Program for reading bin files. How to install the program proshivka bin. How to open bin file? Programs to open BIN

BIN files are a disk image format. Its better-known counterpart is the ISO format. The abbreviation itself stands for the purpose of the bin format, a disk image (binary disc image). To manipulate it, you will need software to work with disks. We will figure out how to open a file with the bin extension on a computer, and also consider online services, capable of quickly opening images.

BIN files have different purposes. As we said, the most common case is when the file is a disk image.

Note! However, there are other data types associated with a similar format. For example, there are binary data files with this extension. They have a different function in the system and cannot be edited with your own hands. These include Linux executable files, and binary BIN files are also found in the Windows and Macintosh families. We recommend that you be careful when trying to open or modify a system file.

For what purposes are BIN files usually created? Users want to keep a disk image on their computer in case the physical media is lost. Most often, images of computer games, files of game consoles, as well as programs are converted to BIN, if their file big size(Photoshop, 3DS Max, Microsoft Office). Storage of volumetric images of games and software is basically where the bin extension is common. By finding software to work with BIN files, you will learn how to open the firmware, driver, or software installer.

bin file format - description, how to open

Classic utilities for working with ISO images can open the format:

Note! In the case when it is difficult to open the BIN format, you can go for a little trick - change the extension to ".iso". such a file can be opened by any of the programs discussed below.

Programs for working with bin: top 5 programs

We will consider 5 the best programs, known for reliability, user-friendly interfaces and decent functionality. You will learn how to open a BIN disk image with free utilities.

Alcohol 120%

Old well-known software for manipulating disk images. It has a significant number of functions. The program not only converts the BIN format, but also creates a virtual disk from them. A function required to use games and software distributed only on physical media: CD / DVD discs. To open the image in Alcohol 120%, we move the file to the workspace and mount it on a virtual disk.


A good program to open bin files. Almost every user has encountered it. It can convert files to other formats, create a virtual disk from a file, write an image to a physical disk, delete data inside the image. UltraISO is the most functional and simple utility for our purposes. There is a Russian-language interface, so you do not have to wade through the wilds foreign language. When a problem arises: how to open the bin file (bin), the UltraISO program will help you.

Consider the process of converting a BIN file through the UltraISO utility. We will change the file format to the usual (ISO), which will further simplify the manipulation of the image.

Power ISO

An analogue of the application described above. There are even repetitions in the interface. The program is distributed free of charge, but with reduced functionality. To use all the features of the software, you will have to buy a license.

In addition to disk images, movies are saved in the BIN format. Users are accustomed to MP4, AVI, and therefore, when they see the title of a movie with the BIN extension, they get lost.

We will look at 2 more applications for playing movies from BIN.

VLC media player

Included in the TOP programs for watching videos. Opens many movie formats, has a clear and pleasant looking interface. The main plus is that the software is absolutely free. We are interested in it because of the ability to open binary files, which most video players cannot boast of. The program is installed on all existing systems. By installing VLC, you will be able to work with compressed files on MacOS and Linux.

Total Video Player

The program is much simpler, with a nondescript interface. But behind the outdated graphical shell, it rips off a huge functionality. In addition to BIN, the utility opens any video. It is the most versatile product that plays movies and audios.

How to open bin file online

Unfortunately, you won't be able to open BIN online. Often these file types are big weight and editing them, writing to a disk or flash drive, unpacking is the lot of PC programs.

How to copy files to a flash drive if it is write-protected

When transferring images or other important data to a memory card, an unpleasant message sometimes flies out - the device is write-protected. The solution of the problem is carried out through work with the registry.

Step 1. Open the Windows Registry Editor (key combination Win+R). Type regedit into the text field and click OK.

Step 2 In the menu on the left along the specified path as in the photo below and look for the line StorageDevicePolicies.

Step 3

Ready! It remains only to restart the computer.

Video - How to open bin file

Sometimes on a PC, in the mail or other sources, the user comes across files in the bin extension (bin) - how to open it, especially when it weighs quite a lot, and there is no information on its use at all.

If such a document is opened in the usual way: double click and so on - nothing will happen. A window will appear on the screen in which you need to select special program to run this program.

But it also happens that operating system offers programs for working with .bin from those installed on the PC. But if with the help of the proposed applications nothing came of it, or the applications were simply not offered, find the required program yourself.

1. bin (bin) file what is it?

bin files are binary files. They are needed for the operation of programs and program components. And, as a rule, they come in a “bundle” with executable files with the .exe extension, as well as with .dll libraries on Windows. For Mac OS, the .app type can also be such an executor file.

