DIY outdoor complex for children. Do-it-yourself children's playground at the dacha: ideas, diagrams, drawings. Children's playground - a universal option

A playground made by yourself will become a favorite place for children in the garden, where they will feel like full owners, a place of games and real adventures. For parents, this is a chance to show their skills and earn popularity not only among their children, but also among their friends. By showing a little imagination and courage, you will get a favorite place for children to play - create a reliable base for them, and the rest of the splendor will be added by the bright children's imagination.

There are many great playground ideas that you can make yourself, but don't miss the opportunity to involve the children themselves in the design of the playground.

Children's playground with sandbox.

A children's playground with a sandbox is a favorite place for little ones to play. To keep the sand clean, you can make a closing lid for the sandbox, which when open turns into a bench.

Just a little imagination and by adding a triangular box for storing toys to the sandbox, you get almost a ship.

All that’s left to do is install a strong staircase mast and decorative sides.

Another option for a children's playground with a sandbox. Isn't it fun to have a chalkboard next to the sandbox for kids to draw on? On the other hand, an additional wall will shield the playground from both the wind and the sun.

DIY playground made from stumps and branches.

Climbing trees is a favorite activity for children; such a playground made from old wood will be a real adventure for your child and his friends.

Children's playground with swings.

How great it is to run and jump, and then relax on your favorite swing. A beautiful garden, the aromas of summer, the chirping of birds - it’s so nice to enjoy all this while swinging on a swing on a wonderful summer day.

DIY playground made from old pallets.

All children love houses in the garden, especially if they themselves helped build this house from pallets, and for the first time held a serious tool in their hands.

DIY children's house.

For those who want to make a children's house at their dacha, our drawing with exact dimensions will help. By installing this house in a cozy corner of the garden and painting it beautifully with your children, you will bring pleasure to your little ones.

Children's playground with slide near the terrace.

An ordinary terrace can become a beach-style children's playground if you install a slide on it and make a sandbox below. Kids can play in the sand for days, and if you can't spend the summer with them at the seaside, you can bring the beach home. In hot summers, you can install an inflatable pool nearby for the little ones.

On a hot day, real adventurers will find life-saving coolness in a small tunnel equipped with a small door and similar to the famous hobbit house.

DIY playgrounds in the shape of a ship.

Such playgrounds will not only bring pleasure to children, but can also become an interesting element of the landscape design of your dacha.

Children's playground and gym under the high terrace.

The place under the high terrace can be equipped as a sports ground for older children, so they will have the opportunity to engage in regular training every day.

Children's house under the terrace.

For the little ones, you can make a playhouse under the terrace, where they will feel like complete masters, because... No one else can enter there except them.

How to make a playground next to your house with your own hands.

Previously, the space under the terrace was not used and was a spontaneous warehouse for all sorts of “useful things”. Because There are two exits from the terrace, and the terrace is quite high. It was decided to make a children's playground. In addition to the slide and sandbox, under the terrace there is a cozy place with a children's playhouse, and on the wall of the house there is an additional drawing board and a shower with a tap for washing hands and feet.

The space under the terrace will later be partitioned into two parts - in one there is a children's playground, in the other there is a place for storing garden tools. First, taking into account waterproofing, a wooden frame was made for the platform.

Then the soil for the sandbox and the area near the slide was removed. This is the hardest part of the job.

In the area under the sandbox and next to the slide, ebbs were made and sand and crumb rubber were poured for children's playgrounds.

Children's playground under a canopy.

A cozy playground can be made from a regular canopy by adding a small raised platform for a slide.

Bright do-it-yourself playground.

No matter how simple your playground design is, you can always add some cheer to it with bright, bold colors.

A simple wooden playground.

Even if you have no construction skills at all, you can always find a simple and interesting option for a playground that you can do.

Dream playground - tree house.

A children's tree house is a wonderful idea that not only children, but also adults fall in love with. Such sites are not made on fruit trees - because the fasteners go straight into the tree, but if your site is located next to a forest, this is the best idea for a playground.

How to make a tree house with your own hands.

Usually, fairly large trees are taken for a tree house; if there are no such trees in your garden, you can make a platform for the site, which will be mounted both on the tree and on wooden posts in the corners.

Instead of driving several small bolts into the wood, it is better to use one larger one.

The order of work is as follows: first, two beams are attached to the tree, then a frame under the platform is installed on them, which in our case is reinforced with posts at the corners of the platform.

And no matter how complicated the site plan may look for a young dad, in reality it is a small square platform on which a children’s house is being built.

Such a platform is a simple and attractive design that looks good in any corner of the garden.

DIY children's playground in a rustic style.

