs on your computer if you start writing the name of the file, application or folder immediately after clicking it.

Win+D- a combination that will minimize all open windows and show the desktop. A very useful combination if you often have a large number of applications open and from time to time you need to find something on the desktop, some documents.

Consistently minimizing all open windows or reaching to the lower right corner is not the fastest option. But pressing Win + D is very simple. Clicking again returns all minimized windows back to where they were before.

Win+L is the easiest way to lock your computer by going to the lock screen. If you need to urgently go somewhere, then simply click on this combination and a splash screen appears on the screen, after which you will need to enter a password to enter your account.

Doing similar actions through the Start menu is far from the fastest way, but pressing the Win + L key combination is as easy as shelling pears.

Win+E- opens "Explorer". I already wrote in the article ““ that I refused to use third-party file managers, because the functionality of the regular “Explorer” was more than enough to solve my problems.

So, to quickly launch Explorer from the keyboard, just press Win + E.

Win+R- a combination that opens the "Run" window, where you can enter commands or program names to run. With it, it is very convenient to launch some rare applications or commands to perform some specific tasks.

For example, after pressing Win + R, entering regedit and pressing Enter, the Windows registry editor opens (by the way, if you use the Reg Organizer program, you can open it if you enter three Latin letters R in this line - rrr).

Win+Tab- a combination to open an interface that allows you to switch between virtual desktops, if you use them.

After clicking, a special screen opens, which shows all your desktops and the applications that are running on them.

Win+I- opens a new Windows 10 settings window, which is designed to replace the old Control Panel, although this has not happened 100% so far. In fact, now in Windows 10 there are two control panels - a new one and an old one.

Someday this problem will probably be solved ... But nevertheless, you can start new settings with one click.

Ctrl + Win + ←/→- a combination for switching between desktops. If you use several desktops and want to switch between them with one touch, then this combination is for you. By the way, switching between desktops is done with a very cool animation.

Depending on which desktop you want to switch to, you need to press the left or right arrows while holding down the Ctrl and Win keys.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc- a combination that launches the Windows 10 task manager, which has changed significantly compared to Windows 7.

Now it is a very powerful tool for controlling running applications, programs launched at system startup, as well as monitoring computer resources. Very cool, clear and comfortable!

Win + →/←//↓- Another great combination that allows you to change the position of the active window on the screen with one click. Thus, you can arrange the windows of various programs on the desktop in such a way that you can see their contents. This is a real lifesaver if you are working with several applications at once or with several windows of the same application.

If you press Win + Left, then the active window will be located on the left half of the screen. If you then press Win + Up, the active window will be moved to the upper left corner (quarter) of the screen.

Continuing the topic of working with Windows 10 hotkeys (the first part of the topic, dedicated to the list of keyboard shortcuts, is located), it is worth mentioning how you can change them in your own way. We will assume that you are already familiar with the main ones and imagine what it is. For example, you, having familiarized yourself with the system shortcut keys to functions, found for yourself that some of them are not very convenient for you to use. You have a desire to customize some of the functions in a way that is convenient for you.

Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. By default, the system has keyboard shortcuts that allow you to quickly perform some actions without the need to navigate through a multi-level context menu. The developer simply did not provide an easy way to remap hotkeys in Windows 10 and older versions. In this article, we will tell you the possible options to change the keys for quick access to some operations of the operating system.

How to find the list of hotkeys

In fact, there are enough hot keys in Windows 10 to scare away inexperienced users. In the last article on this topic, we published the main list of abbreviations that work in system applications. But the trouble is that in some third-party applications, for example, in Microsoft Office, browsers or other products, there may be their own shortcut keys that do not match the system ones. How to be in that case?

There are several ways to get help for each software product:

  1. Press the F1 key and read the help information built into the application. But for this you need the developer of the program to take care of it. In this case, you do not need an Internet connection to use the help section. Practice shows that this option is not always available. Then you can go to the "Help" section in the program menu.
  2. Regardless of which application you have running, you can press the key combination Win + F1, after which the browser installed as the main one is launched, with a link to the help section of the Microsoft website. Some programs may lead to a web resource of their own content. Accordingly, in this case, you will need to connect to the World Wide Web, because all information is not embedded in the program code, but is stored on a remote server.
  3. It can be called the simplest way; using the context menu with the right mouse button, note that almost every action has information about which hot keys are responsible for it. Typically, users use the same functions in every program, and over time you can learn keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow.

