Family project water in the house Aleynik Ksenia. Family environmental projects "water in the house" Family project water in the house

“People who have learned... from observations and experiments,
Gain the ability to ask questions themselves
and get answers to them,
being on a higher level
mental and moral level
in comparison with those who did not go through such school"
K. E. Timiryazev
Relevance of the project topic
Water is a colorless liquid, tasteless and odorless, an active solvent with high surface tension. During the implementation of project work, the child becomes familiar with the physical properties of water, as well as how it is necessary to save water and why. This project instills the skills of environmentally conscious behavior in everyday life, in particular the child’s ability to use water sparingly, and to understand the need for such an attitude towards water as a natural resource. Develops observation, creativity, and fosters a caring attitude towards water. The progress of the project is aimed at implementing an activity-based approach to teaching preschool children; the focus is on the child’s educational and play needs, the development of self-management skills in learning, self-assessment and mutual assessment of success in development and learning. We called our project “Water in the House.” The goal of the development was learning, but not mechanical memorization and reproduction by the child of the studied material, but understanding, comprehension, the ability to explain one’s position and vision of the harmony of nature with the purity of the water space. Our work was mainly carried out in natural conditions, in nature, at home. Why was the topic “Water in the House” chosen? Yes, simply because it interested the child himself, where does the water come from in the house and what can be done with it. There is both a lot and a little water on Earth at the same time. There is a lot of it in the oceans and seas, but sea salt water is unsuitable for drinking, as well as for many technical agricultural productions. Limited fresh water supplies are being further reduced due to pollution. Fresh water is suitable for drinking and cooking. It is also used for household needs: watering plants, washing dishes, cars, premises, washing, caring for animals. Every living thing on Earth needs water.
Information from the Internet.
97% of the water on the planet is salty waters of the seas and oceans.
2% of water is ice.
1% of water is fresh water.
3% – suitable for humans.

Fresh water reserves are distributed as follows:
Fresh water reserves on Earth (3%).
69-75% - Arctic, Antarctic, Greenland, mountain glaciers, icebergs.
24-30% - groundwater.
0.5% - atmospheric moisture.
0.5% - surface water.

Interesting facts about water.

If you use a glass when brushing your teeth, you save 5–10 liters of water.
A fully open tap drains up to 15 liters of water per minute.
About 1000 liters of water per hour are poured through an open tap.
Even the smallest leak carries up to 80 liters of water per day.
Washing a pile of dirty dishes under a strong stream takes about 100 liters of water.
When washing a car with a hose, up to 200 liters of water are consumed.
When water leaks in the toilet, 40 liters of water are wasted per day.
Taking a shower for 5 minutes, you use about 100 liters of water
By filling the bathtub only halfway, you use 150 liters of water
Taking a bath requires three times more water than showering.

A plan was developed to implement the project:
1. Set goals and objectives for the chosen topic.
2. Involve parents in the implementation of sections of the project.
3. Development of homework and experiments.
4. Project summary.

Predicted result:
Find out with your child how to conserve water and why.
Show experimentally what properties water has.
Improving work on interaction with parents, enhancing the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten.

The goal of the project is to instill in a child a caring attitude towards water, to develop the experience of everyday environmental behavior in relation to water supplies. Learn to conduct simple experiments with water.

1. Give the child a clear idea of ​​how necessary water is in nature.
2. Develop the child’s cognitive and creative abilities.
3. Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process.
4. Form a conscious – correct attitude towards natural resources.
The principle of conformity with nature provides for the organization of the pedagogical process in accordance with the laws of nature, its rhythms, and cycles.
The principle of problematization is to create conditions for posing and solving problems, introducing human culture into the world through its open problems by increasing the activity and initiative of the child in solving them.
The principle of relying on leading activity is realized in the organic connection of play with other specifically children’s activities (visual, constructive, etc.) that interact and enrich each other.
The principle of cooperation and co-creation presupposes the unity of an adult and a child as equal partners, provides the opportunity for self-development of each, dialogical interaction, and the predominance of empathy in interpersonal relationships.
The principle of taking into account age characteristics allows us to consider various problems at an accessible level, and then return to previously studied material at a new, higher level.
The principle of developing a child’s personal qualities is aimed at developing a positive, respectful attitude towards natural resources, i.e. to fresh water.