This children's playground is made according to the same principle, but instead of a children's house, a beautifully decorated gazebo is made on supporting posts, which also serves as a canopy for the sandbox on a hot day.

Children love summer most of all because they can spend almost the whole day outside. Children's playground projects can be completely different - from the simplest to the fantastically beautiful. But in any case, a do-it-yourself playground will allow you to truly fulfill one important dream of your baby.

People who have their own dacha know firsthand what a good holiday is. After all, a dacha far outside the city, where there is clean air, peace, and most importantly, no city bustle, which is so annoying on weekdays, is a great place to relax and enjoy it to the fullest. For a child, rest is first and foremost a game, and a do-it-yourself playground for a summer cottage would be a good idea. The dacha is truly an excellent place to build an impromptu playground; the place is remote and safe for these purposes, and most importantly, spacious.

Marking the space for the site

The creation of a children's playground should begin with the most important thing, with the selection of a more suitable site for it. Of course, you should choose wisely, and first of all take into account the safety of children. For these purposes, it is worth excluding from possible those areas where there is already a pond, or where there is simply a fence with barbed wire or sharp spikes. In addition, playgrounds for children should have enough light.

It is advisable to choose a place where there will be more light in the morning, when the children are full of energy and want to play, and closer to noon the sun will stop covering the playground, and the children will not suffer from the annoying heat.

But the site should not be completely immersed in the shade either, because in an open area under the sun you can place a small pool and somehow protect it from the rest of the site. Under the sun, the water in the pool will warm up faster, which is quite convenient and effective.

The improvised diagram cleverly marks out the place where the adults are located and at the same time they have a full view of the site itself. This is also an important marking point, because we should not forget that children must be supervised so that in case of something adults can protect them from a potential threat or some kind of “unsuccessful” game.

It is important to take into account the visibility factor, and position the playground structures so that they fit into this overview and, as a result, children remain visible.

Sizing and Layout

The nuances of preparing the territory include such a moment as the size of the territory itself. They should be selected and adjusted carefully and wisely, because this is important not only for the children themselves, but also for you. Obviously, building such a site is far from simple. You will make your task much easier if you are able to plan and place all the necessary objects in a relatively small area, at the same time saving time and space, and creating a cozy, compact corner for children. This option is much better than building a large playground that children still won’t be able to occupy all of.

As a rule, for children under 7 years old, a playground measuring 8-9 square meters will be optimal; for older children, up to 12 years old, accordingly, more space is needed, because their desires and preferences change, the playground should expand to about 15 square meters.

It would be easier and smarter to build a playground, so to speak, for growth, leaving a few meters in reserve when marking, which, by the way, will come in handy when the child gets older.

After the place has finally been chosen, it should be, so to speak, processed, everything should be done to ensure that the presence on the site, and on the “attractions” themselves, is not only safe for children, but pleasant and fun. You should start with the foundation, as in any work, it is important in structures on the site. All supports of swings, houses, slides that will fill the playground must be tightly secured. To do this, the parts of the playground must be deepened into the ground by about 50 centimeters. Of course, you should base it on your situations, because they vary, but there are universal measurements and various rules that will help you do the job more professionally. In addition, after the parts are firmly seated in the ground, they should be secured by concreting, that is, pouring concrete into the supports so that the swings, slides and houses do not tip over and harm the children.

As for the individual elements of the playground, for each entertainment there is a certain standard and a certain device that should be followed.

When installing a swing, leave a space of 2 or more meters behind and in front of it. This is the so-called security zone, and it must be free.

Selecting a location and installing a ready-made playground complex - video

Playground covering

There is one more point left, no less important than all the previous ones, safety and comfort, this is the surface of the site. The materials used to cover the play space deserve special attention when discussing and planning a children's recreation area. The fact is that coating affects many factors, and it is worth thinking about it.

It is necessary to take into account that, most likely, children will often fall, forgetting about control during a fun game or through negligence, or maybe deliberately jumping off a swing, sliding down a slide at high speed, running without thinking about the possibility of tripping, and eventually fall. Based on this, we can conclude that it is necessary to choose a more practical coating. Falling on something like this won't hurt, but it shouldn't be something soft like a trampoline. Such material can easily interfere with play and entertainment, since running and jumping on it is uncomfortable. There is a trampoline specifically for these purposes, which, by the way, can also be installed separately on the site.

It must also be either moisture-resistant, contain elements, or consist entirely of a material that dries relatively quickly. This is necessary so that the surface does not accumulate dampness and moisture, from which children can catch a cold the next time they play because they lie on such a surface longer than necessary. It's no secret that children, especially small ones, love to just lie down or crawl on the ground. Therefore, the playground, namely its covering, should do a good job of protecting the child, preventing him from freezing or damaging his knees in the event of a hard fall.

