Public services electronic signature for individuals. Electronic signature for individuals

When making civil transactions, providing government and municipal services, as well as when committing other legal meaningful action electronic information is used via the Internet digital signature(ED or EDS). In essence, an electronic signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature. The only difference is that digital signature helps to sign any digital documents. Digital signatures are actively used on the State Services portal. With the help of an electronic signature, you can also use it to receive various state and municipal online services. In this regard, many portal users need to figure out how to get electronic signature for the State Services website.

The method for obtaining an electronic signature will depend on its type. If the purpose of creating an electronic digital signature is to significantly speed up the process of obtaining government services due to the absence of the need to personally visit government organizations to sign papers, then a simple electronic signature will be sufficient for you. Obtaining such an electronic signature is not difficult. There is also a strengthened unqualified signature and a strengthened qualified signature. You will have to tinker with getting them, but they open up much greater opportunities. In any case, as part of this review, we will tell you about all types of electronic signatures and provide detailed instructions upon receipt of them.

  • Important
  • To access all services of the State Services portal, an enhanced qualified electronic signature is required.

Types of electronic signature

As mentioned earlier, there are three types of electronic signature. A simple electronic signature has no legal force and you do not need to contact specialized centers to obtain it. Everything is done remotely and quite quickly. Usually, this type electronic signature is used to log in. As for the other two types of digital signatures, they also differ in status and their scope is not the same.

Types of digital signature:

  • Simple electronic signature;
  • Enhanced unqualified signature;
  • Strengthened qualified signature.

We cannot say which signature you need. It all depends on the purposes for which you plan to use the digital signature. You have all found yourself on this page in order to find out how to obtain an electronic signature for the State Services website, while the areas of application of the electronic signature will differ. To make it easier for you to decide what type of electronic digital signature you need, let’s consider their purpose in more detail.

Types of digital signatures and their differences:

  1. Simple electronic signature. The scope of application of a simple electronic signature is all types of document flow in an organization. Can be used on the State Services portal. Requests for the required service can be sent digitally, endorsed with a simple electronic signature. Essentially, this is a kind of identification through a code request via SMS.
  2. Strengthened unqualified signature. Confirms the authorship of papers, identifies the sender and records changes to the signed document. To obtain this type of digital electronic signature, you must contact a certification center. Does not provide for the possibility of signing government documents containing secrets.
  3. Enhanced Qualified Signature. Electronic signature with the highest level of security. Documents signed with this signature have the same legal force as documents signed with one’s own hand. Issued together with a special key and certificate at an accredited center. Used when submitting reports to government organizations, in online trading, etc.
  • Important
  • Every citizen can obtain an electronic signature for the State Services website for free. You only need to pay for physical media (token or smart card).

Obtaining an electronic signature for public services

We have figured out the types of electronic signatures, now you can find out how to get an electronic signature for the State Services website. To gain access to all functions of the State Services portal, an enhanced qualified signature is required. You can do it before registering on the portal or later. Ideally, first you need to register on the site. Perhaps you don’t need an electronic signature at all. You should understand that many services do not require an electronic signature. For example, you can easily pay taxes, deregister a car, etc. without an electronic signature.

If the issue of obtaining an electronic signature has already been resolved, then you need to contact the certification center. You can find out the addresses of certification centers by following the link Please note that obtaining an enhanced qualified signature is only possible at an accredited center. If you need a simple electronic signature, then you do not need to do anything, since it was assigned to you automatically when you confirmed your account.

To obtain an electronic signature, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Follow the link and select a certification authority;
  2. Go to the website of the certification center of your choice and fill out an application to receive an electronic signature;
  3. Wait until a specialist from the certification center contacts you and informs you about the procedure for your further actions(usually the specialist provides a list of documents with which you need to come to the center).

Be prepared to pay for the physical media (token or smart card) on which your electronic digital signature will reside. Also, some electronic digital signature media require installation special program

. A certification center specialist will definitely tell you about all these nuances.