How to change Windows hotkeys

Unfortunately, as mentioned a little above, the Windows developers did not provide for the ability to change any system hot keys using the built-in functionality of the operating system. The only combination that can be changed is switching languages ​​and keyboard layouts. This operation is possible in any version of Windows, both the latest 10 and the older 7 or 8.

After installing the operating system, languages ​​can be switched using the Alt + Shift combination, and already in Windows 8 and 10, the Win + space combination was added. But habit is a serious matter, and for many users it is much more convenient to switch languages, for example, by pressing Ctrl + Shift or Ctrl + Alt. What is the setting of their hotkeys for switching the language?

  • Open Control Panel - Languages ​​- Advanced Options - Change language bar shortcuts.
  • In the small window that opens, select "Change keyboard shortcut" and select one option from the many offered.
  • Save your changes and start using the familiar button combination.

Nothing complicated, right?

How to assign application launcher hotkeys

If it is impossible to change hotkeys for performing system actions, then assigning them to launch almost any application is very simple. To do this, after installing the program, you need to right-click on the shortcut on the desktop, select "Properties" - "Shortcut" - "Shortcut" and click on the button or their combination with which you will launch the program. Please note that if hotkeys are already in use by the system, they will be reset. Be careful!

Hotkey Managers

The easiest and most affordable way to change hotkeys on Windows 10 is to use special utilities for this. We will look at the two most popular ones.

Key Remapper

A great program with rich functionality that allows you to reassign almost any button on the keyboard, mouse using even the scroll wheel. Utility features:

  • Redefining almost any keyboard and mouse key, as well as intercepting the action of the mouse wheel.
  • Redefining existing keys to those that are physically missing.
  • Change the location of the buttons.
  • Emulation of keyboard shortcuts, mouse clicks.
  • Restricting the program to a specific application.
  • Ability to assign multiple key profiles.

The program does not pollute the computer's registry and does not require a reboot for your new assignments to take effect. You can download the program from the link


The original purpose of this utility is to use additional keys on multimedia keyboards. These are those keyboards on which, in addition to the alphabetic and numeric buttons, there are many additional ones to launch some applications and functions. First of all, you can use them, but if you have a regular keyboard, without all these buttons, the program can also be used to remap regular keys.


  1. Media control
  • Support for almost all the most popular audio and video players: start, play, stop.
  • Volume control, rewind music or video file.
  • Laser disc drive control: open, close, start disc playback.
  • The ability to run any application installed on the computer.
  • Launch any explorer folders.
  • All functions with files and folders: insert, copy, move.
  • Manage open windows: minimize, maximize, close, move, lock.
  • Power management: turn off, hibernate, reboot, lock; timer setting.
  • Change desktop background.
  • Change language and keyboard layout.
  • Network connection management.
  1. Working with Applications
  • Manage any installed browser.
  • Document management: open, save, create a new one, print, undo and redo an action.
  • Email management: reply, forward, send.
  • Emulation of almost any key in program windows.

  1. Additional functions
  • The finest customization, great customization options.
  • Notifications in the system tray.
  • Insert text, date and time according to a given template.
  • Ability to create a screenshot.
  • 10 clipboards, enhanced ability to manage their content.
  • Multiple parameter profiles, customization of each one.
  • Create your own combination in each individual application.
  • Emulation of absolutely any keyboard or mouse button.
  • Macro recording.
  • Additional external plugins.
  • Minimum resource usage.
  • You do not need to restart your device for the changes to take effect.


Initially, the hot keys are thought out conveniently and you can use them without changing them at all. But if you still want to change them, use one of the tips in our article.

In the comments, please tell us if you have changed the keyboard shortcuts on your Windows 10. If so, how.

To quickly manage the operating system and not get tired as you work with it, skills such as effective interaction with the keyboard help. Windows 10 hotkeys contribute well to this. Tuning for efficiency can make you learn certain button combinations, which will help greatly facilitate the work of a person working at a computer. There are already familiar combinations that are inherited from previous generation operating systems. It is not necessary to learn such combinations in one day, it is enough to first write out the most necessary ones, and then, as the learning progresses, gradually memorize new ones. All combinations are typed on the keyboard, where the Win button, or Win, or Start, or Start is the key with the image of the Windows logo. In the article, we call it differently for the convenience of those who are used to any one option. But in essence, they are one and the same.