The bin file contains:
- Some Additional Information for application and program;
- Archives for the program or game;
- The image itself.
You can find out what a .bin file is by parsing its type.

2. Options for opening bin file

Such files can be used with the most different applications, even with the help of those already on the PC.
For example, the same Notepad will help, which will make it possible to view any information. But the display in notepad will be unreadable and generally wrong.

Wrong display open file in Notepad can be observed with its small size, usually up to several megabytes.
But in the case when the information takes from 100 MB and above, then this is, most often, a disk image. And to open the file, you can use special applications specializing in application images.

3. How to open a disk image

To open a disk image under the .bin extension, it is best to use the following programs:
- Ultra ISO;
- Alcohol 120%;
- Daemon Tools;
- PowerISO;
- Nero.

The listed utilities, most often shareware, or completely free.
If none of the listed programs is available on your computer, download any of them and try to open the required bin file.
The operation of "reformatting" the bin file to ISO is also possible. For this, a special MagicISO converter is suitable, which will change the file format within a couple of minutes.

4. How and how to open a driver, firmware, or software installer?

If the bin file small size, then this may be the firmware of a device, or its driver.
Deciding how to use such a file is easy. Download the application you need for this, which can change the files and open them. Download Pic Bin Editor best from an official source.

But if .bin- this is an auxiliary file of an application, and it is located in the same folder as the application itself - you do not need to open it.
The data from the file is determined and used automatically during the operation and loading of the main program. No useful information for the user, the file, in this case, does not carry.

5. Open binary video file

It happens that the .bin file on the PC is a rare binary video file Bin Video File- the same copy of a DVD or other source with video recording.
This type is a kind of standard image, which usually comes in a group with an extension such as: .cue. It opens not with the help of emulators, but with simple players:
- KMPlayer;
- VLC Media Player.

6. Datastores that don't require opening

In the event that information is provided in the form of a binary code, it is not always possible and required to open it using utilities. Often such files weigh up to 10 kb, and are used by applications, games and others, and .bin files are launched automatically.
But in the event that the content really needs to be viewed, then this is done using the programs: Resource Hacker and WinHex.

7. Working with .bin on MAC OS

In addition to windows, binaries are also found on the "poppy".
Here the information will turn out to be a "Macbinary" file that contains data, a header, and resources. No application for working with .bin extension on MAC OS
- ZipZag;
- Apple Disk Utility;
- The Unarchiver;
- Staffit Deluxe.

8. Using .bin files on Linux

Linux also has a similar file type. Having found such a type, you need to turn to the command line and enter “file name.bin” into it. But most often, opening such files is not necessary.

9. .bin files of game consoles

bin file it can often be part of a PS or Nintendo or even xBox game.
In such a case, the file is an important attribute in the folder and part of the program. Opening such a file - nothing will happen.

10. More options

Today, the data stored in .bin files is needed for the following devices:
- Blackberry makes extensive use of such files, where they serve as special OS management and update files;
- Almost all Cell phones with chipset MTK- This is a large part of Chinese gadgets on Android.
- On older Nokia phones, this file can be a ringtone.
- On scanners Acer, Agfa, Epson.
Finding out what this file is for is not so difficult, because all the information is in its public folders and is needed to work with other software.
Opening these types of files, most often, is only necessary for developers who use something from this. The PC user does not need to "climb" into these files. Firstly, this will not give him anything, and secondly, any change can stop the file from working.

11. Bottom line

Bin file is easy to open with additional software A lcohol, Daemon Tools and so on. It is even possible to change (convert) its format.
There is a lot of software that works with files of this type, and most often they do not need to be opened, much less modified.

Many users do not know how to open the bin file. We decided to consider the simplest and effective solutions on this page. If you know others, then share in the comments, perhaps together we will find best option.

Many users, when analyzing the file structure of an application or game, often come across a file with the bin extension. And, of course, they ask questions - how to open it and what it is in general. This is enough interesting topic for a conversation. Let's try to cover it in more detail.

Let's start right away with the fact that we are talking about a certain disk image that stores binary data. In favor of the latter fact, at least the very name of the format speaks - Binary Disc Image. However, the same name conveys absolutely no semantic load, since it only indicates the way data is stored.

Such files also do not carry independent value, as they are additional software tools that help to perform certain functions of the application itself.

The choice of a particular program to open this type of data is based on the type of metadata. That is, if this is video data, then utilities such as VLC Media Player and others are used for this. What type of data can still be encrypted with files of this type:

  • ISO or DVD disk image;
  • Game archive data documents;
  • Resource information of the computer itself;
  • Router firmware;
  • Game data of consoles such as Nintendo or Sega;
  • Some others.