Preparatory stage.
Selection of material, manuals, literature on the topic.
Conducting a conversation with the child regarding water consumption: “Who needs water”, “Why save water”, “The importance of water in our lives”.

Conversation "How did the water come to us?"
Research stage.
During the project, the child and the adult:
 Checks how water is being used and whether there is any water leakage at home.
 Conduct random checks on the condition of water taps for leakage and economical use of water.
 Conversations: “How we save water at home,” “How it gets into the tap.”
 Gets acquainted with water and its properties.
From this we found out that water enters the tap from a well or river. Only it doesn’t get into the tap right away: those droplets with which we wash our hands have traveled a long way. First, a person sent it from the river (well) into pipes, where the water was purified and after that it comes to us. In order for clean water to flow from our tap, many people had to work hard: some made pipes at the factory, others helped the water get into the pipes, i.e. they built a water pipeline, others purified the water, and others repaired the taps. And sometimes it seems to us that water flows from the tap itself and there is a lot of it, there is no need to save, let it flow! But we now know that water flows into the tap from the river, and if all people leave the taps open, what can happen? We began to observe how we use water. It turned out to be unreasonable: We brush our teeth, the tap is open, and water flows into the sewer. We forget to turn off the tap. Wash dishes while keeping the tap open. We don’t close the tap tightly and the water slowly drips out. A child in the dining room washes his hands with the tap turned on completely.
During the experiments, we found out what properties of water there are: transparent, odorless, colorless, solvent, flowing.

To reduce water loss, you need to:
 do not leave taps open;
 monitor the serviceability of the taps;
 regulate the strength of the water jet;
 wash dishes in a cup using a minimum of detergent.
 turn off the water while brushing your teeth;
 reduce pressure when washing dishes;
 in the toilet, reduce the filling level;
 wash dishes in a cup.
Summarizing. Rules for caring for water.
Pay attention to whether water flows from the tap at home in vain. If you notice this, turn off the tap. It happens that we spend a lot of water uselessly without noticing it. For example, you wash your hands, wash your face under a strong stream. Close the tap a little. This will not interfere with washing, and less water will leak. Learn to brush your teeth without wasting water. To do this, do not leave the tap open while you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. Immediately pour water into the glass and close the tap. It is very convenient to rinse your mouth from a cup. And how much water will you save! If water flows due to a malfunction of the tap or water dispenser, you must immediately inform an adult. Do not litter on river banks, do not wash cars in them.

Methods for assessing success: observations, conversations, workshops.

Project participants: Nikita Demidov, a pupil of the middle group of MBDOU kindergarten No. 4 in the village of Unarokovo, and his mother Tatyana Nikolaevna Demidova.
Project type: educational and research.
Duration of the project: short - urgent (from 02/20/2013 to 03/17/2013).

Subject of research: properties of water.

Preliminary work:

Group conversation "How did water come to us?"

Next story: "Golden Drop".

Educator: “Golden water” flows in our taps. Why do we call it golden? Because there is less and less of it on our planet. Remember how you and I use water at home and in the kindergarten? What should you do to avoid water loss? You need to close the taps tightly behind you and use water sparingly. Let's save water, if you see a faucet that is not closed, close it; if you notice a faucet that is not closed tightly, close it tighter. Save water both at home and in the garden.

Reading the final part of the poem “Yesterday and Today” by S.Ya. Marshak.
The rocker with the bucket rattled throughout the house:
- No one walks on water, no one takes the rocker.
They began to live according to a new fashion - they installed running water.
Women are getting lazy these days. Have your shoulders become weak?
The river has gone crazy - it went home on its own!
And it happened, with a chime to its green banks
The girls were walking along the pavement for water.
They came close to the river, bowed low to the river:
- Hello, river, our mother, let us get some water!
And now my two-year-old grandson can turn it with one hand
The handle of the faucet is like a key - and the water flows like a river...
Nowadays there is little sense in people, the yoke is missing!