Window management

This section describes keyboard shortcuts for working with windows in Windows 10.

  • Win + left arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the left side of the screen.
  • Win + right arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the right side of the screen.
  • Win + up arrow - this combination can expand the program window to full screen.
  • Win + Down Arrow - These keys minimize the window of a running application.
  • Win + D - These keys either show or hide the desktop.
  • Win + Shift + M - this way you can restore minimized windows.
  • Win + Home - this combination minimizes all windows, except for the one in which the user is working.
  • Alt + Tab - this combination switches running applications.
  • Alt + F4 - this combination closes the running window.
  • Win + Shift + Left (or Right) Arrow - Move windows to another monitor.
  • Win + T - using this combination, you can sort through the icons located on the taskbar one by one. The application is launched with the Enter button.
  • Win + 0 ... 9 - launches from the taskbar those applications that are assigned to a certain serial number.

Working with Explorer

  • Start + E - With this combination, you can start the file manager.
  • Ctrl + N - this combination opens a new window.
  • Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel - means changing the appearance of elements (tables, icons, and so on).
  • Alt + up arrow - go up one level.
  • Alt + left arrow - look at the previous folder in turn.
  • Alt + right arrow - look at the folder next in line.

Work tables

  • Start + Ctrl + D - add a new virtual desktop.
  • Start + Ctrl + Left Arrow - With this combination, switch between desktops from right to left.
  • Start + Ctrl + right arrow - use this combination to switch between desktops in the opposite direction.
  • Start + Ctrl + F4 - this closes the desktop that is currently in use.
  • Start + Tab - view all desktops and their applications.


Hotkeys significantly speed up the work at the computer. If you learn them, then the time will come when interaction with the computer will come to the subconscious. That is, you don’t have to think about how to call certain buttons or windows. Of course, everything does not happen at once, but the more you practice working with the keys, the faster they will be remembered. There will come a time when you don't need to look at the keyboard at all. In the age of information technology, this is a very useful skill. Only specialized programs help to set up your own hot keys, but is it really worth wasting time if there are already ready-made solutions?

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Hotkeys in Windows 10 OS have been replenished with new useful combinations. Although one stopped working. We are talking about Win + F: with the help of this, a system search was previously called. Now, in the same way, the Feedback Center appears before our eyes, and for the search, you should enter Win + S. There, everyone can cry to Microsoft specialists. In Windows 10, hotkeys allow you to quickly perform an operation. This is especially convenient with the Task Manager when the PC hangs noticeably. Just press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC and the desired window will appear instantly. This is much faster than waiting for the system to "prepare the parameters". Ready-made Windows 10 key combinations often solve other tasks, such as viewing system properties (Win + Break).

Remembering all this information is almost impossible. Therefore, when such a need arises, a person usually flips through the Internet in search of a list of hot keys. It should be noted that most of the combinations all include the control key Win. Billy even tries to change the language change. Using a keyboard shortcut in Windows 10 that does not obey this rule has already been mentioned above. Another old trinity is, of course, CTRL + ALT + DEL. Even with DOS, it was customary to reset the system to its initial state by pressing the indicated combination.

In applications

The fundamental difference from the environment of disk operating systems is that the key combination CTRL + Y cancels the operation. Previously, CTRL + R served the same purpose. And the current version served to delete an entire line of text. Agree that these are different things. However, this rule does not apply to all programs. For example, in Paint and Notepad, the operation is canceled by pressing CTRL + Z.

For those who have an uncomfortable mouse, many menu options from the application are conveniently called up with the keyboard. This can be done by pressing the left ALT (or F10). After that, the menu can be scrolled through with the cursor arrows. It is very convenient when the screen is small, or the mouse is bad. The submenu is entered by pressing the down arrow, selection = Enter. An alternative is to right-click on the workspace.

By pressing a key specially designed for this (between the right Win and the right CTRL), a context menu is displayed through which the lion's share of operations is performed. You can scroll through it with the same cursor arrows as the main one. The same is done by clicking the right mouse button, or by pressing Shift + F10.