In general, the rubber coating perfectly meets all these requirements, however, its first disadvantage is the price, the second is its purpose. This kind of covering is quite expensive, but in addition, it is not particularly suitable for the area that will be located for a summer residence. After all, at the dacha you don’t really want to observe the synthetics of the city; you want something that will pleasantly combine with the dacha motif - like, for example, a lawn. Using reliable varieties of grass, such coverage is not difficult to provide, however, in the area where the slides and swings are located, it is advisable to add or completely fill only sand, which, as mentioned earlier, will easily soften the impacts and falls that often occur in such places.

As a result, you need to remember and take into account:

  1. Size of territory. (do not measure out too large an area).
  2. Nearby structures (whether anything interferes with the construction or not).
  3. Child safety.
  4. Site covering (ground).

Paradise for children in the country - video

Cleaning up the area

The final stage of marking will be cleaning or searching for the neatest area that will not have, or will have as little as possible, dangerous and inconvenient stones, hummocks, snags, and similar objects that could interfere with the construction of the playground or your children’s play.

After the location has been selected, it is necessary to begin the clearing itself. First, completely level the territory, remove all kinds of mounds and hummocks. Then rid the area of ​​large stones, cobblestones, sharp roots protruding from the ground, and other small debris that can also interfere or cause harm in any way.

Clean up and pay attention to:

  • large and medium-sized stones and cobblestones;
  • roots and driftwood;
  • mounds and hummocks;
  • other small debris.


There will probably also be a lot of wood elements on your site, this is a very serious point, since all this wood and parts from it should be carefully polished, and ideally they should be coated with a non-toxic varnish. This way they will look fresh and pleasant, and most importantly, this procedure helps eliminate the risk of introducing a splinter or any other undesirable consequence.

Next, you need to take into account the fact that when creating a platform and installing a swing, metal fasteners are used, because such a structure cannot be done without metal. This metal must be of particularly high quality and very durable. It must necessarily hold all the parts together. When erecting such a playground, you should under no circumstances skimp on such trifles, since during play, children’s health will be supported by such metal suspensions, and the more reliable they are, the more reliable the protection for their health.

After installing metal or any other parts, you must remember to check them all at least once every six months. Any tool, any mechanism tends to wear out, no matter how durable and reliable it is. You will have to change, if necessary, and, if possible, lubricate and “care” for all these capricious materials.

After the final marking and cleaning of the territory, when everything has already been firmly marked and decided, you can finally think about how to equip the future corner of fun. And here there are really a lot of options, you can choose any kind of entertainment, and the child will like it, it’s something new, and most importantly, something of his own, which will definitely bring pleasure. You can build an entire children's playground with your own hands.

Selecting components for the site

Whatever you decide to choose for a playground, it’s also worth thinking about the fact that to begin with, you can create the entire ambiance of the entertainment area from ready-made objects. Here we will move on to specifics, and immediately remember about the trampoline; a trampoline is really something that will make any child rejoice and be distracted for a long time. And it can be purchased at a very affordable price on the market or in a specialized store, of any shape, size, and most importantly, quality.

In addition, you can install a children's basketball hoop on the court; it can also easily arouse the interest of the kids, and they will happily try to throw the ball provided to them there, while still no threat appears.

A trampoline and rings are of course great, but the entertainment and options for arrangement and choice are not over yet, because we did not take into account the most obvious and acceptable option. We are talking about a swimming pool, a children's pool, an inflatable one, of course. It can also be purchased ready-made, and it will also delight your children when they splash around in it on a hot day and are in a good mood.

An excellent option that will not require much time to install and purchase is a tent, or a house-tent, whatever you like, but the degree of comfort will not change. This will be a great addition to everything that is already on the playground.

Children's house

We all loved in childhood, as children love, and now, having your own house, building it from pillows and blankets, save your children from such torment and install a tent in an area full of fresh air, in which they will spend their holidays with great pleasure. time and rest.

Just next to the tent, or somewhere else on the site, there is an option to install some kind of small table and bench. Children could also relax behind it, just like adults who are watching the game at this time. A table will never be out of place in such a place, a bench - especially after a long game, you just want everyone to sit next to each other and discuss something, or take a breath.

Well, the last object that can be installed without outside help is a slide, an ordinary one, plastic, as is usually the case - a slide, a safe descent from which will give children a lot of pleasure and laughter, and this is the main thing on a playground.