First experience.
Goal: Find out what happens to water during the freezing process.

Conclusion: The volume of water increases.
Second experience.
Purpose: Find out whether the needle and checkers can stay on the surface of the water.

Conclusion: Water can hold a needle and checkers on the surface.

Third experience.
Goal: Find out whether the candle will burn completely in water.

Conclusion: The candle burned out completely.
Fourth experience.
Goal: Find out how the egg behaves in fresh and salt water.

Conclusion: An egg sinks in fresh water. In salt water it floats to the surface. If you pour in fresh and salty water in turn, the egg floats in the water column.

Fifth experience.
“Can paper be glued together with water?”
We take two sheets of paper, move them one way and the other in the other direction. We wet the sheets with water, press lightly, squeeze out excess water, try to move the sheets - they don’t move.

Conclusion: Water has a gluing effect.
Sixth experience.

Conclusion: the ice melts and turns into water, thanks to the humidity the plant receives nutrition.

Seventh experience.

Conclusion: people use water in different ways.

Eighth experience.
Purpose: Steam is also water.

Conclusion: water evaporates.

Ninth experience.
Purpose: Some substances dissolve in water, some do not dissolve"

Conclusion: Sugar dissolved in water, and sweet water was obtained.

Tenth experience

Conclusion: Water changes color.

During the study, we expanded the child’s knowledge about water, introduced them to the causes of pollution of water bodies and measures to protect them, and taught them to take care of water and save it.
They taught us to understand and realize how important water is in nature and what properties it has.
Based on the results of the work, it was noted: all animals on the planet, plants, trees feed on water;
Icicles and snow melt from any heat source, turning into water.
Water has no smell, color or taste.
Perhaps this will solve the global problem of humanity in the future. After all, first of all, before changing the world, start changing yourself.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 2 MOSCHR

Shcherbinovsky district, Staroshcherbinovskaya village

Competition "Family Environmental Projects"

Nomination “Water in the House”

Project “I will save some water and help the planet”

2nd grade student Shelyag Diana

parents: Shelyag Marina Valerievna

Shelyag Valery Alexandrovich

Class teacher Ekaterina Nikolaevna Vegera

Tel: 8-961-5316747

Water , at you No neither taste , neither colors , neither smell .

You impossible describe , you enjoying ,

Not knowing , What You such !

It is forbidden say , What You necessary For life : You herself life

You the most big wealth on light .

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Water is a colorless liquid, tasteless and odorless, an active solvent with high surface tension. During the implementation of project work, the child becomes familiar with the physical properties of water, as well as how it is necessary to save water and why.

This project instills the skills of environmentally conscious behavior in everyday life, in particular the child’s ability to use water sparingly, and to understand the need for such an attitude towards water as a natural resource. Develops observation, creativity, and fosters a caring attitude towards water.

The progress of the project is aimed at implementing an activity-based approach to teaching a schoolchild; the focus is on the child’s educational and play needs, the development of self-management skills in learning, self-assessment and mutual assessment of success in development and learning. We called our project “I’ll save some water and help the planet.”

The goal of the development was learning, but not mechanical memorization and reproduction by the child of the studied material, but understanding, comprehension, the ability to explain one’s position and vision of the harmony of nature with the purity of the water space. By teaching a child to simply turn off the tap behind him, without conveying to him the meaning of the need, without revealing the whole problem, I am raising a neat, but heartless person. Our work was mainly carried out in natural conditions, at home. Why was this topic chosen?

Yes, simply because the child himself was interested in why water should be conserved. There is both a lot and a little water on Earth at the same time. There is a lot of it in the oceans and seas, but sea salt water is unsuitable for drinking, as well as for many technical agricultural productions. Limited fresh water supplies are being further reduced due to pollution.