Next, it is important to answer a simple question for yourself - how to open the bin file and whether it is worth doing it at all. Experts say that this is not only not only devoid of some meaning, but also carries a danger. After all, we are talking about these keys and special codes. You should understand that any changes to such files may well break the functioning of the corresponding application.

But in case of urgent need, it is still early to have information about what software should be used for such purposes. Here are some programs that might be suitable for this:

  • Standard Notepad;
  • Daemon Tools;
  • The original program or application.

It may seem strange to many that the simple Notepad that comes with each Windows versions able to work with such data. But there is nothing surprising in this. The fact is that this utility is used for many purposes. For example, it has been used since ancient times to create websites and other programming purposes.

Keep in mind that you can open a bin file even in notepad, but another question is what to do with it after that. We will talk about this issue with you in one of the following materials. The main thing - do not save the file if you opened it in notepad, even if you did not make any changes. The changed encoding can harm the integrity of the file, and may even lead to the fact that it will no longer work correctly.

Any Windows user may be faced with the fact that there is a format file on the computer that has never been worked with before, which means that the question arises which program can open it. If the computer does not have required program, then Windows can rarely help with an answer to a question, which means that a solution can only be found through a search engine and our website. Today we will talk about what programs can open a BIN file.

Let's first say a few words about what a BIN file is, in order to have a rough idea of ​​the type of programs supported. There are three types of BIN file (actually there are more, but we'll look at the most likely ones) - a file with encoded binary data, an image file, and a video file. Despite the fact that the extensions of these files are the same, they are completely different, and therefore different programs can open them.

Option 1: BIN as binary file

BIN can be a binary binary file, that is, the information presented in it is represented as zeros and ones.

From the course of school computer science, many users know that with the help of zeros and ones, you can encode absolutely any text information, that is, in a form understandable for a computer.

A binary file is usually associated with the executable file of a program or game, as well as DLL files. As a rule, there is no need to open it to users, since it contains only code.

Total Commander

This program is an advanced file manager for Windows OS. It has a lot of features, including support for opening BIN files. The program is one of the most useful tools for experienced computer users, but what's even more pleasant is that the utility is distributed absolutely free of charge.

Option 2: BIN as an image file

Each of us has ever played discs with movies on a computer, computer games, music albums and so on. If we make an exact copy of the disk and save it on the computer, we will get an image file.

Today, there is a fairly wide selection of image files, among which the clear leader is the ISO format, which is supported by every program that provides for working with disk images.

Less popular is the BIN format file, which is also a disk image file. Fortunately, this did not affect the list of supported programs at all, so you only need to choose the one you like.


A powerful and, perhaps, the most popular multifunctional combine for working with images, information and drives. The program allows you to both create disk images and modify them. You can easily remove an image from any disk or burn an existing one to a blank disc.

If it happens that your computer does not have a CD-ROM, the program will allow you to create a virtual drive, with which you can run a BIN file on your computer. It is noteworthy that despite the fact that the program is paid, even after the trial period has expired, its functionality is not blocked in any way, which means that you can continue to fully use the program.

Alcohol 120%

Powerful imaging tool. This program will provide full-fledged work with image files. Unfortunately, if some time ago there was still a light version of the program, available for download and use completely free of charge, then recently the developers decided to remove it, leaving only a full-fledged Alcohol 120%. By the way, the program has a trial period, which means that you can use it absolutely free for a month.

Daemon Tools Lite

This version is a lightweight version of the popular Daemon Tools program. If you only need to run a BIN file on your computer, this tool will make it easy to create a virtual drive and run the existing image. This version of the program supports the Russian language and is also distributed free of charge.

Option 3: BIN as video file

In more rare cases, a BIN file may be a movie file, however, this scenario is less likely, since this format has almost been replaced by other "giants" like MKV, MP4, AVI and others.

VLC Media Player

Perhaps VLC needs no introduction. It is the most popular media playback software and is one of the most requested tools among users around the world.

The program is really equipped with a rich baggage of features: support for the widest range of video and audio formats, the ability to play streaming video, the smallest playback settings, cross-platform, and a completely free license.

AVS Media Player

If you want a universal media player to play most of the existing audio and video formats, but the previous option does not suit you, take a look at the AVS player.

It is equipped with an excellent interface with support for the Russian language, has a built-in set of codecs for all occasions, allows you to replace the image viewer, has the functions of a DVD player and much more. The player has a completely free license - and this is a serious reason to try it in action.

As you can see, there are quite a few variations of the BIN file today. At least roughly knowing what is contained in the file, you can find for yourself suitable program with which you can successfully open it.