The advantage of all these things is mobility, since you don’t have to spend time on installation, repairs and other little things, the object is simply installed, and the children enjoy the game. All these elements are compact, will fit perfectly into the size of the playground, and will appeal to children. The only thing you need to consider is how to position all these attractions and tents correctly. After all, it would be illogical if the slide is located at the table and the children, sliding down, hit each other. And an even more logical solution would be to think in advance which objects are worth installing and which are not needed at all. Of course, all this needs to be discussed with the owners of the site themselves - the children.

Homemade buildings and installations

There are times when you want to modify something or build something from the very beginning with your own hands. For example, a sandbox, or any other of the objects that were given as an example above, can be made to your taste. For such cases, you will already need explanations, advice, and, of course, drawings.


And again, the most popular thing that can be placed on a playground is a sandbox; all children undoubtedly love it. There will be a lot of joy and benefits, and at the same time, a very small amount of effort and material will be spent on its construction.

It is best to make a sandbox from boards or logs; there is also the option of using stumps, which may take root on the site and serve as an excellent original decor.

The following is an example sandbox installation diagram:

The installation begins by digging out the ground in the place where it will be located 30 centimeters and filling the bottom with pebbles or crushed stone - a drainage material. The sandbox should also not be designed to be large; 150-200 centimeters is enough.

It is very important to make some kind of canopy or just a cover for the sandbox so that animals do not enter it at night and do not use it as a toilet, and besides, in case of rain, the sand will remain dry.

The same purchased tent can be replaced with a homemade children's house. This is an excellent choice for a homemade structure, because every child wants to have their own territory, and such a cozy, modest house will fulfill the desire of any child. Of course, it needs to be built from wood. The frame will be made of wood, and it should be covered with thick fabric.


The most suitable extension to the house would be a homemade slide. Great entertainment that will bring joy to any child. But this design is one of the most complex. There are also many factors to keep in mind when installing a slide. The main thing, of course, will be the height, which should not exceed 3 meters in height, and if the children are very small, then the best option for them is 1.5 meters. The steps on the stairs should be extremely wide, and preferably covered with something that will prevent children from slipping off them if the steps get wet, for example, during rain.

We must not forget about the railings, or handrails, which should be located along the entire staircase so that the child can hold on and not fall, and at the top of the slide it would not hurt to additionally fence it with railings and make the area in front of the ramp more spacious.

The most difficult thing in this design is to install a slope, which, of course, can be made from plywood, fastened in layers and coated with varnish, but it will still not be as effective as buying a plastic slope and installing it on a prepared ladder.

Or you can make it even more interesting and buy a spiral ramp, which will bring even more pleasure than a direct descent. But the main thing is to correctly create a ladder and a platform on which the child will confidently stand.

Video instructions for making a wooden slide


In addition to the slide, the most ordinary swing can be an excellent and fun entertainment, which brings us joy at any age. But now we need them precisely on the site, which we are building entirely ourselves.

The first thing you need to do to install a swing is to choose a spacious place, because you need to take into account the deviation of the swing, and in both directions, as was said at the very beginning, a distance of 2 meters behind and in front of the swing should be spacious and empty.

It is clear that a strong branch on some tree on, or at least close to, the site is best suited for this purpose. It will be easy to attach ropes to it, which can easily support children.

We will design the swing ourselves. For this we will need the following materials:

  • board or boards for sitting;
  • two hooks or carabiners of some kind;
  • strong cable (rope).

If there is no wood, then you can use homemade fastenings. In order to build such a frame we will need:

  1. Two racks made of wood, thicker, 3 meters long.
  2. The crossbar of the same diameter is 1.5 meters long.

The final design will look like this:

We have probably described almost all models of objects and entertainment that you can fit on the playground with your own hands. Purchased houses, homemade ones made of wood, slides and sandboxes, swings and basketball hoops. You can make all this yourself or purchase it in a special store, and it would seem that what else can be placed and added to this list.

Sports wall

A great solution would be a climbing wall for children, on which they will climb with pleasure, try, and enjoy the process. The most important thing is that such a wall, in addition to joy, brings great benefits to children, it develops them physically, improves coordination and dexterity, but for this you need to install such a wall correctly.

First you need to prepare hooks that will be attached to the wall using screws or nails. They can be made from anything that comes to hand, but they must be comfortable, you can also buy them in a specialized store, but if we design everything ourselves, we can use gypsum, which can be mixed with quartz sand for strength. This mixture is easy to shape, and we can make any grip we want.

Then it is worth fastening them in a random or more or less planned order on our wall, it can be made of wood, but this will take a lot of time, and this method will be impractical; it is easier to fasten ready-made hooks to a real tree in the garden, along which children can climb. Or attach them to the wall of the house, but not too many and high, so that when they reach a certain level, the children cannot climb further and go down.