Fresh water is suitable for drinking and cooking. It is also used for household needs: watering plants, washing dishes, cars, premises, washing, caring for animals. Every living thing on Earth needs water.

Without water, life is impossible not only on Earth, but also in the Universe. Life arose and exists thanks to the amazing properties of water. In the 21st century, we are beginning to understand that the most expensive treasures of our planet Earth are not gold and diamonds, but those that seem to us free and inexhaustible: water and air!

More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. There are two types of water on the surface of the planet: salty and fresh. The area of ​​seas and oceans on Earth is many times greater than the area of ​​all rivers, lakes, swamps and reservoirs combined. Therefore, there is many times more salt water on our planet than fresh water. Its volume is 97%.

Fresh water reserves in the world are about 3% of the total amount of water, including 2% of all fresh water concentrated in glaciers, snowfields and polar ice. Thus, only 1% of the water on the planet is suitable for drinking.

In order to live, we first need fresh water. Our entire existence is closely connected with it. However, water used for drinking, cooking, beverages and many other food products is only a small part of its vast range of uses. Without water, industrial production is impossible:

    It takes up to 280 tons of water to produce 1 ton of steel,

    to get 1 kilogram of paper you need 700 liters of water,

    To make 1 car you need an amount of water 50 times its weight.

Being left without water is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to a person and to humanity in general. Our ideas about water as a renewable resource have already been revised today!

Pollution of water bodies, deforestation along river banks, drainage of swamps - all this upsets the delicate balance, breaks the fragile natural mechanism that renews and returns lost water to the river. Some scientists believe that all the deserts of the world arose as a result of human activity, and 5-7 thousand years ago, in the Neolithic, the Sahara Desert was a green savanna, in the vastness of which our ancestors hunted and then grazed huge herds here.

Why so much attention to water? Because there is nothing more expensive than water in the world! If the reserves of coal, gas or oil run out, mankind, with effort, will find a replacement for them: the Sun, the wind, and even the tides can provide energy and heat. And without water there will be no life on Earth!

How does water get into our house?

We tried to answer this question with our entire large and friendly family. My family - my grandmother Lyubov Ivanovna, my grandfather - Alexander Ivanovich, of course my mother Marina Valerievna and father Valery Alexandrovich and me - Diana.

We live in a large and comfortable house that our parents built themselves. My parents pay me a lot of attention - they take me to the sea in the summer, take me on hikes, and we travel a lot. My dad and I go fishing, he is an avid fisherman! When hiking and fishing, we often need clean fresh water, so we have to come up with various ways to purify the water.

Our first excursion took place to the water intake, which is located on the territory of the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya.

From the words of the water intake workers, my mother and I learned that

Cold water is pumped from wells located outside the village, then it enters underground reservoirs. They have powerful filters that clean it. Only after this, clean water is supplied by pumps to the collector, then through the central water supply to our homes.

How do we use the water we borrow from nature?

We found out that in our family the most water is spent on cooking,

washing dishes,


We also use bathing water

watering flowers,

when cleaning rooms,

when cleaning the aquarium,

and to give water to our poultry.

For example, when taking a shower for 5 minutes we spend 100 liters of water, when filling a bathtub - 200 liters, when washing in a washing machine (1 cycle) - 150 liters, when flushing the toilet once - 8 - 10 liters, the average consumption of a water tap -15 liters per minute.

But we understand that the world's drinking water supplies may be depleted due to unsustainable water use or pollution. By 2050, 30% of the world's population may face a shortage of drinking water.

For the efficient use of water resources, new environmental projects are being developed and modern environmental technologies are being introduced. An essential factor in water conservation is the reasonable use of water in everyday life.

Equipping our home with modern water-saving appliances and household appliances allows us not only to increase the convenience and comfort of everyday life, to significantly reduce utility bills, but also to make a personal contribution to solving the global problem of preserving fresh water sources throughout our blue planet Earth.

The minimum amount of water a person needs to survive is 0.5 liters of water per day. The required amount of water for a person is 2 liters per day.

My dad and I learned that in the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya in 2012, water consumption per person per day was 230 liters.