Many users, especially gamers, are interested in how to open a file with the bin extension. Bin is a container format that can store many different data. It is used to store disk images, videos or other binary data, configuration various programs and devices, and is also widely used for firmware updates.


Each cell represents a 64-page page and its color reflects the type of access that is running on that page, and each primary color increases with one operation. In other words, if the page is read 200 times for code and read 50 times for data, it will appear green with a slight blue tint. In other words, it "scales" and the new square has one cell per address, so you can see what's going on at the byte level, the second is the Hex Editor Window. Indeed, if the "Memory Activity Watcher" window above is left open, then when the hex editor window is opened, the displayed bytes will be colored according to the same color scheme.

  • The first one is "Memory Activity Viewer".
  • It must be open before running the code.
  • Currently, when 255 is reached, the value doesn't change anymore.
The boot sequence is probably one of the most complex processes, as all software and hardware must be initialized and tested.

How to open the bin image file?

One of the most popular programs for opening a disk image with a bin extension is UltraIso. It has been translated into Russian and distributed free of charge.

You can download UltraIso from office site .

Now, let's look at how you can open a bin image using UltraIso:

  • You can then close the window.
  • Settings are saved across all sessions.
To avoid doing the above steps every time you start a session, follow these steps. To make sure we achieve reproducible results, we've added a way to run both processors at the same time and keep them in sync, whether hitting a breakpoint or performing a time-consuming task from an emulator's point of view.

Make sure the "Keep emulators in sync" checkbox in the top right corner is checked. To monitor exchanges, do the following. After some time, you can observe a synchronous serial exchange between the chips. Then, after more time, there are more exchanges between the tags.

How to open bin firmware files?

This actual question among novice users who want to see what they will sew into their device. What program to open the bin file in this case? It can be read only by the utility in which it was created.

Router manufacturers such as Tp-Link use the bin file to flash their devices. Some users who work with routers every day know how to open the bin extension. They are opened by the routers themselves. The same applies to other firmware bin files - they can only be opened by devices for which the firmware is intended.

A note on breakpoints and triggers

Basically, by clicking the "Debug" button instead of the "Play" button, you are instructing the emulator to pause the program when it is about to execute some instructions that you "tagged" beforehand. These "marks" are breakpoints. In other words: The performance of the emulator is much better in "debug" mode, using only breakpoints for a specific "execution address".

Finally, while the main purpose of a breakpoint is to pause code, the concept has been extended so that when the conditions match, the breakpoint can perform any combination. This last option provides a very efficient way to skip code that might fail due to missing or poorly emulated components, for example.

Leave all your questions in the comments!

We received a controller flash file with a size of 2048 kilobytes. The next step is editing the necessary parameters of the engine. But first:

This is because the firmware contains several checksums that ensure the integrity of the data. And while correcting the data, it is also necessary to recalculate and correct the checksums.

Critical unbootability of the bios of the microsystem: what to do?

This will keep the raw binary copy so you can compare it with the original, for example. The article will look at various strategies for handling firmware with some examples. Finally, some advanced techniques are mentioned. They have become an integral part of our lives and made it comfortable and easy.

But how do these embedded devices work? They installed firmware, which has its own set of instructions that run on a hardware processor. It is specifically designed and developed to perform some given set of functions. The introduction and firmware architecture is beyond the scope and context of this article.

Secondly, in order to edit something, you need to know what it is. That's what we're going to do - finding out "what" and "what".

Let me remind you we are talking about the Bosch EDC16 ECM family. This is a relatively modern (second half of the 2000s) diesel engine control unit, incl. for cars equipped with diesel particulate filters (Euro-5). As they say, you are not here, the block contains hundreds of maps of technological parameters, ranging from injection control to cruise control parameters. However, not all chips are involved in block modification for ZMZ-51432.

We are more interested here in analyzing the firmware from a security point of view. In this article, we will use the following tools. Most firmware architectures fall into the following categories. After unpacking the firmware, we can find the following: boot loaders, kernels, file system images, user applications and web servers. We need to extract the filesystem images in order to analyze them.

It looks for certain strings or patterns and returns the result; however, an analysis needs to be done to find out if the results are correct, as this can cause many false positives. It lists the starting address of a particular partition, the size and encryption types, and so on. firmware. Unfortunately, the titles are not identified. During the reconnaissance phase, it may fail; however, the key takeaway was that the above file was not encrypted, which could be a security issue. Let's take a look at this file and hope it gives us more results.

To edit all this variety of parameters, special editors have been developed, so to speak, "to help" the chip tuner. One of the most powerful editors is the WinOLS program. Version 2.24, complete with a "tablet" can be taken. If necessary, the crack can be downloaded from the torrent.