In the digital age, many documents can be completed online. However, some types of requests require a signature. Today this issue is resolved with an electronic digital signature. Let's figure out what an electronic signature is, what it is needed for, and how to obtain an electronic signature for the State Services website.

  • An electronic signature is a digital analogue of a person’s usual handwritten signature. As a result of cryptographic transformation, characters are generated in a certain sequence and allow the owner to be identified. Functions of such a signature:
  • confirmation of authorship;

guarantee of the document's immutability after signing.

  • Areas of application of digital signature:
  • participation in electronic auctions on special websites;
  • electronic document management;
  • submission of reports in electronic form;
  • electronic documents with an electronic signature are used as evidence in the event of disputes between business entities;

Internet portal for government services (some types of services are available only to the holder of an electronic signature).

  1. Types of digital signature Simple
  2. – is created using special tools: logins, passwords, etc. This type of digital signature makes it possible to confirm authorship, but there is no guarantee of immutability. For documents that require printing, it is not enough. Reinforced unskilled
  3. Reinforced qualified– similar to the previous type of electronic signature, but issuance centers and means for its creation undergo a thorough procedure for compliance with security requirements. This signature is equivalent to regular ink.

How to make an electronic digital signature for State Services

EDS is created in accredited certification centers, a list of which is available at. To find out where you can order in your city:

A list of certification authorities will appear on the page indicating their status (valid or not valid). By double-clicking on the line with the center you like, a new window will open. There will be an address, opening hours, contacts, a website where you can find out about prices for the service and additional information.

When visiting a certification center, a citizen needs to take with him a passport, tax certificate and SNILS. At the office you need to fill out an application for receiving an electronic signature. After completing the application, the center employee will prepare a physical removable medium (token) where the citizen’s signature, key and certificate will be stored. After receiving it, you will need to add a special plugin, connect the media to the USB connector and configure the software.


For correct settings For digital signature, you need to install the CryptoPro CSP program; after installation, it is recommended to restart your computer (download from the link). The program is paid, but has a 3-month trial period, which will be enough to set it up. Then we install the browser plugin. Setup instructions:

Before setting up, insert the signed media into the appropriate PC connector

  1. Run the program, and when launched, the “CryptoPro CSP Properties” window will open.
  2. Find “Service”, click “View certificates in container”.
  3. A window will open, click “Browse”, a window will appear with the name of the container and the available reader. Click "Ok".
  4. The “Certificates in the private key container” window will appear, don’t change anything, click “next”.
  5. In the window for displaying information about the user and electronic signature, click “properties”.
  6. The “Certificate” window will appear, click “Install Certificate”, then “Ok”.
  7. In the “Certificate Import Wizard” window, click “Next” and select “Place all certificates in the following store.” Clicking on the “Browse” button opens a list for selecting a storage location, in it click the “Personal” folder, then “Ok”.
  8. IN final window“Completing the Certificate Import Wizard” click “Finish”.

The ES setup has been successfully completed, now let's check it.

EDS verification at State Services

To check the EDS certificate on State Services, the user should use the old version of the portal, since new version the possibility of verification has not yet been fully implemented.

Opening old version site, log in to your Personal Area, at the bottom right we find the “Reference Information” section.

Scroll down the page and find “Electronic signature” on the right.

In the line “Confirmation of electronic signature authenticity”, click “Certificate”, below click “Upload file”, select the file needed for verification and enter the code from the image for verification, then click the “Check” button.

The verification procedure is free of charge. If successful, the citizen will receive information about the authenticity, owner, validity period of the electronic signature and the organization that issued the signature. The line “Document authenticity confirmed” will appear, which means that everything is in order and you can start working with the portal.

After this, all electronic services will become available. For legal entities, the signature will enable online documentation and document flow, submission of reports without losing legal force.

The price for an individual is 700 rubles (the cost depends on the center for obtaining the signature). The certificate is valid for 1 year, after which it must be renewed.