It is important to choose the right surface on which they will land; it should be something soft, so that in the event of any fall or unintended fall, the children do not damage themselves, even if the height is small, the child should not be scared, but should be confident in your actions.

This is the kind of children's play complex we got for our dacha. This is where the article comes to an end, but now you know how you can plan and make a children’s playground in your country house with your own hands. You have an idea of ​​what kind of entertainment can be prepared for children, and most importantly, how to do it easier and more profitable. We hope the kids will be happy and will definitely thank you for the wonderful playground.

A place with carousels, a sandbox and toys is not just a decoration for the site, but a whole world - children's; DIY playground, photo which you will see below or in the courtyard of a multi-storey building, or on your own summer cottage will be a gift not only for all the children, but also for their parents, because it will be safe, comfortable and cozy. All the best for children!

DIY playground ideas

On the list DIY playground ideas you can see things that are familiar to us since childhood. The main task is to make each element in such a way as to skillfully combine a safe stay on them so that children find this safety interesting. We will perceive the playground as a collection of the most necessary, favorite entertainment for children.

The first thing to start construction with is allocating the area itself for construction. Yes, you can just put up attractions, but remember that in order for them to last a long time and delight the kids, they must be stable and durable, which means it won’t work without leveling the landscape. The construction of this place can be approached as if it were a construction project - level the soil, fill it with crushed stone and concrete it. But then you will need to either cover the entire surface with some safe material, non-slip and not hard, for example, a rubber coating. But it is much better to use an existing lawn or build it using roll technology. On do-it-yourself children's playground in the country both in design and in the range of entertainment, it is limited only by your imagination. It is better to choose a place on the leeward side, so that under no circumstances is there a so-called air corridor or draft. It will also be important if there is shade in the area during the daytime heat; if there is no shade from the house or garden, then you need to organize awnings and awnings.

The main element and component will be the sandbox. It will be interesting to play with both very young children and older ones. Of course, it would be superfluous to talk about the quality of the sand, and it is clear that it must be absolutely clean and sifted, but this cleanliness must be maintained. Therefore, when you put together a structure from wood, provide a lid with which you can cover all this sandy wealth. As a cover, you can use a mesh, a flexible cover from an inflatable pool, etc. This is important to use for do-it-yourself kindergarten decorations. It is also very important to have wide sides, which will be used as benches, as well as for sculpting beads. For convenience, build a roof high above the sandbox, which will allow you to play even in bad weather or bright sun.

Swings and carousels can be ordered ready-made; today there are a huge number of companies that specialize in installation and manufacturing do-it-yourself kindergarten playgrounds. However, you can make some of the types yourself. It will not be difficult to build balance beams - a swing on which two children ride, taking turns soaring up and then falling down. It is necessary to calculate the maximum load and, based on it, select options for materials and fastenings. You need to make holders and backs at the ends of the board so that the kids feel safe. It is important to make hanging swings from materials that children cannot injure themselves on; ropes and rubber would be optimal (the household version is a rubber tire, not very large in size).

Other traditional items that are often used include mini exercise machines of various types. This is very important, since they are the ones who help to spend at least a little of the children’s irrepressible energy. If you can’t make horizontal bars, you can dig car tires halfway into the ground so that there is enough space between them to jump over. You can also organize an unusual Swedish wall from rope ropes, intertwining them like a net. Be sure to consider a system of soft mats under it with a coating that will not be afraid of moisture. If you have older children, and there are a sufficient number of trees on the site or in the yard, then it is possible to organize a miniature rope park with a set of boards, ropes, and ladders.

Make a playground with your own hands

In order to make a playground with your own hands not only a place for games, but also for quality child development, you can use the same furniture as when developing.

The table is necessary for creative work: drawing, sculpting, appliqué, creating crafts. DIY playground You can’t do without such a structure, whether you are making it for one or two children or for children from the whole yard. But an ordinary table according to standard drawings is not always suitable. If you want to achieve maximum safety and comfort, you can make the tabletop in the shape of a four-leaf clover, and make a small bench in each of the four recesses. Wood is a good material for such furniture, but it will need to be coated with a large amount of furniture varnish to avoid damage from snow and rain. Plastic is better, but it will be problematic to make something out of it yourself. You can organize master classes at such a round table, for example, teach kids,...

On DIY playground, photo which you see, it is the house that occupies the central place. The inside does not have to be empty; you can put benches there for children to play in the hospital, benches to place a counter or a cash register for playing at the store.