For training "on rabbits" I used the so-called. Damos file, i.e. file containing Full description all controller cards, from Fiat Croma (Passat class machine). This machine uses the EDC16C39 block, which is close to ours. Therefore, having studied the maps from Fiat, you can understand the structure of the parameters, their appearance, and, in general, master the work with the WinOLS editor. You can download the archive with the original Fiat firmware and map descriptions.

Unfortunately, we can't get bootloader info due to some bug. It also does not immediately give anything interesting. We have to be careful about false positives. All this indicates that this correct result. The encryption information seems to be a false position, as we have already seen that we were able to read lines in clear text. Offset 0 proves that we have successfully cut the file system.

Let's check the folder where the entire filesystem was extracted. We will extract the output in text file for ease of viewing. % - input to string format. It is also possible to modify the firmware file and repackage it, which we will cover in the next part of this article.

I hope you didn't have any problems installing WinOLS. Launch the editor, select Project->New. Next select Project->Ex&Import->Import file. Select the file type Binary file, then select the firmware file “149-1-922-E279.ORI”. The ORI extension is used to denote original, unmodified firmware files. After downloading the firmware, a window for calculating checksums will be displayed. Green lines at the top mean that the file contains valid checksums. Click "OK", we see the questionnaire window, click "OK" again.

New in CDMA Tool

Some general recommendations for secure firmware. The firmware may be stored encrypted and only decrypted when it needs to be executed, or may be decrypted during the firmware update process. This is because the message was not corrupted or altered during transit. If the device is capable of connecting to the network, make sure that no unnecessary services are running and that it can also notify and register when updating the firmware.

  • Encryption - this prevents firmware from being reverse engineered.
  • Signing.
  • Code obfuscation - this makes runtime analysis difficult.
  • Threaten unauthorized users to update the firmware.
  • Make it restrictive, less exposed.
In the next part of the article, we will look at how to modify and repackage an existing firmware file.

The next step is to download the map definitions for the downloaded firmware. To do this, press Control + D, "next", select the file F36JTDA5EI.a2l, "next", "next", "OK", press "all", "done". On the left side, a lot of folders with options will be displayed. To open a specific folder, click the folder icon. The line above the list contains filtering options (for example, by parameter type), you can enter the name of the desired parameter in the search bar. Inside the folders you will find many different maps and parameters of various dimensions. To open a map, double-click on the name - the selected map will open in the main area. The map can be displayed as a table (Text), or in 2D or 3D modes.

Instructions for installing the dagger. The device boot logo will appear and your device is ready to use. The progress bar will then disappear along with the device name. . The boot logo template is already customized to your requirements. This includes more stable connectivity and router functionality. Here are some tips and tricks before starting the upgrade process.

Updating the firmware over the air can cause permanent damage to the router if the internet connection becomes unstable during the process. Temporarily disable any firewall computer to ensure the update is not broken. Make sure you back up your router settings for easy reconfiguration.

  • Please use a different browser if the default browser does not work.
  • Alternatively, you can use a different computer to update.
The product page for your device will then appear.

EGR control map in 3D mode

Each parameter map is configured in a certain way, the dimensions of the axes, units of measurement are indicated. There are really a lot of maps, but there are about a dozen key maps that are usually edited during chip tuning. I will dwell on the key maps in more detail in the next article, but for now, try to master the editor yourself and explore the whole variety of maps - it is really impressive.

Where is the bin extension used?

It will take you to the router's configuration web page. Step 5: After that, you will see the setup web page. Step 6: Select Manual Update. Now you can reconfigure your router settings to enable Internet access and wireless connection.

This license does not apply to the Open Source Software contained in the Software. Rather, the terms in the applicable open source license apply to the open source software. Nothing in this Agreement limits your rights or grants you rights that are in lieu of any license to use open source software. You acknowledge that the license for the Open Source Software is solely between you and the licensor of the Open Source Software.

Now as for the firmware from ZMZ. Although the structures and dimensions of the maps are similar, of course, there is no complete coincidence. Fiat has a lot of superfluous things that are not used in ZMZ, for example, things related to the particulate filter and its regeneration modes. Therefore, the A2L definition file from Fiat cannot be applied to the ZMZ firmware. Moreover, in different versions of the ZMZ firmware, the cards can be located at different addresses. As they say, "we will search" ...

You must comply with the terms of all applicable open source software licenses, if any. " Software open source" means any software or software component or technology covered by an open source license. Open source licenses are usually licenses that make source code available for free modification and redistribution, but may also apply to technology obtained and distributed solely in object code form.

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