Obtaining an electronic signature for an individual today is quite simple. And 5 years ago ordinary people it was practically not required. EDS was then perceived as a tool for making business easier - with it you can sign contracts via the Internet, invoices, payments and other documents. But times are changing. And now even ordinary citizens often decide to issue an electronic digital signature in order to simplify their lives.

Digital signature refers to an electronic signature created by encrypting a set of data. It allows you to identify the owner. Electronic signature has become so popular because high level reliability and availability of many possibilities. For ordinary citizens, the most significant advantages are:

  • Possibility to send to government agency or departmental official appeal via the Internet. This speeds up the application process and eliminates the need to go anywhere.
  • Remote receipt of various government services. For example, for several years now the State Services portal has been implementing the ability to issue a foreign passport and other important documents using an electronic signature.
  • Search and purchase of goods and services at the most low prices. Using digital signatures, you can make purchases in virtual stores, participate in tenders and auctions.

For organizations, the list of benefits is even more comprehensive. For example, digital signature allows you to sign payment documents and other important papers, send demands to the bank.

Types of digital signature

Today in Russia they use one of two types of digital signatures: single and multiple. Each of them has its own characteristics.

And if organizations have long appreciated digital signature and use it more and more often today, ordinary citizens still treat it with some misunderstanding. Those who decide to receive an electronic signature will be able to solve the following problems with it:

  1. allows you to identify the owner;
  2. protects the document from forgery (due to the presence of cryptographic protection);
  3. is confirmation that the signatory has accepted the obligations or responsibilities stated in the document.

Electronic signatures are impossible without special keys and certificates. They are issued directly at a specialized center. Any digital signature has the following keys:

  • Open. It is also called verification. It is visible to all participants in the transaction, not just the key owner. It is used to eliminate the possibility of counterfeiting. It is this key that confirms the authenticity of the electronic signature.
  • Closed. It is known only to the owner of the digital signature. Its function is to directly sign documents.

In addition to the key, there is one more necessary attribute of any electronic signature. It's about about a special certificate for the key. It may be provided to the owner in one of the following forms:

  • on paper;
  • on electronic media.

The certificate acts as a kind of identification document for the owner of the signature. It contains the following information:

  • number public key;
  • information about the owner;
  • information about the center that issued the key.

Only if there is an active certificate can the digital signature be encrypted. If the agreement is signed by several persons, then all of them must have an unexpired document. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the paperwork.

The certificate is valid for 1 year. After this, it cannot be used by the owner. The signature itself with an expired certificate has no reliability. If the validity period has expired, and the owner still requires an electronic digital signature, then he needs to renew the certificate. Only after this the signature will become working again.

If a citizen has changed his last name or some other personal data, he needs to immediately renew the certificate. Otherwise it will be invalid.

Signatures are verified using special encryption tools. They are necessary to create a key and the electronic signature itself, as well as to verify them.

Digital signature for individuals

Ordinary citizens are increasingly turning to the service of producing an electronic signature. It’s not surprising, because why sit in lines or go somewhere if everything can be done remotely. To do this, you only need to have access to the Internet and a special electronic signature. Individuals can use one of the following types of digital signature:

  1. Unskilled. It is easy to manufacture and use. You can create it yourself at home. To do this, just use an encryption program. True, such an electronic signature does not have legal force, but it can be used within one organization or between friends, relatives, and colleagues.
  2. Qualified. This is already a full-fledged electronic signature, which is issued in a specialized accredited institution. It is equivalent to a regular signature and has the same force. Sometimes it is even used in courts and various municipal and state structures.

Of course, if you want to have an electronic signature equal to a regular signature, then you need to contact an accredited center. Moreover, the procedure for obtaining a document for ordinary citizens is much simpler than for legal entities. So, a person will only need a Russian passport and payment document, confirming payment of the state duty (a receipt from the bank will be sufficient).