For comparison, in Europe water consumption per person per day is 120-160 liters. This means there are reserves for saving water!

Before we tried various ways to save water in our home, we figured out how we would measure our water consumption. The readings of our house water meter and monthly payment document (receipts) helped us with this.

Here in the well we have a meter to control the water supply to the household.

Analysis of this information and the development of personal statistics allowed us to develop our own program for effectively saving water and, accordingly, our money.

First, we checked the plumbing of our house for water leaks. This is very easy to do - using the water movement indicator located on the cold water supply meter.

After making sure that there was no water flowing from the taps, we checked the meter: the water movement indicators were motionless.

To more accurately calculate water leakage, we did the following. We made sure that there was no water flowing from the taps. We recorded the exact readings of our meter. Then, no water was used for two hours. After the time had passed, our water meter displayed the same indicators as those recorded by us.

In order to save water, our family proposes the following system of measures:

My dad and I came up with measures to eliminate water leaks in our bathroom.

For example, a dripping faucet uses 8,000 liters of water per year, and a leaking toilet cistern uses 260 liters per day!

“Silent” leaks in the toilet can be determined as follows. Carefully remove the reservoir cap. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water. Wait 15 minutes. If paint appears inside the toilet, it is leaking.

My grandparents taught me to close the faucet handles tightly after using water.

In the bathroom

Together with Marina Valerievna and my mother, we came up with several options for caring for water resources in our home.

These are the rules:

    Don't leave the tap running all the time while brushing your teeth. Try to turn it on at the beginning and end of the procedure. Savings: 15 liters of water per minute => 757 liters per week.

    Turn off the tap while shaving. Savings per person: 380 liters per week.

    Reduce your shower time to 5-7 minutes. Savings per person: from 20 liters of water with each shower.

    While taking a shower, it is not at all necessary to leave the water flow constant. Use water when rinsing and rinsing off foam. Savings per person: up to 20 liters of water with each shower.

    Fill the bath to 50%. Savings per person: from 20 liters of water with each bath.

    Use the washing machine with a full load whenever possible, setting the required water supply level.

    Don't use your toilet as a trash can. Savings: up to 25 liters of water per day.

In the kitchen

With my grandmother Lyubov Ivanovna, we came up with rules for handling water in the kitchen for our family.

    When washing dishes by hand, fill one of the sinks (or another container) with water mixed with detergent. Then rinse the dishes treated with detergent in another sink under low pressure of warm water. Savings per person: up to 60 liters of water per day.

    Wash fruits and vegetables in a sink filled with water with the tap turned off. Savings per person: up to 10 liters of water per day.

    Do not use water to defrost meat products. You can defrost them by leaving them in the refrigerator overnight or using the microwave.

    To avoid spilling water while waiting for it to cool, store it chilled in the refrigerator.

    Try using at least one of the ways to save water every day and you will feel the savings. Because every drop counts!

    Don't waste your money down the drain!

    Spend it on yourself and your family!

In addition to saving money, our family monitors the purity of the water.

We purify drinking water using special glasses with Aquaphor Jug filters installed on them.

If you do not have special filters, then water can be purified in other ways:

    Strain out large debris, strain out sand.

    Filter the water using a layer of cotton wool or gauze, as well as through charcoal, etc. This is how we filter water when hiking.

This is what the water looked like after home filtration:

We have beautiful flower beds in our yard!

Our whole family is engaged in landscaping our garden plot. And if there had not been a well in the yard that supplies us with water from underground in our yard, then my grandmother and I would not have been able to create such beauty.

We would like to finish our story about water with the following lines of the poem:

Water is God's source
Water is sunlight!
We ask questions to water,
With water we get the answer.
We cleanse the body with water,
Our soul splashes in the water.
When you talk to water,
Then you need to whisper slowly.
We wash the child with water,
To wash away the trouble.
Water is a miracle of nature
And we cannot live without water.