Here are some standard hotkey combinations known to almost every PC user:

  1. CTRL + C - copy the selected text fragment, picture, table, and so on.
  2. CTRL + V - paste the copied object.
  3. Double click with the mouse to highlight the word. Repeated double click - select the entire sentence (does not work in all editors).
  4. CTRL + I, CTRL + B, CTRL + D, CTRL + U - test formatting: italic, bold, double and regular underscore.
  5. CTRL + A - select all.
  6. CTRL + X - cut a fragment.
  7. CTRL + S, CTRL + O, CTRL + Q - save, open or close the file.
  8. ALT + F4 - Close a window in Windows
  9. ALT + F6 - switch between several windows of the same program.
  10. Double-click on the window title to maximize/return to original size.

The Win key always called up the Start menu. The difference between dozens is that the application used before is not blocked. Pressing Esc returns focus. Previously, this was not the case, which caused irritation for many. It is gratifying that Billy Gates noticed this. Another novelty is that the default language switching keys (left SHIFT + ALT) now work from the second or fourth time. They introduced a replacement - Win + Space. The only problem is that often after that the Start window appears. Apparently, you still need to practice for a full transition to the top ten. The fact is that the Space key is long on most keyboards, and therefore jams when skewed. So the chosen combination, even in the first approximation, cannot be called successful.

At the same time, the language selection menu appears for a few moments. In this case, there are only two of them, but the system allows you to install more.

Emergency help

Every administrator is faced with the fact that they have to run applications on a PC that is, to put it mildly, slow or not quite right. Usually this action is performed from the command line, but Billy Gates introduced a powerful alternative to this. You can quickly perform tasks on the keyboard (without a mouse) by pressing Win + R. There is an extensive list of modules called in this way. In particular, this is the same command line (cmd), registry editor (regedit), user account corrector (netplwiz), boot configuration snap-in (msconfig) and much more.

But after the update, most often they now use the system menu call via Win + X. Inside there is a whole galaxy of useful links, starting with a quick launch of the command line on behalf of the administrator and ending with the Device Manager.

As you can see, there is almost everything you need for an emergency solution of a particular problem. In particular, you can see the good old Control Panel and the same Run tool, for which the Win + R buttons are responsible. head over how to minimize all windows in Windows (Win+D). The next useful combination in emergency cases is the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC mentioned above. If the Task Manager is truncated, click the More details link in the lower left corner.

Then the presentation of tasks will be more detailed. Very often it is not possible to get into the settings. You can call them in two ways:

  1. win+i.
  2. Win → Double click on Tab → Select the desired option with the cursor arrows.

The combination Win + A brings up the notifications menu, but we are interested in its lower part, where there are as many as four important snap-ins, which can be reached with the cursor arrows after pressing TAB once:

  • tablet mode.
  • Network Center (practically the only way to get to this area from the keyboard).
  • Notes.
  • Options.

With Win + T you can navigate through the icons on the Quick Launch. For example, open the calculator located there (with the Enter key). And Win + B allows you to enter the system tray (lower right side of the screen). An even faster way is Win + Program_number_in_quick_launch_panel.

Navigating Windows 10

The keyboard shortcut Win + D allows you to not only minimize all windows, but also switch to the desktop. Now, by pressing the cursor keys, you can navigate through the shortcuts. Enter - start selected. Often the mouse fails in the top ten, and this method will help somehow make ends meet. There is another method - press Win + M (and return Win + Shift + M), but it is still damp. If you double-click TAB when entering the Start menu, the focus will go to the side icons, among other things:

  1. Accounts.
  2. Conductor.
  3. Options.
  4. Shutdown.

This is one of the most convenient ways to restart your PC without using a mouse. In addition, from the accounts menu, you can lock the PC (the same as Win + L), or log out of the system. An experienced administrator knows that a PS / 2 mouse is connected only after a reboot, and any of them can fail. So keyboard shortcuts are very important in such cases.

Another important technique is switching between windows. It must be admitted that this method did not work on XP SP2, and we threw it in the trash, but then it turned out that everything worked on the top ten, and with a large number of open windows, the ALT + TAB combination is much more convenient than mouse clicks. By pressing it again and again, you need to get to the desired application.