DIY playground: photo

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D For the normal development of children, they need to actively spend their free time - running, playing, having fun. When creating playgrounds, the main attention is paid to their safety and functionality. To build playgrounds with your own hands on a country plot or dacha, photos of which you will find in this article, you will need some tools, carpentry, construction and plumbing skills.

Homemade playground

Decorating children's playgrounds with your own hands, photos of which are posted on the Internet, requires the presence of certain equipment. If you don’t have something, don’t be upset, here are some ideas that will help you equip your playground.

If you sacrifice (at least temporarily) the extreme entrance to the house slide, then in its place you can hang a basketball backboard with a hoop. If you have some truck tires, you can use them to make an obstacle course.

A sandbox can be made not only from boards, but also from wooden stumps or car tires. If you decide to make it from tires, you will need at least 5 of them. Fence the sandbox space with tires, placing two of them (one on top of the other). The main thing is to attach the tires to the ground. This can be done using metal pins (3 pieces for each tire) and then filling them with sand. After this, the tires can be painted any color.

In addition to the slide house on the playground, you can also build an ordinary house, only of small size. If you're good at woodworking, make model airplanes or ships for kids to climb on. It is not necessary to make them perfectly similar, because a child’s imagination can turn any clumsy craft into a masterpiece.

Video: ideas for do-it-yourself children's complexes for the dacha

Children's playground using ready-made kits

A do-it-yourself children's playground, photos and ideas of which can be found on the Internet, can also be made from purchased exercise equipment. In stores you will find all types of plastic and metal slides, wooden houses and other integral attributes of a children's playground. To install them on the playground, you need to prepare a base for each exercise machine. Since the requirements for the bases differ for different devices, carefully read the manual that comes with the equipment. In most cases, such equipment looks nicer than homemade equipment, but lacks the charm that is inherent in anything a child helped build.

Making your own playground

All do-it-yourself playgrounds, photos of which are posted on the Internet, always include a slide. Such a simulator is the basis of any playground. It can be made from various materials, such as:

Making a slide house

A do-it-yourself children's playground at the dacha, a photo of which you can find on the Internet, always includes a slide or a house slide. The base of the slide is a frame of 4 vertical posts. You can use only 2 stands, but then the possibility of creativity is reduced and the slide will be limited to one slope and one rise. On a frame of 4 posts you can make a slide with one slope and several rises. Make one climb in the form of a ladder, another with normal steps, and the third with a rope.

This design will seriously diversify children's leisure time. For a slide with a straight slope, it is undesirable to make the angle of the slope more than 30 degrees relative to the ground in order to avoid excessive acceleration and injuries.

Helpful advice! If possible, use a plastic ramp, which is sold in stores. With its help, children will get more pleasure than from a straight wooden ramp.

What to make a slide house from

For this you will need:

Preparing the base

Find a place for the slide and prepare a hole for the foundation of the frame. We recommend making a square frame with a distance between posts of 1 meter. The side size of the pit should be 1.5 meters, the depth should be at least 20 cm. Compact the bottom of the pit and pour a 10 cm thick layer of crushed stone (fraction 15–25 mm) there. Compact it. You can also make do with small holes under each block. In this case, the depth of the pit should be at least 50 cm. Soak the lower edge of the beam with diesel fuel and molten bitumen, the treated part should rise above the ground by 1.5–2 cm. Place a crushed stone cushion on the bottom of the pit - fraction 15–25 mm, thickness 5 –10 mm. Insert the pillars into the hole, level them and ensure their correct orientation - their edges should be parallel to each other (this is not required with logs or round bars). Then pour concrete.

Helpful advice! The less water in concrete, the stronger it will be. To make thick concrete more flexible, add plasticizers to it, which can be bought at a hardware store.

Bottom harness and ramp

Tie the bars with a 50 mm thick board at the floor level of the house, and also install one longitudinal jumper. Attach the boards to the bars using self-tapping screws no less than 100 mm long. Make a tray for the ramp from a 25 mm thick board. To do this, cut 2 boards, the length of which is slightly longer than the length of the slope. Mark the angles of contact with the framing frame and the ground, then cut the board using a circular saw or jigsaw. Place the boards against the trim to make sure you have done everything correctly. Then cut the lintels from the same board. The length of the jumpers is equal to the width of the slope. Lay the long boards on the ground and use self-tapping screws to attach the lintel to them from the bottom.