Water is the property of the people!
We must value water!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

basic secondary school No. 17 a. Kurgokovsky

municipal formation Uspensky district



environmental projects"


"Water in the House"

Ketokov Raul Mukhamedovich, 3rd grade

Parents: mother Ketokova Anna Pavlovna,

father Ketokov Mukhamed Aslanbekovich

Supervisor: primary school teacher

Avbanova Julieta Aslanbekovna


Goal of the work: find out the importance of water in the life of humans, plants, and animals.

Project execution plan:

    Relevance of water protection.

    Where and how water gets into the house.

    Water purification.

    Use of water in everyday life.

    The need for water for animals and plants.

    Experiments, research.

    Where does the water go?


If you look at our Earth, you can see that most of the Earth is occupied by water. Despite this, the problem of water protection is very relevant today. S.A. Aksakov stated: “Water is the beauty of everything . Water is alive, it runs or is agitated by the wind, it moves and gives and movement to everything around her.”And I decided to prove it by conducting some research and experiments.

I live in a picturesque corner of our Krasnodar region, in the village of Kurgokovsky.More than 120 years agoPrince Kurgoko chose this particular place to found the aul, since there was a forest and a river nearby. Thus, the village of Kurgokovsky was formed on the left bank of the Kuban River. This is what it looks like from a satellite.

And this is the Kuban River.

For water from the river to get to our house, it goes through a difficult path. My dad and I decided to investigate how this happens. To do this, we went to the river where a pumping station was installed.

This station takes water from the river with a pump and pumps it into the treatment plant.

Then it is delivered through pipes laid in the ground to the water tower. It is located on a hill.

Again, water is supplied to the houses through pipes. But it is not quite suitable for use yet. The water can be cloudy, and it also contains pathogenic microbes that can cause intestinal infections. To destroy them, my dad installed a filter. He cleans it.

A special tap is located from the sink through which you can draw filtered water.

Now let’s look at the use of water for different needs:

    Everyone knows that every day a person

you need to consume 2-3 liters


    Sanitary procedures are not complete without water.

Now let's conduct an experiment on water purification using filtration.

This is what untreated water looks like. Pass it through a filter.

(gauze folded in 8 layers)

And here is the water after filtration

On gauze you can find

substances that polluted it.

And finally, after use, the water goes through the pipes into the sewer hatch.

Based on research, we can conclude that water plays an important role in human life and in the life of living organisms. To do this, you need to love and preserve its beauty.

The project work turned out to be interesting and exciting, and the idea came to me to say about water in verse:

We need water, water for life.

She is a source of strength and health.

Water, water, we won’t live a day,

She is pure and noble like light.

Application form

participant of the regional competition “Family Environmental Projects”

Job title "Love and take care"

Prospective nomination "Water in the House"

Last name, first name, patronymic of family members involved in the development of the project

Ketokova Anna Pavlovna, mother, Ketokov Mukhamed Aslanbekovich, father

Last name, first name, patronymic of the work manager, place of work, position, title Avbanova Julieta Aslanbekovna, MBOU secondary school No. 17 a. Kurgokovsky, primary school teacher

Place of study (school, class), address, zip code, telephone MBOU secondary school No. 17 a. Kurgokovsky, 3rd grade, 352467, Krasnodar region, Uspensky district, Kurgokovsky village, Mira street, 19, tel. 88614062223

Name of the educational institution where the work was performed, address, zip code, phone number 352467, Krasnodar region, Uspensky district, Kurgokovsky village, st. Mira, 33 tel. 88614062223

Home address, zip code, telephone 352467, Krasnodar region, Uspensky district, Kurgokovsky village, st. Oktyabrskaya, 19, tel. 89298368310

Signature of the person who filled out the form_________________ _____

Research project on the topic:


Completed by: Veronika Kaplunova,

5th grade student

MKOU "Secondary School No. 15" IMR SK

Scientific supervisor: Yartseva T.I.

biology teacher of the highest category,

MKOU "Secondary School No. 15" IMR SK

Table of contents

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Goals and objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Theoretical facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Where is water used in our home? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