To obtain an electronic signature, a person must choose a suitable certification center. It is important that the institution is accredited. Otherwise, it does not have the right to issue electronic signatures. Before sending to the center, you need to pay the state fee, get a receipt from the bank or print it out. And he will go with it, a passport and a flash drive or disk to the institution. The media will be required to record the private key on it. Next, the procedure will be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Contact the center. It is there that the person will ultimately receive the keys with the certificate.
  2. Selecting a password. You need to come up with them yourself. It is better if it is some kind of memorable password, because you cannot change it due to forgetfulness. Then the procedure for obtaining digital signature keys will have to be completed again.
  3. Filling out documents for issuing a public key.
  4. Regenerating a private key, uploading files to a disk or flash drive.
  5. Hand over all documents to the center employee and create passwords.
  6. Obtain a certificate for the issued keys.

Sometimes the procedure for obtaining an electronic signature may be slightly different. Here everything depends on the order of the center to which a person turns. A number of organizations require personal application, while others are ready to complete all documents remotely via the Internet.

Using digital signature

Some citizens may ask where they can use an electronic signature. Indeed, the use of digital signature requires special conditions. Therefore for individuals Russian government has developed two systems, services and information in which can be obtained via electronic signature:

  • ESIA ( one system identification and authentication). It is a special telecommunications network through which it is possible to provide a number of state and municipal information to individuals. Working with this service is possible even with an unqualified signature. You can get relevant background information on the website.
  • EPGU (Unified portal of public services). This is the largest Russian portal providing services to the country's population. But to work with this service you will need a qualified digital signature. This need is explained by the fact that legally significant operations can be carried out using the portal.

Thanks to these two services, people received remote access to various government services. The number of these services is constantly growing. So, for example, with the help of the government services portal today you can get a regular passport (repeatedly), a foreign passport, an INN, open your own individual entrepreneur, register in an apartment, register your vehicle. You can even find out about the presence of fines in the traffic police and the status of your account in the Pension Fund.

Creating and registering an electronic digital signature requires certain costs. That is why individuals cannot receive this service for free today. If a person decides to issue an electronic signature, then he will have to allocate money from his budget for this. Costs vary across regions and centers. In general, the price varies from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles.

The final cost will depend, among other things, on the conditions under which the signature will be obtained. It is clear that if the client does not want to go to the center himself, then he needs to be prepared to pay more than if he contacted directly.

Industry trends indicate a gradual increase in demand for the service. People are increasingly resorting to using electronic digital signatures. The development of the field of cryptographic protection allows us to gradually reduce the cost of services.

Electronic signature- how to obtain government services with its help and is it needed when receiving them? Is it possible to make a digital signature for free and how to check its authenticity? We have prepared detailed and visual explanations with illustrations for all these questions, which you will find in our article.

Is an electronic digital signature required for the government services portal?

To understand whether an electronic signature is needed for a government services portal, you must first form a general idea of ​​the purpose of this signature.

The Law “On Electronic Signatures” dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ established 3 types of digital signatures, the characteristics of which are given below in the form of a diagram.

It turns out that for government services you need to issue an electronic signature:

  • or simple, in order to:
    • request (receive) background information (for example, about debts on taxes, fines, courts or the amount of pension savings);
    • sign up for services in educational or medical institutions;
    • pay for services (housing and communal services, government services, taxes, fines, etc.), etc.;
  • or qualified in order to send (transfer) to government agencies legally important documents (information) related to such events as:
    • obtaining (replacement) identification documents (passport, driver’s license, etc.);
    • registration of transport, organization, individual entrepreneur;
    • filing 3-NDFL;
    • registration of certificates, licenses, permits, etc.

Read more about a qualified signature and its application in our introductory material .

Thus, we have decided which government services require a simple signature and which require a qualified signature. Now let’s move on to explanations about where and how to obtain an electronic signature for government services and whether it can be issued for free.

Creating a simple electronic signature for government services

In order to create a simple digital signature, you need to go to the main page of the government services portal, find the “Login to government services” window on the right side and click on the “Register” button (as shown in the figure below). Next, enter your last name, first name, phone number (or email) and register. To the specified phone number (or to the address mailbox) you will receive a confirmation code (or link). Enter the received code (or follow the link sent) and click the “Confirm” button. We indicate personal password, which will be applied upon further access to government services.