The distance between the jumpers is no more than 30 cm, and install the first and last jumpers 5 cm from the edge. Make a cutout in the upper edge of the board so that the slope rests on the frame as if on a shelf, and the jumpers are flush with the frame. Attach the ramp to the harness using the corners of the bolts with nuts and self-tapping screws. Install the corners so that children do not get scratched. Attach the corners to the slope using bolts and nuts so that there is nothing protruding or sharp on the side of the slope. Sew up the slope with plywood using self-tapping screws. They must be recessed by 0.5–1 mm, then puttyed and sanded. Secure the bottom edge of the ramp using pegs or anchor bolts driven into the ground.


Cut two pieces of 50 mm thick board, the length of which will be slightly longer than the length. Mark and trim the angles of contact with the harness and the ground. Cut 24.5mm wide grooves into these boards to accommodate the steps, then cut the steps to the required width and assemble the stairs. Attach the steps to the side boards using self-tapping screws. Attach the ladder to the harness and the ground on the side opposite the slope. Attach supports and railings to both sides of the stairs. They can be made from 25 mm thick boards. Posts and railings should be smoothed using a hand or electric plane to remove any sharp edges, then sanded thoroughly. The top edge of the railing must be attached to the posts.

Additional entrances, roof trim and roof

On one of the sides, make a ladder from the same block that was used for the racks. Process the cut bars using an electric planer to slightly round the edges. Attach these bars to the posts at a distance of 20–30 cm from each other. Screw the first block at a distance of 20-30 cm from the ground. Prepare for an extreme climb to the lodge. To do this, make the same tray as for the ramp, but installed at an angle of no more than 20 degrees relative to the posts. Tie the posts at the ceiling level of the house using a 50 mm thick board. On the side of the extreme entrance, strengthen the strapping using steel corners. Cut and lay plywood on the floor, then line the ceiling with plywood. Cover the outside of the house with plywood, making round or oval entrances. Determine the size of the entrances/exits yourself so that the child is comfortable. To make the roof, cut 4 rafters from 25mm thick boards. Determine the angles of the rafters based on the height of the roof. Attach the rafters to the corners of the frame and connect them together from above using metal corners. Cut the plywood into pieces of the required size and sew up the roof.

Cutting plywood with a jigsaw

Final works

After finishing the work, be sure to sand all the places where a child could get a splinter. Then treat the slope, steps and extreme rise with parquet varnish. Attach a 10–15 mm thick rope to the top harness on the extreme climb side and tie knots on it every 20 cm. Paint the house so that it looks beautiful.

The best place to relax from the hustle and bustle of the city is your own dacha or country plot, where the whole family can find something to their liking. Adults most often prefer activities that the younger generation will either not yet be able to do or are uninteresting. This leads to the fact that children are unoccupied, mischievous and only interfere with serious work. To solve this problem, all you need is an idea, a tool and some work with your hands. It is necessary to build some kind of children's corner on the site where the child will be really interested. It’s not difficult to equip a children’s playground from scrap materials, and it will be much cheaper than buying a ready-made one.

Project stage

At the very beginning, it is important to think through all the details that must be taken into account during the implementation of your project. At the design stage, it is very important to take into account the main points on which the usefulness of this building and, of course, the safety of children depend.

  • The playground should be located in an open space where children will be completely accessible to the eyes of adults - this allows you to keep the younger generation under control.
  • All parts and objects of the site must be completely safe, without sharp corners, ends, or jagged edges.
  • It is better to build buildings at an average distance from the work area, outbuildings and vegetable garden, that is, so that during work you can monitor the child’s activities and location.
  • It is better to choose the soil at the location of the playing area that is completely or partially unsuitable for growing any crops; this is necessary in order to save fertile land as much as possible.
  • You can also place the playground near a fence, only in this case you will have to take care of the complete safety of small children.
  • There must be a canopy over the children's corner that will prevent the child from getting heatstroke or getting wet from sudden rain.

Thus, the design stage and preliminary creation of a layout is an integral part of building a playground with your own hands from scrap materials. Of course, we should not forget about the main functionality of the children's corner - the entertainment and development of children, which is a more important aspect of its construction. Therefore, you need to approach the work with ready-made ideas and enthusiasm, planning to install not only banal swings and a sandbox on the playground, but also add something else of your own to them. Only then does the work become interesting and can please not only the children.

At the design and main – implementation – stages, the younger generation can also be involved in joint activities, but, of course, according to their physical abilities. Working together will help strengthen family understanding and develop children's creativity.

Site preparation and selection of materials

At the end of the design stage, you should definitely know the location and content of the children's corner. The site has been selected, all that remains is to process it and prepare it for new buildings. The preparation work takes place in several stages.