Not everyone realizes this, but navigating through Explorer using the keyboard is much more convenient. To call it, press Win + E. At the initial moment of time, the focus is in the central part. As it is shown on the screenshot.

When we talk about navigation, we mean going from folder to folder:

  1. Go back one level up - BackSpace (character delete key).
  2. Enter inside -
  3. Cursor arrows - Move focus from folder to folder.

Very convenient is the option to copy the address bar. This is not a keyboard shortcut, but is inseparable from the topic. Click once on the line and press Ctrl + C.

With a single press of TAB, you can go to the view settings (Tiles/Rows). Return - CTRL + TAB.

The next TAB presses are not so interesting, we doubt that anyone uses them. Noteworthy is the search in the upper right corner (which becomes available after the fifth click). The next time the focus finally moves to the left side of the window. And you can freely navigate between global PC areas, such as:

  • Desktop.
  • This computer.
  • Images.
  • Documentation.
  • Downloads and so on.

This allows you to not use the mouse at all. In Explorer, all the same combinations apply as in text editors. You can copy, cut, paste files and even undo operations. Holding ATL + Space gives you access to the window menu (unlike the application), where you can find options to close, minimize, restore, and so on.


It is unlikely that there are many who want to read dozens of help, but if you want to do this, hold Win + F1. After that, the instruction will not appear, as usual, but there will be a transition to the Bing search engine page. The same result is obtained by pressing F1 on the desktop. Well, this is not only a good advertisement, but also the fastest way to open a browser with a search engine ready to work. It follows from this that no other help is available. Often you need to know some information about the system. A quick entry to the desired equipment is made through Win + Break.

In the list below, you can find keyboard shortcuts that are well known from previous versions, as well as those that appeared only in Windows 10. There is absolutely no need to learn them all at once, and this is impossible. Just select 3-4 operations that you use most often, write down the corresponding keys on a sticker and stick it in a visible place. You yourself will not notice how very soon you will learn them by heart and you will not be able to do without them. And when this happens, it will be possible to move on to mastering the following combinations of hot keys.

Window and application management

Win + left arrow- Attach the application window to the left edge of the screen.

Win + right arrow- Attach the application window to the right edge of the screen.

Win + up arrow- expand the application window to full screen. Or, if the window was previously sticky to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the top.

Win + down arrow- Minimize the active window. Or, if the window was previously sticky to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the bottom.

Win+D- show and hide the desktop.

Win+Shift+M- restore minimized windows.

Windows + Home- minimize all windows except the active one (restore all windows on second click).

Alt + Tab- switch between running applications.

Alt+F4- close the active window.

Win + Shift + Left (or Right) Arrow- move the window to another monitor.

Win+T- Sequentially sort through the icons on the taskbar. Press "Enter" to launch the application.

Win + 0…9- launch an application from the taskbar, the icon of which is fixed to the position corresponding to the number.


Win+E- start the file manager.

Ctrl + N- open a new window.

Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel- change the representation of elements (icons, table, thumbnails, and so on).

Alt + up arrow- go up one level.

Alt + left arrow- view the previous folder.

Alt + right arrow- view the next folder.

Virtual desktops

Windows + Ctrl + D- add a virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + Left Arrow- switch between virtual desktops from right to left.

Win + Ctrl + Right Arrow- switch between virtual desktops from left to right.

Windows + Ctrl + F4- close the used virtual desktop.

Win+Tab- display all desktops and applications on them.


Ctrl + Shift + Esc- start the task manager.

Win+R- open the "Run" dialog box.

Shift+Delete- delete files bypassing the trash.

Alt+Enter- display the properties of the selected element.

win + space- switch input language and keyboard layout.

Win+A- open the Support Center.

Win+S- open the search window.

Win+I- open the "Parameters" window.

Screenshots and games

Windows + PrtScr- take a screenshot and save it in your images folder.

Win+Alt+PrtScr- take a screenshot of the game.

Win+G- open the game panel to record the progress of the passage.

Win+Alt+G- record the last 30 seconds in the active window.

Win+Alt+R- start or stop recording.

Win+P- switch between display modes (if a second display is available).

Do you use keyboard shortcuts in your work?

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