What is the quality of water in our locality? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

How water gets into our homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Classification of water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Practical work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

How important is water for humans? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

How to filter water, and what types of filters there are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Method 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Method 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Method 3... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Method 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

My filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

How much water does our family use? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Ways to save water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10

Conclusion from the compiled work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .12


My project is “Water in the House”. I chose this topic due to the environmental problem related to water. At the moment, this is the main problem of our planet, since on Earth, of all water reserves, only 3% is fresh; Because of man, water bodies are constantly polluted, and because of the factories built by him, the atmosphere is polluted, at the top of which are the clouds from which rain pours, and if the rain is polluted, then everything will be polluted accordingly.

What is water? This is a formless substance, a universal solvent, with a certain mass and density, colorless and odorless.

H 2 O- formula of water. This formula means that a particle of water consists of two particles of hydrogen and one particle of oxygen.

Goals and objectives:

Objectives: 1) Study the places in the house where water is used.

2) Find out what quality the water is in our locality.

3) Find out how and where water gets into our homes.

Objectives: 1) Describe the importance of water for humans.

2) Get acquainted with the operation of a home filter.

4) Suggest ways to save water.

Theoretical facts

Where is water used in our home? We have several places in our house where we use water: kitchen (faucet), bathroom (shower, washing machine), toilet (faucet, toilet flush tank), hallway (aquarium).

Our family needs a kitchen faucet to wash dishes and collect water for preparing food and drinks.

We take a shower in the shower stall.

Washing machine - its name speaks for itself.

Toilet tap for washing hands after using the toilet.

The aquarium serves us as a kind of sedative, because according to scientific research, looking at the fish, our nervous system calms down and recovers faster.

What is the quality of water in our locality?

I would say that it is not the best, since it is hard and often even rusty, so it has to be cleaned. I will write about this in the “practical work” section, the item “how to filter water and what types of filters there are.”

Water classification: I think it can be divided according to two criteria. This is in terms of hardness and application.

Difference in application: Process water is extracted from the surface layers of the earth. For example: wells, rivers. It is used for irrigating fields, watering animals and industrial production.

Drinking water is obtained at depth. Its composition varies depending on the layers of soil in which it is located. Water can be: hydrogen sulfide, iodide, ferruginous, silicon and others. Water should be drunk 2 liters per day.

Healing water is obtained at depth. But it is only found in some places. Sources of mineral medicinal water Caucasian mineral waters: Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Goryachiy Klyuch, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody. Sanatoriums and health resorts are built near such sources. Doctors prescribe these waters depending on the type of disease. Mineral water is used not only internally, but also for baths and inhalations.

Difference in hardness: Soft water is found mainly in the deep layers of the earth. It contains some alkaline elements.

Hard water is found in the surface layers of the earth. Contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium salts. Because of this, scale remains when boiling.

Practical work

How important is water for humans?

In Table 1 I will show the norm of drinking water for a person. A person consists of 75-80% water: our brain is 80%, muscles are 75%, plasma is 91%, blood is 92%, bones are 22%, and cells are almost 70%. It follows from this that a person cannot live without water.

How to filter water, and what types of filters there are: Often, as I said, you have to filter the water. I will offer 4 ways to purify water

Method 1.


This cleaning method is quite effective. The fact is that contaminated water freezes last. And if you freeze water gradually, then the ice formed at the very beginning will be the purest. It must be collected and stored in the freezer, thawing as needed.

Melt water has healing properties. Its molecular structure is similar to the liquid contained in our cells, and helps improve the metabolism and vital activity of each cell. Melt water should be drunk within 24 hours after thawing, while it is stillcontains its healing properties. When boiled, such water loses them and is not suitable for cooking.

Method 2.


Ordinary water can be turned into healing water by adding a mineral - flint or shungite - into it. Several small pieces of silicon, which is sold under the name“Chalcedony opal” destroys all pathogenic bacteria. Fill them with tap water and leave for 2-3 days. Water prepared in this way will help you significantly improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the body, and increase its resistance to disease.