  • It is necessary to clear and level the ground to the required area.
  • You need to decide on a coating that will serve as the basis for the entire site. Most often, a mixture of crushed stone and sand is used, as it is the most budget option. You can also cover the ground with artificial grass or special rubber.
  • Then you need to take measurements and purchase all the necessary materials. The main thing is not to forget that all this is necessary for small children, so all materials must be as safe as possible and comply with all norms and standards.
  • After this, you need to make sure that you have a standard set of tools for the job: nails, screws, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, a screwdriver, a hammer, a hacksaw, a grinder, a painting tool and paint. If something is missing, you need to buy it in addition, as it will all be useful throughout the construction.
  • At the very end of the preparatory stage, all inaccuracies in the plan should be corrected.

Now you can get to work.

Arranging a children's corner

When choosing play elements for your playground, it is worth analyzing what your child likes to do most and focus on this. Some children prefer to spend a lot of time swinging on swings, some like to spend their leisure time making sand figures in the sandbox, and some prefer slides. All this needs to be taken into account before you start building something with your own hands.

Manufacturing of individual elements


One of the most common children's entertainment, which helps the creative development of the younger generation and can captivate them for several hours. Sandboxes in their modern form have been greatly transformed and look quite aesthetically pleasing, so you have complete freedom of ideas in shapes, painting and various details. But such entertainment is not suitable for everyone and this is also worth taking into account. Therefore, it is better to coordinate the construction of a sandbox with the child.


The most favorite element of children's playgrounds is the swing, and not only children, but also many adults love to swing on them. There is no child who would not love a swing, so it is necessary to install them, but it’s up to you to choose the type, shape, size and color. Swings can be either hanging or regular. Using available means, it would be better to make a hanging swing, which will be attached to the top crossbar on ropes or chains. The second option is less safe for children, as the chains can pinch the skin and spoil the child's fun. When choosing ropes, you should remember that over time they can wear out and fray, so they need to be periodically checked and replaced.


Almost all children also like this type of entertainment, and it also gives absolute freedom in creative terms. Slides can be made of different materials:

  • metal is not the best material, as it rusts very quickly;
  • Stainless steel is a better option, but it is one of the most expensive, so using stainless steel is unprofitable;
  • wood is a material that requires careful processing and polishing, and in the future it will have to be covered with something slippery.
  • plastic is the best option, as it is inexpensive, wears out for a long time and does not require special treatment.

The important part is the size of the slide, as it should be comfortable for your child and have enough capacity for 2-3 years in advance. Often slides are built in combination with some additional elements.

Children's house or hut

There are many options for this structure - from the simplest and fastest to build to complex structures made from small logs and poles. Of course, it is better to create a real house for your child, which will look like an ordinary house with a porch, doors and windows. If this is not possible, then you can create a small tent or wigwam, the main thing is not to forget about the safety of children. The structure must be stable and not collapse at the first strong wind. In such separate houses and huts, children like to set up so-called headquarters. If the child likes the building, then he will spend more time there.

Sports section

Such a corner will help your child's physical development and allow him to conduct his own sports activities.

Additional items

The most popular elements of the playground are outlined above, then you can rely on your imagination. On the site you can place an infinite number of different elements and parts from improvised means - tires, tires, pallets and other things. Here the choice is already up to you and your child.

Placing elements on the site

The area of ​​land required for construction depends on your wishes, age and number of children. Usually this is a square corner with an area of ​​8-10 square meters. In such a site, the arrangement of elements can be very diverse. Most often, a slide in combination with swings and other equipment is located in the center, a sports corner and some creative elements like a drawing board should be located in the corner near the fence. The rectangular area is a little more complicated; there the elements will most likely have to be installed in a row, one after another. You also need to remember about safety, especially if you have more than one child. Due to the circumstances of a large family, you cannot place a swing next to the sandbox.

Options for decorating the area

A children's corner can be decorated in completely different ways, everything also depends on you and your child, on your wishes, creative ideas and imagination. The area around the perimeter can be planted with flowers or you can create some thematic figures and place them in different places of the site, the bright color of the main buildings will also be a decoration, they can be covered with different bright colors or with a coating in the same style, there are no boundaries.

Design ideas

The design of a playground depends on creative ideas, the volume of plans, style, materials used and the time that the owner is willing to spend on this event. It is better to coordinate all steps with the children; they should highlight the details that they like and what can be improved, because the main thing is that they have fun and comfort. Since children are often bored at the dacha, the main idea of ​​​​creating such a children's corner is to provide children with a fun and interesting activity, which means that everything should be decorated in an interesting and colorful way.

Absolutely everything can be combined on the site, and ideally all the main elements of entertainment should be built. If there is not much space, then you can install only the most interesting and important things for the child, for example, a swing and a sandbox, a slide and a sports corner, and so on.

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