  • through the Service Center;
  • through Russian Post;
  • online through web versions of Internet banks Sberbank Online and Tinkoff, as well as Internet and mobile bank"Pochta Bank Online" (provided that you are a client of one of the banks).

After the information entered in your personal account is confirmed by the Service Center or Russian Post, a simple digital signature for the public services portal will be considered created.

For precautions related to creating a simple signature, read our article .

Where to get a qualified electronic signature for government services

A qualified digital signature cannot be created so quickly and easily. To obtain it, you will need to contact one of the accredited certification centers presented on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. There is a convenient service “Find the nearest certification center”, which, after entering the desired address, will provide a ready-made list of all nearby centers. Next, you need to select the most suitable one and proceed to the preparation of a qualified signature.

Registration of a qualified electronic signature for public services by individuals

To obtain a qualified electronic signature for government services, you will need to perform several sequential steps described below.

How to create an application and prepare documents to obtain an electronic signature for government services

Before submitting an application for a qualified digital signature, an individual must prepare 3 documents:

  • passport,
  • SNILS,

Almost all certification centers accept applications for digital signatures in electronic form. That is, to submit an initial application, an electronic application form is filled out on the website of the accredited center. In particular, you must provide the following information:

  • region, city;
  • your last name, first name, patronymic;
  • telephone, email;

Then select the right type ordering signature and click the “Submit Application” button.

How to order an electronic signature for public services at a certification center

After reviewing the application, the manager of the accredited center calls the customer and discusses the procedure for providing a passport, SNILS and TIN. Typically, the customer, in agreement with the manager, sends scans of these documents to the certification center’s e-mail address, and delivers the originals upon receipt of a qualified digital signature. Thus, he does not have to visit an accredited center several times.

How to obtain an electronic signature key carrier for the public services portal at a certification center

After sending the application, supporting documents and agreeing on their data with the manager of the certification center, the customer is sent an invoice (receipt) for the fee for the electronic signature. The ordered digital signature is produced on average 1–2 days after the customer pays the invoice issued to him.

You need to receive a completed digital signature using the original supporting documents (passport, SNILS) at the office of the certification center. Some centers practice delivery of digital signatures by courier to any address specified by the customer. In this case, the client does not need to visit the accredited center at all.

Obtaining a qualified electronic signature (EDS) for government services by legal entities

The procedure for obtaining a qualified digital signature for government services by legal entities is similar to the procedure described above. But there is one addition - in addition to the passport, SNILS and TIN of the employee for whom a qualified signature is being drawn up, the following documents are needed:

  • power of attorney for an employee,
  • TIN of the organization,
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

How to get or make an electronic signature for government services for free

Without spending money, you can only issue a simple digital signature - for the reason that it is created by the user of public services himself. We have already talked about how to create an electronic signature for government services for free in the second section of our article. For a qualified electronic signature for government services, both legal entities and individuals will have to pay about 5 thousand rubles, since its production is carried out by specialized centers operating on a commercial basis. The cost may deviate more or less from the average price listed above, depending on the region and the pricing policy of the accredited certification center.


Thus, for the public services portal you will need either a simple digital signature (if you plan to request reference information and use of various government services), or a qualified signature (if you plan to exchange legally important documents through government services). To create a simple digital signature, you need the government services portal itself, where you can get a free electronic signature for government services, and the nearest branch of the MFC or Russian Post. To obtain a qualified digital signature, you will need to contact one of the accredited certification centers, where it will be possible to obtain an electronic signature for government services only on a paid basis.

Electronic signature - current tool business. It will certify and protect information about an individual or legal entity on any digital documentation. The signature is used for commercial purposes and to obtain government services.

Electronic signature for State Services - where to get it?

Creation of digital signature is free. Payment required for storage media . The price of a USB drive is 1,400 rubles.

Contact the Certification Authority (CA) to purchase a certificate and an electronic signature key.

A personal appeal from citizens to the customer service office of the PJSC company will help you obtain an electronic signature. Rostelecom.