Shungite acts much faster. Water purified with its help is indispensable for inhalation and rinsing. And if you take a bath with a small shungite stone, your skin will cleanse and become smooth.

Method 3.

Electrochemical cleaning

Using a special device consisting of a non-conductive container, electrodes and a membrane, a direct current is passed through the water. The result is two types of water -"live"(alkaline) and"dead"(acidic).“Live” has the property of accelerating cell growth. It is indispensable for watering plants; it is used for cosmetic and sometimes medicinal purposes.“Dead”, being a mild antiseptic, effectively copes with any microbes.

Method 4.

Make your own carbon filter (+ description of activated carbon).

Since ancient times, activated carbon has been used primarily as an effective filter. They used it to purify water and wine to improve their quality.

The use of carbon filters is still relevant today, due to the pollution of natural resources, which affects the quality of life of people. Purification of water and drugs used for treatment is important for human health.

Tap water is often highly chlorinated, has an unpleasant odor and taste, looks cloudy and contains a lot of substances and microorganisms harmful to humans, although it is treated at city wastewater treatment plants. In this case, the use of activated carbon as a purification filter is the most effective and fairly cheap means for improving the quality of drinking water and preventing many diseases. Activated carbon is able to absorb all substances harmful to the body, including such heavy ones as lead, mercury, radon and its decay products, chlorine, pesticides, etc. At the same time, activated carbon leaves valuable minerals in the water.

People with a diseased liver should not use untreated water for drinking or cooking. Drinking such water can aggravate the disease and worsen the patient’s overall condition. It is recommended to purify the water or purchase already purified water.

Carbon filter structure: a – inlet of treated water, outlet of wash water; b – purified water outlet, wash water inlet; c – air; g – drain; d – activated carbon.

You can make carbon filters for water yourself. To do this, take powdered activated or birch carbon and wrap it in gauze or cotton cloth. Having made several such layers, place them in a pan (it can be replaced with a bottle), at the bottom of which there is a hole. The pan must be placed on another vessel designed to collect purified water. Water poured into the pan will pass through the coal and be purified. This filter is effective for several days, after which it is recommended to replace it with a new one.

Currently, you can buy ready-made filters with an installed meter for measuring recycled water to accurately determine the service life of activated carbon in the device. The carbon filter unit is easily replaced with a new one as needed.

My filter: Jug"Barrier"- This is one of the simplest and most common filters in everyday life. Such filters do not need water supply, so they can be used not only at home, but also in the office, outdoors or in the country. How it works: water flows from one container to another through a layer of sorbent (often coal or silver). For such filters, filter cassettes with different properties are produced - for soft water, for hard water and bactericidal. Jugs differ in the volume of water they hold - I have 2 liters (there are also 1 and 3 liters). Typically, the filtration time for 1 liter of water is 3-4 minutes.

The advantages of devices of this type: low cost, ease of use and installation. The disadvantages are the small cartridge life and the need to fill the jug manually.

How much water does our family use: The amount of water consumed is recorded in Table 2 and is also shown in Diagram 1. Our entire family consumes a lot of water every day, but still it is not very much.

Ways to save water:

1) Always close the tap after using it. Monitor their serviceability. When brushing your teeth, turn off the tap or use a glass.

2) Load washing machines and dishwashers completely. Take care of yourself, dirty your clothes less, to reduce the number of washes.

3) Take showers rather than baths more often. Install a toilet with a lever rather than a button (if possible). In the shower, turn off the tap while we shower or wash our hair.


Thus, from the above it is clear that many of us use water resources irrationally (and this is taking into account that the example is given only for one family).

In 2020, if no action is taken, there will be a global water crisis.

Therefore, it is within our power, by taking the necessary measures today, to prevent the tragedy of the future.


Table 1



For 1


For 1


For 1

a week

For 1


For 1



















Taking a shower









Replacement 30%

(i.e. 45 liters)




Cooking(1.Food 2.Drinks)












Flushing the toilet cistern















table 2

Diagram 1

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