After receiving the USB drive, the owner uses various services on the state portal that require special identification.

Those who are going to receive a digital document from an authorized center do not have to register on the State Services website or receive a encryption sequence from the center operator. You have the right to come to the company before registering your personal account.

Confirmation of information about the owner takes place in the office. The signature is issued on the day the client applies.

Ready USB key use only for public services.

Procedure for obtaining electronic signature

Government services are available to all residents of the Russian Federation, since it belongs to the public system.

Methods for obtaining digital signature:

  • The online application procedure is based on three steps:
  1. Register yourself on the CA website;
  2. Enter the data in the form;
  3. Come to the MFC with a storage medium;
  4. Take an electronic signature on paper;
  5. On the CA website, write your digital signature onto a flash drive.
  • Through MFC
  1. Contact the MFC branch(Multifunctional Center);
  2. Provide original documents: passport, TIN, SNILS;
  3. Pay money at the terminal - 1400 rubles;
  4. Next you receive a USB drive and wait for SMS;
  5. Visit the site Certification center;
  6. Write down your digital signature to your storage medium.

Authorized centers for issuing qualified key certificates for electronic signature verification are located on the state portal, as well as on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

Types of electronic signatures and conditions for recognition of electronic documents

According to Article 5 of the Law "About electronic signature", the client can receive enhanced or simple signature.

You will receive a free simple signature at the MFC within 1 business day.

  • Enhanced View has a qualified and unqualified nature, obtained through cryptographic transformation of data.

A qualified signature is accepted by absolutely all functioning social institutions.

With its help, the holder works with documents in electronic format, while having absolute legal force.

In other words, it acquires the quality of a paper document with the signature of a visa representative.

The owner can use digital signatures in the corporate sphere only in accordance with the conditions and rules established by the system operator.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

Absolutely all citizens of our country have the opportunity to obtain an electronic signature.

It is worth considering only the fact for what tasks and purposes it will be used on the state portal “Electronic government”.

All types of signatures work on equal terms. This doesn't concern financial organizations. Rosstat, FSS, PFN and FSS work only with those clients who received electronic analogues only in a qualified status.

As soon as the digital signature holder enters into a service agreement and becomes a participant in the system of one of the operators, an individual or legal entity automatically becomes one of the members of the electronic interaction of participants.

In other words, Having an electronic signature is the main condition for gaining access to the system.

Scope of application of electronic signature on the Electronic Government portal

After registering a personal account on the public services portal using an electronic signature, the user can familiarize himself with all the information in more detail.

Frequent services which most individuals prefer to use are:

Portal capabilities for legal entities provide many useful business tools. Registration is possible only on the basis of the right of use without a power of attorney from a legal entity.

For these purposes, create a personal administrator account.

The qualified certificate contains the following information:

  • Personal information about the owner;
  • Name of company;
  • Location;
  • OGRN legal entity.

The highest priority services include:

  • Registration of an extract from EGERIP and Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Obtaining accurate and complete information about the presence of debt regarding tax payments;
  • Registration of new transport, deregistration of the old one, etc.

Especially for individual entrepreneurs — monitoring agreement to reduce the risk of acquiring excess revenue and transferring income to another taxation system within a certain period of time.

Organization system accounting An individual entrepreneur will allow entrepreneurs to avoid many negative situations.

The signature is used to endorse applications to authorized executive bodies. In order to protect the transmitted information, the service uses a cryptographic system.

Prospects and relevance of electronic document management automation

Electronic signature- this is a significant leap in the procedure for automating the electronic version of document flow.

Using digital signature on the portal "Electronic government" bears responsibility.

That is why the user must carefully monitor order and ensure that these keys are reliably protected from unauthorized persons.

If unauthorized access or invalid signature is suspected As soon as possible, contact the Certification Center where he received the certificate, confirm the authenticity and check the digital signature.

This approach will save labor, time and material costs to redistribute a wealth of information from paper forms to an electronic version. As a result, organizations have competitive ability and legal security of document flow.

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